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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 28, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP85BOl 152R000600730006-8 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEL- SUBJECT: (Optional) ; r:r External Contracts Inventory System 8~- 3'0/0 EXTENSION NO. DCI/ICS 83-4051 Director, Intelligence Community Staff DATE TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1. E0/DDA 2 9 N 0 V 1983 7D-24 Hqs. 1 to 5: Please review the at di tt h d ith OL 2. a e w ac e , coor n and OS, and provide comments to the D/ICS from the DDA. 3. . 4. cc: D/OL D/OS 5. D/ODP 2D-00 Hqs. 6. SUSPENSE: 14 December Distribution:' 0 - Adse w/att 1 - D/0L w/att 1 - D/OS w/att 1 - DDA Subject 9 E0/DDA/ba(29Nov83) 10. 12. 13. --- FYI- ADDA 14. ~- _-e DDA 15. Registry - file FORM 69 0 USE PREVIOUS 1-79 1 ED!TIONS - Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP85BOl 152R000600730006-8 iIniri ACCTCTCn Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP85BOl 152R000600730006-8 DCI/ICS 83-4051 28 November 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration erector, Intelligence Community Staff SUBJECT: External Contracts Inventory System \~Vvuk~,- 1. After reviewing and approving requests for analytical studies, I often wonder whether our study managers have been able to utilize all existing past contracting efforts. I would assume that there is an uncertainty throughout the Intelligence Community if a study manager has really been able to find all ongoing or past investigations either to reference or to supplement a study. In this connection it might be advantageous for the Community to start at this time to build a file on COINS which would provide the following: a. date study started and contract number, b. unclassified title of the study, c. name of contractor, d. name of the COTR and sponsoring office with a telephone number, e. short narrative description of the study (50 words approximately), and f. dollar value of the contract. Because of the security classification of some analytical contract activity, item "d" might not be provided. 2. I believe that the above information could be prepared by the COTR for COINS entry when the request for procurement services is drafted. After the system has been in operation for a period of several months, a COTR could access the COINS file to determine contract activity relating to a contemplated study subject. 3. The use of a COINS file as described above might provide the Community with ready availability of study information, save resources by providing an advanced starting point for an investigation, and answer Congressional concerns when external contract resources are questioned. I would appreciate receiving your comments regarding the above and the difficulty anticipated within CIA in implementing such a system. Approved For Release 2008/06/02 : CIA-RDP85BOl 152R000600730006-8