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Publication Date: 
March 26, 1947
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Ace ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/08: CIA-RDP85S01212R000300030012-7 ?I.EC2itOR.NDill' TO: DECLASSIFIED AND APPROVED FOR RELEASE BY THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DATE: 2001 ? Assistant Executive Director _ SUBJECT: Testimony at ergerBillBeariflgs ? REL.LPZIXE: ? Paragraph 3 of Eemorandum, same subject as above from Assistant Executive Director to Assistant Directors - ? ? _ for Operations, Collection and Dissemination, _Reports ? - and Estimates and Chief, ICAPS, dated 2l .Larch l9L7.. missi cm of CIG, as directed ? in ?narag,raph 1 ?of the.1''residerrtt s Letter of January 22, 1946, that all Federal foreign ir...telligence --ties be planned, developed and coordinated so as to assure the most 2.. ??-? ? effective accomplishment of the intelligence mission related to the T ? -national security, precludes a monetary saving insofar as the activities.. related to this office are concerned. Such a saving would be Possible -- ? if the various intelligence agencleS subject to the above Directive had.. independent intelligence facilities adequate for their awn needs... Then. ? a coordinated effort could produce substantial monetary.and perecraiel- ? ? .. savings. ? The existing situation, however; not only. does not provide for- savings but may well result man intreaSed ovdrall cost if .the 'mission of CIG is to be accomplished..., . . ....; --? ? 2.? On the assumption that adequate intelligence -facilities to - - . insiree the national security are to be provided the present- and planned. ... -- . ORE program does include many phases which should result in econozor of. ... -..... . both money and personnel. Specific meamples of the above include: .- .: I '?: ???? .. -- - : ._ . ' a. ? Production of Intelligence Reference Yan.uals.- The .., '. .? -:, ? .-.. -.;- ? ? i ???.????? prep7.rat1on of an outline for, coordination of. the. production-...''.- and maintenance maintenance of, and the editing, publication ?and ; dissee*-- ? ? ?? ina.t.ion of Intelligence Reference Manuals. should result-in,-a ? - .? '? ? ' ? - material saving in both money and personnel as compared to -_-- -- - ? ?? . _ .. .-- ? .. ? separate production by the various .agencies of the Government.: . Under the assumption. that the four Goverment agencies, State, . ? ?... . ? Tier, Navy, and Air Forces, produce manuale independently it -,- ...-.. .,... is estimated that at least a'fiftrper cent net saving could . ....'- --'''-::---- be effected through a?centralized procedure. The end product' - ?-? :---"--- ? .. ? . -. should be better also. ... .: ; . e .? ?? . - .? . . - ??? ? tto, 1 rep ? - ? ? ???? . ' ? ' - . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/08 : 'Declassified b date 2 3 J ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/08: CIA-RDP85S01212R000300030012-7 7Tv-- 4ter 2 b. Present 3:Lachine Record Program. Reference Branch ' is PFesent meintaining receene records regarding all domestic sources of foreign intelligence. These records are available to State, War, Navy, Air Forces and other . eligible Government agencies and preclude the necessity of each such agency duplicating or maintaining like records. Although no accurate estimate can be made of the economy effected by this Central Registers, the savings achieved by eliminatiaa of duplicate records in each intelligence agency, or various offices in any one agency, are readily' ? apparent. .- c. Planned Uachine Rec_o_2112.EasEnI In addition to - mainEainfig-FgrTaTagigEgi-aing domestic sources of foreign intelligence, the Reference Branch will establieh similar machine records regarding important foreignpersonalities, foreign industries, and all recorded foreign intelligence in the form of reports, documents, research studies, or ' graphic naterial. These records will also be available to all eligible Government agencies. The advaatage of having all this information accessible at one source will obviate many current duplications in the fields of collection and - research and will also rake available to each agenoy ramy times the information which4, acting iiadependently, could hope to obtain. 3. Potential savings in both manpoerer aad money could be derived from the coordinated conduct of intelligence activities and services of common concern which can be accomplished more efficiently ley ' centralized operation, such as, photographic interpretation, biegraphic intelligence, scientificiatellience, intelligence reports, reproductioe and publication, and all intelligenze services which can be performed by machine records. e J.."ra,mra Rum-Li Assi6tant Director Reports and Estimates Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/08: CIA-RDP85S01212R000300030012-7 ?