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Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020046-5 TAB Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020046-5 Approved For Rele 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988ROOW0020046-5 OOMPtf OLI.Ct12 C,C:MCIUAL. OF? T64C UN17go DTA7l:N D-163096 February. 9, 1970 Dear Mr. Cocrctary: In considering H.R. 14794, the fiscal year 1970 opproprintion bill for the Department of Transportation and related a.gcncicn, the House Committee on..AppropriatiQnz requested that it be provided with fic advice of the Comptroller General on the legality of the "perking equnl.ization" plan contemplated by the Department of Trnn: portrrtion incident to the phyraicnl consolidation of its headquarters activities in two Southwest Washington, D.C., buildings: the Federal Office Building 10A (FM Building) and the Nassif Building now being completed. H. Rcpt. No. 91-642, November 13, lr>69, p. 9. Your letter of ',Tovern- bcr 26, 1969, invites our attention to the request of the Committee and to the need of the Department for an early resolution of the question of the legality of the plan. You are advised that the "parking equalization plan, whereby the Department socks to make parking privileges available to its employees at the same cost whether they be located in Federal Office Building 10A, a Government-o'rmed building, or in the Nassif Building, a privately owned building located within two blocks of FOB ].0.A, is in our opinion legally objectionable in that it does violence to the scheme of prop- erty and financial control reflected in 40 U.S.C. 303b. Briefly stated, the problem which the Department seeks to resolve by the "parking equalization" plan stems from the fact that the parking facilities in the Nassif Building ore, by a. lease of the building owner, controlled and operated by a coranorcial automobile parking firm Parking Management, Inc. (F"11), which apparently contemplates charging .$35.a month for the parking of on individual car, whereas the current employee parking fee at FOB 10A, operated by Government ServicesInc., under an .ogrccuent with the General Services Administration, is ryo.25 a north. To avoid such a. disparity in parking costa between employees working in FOTl 101 and those in the Nossif Building, and any adverse effect upon the operations of the Department from the lowering of morale due to the apparent inequity pf the situation or the high cost of Nacrif Building parking, the Department has been negotiating with Pail for the firma operation of FOB 10A parking facilities together with those at the Nassif Building "as a single facility" at a uniform rate paycble by the Department's employees to l'NI: $23.25 per month for the first year with annual #noreaaas of one dollar a month for the next 4 yearn. Approved for Release 2002102/14 CIA-RDP85-00988R00060062'0 { SiI D 'DECISION 49 Comb.. Gcn...s.......r 1 Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R00600020046-5 J3-16'ZO,." ifn,ic~? t'.he r.c?i~tc?~~7.n1;r~t nrc?nnt cmcrnt, tlhfrh the pennr.t;rtrrrf; wmvl~l e;i~;cr Into by vtrWc oC n ctc7.eC;'rti.on of mnnn; ~rnrnt; nut;hority Vrnrn i;lie 'rr'n' rnl crvicc , A(1r,Un1?tr;tion, Pl'NiI is to isnuc '175, contrr,;i.n for FOB 1O,1 rncl 1300 parkin? contrneta for the 11'a:tnif Tsui tding to r_n lo;fr'rs npccifi.ecl by tho Department. This in essence in the "parking cquili- zation" plan. In nn opinion dated November 2I., 1969, furnir;hcd with your letter of Novcnbcr 26, 1969, the General Counsel of the Department stated: "no low or regulation of which we ore aware requires. that pnrkinr arr, ngrrtcnts be rondo scp-i.xatcly for wash building or Mmits the Secretary's discretion to rnannge parking facilities in separate budding;. on D. common basis. It mir;ht be argued that the legality of the plnn in qucs- tionnble in that it would result in a private contractor receiving funds for space utilized in a Government-owned building far in excess of any service rendered by the contractor. Thin argument would have validity, however, only if these DOT employees who will happen to bo assigned to work in FOB 10A are as a class som, cho:?r separate and apart from their collcogucs who happen to be assigned to work in the Na ssif Building, end if one ignorer: the fact that the service rendered by the contractor relates to both FOB 1OA and the Nassif Building." Although we agree with the General Counsel that Department employees assigned to work in FOB 1OA should not be viewed as a class apart from tho e a ;sipped to work in the P;assif Building, and that there should not be ignored the that the service to be rendered by the contractor ? would relate tb both FOB 14A and the Nassif Building, we are of the view that the "single facility" concept nought to be advanced, which combines Federal parking facilities together with private facilities. on the basis of a co-.anon operator, is seriously questionable in that it ignores the fact that the principal ingredient of a parking facility is space, an clement of the property involved, not the services of on operator or on' attendant. This is no whether the parking accommodations ore public or private. wince the fees to be collected go .beyond a realistic chsr:.e -~to .manncnenf,. aervi ccao be perf~icd and necessarily involve: Federal property is t ,'the fact ha revenues from the use of property nvolved cannot`be"ignored, We view the Conte fated agreement with , u ile couched :err an of tanagemant servicoz as Doceasarily eoa2or g For Release 2002/02/14 :CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020046-5 11-1G:?0 6 a lcn: cholcl intorer t Fran 1-1hich revenucu are derived, in o l ' ff c :iri ccn Lh1t e contravention of Ito t1.>.C._ 3Q ?,_4i1?:t9 ni: -~?7_a ~1?.iit_SI_ i~atc:. i+i~aocz pica .Ball be for a r~oncy cons iclcrn.1:ion only and Lr: ccllnncoua r?onc;, s no derived shall b - cover - -iuto ?t he Tres?cury nn rn re?ccs~pLs Wo may nlsa odd tlaat in the eb:cnca of ct;a~;utory rju~hari'cy zcl'c:~or zrr. ccncra.ily would view 00 unauthorized the u ,Q Of Federal proiacrty to help finance the procurement of private aorvlcea. sec 31 U.S.C. 434 end 1af37. Your Letter n.lco rcfern to nno1;hor quc3tion rained in the Co, mittco' a consideration of the lensing of the Nancif Building on which you rerluect our views. 1T1hethcr in that situ^?tion, involving a twenty-ycor lc,-t.:-,c of nine floors plus storogo space of a ten-story office building loco.tccl in a hirizly cone c: ted urban arca and uacd as a dc}parLvenvo1 hejdqu-j?r,;erc building, bppropriated funds may be used to provide :space for cmnloycc prnkinC, in the ba?scmcnt or cub-?bacomentc of the building. An opinion on this question has also been infernally requested by the Gencral Scrv- ices Administration whose leasing function is involvocl. it may be noted that while the parking facilities in the Massif Building have been leaned to a private fire, also for a tor, of twenty years, the question of au- tchority to procure space for e-mp1oyce parking is not con3idcrcd root as we undcratand. w hero is ho possi"a31ity of 'subxeasin space for that ?. purpose. The Federal Property end Administrative Services Act of 191+9, as amenced authorizes the General Services Administrator to enter into i lease ogrecrannts for periods not in excess of twenty years "on such tcm w.? as he dC'rIs to be. in the in4eres~ of the._L?~iteci States and ~~ec:osc:ry for rthc accoz.modrtion of Federal agencies in buildings and improvcncnts a.nd to asGicn and rear nigh space therein to Fedcro.l agencies." >aG U.S.C.. `"490(1?)(;)w In the exercise of the leasing and space a c iraenv unctions the l~driinistrator is governed by such policies and directives as may be prescribed by the President. ho U.S.C. 1186(n.). To the extent that the appropriations of the Gencral Services AcAministration are inadequate therefor, "tlzc__Aclmini .tra.tor.. o>" Gcncral_,-Se-rvices may. ,require each Federal cf ya.-trhich. ].eased space has been assigned to pay promptly by chec1L cppr(o~p~/ria- -to the..A-h inistrator of General. Services out of its available ,at? 886 ._~ " tio:~:;...'~ ?^ ~'~ IEO V.S.C. 301 c(c , act of Auc,us ~ti27; 1935; 1~9 Stat. emended. See, also, bureau of the Budget Circular A-11, ccc. 13.5(1) i es. on reimbursement of General Services ministration by tenant agenc In connection with the quo ;tion of the availability of approprie.tod Elands to provide leased facilities for crnployco parking, reference has rcpeatcdly boon made, to a docisioa of this 0f 'ice, 43 Comp. Gen. 131, 02 s 0 0 200 Approved. For Relea e 2002//14: CIA-RDP85-00988R00 6 00 46-5 ~3q Approved For Rele 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000020046-5 Approved.For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020046-5 NOW - I1-l (',~ripck; ro-mlrrotl Au(vit 5, 19630 to thc~ ^ncro'tnry of the Trennurrj. That rlr;ci- .!ton r.oal,;tdered the caur;.tton of vahn(her the Comrnnnclnnt of the Cori nt (lttnr%l, mmlor hia nu'~hiortty to equip, op^rntn, maintain, nu-" , "nil rejiiir Co-rt (;anal di:;trictn nail nhnre er.t'nhl.i:;hnent;r (:1.1F 11..i.C. ?(~))? any lcr' :c n plot of 1:onrl ncl'jncout to the Conn(; Guard Drr;;e at 1401)ile, Al.r~bnma, and expend ~,ppropr. iated funcla to prcpnre the Inrid for uro on an e;iiploycc pnrltin g lot. In ,juctifiention for the proponcd u^e of npproprintcd funds it vin;. explained that the Dane wn.s located in a badly deteriorated former cor,urercinl area without ndequnte public trnnr,- portation and having virtually no parking apace on or off nearby atrcctn. The total personnel involved was 181, only a port of which wn.; permanently assigned to the Ilnae, and the number of vehiclec to be a.cco;; ;odated each day ranged from 85 to 100 which had to be perked in a. wide nren. around the Ilnse. We held in that ease the record did not establish the pro- posed parking lot was esaontial to the operation or maintenance of the line co as to warrant the use of appropriated funds for a purpose that ordinarily was considered the responsibility of the individual, the parking of his private vehicle. We consider the decision of 1063 to have little relevance to the present situation. Factually, the earlier case turned primarily on the record presented. There is little if any similarity between the two cores except that they involve the growitn? urban probler of motor vehicle parking. Legally there was not considered in that case the leaning ? authority of the General Services Administration under the Federal Prop- erty and Administrative Services Act. The' position is odvnnced in s rtcraorandurn dated June 21, 1968, of the then General Counsel of the Department of Transportation and, con.- curred in by the present General Counsel, a copy of which was for:aardcd ?,with your letter, that in determining the space requirements of on nGencyD and whether employee parking facilities are to be provided, the policies for the assi&-iment of office buildings rand space proscribed in Executive Order 11035, July 9, 1962, issued pursuant to the Federal Property and Admini trative Services Act, are controlling. The mc;norandum skated in part: Approved For\Rellease 2002/02/14.?: CIA-RDP85-009888000600020046-5 ~-~4? "The policies and directives governing the exercise of the Administrator's authority were prescribed by the President in Executive Order No. 11035 (27 F.R. 6519). The Executive Order requires, among other things, that the Administrator be guided, o o a primary consideration, by the need for the efficient performance of tho agencies ? ro.i.ssions and p:cogroras 'with duo regard for the. . . Approved For Relse 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R0d00020046-5 .~ ?fi snci Of i^ Chi nd f.:V l.h'~i'i':: ? t ' ?'n the aequi:`o$ AcL: ? s; be :~i~ad w % ~: c end ; o 'irrv3.~.L G'~?rer ` 4':1 ~ ' .^:3 al Pi?::"_? 9 'and cee Vial iE flv Cv_^_G 1Ce e.,:I l.0 ,Y 1...:.. _: Llw r IT s ^ I3 l~r its C e '7_ J-CGS t7 :1 the C~ r q e t G t.l%S t; ` he ~4.~,.: ~.... i. F~4i~lr ~..::i 1~~.- it 1.. t':vV _t~ ) ._ vl.U J..G ?.?>:.1`C:=:~.... .:~ _ ? r --, 't. - .. l... [YA .4 .1V.-a-~~Yl tea r 1'f ..':l u llr )C. L.V .. ~] r' $.1 c'~.. ..~ ~... 1~^> i? i. y~ ' ~~J. G f '~?v ~rl. y4..... 4`.1 .~. V ~. i,.s.. `~_V~It;,',~~J ,r LT - S. .::~ .. :J>J \.JVu ~J) ?J `JY^ a . ,..w . L.~..,.,..ti by ~,s.: ='L n [;l~_' i. /r:ct 1. ?.'_?G r. .G tit ..~.~, ._.. ~ ..a..,a is S s7nc l (J Li .. L.:.e-u .1.. acct o':. a` he V"D 01, r Gov ^ =`w ho STv /1 .1. UY1 V u...,...4 c.i_?.'. ._Vi. v vim: tit.: -- J4 _s-v ,. t; ...4 .+. lam. ',.. ~ _>_.......?...:.} is y~ ,1. ...?nv, .~., C..'.. GL ... `l.-J c- .i -}'/' _ ,~ 5J C. r_ ~tO i.CS' L C i J ? ' (v~WwF _~ U.J 1.c;V CU y, _ Sce L. J.S.C. f. ~>"_ ~~;.~; '?.'~~ .h in, I`;z:+,.-i1 Id 0 j- 27 Q' ^ " a~j t: C v~Jk ,v.T -~ ~~n~ 11 v^/.?.j?~ V4.'..J. Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020046-5