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Publication Date: 
March 15, 1983
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Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 ,- .:_ a - C) [ L K 1 I W CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 NSA review completed DIA review(s) completed. OSD review(s) completed. 15 March 1983 Mr. Brian V. Kinney Chief, Declassification and Historical Research Branch Records Management Division Washington Headquarters Services Room 1D517, Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301 Dear Mr. Kinney: On 18 January 1983, Mr. L. E. Lowry, Jr., OSD Records Administrator, forwarded to this Agency 36 documents with a request that we review their classification status. We have reviewed the documents, identified by number as attachments in your list, and our determinations are as follows: a. Documents 5 and 35 may be downgraded to CONFIDENTIAL. b. Documents 11, 20, 24, 26, 28, and 34 must be retained at SECRET. c. Documents 27 and 36 must be retained at CONFIDENTIAL. d. The CIA has no objection to the declassification of the remaining twenty-six documents. Copies of the enclosures listed on the attached documents did not accompany the documents and, therefore, the enclosures will require separate classification review to determine their classi- fication status. State Dept. review completed DPMO review(s) completed. USAF review(s) completed. UNCLASSIFIED WHEN SEPARATED FROM ENCLOSURES SECRET Approved For Release'2007/11/01 :'CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 BEST COPY Available Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 * r r'.-n r-r- Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 The above c'lassi Cicat.ionl dct.e 3`nti.t~trt ion` t;7 I i r, nrlty C lei; . Izrteu#jrte T t*'o to. 5, ejth o ich t conmir as I me t , yr11 co, 1 e 1der tkct,t Ulu dir t1vg rr:,etn, tJ; ? b a.ic a nr Is of this desrairt it t n O o{' the Cents j I- t^~ 1 c nay 1q eney. The ?t'r .ink; of the . 20at is 1i li nt':ve of a Aplrit of ccapreiise ehiob, 44WIM acres into Its Implawntatlen,, C f C. of, nulm r. grous Mee in ear X11 effor It has ben br+nWht to IV attention that you deer e to r or rt the : aticrr~1 .ee ity 001=11 to not, this agree- tent. T' his j., "wedwe is so b1s to the rtws'rdt of SIGNED B. ANDERSON ACTING Draft, L reel'-Itye f r(::'I "?a Ptep ml by; ~1 S threoo:29 December 1954 Rw 391036 X79%5 5eESDe~ Lr ?Le rav4~'a0 ~. Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 Approved F or Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 16 ieoamber 1954 MEt 3DUM Fit THE E IVZ 4 'AU, U3CTh SUB=: Indoctrination for Access to C .tegoxy TIT C(I'{LUT 1. In scoordanae with a nente reached within USCIB and with Governor n Adsas, Osnerei Mar, and representatives of aseaber drpartaarnts end area of 15CIffie the folloving measbere of General uric: s Ces?it*w QI Into lli~entle have bees indoctrinated for special intelligenoe tly the Department of Defenses General Nark W. Clark Admiral Rioha d L. Cono14 Major General Janes C, Christiansen Bripdivr General Richard P. Ovenehine Colonel Jobs 3. ,D Mslde 2. It is aderstsed tboA the issue. Intelligence Agen(W has also indoctrinated other ors of G neral * C1srlc:s c i tUe fznd its staff vbo are acnoerned Frith sprs tail intelligence vithin that Agency. It is further us4srsteod that, *=opting an inoreaaed work- load requiring additional indestrinatod personnel, all special intelligence indoctrinations for the ttee and its staff are not concluded and that more shah be authorized. WILLIAM! H. Gaon Assistant to the Sews' y of Defense (Special Operations) 'VTWt [u~ . 3 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/01 CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 3 November 1954 M)KZA DUN Mt THE SB1 1 ARY OF DIP"MI SUBJECT, Hoover Co nieision Sub--C?.aaaittee on Intelligence Chaired by General k Clarrk, USA $Ret ) 1. It is understood that General Clark will pay you a courtesy call an 4 Nove*or 1954 at 2:310 Through his chief of staff, General Christianson, it is understood that Genea'sl Clark vould be pleased it W. Andersen were also present at this amens bsvaeeso of his personal interest in intelli- genoe ratters. 2. As You are Aware, the Hoover Comission was established by Congress and is concerned principally With organization mattors and eoonozq in Government. The Clark Sub.Comdttes on intelligence is no exneption. 3. These facts, however, oareats certain ooelioations insofar as intelligence is oonoerned: While the specific organisatisnaa. arrangeseente within the Executive Branch of erernsertt fir the oondust of intelligence activities are not partiou aesly classified, virtually all of the details and most of the justifications for these organisational arrangements involve knowledge of data, the release of which through congressional channels would prove damaging to the best interests of the United States. 4. It is understood that the Clark Sett-Cow ittee at this time antici- pates submitting two r.portsss the first an unclassified report on organization and cost which will be sotmitted to Congress, and the second a Classified report for possible aul*i"Ien to the President. 5. Insofar as the Department of Defense is concerned, there are three major organisational problems in the intciligence fields 1. The relationship, possible duplication, overlap, and lack of coordination among the Service intelligence agencies and the intelligence staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. ,k. The lactic of coordination, the duplication, and the conflicting areas of interest as between the several Service departeental intelligence agencies end the Oentrsl Xstelligssr os ?gwAy. g. The continuing U* of prevtaten for an d is voice in intslliganee policy matters an the part Of the to office of the Csmrestary of Defense. i.a3 n:U (A-A.r_C.!orJ HR 7C ? W: ~A Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 Xrhtir1 SEP Dear Mr.. s . ,c-fo rerce your letter of 12 kui: , 19r; L. -sne c,nL.th-L-i! 'rad S't3.th is convex tion 'i.th "n ono '3rorzn, t" Ic l r,1.] orf .i a 3n eaerttr havo been co pi+ c t 2. Z?mss Air Vag 1-j! lnn ;ructions by gable on ;I .1. tru: t to the Air 'e eareh and R velop rat (O-nand to p'Wi e 1.?r.:-.Men U---*orar~r duty st tr-s wherein he 'could be z . ' : ilahle to F T. as reque ad. inaerOly y'DUZ:9, .SiGND ooc4wa put ' Aa* ie tunt to the S , T of t o Opemtionq) .'.3i2". SECRET ~, 42 Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 UUNFIVEN of e - alprlwd an ' At vith Us W* St Drt sr and the ttah Rsval Aitaba aigMte; Captain cl erbaftp 1!,X,# is cwt noii i reai.da ;x e at DOM, ': ^ u L Ta Serdcaa have been a d, i -d tnZo .U te the na of a t - c $0 tob* t Of St% fOr ' Mw &t in ccita ,, or %4* ta%ibdr t o as c azt41 g,: t r , idU than bay be :: ' '' n iIt 7 . '~)'?iia .:,,.. .,. :t I 1.t ] ! 9 thc:. ,"'OLD ; ,lo ..L L r:. 1._l:;L :.L^; t i '_?J ., iid ,. I. i~ F.:? i rcparod bj 1' >3rdth/31/3i J ,"'Y' 55 11-.036 778"3 Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 Next Page(s) Next 3 Page,(s) In Doc u ment Denied Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 i ur ~UM 40 DEPARTMEF,JT OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, HEADQUARTERS SERVICES WASHINGTON, D C. 20301 January 18, 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR THE CHIEF, CLASSIFICATION REVIEW DIVISION, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SUBJECT: Request for Declassification Review During the systematic review of all classified Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) documents being carried out under the guidelines of Executive Order 12356, the Declassification and Historical Research Branch, Records Management Division, Directorate for Correspondence and Directives, Washington Headquarters Services, turned up the attached document(s). The documents were either originated by your agency, contain information for which your agency is the classification authority, or are otherwise of interest to you. It is requested that your agency review the documents and recommend declassification, continued classification at the present or lesser level of classification, and/or review by other agencies. It is requested that you provide response within 60 days so that a decision on the disposition of the documents may be made promptly. In your response, you may wish to provide guidance with regard to what categories of information you do and do not wish to have referred to you in the future. Your assistance in effecting this review will be most appreciated. Please return the documents to Mr. Brian V. Kinney, Chief, Declassification and Historical Research Branch, Records Management Division, Washington Headquarters Services, Room 1D517, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301, upon completion of your review. Without attachments, this memorandum is UNCLASSIFIED. to. Fe' E. E. Lowry, J Attachments (36) TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8 Iq Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP85B00236R000400080005-8