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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
June 11, 2008
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Publication Date: 
October 11, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/11 :CIA-RDP85B01152R001001310003-1 i ~ - ; ~.~_~_--- t .,.s ~;_,... October 11, 1983 Mr. Harry Fitzwater Deputy Director/Administration Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 Dear Harry I appreciated your invitation to attend the recent PDR of the SAFE Delivery-2. It was my first opportunity to hear such an extensive portrayal of all that is involved in this project and I suspect the same was true for man other players in the room. I was especially glad to meet and so far as I could tell, my acceptance by him and my relationship with him is quite in order. He did ask whether I would be interested in attending future CDRs and PDRs; I answered yes and he was agreeable to that. There were a number of technical things that caught my ear as the meeting progressed; I shall write these down shortly and forward them directly to CSPO for consideration. I did tell Bob that when I wrote on substantive matters to you, ar or to CSPO, I would copy the other two in order t at everyone woo. know what I am saying. For the moment the only comment I would offer you is something that you very likely already know -- the schedule is murderously diffi- cult. Since the PDR was evidently the first opportunity for all parti- cipants in Project SAFE to get an overview of status, I would not be surprised to find that reconsideration of the schedule might surface. If it does, the event probably will have to be taken in stride simply because the initial schedule was set at a time when the full magnitude of what had to be done was not apparent. From the discussion at the PDR, it seems that a fair number of details remain yet to be resolved. As the project advances toward CDR, the number of such details for resolution is likely to escalate significantly. I can't offer you much wisdom on how to be the senior oversight manager of a big effort like this one, except to say: Bore in there, ask questions, and keep right on asking them if the answers do not satisfy you. CSPO will expect you to do that because it is your role on this substantial undertaking. Thank you again for arranging for my participation in the PDR. If there are things that I could help you with directly, please feel free to ask and I will be by to talk with you. DDA Distribution: Orig - D/ODP /1~ DDA Subj. Corporate Research Staff THE RAND CORPORATION, 1700 MAIN STREET, SANTA MONICA, CALIEORNIA 90406, PHO~\E: (213) 393-0411 Approved For Release 2008/06/11 :CIA-RDP85B01152R001001310003-1 STAT STAT