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TRETIYAKOVA, U.N., prof.; GATAULINA, L.D.,; IL'INA, V.T.; PANTELEYEVA, A.P.; SMIRWVA, L.K.; ABDURASHIMVA, Kh.Sh. Distribution of rheumatic fever among the school children of Ufa. Vop.revm. 3 no.1t66-70 Ja-Mr 163. (MM 16t4) 1. Iz kafedr7 detskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. Ye.N.Tretlyakova) Bashkirskogo meditsinskogo inatituta, i Detskoy klinicheskoy bollnitay No-3 (glavnyy vrach A.I,Vetaler) prods. Ufy. (UFA-4MUMTIC HEART DISEASE) ABDURASHI-70VA, H.V. Aerogel of phthivasid in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl.tub. no.2%25-29 Mr-kp 155. (MLItA 8-.6) 1. Is Usbekskogo nauchno-Isaladovatellakoge tuberkulaEnogo inati- tuta (nAuahnsvy rukovo&itell -prof. Sh.A.Alimov). (TUMOULOSIt, PMOURY, therapy, isoniamid. aerosol admin.) (NICOTINIC ACID ISOMMRS, therapeutic use, isontasid In pulm. tuberc., aerosol admin.) (AEROSOLS, therapeutic useI isoniasid in pulm. tuberc.) A13DUWHITOVA, M-V. -_- Joint seenion of the Tuberculosis Institute of the AeadexV of Medioal Solonous of the 'U.S.S.R. and the Uzbek Scientific Tuberculosis Research Institute. Probl. tub. 34 no.1:63-66 ja-r 156 (MLRA 9:5) (TUPMRCULOSIS) 4 . USSR/Phamacology and Toxicology. Chemotherapeutic Preparations V-7 .,ntitubercular Drugs ,'.bs Jour :Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958., No 71293 disseminated and cavernous forms, and composed mostly of the persons who underwent but brief treatment (a course of 60-70 g. of phthivazid).--O.V. Petrova Card : 2/2 USSR/Phr-rmcology. Toxicology. Chemothe rape uti c Preparations V A) Antibiotics Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., Ito 111 1958, No 522085 persi3ted without sharp fluctuations for several days. I was also detected in high concentration in the cavity wall, exanined following the resection of the lung scGient. Eli- :71nation of I from the organism, when administered in the doscribed nanner, takes place slowly. Mic highost concen- tration of I in the urine was observed within 12 hours. -- V.I. Yellnik. Card :2/2 ABDURASITITOVAP M. V., Candidate Yed Sci (difls) -- "Material on the use of phthivazide aerosol to treat patients with tuberculosis of the lungs and respira- tory tracts". Tashkent; 1959, 11 pp (Tashkent State Med Inst); (KL, No 22, 1959; 120) KAIMEV, T.M., doteent; VOLOKflVYAIQl)'Y.IY, A.M., 1-:and. mad. nauk; ABDURASHITOVA, M,V.p ],and. med. nauk; YUSHIN, G.I., kand. mad. nauk First Congress of Phtisiologisto of Uzbekistan. Probl. tub. 41 no.5:89-92 163. (MIRA 17:1) GAYSKIY, V.N.; ABDURASHITOVA, Z. -1 Mglq qf emergence of longitudinal waves in deep-focun harth- quakes.of Afghanistan, Trudy AN Tadsh.SSR 94:83-90 156. (WRA 13: Q (Beismomstr7) cycloll" tlchl'~ivl'!V44 ~ft 'UJA. ":,% .I cot ic 1'.6, 1, 1 it. P I.', 6"i "'Cf. N -,;I If 0: 1'1 AiW.,Lioll in III,- ja'suw~ of 0'.. vi,hl r 't'd --f- ABDURASULEVA, A.R. Condensation of cyclohexanol with anisole and phenetole. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR n0-7:39-42 157. WIRA 11:5) l.Srodneaziatski.r gosudarstvennyT universitet im. V.I. Lenina. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom AN UzSSR I.P. TSukervanikom. (CY010HRUNOL)(ANISOLE) (PHENETOLS) AUTHOR: Abdurasuleva, A. R. SOV/79-28-11-20/55 TITLE: Cycloalkylation of the Phenols and Their Ethers (Tsiklo- alkilirovaniye fenolov i ikh efirov) I.Condensation of Phenol With Cyclohexanol (I. Kon~ensatsiya fenola s tsiklogeksanolom) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol 28, TIr 11, pp 2993 - 2998 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By comparing various m(?thods of alkylation the author tried to find the influence exerted by the catalysts and the conditions of the synthesis on the yield and the composition of the final products. Aluminum chloride %yao added in small quantities to the mixture of phenol with cyclo- hexanol. According to the amounts of the two initial products the yields of the reaction products differed. The increase o~ the amount of aluminum chloride to 2 mol, or the increase in temperature h,ave only little effect on the general yield (Table i, Series I). The main product of these reactions is Card 1/3 the n-.cyclohexyl phenol; the cyclohexyl phenyl Cycloalkylation of the Phenoln and Their Ethers. I. SOV/79-2b-11-20/55 Condensation of Phenol With Cyclohexanol ether, and the o-cyclohexyl phenol are formed in minute quantities. In the case of an excess phenol (up to 5 m01) one mol AlCl 3 is sufficient to obtain a good yield (Table 1, Series II). In contrast to series I an excess phenol in series II offers the same amounts of o- and n- cyclohexyl. phenols, and in addition there is the cyclohexyl phenyl ether. In both of the condensation varieties the cyclohexyl chloride was still found in the reaction products. A number of condensations were carried out by way of the intermediate synthesis of aluminum phenoxy chloride. The yield of reaction products amounted to about 64% (Table 1, Series III); they consisted of o- and n-cyclohexyl phenols and cyclohexyl phenyl other; the cyclohexyl chloride could not be found. The latter fact under the formation of a considerably bia ether fraction tends to show that in the above mentioned condensation the cyclohexyl. phenyl ether is the banic intermediate Card 2/3 product nnd therefore forms the source for the Cycloall,yip-tion of the Fhenola and T"eir Et"..ercc. 1. SCV/179-23-1 1-20/5), Con~ensation of .--!-enol Witi, C,,clohexano! formation of the o-isomer (Reaction Sche-ic). The author mentlono the followinj detail.- on the invecti -ation of the. i)ho3,L)horic accid as condensing; auent in tile nl':ylation of thc phenols; Contrary to earlier data it utw provc.,O. t:,.z-.t in the reaction I?ro~,Iicto in the prooo-ce of this acid t:-.C,'re is contained a considerable --mount (UP to 50%) of o-cyclohexyl phenol. The cyclohexyl phenyl ether is completely or part V isomerized to the o-cyclo- hexyl phenol in this diztillation. There are 2 tables and 19 references, 9 of which are Soviet. ASSOCI.,',TIOI;: Sredneazziatskiy C;oc-izdz-,.rctveniyy universitet (Central Asia Sl,:.te University) SU:3~ITTED: October 26, 1957 Card 3/3 S/07 60/030/05/49/074 B005YB125 AUTHORS: Abdurasuleva, A. R., Korallnik, N. G. TITLE: Cyoloalkylation of Phenols and Phenol Ethers. IV. Condensation of 1,1 and 1,2-M21~ zlkalo~exanol~With Phenol PERIODICALs Zhurnal obshohey khimii, 1960, Vol. ~O, No,, 5, pp. 1635-1637 TEXTt In their investigation of the alkylation of phenols with cyclic alcohols the authors studied the condensation of phenol with 1,1 and 1,2-methyl oyclohexanol in the presence of AlC13 and H3PO 4 as catalysts at various temperatures (20-15000- In the experiments with phosphoric acid as a catalyst the same conditions were met as in the analogous reaction of the cyclohexanol. (Ref. 9); in the condensation with AICI 3 as catalyst equimolecular amounts of cyclic alcohol and aluminum chloride with an eight-fold excess of phenol were caused to react. The reaction mixture was heated for five hours in a double boiler, irrespective of the catalyst used. In the condensation of both of the aforementioned cyclic alcohols with phenol, 4-0-methyl cyclohexyl)-phenol forms as the major Card 1/3 Cycloalkylation of Phenols and Phenol Ethers. S/079/60/030/05/49/074 IV. Condensation of 1,1 and 1,2-Methyl Cyclo- B005/B125 hexanol With Phenol product independent of the nature of the catalyst and the temperature. The maximal yield of this product is 80% in the condensation of 1,1-methyl cyolohexanol and 72-74% in the condensation of the 1,2 isomer. Several solid derivatives, the melting points of which agreed with published datIL, were produced for the identification of the products formed. The lack of the expected reaction product in the condensation of phenol with lp2-methyl cyclohexanol proves that the radical of the alcohol is very easily isomerized in. the alkylation of phenols. Neither the ortho is6mer nor methyl cyclohexyl-phenyl ether occurs in the reaction products. With the aid of already published methods (Refs. 9, 10) the authors synthesized tivo compounds not yet described in published literaturet 2,6-dinitro-4-0- methyl cyclohexyl)-phenol and 4-(1-methyl cyclohexyl) phenoxy acetic acid. The first of these compounds forms bright yellow crystals which melt at 72-730; the second melts after raorystallizing from petroleum other at 104-1050- All of the operations carried out are thoroughly described in an experimental section. F. G. Sidorova is mentioned in the present report (Ref. 5). There are 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 Cycloalkylation of Phenols and Phenol Ethers. S/07 60/030/05/49/074 IV. Condensation of 1,1 and 1,2-Methyl Cyclo- B005YB125 hexanol With Phenol k", ASSOCIATION: Sredneaziatakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (central Asia - State Universitz) SUBMITTEDt May 49 1959 Card 3/3 ABDURASULEVA, A.R.; ISRAILOVA, Sh.A. CycloaDylation of phenola and their others. Part 51 Condensa- tion of o-cresol with cyolohexanol. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.3: 704-706 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Tashkentakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Cresol) (Cyclohexanol) ABDURASULEVA, A.R.; ACHILOVA, S. Cycloalkylation of phenols and their ethers. Part 6t Conden- sation of phenol with borneol. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.3s7O7-708 Mr 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Tashkentskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet. (Phenol) (Bornool) ABDURASUli,"VA DZ')MFRKAS, N.S.; YU1.11ASNEV, A,m, Alkylation of' anisole with I:-- and 2-methylcyclohexanols. Uzb. kkam, zhur. 8 no.6%27-30 164. (MIRA 18-,4',, 1. Tashkentskiy gosudarstv8nnyy universitet imeni Lenina. ABDURASUIYVA, A.R.; VEBER, N.V. Isomerization of cycloalkyl phenyl ethers. Uzb.khim.zhiir. 8 no.lt56-59 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Tashkentskiy gosudarstvennyy uniyersitet iment V.I.lAmina. ABDURASULEVA A.R,- AKHM&DOV, K.11, -'. '11-m- Ii, 11 - " 0 A3kylation of phonol and I-cresol with cyclv))exyl and cyclopentyl chlorides. Uzb.khim.zhur. 8 no-5:11-57 164* (MIRA 18-- 5) 1. Tushkonlukly goaudarutvennyy univur.,)JI[,,,it Imen] Dininti, ABDUTW~XEVA, A.R. ~ 8. A Cycloalkylation Of Phono"s and their ethirq. , lkylution of phenol with 1-mf3thy1cyclopentAno."I. .1 no.3,.,515-- 517 mr 165, (MIRA 38-4) 1. Tashkontskiy gosudarstvorinyy uni-versitet ~m, V,1,31.anin!~t, ABP~l~ ~ULEVL, A R.1 ALIYEV, N.K.; KAKHAROV, A.T.; YULDASHEV, A. Alkylation of cresols with cyclohexanol and cyclopentanol." I no,3017-521 Mr 165, (MIRA 1824) 1. Tashkentskly gosudarstvennyy universitat Im. V.I.Lenina. ABDURASULEVA, A.R.; Y111,11ASIOV, A.1, Reaction6 of &:.:~',-,olv vith and 4-mothylhoxene. org. klilm. I no.70235-,11-37 JI '65. (1-111PA 18: 11) 1. Tashkentekly gomidarntwimyy univers3t~)L lreni V.T.Lelillna. ABDURASULTIA, A.R. Mylation of'anisole and phenetole by cyclohexanol and cYclopontanol. Dokl. M tJz.SSR 21 no. lOi27-29 164 (I-Ir"A 19a) 1. Ta3hkenstkiy gosudarstvennyy imiversitet imeni Ioenina. Submitted August 4, 1964. ABDURk"UTAwt U. 1.. Variab3itr of the symptom of the nicho in roentgenologic studieto in cases of peptic ulcer. Kiln, med.j ~:odA-ra 28:6, June 50. p. SO-L 1. Of the Department or Roontgenology (Read-41onored '.corker in Science Prof. S. 4. Molehanov),, Tashkent Medical Institute ineni v. m. voiotov, rashkent. CU1 19, 5. Nov., 1950 AlPTllA"TT,7,', T). ,12ntg-nodlagnostlkn zab,-)levan,-y I ryamoy kishid I ii st;il In j:--~ otdcla sjE:-,)v'[,Jnpy (x-my :).P All.neso of Ulip rect,-Z.-. ~nl ,-,f the i*lslv:l :-,~~ctlon of the ::,)lon) ..:Osl,-Va, 195--" 2"11 r. Illuu., diagrs. 'ILiteratura": P. "32-236 ~,t head of title: Russia. 'Min.1ster3tvo '7dvav,,)-,)khranon3yj. 30: ~44. ( '>4 .Al ABIMIASULOY, D.H., doktor moditeinskikh nauk, ~~~~.A Cases of gastric neurinomas. rad. no.5:83-84 S.0 153- .- - (MLRA 7:1) .. .. 1. Is Imfedry rentgenologli (zaveduyuahchiy.- professor Tu.N.Sokolov) Teentrallnogo instituts uaovershsnstvovaniyf vrachey (direktor V.P.Lebedeva). (Stomach-Tumors) ABDUMSUIOV, D.M.; XMIYOVICH, A.5, 7ormation of f9oalithe in congenital developmental anomalies. rad. no.6-.91-93 N-D 153. MRAL M) 1. Is rentganovskogo otdalwiya (savedmyushchiy - kandidat meditain- skikh nank G.X.Z*mtBov) 11hicheekoy ordena Lenina bolluitay in. S.P.Botkina. (Intestines--Sargery) (V,!ces) ABDURASULOV, D.M., doteent. Radiodiagnosia of diseases of the rectum and of the distal portion of the sigmoid flexure. 31 no.3:32-41 Hr '53. (MIRA 6:5) 1. Kafedra rentgenologii Taentrallnogo institute. usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (Rectum--Diseases) (Intestines--Diseases) (Diagnosis. Radioscopic) ABDURASULOV. D.K., doktir maditsinskikh nauk. - .. Diagnosis of cancer of the distal portion of the large intestine. ne.2:20-23 7 154. (KLRA 7:1) 1. Iz kafedry rentganologii (zaveduyushchiy - professor Yu.N. Sokolov) TSentrallnogo inatituta uaovershonstvovaniya vrachey (direktor - V.P.Labodeva). (IntestinaB--Cancer) ABDURASULOV. D.M. Benign cyst of the ovary simulating a Irukanberg tumor in primary gastric cancer. Mmsh. I gin. no.417l-72 J1-Ag 154. (MLRA 7M) 1. Is kafedry rentganologit (zav. prof, Yu.N.Sokolov) TsIU (OVARINS, cysts, differ. diag. from KrukenbergOe tumor in gastric cancer) (STORACH. neoplasms. with ovarian cyst, differ. diag. from Krukenberg's tumor) (CYSTS, ovary, differ. diag. from Krukenberg's tumors in gastric cancer) (OVARIES, neoplasms, Krukenberg's tumor, differs diag. from benign cyst in gastric cancer) ABDURASULOV. D.K., doktor maditainakikh nauk (Teashkent). I ?ever In cancer of the large intestine. 32 no-3:33-33 Mr 154. (MMA 7:3) 1. Iz filiala (zaveduyushchiy - zasluzhennyy dayate-11 nauki professor S.A.Raynberg) kafeclry rentgenologii TSentralinogo instituta usovershen- stvoyaniya vrachey v Noskovskoy gorodskoy klinichaskoy ordena Lenina bolinitse Im. B.P.Botkina. (Pever) (Intsotines-Cancer) ABVJRASULOTt D.M., doktor moditsinekil-h n&uk X-ray examination of a pathological state of a presternal arti- ficial aeophague. I rad. no.2138-42 Mr-Ap 15.5.(KM 8t5) 1. 1z kafedr7 rentgenologii (zav. -prof. Tu.N.Sokolov) Tsentrall- nogo instituta usovershonstvovantya vrachey (dir. V.P.Lebedeva). (ISOPHAGUS. surge'ry, thoracoplasty, prestornal, x-ray of p&thol. ohanges In) ABDURASUWV, D.M., doktor moditainskikh nauk (Tashkent) Clinical x-ray diagnosis of cancer of the colon in dysentery.,no.6:48-53 Je 155. (MLRA 8:12) (COLON neoplasms differ. diag'~ from dysentery. x-ray) (DTSMITPX, diffir. diag. cancar of colon, x-ray) az c ABDURASUWV, D.M., prof.: LRYBOVICH. M.M.. nesistent: ALESHIN, V.A.. ordintitor Diagnosis of foreign bodies of the eBODhAgus. Sbor.trud.TAshk.XMI no.1:191-198 '56 (MIRA 11:1) (ESOPHAGUS-40REIGN BODISS) AA~RASUWV. D.M. prof.; LEYBOVICH, M.M., assistent; ALESHIN, V.A. , ordim4tor-, K__Ww~rlyv diagnosis of foreign bodies of the reaDirntoq trAct. Sbor. trud.Tnshk.KBNP no.1:199-202 156 (MIRA 11:3) (RESPIRATORY ORGANS_-FOREIGN BODIES) ABDMSULOV, D.M., prof. Physiological function of the distal section of the large In- testine under radiographic illumination, Med.z hur.Uzb. no,8-9: 54-56 Ag-S '58. (KERA 13:6) 1. Iz Wedry rentgenologit. I maditainskoy radiologii Taahkett- skogo goaudaretvetnogo Institute. usoverehenatvoyaniya vrachey. (IMSTIMS-RADIOGRAPHY) ABDURASUWY, D.M., prof, ... A most important step in the development of rentgenology, radiology. and oncology in Usbekistans' Vest.ret. i rad. 33 no.5:111 S-0 158 (MIRA 11:11) (U71BUISTAN-RADIOLOGY, MOICAL) AIDURAS=V D Prof. liffect of small doses of Ionizing radiation on the body. Med.zhur. Uzb. no-120-10 D 15B. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Is Hauchno-imeledovateliskogo instituta routganologii, radio- logii I omkologii Miuisteretva %dravookhreueniya UzSGR. (RADIATION--PHTSIOLOGICAL IMOT) TU.,,Ah7JLOV, Yv.hh., doktor biolog. nauk, otv. red.; A13DULLAYEV, A.A., kand. fiz.- mat, muk, rcd,.~-LULDILI,',ASUL~V~_ DJ.. , doktor med. nauk, red.; ARIFOV, U.A., akademik, red.; bOJIODULII;A, A.A., karid. biol. nauk, red.; IVASIMV, V.N., red.; M&OVA, G.S.9 red.; KIV, A.Y., red.; LOBAIIOV, Ye.M., kand.fiz.-iiat. nauk, red.; NIKOLAIEV, A.I., kand. med. nauk, red.; F-IMMOV, D., kand. klair, nauk, red.; SADYKOV, A.S., akademik,, red.; STA:iODUMSEV, S.V., akademik, red.; TAI.NIN, 'Yu.N.p kand, fiz.-rat. nauk, red.; GORKOWY, P.I., red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.P., +,ckhn. red. (Trarstctions of the Tashkent Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy] Trudy Tashkentskoy kofferenteii po r1morm is- pollzovan~iu LAoiimoi energii, Tashkent, 1959. Vol.3. 1961. 5C1 i). (MIRA 15:3) 1. TarNkcntskaya Ionferentsiya po mir-norm ispollzovaniyu atom- noy onergii, Tashkent, 1959. 2. Akaderiya n,-,uk Uzbekskoy SSR (for Arifov, Sadykav, Starodubtsev). (Atoric onergy-Congresses) ABDMIASUIA)V. DA KkUlYKOV, R.H.; 111KISH111, K.Te. Importance of radiographic investigation in the detection of precanverous conditions of the stomach. Izv.All Us.SSR.Ser. mod.. no.3:21-28 159. (1(111A 12:8) 1. liatichno-isoledovatellskiy institut rentgenologii, rent genoio,,,ii, radiologii i onkologil Minzdrava SSM. (STOMACH-CMICIR) (STOM411--lULDIOGMPHY) STARODUBTSV, S.T., okademik. otv. red.; ABDULLAYHY, A.A., kand. fiz.- mat. neuk, red.; ABDtMASulpv_,_i.&, doktor nod. nonk, red.; ARI- FOY., U.A., skademik, red.; BOODTILIMA, A.A.. kand. biol. nauk, red.; IVASHRY, Y.N., red.; IMMOVA,'G.S., red.; KIV, A.Ye., red.; LORANOV, Ye.M.. kAnd. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; NIECLAYHY, A.I., knnd. mod. nauk, red.; NI~RANOY. D., kand. khim. nauk, red.; SAMTOT,A.S., akademik. red.; TALANIN. T~.N., kand. fiz.-w t.nauk, red.; TURAKULOT. Ya.Kh., doktor biol. neuk, red.; KHAHIDOY. R.I., red.; BABAKHANOYA, A.G., tokhn. red. (Works of the Tashkent Conference on the Penceful Uses of Atomic Energy] Trudy Tashkentskoi konferentaii po mirnomu ispollzoventiu atomnoi enorgii, Tashkent, 1959. Tashkent. Yol.2. 196o. 449 p. (tuRA 14:5) 1. Tashkentskaya konforentsiya -Do mirnomi ispollzovenivu atomnoy energii, Tashkent, 1959. 2. Akndeniyn nnuk Uzbekskoy SSR (for Staro- dubtsev, Arifovo Sadykov). 3. Institut yadernoy fiziki AN UzSSR (for Abdulloyev, Ivashev). 4. Chlon-koTrespondent AN SSSR (for Sa- dykov) (Atomic ener&v--Co4~resses) STARODUBTSEV's, S.T.p otv. red.j ABDULLAYEV, A.A.9 kand. fiz.-mat. naukp red.; -ABDURASULOV.-D-IL . doktor wd. mik, red.,, ARIFOV~ U.A., akad., red.; BORODULINA, A.A., kAwl. biol. neruk, red . ; IVASHEV V.N.p'red.,- IKWOVA, G.S.v red.; KIV, A.Ye.~ red. LOBANOVp Ye.14. v kand.-liz.-mat. naxkp red.; NIKOLAYEV, LI.v kand, jrad.inaukp red.; NISHANOV9 D. v kand. khim. naukv red. j SkUYXOVv A~S, ~ altoA.,, red.; TALANIN- Yu.N.9 kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, rad.,- TURMLOV~ Ya.Kh.' doktor biol. naukt red.; GAYSINSKAYA, I.,G., rea.: GDR-'KOVMA, Z.P.r tell"chi. red. r LTransactions of the Conferon;.~e on the Fevoftil Uses of Ator'l- Energy hold at Tashkent in 1959] Trudy Konferentsil yc, mirnomu ispollzovaniiu atoNnol energiip Tashk"nt~, 1959. T~Lshkent, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Uzbekskol SSR. Vol.l. 1961. 410 p. (14MA 14:9) 1. Konferentsiya po mirnomu ispoVzovaniyu atomnoy ~qjiergll. 2. In- stitut yadernay fiziki All Uzbekskoy SSF (for Szarodubtsev '. Arifov). 3, Institut -Miki AN Uzbekskov SSR (for Abdullayev). 4. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR i AN UzzliekSiLc-.~- SSR (for Sa6ykjv),, (Atomic energy ABDURMULOViL-14Pt.s.-prof.; BRONSHUS, B.L., pi-O.r.,. DDWIT, 1.14., starighiy nauchnyy sotrudnik A3.1-Union Conference on Work Coordination in the Field of Oncolog Mbd. zhur. Uzb. no.6:71-73 Jo 160. (1411a l5iffe (ONCOLOGY--CONGIUZSiZ) ABDURASULOVI q.M., .prof.; N*ISHIN, K.Ye., dotsent Possibilities and prospects of thn tomagraphic method of study. Mod. zhur. Uzb. no.10:3-9 161. (MIRA 14,10) 1. lauchno-issledovAltel'skiy institut rentgenologii, radiologii i onkologii Ministerstva zdravookhranenlya UzSSR i kafedra ivntgenolo- gii i meditsinakoy'Tadiologii Tashkentskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya yrachey. (DIAGNOSISp BADJOSCOPIC) AbDUAASUL0.V,,_D.K., prof.; NIKISHIN, A-Ye.., dotsent; FIUSIU~I,'KOVA, N.F., kand. med.naWc Tomography of the heart and large vessels. Med. zhur. Vzb. no.11: 20-24 N 161. (Fdi!A 15Q) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii i meditsinskoy radiologii (zav. - prof. D.M.AbduraBulov) Tashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta usavershen- stvovaniya vrachey. (HURT-RADIOGItAPHY) (BLOOD VES,3hLS--R&DIOGIUFIiY) ho537 S/242/62/000/006/001 /001 1015/121S AUTHORS: AbRdRu-rMjQy_D-M., Professor, Nikolayev, A. I., Candidate of Medical Sciences, and Oster, N. R., Candidate of Medical Sciences TITLE: The incorporation of radioindicators into nuc)cic acids and proteins of irradiated mice PERIODICAL: Meditiqnskiy zhurnal uzbekistana, no. 6, 1962, 22-24 TEXT: Not all scientists agree that the leading role in protein synthesis belongs necessarily to nucicic acids. Experiments were carried out on albino mice weighing 18-20 g and the rate of biosynthesis of proteins and nucicic acids was determined by the incorporation of p32. C'4-glycine and S35-mcthioninc. The animals were irradiated with 500 r from a rYT-Co400 (GUT-Co4OO) apparatus and (lie labelled substances were injected s.c. 1. 24, and 100 hours after irradiation. (p32 - 0.45 jjc/g b.%%,., 0-glycinc and SIS-filethionine - 0.2 pc/g b.w. each). The blood serum proteins were unaltered in all cases. No correlation betmcen the protein synthesis and that of nuclcic acids could be established. There is I table. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issiedovatel'skiy institut rcntgenologii, radiologii i onkologii Ministcrstva zdcravook lira ncniya UzSSR. (institute of Roentgenology. Radiology and Oncology Research, Ministry of Health UzSSR) Card 1/1 _aDVBASULQY,-D,-B, prof.; NIKOLAYEV, A. I., kand. mad. nauk; OSTER, N. R., kand. mad. nauk Inclusion of radioactive indicators into nucleic acids an? proteins in irradiated mioe. Mad. shur. 04b. no.6:22-24 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz nauchno-isaledovatellskogo inatituta rentganologii, radio- logii i onkologii Ministeratya admvookhrananiya UsSSR. (NUCLEIC ACIDS) (PROTEINS) (RADIOACTIVE TRACERS) ZEDGENIDZEp G.A.; KOSIKSKAYAp K.S.; FANARDZHYANp V,A.j ABDURASULDVp D.M.; MIRCLYUBOV., N.N.1 SERAGIN, V.M. Tenth International Congress of Reontgenologists and Radiolo- gists. Nbd. rade 8 no*2t8O-92 F163 (MIRA 16tll) -W ABDURASULOVY D.M.; DDIANT, I.N. Radiometric and autorad-'ueraphlc methcds in the study of the menhanibm of acute trauzantic. brain edema; expttrimentAl research. Mod. rad. 9 no.743-7 Jl 164- (MIRA 18!5) 1. lrstitut rentgenalogil, radiologii i onk-o2cg~l Minist-erstva zdravookhraneniya Uzbeki;lcyy &SR. ww - ".W- m V DI Radiation therapy to broadly used tn thz trmstmcmt of mAlJga=t '.mm-s. Ln, , KP 1,~Yn taw (-AA ue the Ahmmj~7 :Z %lt LILe tal R~*M-L'Nmood-oQ v I o#,y wx: Kv ABDUUSULOV, D.M.; NIKISHIN, K.Yn. [Tomo raphy of the normal okeleton. Manual for physi- cians~ Tomografiia nomallnogo kostnogo skeleta. Poso- bie dlia prakticheskikh vrachei. Taslikent, Meditsina, 1964. 209 P. (IAIRA 18:2) DIMAN-T, I.N.; A-13DUMULOV, 'D..Ml.; STOLYAROVA, A.G.; LQKTICINOV, G.M.; SATAYEV, M.M. Nfaotive processes in the brain during chronic local irradiation* Arkh.anat.gist, i embr. 48 no-3:84-90 Mr 165. (MIRA 1816) Is Otdol eksperimentallnoy onkologii (zav. - otarshly nauohnyy sotnidnik I.N.Dimant) Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta rentgonologiis radiclogli 1 onkologii MlniLiterstva zdravookhraneniya, Uzbekskoy SSR, 'Tashkent, ~,-BDIMA.'-,ULOV D.M.; AMILOVA, A.A.; FAZYLOV, A./~.; YUER*I'I,,,';CV, J.F-.0 Use of ultrasonics in the diagnosis of dine-sms of t-h,: sinuses. Nov. med. tekh. no.2:30--33 '64. OVUJU 18:31) KAA I VOV , A i,(lUT- .0T, 255 1). hu Uzl-~l ABDUR&SULOV, D. L-P-rof - Tashkent Conferenoe on the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy. Mod. red. 5 noZ:89-92 Ja 160. (MIRA 15:3) (RADIOLOGY, NEDICAI-CONGIMSES) S 0 V/ 12-1 - 5 8 A - -11-19 D from, Referali%myy zhurmal. Mekhall;ka Nr 4. p 66 (USSR) ,t% L' F I I OR: ,A I Li~- Lxperimental 11tvest!gat~on (A Ihe Silt:rg-ip o, the T,i~lwater of a Hydraulic By-pass Installat'on (Ek-,per mental*noyc issledw-iniye zaneseniya nizimego Wyeid derl- ols,onnogo nonosami) L ~ STR A CT: 13:1fliographic entry on the author's dissettation. for the degrev M Cand:date of ScienLes. p'-eselitt'd to tile 111-t %UdTl. problem. j gicirolckliv. AN UzSSR (!rstitutt.- (it *rrigation and Hydraulic Engineering, Academ~ of Scie!lcc.,,, UzSSR). Tashkent. 1957 ASSOCIATION: In-t vocln. problem. i g:drotc~h,,. AN UzSSR !Yistitutc of Irrigation and HVdraulic Engine~E!ring. Academy ot Sciences, UzSSR), 'rashkent Card I./] SOV/112-59-2-2722 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, p 63 (USSR) AUTHOR: Abduraupov, R. R. TITLE: Tailwater Silting at Dive sion-Type Hydrodevelopments and Its Evaluation Wrotsess zaneseniya nizhnego b'yefa derivatsionnykh gidrouzlov i yego raschet) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN UzbekSSR. Ser. tekhn. n. , 1957, Nr 4, pp 91-102 (summary in Uzbek) ABSTRACT: Based on an experimental study of tailwater silting under plane and spatial conditions and also based on analysis of actual data on some Central Asian rivers, the quantitative relations were found for determining: (1) water- surface slope for a solid silt motion and for a ridge-type silt motion; (Z) duration of silting with constant and variable discharges; (3) actual dam discharge through partial and full openings after tailwater silting has taken place; (4) length of the nonsilted stretch beyond a constricted cross-section. Bibliography: Z items. Yu. M.S. Card I I I SOV/ 124-58 -)Q -H] 38 Translation froni: Rcferati%-nyy zhurnal, Mckhanika, 1958. Nr 10, p 61 (USSR) AUTHOR: Abduraupov. R. R. TITLE: Determination of the Frce-surface Slope DurinK the Motion of Hvdraulic Sludges (Opredeleniye uklona pri dvizhenii donnykh nanosov) PERIODICAL: Dokl. AN UzSSR, 1957, Nr 9, pp -17-50 ABSTRACT- On the basis of experimental investigations of the motion of large size hydraulic sludges, the paper presents ar, empirical fort-nula ior the determination of the slope of the frce surface of a stream in relation to the amount of sediment transported [1 , the slope of the embankment Isl' and the relative roughness of the river bed d/R (d - is the size of the particles being entrained, while R is the hydraulic radius). In the experiments. the values of d/R flucluated %vithin the limits of 0 01 to 0. 09, while the alluvium content of the stream amounted to 0. 01 to 1. 25 kg/m3. 1. 1. Levi Card 1/1 ABDUR Effect of bottom deposition on the water diocharge capacity of openings. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR no.4,*57--60 '58. (MIRA 11:6) l.Institut vodnykh problem i gidrotekhniki AN UzSSR. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespoodentom AN UzSSR S.T. Altuninym. (Soviet Gentral Asia--Irrigation canals and flumes) (Sedimentation and deposition) ABDURAUPOV, R.R. Mechanism and tyPOS of motion of alluviums. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. takh. naWt no.5-.67-72 158. (MIRA 11:12) l.Inatitut vodnykh problem i gidrotakhniki AN UzSSR. (Alluviums) ABDURAUPOV, R.R. Determining the level in open channels in the case of unsteady motion of water. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 7 57-67 163. (MIRA MO 1. Institut vod;iykh problem I gidrotekhniki AN UzSSR i Ministerstvo vodnogo, khozyayatva UzSSR. S/048/6O/O2W-j.-'^_.! 13006,/'9014. AUTHORS: Abdurazakov, A. A., Gromov, K_ Ya, Dzhelepov, B. S.. ffomewyd~j Tff.77*~'Umarov, G" Ya., Chuminp V,, G, TITLE: The 75-minute Activity of Yb 71 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheakaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 278-282 TEXTt The article under review was read at the Tenth All!Union Confer- ..-ence gn Nuclear Spectroscopy (Moscow, January 19 - 27, 1960). The authors analyzed the spectra of electrons and positrons arising in the decay of the 75-minute Yb isotope by means of a magnetic p-spectrometer with a homogeneous magnetic field. The half-width of the Ce137 K-line amounted to 0.8%. Electrons were recorded by an electron counter of the type MST-17. An analysis of the positron spectrum (Fig. 1) revealed that it corresponded to a half-life of 7542 min as to intensity in all its parts. Fig. 3 shows one of the decay curves of the positron spectrum; its analysis by m9ans of the Fermi method (Fig. 2) showed that in the range Card 1/3 The 75-minute Activity of Yb S1048160102A, '-/~_'5/04/019 B006/BO14 of 1,300 - 29940 key there occurred no deviations from the shape which is characteristic of allowed P-transitions. The energy limit of the P-spectrum is found at 2994MO key. A deviation of the spectrum from the Fermi shape was observed at energies below 1,300 kev. If this deviation is assumed to be related to a second component of the 0-speotrum, its energy limit should then be at 13001100 key, L- and M-lines of the 91.5-kev transition and X- and L-lines of the 211-kov transition were found in the spectrum of conversion electrons, Data on conversion lines are compiled in Tablq 1. The mass number of this 75-min isotope has not yet been safely ascertainedp but a number of authors believe it to be 167. The opinions of various authors are cited in this connection. among them B. S~ Dzhelepov and Lo Ko Poker, A. V. Kal.yamin and A. Abdurazakov. To conclude from the investigation results obtained by the authors of the present paper (Table 2) it does not seem possible to ascribe the mass numbers 167 and 165 to the 75-minute isotope., Results likewise exclude 163 and 161. The only possible numbers left are 162 and 164, Considera- tions indicate 164 as the most probable mass number. Fig. 4 shows the possible decay scheme. To check this assumption, the authors analyzed Card 2/3 The 75-minute Activity of Yb S/00/60/024/03/04/nI9 B006/BO14 the conversion electron spectrum with a view to determining the Z of that nucleus in which the 91-5-kev transition, excited in the decay of 75-min Yb, occurs,, Respective data are given in Table 3. It was thus proven that the 75-atin activity is actually to be ascribed to the mass number 164. There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 12 referenceB, 7 of which are Soviet,, ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya yadernykh problem Ob"yedinennogo instituta yadernykh issledovaniy (Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of the Joint Institute of Nuclear ReaenShL Sredneaziatskiy politekhnicheakiy institut ((Soviet) Central Asia Poly- technic Institute) Card 3/3 ABDUR,,ZAKOV, A. A.; GRCKOV, K-Ya.; DUNLEPOV, B.S.; URkROV, G.Ya. Spectrum of conversion electrons of a dysprositLm fraction. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 24 no.9:1126-1134 3 100. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Sredne-Aziatekly politekhnicheskly institut i Oblyedinenvy institut yadernykh Issledovanly. (Dysprosium--Isotopes) (Electrons--Spectra)