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June 10, 2008
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Publication Date:
October 20, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP85T00153R000300070015-6
20 October 1933
NOTE FOR: Mr. Constantine Menges, NSC Staff
FROM F(erbert E. Meyer, Vice Chairman/NIC
Qest we could do on short notice.
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP85T00153R000300070015-6
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP85T00153R000300070015-6
20 October 1983
Since the overthrow of Sir Eric Gairy's government, some 20,000 to 25,000
Grenadians have gone into exile (legally and illegally). Most are located in
Trinidad, but there are also large concentrations in London, New York and
Washington, D. C. The most prominent exile opposition movement is the Grenada
Democratic Movement (GDM).
Grenada Democratic Movement -- basically center-left in political
orientation, wants new democratic government installed, not
supporters of Sir Eric Gairy.
Acting Chairman -- Reynault Benjamin (lawyer in Trinidad and legal
assistant to the Trinidad Land Tenants Association. This serves the
needs of many Grenadian exiles living in Trinidad.)
Other Leading Members:
Francis Alexis, Professor at the University of West Indies (Cave Hill
Campus, Barbados)
FNU Scoon, doctor and son of Paul Scoon, the current Governor General
of Grenada
Herbert Blaize, also a member of the Grenadian Nationalist Part --
another opposition group headquartere in Trinida .
leader of the Popular Alliance
but is associate wit e
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP85T00153R000300070015-6
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP85T00153R000300070015-6
There is no known organized on-island opposition to the current
government. Many private businessmen (including the Chamber of Commerce which
is the spokesman for some 200 businesses), trade union leaders, and some
elements of the Catholic Church have expressed discontent with the New Jewel
Movement regime, but they have been powerless to move against Bishop. Most
notable in their opposition to Bishop have been:
Lloyd Noel -- former Attorney General and editor of the quickly-
banned "Grenada Voice." He now is incarcerated. Noel's mistress,
Ms. Denise Campbell is also active in exile circles, but not an
official member of the GDM. She is an attorney, resident in
Winston White -- a charismatic figure now in jail who has served as a
focal point for the GDM.
Eric Pierre -- Secretary General of the Independent Seaman's and
Waterfront Workers Union (SWWU) which may number as many as 3,000
members. The SWUU has consistently been in the forefront of labor
opposition to the regime.
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP85T00153R000300070015-6