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Publication Date: 
September 25, 1967
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' Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85GO0105R000100100001-2 25 September 1967 MEMORANDT I FOR: Director of National Estimates SUBJECT : CIA Memorandum on the Tallinn System REFERENCE : Bross Memorandum of 18 September 1967 1. To recall, the credit line in the Tallinn Memorandum was the usual one: "This memorandum was produced by CIA. It was prepared jointly by the Office of Scientific Intelligence and the Office of Strategic Research and coordinated with the Office of National Estimates." 2. Both Don Chamberlain ahd I were aware at the time of preparing this Memorandum that the reference to coordination with ONE might raise the problem alluded to in paragraph 2 of the.Bross memo. We felt, however, that we had no choice but to go ahead and use the standard credit line. 3. As I see it, the problem here is not that the .Agency should not publish the results of its indepen- dent analysis, but that in'doing so AGM the Agency should not appear to be speaking for the community. This raises the question whether on such matters as this, where CIA production offices believe that now evidence and new analysis warrant the publication of an Agency viewpoint that may be at some variance with the community judgment contained in an NIE, the fact of coordination with the Office of National Estimates should be mentioned in the credit line. 4. I would not propose any change at all in our present practice of routine coordination with ONE on all items planned for publication where CUE has an interest. It may be, however, that it is unnecessary Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85GO0105R000100100001-2 W Approved For Release.1 9/09/25: CIA-RDP85GO0105F 100100001-2 C' 17 to note tho fact of this coordination in the credit line carried in the published document, if doing so gives rise -- as in the Tallinn case -- to possible misunderstanding of the role of G:N'E, with its inter- agency estimative responsibilities, in the production of an Agency memorandum. 5. if the mention of ONE in the credit line is going to cause confusion over what is a CIA Memorandum and what is a Memorandum to Holders of an NIE, we probably should consider some change. One solution would be to make explicit mention of coordination with ONE optional depending on the view of the producing office or of ONE as to the potential for misunderstand- ing given the subject and nature of particular report. A nother solution' uld be routinely. to omit mention o1 1 I ' \ rr 'l BRUCE C. CLARKE, Jr. Director Strategic Research Attachment: D/DCI/NIPS memo dated 18 September 1967 Distribution: Orig. -- D/ONE 1 -- ADDI 1 -- D/OsI 1 -- D/DCI/NIPE 2 -- D/OSR D/05R:BCCLarke:lr/x7111 L_ f Approved_ For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85GO0105R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85GO0105R000100100001-2 PAGE(S) MISSING Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85GO0105R000100100001-2