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Document Release Date: 
July 27, 2006
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Publication Date: 
April 24, 1947
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Approved For Release 2006i07Q: ~IUPP85S00362R000700010038-2 24 April 1917 M ORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL I TELLIOOd+1CE Subjecti Comments on Production Plan 1. The following suggestions are submitted on policy stand to be taken by the Director on ICAPS" commments. is Par. 11. Agree that this/policy CIO should take if 3rd Agency rule is brought up by some member at the IAB meeting, We, however, should not bring it up. Par. 5. Suggest not referring to JCS in any gray until after approval of paper by IAB. Par. 6. Agree - this agreement means that we continue present ad hoc committee but CIO does the rest of coordin- ation. Par. 7. Agree -- must be kept flexible. However, if it is explained to IAB that implementations will be sub- ject to their approval, there can be no objection. Par. 8. Inconsequential and as ICAPS recommends not worth making an issue of. Par. 9. While desirable, this point should not be made an issue of in this paper, nor until such time as we are prepared to offer a complete dissemination plan. Par. 10. Inconsequential. Par. 11. Minor point. Agree if IAD.will not object. Par. 12. Recommend Director allow A-2 and ONI to take the lead in this argument at the meeting. Sae will then be in a position to offer a compromise,, if necessary, but should not "take sides" in advance. Par. 13. Agree - Director can handle this by pointing out that the pars,, on National Intelligence is our field of unquestioned dominant interest. I believe it should be simple to sell the rather minor changes suggested by ICAPS. MORI/CDF Approved For Release 2006/07/27: CIA-RDP85S00362R0007000' 0038-2 Approved For Release 2006/07127:~QtA- P S00362R000700010038-2 2. If you concur in the above comments, they will be put into proper form for presentation to the IAB at its next meeting. Acting Secretary,, N.I.A. SH'EFftLD EDWARDS Colonel, F. A. Assi tan.t Executive Director Approved For Release 2006/07/27: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000700010038-2