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. rl i,',3 Approved For Rise 200)109/03 : CIA-RDP86-00244RQ 100020Q Z Jrl~) 6 C 'T *OGC Has Reviewed* 1,MmMOb UMW 1QR UJ I ECO D: A ? SUB C r C I t t k 11 J., t s v[? to t'" on in the &%,t 2 Con-- r e Ss, 2 d f es s. on, 10 to ez euro the 1:tri,nr i'?nci , for the con.~truction of the new C1: i 1}ca dctt ~tero in t;al l.att on. I . 11 S~ :k'c7 a.. 1 eference i , t d y to the i i ii; or;.mco for the P'' eori.? f rcn the Inspector Gcnzz%ra:L, CZ .., t ed ~S August 1955 the ;3tep s to be teen with Coll, 1 `~... F: WX'r~1;?,50 ,000 for the zuxpose of constructing its l e~,t?gv : e s insst,"Ulxation. I rc?iv.;.dnary fumds for IJ zz}? .s>,y ., end o' t.?_. 'her purposes In the ar; ount of 0,500,000 were Provided i 'i ti*e Apprepriat;i.orw Act, iy56. his F; n t bat it vi ll be rnecc as; ~ 'y to secure en additional %6)1,9,000, 000 in appropr3._:t ions from t ho Congress in order to corplete the construction, provided the inst .? atia is 3ocat at x. -n4;1ey, Virginia. If CIA does 22 . of loco#;;: zdrt t , Its new J.?.,na.t, ?.~.~.ui,,t,CeT2 at J.r:.o tc'y., ~, V1r Mini .+ the over-,Z..7. atlt; th,~ rl?:i'iCti`z 2J:_1 be ti~ ,~ " t:~i,.~, ~.iu d by `i:,1)e 0,500,000 211:1.'S ?4'i2 Was authorized fox the construction of ' f of the Gcorge~Pashil ;to a i v :or 1 w 1 'ar1aiay to the L? lcy site, but an uddittonual sum, of not to e seed 35Q,000 ray h utilized for the chase of land for a sit-4. As a t 'chnicel natter, if CIA stows not locate at Ta.n ley, the appropriation to be rocne stud would be in t:,- a, :aunt of 43, 000, 000 wit-L, the "350,00,0 coy' ing ou,4 of the "2)500,000 already author- ized, for ecperditure "for other zt~ ;c eoc" authorized by T!tl.e IV of P.S,. 1..61. 3 ? A d- cisIon Ltuct 1>0 reached VS to whether CIA w i.ll in the fOr t11C0! 1r1-/ sessier,, Of the CO?1 2 ess, all of th nain ti r ou :fit 17imich it' requires to cc-'r plete construction, or will only recuostt s?5cs'1 `?t7:.'e ion of th required fesde as can fo ' I t be 7 r ~y x':..>c>~~r s)__y cont ..x ~.c.t ,.d for or c: is +~. it2IIihu'L~ Approved For Release 2001 /09/ ~ T CJA-RQ,P$,6-902448000100020024-8 Approved For Re se 2001/09/03: CIA-RDP86-00244RQ 100020024-8 2~X1A In poverrirent construction, as the money reins available until expended. Because of the probability that the entire ca.rount will not be utilized in Fly 57, ho,,-ever) tlx-- Bureau of the' B`ud et and the Administration ray desiro that CIA request only a. portion of the r er; :ai.ri +`11 funds, dur inc the Second Session. If this is sa, we will he o. to deter iiine hoer nuch. we fe::e:l. can actually be expended or contracted for during fiscal year 1957, and re- quest appropriations in that, amount. tc'. It may also be necessary to obtain specific appropriation language to permit expenditures for the construction of bank, barber, drip,; store, or similar fac:i li.ties. Trio Goneriti Counsel is studyin this point, but there has, as yet, been no as to whether these facilities will b included. rT T 1rr`CAr'V'SJ for the add aiona1. CIA, construction fund 3 in the appropria~; ono fox, General Covernmen.t tatters. It has been pointed out to the Bureau of 5. The next pr. oblera is whore CIA conUtrrction funds should be placed in the Budg t. 7 caus~i of the r" nner in which the CIA funds were set up for the buildir ; project in the Treasury, and because fo purposes of this account CIA is carried 'in the Executive Office of the President, the Bureau of the Pudget had cr igt eont r,"rp sled 1r1,-Lcj.n ; the r. ecjuos-t As a , gene a . rta._c, the regular CIA budget hearings in the Flouso th kc place in t ^rcl . his 3.E: fairly early in the military hoar- incys, as the final bill is usually not repor i;ed' out until 1':ay. If our construction funds are also to be in the I.efen e Appropriations J A'11, we vii 1 have to request the Co mlittee Chairman to hold sep~ar~ to construction fund henwings sometime in Ap r. il, as BD/S fees that we will not be ready to make a presentation until 1. April 1956. 7. If CIA continues to carry its construction funds as 'apart of the military construction program (by which legislation the funds were originally aunt aorized ), one must bear in mind that the. military construc- tion bill is one of the 1~ st bills to be processed through the 1 ,7'i `, ^n Approved For Release 2001/O A( ;:00244R0001Q0020024-8 Approved For Ruse 2001/09/03 CIA-RDP86-002448100020024-8 25X1A pj) 't?pri t ion U. clad that trh i vpprop ti~ r nrfor uk}ece 1)U~ 1?ylosciu cif: ' rathea; .ate in the cornicn. For in 2?ii55, the cvx ,, u:c"1~ ~tJ on bill it )lf ~r3^, not 1~i;t'C,c s~ c tut it 20 Aril, ;;yard 2a .. ~' 1.r3~cr ~?.A) 'l ~)i: iaiiio) 4(};:%'~)?+~E C in 4Ti.?i?' ? r" :' t 1? ' ~4I ? '3 'Cl~~ on till t? J i1 I:,oL ..?C;, ? ?iJt. ,i''?/J:~'J',J?:_o1..7.~iiii ri3 t:fc ?:;, hr never, CXI) Cte t' at i his 111.1 vU.]. he cant va in i rch, 3.956, Go that more ti e1y action can ho r _?'.d < It vi?. , I)o x4c 1. ~ Cd th t the CIA ?~41~.?.'+.r4J7.''' ?331,Ciu i:i:1ont of tho oc1oction? It ?. x^ coz.z n 1e that this na ~> ;3 ~ ?czx bo ,_.ivcn to Chaixi z:x tiza^cll.. . n.1 -~3;'E1 3 b, c ~,i i)> 4 Z ~.~ L}1:, sf; Y v tn!: t ? ,:,te 23 U(71751 Y1. sca tr vil Tdrd.' j :L?iia ? C~ r r,~ ~,v j c , .'Cs.? ry, L 1 ~f 1 t' be and /a 1 it , of E,.l,v ,3^,t . sj.I"xa) c'lsJ?:x?~'c clot+.-..t ha igiv,.,.A to of Vlh,o r err A a. i>.1t 4 ~'1 'V? fl. C+l.r _ v rA:~1 F.:?'. e e r, d ? .. , e a mo uu.- :q loll, fi.n'a 1 iY'. `i ~~1 :,::;.+ ~ ti.1 C!a +,h'4 Yu-'(' Asw ~ iZ,.., x +) 3x )' ? :!a~ of , i l'..)? Q s r M~ r, ,~ +:n ,r'?~?. Ns `., ii~9 1~7.y~Ja,+y 1: r I b .1 4.ii 4 ? ..s ..,. t..._~.. a'/-.ii'r'.h: "n ?'..a ii 7.~. Ct f ?. "F ~"? 3 S yyy'y{ /~.+?;/ on f S .h~ ~, s#?ftf'.1~ 2, +ot Wi Vii thz, cdv t r y 1 ry. y f:` ? l i n on o.f'tl r Coy e7'Y1,ox''i0l"' loy U? s p'F 1~. G' 'PI (~'c +t~ :s: ~: e..L? '1. JE Cys 4 o ~i W, to aCv : ci'7 I4 i? (fct. nZCJi~ to ity 1, i)'b? is J2 5Z Gl f,ci,a. ' ? 11. Ei .ie7t? C c'?Li)oa,r Gdvicable to be i.11 touch I'll. a"! % J al of tho ml1o::s on d, the tyv??#"tl`"' A?Ynwnr at;clm'` 4i3,'i.6"C".}.. i~?4~~'`.a'?t` IEJrt.. ed .ls> ovvc bra . `'f " G:C ~K ~~ r>s.;esxae :asn-,te~rs+:?a.l~'ou+a+~}~:, .:3r+rr...ruMa.:,?ss.-,......,y:.s,n..:xa.-. j. to wh'a:Z.~.~ rs On .fho t,IAy 1 .7?.,. } i "'T 1, 7 t' ,'y 5, S,'s 1. ,?i~ ~" " he I=wCi.?,l of lw. chJoon` at uhich taic b?