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Approved For Release 2000/05/31 :CIA-RDP86-002448000200260009-8 22 September 1969 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A SUBJECT: American Society of Industrial Security, 15th Annual Seminar, 16 - 18 September 1968 1. Icy main interest in the Tuesday session was the Communications Security lecture scheduled for 2;~+0 p.m. Not having been pre-registered, it was necessary to pay the one-day fee of ~2~.00 and complete the registration at the desk. Time permitted a brief forenoon tour of the exhibits. 25X1A 2, The luncheon speaker, Assistant llirector of the Federal Bureau az lnvastigation, gave an interesting talk on "Extremism and the New Left," and warned of major disturbances expected in the near flzture. 3. After a ~0-minute break, the Communications Security Session commenced. ene Barnes introduced the first speaker, of the National ;security Ageney tNS~), who warmed up ie au ence a it and then turned over the proceedings to the main speaker, Chief of the Procedures Branch, NSA.. ~. Mr. gave a rather broad-brush treatment to the subject of cryptograp y, transcending the times from the ancient Romans up to the present. The ~+5-minute talk was directed primarily to the industrial interests and commercial Firms holding U, S. Government contracts and from our point of view, was rather elementary; however, it was well received by an appreciative audience. 5. P~lr. read and re-ree.c a. definition of "Communication: Security" and a. so stated NSA's responsibility iri this field. 6. Mr. t he was not related to the famous cryptanalyst of whom it has been said that, "everything he touches turns to p ain text." 7. With the aid of charts ~r illustrated cryptographic systems which were based upon monoa p and polyalpYiabetic substitutions and emphasized their vulnerability to cryptanalytic attack. He also touched briefly upon the relative merits of book codes, transposition systems, various mechanical devices, and the advancement to the "one-time'" systems. He said little about the pre.~ent state of the art except that electronic computers are now being used, Approved For Release 2000/05/31 :CIA-RDP86-002448000200260009-8 Approved For Release X000/05/31 :CIA-RDP86-00244RQ,Q~200260009-8 SUBJI~';CT: American Society of Industrial Security, 15th Annual Seminar, l~ - 18 ~;epternber J_~)E>9 ~1. Next was the discussion on the mayor types of contracts; R & D, Production, and Testing,, which have "COMSEC" implications. In addition, he mentioned the stringent security requirements which iriust be met when it becomes necessary to establish a secure com- r~unications link bet~~reen a. c:~ntractor and the U. S. Government Agency concerned. `~. He concluded by pointing out some security pitfalls encour~~cered by contractors and cited the case of the firm that published, for advertising purposes in a popular magazine, a photograph and description of a machine which it had. developed and produced in quantity for the U. S. Government under a classified contract. 10. The meeting was then thrown open to a question and answer session. A few examples follow: Q. 47hat is the relationship betweerA DCA (Defense Communica- tion AE;ency) and. NSA {Igational Security Agency)? A. DCA lays out the transmission paths and is responsible for the operations of the circuits. NSA is responsible far fu11- filling security requirements i_~? classified information is to be passed aver these carcuits. ~~. You stated tki.r~t ~zrypto devices, 'before being accepted for use in the protection of classified i:nfoxtiia.tion of the U. S. Government, must weet the highest standards established by IdSA. Why does NSA forbid U. S. riaxiufs,eturers to mass produce crypto equipment for sale within t13e U. S, boundaries when these machines in great demand by iric?ustry? It is foolish because similar equipment can be x~urchasec~ overseas. A. In accordance with the terms of its charter NSA is responsible for insuring thy:. security of classified transmissions of the U.S. Government. If it is necessary to restrict produc- tion of certain mechanical devices in order to acoamplish this, then it must be done, ~. Does NSA provide a last containing the names of manu- facturers of crypto equipmcsn.t ti~rhich could be used by commercial (non U, S. Government} interests? This list would be very helpful in obtaining the best equipment which:tiae believe is necessary in order to protect braprietary information from the eyes of our competitors. 2 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 :CIA-RDP86-002448000200260009-8 Approved For$elease 2000/05/31 :CIA-RDP86-G0244R000200260009-8 ,U&J'L`CT: l~erican Society of I,~xdustrial Security, 15th Annual Seminar, 16 - 1~3 September 1969 A. iVSA could not publish ~r such list. Zb do so coup. easily be misconstrued as NSA endorsement of a product. 25X1A9a 13ui]_ding Planning Staff, OL Distribution; Orin; - OL~BPS/Subject File - Security 1 - OL/BPS/Chrono File 25X1A9a oL/BPS/~:~ep/3553 (23 September 1969} 3 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 :CIA-RDP86-002448000200260009-8