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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 1, 1969
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Approved For Release 2000/05/31 CIA-P P R000200270006-0 1 August 1969 SUBJECT: Meeting with Mr. Hugh Cunningham, Director, Office of Training 25X1A9a 1. After providing Mr. Cunningham with the status of the early BPS plans, I reviewed the types of information which this Staff would 25X1A9a require as the planning advances. He stated that would be leaving OTR on 6 August and that the internal responsibilities for building and space planning had been transferred to 25X1A9a '. In anticipation of departure had submitted to the Director of Training a memoranduri Outlining the information which, in 25X1A9a opinion, the Office of Training would have to develop in furtherance of the necessary planning for relocation onto the present Headquarters Langley site. Mr. Cunningham gave me a copy of this memorandum for BPS consideration. 3. There was sortie confusion in Pair. Cunningham's mind as to the actual responsibilities o' the BPS. He at first tiffs of the opinion that I would be handling all space Manning for the Agency including current moves and the like. It was made clear that this was not the case but that all the possible support which OTR could give to the 1311S in providing information relative to the unique requirements which OTR may wish to put on the table in projecting 15 years ahead, would be welcome. M z% Cunningham mentioned some unusual visual aid requirements as well as special configurations required for lecture halls and smaller seminar rooms. )!. He is particularly concerned with the need to maintain sepa- rate entrances and to some degree separate internal facilities in order to permit maximum comparxentation while training of clandestine services personnel and others under cover is in process. 25X1A9a 5. He offered the complete support of OTR and named as the OTR Building Planning Assistant. 25X1A9a Chief >'ilding Planning Staff, OL Distribution: Orin; - OL/BPS/Subject File - (DDS Training) 25X1 A9a 1 - OL/BPS/Chrono or./BB'S ,i ep/3553 (7 August 1969) Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP -00 200270006-0 xcluded fr.~f ee+a!ia#;c -. t