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Approved For Release 20 2S-KIW85SO0362R000700290001-2 LC IA. B. 4A 7,- July 1947 COPY NO. 29 INTFLLIG! ?CE ADVtSORY BOARD ,i rtr .....r r rrt i C . I . G. REPRES#+.i:?TA TI ON ON U.S. GOVERNM T MISSIONS ABROAD Memorandum by the Secretary Pursuant to a request by the Director of Central Intelligence the enclosed paper is circulated herewith for con- s.deration of the Intelligence Advisory Board at,,its next meetings f-x^~ Secretary, N.T.A. IA.B.-4 -1 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/12/28: CIA-RDP85SO0362RO00700290001-2 Approved For Release 200( 8 I(-RE 85SO0362ROOO700290001-2 lose N49f ENCLOSURE s.. DRAFT C .I . G. RT"PRESENTATION ON U. S. GOVERNPJIF.TTT M,2ISSION7S ABROAD The Problem To determine the advisability of providing for CIG repre- sentation on U.S. Government Missions sent abroad with the approval of foreign governments in connection with proposed U.S. aid to those governments. If such CIG representation is con- sidered to be within the interests of the U.S. to provide routine channels by which CIG may be given the opportunity of providing one or more representatives for inclusion in these missions, The Facts Current trends indicate the probability that the U.S. will continue the policy of sending government missions abroad in connection with proposed U.S. aid to specific foreign governments. Missions of this type provide a fruitful source of overt intelligence collection, particularly on the USSR and its satellite states within whose borders the collection of intelli- gence information is most difficult. The assignment of intelligence officers to such missions from other first class powers is common practice. It, therefore, forms no new precedent subject to foreign governments' opposition, CIG representation may be authorized from the standpoint of "performing, for the benefit of the IAB agencies, such services of common concern as the NIA determines can be more efficiently accomplished centrally," as expressed in paragraph 3 of the President's letter of 22 January 1946 and paragraph 1 of NIA Directive No. 5. Discussion Foreign governments to which U.S. missions are sent in con- nection with proposed U.S. aid may be expected to have a strong anti-Communist sentiment and a natural feeling of gratitude to the U.S. for its assistance. These governments in most cases will be in Much closer proximity to the USSR than is the U.S., and therefore may be in possession of intelligence on the USSR and its satellites not otherwise available to us. TOP SECRET IAB 4 _ 2 - ITTCLOSURF Approved For Release 2006/12/28: CIA-RDP85SO0362ROO0700290001-2 Approved For Release 200 IDP8 -S f R 5S00362R000700290001-2 IA B #4 The difficulties now encountered in obtaining reliable in- telligence information on Communist dominated countries is well known, and the importance of exploiting every possible means to increase those sources now avilable can not be overemphasized. Since we may expect that governments to which we extend aid will be willing if not eager to provide us with the intelligence in- formation so urgently needed, it would seem mandatory to take advantage of these potentialities in the interests of the security of the U. S. In the past first-class powers, notably the U.K., have taken advantage of opportunities afforded in this manner. It there- fore is not considered that the assignment of competent intelli- gence officers as members of the missions might be considered as an unfriendly action. Their assignment for intelligence purposes, however, should not be publicized, and therefore they should be attached merely as representatives of the departments from which they were assigned to CIG, if applicable; otherwise they should be given an interim status from vhatever government departments are represented on any specific mission. Further- more they should be limited in number to as few as can effectually hneet the requirements of all government intelligence agencies concerned. The performance of this mission by CIG representatives is logical, because in this manner the special interests-of all U.S. intelligence agencies can be met most economically without individual representation from each. CIG representation on these missions can not be considered a duplication of the collection activities of the intelligence officers stationed in the foreign countries concerned because CIG membership in the missions may be expected to obtain preferential treatment, Conclusions That CIG representation on U.S. missions sent abroad with the approval of foreign governments concerned with proposed U.S. aid is required to obtain overt foreign intelligence information, particularly with respect to the USSR and its satellites. TOP SECRET IAB 4 - 3 - nTCLOSURF Approved For Release 2006/12/28: CIA-R?P85SO0362R000700290001-2 Approved For Release 2006T I-R5500362R000700290001-2 8 S- IAB #4 That routine channels be provided to inform CIG of U.S. missions being established together with a complete statement of objectives. Recommendations That the IAB approve the representation by CIG on missions as described above for further consideration by the NIA, That if the NIA approves this participation it designate the channels through which CIG will be given full information on all foreign missions sufficiently in advance to permit assigned representa- tives to be thoroughly briefed in the requirements of all in- terested government intelligence agencies. IA B #4 - 4 - 1I CL0 SURE TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/12/28: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700290001-2 Approved For Release 2006/12/28: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000700290001-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 2430 E STREET N.W. WASHINGTON 25, D.C. RECEIPT IS ACKNOWLEDGED OF TOP SECRET, SECRET. CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT FROM THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP BEARING THE IDENTIFYING NUMBER PLEASE RETURN THIS hCEIPT IMMEDIATELY TO: CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 2430 E STREET N.W. WASHINGTON 25. D.C. ABBREVIATED SUBJECT WITH ENCLOSURES. SIGNATURE POSITION DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY (1979) FORM NO. 98. 1947 Approved For Release 2006/12/28: CIA-RDP85SO0362R000700290001-2 Approved For Release 2006/12/28: CIA-RDP85S00362R0007002 2 Q A For Release 2006/12/28: CIA-RDP85S00362R000700290001-2