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E X A M 0, c Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP85B01152RO01001300015-9 -------------------------------------------------------------- - - - T--------------------------------------------------------------- --- THE FOLLOWING DIAGRAM DEPICTS A CURRENT EXAMPLE OF AN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR IN ONE OF STATE'S AREA BUREAUS WHO WAS PROMOTED INTO THEIR EXECUTIVE SERVICE {SES EQUIVALENT} IN 1980 AT THE ES-01 LEVEL AND WHO ASCENDS TO THE ES-04 LEVEL WITHIN TWO YEARS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR ES-05 SHORTLY AFTER. THIS EMPLOYEE DID NOT PASS THROUGH THE-ES-02 OR ES-03 LEVELS NOR DOES THE STATE DEPARTMENT SYSTEM REQUIRE IT. THE SPECIFIC NAME AND BUREAU HAS SEEN OMITTED INTENTIONALLY AS IRRELEVANT TO THE EXAMPLE. ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1980 POSITION TITLE I CATEGORY ALLOWABLE GRADE GRADE OF INCUMBENT SPREAD {IN THIS CASE} Executive Director of an Area Bureau {roughly equivalent to DDO, Area Division Chief of Support} Chief of Support/DDO Area Division Counselor Senior Intelligence Service SIS-01 {Theoretically Sep 1980} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1982 STATE State Employee was promoted to ES-04 after 2 years at an ES-01 Subject's category was changed to Minister Counselor {MC} through his Foreign Service System Range: ES-01 ES-01 ES-02 {Effective Sep 1980} ES-03 ES-04 ----------- ------------------------------- Range: SIS-01 SIS-02 INEQUITY INEQUITY MM nisi r Coun~. nr Subject was therefore hnkalowsgiaJ t d d ] REMARKS Subject will go to ES-05 eventually based on his longevity in the Foreign Service System which, for thi. example, allows up to an ES-05 for officers in the Mini.',Ler Counselor Category. Result_ ES--05 r,romo .e ,mme iat1e y Ito ES-04 {effective Sept 1982 }. Subject did not serve as ES-02, or ES-03? He went right to an ES-04 - all the while in the same Position. Only his personal category changed. ---------------------------- AGENCY Agency Employee has possi- bility of promotion from SIS-01 to SIS-02 while assigned to the position Senior Intelli- INEQUITY INEQUITY This is the limit that this officer can gence Service RANGE: SIS-01 May have been promoted achieve in this position due to lack of SIS-02 to SIS-02. However, this approved "Headroom". Result: SIS-02 promotion would have been competitively attained. Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP85BOl 152RO01 001300015-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP85BO1152RO01001300015-9 FOREIGN AFFAIRS PERSONNEL REGISTER The Foreign Affairs Personnel Register provides concise biographic information on personnel .of the United States De- partment of State and other Federal Government Agencies in the field of foreign affairs. Biographies are included for Ambassadors, Ministers, Chiefs of Mission, Senior Foreign Service officers, Foreign Service officers, Foreign Service information officers, Foreign Service Reserve officers, Foreign Service Staff officers, to the rank of FP-6, ar,,d Civil Service employees of grade GS-12 and above. In addition to the Department of State, biographies are included for personnel of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, the Agency for international De- velopment, the United States Information Agency,. Board for International Broadcasting, the Foreign Agricultural Service of the Department of Agriculture, the Foreign Commercial Service of the Department of Commerce, and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. The abbreviation of one foreign language, or more, ap- pears near the end of some biographies. This signifies that the individual has been tested. by the Foreign Service Insti- tute and has received proficiency ratings of at least S-3 and R-3 in the language(s) shown. The Foreign Affairs Personnel Register is compiled by the Publishing Services Division, Foreign Affairs Information Management Center. Any inquiries concerning the content of the publication should be directed to that division. New Categories and the Foreign Service Schedule With the passage of the Foreign Service Act of 1980, the structure of the Foreign Service, in terms of both classes and pay structure, has been substantially modified. The chart shown below has been included for purposes of clarification. All members of the Foreign Service, other than senior officers, began to be paid on the new Foreign Service Schedule effective the first pay period beginning in October 1980, while remaining in their previous categories (FSR, FSRU, FSS, FSO, FSIO). On February 15, 1981, they were in turn converted automatically, if worldwide available, to the new gradee struc- tured and categories, in accordance with the following.conver- sion table (the new consolidated, normally specialist cate- gory replacing FSS and FSR/RU carries the indicator FP for most agencies): OLD SALARY SCHEDULE Senior Foreign Service Abbrev. SES Pay Level Equivalent (t (Career Minister) (FSO/R/RU - 1) (FSiO/ I - 2) Career Minister (FE-CM) Niiist~er Counselor FE-MC) Counselor (FE-OCR ES-6 -' ES-4, ES-5 "`ES-1 ES-2,~ES-3, ES-4 FOREIGN SERVICE PAY SCHEDULE OLD NEIVY OLD NEW FO/FI/FP (FSO/FSIO-3.) FO/Fl-1 (FSR & FSRU-3 & FSS-1) -FP-1 FS-1 (FSO/FSIO.4) FO/Fi-2 (FSR & FSRU-4 & FSS-2) FP-2 FS-2 (FSO/FSIO-5) FO/Fl-3 (FSR & FSRU-5 & FSS-3) FP-3 FS-3 (FSO/FSIO-6) FO/FI- (FSR & FSRU-6 & FSS-4) FP-4 FS-4 (FSO/FSIO-7) FO/Fl-5 (FSR & FSRU-7 & FSS-5) FP-5 FS-5 (FSO/FSIO.8) FO/FI.6 (FSR & FSRU-8 & FSS-5) FP-6 FS-6 (FSS-7) ' FP-7 FS-7 (FSS-8) FP-8 FS-8 (FSS-9 & 10) FP-9 FS-9 The 1982 Senior Foreign Service promotion list was received as this edition was going to press and those promotions have been included in this Register. Other 1982 promotions, which were not available at the time of printing, will be included in the next edition. Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP85BO1152RO01001300015-9