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Document Release Date: 
May 25, 1999
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Publication Date: 
April 7, 1972
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Approved For Release 1999/09/28: CIA-RDP85-009888000600100031-2 ,- r Erer~T1VE OFFICE OF THE PRES{r~e!d'T AFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASHINGTON, D.C. 20903 ~~ 1 ~~ April 7, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES Subject: Parking facilities for Federal employees Attached is a proposed Office of Management and Budget Circular dealing with the furnishing of parking facilities to Government employees. Recent Comptroller General's rulings permit use of funds appropriated for general administration expenses to lease parking facilities for Federal employees. These rulings have come at a time of increasing concern about the environ- mental impact of actions which tend to attract additional motor vehicles ir_to pollution prone areas. Also we are concerned that actions to increase parking facilities may be inconsistent with Federal programs to assist the development anc~ effectiveness of public transportation systems in metropolitan areas. These concerns. together with the patentia3_ budgetary impact of the Comptroller General decisions have called for a thorough examination of the circumstances under which parking facilities should be made available to Federal employees, The result of that examination i~s the proposed t~~'iB circular which is forwarded for your review and cozr~~ient, _ Since the justification for providing parking facilities for Federal employees is not to confer a financial advantage an sack employees, the policy proposed would establish 26 basis for reimbursement for use of such facilities which would be fair to the Government and equitable with respect to all Federal employees. The cost of parking is a part of an employee"s total commuting expense by automobile between his home and place of duty. Clearly the Government should nat assume a share of such commuting expense by providing free or subsidized parking for a select group of employees when others who pay for commercial parking or use public transporta- tion do not receive a similar benefit. The proposed policy would assure that a ency_recruirements and operatiog effective- ness are no~ iinrere y the lack of adequate emp oyee pa 1nc~ acz 1 i.-. w ile also assuring _that the r~rovisicn of sixctr ~ar~ing fac.~litie:~ woui_d not serve tc~ auame_n_t em~:loyee ~omt~ra ion a _ overnment expense. Further, in v~.ew c~ t e envzronme~ri~ p erns caused by the operation of automobiles, u~. L X11. Approved For Release 1999/09/28: CIA-RDP85-009888000600100031-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/28: CIA-RDP85-009888000600100031-2 especially in urban areas, and in view of the Government's support for public transportation projects, the policy would permit the acquisition or construction of the minimum parking facilities commensurate with the effective operation of Government agencies. Questions concerning this matter may be directed to James D. Currie, telephone 395-3824 or ID5 code 103, extension 3824. We would appreciate receiving your comments by May 1, 1972. drank C. C~ir].ucci ~ Associate Director Approved for Release 1999/09/28: CIA-RDP85-009888000600100031-2