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Approved For Release 2007/05/02 : CIA-RDP85SO0362R000700170001-5 CONFIDENTIAL 3 April 1946 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. McCormack Gen. Vandenberg Adm. Inglis Gen. McDonald SUBJECT: policy on Liquidation of the Strategic Services 'Unit REFERENCES: a. N.I.A. Directive No. 1 b. N.I.A. 3 a. R.I.A. Directive No. 4 1. At its third meeting, on 2 April 1946, the Na- tional Intelligence Authority amended and approved Enclosure A to N.I.A. 3 as shown in R.I.A. Directive No. 4. 2. Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 4 of N.I.A. Directive No. 1, it is requested that you take any neces- sary action within your respective Departments required for the execution of N.I.A. Directive No. 4. "SIGNED" JAMES S. LAY, JR. Secretary, N.I.A. JSLay:IH v1OR1fCDF ae 1. C ICS w Cow]I CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/05/02 : CIA-RDP85SO0362R000700170001-5 NAVAL MESSA'CEed For Release 2007/05/02: CIA-FWRVIS RD64ENT170001-5 DRAFTER COII 7TH FLT EXTENSION NUMBER ADDRESSEES PRECEDENCE FROM- RELEASED BY_ DATE TOR CODE ROOM DECODED BY_ TYPED BY_ 6 APRIL 46 2045 EXNER EAST ON TORLINSKI UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED THIS DISPATCH WILL BE TRANSMITTED WITH DEFERRED PRECEDENCE AND AS ADMINISTRATIVE. 0601.27 CINCPAC KAIYUAN CHINA NCR 1941 ON OUTGOING DISPATCHES PLEASE LEAVE ABOUT ONE INCH CLEAR SPACE BEFORE BEGINNING TEXT ^ 18 . PIRCAR1P 3 ROUTINE DEFERRED IRRURP ROUTINE DEFERRED 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 REFER CFBX 27412 DTG 030930*. ALL SSU TEAMS IN CHINA PLAN INACTIVATION SITFULTANEOUSLY WITH CHINA THEATER IN. ACCORDANCE WAR DEPT INSTRUCTIONS. IN VIEW UNSETTLED CONDITIONS IN CERTAIN AREAS AND SINCE PROSPECTIVE REDUCTION OF OUR OCCUPATIONAL FORCES RENDERS TIMELY PROCUREMENT OF INFORTTATIOI YORE NECESSARY THAN EVER, CONSIDER WITHDRAWAL OF SSU TEAMS FROM SHANGHAI PEIPING MUKDEN EKALGAN FORMOSA IE AVES AN UNDESIRABLE VOID. RECOT14END THAT STEPS BE TAKEN BY NAVY AND WAR DEPARTMENTS TO REMEDY THIS SITUATION. *TOP SECRET F-3 P-30 F-31 F-32 F-33 OP03(35)...ACT 007....23....SECNAV.... ADM TOEIERS.... !-ARCORPS.... NAVAIDE.... 40. ........ SECRET Make original only. Deliver to Code Room Watch Officer in person. (See Art. 76 ((4) NAVREGS.? T:IAY BE HANDLED AS CORRE"PONDENCE OF THE SAYE CLASSIFICATION OPNAV 19.67 * U. O. GOVERNMENT POINTING OFFICE: 1944 16-41652-1 $j? Approved For Release 2007/05/02 : CIA~kB~S?S00362R000700170001-5 Approved For Release 2007/05/02 : CIA-RDP85S00362R0007 v4we VW COMGENCHINA SHANGHAI CHINA INFORMATION COMSEVENTH FLEET CNO CINCPAC SSU Teams should remain operative after 1 May in those areas of China where collection of intelligence is necessary for accomplishment of missions of COM7thFLEET and COMGEN AF CHINA. Present responsibilities of COMGENCHINA with respect to SSU will be assumed by COMGENUSAF China. 2/ on 1 May 46 in accordance with WARX 82100. This is in accordance with Gen Wedemeyer's desires to which Gen Marshall agrees. In accordance with overall instructions issued SSU here some reduction of the present SSU Personnel in China should nevertheless be effected. Personnel will confine their activities to intelligence collection and will operate only in areas controlled by Chinese or US Forces. No repeat no movements will be made in areas controlled by Soviet Forces, OPD Chief of Staff SSU Gen Wedemeyer G-2 CGS AAF Navy r'(Col Fortier) _4 1.4i SECEET Approved For Release 2007/05/02 : CIA-RDP85S00362R000700170001-5 BEC Approved For Release 2007/05/02AUEL'85500362R000700170001-5 1947 Received from the Scerctery, N.I.A. followin , the Paper (Publication); 1 ? NIA DI.REOTI VE#4 (Name of Paper) 2 ? 2 April 1946 Date 11101:1 this receipt to Secretcrict, NT.I.. 2430 E Stroet N.w. Crashington 25, D. C. Approved For Release 2007/05/02 : CIA-RD Approved F or 1' 007/05/02 ~P85SO0362ROO07001 Roo c 9t-7 Z -4. avid .from the Secretors '--- following Paper y) Py.I.A, (Pub li the 1,uz~ DI CI, CName VE #4 of PaP 2 ? 19.6 3. "Ontidential - ~ ~ Mail t Secrethr. receipt to: 2430 F Str~ I T~ , z.A Washington N. D. c. agn =t` r ~ .ae,nK Approve For Release 2007/05/02 : CIA--R4B S00362R000700170001-5 RTCTIPT J U'N 9 1947 Received from the Central Intcllir;encc Group the following paper (publication): 1. NIA DIRECTIVE #4 Uarm c of Faker, 2. 2 April 1946 36, 37, !.6 Da t c7r-'_,.-.__ Copy No. Confidential Classification l?a_ this receipt to: l cr,t el Intelligence Group D. . C. 25 Z, y . . 3 o F , 4* . M. w %L IO P.ank Approve For Release 2007/05/02 : CIA-R?P85S00362R000700170001-5 Approve For Release 2007/05/02 : CIA-RDP85S00362R000700170001-5 RECEIPT ? MAY 12 194? Rcceivcd from thc. Central Intelligence Group the following paper (publication) : I. N.I -DIRECTIVE NO. amc of Palcr 2. ? Da t e7 ~~? Copy No . ) 3.. Confidential Classification P:ral this receipt to: C. ~~ j Signa ure C:l,tral Intelligence Group R .- 70, New War Dept. Bldg. Lt. & Virginia JJvc. , N.W. tis'as~l.llton 25, D. C. 71"tom, c, (Off icc Approve For Release 2007/05/02 : CIA-RDP85S00362R000700170001-5 Approved For Release 2007/05/02 : CIA-RDP85S00362R000700170001-5 RECEIPT Received from the Central Intelligence Group the follow- ing paper (publication): (Name of Paper) Mail this receipt to: 3L_?-3z Central Intelligence Group Room 5161, New War Dept. Bldg. 21st St. & Virginia. Ave., N.W. Washington 25, D.C. (Copy No.) (Offi(, e) Approved For Release 2007/05/02 : CIA-RDP85S00362R000700170001-5 3, RECEIPT Received from the Central Intelligence Group the follow- ing paper (publication): (Name of Paper) 2. Q . & (Dale) Mail this receipt to: Central Intelligence Group Room 5161, New War Dept. Bldg. 21st St. & Virginia. Ave,, N.W. Washington 25, D.C. at (Copy No.) (Office Approved For Release 2007/05/02 : CIA-R?P85S00362R000700170001-5 Approved For Release 20%105102: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700170001-5 RECEIPT *00 Received from the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GRO ing ;gaper ( bli pu cation): Name: ~ jj . Date: 'a G Copy No.: MAIL RECEIPT `TO: Central Intelligence Group Room 4254, New War? Dept. Bldg. 21st St. & Virginia Ave., N.W. Washington 25, D.C. Approve For Release 2007/05102: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700170001-5