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May 31, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870028-8 ? ? - THE ~NHITE HOUSE v~AS-~INGTON ?!ay 31, 1983 MEMORANDUM E'OR HEADS O~F DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES FROM: EDWI"' .._,~ ._ __, tJ~v.`-- COUNSELLOR TO THE PRESIDENT #.;coautive 2i6gi~strf ~'~1 DD/~ RegisCr~ _ ~3 ~ 4- ~5 SUBJECT: Presidential Initiative for Government Work Space Management ~teforms `~li,th the attached Executive Order, the president hays initibted ~~~~undamental reforms in the~way the 'Executive $ranch msn8ges ,property. These changes can result in savings to the American '.taxpayer of more than 51.3 billion per year. Although long-term savings are significant, we must take action to assure immediate east reductions. The president requests that you achieve the following objectives: 1. By August 31, 1983, submit a plan dot irnprovee~ utili~a- tion for all 'work space directly cantrc~lle~3 by your agency. ' 2. By September 30, 1989, implement the above plans sty that your agency's total work space inventory is reduced by ten percent. This includes all types of work space -- office, storage, and special purpose. 3. In addition to the overall work space reduction, ensure that your office space is reduced commensurate with the percentage of any personnel reduction experienced b} your agency since October 1, 1980.. The Administrator of the General Services Administration will coordinate this cost reduction initiatiwe, issue more detailed guidance,. provide technical assistance, and report agency progress to the Cabinet Council on Management and Administration. Many people believe ,that.. the Federal Government cannot move. .quickly t;o accomplish a task of this .magnitude. We know it can be done if we concentrate on making it happen. I look forward to each agency's achievement of these objectives. Please direct any questions regarding the Executive Order, or these objectives, to Gerald P. Carm~e.n, f~dmihstrator, General Services Administration. Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870028-8 ` Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870028-8 . ~ ? ~. - EXECUTIVE ORDER GOVrP,tiMEhT WQRK SPACE I~NAGEMrrT R#1'ORMS By 'khe authority vested in me as P^esident by tht Constitution and laws of the United States of America, including Section S86 of Title 40 of the United States Code, in order. to institute fundamental changes in the manner in which Federal work space is managed to ensure its e~i`icient utilization, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. In order to make the Federal use of work space (including office space, warehouses and special purpose space, whether federally awned, leased or controlle~~ and related furnishings more effective in support of agency missions, minimize the accruisition of government resources, and reduce the administrative costs of the~Federal government, the heads of all Federal Executive agencies shall: (a) Estzblish programs to reduce the 'amount of work. space, useZ or held, to that amount which is essential ,f or known agency missions; (b) Procuce and meir.tain a total inventory o: w?brk space and rel~tec furnishings and declare excess to the ' Administrator of General Services all such holdings that are. not necessary to satisfy existing or known and verified planned programs; (c) EnsL.-e that the amount of office space Ls~d by each employee of t?'ie agent; , or ~ others usir-g agency-cot,trblled space, is he?d to the minimum neces-nary to accor~pli~h the task ,that must be performed; (d) t~;anage the furniture, equipment, decoration, drapes,. carpeting, plants and other zccoutrements so that tht use df all furnishings by the agency reflects a judicious a~+plo}men* of pub~.ic moneys; Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870028-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870028-8 2 (e) Consider, in making decisions concernir~ the use, acquisition, or disposal of work space and related furnishings, the effects of ~.ts actions on costs,ineurred by other Federal agencies; (f) Report all vacant work space ~teta~ined for ~Uturr Federal uses to the Administrator of General Services sv~that. it may be made available for the temporary use of other Federal agencies, to the extent consistent with national defense requirements; (g1 .Establish a woatk space managemefit plan to meet. the provisions of this Clyder4 including specification of the goals to be ~?a~hieved and act~o~hs to be taker- by the agency in order ~. to improve its utilization of 'a 11 work space and related furnishings; and i~ ~ ,, (h) Establish info~ation systems, implement inventory controls and conduct sur~reys,~in accordance with procedures established by the Administrator of General Services, so that i a government.-wide report~tng system may be developed. f Sec. 2. The Administrator of General Services is delegated authority, to the extent not prohibited by other ~~ laws, to conduct surv"eys; establish agency-wide objectives for work space use for each Executive agency, and establish procedures, guidelines and regulations to be followed by the agencies in the work space planning, infd;rmatiori and reporting syst~:~,~? ~~:~uired by this Order. T.HE WHITE HOUSE, March 29, 1983. Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870028-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/05 :CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870028-8 ~~~~~A ~~~~~~~~ ,83;JUl~ 1 Ail: -A '~'~3E VvH1"CE NOV5~.1 ~lES$AGE NO. CLASSIFZCA~YpN rI ' Craig L. Fuller P~tOM (NAME) ' (EX~`E1r1S I(~~t ) C)~/ (ftC~bM Ni)M~9ER ) MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONPres ? Initiative for 'Gavertit~ent taQ~k Sake '~**?* A CORRECTED COPY FROM ONE DATED 311626 i~tHITE DOUSE NUMBER 24d~*~'** .~~- TO (AGENCY) DELIVER T0: nEp~~..~ EXTENSION H~tAVO '' SEC. SNULTZ ATTfiI LOPES/TdMP2~INS ' BRAVO AMb KtRKPA~RICK AT'1'N_'I'ILLMAAI ALPHA DIR CASEY A'PTN DELTA SEC: W'EINBERrER ATTN T~IIGGINS , ....~. 6~2~,58Q4 632.-8,344, G~5-6064 Approved For Release 2008/06/05 :CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870028-8 STAT