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September 9, 2010
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Publication Date:
December 4, 1985
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-000408000300600002-5
4 December 1985
THR?UGM : Chief, gperations Group
SUBJECT Monthly Report---Paraguay Bureau--November 1985
1. Clyde D. "faylvr, newly appointed U. S. Ambassador to Paraguay,
arrived in Asuncion vn the 5th. A career member of the Seninr
Foreign Service, he had been a deputy assistant secretary of state
in the Bureau of International Narcotic Matters since November 198c_~.
The ne>;t several days after his arrival were dominated by
pratacolary functions such as meetings and receptions for both the
official Paraguayan community ar?~d the American and 1oca1 members of
the mission. Cln the 8th, the bureau chief briefed the Ambassador on
the bureau's operations, concerns, and plans. Ambassador Taylor
presented his credentials vn the 12th.
~'. Ambassador Taylor decided ar7 the 26tt?i that the 1 acat i an far
the bureau's Associate R(7SET antenna will be near the anne>:/bureau
building ---- a long-sought-?after bureau goal. This is the optimum
location far the antenna, instead of the alternate site some 4c7ca
meters away from the bureau at the rear of the Embassy compound near
the Marine House. Remodeling to accommodate ROSET has begun. The
construction/installation war k: is tentatively set to begin near the
end of January for completion possibly in February. Nat wasting a
moment, the Embassy already has planted a winding raw of baby
bushes, which wi 11--i f nature cooperates----after a few months hel p to
masF; the naF;edness of the antenna and its pedestal from the driveway
that winds through the compound.
A. Monitorial/Editorial
1. Argentine coverage was highlighted by the ?Tti November
congressional elections in Argentina, which took: place as scheduled
despite scattered clashes between supporters of various political
parties and factions of parties. The elections resulted in a
significant victory for the ruling Radical Civic Union Party of
President Raul Alfonsin, which increased its legislative majority
over the Justir.ialist (Peronist) Party. Several prominent,
long?time Justicialist deputies lost their seats. Argentines
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP86-000408000300600002-5
were ,jubilant over passage an the 27th of a UN resolution introduced
by E~ra~il, which urged Argentina and the Uk:: to begin negatiatians to
salve the Falklands (Malvinas) issue. Hefare the vote, Foreign
Minister Caputo Mad stressed that ante negatiatians began,
everything would be discussed and nothing would be excluded. To
Argentines, this means that the issue of sovereignty over the
islands must be included in any negatiatians. C)n the 2C,'th, Alfonsin
and DraMilian President Jase 5arney dedicated a new bridge over the
Yguaau Fti ver an the Argentine--E~raz i 1 i an border . E~oth 1 eaders spoke
and the bureau filed a 4-tak:e editorial report vn the event.
2. Terrorist attacks in Chile intensified to coincide with a
2--day protest an the nth and fath against the imprisonment of union
leader F;adolfa Sequel and five colleagues (Sequel and two other
leaders were released an the :.'7th an a court order.) bombings
occurred in Santiago and Valparaiso, five people were killed, and
the Manuel Fradriguet F'atriatic Front claimed responsibility far
blacking out Santiago and a large section of central Chile on the
nth. C7n the 7th, General Cesar F;aul E~enavides, Army representative
on the Government Junta, was replaced by General Julia Canessa
F;abert. A military court acquitted farmer General Manuel L"ontreras
an the 14th an charges of participating in the 197b murder in
Washington of farmer Chilean Foreign Minister Urlanda Letelier. C)n
the 21st, the Democratic Alliance (AD), after wrangling with the
government to obtain a permit, held a "Chile Demands Democracy"
rally, attended by almost 1 million people according to the AD and
by only ie:~i.>,~7~:~~:> accar?ding to government security farces. It was
addressed by AD leader Gabriel Valdes. It is significant that the
F'inachet government allowed a live broadcast of Valdes' speech,
which the bureau to>:ted.
_. pn the 15th, municipal elections were held in 5razil without
serious incident. The F~razilian Democratic Habilitation F'arty,
which is the ma.jar element in the coalition that supports President
Jase 5arney, won in 127 municipal districts, including 1"~ state
capitals, confirming itself as the country's major political farce.
Ire a victory far rightists, however, farmer F='resident Jania G?uadrns
was elected mayor of Saa F"'aul a and 1 of ti st candidates of the
Democrat i c Wark:ers F'arty won i n Fti o de Janei ra and F='arto Alegre.
E~. Crui sing.
The cruiser surveyed the Moscow fall-winter secondary frequency
adjustments ~-15 November.
A complete preventive maintenance was performed at the bureau's
remote site. A new rack:--mounted blower was installed at the remote
site an the microwave rack:.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09 :CIA-RDP86-000408000300600002-5
1. llIA inspection
team cones i n~ i~ ne a. ns~i on o o ice, received a tour of
the bureau an the 8th.
~. Editar
departed an the 12th far Fi$:f; to
?~~. The bureau chief briefed Bill Lamb, new Department ~iSq
afficer resident in Santiago, on the 21st.
4. Tr,e bureau chief attended on the 22d a meeting held by Mr?
Thomas Timberman, deputy chief of the State Department's Language
Training Staff, to review Asuncion's language-training program
vi s--a-vi s the hlvdel Language F'srvgram e,:peri ment i n Mvntevi deo.
5. Deputy E~ureau Chief
2?w?d far F:?aR.
departed an the
Chief , FED I S Paraguay E~ureau
cc: Chief, F"-'anama E~ureau
Chief, k::ey West Bureau
Attachment: F'roductian depart
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09 :CIA-RDP86-000408000300600002-5
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