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Publication Date: 
August 8, 1969
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Approved For Release 4999/09/25: CIA-RDP86-00244RQQ0200140002-8 10 August 1961;) 25X1A9a 1,5NORANDUM FOR THE RECORD: JUBJDCT: Meeting with Mr. R. Tack Smith, DDI 1. Mr. Smith was given a complete briefing on the Building Plan- ning Staff, its responsibilities, and the trends of its activities. Some measure of time reauir_emaents was brought :forward in order to provide a feel for the pressures which will be mounting as the months come along. I requested the assignment of a DDI Building Planning Co- ordinator. 2. We discussed the work of who had been 25X1A9a the DDI Liaison Officer in nlannin ; the present Headquarters Building. It was agreed that much of the detailed planning around personnel figures and the like can be provided by the Administrative Staff of DDI. It was further agreed in the light of my explanation of a pro- jection of 15 years that the key work for the directorate coordinators this time will be in the planni>g field including the projection of responsibilities and functions within the various components on an extremely advanced basis. 3. I informed Mr. Smith that in preparation for our meeting I had discussed possible assistance of his Administrative Staff with his Administrative Officer. It was also noted that 25X1 A9a understood that the main thrust would be in the planning field. I advised Mr. Smith that Ed Proctor, Assistant Deputy Director for Intelligence, and I had exchanged phone calls in an effort to get together on this matter but had not been able to arrange an appropriate time for a meeting ptior to his departure for leave. Mr. Proctor, who oversees the work of the DDI Planning Staff', will be the prime connection between the DDI Coordinator and any projected policy shifts and planned changes which his office may develop in the course of this building planning program. 25X1A9a Building Planning Staff, OL Distribution: Orig - OL/BPS/Subject File - Office of DDI 1 - OL/BPS/Chrono File 25X1A9a oL/BpS : jep/3553 (14 August 1969) Approved For Release