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Document Creation Date: 
December 21, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 6, 2008
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Publication Date: 
February 23, 1983
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PDF icon CIA-RDP85M00364R000701210070-7.pdf170.13 KB
Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701210070-7 DDS&T 15 1 D/OEA,- SUSPENSE Executi ve. Sep etary Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701210070-7 Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701210070-7 JOHN r'. EiiST NORTH CAROLINA 1Cuffea, fofezZenafe February 23, 1983 -The Honorable William J. Casey Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 COMMMTEE9: JUDICIARY Dear Director Casey: A recent article carried by the Washington Times on February 16, 1983, concerned Cuban involvement in illegal narcotics trade. I am enclosing a copy for your information. As a member of the Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, I am pleased that the Subcommittee played a role in developing and bringing to public attention information that led to the indictment of four Cuban government officials in illegal narcotics smuggling into the United States. As you _probably know, the indictment was.handed down by a Federal grand jury in Miami, Florida in November, 1982. More recently, I have seen public reports on Bulgarian drug smuggling, especially in Italy, and other reports of Soviet and Communist Bloc involvement in drug smuggling. Against that backgro.und,.I believe it would be helpful. if the Central Intelligence Agency could prepare a report on, the extent of the role of the Soviet Union and other Communist Bloc states and their intelligence and covert action services in the international illegal traffic in narcotics. Accordingly, I respectfully request a report from your agency on that subject. The information would be useful to mein becoming better informed about Soviet and Soviet-surrogate roles in the drug traffic and also so that I may make this information available to the public insofar as that is.feasible. Consequently, I am not requesting-classified information from the CIA but only that information which bears on this subject that is available in unclassified form.. Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701210070-7 Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701210070-7 ; ' he H'&no able William J. Casey February 23, 1983 Page 2 Any assistance you or your agency are able to provide will be greatly appreciated and, I believe, useful in mutual efforts to better inform the American people concerning the threat posed to our free society by the methods of Soviet and Communist Bloc intelligence services. Sincerely, olin P : East United States Senator JPE:sfv Encls. Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701210070-7