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July 29, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP85B01152R001001290019-7
:. Consol i dat?i obi
7D-18 Hqs..
of :Travel Process-i ng; Servi ces -
.1 AUG 1983
COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom,
to whom. Draw a line across. column often each comment.),
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP85BOl 152RO01001290019-7
DDA 83-0451/24
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP85B0l 152R001001290019-7
DDA 83-0451/24
2 9 JUL 1933
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
Executive Director
Inspector General
FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater
Deputy Director for Administration
SUBJECT: Consolidation of Travel Processing Services
1. As we are all aware, current procedures for the processing of travel
within the Agency represent a "mixed bag." While some travel arrangements are
made on a centralized basis, many components (and some individuals) continue
to make their own travel arrangements. In the light of budgetary constraints
and the increasing complexities and nuances involved with regulating travel,
per se, we can no longer afford to conduct our travel affairs in this decen-
tralized manner.
2. Recently we have observed growing pressures for the centralization of
travel in all other government agencies which are being stimulated by the Office
of Management and Budget as well as by a number of reform movements within the
current Administration. As you are aware, the DCI has expressed his concerns to
me regarding the manner in which travel is administered in the Agency. He
believes that savings can be achieved by "centralizing travel commitments and
expenditures." Moreover, there presently exists a loss of discount options
(primarily through the use of Government Travel Requests (GTRs)) which are not
being exploited by a number of Agency components which are making their own
travel arrangements. In order to streamline our effectiveness and efficiency
in this area, I propose that steps be taken to centralize travel services within
the Agency to the maximum extent possible.
3. Two Agency components presently furnish travel processing services on a
centralized basis. The Central Travel Branch (CTB) of the Office of Finance,
consisting o positions designated for Finance careerists, processes travel
vouchers. To 1 ustrate the inefficient and parochial influences which
characterize our present system, CTB must follow 16 different exception guide-
lines submitted to them by various Agency comp ts. The Central Processing
Branch (CPB), Office of Personnel, consists ofositions, designated
for Office of Logistics personnel,Ofor FT nce careerists, and positions
designated for use by Office of Personnel, priy~arily clerical and technical
_ Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP85B0l 152R001001290019-7
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP85B01152RO01001290019-7
employees. While CPB is technically responsible for the processing of both
TDY and PCS travel, a substantial amount of TDY travel performed by Agency
components is, in fact, not handled by CPB.
4. Both CTB and CPB obviously need to closely coordinate their activities
and exchange their unique expertise, particularly in order to stay abreast of
the rapidly changing requirements and procedures associated with travel matters.
In addition, both components, fo_r?.pol,icy guidance,, rely heavily on the Special
Support:-Assistant--to the DDA (SSA/DDA,) in view of',the latter.,s special respbns?i
bi1iiies in the?`travel archa and the ~Ie1egations of authority"which have been
glyren to hi.m:`
5. In consideration of my proposal to centralize all travel services, the
need for much more extensive collaboration, and the fact that the majority of
personnel involved are Directorate of Administration (DA) ,Cgreerists, it is
recommended that CTB and CPB be combined as an&*r _ da#'f within the
@ffeetiveTOctoer-l9&3: nitially, for the first six to twelve months of its
new existence, the Cent Travel Staff (c S) will receive guidance and"directi.op
from the SSA/DDA.,..--D ring this period,_,;we plan to form ,,a -task force consi=s'ti ng of.
individuals from the Offices.. of Finance and Logistics`'chai~red by the,SSA/DDA
which wi.l l`~formul ate our--efforts tg'" central centralize travel procedures and pQj,ycy ' fo''r
all Agency components Along these lines., eve expect the APOLLO system (a computer
reser,vation and ticketing capability o be fully operational by October. 1983.
'?ti. i , 'v ,L r'f cd r C. C~~ C-C,'L.1. .i 1G -J'. iGV Sear Y ;... j.~ y y...- :. ;.: :.,~
to the
6. As 'the"-APOLLO system l ne,- wei*+~
travel-throughout "the
outlying buildings and assume responsibility for all
Agency- At-,that point, could provide efficient, timely, and cost
effective travel support to all Agency components. It is understood that this
expansion of service will necessarily result in a realigning of personnel re-
sources. There are a number of personnel within Agency components.who devote a
considerable amount of their time to providing travel services to that component.
This is particularly true in the Directorate of Science and Technology. As
assumes increased responsibility for all travel services, we would negotiate
with all directorates to obtain those resources which are primarily being devoted
to travel efforts. J (
7. Once travel is centralized Agencywide, we would be able to assume a
greater degree of control from the authorizing through the approval stages of
all PCS and TDY travel. I would further propose at that time that no individual
be reimbursed for official travel who had not utilized CTS services without
written approval of the DDA.
8. I recommend that you approve this reorganization and transfer of
Harry E. Fi zwater
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP85BOl 152RO01001290019-7
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP85BO1152RO01001290019-7
SUBJECT: Consolidation of Travel Processing Services
Ins for General Date
cpu-; rector of Central Intelligence
0 3 JUL 1984
t S, e1 V AY Caul, 2 e a v~-, a,.. > +rC 3 Lam- 'k+ S C e J C [lril ~t11 cal ?""y`
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP85BO1152RO01001290019-7
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP85BO1152RO01001290019-7
Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP85BO1152RO01001290019-7