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Document Release Date: 
May 18, 1999
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Publication Date: 
March 3, 1970
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A roved For Res.e 2000/09/14``'' ClA- P86_oraRnflrL nn~n e. a. ttsta Title 3--The President (IS) Such other matters tts the Commission finds it necessary to ,ta?;c;. `~. liexpo?,a.cilrilitie.~r a f T~?clsrn/, a~ct+crc.v. CbllsOlliLilt with Tit,lc? I of file National I~luvironmenttLl Policy A.ct csf 10G:1, hereafter referral to as file "11ct", tl-e hettcls of I~'e;rams sty as to I:nviralli~lental t the President -ant with 'I'itl(~ ~eafter i?c~ferrecl psis tlieil? u~;eri- of the environ- to controllinh Chapter tl----Executive Orders pollution atul eilhallcinl; the en vironment caul those desirined to accorn- plish other prahram objectives :L?hich tnay affect the quality of the euvironnu~.nt. Agencies sh;LI1 develop llt?ograms an(1 measures to protect ttttd cnha.nrc envil?Onnicntal quality 7Llld shall assess pt?ohress in meetinf; tlro specific ob~(~c,tiveti of si;clt ;let.iv;tu~s. Tletid5 o C ;Lf;enclrs steal l coristtlt wlt.h appropruite Fedcra1, State told local nhencles iu cart?ying out. Chair activities as they affect the qu;t.~lity of tie environment. (b) Develop procedures to ensure Cho fullest practicable provision of timely public nrformation and luulerstanding of h'ederal plans and programs wlt.ll impact in order to obtain tllo views of lnterestecl pal.tles. These procedures shall include, whenever appro- ptiate, provlsloll for public hcarin~s, anti slitill proviclo the public wltlt reIovalit information, lIlClilClln~ information on alternative eotllses of action. Federal agencies shall also encourage State and local al;encics to r.dopt similar procedures far informing the public collcerning their activities affecting the quality of the environment. (c) Insure that inforrrtation regarding existing or potential en- vlronmenta.l problems and control methods developed as part of re- search, cleveloprnent, demonstration, test, or evaluation activities is ntacle available to Federal agencies, States, counties, municipalities, institutions, and other entities, as appropriate. (d) Review their agencies' statutory authority,administrative rem 1- latlolls, policies, and procedures, itlcludinh those re]atin~; to loans, tyrants, COIitI'aCts, leases, licenses, or permits, in order to identify any dC(ICIeI1Cle5 or inconsistencies therein which prohibit or limit full compliance ~vitil the pui?l;osas anti 1?revisions o E the Act. A repot?t oli this review and the corrective actions taken or pltLnned, includilig such measures to be proposed to the President as may be necessary to bring their tlllthority and'palicies ?iuto;,conforrnance with the Intent, purposes, and procedures of the ~1ct, s]la~T be provided to the Council on Environmental Ruality not later than September 1,1070. (e) Engage in exchange of data and research results, anti cooperate with agencies of other governments to foster the purposes of the Act. (f) Proceed, in coordination with other agencies, with actions re~qutrea by section 1,02 of the Pict. S>rc. 3. Responsibilities of Council on. Enoironmental duality. The Council on Environmental duality shall : (a) Evaluate existing and proposed policies anti activities of the Federal Government directed to the control of pollution