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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/28: CIA-RDP85T00287RO01300530001-1 Iq Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/28: CIA-RDP85T00287RO01300530001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/28: CIA-RDP85T00287R001300530001-1 Middle East Situation Report #31 (as of 1100 EST, 7 February 1984) LEBANON/SYRIA Army forces in East Beirut have held together, but are Amal leader Nabih Barri told Ambassador Bartholomew today that he wants no more fighting, and that the situation is getting out of hand. prospects for formal partition are growing. Gemayel must make major concessions to his opponents if his government is to survive. He doubts, however, that Christian hardliners will permit Gemayel to do so. various press reports indicate that the Army has lost control of West Beirut and the southern suburbs. LAF units there have returned to their barracks, deserted, or have been captured by Druze and Shia Amal militiamen. morning that LAF units have evacuated Beirut International Airport, anti-Gemayel forces succeeded in capturing the Ministry of Information Building that houses the state-run news media, including official Beirut radio and television. Fadi Fram, leader of the Christian Lebanese Forces militia, has called publicly on all Christian militiamen to join their units. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 -- Fram said that despite confidence in the government, 25X1 Christians had to be prepared to defend themselves and their areas. According to press reports, one French soldier was killed and two French and eight Italian MNF soldiers were wounded in the fighting yesterday. Italian Foreign Minister Guilio Andreotti has called for a meeting tomorrow of foreign ministers of countries participating in the MNF in Lebanon. According to press reports, Mr. Andreotti felt "the situation needed to be re- examined in light of the recent dramatic turn of events in Lebanon." NESA M#84-10062CX Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/28: CIA-RDP85T00287R001300530001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/28: CIA-RDP85T00287R001300530001-1 -- The deteriorating situation in Beirut almost certainly will increase domestic pressure on the Italian Government to withdraw its soldiers from the MNF. According to US Envoy Donald Rumsfeld, President Gemayel's representatives have approached several former Sunni prime ministers to fill the post vacated by Prime Minister Wazzan last weekend. -- All the prospective candidates--Taqih al-Din al-Sulh, Rashid al-Sulh, Salim al-Huss, and Rashid Karami-- apparently view abrogation of the 17 May Lebanon-Israel 25X1 Withdrawal Accord as essential for survival of a future Lebanese Government. PERSIAN GULF Our Interests Section in Baghdad reports that last week's visit by Assistant Secretary Murphy has left the impression of "rapidly improving" bilateral relations. There is local speculation that full diplomatic ties may soon be restored. The Interests Section cautions that Iraqi expectations of US support for the pipeline to Aaaba are "perhaps too high." Most of the six Gulf Cooperation Council states are to meet this Saturday for Saudi-initiated talks on a joint response to the Iranian threat to attack oil facilities and Persian Gulf 25X1 shipping. It will be the fourth such session; so far, the UAE and Qatar have not participated. 25X1 Iran's Ambassador to the Holy See, Khosrowshanian, was named 25X1 in a recent Sunday Times article as the mastermind of a Tehran- 25X1 received an of ficial Iranian denial of the charge. 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/28: CIA-RDP85T00287R001300530001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/28: CIA-RDP85T00287R001300530001-1 Iranian exile General Oveisi, a chief of staff under the Shah, and his brother were murdered by three gunmen in Paris today. IRAN-IRAQ WAR Saddam Husayn yesterday declared that Iraq will strike the 11 Iranian cities announced as targets in recent days. He asserted that the advance warnings absolved Baghdad of any "moral obligation" toward Iranians remaining in those urban areas. Assembly Speaker Rafsanjani said today that four Shia holy 25X1 cities inside Iraq would be exempt from Iranian retaliation. Tehran radio has specified Basrah, Khanaqin, and Mandali as potential Iranian targets. Iran had not previously targeted Iraqi civilian'areas. 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/28: CIA-RDP85T00287R001300530001-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/28: CIA-RDP85T00287R001300530001-1 SUBJECT: Middle East Situation Report #31 (As of 1100 EST, 07 Feb 84) NESA M#84-10062CX DISTRIBUTION: Cy 1 - DCI Cy 2 - DDCI Cy 3 - DCI/SA/IA Cy 4 - DDI Cy 5 - DDO/NE Cy 6 - DDO/NE Cy 7 - DDO/NE Cy 8 - C/PES Cy 9 - NIO/NESA Cy 10,11,12,13 - CPAS/IMD/CB Cy 14 Cy 15 Cy 16 Cy 17 Cy 18,19 Cy 20 Cy 21,22 Cy 23 Cy 24,25 DDI/NESA/AI&PGf - CPAS/PDB (NID) - CPAS/PDB-WATCH OFFICE - OGI/IIC/TAB - D/NESA - NESA/PPS - NESA/AI - NESA/AI/L - NESA/PG - NESA/PG/I (7Feb84) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/28: CIA-RDP85T00287R001300530001-1