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Publication Date: 
December 23, 1969
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PDF icon CIA-RDP86-00244R000100180007-0.pdf67.52 KB
Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP86-00244RM0100180007-0 FOR SUBJWT: Secure Storage Wall 25X1A 1. Chief, Records Administration Bch, Support Vices Staff, , was contacted regarding the concept of a modular secure storage wall to replace safes and reduce space requirements for record storage. 25X1A 2. - highly endorsed the concept and stated that storage wall of 1' x 51 x 8' would permit the storage of 35 cubic feet of records, the equivalent of 4.3 safes. The five fit module retains the current space utilization concept used in flue Storage wall. would require only l square feet of floor ? ce as opposed to 31.5 square feet required for the four safes it would replace or a net savings of 27.5 square feet 3. Utilization of the storage wall would, if feasible, save 2T#500 square feet of apace in the Headquarters wilding based upon the 10,000 safes in use. 4. If a modular secure storage wail could be built for $1700 (cost of 4 class 6 safes) then space savings alone would justify their utilization. Therefore* exploratory action will be taken with representatives of security cabinet mawzfaeturers to deter- mine if they can be secured, within a reasonable cut, to meet Office of Security approval. 25X1A Muilding Planning Staff,, oL abject File - Space bject File - Security -o file ~' ep' 35 3 29 December 1969 25X1A 1 - CL/ /:object File - Construction - Parti- tions Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP86-00244R000100180007-0