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Document Creation Date: 
December 21, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 5, 2008
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Publication Date: 
September 16, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85BO1152R000700870002-6 . DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP TO: DDA ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: EP 1983 FROM: ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION FORM n0. i.. r REPLACES FORM RA-9 (L71 Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85BO1152R000700870002-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85BOl 152R000700870002-6 0 ~OlS 83-612 6 SEP '1983 DD/A Registry MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Logistics Services Division/0p nn (~'~ ~( ~( FROM: Director of Information Services t,~(LE 3 SUBJECT: Consolidation of OIS in Ames Center Building 1. Here is some information delineating items that we discussed on the phone 13 September about the Ames moves. I thought that if you had these comments in writing you would be able to refer to them later as you begin to firm up your plans. 2. As you know, consolidating the Office of Information Services (OIS) on the 11th and 12th floors would help your Office as well as ours. It would ease the problems you face with fragmented organizations scattered throughout the building and help ease their parochial requirements for communications, storage (floor loading), and security (cipher locks and vaults)..,_,. 3. As for OIS, it would greatly facilitate our managerial lines of communication as opposed to the current situation of being located on four different floors, ranging from the third to the 12th. Also, being on two floors would help reduce the load on the elevator service to some extent because our employees would tend to use the stairs rather than wait for an elevator and because it would be more convenient. 4. Undercurrent conditions not only are the Divisions separated, but Branch personnel within the Divisions are separated from other Branch personnel with whom they frequently have daily, face-to-face contact for coordination and discussion on files, correspondence, and legal documents. In addition to the inefficiency, lost time while commuting between separated offices, there is the problem of security when carrying sensitive material and multiple files in the halls. The possibility of dropping a loose document when in a hurry during frequent trips down the hall is a constant hazard. 5. Eleven months ago OIS management made a decision to take less space in order to consolidate one Division. This resulted in a number of work orders requesting modification of our space.on the 11th and 12th floors. This change permits the movement of the Appeals and Litigation Branch from the 12th to the 11th floor so as to consolidate the three STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85BOl 152R000700870002-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85BO1152R000700870002-6 Branches of the Information and Privacy Division (IPD) for improved communication and control. While this improves operating efficiency, it does not solve the problem of morale due to crowded conditions, nor does it address the problem of continued growth of working files and additional space for personnel needed to handle. the backlog of approximately 3,000 FOIA and PA requests. 6. One of our other Divisions, located by itself on the third floor, has space that would be utilized more effectively if it were shared with IPD on the 11th floor. This would permit us to release all of our third floor space and enable your Architectural Design Staff to have more flexibiity in planning and designing usage of the lower floors of the building. 7. Consolidation at this time also would result in further savings as interconnecting Wang cabling would not need to be installed between the CPUs on the 12th floor and the word processing stations on the eighth floor where the organization which will use them is now located. Wang cabling already exists in usable locations on the 12th floor. 8. In summary, we view the consolidation of our units as a vital, indeed crucial step in our effort, already begun, to improve the efficiency of the Office, minimize the potential of flaps which is heightened by existing conditions, improve supervisory controls and lines of communication and--no less important--improve the quality of our work environment which perforce will result in improved morale. STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85BO1152R000700870002-6