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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/21 :CIA-RDP85T00287R001400750001-6 , Central Intelligence Agency DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE 17 July 1984 Alleged KKK Death Threats to Third World Olympic Athletes: A Soviet Active Measure Summary We believe the Soviets are involved in producing and disseminating forgeries of Ku Klux Klan letters threatening the lives of, Olvmoic athletes from numerous Third World countries. The National Olympic Committees of eleven Asian and African countries have recently received letters threatening the lives of their Olympic athletes. The letters, allegedly sent from the United States by the Ku Klux Klan, are extremely racist and violent in tone. They describe lynchings and shootings which would take place if Asian athletes or black athletes from Africa attend the games in Los Angeles. The countries which have received the letters are was prepared by the Office of Soviet Analysis. It was written by 25X1 the Policy Analysis Division. Comments and queries may be addressed to Chief, Policy Analysis Division, 25X1 SOVA M 84-10116 Copy No. ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/21 :CIA-RDP85T00287R001400750001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/21 :CIA-RDP85T00287R001400750001-6 Malaysia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Cameroon, Zambia, China, Singapore, Japan, and Hong Kong. We believe the letters are forgeries produced and disseminated by the Soviet Union or Soviet agents in order to bolster Moscow's claim that athletes' security .cannot be guaranteed at the Olympics, to reduce Third World participation at the L.A. Games, and to discredit the United States. This conclusion is supported by the following facts: ? The letters do not appear to have been written by a native English speaker. They contain errors in grammar and syntax that a native speaker would not commit. ? The letters spell "Ku Klux Klan" with a. hyphen between the first two words, a construction not used in English. Moreover, according to the State Department, material published by Klan groups usually contains the full name of the organization and not simply "Ku Klux Klan" alone. ? The multiple surfacing of the letters is typical of a large Soviet active measures effort. In a similar mailing operation of late June, the Soviets are believed to be involved in circulating a 1976 CIA document to newspapers in Austria, Denmark, Sweden, and Great Britain. ? The mailing of the letters appears to have been timed to coincide with Secretary of State George Shultz's appearance in Malaysia this week. The sender could count on extensive coverage by the international press corps accompanying the Secretary--coverage which the Soviet Union would certainly desire. ? The story of the letters was very quickly picked up by Soviet media. The typical Soviet active measures modus operandi is to disseminate disinformation abroad and subsequently replay it in the Soviet press. According to Soviet calculations, this replaying enhances the credibility of both the original disinformation and any later versions. ? The letters were mailed to the correct addresses of National Olympic Committees, which included post office box numbers in some cases. The Klan would probably experience some difficulty in obtaining such information. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/21 :CIA-RDP85T00287R001400750001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/21 :CIA-RDP85T00287R001400750001-6 25X1 ? The FBI has no information that the Klan is involved in the mailings. ? According to the FBI, the Klan has never targeted Asians and has never addressed the issue of Third World participation in the Los Angeles Olympics. ? None of the pro-Soviet African or Asian nations boycotting the Olympics--North Korea, Ethiopia, Angola, Vietnam, Laos--has received a threatening letter. The Soviets probably excluded these states as a result of removing their firm commitment to boycott the Games. ~ 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/21 :CIA-RDP85T00287R001400750001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/21 :CIA-RDP85T00287R001400750001-6 Distribution: Alleged KKK Death Threats to Third World Olympic Athletes: A Soviet Active Measure Copy #: - DCI - DDCI - ED/DCI - Exec Registry - DDI 6 - DDI Regi stry 7-11 - OCPAS/IDCD/C8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Vice Chairman/NIC NIO/USSR NIO/Deception D/ALA D/OEA Chief DDO/SEA D/SOYA DD/BONA Chief, SOVA/TWA Chief, SOYA/DI Chief, SOVA/EA Chief, SOVA/SE Chief, SOVA/SF Chief, SOVA/TF Chief, SOVA/PA Chief, PA/D Chief, PA/F Chief, PA/S SOVA/PA/S 60 HO 60 HQ 6015 HO 12 HQ 44 HQ 47 HQ 07 HO 62 HQ 62 HQ 41 HO 45 HQ 18 HO 0119 HO 17JUL84 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/21 :CIA-RDP85T00287R001400750001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/21 :CIA-RDP85T00287R001400750001-6 Distribution: Alleged KKK Death Threats to third World Olympic Athletes: A Soviet Active Measure 1 - Mr. Jeremy Azrael Policy Planning Member, S/P Office of Director of Political-and Military Affairs Department of State Room 7311 NS 1 - Mr. Robert Baraz Director, Office of Analysis for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, INR/SEE Department of State Room 4758 1 - Mr. Richard Combs Director, Office of East European Affairs Bureau of European Affairs Department of State Room 4217 MS 1 - Mr. John Danylyk Chief, INR/EC/USSR Department of State Room 8662 NS 1 - Mr. Robert Dean ' Deputy Director, Bureau of Political and Mi 1 itary Affairs Department of State Room 7428 1 - Mr. Darryl N. Johnson Special Assistant, Office of Under Secretary for Political Affairs Department of State Room 7240 1 - Mr. Philip Kaplan Chief of Staff of Policy Planning Department of State Room 7316 1 - Mr. Hugh Montgomery Director/INR Department of State Room 6531 NS 1 - Mr. Mark Palmer Deputy Assistant Secretary for European Affairs Department of State Room 6219 NS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/21 :CIA-RDP85T00287R001400750001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/21 :CIA-RDP85T00287R001400750001-6 I I 1 - Mr. Thomas W. Simons, Jr. Director, Office of Soviet Union Affairs Bureau of European Affairs Department of State Room 4217 NS 1 Mr. Raymond Firehock Chief, Intelligence Division Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Room 6510A, NS Annex 1 - General Richard G. Stilwell, USA (Ret.) Deputy Under Secretary for Policy Department of Defense Room 2-E-812, The Pentagon 1 - Dr. Wynfred Joshua . DIO European and Soviet Political Affairs Defense Intelligence Agency Room X238, Pentagon 1 - Major General William Odom HQDA (DAMI-ZA) Department of the Army Room 2E464, Pentagon 1 - Mr. Byron Jackson Director, Office of Intelligence Liaison Department of Commerce Room 6854, Main Commerce 1 - Ms. Paula J. Dobriansky Staff Member NSC Room 368 E06 1 - Mr. John Lenczowski Staff Member, NSC Room 368, E06 - Mr. William Knepper Deputy Assistant Secretary INR/INC Department of State 1 - John Ordway EUR/SOV/BI 4219 Department of State 1 - Sheldon Rapaport INR/IC/CD Department of State for Intelligence Coordination 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/21 :CIA-RDP85T00287R001400750001-6