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February 14, 1977
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Approved For Rase 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP86-00114R 100090010-0 14 FEB 1977 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration ie , management $ Assessment Staff, DDA SUBJECT DDA Exchange Reader Survey 1. Attached for your review and approval is the DDA Exchange Reader Survey questionnaire that we plan to incor- porate in the April issue. This has been coordinated with each of the Senior Editors from the Offices, with our own Associate Editors here in O/DDA, and initially and finally with As you will note, this will be an insert in the issue. We plan to position this at the end of the maga- zine immediately preceded by a short article on "Reader Survey." 2. The survey is multi-purpose. It seeks first to elicit reader opinion on the effectiveness of Exchange. Questions 2, 3 and 4 are designed for that purpose. The sur- vey seeks the readers' opinion on some aspects of Exchange _ characteristics. Questions 5, 6 and 7 are designe wd it-h that end in mind. The survey asks the reader for information that will help us to plan for future editions and maybe tell us where we are missing the mark. Question 8 and question 9 are directed toward that end. Questions 1 and 10 are designed for the purpose of survey analysis. 3. We plan to have five questionnaire forms in the maga- zine. Additionally, we will provide each Senior Editor with a supply of blank forms to which the reader will be directed by the article itself if those in the magazine have been used up. This is in recognition that circulation of a single copy of Exchange can be among as many as 20 people. Please note that we have a cut-off date-of 30 April for responses. Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP86-00114R000100090010-0 " ti Approved For R se 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP86-00114R,100090010-0 SUBJECT: DDA Exchange Reader Survey This should give us enough time to analyze the results and to determine what action is indicated for the July issue, which goes to press the first week of June. 4. We have discussed with the relative merits STATINTL between a random sampling technique where the survey is mailed to an individual and this insert method. Both produce valid data; however, the former would give us a number on the maga- zine's readership, would tend to produce a greater percentage of responses (mail addressed to an individual is more likely to result in an answer than the anonymous form included in a magazine), and would also give us a more representative reading on the opinion of the "population" than will this (on assumption that circulation of each copy is based on descending order of grade and position heirarchy). Administration of the insert method is less time consuming--the sampling method is based on development of base information (which would have to come from OP) on the total "population," against which survey results are compared; this insert method measures only the absolute of replies. The insert method offers the option to all readers to contribute to survey. 5. We have asked respondents to identify themselves by grade range and by Office of assignment. Our basic rack-up will be by Office of assignment and grade,-from which we will summarize for Directorate opinion. Although we will publish Directorate results, information on the results of the survey STATINTL at the Office level will be given only to the appropriate Office for their use and action. 7. In planning a survey, it is SOP to hypothesize survey question "norms" and tentatively to identify action options in the event the actual results differ. In discussions with each of the Senior Editors, we got mixed opinions; and so it is somewhat difficult, at least for us, to hypothesize with any confidence what the norm should be. Some of the Senior Editors indicate the probability of rather pessimistic responses; others postulate very optimistic responses. As a result, I suggest that we just wait until we get the results and then attempt to interpret them with the assistance, of course, of Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP86-00114R000100090010-0 Approved For Rse 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP86-00114Rf100090010-0 SUBJECT: DDA Exchange Reader Survey and company. Armed with that, we can then define uired, if any. In my judgment, question 2 is crucial. It is for this that we are publishing Exchange. If the preponderance of opinions are "very high" or "high," I will feel that we have achieved our purpose. If not . . . Attachment: Reader Survey Questionnaire Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP86-00114R000100090010-0 Approved FWelease 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP86-0011000100090010-0 DDA EXCHANGE READER SURVEY Each reader of this issue is requested to take a few minutes to answer the following questions Your responses will help the Editors evaluate the acceptance and usefulness of Exchange. Please fold the completed survey form and staple it so the address on the reverse side shows, then forward it through internal mail. Survey responses should be mailed by 30 April 1977. Results of the sur- vey will be included in a future issue of Exchange. -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please circle the letter corresponding to the most appropriate answer. 1. How much of Exchange do you normally read? a) All articles b) Most articles c) An article or two d) Usually don't read it 2. To what degree has Exchange increased your understanding of the Directorate? a) Very high b) High c) Moderate d) Low 3. How do you rate Exchange as a source of information? a) Excellent b) Good c) Poor d) Very poor 4. In what ways is this information useful to you? (Circle all which apply.) a) As applies to b) As applies to c) As background d) Other: your job or Office your career information activities development 5. Do you feel the average length of the publication is: a) too short b) about right c) too long 6. Would you prefer that Exchange be published: a) more frequently b) as is [quarterly] c) less frequently d) not at all 7. What is your opinion of the general quality of Exchange? (writing style, readability, conveyance of message) a) Very high b) High c) Low d) Very low 8. What topics or subject areas do you suggest for future publication? 9. Please add any comment or suggestion pertaining to the publication of Exchange. 10. Please check one item in each of the following categories: Your grade: GS-14 or above GS-10 thru 13 GS-9 or below Office of Assignment: OC ODP OF _OL OMS OP___OS OTR O/DDA Other (PLEASE FORWARD COMPLETED RESPONSES BEFORE 30 APRIL 1977) Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP86-00114R000100090010-0 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP86-00114R000100090010-0 Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP86-00114R000100090010-0