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Publication Date: 
March 10, 1972
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Approved For ReiMse 2002/01/08 CIA-RDP86-00244RQ100040010-1 10 March 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: NCPC Staff Visitation to Director of Logistics 1. Messrs. Edward Hromanik and David MacKinnon of NCPC staff met with the Director of Logistics on Thursday, 9 March, concerning development of a master plan for Headquarters as well as NCPC approval of the garage project. 2. It appears that the garage would be ready to be presented at the early August meeting of NCPC or, alternatively, if NCPC does not hold an August meet- ing, it would be presented at the early September meeting. Since Mr. Horne, who gave Agency representatives a bad time regarding use of the George Washington Memorial Parkway by Agency buses, has retired, Mr. Hromanik felt that we might disregard the bus issue in the future. 3. The D/L pointed out that the DCI had desired to have everybody consolidated on the Headquarters campus by 1980 and that our plan is premised on the availability to us of the Scattergood-Thorne Tract. 4. Mr. Hromanik admitted that NCPC was using the garage project as a lever to force preparation of a master plan. NCPC was mainly interested in problems of access, total employment, availability of housing for low and moderate income people (below $6, 000 and $6, 000 to $11, 500) within a distance of 45 minutes from Headquarters. A master plan is the critical issue since it is a guide to overall planning in which NCPC interests itself. 25X1A 25X1A 7. It was indicated to Mr. Hromanik that the Agency would have further in- house discussion on what the master plan required. We understood that, based on a schedule of exhibits, we would go as far as we could in good conscience. Two basic maps constituted the Master Plan: a Land Use Plan and a Development Plan. These plans are to be used with overlays showin circulation kk 1 ndscaping, Approved For Release 2002/Q1./08 : CIA-RD6-00244R00b1p0r041'0- SUBJECT: NCPC Staff Visitation to Director of Logistics Approved For Release 2002/01/08: CIA-RDP86-00244R000100040010-1 building shapes, etc. 8. Agency submission is to be prepared in two stages; i.e., a preliminary master plan with an environmental impact statement, and a final plan for the garage. 9. The D/L pointed out that Agency population figures were classified and that we would probably call for an executive session of NCPC. Mr. Hromanik said an executive session could be arranged if it were requested in writing and justified. NCPC will wish to have a copy of the environmental impact statement which the Agency would submit to the Council on Environmental Quality. 10. Meanwhile, the Building Planning Staff will stand down awaiting further instructions from the Director of Logistics in the further preparation of a master plan. iie Building Planning Staff, OL Distribution: 1 -D/L 1 - RECD/OL 1 BPS/OL - rvc sent it up after making cy @ RECD) Approved For Release 2002/01/08,: CIA-RDP86-00244R000100040010-1