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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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Isorhodanonitro- and toorhodanohalogeno-bia-dimethyl-glroxime-
cobaltio s,aide. Dokl.AN SSSR 106 no.4:665-668 F 156.(MLRA 9:6)
l.Kishinevskiy goeudarotyennyy uniTersitat. Predstayleno &We-
mikom I.N.Nazarovym.
(Cobalt compounds)
USSR/Physical Chemistry - Molecule, Chemical Bond. B-4
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1) 1958, 99
Author : A.V. Ablov, M.P. Filippov.
Inst : -
Title : Li,,~ht Absorption by Complex Compounds of Trivalent Cobalt.
I. Dependence of Absorption Spectra of Compounds of CCO-
En2Amine Clj)~ Type on Nature of Co-ordinated kunc.
Orig Pub : Zh. neor,-fiLn. khimii, 195'j, 2, No 1, 42-52
Abstract : The absorption spectra of solutions of cations.Z7CoEn2Amine
in 0.1 n. HCl were investi(pted. Ethylaiiinc, benzyla-
mine, aniline, n-fluoraniline, n-chloraniline, m-toluldine,
o-anisidine, O-phenetidine and n-&nisidine were the amines
in this cations- 3 absorption bands were found in the ab-
sorption spectrum of the cations CCoEn2(XC61141*12)Cj72_" at
520, 305 to 345 and 232 to 235 m,-, . A 4th absorption
band was also observed at 215 to 218 m,," in some cases (a-
mine =-n-chloraniline, 0-anisidine and o-plienetidinr!).
Card 1/3
USSR/Physical Chemistry Molecule, Chemical Bond. B-4
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 99
the similarity of the absorption_spectra of t ~esc two
cations with the spectrum of 1.2 Zporaolm 3~9 " the
authors arrive at the conclusion reGardin- the ci -s-structu-
re of the investiCAted cations. It is ro~'tulated' that the
structure of all the other studied cations is a-7so a cis-
structure. The synthessis of CCoEn2-(n-C6114"H2C1)C-17C'2-
.H2O and CC.E:n 2(KH2C2H5)CfS2O6-H20 is de-*cribcd.
Card 3/3
Spectrophotometric analysis of nickel salt pyridinates In aqueous
solutions. Zhur, neorg. khIm. 2 nool:53-59 Ja '57. (MLRA 10:4)
lo lishenevskiy Conudaretyennyy universitero
(Nickel nitrate) (Pyridine) (Systems (Chemistry))
-- Absorution of light by couplex compounds of trivnlent cobalt. PArt
2: Dependence of absorption spectra for compounds of [his
(ethylonediamins) ammino-bromocobalt(III)l enlts. Zhur. no org.
khim. 2 10:2390-2399' 0 '57. (MIRA 11:1)
1. Kisbinevskiy gosudaretvenVy universitet.
(Cobalt) (Absorption spectra) (Complex compounds)
w ~, -1 --,-j it ~- - 7-1 -=t -/ -,-.I
,11/. --/,;,
h~, ~, - I ~ il-
Spectrophotometric analysis of pyridInates of cobalt salts In
aqueous solutiors. Zhur. neorg. khim. 2 no.11:2575-2580 R '57.
(MIRA 11:3)
1.Kishinevs)dy gosudarstvannyy univermitet.
Spectrophotometry) (Cobalt salts)
AUTHORS: Ablo,r, A. V., Batyr, D. G. 75-6-18/23
TITLE: Q~antitative Determination of Reducing Saccharines by
Means of Copper Compounds of Trioxyglutaric Acid
(Kolichestvennoye opredeleniye vosstenavlivayushchikh
sakharist_ykh veshchestv pri pomoshchi mednogo soyedineniya
triokniglutarovoy kisloty).
PERIODICALi Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Khimii, 1957, Vol. 12, Nr 6,
pp. 749-753 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A new method for the determination of reducinj; saccharins by
means of a copper compound of the trioxyglutari-z acid was
proposed. It ia shown that the alkaline copper solutions of
trioxyglutaric, acid are more stable on heating than Fehling's
solution. Glucose, fructose and maltose are determined with
great accuracy (relative errors 0,34 to 1,14%) by this method.
It was shown that this method is more advantageous than
Fehling;s solution since a strict propoitionality governs the
relation betwoon copper oxide and saccharins. Ther are 4
tables and 11 refarences, 4 of which are Slavic.
AS:;OCIATlON: State University Kishinev (Kishinevskiy gosudarstveiVy
TI.TLEz On Me-3-fr-ong Transinfluence of the Hydroxygroup in Trivalent
Cobalt Dioximides. (0 sillnom trans-vliyanii gidroksogruppy
u dioksiminov trakhv&lentnogo kobal'ta, Russian)
PERIODICALt Doklady Akad*mil Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 113, Hr 6, pp, 1265 - 1268
ABSTRLCT: On the occasion of the investigation of the &aid properties of
nitro-bie-dimethylglyocy-moaquocobalt (CoH 2OAH 21N0 2) it was
found that it is completely soluble in concentrated alkalis on which
occasion a dark red solution is formed. In the case of slight
heating a red brown precipitation (K/Co (DH2),OH 2/3H20) is abundant-
ly separated from this solution (DH - the dimethylglyoxym residue).
Aliso a sodium-salt in formed in the same way. Nitric &aid, when act-
ing on these saltaq forms a red colored nitrate of the bis-dimethyl-
glyoxy-imodisquocobalt, on which occasion also the developing of
an intermediate product Is noticed. The latter can be obtained also
by the action of potassium carbonate on chlorine-bia-dimethylglyoxy-
moaquooobalt. If alkali is poured over the ohlorine-compound a
dihydroxo-compound is formed. Furthermore, the electric conductivity
and the hydrolysis-dissociation reactions respectively of the
substances mentioned are given. One of the authors expressed the
Card 1/2 opinion that in the compounds /Co(DH 2)2X2 / the two x-residues are
On the Strong Trans-Influence of the Hydroxygroup 2o-6-22/59
in Trivalent Cobalt Dioximides.
in trans-position to one another. Further inveatigation confirms
this spatial configuration of the dioxymines of the trivalent
cobalt. Also the infrared spectra confirm the transfiguartion
(Nakahara). Yurhtermore, the transition of the nitro-to-dimethyl-
glyoxy-moaquocobalt to potassium-dihydro-to-dimethylglyoxy-
mocobaltiate is explaii.ed by Chernyayev by the conformity of the
trans-influence. Thus, the hydroxo-group has a stronger trans-
activity than rhodano- and nitrogroups. Therefore these three
groups should be arranged in the following orders OH > NCS ';~,NO 2
with respect to the increasing transactivity in the dioxymines
of the trivalont cobalt. In the experimental part the afore-
mentioned reactions with constants and yields are described in
detail. (5 Slavic references).
ASSOCIATIONt Kishiniev State University.
PRESENTED BY; Ghernyayeyf I.I., Member of the Aoademy.
SUBMITTED: 2-10-1956
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
4L6 V 4,11
coa."~ Dissension 0% *be Both- of ta,.#tlg.s&ae 910
complas Famatl a I& Selaijose, (Save "Oh"Iyo-A I "Use tyb
po M.S.4am Lfizabaalra ka"I.1"Obrazo-ed,ly- - rent-.r")
12.4.tlra vyo*Ukb ashebarkh xavod.ftly. Of- a I
buslahm"Ara toltboaledLys, 19U. Xr 3. pp 175 - 114 (USSR)
from Folbrao." 21 19" "for.n
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sethed. of deloulssift "s, Instability 0.4st"t. seeardlmg
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tb: "least up" ib. F"o.soss of G.&PI.x formiatlea.
- . - - u I& *be lostar. by k. 1. ft"* and
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anst 11. D. Tatsistrobty is ibeir
roly"risatics, of ".roxy, Laid. in Sclatiess-
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lys"I"862186 It 00&utlmo Of aelb&Lo soLd. f%. sath.p.
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cart 4/16 lpllakovskU
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l nor" I Son real& by seats.. Y. k.
L'%utlr,:.kly "It a Lootsre
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t" SOL. lea. 1. coblamsj4m
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Sol-bLLILU Dlw- of it. sy %0. C~ ZCI - 3,0 36. 1 .... %Lee.
4 c~PI Cowl, Compounds &a 2ater T. 261mILOAN.. IS
41 th. .10. - at t I.;,- f the L;uld 1.
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GbMI&VVY La the ojLa,,o,.,,7 *I ojya~ajoa, 0oap,
.ones. k. 4.
Card S/16 GrIeVere sklak. gas* %6e ass, opprosech of %a.
aws avot vo-"d sea at we PwTw.&.# "As *.x.jdw* .1% 91/ts PRO*
-I 2---o ISTY14.3-1 4z -.01 ... yet P.MT,ZaA as
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ISS a%$ is -~ SWRI "a Isfia. am
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=70vTof ORS T7 aftliRm-bi is #...g AN I I.A - wee"aff
olsesmaj 2-76_~ as aa "" :U. aselvar a"
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AV& :q% :=Va,"at SUTIMS *""I. at somoo ATITtess"
on wo as so- NO Amw .10-siodmi ej: pow &Awn somes"
..Tavoa 7111.61m.dS. wo sm-wral-Ae so vein- oil, ;sr o"46A
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MTJIITTlabo us is .&MT-orgo vs saw* VWRS TOA*T 0 as
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It *2 *-1-- 01""PISMOS ;a 04 *1 OVWRO&~ ".14mo
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psi raw -V..jq Va. to"*. ald.ovotAs at so go7tTIT470wod a" gallf vm"~-
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-SAvy.d mq~. -SOOT Jq at OAVP At.31 4 -A -77" eysstv
jxv%:jj,. '.;*.I:Q:"SOA PejeVeR at JOSS05
Immod-O Val , A'"40 Rst. .0 IT" wo -savesea ROTS
V.Plas Tj.2 PON sworlsoly is as is WOTSTPIS&OWT
!I.". N'.- STV-t .6"Nall-los -7 I.I.Anp is 44AL was
so :Vanodefto "14002 AN; ammsmmoz #IJ11"Jol;c
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OR% Ul '".662%o "a aimra"Soo mati
0.0ts.lot .7 POTSOMISS XOTAUD* OR$
A. " powlem q1 we velf"os= *ov"bawbb
coater.1140 3doe"Give, as the xQuoto of
InvestLestLed the cmvl.z Pornation in 30I.SLOAS
staliusy or the -pyrIdL&.t.o- to changed In d.p..dezwe 0.
"a sol."t. U. 1. T .
~~&& is his loolurv, MLe larlesoce
of the 2alve." gpod--th. coup-itle. and Stability of Complex
lose &toozm*s4 the polazoer.phle 15'eallgati.. nothot of
Us GkUrLds "d Wooyanat;. cooll-ir of !-*- !!- quavue
4AXAM644 "IM114-6 &I dlff*"Ct co&t--t of the 464-64--waS
Vel-efts sad At a Coattail tcAu straugl!ft. A st*V-vi--
abartat-V of the oomplas formalLo. .46 rated as -11 so the
Lastabilltr sonatest. of she compl.a.m. The Lori"". at
fto disleetris Gonst-t of %A. ool.%Loa a. the stability at
"A Laveoutatod somplexas wom proved. In the le.ture W7
V. P. Wasil rev on the -1w.stigatioa of Aquo Complexes 1.
X1204 sol"ate, the &&I& 4ttea,11*8 woo dt'.144 to the A".*-
"m at the ssmaitaliv* recortima of the eoiv&tL*a ort-to
I& Us somples formation. 71b. appIlaability of the P*larv.
atephl* mou" is the tateraL"Sloa of the ."Pooluea sal
stabillty of the sque, complexes In size& "I'sat. was Proved
sad orporlmostal material a& the thermadjazzloo or %be
414oweI&SA" of %be 9.4odow-equo In aquawas *Ibamel
Gord I "JaUS&S .04 Me.110604, T. ff. ToLa"bov. V.
Add 1. V. T&NAW*v stressed In their lectures the mme.oslty
or & On" oespi-to WA goners.1 Investigation or the a.i,.O,va
Pr*000m,06. A- 1. Debts sod A. N. GoLeb PQL&td *at the
drool Ampertafted of the is...sismalons of St. "ApLax fares.
01" ogulllbria Is noz-squoomo, "Latica., " sag.
621114m1 oosowdlo am the lowtozo by U. 1. Tur'y". The
rell"Lad: solostless took porl In this dio-osion. L. P.
AAMMOVUh. 0. 1- UGSOYedolokly, A. P. goakvla and A. G.
Maslakkov. As the f1&.1 8-11,01 of %b. tonf'res" A. A.
griabore. CorreoposOing xwz~-ww,. AS px3jj. ,It I& Ole opoosh
that -b a somfo"". was very A d.1.1164 4I.cus-
"" of Us d.l.rmi"tios *.shot* of the G"po.Ltl.. of the
somploses, at evil as of the method 1. the mt.0 of the
SmonSIZAS11. 6aaratt.rInjos of tho al.P.L.. ."Via. term-
Otto - ontrotely so.f.1 for &1I he It-d.4 tht# somfo'."..
cart 16/16
1 21,,q
AUTHOR: Ablov, ji. V. 70-3
TITLE: Basic CobaltDioximine~Osnovaniya dioksivAnov
PERIODICALt Zhurnal Neoreanicheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol 3, 5,
pp 1110-1125 (US'JR)
ABSTRACT: On the action of concentrated baGes on soluticn_-, zc:-' nl : 1
oAm 2 (D") 21+ protons are yielded by both D11 f:r~aiiprj. '."!zo Y.~cl-
CPi_1C.Preoces!?was an*alyzed with the help of th3
spectrum. Spectrophotometric tests demonstrated th,,:." all ca-
tions of the (CoAm2(D11)2j+ type are capabie of delive-Irg- Pro-
tons. (A m ITH3, pyridine or aromatic amines) L;o;.Ic
dioxl&hes were isolated in crystalline otate. It was -,_,ovc~: by
~jiu jmviitiumetric titration that no correlation exi_FtL~ "botvi::on
the dissociation constant of the basic ccmi3ax and ho ,.::.ine
p. The solutions of basic dioximineseravioa!. cllcf~.-rclytcs
grou I
The following compounds were formed:
1co(JI2N. C6115)2D2IIJ,3H20
1. dark brown rhoi-,ibic crystair,
[Fo(n - 112 N. C6H4* C113)2D211J. 411 0 - basic Di-O-t-)Iuidindioxi-ne-
Card 1/2 coialt dark bro,.-,-n c7ctahc~llrors
Basic Cobalt Dioidmines
78- 3-5-12/39
[Co(n - H211. C 6114. C113)2D2HJ-311 0 - basic Di-N-toluidinedio="ne-
cobait sm--11 plates of
OC11 Hja,411 0 - basic.. Di - N.- col c~r
LCO('-' - 1121"G114' 3) 2D2 ni2idindioxine cobalt li.-ht brown
[Go (11 - 11 N * C6H Cl)2 D2111.2 1120 basic Di-41;- st a I S
chloride aniline dio ino cobalt small plates of col,~l
~o(n - ,IN'C6H 4 Br )2 *D 2q* 2H 20 - bromide anilinedioxi-ne
greenish brown prisms.
LCOPY2 (DII )21 C1.21120 - bi -chloride diiaetliylwlykoxyd,-I)yri(lint,
There are 4 fiCures, 1 table, and lo references, 6 of which ar,2
A330CIATIO:Ils Kishinevskiy ~;osudarstvennyy universitet (Kishinov Stzlt-e
!M)EITTED t !--Y '29, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Cot-.,-ross
Card 212 .1. Cobalt Maximinsr-Production 2. Ctb#,'.t r-*-e.w!.,:.$.-,tr-..!-):O-
portles 3. Sj*ctxographic anallvis-4pplicatii.-to 4.. -AitroLtio,
AUTHORS: Lobanov, 11. 1., Rassonskayaj 1. S., Ablov, A.-Y..
TITLE: The Heating Curves of Some Cobaltic Amines ( xrjv-.iY&
nagrevaniya nokotorykh koballtiamminov)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Neorganicheakoy Khimii, 1958, Vol. 3, Nr 6,
pp. 1355 - 1365 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The heating curves of come cobaltic aminee were investigated
and the results obtained were compared to the heating curves
of platinum complex compounds. The thermographic analyses were
performed by means of the recording pyrometer by N. S. Kurnakov.
It can be seen from the thermographic analysis th.-it endothermic
effects occur in the heating curves of hexamine cobaltic chlo-
ride and hexamine cobaltic bromide which indicate the release
of ammonia and the transition of the above mentioned salts into
pentamine cobaltic halide. There is no important difference
between the temperature of decomposition of pentamine cobaltic
halide and that of the luteosalts. The loss of ammonia takes
Card 1/3 place already at 2oo 0C. The lose of ammonia from hexamethylene
~he Heating Curves of Some Cobaltio Amines
cobaltic bromide takes place more quickly than the loss of
the corresponding chloride, i.e. hexamethylene cobaltic
chloride is more stable than hemethylene cobaltic bromide.
Beginning with 275 0C the second endothermic effect takes place.
The aquo-pentamine cobaltio salts equally show endothermic
effects. The first endothermic effect takes place at loo 0 C,
which indicates a loss of water. Aquo-pentamine cobaltic sulfate
bromide proved to be the most stable aquo-pentamine cobaltic
salt( [Co(NII3)5*H 20] (so4)Br). The first endothermic effect
which indicates a loss of water takes place in this salt only
at 210 C. Endothermic effects which are connected with the lose
of ammonia from the inner sphere of the complex were observed
in the hexamine. oobaltic nitrite complexes, pentamine cobaltic
nitratocomplexes, and in the cis-dinitro tetramine cobaltic
complex as well as also in[Co.en 2(NH 3)21(NO3)3 and in
LC o.en 2(NH3 ). NO 21 (N02)2 . All cobaltic amino complexes containing
the NO 2- and NO,-group in their composition, independent of
Card 2/3 whether these groups belong to the inner or the outer sphere of
Rhe Heating Curves of Some Cobaltic Amines 78-3-6-11/30
the complext show endothermic effects at temperatures of
190 - 2oooC. The comparison between the amino complexes of
platinum and palladium and the amino complexes of cobalt-(III)
shows that the reactions of displacement in the inner sphere
of the cobaltio amino complex take place extremely slowly and
that they are accompanied by side-reactions such as decomposi-
tion or oxidation. There are 24 figures and 16 references, 9
of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moldavokiy filial AN SSSRI Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy
khimii im. N. S. Xurnakova, AN SSSR. Moldavia Itranch AS"UM
Instit-Ae of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov)
SUBMITTED: May 259 1958
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Cabaltic amines-4hermal aa~ysis
Card 3/3
AUT3OR3: Ablov, A V Filippot~ M.P~ jOV/78 -3-7-17/44
TITLE, III. The DeRpnaeno* of the Abaorption Spectrum of the Compound
of the Ty-pe !Co.Amir,.2 (DH) x on the Nature of the Coordination
III. Za_4, L
Amine Azimcatl spektrov pogI03hohenlya soyedinenly tip&
o.Amin, (DR) -
2.),jL ot prirc-iy koordinir-ovannogo amina)
PERIODICAL: Zhlurmal naorganiche6koy khimii, 1958, Vol, 3~ Nr 7, PP !565--1572
ABSTRACT-. The absorption spectrum within the range of 210-650 meL up to
dime-th.vlglyoV=diaminooobalt-cat-'Lon complem Co (Amine (DH
vria lm.*Testigated, in whioh ezdn" --- ammonia, pyridins, aniline,
o-,, m.. and p-toluid-Ine, m- and p-ohlorowAline, m- and p-brcmo-
aniline, p-lodine aniline, o.- and p-anisidine and o-phenetidine.
DH denotes thi memainler of dimethyl glyoxin. The first line of
th.% ivuestigatid compoxiMs shifts in the direction of the short
wave r-ange in .=tr&st to the oorx-esponaing ethylene-diamine
oompv,,~nda., Th-4 o=trrenoe of now intense lines in the absorption
spectrtm on the intmd,,otion of aniline Into the inner sphere of
the oomplax ia couBed by the group Co-N . During exchange
Card 1/ 2 into the oamplltx (Ce (NH3)7 (DH)21* of one molecul'-~ &MMoaia for
III. The Depenaens-I-) of thi Absorption SPectPAM Of the 3o`08-3-7-17/44
Cogpour.a of tb.- Tvpa 190.Amin2 (DH) 2] x on the Nature
oil the Coordination Ainina
Ong chlorine atom thr;s position of the lines of' the absorption
spect-,-= changey oray xlig4t1,y. The owirnanc* of th't lines in
thi *Obaovption apaotmm at 250 m14, does noi depend on the nature
of ~-he amirke but capon the &Arvips.
H 0
CH.) 0 N N= 0 CH
C 0 3
CH3 0 N N= 0 CH3
0--H 0
Thero ax~9, 7 figurea, 3 tablas, and 11 references, 5 of v&ich are
ASSOCIATICK: Kis6hin&wx~ gosularst-enzwyy universitet (Kishinev State Univer-
SUBMITTED: Juva lop 195-7
1. Co:,,iplex compound s.-Spec tra 2. Complex compounds-ChenlicnI
Card 212 reactions 3. A-mines-Chemieal properties
Y, j C.) v I. , 31i -.1 1 .3 78 - 8- 17/48
T i a C, L I i i 0 11. C 10 0 1.11 1,~ t I i.1f Y, i 110 C 0 h n 1 t i C A C i d
i.i - 1 i t i ',.;,l ~ 61- s k:-o,,. I I ti i 31 o t a
P ? 1 D I C L ne c rgan 1 c n v k h im i 19 5'; . v o' r
.n thc nr;tion of hydlri0ic~ uci~ on isotti-koeyetio-*ut-,!i:t,ethyl-
glyoxi-nuquo cobalt cobal-
tic acid is formed which has tho ',*ollowinp composition:
.i cc 0 ( -1! )2 J ( SCN )] 1, 2 L)
Some salts of this .9-ci6 were nroluced. which have the follow-
ing comnosition: CCo.Amin2(DH)23 Lco(,.)1i), i(sr-T
On zhc action of aniline, pyridine and anamonin on a solution
of isothiocyanoiolo-bi-d~,7.2thylgivuxj-.ic cohnItic sci:1 ir
alcoholic meilum nmin,~ 18 !;ubst 1 ~ W-0C Iv the isothi ocynno
proup under the formation of
lco.Amin (Tm". 2 j]. in nqueous
..oluti-na and in depentionce on the PTI valtiv of "he mcaium the
isottioc,vano group or the iodo group in tne, isothiocyi~noiolic
acid is dinplacee, by water.
Card 1/ 2 It is shown that io-in~? in the lioximes of cohnlt-t ,Iil)
loothiocyanoiodo-Bi-DimethylElyox;~.ic Cobaltic Aci(j C"I 9 - F, - 1 -7
compourAs has a strong trans-effect. In (1-pendance on the
p1l value of the medium an14 tho concentration of tho rencting
compcnent, the trans-effect cf the J.,-.othiocyvno group can bc
stronger or wenker than thal, of ic2inc,.
Therc, arc 13 r,~ferr.,ncu-., i~ of which arr. Soviet.
AS'MCIA71ON: Kishinevskiy gosularntvennyy universitet (Kishinev State
3U?.,,dM.D: July 18, 1Q~57
Car.1 2/2
AUTHORS: Ablo unovap Ts. Bo SOV/78-3--8--48/48
TITLE: Conference on the Chemiatry of Heteropolyacids (Soveshohaniye
po khimii geteropolikislot)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiip 1958, Vol. 3, Nr 8, pp. 1989-
1989 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: On December 13, 1957 a conference on the chemistry of hetero-
polyacids took place at Kishinav. Five reports were given a'.
this conference. In the report by A. 1. Kok-orina the trihetero-
polyacids were dealt with, especially the basizity, the
oxidizeability and reductivity, as well as the reaction of the
triheteropolyacias with cations and some organic compounds.
From the report by N. A. Polotabnova may be seen that not only
the central atom but also addenda are of importance for the
basicity of heteropolyacids. In the lecture delivered by A. K.
Kovadlo the technology of the structure of isopolyacids and
heteropolyaoids were dealt with on t~e basis of the classical
theory of valence. To determine the chemica individuality
of the tri- and tetraheteropolyacids A. V. Ablov and Ts. B.
Card V2 Konunove\ employed pape-- chromatography. The x--ray analysis was
Conference on the Chemistry of Heteropolyacids
used for explainIng the structure of heteropolyacids.
The conference decided -upon a far reach.-ng emplcyment of physical
and chemical methods being necessary fer investigating the
he'llaropolyacids and explaining their structure.
Card 2/2 uscomm-Dc-6im
iUTHORS: _O-I-Qv,,A._ V., Konunova, Ts. B. SO V/78 - 3 -9 -31 81/_3 5
.TITLE: Conference on the Polarographic Method of Analysis (Soveshchazuye
po polyarograficheskomu metodu analiza)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 9, pp 2221-2222
ABSTRACT: A conference on the polarographic method of analysis took place
from January 21 to 23, 1958, in -which the Molda-,rskiy filial
AN SSSR ~14Dldavbn 3ranch, AS USSR), the Khimicheskiy f akul I tet
Kishinovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Department if
Chemistry, Kishinev StatQ University) and the Kishinevs~oye
otdaleniye Vsesoyuznogo khimichesk~-n obshchestva in. -a 1.
Mendeleyeva (Department of thp ALI-Union ChemiooZ Assoociation ineni
D. I. Mendeleyev - Kishinev) participated. Also scientific',
cooperators from Kishinev, Moscow and Dnepropetrovsk took part
in the conference. Eighteen reports were delivered. Sinyako,.,a,
S. 1. - Institut geokhimii i anali 1 4cheskoy khimii AN SSSR im.
V. 1. Vernadskogo - Moskva (Institutc, of Geochemistry und
Analytic Chemistry, AS USSR ineni V. I. Vernadskiy - Moscow)
made a report on the iise of catalytic ciirrent for the polaro-
Card 1/4 graphic determinaticii of iziolybdenum and other metalo. Lyalikov,
Conference on the Polarographic Method of Analysis
Yu. S. - Kishinevskiy universitet (Kishinev University) re-
ported on the character.* atins of polarographic -~Navese Numerous
reports were submitted on the formation of complexes in so-
lutions. Turlyan, Ya. I. - Kishinevskiy universitet (Kishinev
University) has romputcd the stability constant of the halogen
and rhodanite complexes of cadmium by polarographic detexmination.
The r6port of MigaV , P. K. and Pushnyak,~, A. N. (Kishinev
University) describes the polarographic analyses of ethanol
amino complexes of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc. Gabovich,
A. A. and Gabovich, A. M. - Kishinevskiy sel'skokhozyastvennyy
institut (Kishinev Institute of Agriculture) determined manganese,
zinc, cobalt, nickel and chromium by oscillographic polarography.
Also the determination of thallium in solutions in the presence
of cobalt and manganese -.Na~7 discussed. Bobrinskiv~ M. B. -
Moldavskiy filial AN SSSR (Koldavien Jranch, AS USS - examined
the metallic precipitate obtnined on the solid electrode in th~,
polarographic determination by menns of an electrenic micro-
scope. Bardin, It. B. (Kishinev University) suggests the use -f
rotating disc-shaped electrodes with a small surface in polar.---
graphy. Usatenkc,, Yu. S. and Vitkina, 11. A. - Dnepropetrovsk;--;
Card 2/4 khimiko-tekhnologichesk.4v institut (Dnepropetrovsk Institute of
Conference on the Polarographic Method of Analysis
Chemical Technology) - reported on the polarographic titration
by sodium dietbyl dithiocarbamate. Reznik, V. I. and Danilenkc,
Ye. F. - Dnepropetrovskiy universitet (Dnepropetrovsk Univer-
sity) made a report on the ammetric titration of zinc in
various samples. Pshenitsyn, N. A., Yezerskaya, N. A. and
Ratnikoval V. 0. - Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii
AN SHE Moskva (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry,
AS USSR Moscow) - reported on the polarographic determinaticn
of iridium-(IV) from H 211 rC1 61 by means of rotating platinum
elertrodes. The authors alsc escribed an ammetric titrati(n,
of small quantities of iridium with hydroquinone and ascorbic
acid. Temyanko, V. S. - Magnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheskiy
institut (Magnitogorsk Institute of Mining and Metallurgy)
reports 3n the une of solid electrodes for the polarorraphic
determination of gold and platinum. Novik, R. M. (Moldavian
Branch, AS USSR) reports on the polarographic and ammetric
determination of the bromine ion in the melt. Lipis, B. V. -
Mol?.avskiy institut sadovodstva, vinogradarstva i vinodeliya
WdwAm Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Wine Pro-
Card 3/4 duction) determined oxj,Lren and S02 in wine. Vayntraub, r. P. -
SOV/78-3-9- 38/38
Conference on the Polarographic Method of Analysis
Moldairskaya stantsiya zashchity rasteniyQ431&Nian Stntion of
Plant Protection) worked out a method for the polarographi-
determination of dinitrobenzene thiocyanate. Rayk, S. Ya.
($cilrijan Branch, AS 'USSR) reports on the polarographic de-
termination of pectic substances. The reports initiated a number
of discussions. In the resolution special attention was drawn
to the development and use of the polarographic method In the
practical work of scientific institutes and industrial
Card 4/';
5(2, 3)
AUTITORS: Ablov, A. V., Samus', N. M. 90V/20-123-3-21/54
TITLE: Complex Compounds of Trivalent Cobalt Containing Thiourea
(Kompleksnyye soyedineniya treklivalentnogo koballta,
soderzhaBhchiye tiomochevinu)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19rG, Vol 123, Nr 3,
PP 457-460 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: After a short survey of those metals the salts of which
form affiliation products with thiourea (Refs 1-4) the
authors found that only some comparatively unstable
compounds of the bivalent cobalt with thiourea are known
(Ref 5)- Such compounds of the trivalent cobalt have so
far not yet been described. The authors succeeded in
introducing thiourea into the inner coordination sphere.
The reactions of the compounds thus obtained haVe shown that
thiourea in the dioximes of trivalent cobalt exerts an
increased trans-effect. On the interaction of chloro-bis-
dimethyl glyoxime-aquocobalt with an aqueous or alcoholic
solution of thiourea (1:1) a yellow-brown fine-crystalline
substance is formed with good yield already at room temperature.
Card 1/3 This substance is chloro-bis-dimethyl glyoxime-thiocarbamide
Complex Compounds of Trivalent Cobalt Containing SOV/20-123-3-21/54
cobalt. The same substance can also be obtained according
to a general method (Ref 6). On slight heating with aqueous or
alcoholic thiourea solution it dissolves and crystals of
bis-dimethyl Clyoxime-dithiocarbamide cobalt chloride
ECo (thi 0)2 (DII)21 Cl - 5H20 precipitate from the solution.
This compound can be obtained from an alcoholic.solution of
cobalt chloride (1 mol), dimethyl glyoxime (2 mol) and
thiourea (more than 2 mol) by oxidation with air. From
further reactions of the salts thus obtained:
[Cc (thio )2 (DR )21 X' (where X a Br, NO 3), as well as from the
unequal linkage of two thiourea molecules, furthermore from
the fact that two dimethyl glynxime radicals in the dioximes
of 3-valent cobalt are lying on one level (Refs 7, 8), the
authors conclude that both thiourea molecules in the complex
cation CZo (thio )2 (DH)J+are in trans-position. The facts
described can be explained if trans-effect higher than that
exerted by the acid radicals Cl, Br, NO 2' J and CHS is
Card 2/3
Complex Compounds of Trivalent Cobalt Containing SOV/20-123-3-21/54
attributed to thiourea in the cobalt dioximes on reactions
in neutral media. The experimental section with the usual
data follows. There are 9 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kishinev Stato
PRES]INTED: June 26, 1958, by 1. 1. Chernyayev, Academician
SUBMITTED: June 23,1958
Card 3/3
AUTHORS; Ablov, A. V., Malinovskiy, T. 1. SOV/2o-1235-4-28'53
TITLE: The Structure of the Addition -Proditcts of Aroiintic Amines to
Zinc Halides (Stroyeniye produktov prisoyedineniya aroratiches-
kikh aminov k galoGenid= toinka)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1950, Vol 123, IIr
pp 677 - 680 (IJSSR)
A13STRACT: Two closely connected theories try to explain the effect of
the ligands on the behaviour of the d-electrons of the central
atoms of elements of the middle of the first great period of
Mendeleyev's system: I. This tieory is also called the theory
of the crytitalline field. The authors mention the criticism
found in publications (Refs 1-5)- 11: This theory demands
a partly covalent charecter of the bonds in the COMDlexes
(Refs 6,7). Consequently the compounils of zinc with aromatic
axiines had to have -in octahedral striicture. The final con-
cluaions rere not proved by bonds of bivalent cobalt (Refs Br-11).
The expInnation of the problem montioned in the title was
Card 1/3 of special interest. For this pitr,,one the strrcture of the
The Stri.ctiirc of the Addition Prodii,3tr, of Aro!-,!)tic SOV/2o-123-4-20/53
Aminen to Zinc Halides
addition prodtict of para-toluidine to zinc chl ori d e
7'11Cl,,.2P--=!T2 N.C6H4* CH3ras investi,,-,uted. The crystals of
thi3 compound were investic-~Aed by x-rays, by means of a
pycnorieter, radiographically and by rudiogoniometric pictures.
Based on these invest ip-n t i ons 2-di-.j0jjj;iO?jj-Ll F2 lines were
plotted for the zero, first and secorid layer-line. The maxima
1 and 2 were clearly showp on the 1)rojection: they were
identified as the voctorsPri-Cl and Cl-Cl. Therefrom the
distance Zn-C1 = 2.35.� 0.05 A was determined. This distance
tends to show a predominantly covalent binding of the central
atom with the halogen, as is the case in the structure of
Cocl 2' 2p toluidine (Ref 11). Several similar characteristics
caiteel the authors to unsune th-Lt t'.~e addition products
of para-toluidine on zinc chloride as ;,iell as on cobalt (-II)
chloride ;ire isostructural (Fig 2). Therefrom it is concluded
that the structure of ZnCl 2 is molecular. The
zinc atom is in the centor of an aluost ro,-!iiar tetrihedron
two points of rhich are occiipled by Cl atons and two others
Card 2/3 by N ato-nu. Thus, the coorlin.-Aion nu,,-,')(-r of zinc. in compounds
The Strl;cture of the Addition Products of Aro-.atic SOV/2 o- 12 71-4-28/53
Amines to Zinc Halides
of the type ZnCl 2- 2A is not chanCed due to a sul-,stitution of
an,monia by an aromatic amine; this is also the case in the
corresponding compounds of bivalent cobnlt. Ya. K. Syrl:in,
Correnponding Member, Acade:~iy of Sciences, USSR, took. Part
in the diuctisnion of the renulto obtained. There are 2 figures
and 12 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCTATIOTI: Voldavokiy filial AII-ademii nauk SSSR (hl-ildavinn Branch of the
Academy of Sciences IUSSR)
PRESENTED: June 26, 1958, by I. I., Chernyayev, I~c-de::iician
SUBIAITTFD: June 23, 1958
Card 3/3
Ilie Crystal Structure of Zinc Di chloro-Diparat-olu idi tie"
a report pr-.-I-;-ented at Symp,,;s.iijr, of the International Union of Crystallogruphy
Lenningrad 21-27 MEW 1059
130: L 28 Jully 1959
I B 3,IJ5,471
5 (2) SOV/78-4-2-15/40
AUTHORS: Ablov A. V. Lobanoy, N. 1.
TITLE: The Reaction of Several C,)balt Ammines Containing Thio-
cyanogen and Nitro Groups in the Inner Coordination-Sphere
(Povedeniye nekotorykh koballtiamminov, soderzhashchikh
vo vnutrenney koordinatsionnoy sfere rodano- i nitrogruppy)
PEPIODICAL; Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiiq 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2,
pp 337-343 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Several cobalt ammines were investigated in order to find out
the influence of the thiocyanogen group in the inner co-
ordination sphere upon the reactivity of the nitrito groupo
It was found that upon heating CiS-iBOthiocyanogen nitrito
diethylene diammine cobalti-ion, ois- and trans-dinitrito
diethylene diammine cobalti-ion, and nitrito pentammine
cobalti-ion with concentrated solutions of ammonium thio-
cyanogen the nitrito group is exchanged for a thiocyanogen
group in the inner coordination sphere, If a sol 'ution of
trans-isothiocyanogen nitrito diethylene diammine cobalti-ion
with ammonium rhodanide is heated no diisothiocyanates aro
formed. The thiocyanogen group which is in trans-position
Card 1/2 to the nitrito group reduces the mobility and the exchange-
The Reaction of Several Cobalt-Ammines Containing Thiooyanogen and Nitro
Groups in the Inner Coordination Sphere
ability, respectively, of the latter. On the interaction of
isothiocyanogen nitrito tetrammine cobalti chloride with
hydrobromic acid the following salts are formed:
POOR 3)4(N02) (NCS)j Br and [Co(N H3)4 (N 02) (B r)j B r.
There are 1 figure and 23 references, 13 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moldavskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR,Otdel neorganicheshoy
khimii (MoldavianBranch of the Academy of Sciences USSR,
Department of Inorganic Chemistry)
SUBMITTED: November 22, 1957
Ca:rd 2/2
5W SOV/78-4-2-24/40
&LITHORS: Ablov, A. V., Malinovskiy, T. I., Dedyu, V. I.
TITLE: The Structure of Mixed Heteropoly Acids (Stroyeniye smeshan-
nykh geteropolikislot)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2,
pp 397-401 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The mixed phosphor-6-molybdenum-6-tungsten heteropoly acid
was investigated. The roentgenograms of the non-mixed and the
mixed heteropoly acid were compared and it was found that the
intensity of the lines of the mixed heteropoly acid is weaker
than that of the lines of the non-mixed acid. The structure
of the anions in the mixed heteropoly acid is analogous to
the structure of the anions of the non-mixed acid. The in-
tensity of the lines of the mixed heteropoly acid found by
calculation corresponds to that found by experiments. The
geometrical position of the atoms of molybdenum and tungsten
in the complex anion FFMc6wl2-604OJ3 is equivalento The
dried mixed heteropoly acid is a pentahydrafe, as is the non-
Card 1/5 mixed heteropoly acid. The cesium salts of several mixed
The Structure of Mixed Heteropoly Acids
heteropoly acids were produced and their roentgenograms
taken: Cs 3 H [S~W 12040] .0-2H 20 11-7L+0;02 (Cell paraneter)
093 HIs'M06W60401 .0-','H201-1-7210-04
C9 3 PM06W60401i .0-2H20 11.81+0.02
Cs3 H21PMO'0 V20401 .0-2H2~111-724.05 A*.
The cesium salts of the mixed heteropoly acids are more
stable than their InitInI acids. In the formulas three atoms
of cesium correspond to I central atom. The following formulae
were suggested for the mixed tungsten-molybdenum-phosi)lior;-c
acids and the vanalium-mol..vbdenum.-phosphoric acids:
[AMOn W12-n 0401 "- and 11-M 0nVI 2-n040T' An attempt of
producing heteropoly acids containing tungsten, molybdenum,
and vanadium (tetraheteropoly acids) did not prove successful
because a strong reaction takes place during the productiona
There are 4 figUresp 1 table, and 15 references, 8 of which
are Soviet.
Card 2/3
_The 'Structure of Mixed Heteropoly Acids
ASSOCIATION: Moldavskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (MoldavianBranch of the
Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: December 4, 1957
9ard 3/3
AUTHORS: Ablov, A. V., Konunova-Frid, Ts. 3. XV/'78-1-i-15/34
TITLE: Investigation of fleteropolyaoids by the i1ethod of Pnper-
chroinatof,,raphy(Issledov~iniye geteropolikislot metodoin
bumazlinoy khromatografii)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorgnnicheskoy khiiiii, 1999, Vol 4, lir 3,
PP 578-584 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The chemical properties of the mixod tri- and totrahoteropoly-
acids consisting of metallic acids of molybdenum-tungst,~n,
molybdenum-vanadium, and tungsten-vanadium with phosphorits
and silicon central atoms were irive:ltigated by the method of
paper-chromatography. The comparlLtive investigations were
carried out with di-, tri-, and totraheteronolyacids. -,'or the
chromatographical investigation a 0.01 :n sciution of hetoro-
polyacid in 2 n H,SO 4 was used. Fron the investigations it
may be concludod that. pliosplior.-,ol~,I),,3o'Liiriirsti.c ncid is an
individual chemical compound. 3i-.iiDir inveoti,-ations were
carried out with sili-oo-diheterDpoly.1cid rind silicomolybdo-
tungstic acid. The chromatogrn.-i-is sh3,.. thnt silicomolybdo-
Card 1/3 tungstic acid is also an individii-1 chemicn.1 compound.
Investigation of Heteropolyacids by the Method SOV/76-4-3-15/34
of Paper-chromatography
Separations of mixtures of phosphomolybdotungstic acid with
phospho-12-molybdic and phospho-12-tuni-stic rcid and
mixtures of silicomolybdotungstic acid with the corresponding
diheteropolyacids were carried out. Each of these acids
shows individual zones on the chromatogram. By the chromato-
graphical method it is possible to determine impurities of
diheteropolyacids in triheteropolyacids. The following
vanadium-containing heteropolyacids were analyzed and separa-
ted by the method of paper-chromatography: phosphc-10-moA'.ybdo-.
-2-vanadium acid (H 3PO 4' 101100 3*V205* nH20), phospho-10-tunlrsto-
-2-vanadium acid (113P0 4' 101410 3*V205' n11 20), silico-10-molybdo-2-
-vanadium acid (H 4sio 4' 101.100 3*V205' nH20), silico-10-tungsto-2-
-vanadium ncid (H 4Sio 4' 10W0 3* V20 5' nH20). From the results it
may be concluded that the method for determining the
impurities of diheteropolyacids in vanadium-containing tri-
heteropolyacids is well suited and that vanadium-containing
Card 2/3 triheteropolyacids are individual chemical compounds~
Investigation of Hateropolyacids by the Method SOV/76-4-3-15/34
of Paper-chromatography
Then, by chromatographical analyses the existence of the
tetraheteropolyacid, phosphorus-6-molybdenum-4-tungsten-2-
-vanadium acid was determined. The stability of various
heteropolyacids was investigated by the reduction of the
hydrogen concentrations. The phosphorus-molybdenum complex
is the most unstable one. The mixed phosphorus molybdotungstic
acids are unstable in the presence of ammonia and decompose
to phosphorus molybdate and phosphorus tungstate ions. Among
all heteropolyacids the vanadium-containing trilieteropolyacids
are the most stable ones. Rf values of the acids investigated
are collected ort tables. The method of paper-ebromatography
is recommended for the determination of the purity of mixed
heteropolyacids.There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 19 referenow,
9 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kishinev State
SUBMITTED; June 4, 1957
Card 3/3
5 (.2)
AUTHORS: Ablov, A* V.I Samus'l No Mo SOV/78-4-8-9/43
TITLE: On the Reactivity of Iodine, the Isothiocyanate- and the Nitro
Group in Diacido-bia-dimethyl Glyoximocobaltiate Ions (0 re-
aktsionnoy sposobnosti yoda, izorodano- i nitrogrupp v diatsido-
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 8p
PP 1753 - 1761 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: On the basis of the rules governing the trans-effect which were
found by I. I. Chernyayev (Ref 1) the author mentioned first
proves that in the compound LCo(DH
)AB3 the two dimethyl gly-
oxime residues are in the same plane (Ref 2) (DH - CH i -C-CH 3?
3 11
A, B - arbitrary substituents). More6ver, it was proved that in
nitro-bis-dimethyl glyoxime-aquocobalt the water molecule is
unstable under the influence of the nitro group which is in
trana-poeition and that under the action of HC1 or HBr it is
easily substituted by chlorine or bromine. In order to clarify
the rules found in otn'er papers of the authors (Refs 3-5) the
Card 11A
~21 potassium salt of iodo-nitro-bis-dimethyl glyoxime-cobalt r&s
on the Reactivity of Iodine, the Isothiocyanate- SOV/78-4-8-9/43
and the Nitro Group in Diacido-bia-dimethyl
Glyoximocobaltiate Ions
produced and investigated as to whether the nitro group can be
displaced by iodine. With potassium iodine in alkali solution
the ion [Co(DH )2j2]- was obtained and thus the displacement of
the nitro group was proved. If one mole of concentrated ammonia
or of an organic amine is added to the isothiocyano-nitro-bie-
dimethyl glyoximocobaltic aoid precipitates of the composition
LCo(Amin )2(DH)2 (NCS)j are formed. With the addition of two mole
of amine in hot solution, however, also the isothiocyanate group
is substituted under formation of the cation [CO(Amin )2 (DH)21
Furlhermore, it was proved that the nitro group is displaced by
the SO ion i.e. it exercises a weaker trans-effect than the
isothiocyanate group. The experimental chapter gives a detailed
description of the reactions carried out and the analyses of
the compounds produced, There are 19 references, 14 of which
are Soviet.
Card 0)
5(2) SOV/76-4-10-6/40
AUTHORS:. Ablov, A. V., Filippov, M- P-
TITLE: Ddpendenoe of the Absorption Spectra of the Glyoximines of
Trivalent Cobalt of the [Cu(Amine)(DH)2 Hal) Type on the liature
of the Co-ordinated Amine
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 10,
pp 2204-2212 (1JSSR)
ABSTRACT: in the formula mentioned in the title D denotes dimethyl
glyozime, hal chlorine or bromine, amine - ammonia, pyridine,
anillne, o-,.M-, p"toluidine, o-, m.-, p-chloro-aniline or
0-f M-I* p-bromo-aniline. The production of these non-electro-
lytes according to the method of L. A.' Chugayev (Ref 5) does
note yiela pure preparations. For this reason the reaction of
ammonia and amines with diazido-bis-dimeth3,lglyoxime-cobliltic
acids found by A. V. Ablov and He AT* Samuel (Ref 6) was used.
The analyses of the preparations are given in table 1. In
figures 1-5 the light absorption curves are shown and in
table 2 position and intensity of the absorption bands in the
region 210-600 mA. In contrast with the dioxime electrolytes
Card 1 2 of the structure [Co(amine (DR),]' the compounds investigated
Dependence of the Absorption Spectra of the Glyoximines of Trivalent Cobalt
of the Po(Amine) (DH)2 Hal] Type on the Nature of the Co-ordinated Amine
exhibit primary bands in the inner sphere owing to the presence
of the halogen, the position of which does not depend on the
dipole moment of the-aromatic amine, whichhowever, can be
masked by an intense ultraviolet absorption. The band in the
range 340-370 m)k depends on the nature of the co-ordinated
aromatic amine and is shifted into the short-wave range with
respect to the band of thL dkxtnine electrolytes owing to the
trans-position of the halogen. The band in the range of from
250-300 mA is due to the Co(DH)2. group. There are 5 fi6ares,
2 tables, and 11 r6ferences, 8 of"which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Otdel neorganicheskoy khimii Moldavskogo filiala Akademii nauk
SSSR (Department cf Inorganic Chemistry of the Moldau Branch
of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: June 19, 1958
Card 2/2
5(2) 05860
1UTHORS: Ablov, A.V., Nazarova, L.Vo SOV/78-4-11-13/50
TITLE: A SpGotrophotomstrio Analysir of the Pyridinates of Niok*l
and Cobalt in Various Solvents
PERI(-'.,,.CAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 11,
pp 2480-2484 (USSR)
ABSTRaZT: This article was read at the "Conference and Discussion of
Methods Used to Study the Comllex Formation in Solutions"
hold in Ivanovo on February 21, 1958. The effect of the
solvent on the composition and stability of complex com-
pounds has been little investigated so far. Mention is
made of articles by A.K. Babko (Refs 1,2), L.M. Golub
(Ref 4) and la.I. Turlyan (Refs 5,6). The authors inyesti-
gated the pyridinates of Ni and Co in methanol, ethanol,
n-propanol, n-butanoll and acetone. In all solutions, the
optical density of the nickel nitrate solutiom changes when
adding pyridine (Fig 1), and the absorption maximum is
shifted toward the short-wave spectrum range. In cobalt
nitrate only the optical density changes (Fig 2), while the
absorption maximum is not shifted. The highest degree of
Card I stability is exhibited by p.,rridine complexes in acetone,
A Spectrophotonstrio Analysis of the Pyridinates SOY/78-4-11-13/50
of Nickel and Cobalt in Various Solvents
whereas it increases in alcoholic solutions from methanol to
butanol. The composition of the pyridinatas and their
stability in acetone were analyzed apeotrophotometrioally
according to J. Bjerrum (Ref 10) with the assistance of
F. Sheyn and I. Istratiy. The following values were obtained
for the nickel compound: KI -, K2 '
K3 - le o1O ~2 . In alcoholic and aqueous solution, the authors
found a linear dependence of KI on the reciprocal value of
the dielectric constant (Fig 4). The resultant data are in
agreement with the results published by N.A. Izmayloy
(Refs 12,13). The stability of the pyridinates is greatly
reduced by a small addition of water. In accordance with
A.I. Riykind (Ref 16) this indicates that alcohols and
acetone are displaced by water out of the solvate sheath.
There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 16 references, 11 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOWATION: Kishinevskiy gosudarstyennyy univereitet (Kishinev State ClIvIV
Card 2/-r-),
5(2) 00861
yohey, A.Ya. SOV/7e-4-11-14/50
TITLE: The Kinetics of Hydrolysis of Halogen Bia-dimethyl
Glyoxime Aquocobalt
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskojv khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 11,
pp 2485-2494 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The kinetics of the substitution in the internal coordina-
tion sphere of octahedral oompl4x6s wa6 thoroughly
inyestigated in connection with the I.I. Chernyayey trans-
effect as shown by numerous articles (Refs 1-10), among
which are publications by Ya.A. Fialkoy, V.D. Panasyuk
(Ref 5), O.Ye.Zvyagintsev, Ye.F. Shubochkina (Ref 6) and
A.A. Grinberg (Ref 7). The authors of this article made
a contribution to Ahis field by inyeBtigating the hydrolysis
of the compounds ro(H20)(DH)2H&1] (DH - dimethyl glyoxime,
Hal-- 01, Br, J). By means of an SY-4 spectrophotometer,
the course of hydrolysis was confirmed according to the -
reaction [Co(H20) (DH)2 Ha~ + H20 --" [00 (H20) (DH) 2] "+ Hal-
Card 1/3 (Fig 1). In order to determine the reaction rate, the
The Kinetics of Hydrolysis of Halogen BOV/78-4-11-14/50
Bis-dimethyl Glyowire kquocobalt
authors made a potentiometric titration of the halogen ions
released from sphere (Pigs 20). Titration took
place at q~18 and 25 C. When measuring the electrical con-
ductivity-it was found that the type of the electrode used
has a certain influence. Omooth platinum electrodes yielded
lower values than platinum electrodes covered with platinum
mud which had a catalytic effect (Table 2). The latter has
already been detected by L.A. Chugayev (Ref 21). pH-
measurement made with the help of a glass electrode and an
LP-5 tub am lifier i dicated that the pH-value of a 9olu-
tion o H
f TOO(P20)(DHY1 ohanges in the same manner as
electrical conductivity (Figs 5,6). The reaotion constants
calculated by the various methods are in good agreement
(Table 1). It was a remarkable detection that the hydrolysis
rate of the bromine compound was somewhat lower than that of
the chlorine compound, and that that f th iodine compound
was the least, whereas the oz)mpounds H )(DR) Hall showed
rco (Ne3 2
opposite behavior, i.e. only the iodine compound in the
Card 2/3 internal coordination sphere was hydrolyzed (Fig 7).
The Kinetics of Hydrolysis of Halogen.
Bis-dimethyl Glyoxime Aquocobalt
(Abstracterts note* The term "hydrolysis" was substituted
for "hydration" used by the author o~ account of the reaction
equation complex Hal + H 20--#toomplex + Hal- given in this
article). There are T figures, 2 tables, and 2,t references,
10 of which are Soviet.
Moldayakiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (Moldavian Branch of the
Academy of Sciences, USSR)
July 2, 1958
Card 3/3
ABLOVI A.V., doktor kh1m, naukI, otv. red. (Kishinev); YJURITONIVAp A.A. v
rod-.'_Iid-va; MARKOVICHp G.L. y tekhn. rod,,
[Summaries of reports to the All-Union Conference on the Chemistry
of Cobalt and Nickel Complex9s] Tezisy dokladov Vsesoiuznogo sove-
shchaniia po khirii kampleksMkh soodine-nii koballta i nikeliap
1q60, Kishinevt Izd-vo "Shti:intsa* HoJAavskogo filiala Akad. naik
SSSRI 1960. 74 p. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po khimii komplekanykh soyediner4y ko-
bal'ta i nikelyat 1960. -
(Cobalt compounds--Congresses) (Nickel compounds-Congresses)
* '0
Products of the addition of aniline and its derivatives to zinc
halides, Zhur, neorg. khim. 5 no-3:604.-609 Mr 160. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Kishinevskiy osudarstvennyy universitet.
(Zinc halides)
S. .2 6 ~ 0 69019
AUTHORS: Ablovt A. Y.t-Samusl, N. X. B/078/60/005/04/014/040
TITLE; Nixed Dihalogeno-cobal-';(III)-bia-di-
mothylglyoxime Acids
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol 5, Nr 4, PP 852 - 860
ABSTRACT: The present paper deals with the investigation of the trans-
effect of I. I. Chernyayev (Rof 4) in dioximines of Co(III)v
which contain two different halogen atoms in the inner sphere.
The authors proceed from the reaction
[Co(H 20)(DH)2Br] + HC' ' H [Co(DH),,ClBr] + H20 (DH - dimethyl-
glyoxime radioal). The behavior of the bromochloric acid obtain-
ed was studied. The authors arrive at the result that bromine has
a stronger trans-effect than chlorinet and that iodine has a
stronger trans-effsot than bromine and chlorine. They describe
the reaction of HCl with [Co(H 20)(DH),B--] and that of HBr with
[Co(H 20)(DH)2C'll the production of bromochlorio acid
H[Co(DH )203'Br] and its salts with the complex cations
Card 1/2 [Co(amine),(DH)2j+, where amino denotes LuMine or p-anisidine.
Mixed Dihalogeno-cobalt(III)-bis-dimethylglyoxime Acids 8/07S/60/005/04/014/040
Bromochloric acid was obtained also after the reaction of
1. 1. Chernysyev (Ref 7) by the reaction of the diohloro- with
the dibromo-cobalt(III)-bia-dimethylglyoxime said. The formation
of aquoamino-, and pyridine, complexes of bromochlorio acid under
the action of water, ammonia, or pyridine was investigated. By
the reaction of KI with chloroaquo- or bromoaquo-compounds, the
iodoaquo compounds were obtained. Salts of the iodochloric-- and
iodobromic acid w1re produced with the cation
[Co(amine),(DH),] . With water or &mines [Co(DH),Cll]- and
[Co(DH)2Bril- form the corresponding aquo- and amino complexes.1
The authors refer to A. K. Babko and M. V. Xorotun (Ref 14)-
There are 14 references, 12 of whioh are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Kishinevskiy goeudaretyennyy universitat (Kishinev State
SUMEITTED: January 20, 1959
Card 2/2,
AUTHORS: Ablov, A. Vq.~ SZELE~~ v. P.
TITLE. Conpl ex VompcrjrdA~f
r1yoxime, lillhich Contoi,, t-i SulfJtlp
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorZand0h('sTc- Niimii~
PP- 12?1 - 1227
Ic,),,, '06/05/030
t 1.74, th L
'960. V,-t, 6
TEXT: The authors found that in -,-,-e reaz'_-f.4~in. moles sod.lur.
sulfite vvith ob1oTc-bi9-dimethy1 -Iyc%xim(~ r,
(D.11 - monovalent Tedical of divYm_i1--y1. t-w- SO .r hc-
7, ~ oup-c enter t
internal sphere of the complex .--omrcund and form tile n I C':' (DH)2(qo 3
The Na-, K-, arl. Nil salts of this i,,r- wc-r-A prepay-e-1 as well a* -~h,~ d-f
ficultly eoluble compl.ex sompounds
FCc(1111 ) H OI[Cc.(DH
C im)jsol ."If 0
3 5 2 )2(S03)2J'qH-;,0.' L'-"-'/ e
r,3, 01.
(on - ethylene diamine), and L'rC-r(H licv-1tT
2 2, 6
Card 1/2
Conplex Compounds of Trivalent Cobalt 11ith S/0T8/6,-/O,)5'/O6/O'5/O3O
Dimethyl Glyoxire, Whi,:Ii Contain a Sulfit- P004/BO14
By a reaction of IC001 0)(DU
2 )2C'j with ~irjm-,rium sulf.,+,? "r, the molar
--atio I : I the stable compound NU JC~('(1,2) (11H)~SO.,~!.9H20 is formed.,
wbioh passes over into the disulfite oompound %,hen. I' i~, fart-her heated
with ammonium sulfite. The behavior -)f thc rl,.-~nosulfjf.,~,- and
compounds (only one sulfite Group car be ea-zily E110 cff) is explalned
by the strong affinity of the SO 3 ';roup to tile nP t'31 "lc, 'Vel. as by the
strong trans.-effect of this -,roup,, The experimental part desoribes tbe
syntheses and analyses, and contains light absorption X-ray pi,~-
tures, and physical data of the compounds. A table gri-es the molecular
electrical conductivity of Ila Co(DH) )
31 2(SO3-,-
papers by V. V. Lebedinskiy et al. (Refs. 7 V ), A. V, Abl"w 9nd 0. A.
Popovich (Ref. 17)- There are 2 fiCures,, I tabie,, ard 17 references:
15 Sovietj I Germang and 1 Japaneqf,,
ASSOCIATION: Kishinevski-y gosudarst.,rennyy (Kishinev, State
Universit )
SUBMITTIM: February 24',, 1959
Card 2/2
AUTHORSs Ab]Tv, A. V., Konunova-Fri-', Ts. B., Palkin, V. A.
TITLEs Heats of Addition of Aniline and Its Derivatives to Cobalt
PERIODICALs Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol- 5, No, 7t
pp. 1544-1550
TEXTs The authors study the problem as to whether the addition of aminesp
aniline, and aniline derivatives to CoCl 2 has a covalent or a dipole-ionio
character. The latter assumption leads -to a contradiction since p-ohloro
aniline with a distinct pole concentrated on the chlorine atom does not add
with it but, like aniline, with the nitrogen atom. To clarify this problem,
the authors determined calorimetrically the heats of addition of aniline,
p-toluidine, p-chloro aniline, and p-bromo aniline, to anhydrous CoCl 2 at
250C in 2 N hydrochloric acid. They started from the following cy-,lic
Card 1/5
Heats of Addition of Aniline and its
Derivatives to Cobalt Chloride
Cocl2, 2 [taminell LI
COCI 29 2 flamine3l
C 2* 2 aminel L Cocl 21 2 amine
solut. solut.
denotes the formation heat of the addition products at the experimental
temperature and the given state of the amine, L the solution heat of the
addition products, L 1 the solution heat of C:,-Cl 2, and L21 the solution heat
of the amine. The calorimeter used is described in a paper by I. I.
Chernyayev, V. A. Sokolov, and V. A. Palkin (Refs. 11, 1"). QV was
calculated from the experimental data as being 18.66 kcal/mole for
Cocl 2H NC H 12.40 kcal/mole for CoCl 2p-H Re 11 CH,, 9.36 kca3/mole for
2- 2 6 59 6 4
cocl 'p Cl, and 9.71 In order
2', -H2RC6H 4
Card 2/5
of Af16iticn of Aniline and Itt: S/07 0/",0/0(-,',/007/032/04 3/7Z.
Derivftti-voc to Cobalt,Chloride 20104/DO(O
~.o obtain comparable dita, the -pproximnte VvIlloo of t~~2 ~'.('!tts of
of C:ascouo amines oil enterint; into th,~., on'larLf,cd lat',ice of C6cl, wore
calculated on the basis of the respect-fv,-~ c,.,clic process.
A QA + (S - S -vhcre 3 Genotes the sublimation heats
'Up- S COCI2 cocl2amine
on the assumption -'that no dissociation t.-kes place. A is the addition
energy. The value of S COCI COC1,P.Mine 4n defined as being the work re-
quired for the expansion of the layered 'Lattice of CoCI 2 to the molecular,
lattice of the addition product. The authors observe that this notion must
not be mixed up with the "expansior work" of an ionic lattice according to
W. Biltz (Ref- 7). Table 2 gives tho rar:Lneters of the cle=entary cell in
U, the angle (~-, the volume V of the ele::.,cntary cell --n It, the number n of
fo.-=ula urito situated in the clementary cell, ard the volume VI of the
lormula unit. Table 2:
Card 3/5 '
Heats of Addillion.of Aniline and Its S/ 07Y 60/00 5/007/03 2/043/Xy
.Derivatives to Cobalt Chloride B004 B060
n mt
J~PIIOAL~ n ent.
I n
r! jx
_ I A. ~ n A-
compuam a b
COC1,2n-11,-.c.11.c11. 12,30:tO,051 4,59:0,01 1 26,10�0,1 93145-4-1d
- 14741 4 1 363,5
2 rOc1,.!!n-11,NcJ1.j 12.00
1 4, 60 31,4 91*18 1175S1 4 1 439.5
3 W.-240I.NW1. 13.75
1 5'n 23's VV45 I %G01 4 1 415,0
1. Cojt-!!n-j,.,\C.11,C11. 16,75 5,08 41. 90'.00 35W 8 437,5
In accordance with Ref. 16, a volurle of 141"A is assumed for the formula
unit,~ Q t, is calculated fron the equ~.tion Q = Ql~' + 2L + 2L (L
Gas Gas m ev % In
molAnc heat, Lev evaporation heat', of the mine at 250C). Table 3 cives
the boilint; 1~oint, melting point, rieitin~ and eva*poration heat-s of
C P-11 ITC
% H CH and of these data were taken from
6" 5""y- 2 2 6 4 3' . P-H1"6F-4C1- F'-"2t
literature, and part were calculated rccording to Nernst (Ref. 24). After
corrQctinq these data for the tempe-rature of 250c, the authors obtain the
following values for rill
0'r coclec F E 43.2 kcal/mole;
G,- 6
CoCl 2 .2p-H 2NC 6F-4 cy,3 45.9 kcal/nolo; cocl 2~ 2p-11122:41C6H 4C1 45.2 kcal/mole;
Heats of Ad.,litirin of Aniline and P~,
Derivatives to Cobalt Chloride
CoC1 -2p-X Br 44-8 kcal/mole. The
2 21IC6H4
thus, have little effect on the value
addition products is not dependent on
and therefore probably has a covalent
:3kiy Is mentioned. There are 3 tables
2 British, and 5 German.
9/07 8/60/005/007/03 2104 51IX-Y
substituents on 'the ben-zene
of Q'r . The Co-N bond of these
the dipole moment; of the addendum,
character, A paper by T. I. Malinov-
and 25 referencesi 16 Soviet, 2
ASSOCIATION3 Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universifet (Kishinev State
University). Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im.
N. S. Kurnakoya Akad,~mii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and
Inorganic Chemistry Jm,~ni N~ S. K-irnakov of the Academy of
Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTEDA March 16, 1959
Card 5/5
Effect of substituents in the molecule of the ligand on the
stability of complex nickel salts. Zhur. neorg. kh1m. 5 no.8:
1735-1737 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9)
1e Kishinevskly gosudarstvenW universitet.
(Nickel compounds)
Conversion of dinitroothylenediaminediamminocobaltinitrites
during heating in the solid state. Zhur. neorg. khim. 5
no. 12-2704-2716 D 160. (MEU 13:12)
1. Inatitut khimii, Holdavskiy filial Akademii mauk SSSR.
(Cobalt compounds)
Change in the absorption of light accompanying the splitting
of a proton off bis (dimethvlglyoxime) compounds of trivalent
cobalt. Zhur. noorg. khim. 5 no. 12:2717-2726 D 16c.
(MLU 13:12)
1. Moldavakiv filial Akademii nauk SSSR. Institut khimii.
(Cobalt compounds)
Determination of reducing agents in hydrolyzates. %ldrolis 1-1080- 13 no-W-10 16o. (MIRA 13:0)
1. Koldavskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (for Ablov). 2. Tiraspoll-
skiy gosudarstyamM pe~agogicheskiy institut (for Batyr).
(Wood-Cheidstry) (Hydrolysis)
5.5230 f'(,(6o
SOV/75 -15'-1 -22/29
AUTHORS: Ablov, A. V.) Batyr, D. G.
TITIE: Determination of Microquantities of Sugars Using
Trihydroxyglutarte Acid - Copper Complex
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khImit, 1960, Vol 11), Nr 1,
pp 112-114 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It was found that the volu;-netric determination of
sugar, using complex Cu-trihydroxyglutaric acid, a
method proposed previously by the a~ithors of this
article (Zh. anal. chem., 12, 749, 1957), can be used
for determination of microquantities of glucose,
fructose, galactose, xylose, maltose, and saccharose.
The following solutions wore used: solution Nr 1,
40 g of Cu.S04'5 H20/liter; solution NP 2, 128 g of
tr1hydroxyglutaric acid and 2(Yr g Na0H per liter.
Procedure: place into a series of tet3t tubes n ml of
Card 1/4 sugar solution (0.1 - 9 mg of 3uga-), 3-n ml of water,
DetQrmin ation of' MicrDqualitltlles or ai,,rars ( j to-
LfsinL~ Trihydroxyglutaric Acid - Copper Complex SOVT5-15-1-22/29
3 ml of solution Nr 1, and 3 ml of solution Nr 2;
heat in boiling water for 6 min an! cool; f-11ter
and wash the precipitate 2-3 times .-.,1th hot-
freshly boiled water; dissolve ti-le p.,acipltate
in 3-5 Ml of a solution containA.y.,
of FeNf14(SO4)2 -12H20 and 103 mnl of concent.1,ca-
ted sulfuric acid per litev; filter anv'-1
titrate the filtrate with a standard 'MnO, ~3olut*loi-i.
There is a definite relatiO.'13~'Ii~ '0(-?tWE~e.-,'1vr0l'-L1'~ 1D.1.
standard KMnO, solution ised arid the sugar, c3ncei-itrall"Ion.
The results a~e shown in Table A. R. A. B--itylo
participated in the experimental work. Tnere lo 1
table; and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONi Moldavian Branch of Academy of Sciences USSR (Kishenev)
and T. G. Shevchenko Tiraspoll State Pedagogical
Institute (Moldavskly filial AN SSSR (Kishenev) 1
Tiraspollskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogioilileskiy institut
iment T. 0. Shexrehellick-)
July 14, 1958
Determination of Microquantities of S,Igaro 77760
Using Tr1hydroxyglutaric Acid - Copper Complex S Oil'T-'-)' - 15 - I - 2 2,12 9
Key to Table A: (1) sugar; M experlment Nr ; (3
taken mg; (4) foand x , mtr,; I -) foutid mr, (averago~;
(6) dispersioll; (7) (8) probable relative
error; (9) glucose; (10) frucWse; (11) galactose;
(12) xylose; (13) malt03e; (111) saccharose.
Card 3/4
77,T60 SOV/75-1.5-1-22/29
Card 4/4
3 q I r I 1 1
6 7 9
(S9 j (f". ". ("
1-9 t'00 0,996-1,00"t 1,002 11 - to- 0,0025 0,25
W-18 3,00 2,990-3,012 3,002 57. to-$ 0, W.5 6 0, i9
19-27 6,00 5,991-0,009 5,999 54. W-6 O.W53 0,09
28-3a 9.00 8,976-9,012 8.995 M. 10-4 0,0105 0,12
J-9 3.00 2,993-3,009 3,003 77-10-0 0. GM7 0.22
/0 10-18 0,01 5,995-0,019 0,005 57- JO-4 0,00558 0,10
19-27 9,00 8,980-9,997 8,992 54. tO-4 0,0056 0.00
t 5,00 2,991-3,006 3,001 56-10-6 0,0057 0,19
8 5,998-0,012 0,000 55-10-- 0,0057 0.09
19-27 8.989-9,003 8,095 55-10-9 0,0057 0,00
1-9 3 1 1: 191ij oot 42.!0-: 1 0:1.1 0 197
O-t8 6 00 5 0 6 0:0
0- 1 : Ol 2 1 6 003 49. to- 0 005
19-27 0.00 8,989-9,003 8,997 155-10-6 0,0057 0,06
1-9 3.00 2,982-3,002 2.99R 78-10-0 0,006S 0,23
13 10-18 6 00
' 5,98.1-6,026 6,003 270-10-0 0,0126 0,21
19-27 9
,00 8,086-9,007 8,993 110. iO-d 0,00,90 0,09
t-9 3,00 2,995-3,008 3.(K)2
- 47-10-4 0 0051 0l is
I W-M 6,00 5,992-6.(K)5 1
6,00 4, 2 - 10 - 4 0 : w.", 6 0,08
19-27 9,00 8,089-9,001 8,993 36-10-1 O,WIG 0.05
AUTHORS Ablov, A.V., Proskina, N.N.
TITLEs Light absorption by polymer compounds
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 9, 1961, 90, abstract 9VIOB ("Uoh.
zap. Kishinevak, un-t", 1960, v.-56, 17 - 2.3)
TEXT: The authors studied absorption spectra in the visible-tind ultravio-
let.ranges of.spectrum by ooordination polymers of the following oompositiont
Cq(NH3) - (NO (I) and Cc an .(NH3) (NOp), (II). They show that in All cases
a 3t additivitk of absorption _or colored.lona Is preserved. Absorp-
tudied he ful
tion spectra of pa4ymer compounds of both composition (1) and (II) differ'from
each other. Cobaltio hexanitrits salt ions ("geksanitrokobaltiat,ion") are very
unstable in aqueous dolutiona, especially at pH-values 7 6.
[Abstraoteris notes Complete translation]
Card 1/1
Nxistence of cie- and trano-diaquobia(dimethylglyoximato)
cobaltates(III). Dokl.AN SSSR 133 n0-3:575-577 Jl 16o.
(MM 13:7)
1. Holdavskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR i Kishinevskiy
gosudAretvennyy universitat. Predstavleno akad. IoIeChernMevym,
(Cobalt compounds)
Dibydroxyimines of trivalent cobalt containing a selenocyano
group. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no.6:1327-1330 Ag '60,
(MIRA l3s8)
1. KishinevskW gosudarstvannyy univerBitet. Predetavleno
alad. I.I.Ghernyayevyme
(Cobalt compounds)
ABIDV A.V. ~ PA40E, D.M.
Salts of d-4bromo- and carbonatodiphananthrolinecobalt (III)ioki.
Zhur.neorg. khim. 6 no.3.-601-605 Mr.t6l. (MMA 34:3)
1. Moldavakiy filial AN SSSR, Inatitut khimil,
(Cobalt compounds)
SYCHE7t A. Ya. ~_A~ ~Wj A. V. willimlyl V. A.
High frequency stucbr of the hydration kinetics of halobis (dinethy~-
glyoximato) aquocobaltate(III). Zhureneorg.khim. 6 no-4:825-
829 Ap 161, (MM 14:4)
19 Institut, kbivnii Moldavokogo filials. AN SSSR, i Institut
gookhimil. i analiticheskoy khimii imeni Vernadskogo AN SSSR.
(Cobalt compounds)
.ABLOVt -i!j-FOPOVICHp G.A.. .
Ternary copper dl-tartrates forming In acid media. Zhur.neorg.
khimi. 6 ~10,4:846-850- Ap 161. (!-U P-1 34 :4)
I* Moldavakiy filial All SSSRv Institut khimij,
(Copper compounds)
Products of the eAdition of aromatic amines to cadmium halides.
Zhuroneorgekhime 6 no*4s883-889 Ap 16le (IOU 14:4)
1. Mo.'I'davskiy filial AN SSSRg Institut khimii.
(Cadmium compounds)
-- --ABWV,,-AvV-#.; PALADE, D.M.
Salts of c!L3-diaquodiphenanthrocobalt (III). Zhur.neorg.khim.
6 no.5:1110-3-114 Yq 161. (MIRA 14:4)
1. Institut khimii, Moldavskiy filial AN SSSR.
(Cobalt compounds)
I- --- ---
Conference on the Chemistry of Complex Compounds of Cobalt and
Nickel. Zhur.neorg.khim. 6 no.5sl256-1258 I~r 61.
(MM 14.,4)
(Co4alt compounds) (Nickel compounds)
Complex compounds of trivalent cobalt u-Ith dimethylglyoxime and
thiourethans. Zhur,neorF.kbIm. 6 no.8:1781-1785 Ap '61.
(MlHA 14:8)
1. Moldavskiy filial AN SSSR, Institut khimii.
(Cobalt cimpounds) (01yoximp) (Urethans)
Complex compounds of trivalent cobalt with thiosemiC2rbazide.
Zhur.neorg.khin. 6 no.9:2038-2042 S '61. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Kishinevskiy posudarstvennyy universitet.
(Cobalt qompounds) (Semicarbazide)
~yridinates In various solvents. Zhur.nporp.-
Stability of copper T
k~Am. 6 no.9.*2043-2047 5 '61. (KIRA 24:9)
1. Kishinevskiy rosudarstvennyy univer-Atet.
(Copper compounds) (Pyridine)
Complex compounds of trivalent cobalt with dimethylglyoxime and
organic derivatives of thiourea. Zhur.neorg.khim. 6 no.12;2680-
2685 D 161. (MIRA 14:12)
1. Moldavskiy filial AN SSSR, Institut khimii i Kishirfevskiy
gosudarstvennyj universitet.
(Cobalt compounds) (Glyoxime) (Urea)
Complex compounds of trivalent cobalt with dimethylglyoxime and
thlosemicarbazones. Zhur.neorg.khim. 6 no.12:2686-2692 D 161.
(MIM 14'.12)
1. Institut khimiA, Moldavskiy filial AN SSSR.
(Cobalt compounds) (Clyoxime) (Semicarbazones)
Electron paramagnetic resonance studies of the structure of certain
copper acetates qnd copper chloroacetates. Dokl. AN SSSH 141
no.2:'34)-345 N 161. (MIRA 14:11)
1. Institut khimii Moldavskoeo filiala AN SKER i Fiziko-tekhni-
cheskiy institut Kazanskogo filiala AN SSSR. Predstavleno akadem-
ikom A.Ye. Arbuzovym.
(Copper acetate--spectra)
ABWV A V akademik, doktor khim. nauk, otv. red,j SYROV, B.G.,
POLONSKIY, S.A., tekhn. red.
(Conference on the Use of Physical Methods of Analysis in
the Study of Complex Compounds; abstracts of reportfl To
zisy r1okladov Soveshchanlia po primeneniiu fizichaskikh meto-
dov k issledovaniiu komplekenykh soadinenii, 1962. Kishinev,
lid-vo "Shtiintsa," 1962. 75 p. (MIRA 16:6)
1. Soveshchar-ILye po, primeneniyu fisichookikh metodov i is-
sledovani-,d komplekwiy1rh soyedihaniy, 1962.2.Akademiya nauk
Holdavsv~oy SSR,,InBtitut khimli, Kishinev (for Ablov).
(Complex coiipounds) (Instrumental analysis)
AUTHORSt Ablov, A. V., Batyr, D. G.
TITLEi Conference of the Moldavian Republic on general and applied
PERIODICALi Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 7, no. 2, 1962, 445 - 446
TEXT: This is a brief report on Lhe Pervoye Moldavskoye respublikans-
koye soveshchaniye po obshchey i prikladnoy khimii (First Conference of
the Mol-lavian Republic on General and Applied Chemistry) held in Kishenev,
September 13, - 16, 1961. This conference held by the Institut khimii
Akademii nauk Moldavskoy SSR (Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of
Sciences Moldavskaya SSR) and the Kishinev3kiy gosudarstvennyy universitet
(Kishenev State University) was attended by 170 chemists of the Moldavian
Republic, and 30 scientists of scientific research institutions and schools
of higher education of Moscow, Leningrad, Kiyev, Sverdlovsk, Dnepropetrovsk
and other cities of the USSR. Two plenary and 13 sectlonal sessions were
held. 85 reports were given including 21 on inorganic chemistry. A, V.
Card 1/4
Conference of the Moldavian Republic ... B117/B101
Ablov, N. M. Samus', and 0. A. Bologa reported on "Dioximines of trivalent
cobalt of cis-configuration". N. 1. Lobanov reported on "Bromates, -
iodates, and periodates of chromium (11I)ammines", G. P. Syrtsova talked
about "Complex compounds of trivalent cobalt witht4-benzyl dioxime".
Ts. B. Konunova and N. V. Samus' reported on the chromatographic study
of mutual transitions of geometrically isomeric dioximines of trivalent
cobalt. The chromatographic technique suggested by them roused great
interest among the participants. D. M. Palade gave results on the exami-
nation of salts of oxalate and hydroxoaquodi.phenanthroline cobalt(III).
G, A. Popovich reported on a study of trioxyglutarates of monovalent and
bivalent metals. A. V. Ablov and N. I, Belichuk reported on the inter-
action of diacetyl oxime hydrazone and some of its azines with nickel and
copper salts. A. V. Ablov and G. G. Stratan talked about products of
iodine addition to dioximines of trivalent cobalt. P, K. Migall and N. Kh.
Grinberg gave results on the complex formation of cadmium, lead and zinc
ions with formamide in aqueous alcohol solutions. Yo. G. Chikryzova re-
ported on polarographic studies of the behavior of bivalent cobalt and
copper in solutions with different amounts of trihydroxy glutaric acid at
Card 2/4
Conference of the Moldavian Republic ... B117/B101
different DH. A. V. Ablov and B. A.. Bovykin reported on the "Determina-
tion of the stability constant of cobalt dioximine with thiouren",
L. V. Nazarova gave a report on "Stability of complex cadmium compounds
with pyridine and its derivatives". P. K. Idigull and 0. F. Serova talked
about the polarographic examination of composition and stability of cad-
mium, lead, and zinc complexes with monoethanol a.Ane in aqueous alcohol
solutions. P. K. Migall, A. Ya. Sychev, and A. P. Gerbeleu reported on
the thermodynamics of 5tepwise complex formation of nickel ions with
ethanol amines. V. N. Shafranskiy gave a report on complex compounds of
trivalent cobalt with dimethyl glyoxime. N. V. Gerbeleu talked about
crystalline products obtained from some thiosemioarbnzones reacting with
salts of bivalent cobalt, nicke19 and zinc, N. M. Samus' reported on
"Complex compounds of trivalent cobalt with thiosemicarbazide". I. M.
Roybell gave results on polarographic, potentiometric, conductometric,
and optical studies of the activation kinetics of octammine-,*-(peroxo,
amino)-dicobalt nitrate. A. V. Ablov and D, M. Palade reported on
"Hydration kinetics of trans-halo-nitro-bis-dimetkyl glyoximate cobaltinte
ions". A. V. Ablov and V. G. Semina talked about "Composite tetrammines
of bivalent platinum and their interaction with hydrochloric acid". Z, P.
Card 3/4
Conference of the Moldavian Republic ... B117/B101
Burnasheva and Ts. B. Konunova reported on the thermocheinicall study of
anilinates of zinc halides- The reports were vividly discussed,
LAbstracter's notet Essentially complete trqnslation.)
Card 4/4
Metal derivatives of biacetyl oxime hydrazone. Zhur.neorg.khim.
7 no.417?7-782 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4)
1. Moldavskiy filial AN SSSR, Institut khimii.
(Organometallic compounds) (Glyoxime) (Hydrazones)
Spectrophotometric study of the acid-base equilibrium of cobalt
(III) dioximine complexes. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7 no.5:1021-1027
Fq 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Moldavskiy filial AN SSSR, Institut khimii.
(Cobalt compounds-Spectra) (Oxines)
(Acid-base equilibirum)
Determination of stepwise stability constants from potentiometric
measurements of corresponding solutions. Zhur.neorg.khim. 7
no.6:1305-1308 Je 162. OURA 15t6)
1. Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
(Complex compounds)
fted cis-tetramines of bivalent platinum vith ammonia and
arceatic aminea and their reaction with hydrochloric acid,
Zhur, neorg. khim, 7 no.8sI801-1810 Ag 162. (NIRA 16:6)
1. Institut khimii Akademiya nauk Moldavak SSR.
(Asi;~q) (Platinum compoundis
(Hydrochloric acid)
YABLOKCJV, .__ ADL.OV,- A-N.I.-akudemik
Kleetron Wwaagnetic res)nance oC anhydrous copper salts of
mono,: arWxylic acids. DokI.AN SSSR .1" no.l.-173-176 It 662.
04111A 15-5)
" Ft,,-,Iko,4ekImIche,3kiy Institut Kammskogo filiala All S6SR t
Ino,titut khiati All A)Jdavskoy SSR. 2. Ali 14-lduvskoy 6611 (for Ablov).
(Copix-r vul.t: -.Spectra)