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Publication Date: 
August 13, 1969
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Approved For Release 1 99G0 U -00244R000200140001-9 13 August 1969 25X1A9a 25X1A9a SUBJ.,:T: Meeting with Chief, Planning Staff, DDI 25X1A9a 1. had been asked by the DDI to meet with me in order to followup my earlier discussion with Jack Smith, DDI. asked that I give him a more detailed briefing than the one I had given to Mr. Smith in that the DDI Building Planning Coor- dinator (DDI/BPC) will be a man assi,e(-' from the Planning Staff, and he wished to have as much information as possible in order to recommend the right man. 2. A general briefing was given including the discussion of the work which the DDI Liaison Officer, had carried out in behalf of the :SDI during the planning period for the present HeadquarterE Building. I noted that it is most important that the DDI/BPC be e person with vision who has the respect and support of the :SDI and other senior officers in the directorate. He must be aware of the plans and future trends which DDI will take in adjusting its personnel, organization, functions, and responsibilities within the next 15 years. 3. We discussed in particular the DDI offices which are currently located away from the Langley site. It was recognized that in the selection of offices to be left out of the present Headquarters 25X1 D Building, these offices had been picI:.eG. because of their high potential for independent operations. It was realized that NPIC and the will have to be considered separately. They may be established in a separate building or in some relationship to present Headquarters offices which will permit the rapid access to TOPIC information and appropriate analysis thereof. Certain DDI ac- 25X1A6a tivities such as the field office of =would remain outside any consolidation planning. 25X1A9a R. indicated the desire to be kept up-to-date on the overall advancement of the BPS efforts. This I agreed to do through periodic briefings for him and the office of the DDI in order to augment the information which he would have of the work performed by the DDI/BPC. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1 D 25X1A 25X1A9a thief Building Planning Staff, OL Distribution: Orig - OL/BPS/Subject File - DUI, Office of 1 - OL/BPS/Chrono File 25X1A9a OL/BPS : jep/3553 (1S August 1969) Approved For Release 99/09/25: CIA-R CROUP 1 000200140001-9 uEnd kssltlcaffon