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December 14, 1971
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Approved For Release 2007/08/26: CIA-RDP85T00875R001100100151-8 j i OCI No. 2173/71 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence 14 December 1971 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM 'I'nd'ia-P'ak'is'iv:an 'S'ituat'ion' 'Re'pOrt As of 1130 EST A New Ce'as'e'-Fire' 'Pro o's'al 1. Lt. General Niazi, who had been vehemently opposed to any surrender in East Pakistan, today approached the US consul in Dacca with a, proposal that he wanted transmitted to New Delhi. He said that the bombing of Dacca that afternoon had convinced him that the fighting must be stopped immediately. The proposal, which avoids the word "surrender," calls for an immediate. cease-fire, .the regrouping of Pakistani armed forces in areas to be mutually agreed upon, and guarantees for their safety and the safety of all those who have settled in East Pakistan since 1947.' The proposal also asks that no reprisals be carried out against-those who have helped the East Pakistan government since last March. Niazi. said he had full authority to make such a proposal and that he did not need the concurrence of President Yahya Khan or anyone in Islamabad. An apparent step forward in the Pakis- tani position is Niazi's promise to abide by an UN Security Council decision providing for a permanent settlement of the conflict. 2. Ambassador Fa--land has been instructed to see Yahya as soon as possible ;.:;nd find out what Yahya wished the US to do with'the proposal. 3.' Meanwhile. ih.Dacca, East Pakistani Governor Malik has resigned and placed himself under Red SECRET State Dept. review completed SECRET Approved For Release 2007/08/26: CIA-RDP85T00875R001100100151-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/08/26: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01100100151-8 SFCR ET Cross protection in the Intercontinental Hotel, which is a neutral ground under Red Cross jurisdic- tion. The'Dacca government continues to crumble as officials desert, some of them jumping over the fence irto th.3 Intercontinental Hotel grounds. Dacca reports that Government House is burning and that the river port in the old city may have been aknother target of Indian bombs. Fighting in 'the East '4. Defense Minister Ram told Parliament today that Indian forces were closing around Dacca from all directions and he hoped the process of liberat- ing Bangle Desh would be "completed soon." An artillery attack on military targets in Dacca reportedly has begun. An Indian spokesman said that the heaviest artillery being used were 130 mm guns with a range of little more than 15 miles. 5. The Indians report ' it all escape routes from Dacca are sealed off, and that their air force continues to strike pockets of Pakistani troops isolated by the Indian advance. Some Pakistani troops, however,, continue to withdraw towards Dacca. Mili't'ary S'ituat'ion in the West 6. The military situation in the west remains static except for patrolling and small unit actions. The Indians claim that, although they remain on the defensive,. they have foiled almost all at- tempted Pakistani incursions. ' The 'Cost of the War So Far 7. Defense Minister Ram told Parliament that 1,9,78 Indians were killed in the first 10 days of the war,.5,025 wounded,and 1,6,22.missing in action. He said he had no reliable figures on Pakistani SECRET Approved For Release 2007/08/26: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01100100151-8 Approved For Release 2007/08/26: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01100100151-8 SECRET casualties but they were "much higher." Ram said 4,1,02 Pakistani officers and enlisted men and 4,0,66 paramilitary forces under Pakistani command have surrendered since the start of fighting. Return 'of East Pa'kistan'i Refu'ge'es 8. According to a representative of the UN High Commission for Refugees, 30,000 refugees have returned to East Pakistan, the majority of them heads of families who are exploring conditions in their homeland. The UN representative said that the Indian Government is discussing plans for large scale repatriation and he opined that progress could be rapid. Evacuati'on 9. According to the Indian press, Bangla Desh 'officials have offered "all possible facilities" for the safe evacuation of UN and diplomatic person- nel, and other foreign nationals who wish to leave Bangla Desh. They reportedly added that although Bangla Desh has not yet become a UN member, it res- pects the principles of the charter as well as the provisions of the Geneva Convention on Human Rights. Aft-ti- 'an'd' Pro'Americana:sm 10. In India, the US consul in Calcutta reports that anti-American demonstrations--mostly peaceful-- are occurring with increasing frequency and unques- tionably reflect a generalized popular rather than partisan political mood. He said that bank employees demonstrated at three US banks today,, threatening to destroy the premises if they did not receive a signed statement condemning US policy. Demonstra- tions continue every few days at the consulate and USIS. In Bombay, the Indian-American association passed a resolution condemning US policy. li. In Pakistan, a pro-American demonstration took place today before the US consulate in Karachi. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/08/26: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01100100151-8 Approved For Release 2007/08/26: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01100100151-8 SECRET At the 'UN 12. The Pakistani UN delegation is demon- strating increased desire for a Security Council resolution that will not be blocked by a fourth Soviet veto. Yesterday the Pakistanis drafted a proposal that goes further in the direction of a political solution in East Pakistan than the US cease-fire/withdrawal proposal that was vetoed last night. The Pakistanis apparently believe the Soviets may accept a resolution calling for a cease-fire with the provision that the SC would take up other aspects later. 13.' Today the SC will probably consider a new resolution, proposed by Italy and Japan, that calls for a cease-fire and disengagement, as well as immediate negotiations for a'comprehensive political'settlement and a three-man committee of Council members to assist India and Pakistan in resolving their differences. Pakistan's initial reaction to the proposal was negative. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/08/26: CIA-RDP85T00875RO01100100151-8