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Publication Date:
December 14, 1967
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Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85GO0105R000100120001-0
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Strategic Research
SUBJECT Discussions of Space Estimates with
NASA Official.
25X1A9a 1. and I were visited by Bob
Porter of N SA Office of Policy) to discuss a contract
proposal made by McDonald Douglas to study Soviet space
programs and their implications. Mr. Porter works direct-
ly for General Jacob Smart.
2. Actually the discussion included a general run
down of Mr. Webb's and General Smart's concern that NASA
wasn't receiving the kind of support from the intelli-
gence community that it needed for its own planning
activities. This is not a new story and in the past we
have tended to discount this feeling as one flowing from
Mr. Webb's disagreement with Agency estimates. As we
discussed it today, however, there seems to be at least
a kernel of validity to their problem.
3. What Porter was saying today was that NASA
needs the kind of explicit indication of alternative
Soviet space programs and technical cost implications
similar to the format of the NIPP. Mr. Webb is meet-
ing with the planning staff early next week to discuss
intelligence needs and how best to obtain intelligence
support for NASA planning. Sometime subsequent to that
meeting, probably in early January, Mr. Webb plans to
discuss this with Mr. Helms. I expect that the dis-
cussion will include a suggestion that something like
a space NIPP be prepared, although it may be a request
that this be done in house in CIA as first run-through.
4. I believe there is value in this approach. We
are going to have to take a basically similar tack in
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Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85G00105R000100120001-0
our own research program simply to ?'imin +c the range
of program options and their cost implications for the
Soviet space program in the years ahead. It would be
of marked assistance to us for DDS&T to participate in
this exercise)and to do so in response to a request
from the administrator of NASA would help to insure maxi-
mum FMSAC involvement. Moreover, this could assist in
establishing the OSR role in intelligence production on
space matters and in establishing a NASA-DDI channel. Up
to now NASA has felt they are too tied to the DDS&T
channels into CIA. For this reason, I suggest that we
try to see that any tasks set by the Webb-Helms meeting
be directed to the DDI as executive agent.
5. As an aside, I also learned today that NASA
has discussed another contract proposal - relating to
the economic implications of Soviet space programs -
25X1A5a1 with Bill Morell and thatOER will be jointly monitor- 25X1A5a1
case is
this co
think w
Bob Porter
us to think about participating in monitoring
ntract and to think about participation in
ing the proposed McDonald Douglas contract. I
e should probably talk about this at your con-
6. This is for your information at this time.
Mr. Porter will keep us informed and has promised to
let me know something about Mr. Webb's intention prior
to his visit to Mr. Helms. 25X
Strategic Forces Division, OSR
Approved For Release 1999/09/25: CIA-RDP85G00105R000100120001-0