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--.- akadwAikj FALAMj DeMe ABI~V Aq~410n kinetics of trans-halonitrobiscobaltidinothylglyoxime acid ions. Dokl,AN SSSR U4 no.2:341-343 Pq 162. (KIRA 15:5) 1. Institut khimli AN Moldavskoy SSR. 2. AN Moldavskoy SSR (for Ablov). (Cobalt compounds) (Coordination compounds) ABL Vj__A,_V I akademik; BATYR, D. G., kand. khimicheakikh nauk _A~ - --f Ways for the development of chemical Belence in Moldavia. Zhur. VKHO 7 no.5:574-575 '62. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Moldavskoy SSR (for Ablov). (Moldavia-Chemistry) APLOVI A.V.; BELICHUK, N.I. Metallic derivatives of diacetylsemicarbazone oxime. Zhur.noorg.- k1lim 7 no.g.-2061-2065 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Semicarbazone) (Oximes) (Organometallic compounds) ABLOV A Y.,L SYRTSOVA . G. P. Complex compounds of trivalent cobalt with6f -benzyldioximo. Zhur.neorg.khim, 7 no.9.-2C66-20170 S 162. WIM 15:9) 1. Kishimvskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Cobalt compounds) (Oximes) ABIOV A.V.; SHAFRANSKly., V'N' 1 Gomplex compounds of trivalent cobalt with dimethylglyoyi and oulfanilamideo* Zhuroneorg,khim. 7 no.7sl523,-1524 JI 162o (HIRk 1613) (Cobalt compounds) '(Glyoxime) (Sulfanilamide) ABLCV,',A.V.,- PALADR, D.M. Salts of oxalato- and malonatodiphonenthrolim coblat (.&'). Zhur.neorg;khim. 7 no.11:2514-2519 N 162. (MIRA .15:12) (Cobalt compounds) (Phonanthroline) ABLOV A.V,p akademiki SAMUSI I.D. . - P Bond of thiocyanate and selenocyanateIlroupe with thecentral atom in cobaltamminse (II;) and cobalt (II dioxyiminea. Do" AN MR 146 no,5:1071-1074, 41 r62. OIRA 15110) I. Institut'l-hinii AN WIdavskoy SSR i Kishinevskiy slellskokhotyaystvanny institut, im. M.V.Frunse. 2. AN Moldavskoy SSSR (for Ablov). (Cobalt compounds) ABWV, A.V.;- RUCHM,, Ye.D. Bond refracrtions of zinc in tetrahedral complexes. Mmr.atrukt. khim. 4 no.ls5O-54 Ja-F 163. (HIRA l612) lo Kishinevakiy goBudarstvannyy universitet i InBtitut neorgani- chooko khimii Sibir kogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. Tzine ompound:) (Chemical bonde) (Rafractmatry) ABLOV A.V..-, BELICIM, N.I. - - - Derivatives of diacetyltliiosemicarbazon8 oxime with cotilt (II) and iron (II). Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.lt77-82 Ja 163. I (WRA 1615) lo Institut khimii AN Moldavokoy SA. (Cobalt compounds) (Semicarbazone) (Iron compounds) I _#~O~V-IA4-"FAP E.V, Comparative study of nonelectrolytes of the type [CoA3(XO2)9,1, 16,5) 2hur.noorg.1#4im. 8 no.2018-331 IP 163* ( RA 1. Institut khimii AN Moldayakoy W. (Cobalt compounds) (Chenievil structure) ABLOV, A,V.,j BELICHUK, N.I. : :, Derl.-!rativeo of diacet7lthiooomicarbazono oximeVilh coppw (II)o I Mmr.neorgokhim, 8 no.3&612-616 Mr 161. (MIRA X614) i 1. Inatitut khimii AN Holdavi3koy SSR,, (Copper compoundo) (Swddarbazoneo) ABLOV, A.V.; SAKJS', N.M.; BOLOGA, O.A. comp, cnmda of cobalt (III) with dimethylglyoxim of cis- configuration. Zhur.noorg.khim. 8 no.406"70 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Institut khimii AN Moldavskoy SSR i Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy univervitet. (Cobalt compounds) (Glyoxime) 1-17009- 3-- h,V,fvFvi1jD1 J,4/ifii S/078/6 3/00 8 /00 5 /009 10 21 AUTHal: ov V., and Konunova, Ts. B. TITLE: IfOats Of fOmAtion of aniline and its derivatives in union'." with cobalt h1lides 111 10 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganichoskoy kh1mij, v. V111, No. 5, May 1963p 3-1-22-1.130 - --- ------ ------ TEXT: With use of an isothermic calorimeter and thermistor the authors -determined the beats-of solution Of nOn-aqueous chloride, bromides and iodides of cobalt, aniline and its substitutions in a benzene nucleus, and also pro- duots of the combination of aromatic amines*' h cobalt halides in 2N HCl at 250. They also determined the beats of fus, several aromatic aminos by the cryoscopic method. F~vom these data they computed the heats of formation of two moles of gaseous amines in union with nonaqueous crystalline cobalt halides; those quantities are essentially independent of the character of the replacement in the benzene nucleus. III The results obtained support the covalent character zof the Co, - N bond the resulting products studied. -Card-1/2--- L 17009-63 S/078/63/008/003/009/021 Heats of fomat'Lon of aniline ..... The author.-i also estimated the heat oftomation of two moles of gaseous amine in union with an isolated molecule'-of cobalt chloride. There are 7 tables and I figure. ASSOCIATIONt Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat (The Kishinev State University) SURCETTED: December 22. 1961 Card 2/2 ABLOV, A.V.; BRUCHUK, N.I. Derivativen of diacetylthiosemicarbazone oxime with nickel. Zhur.noorg.khis. 8 no.5:1142-1150 My 163. (NIRA 16:5) 1. Akademiya nauk Moldavskoy SSR Institut khimii. (Semicarba2oneaj (Nickel compounds) ABLOV, A.V.; BATYR, D.G. Conference on the application of physical methods to the investigation of complex compounds. Zhur.neorg*khim* 8 no,5tl290-1294 My 163. (NIRL 160) (Ccaplex compounda-Congresaes) ABLOVy A.V.1 RETBELI, T,M. 'Inorganic chemiatry" by I. Naroi-Sabo. Reviewed by A.V. Ablov, I.M. Reibell. 7diur. neorg. khim. 8 no.611549-1550 Je 163. (MIRA 16:6) (No subject headingB) ABU)V A V - fEMNA, V.G. - 0 Thermal decomposition of chlorides of mixed platintun (11) cis-tetramilles contairing ammonia and aromatic amines in the inner coordination sphere. Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.9.-2059..2061 S 163. (M1RA 16:10) 1. Institut khimii Akademiya nauk Moldavskoy SSR. -A~ )VI ~.V.,, akademik; MALIKOVA, T.A. Substitution of ammonia with nitrite ions when heating opticalle active cis-[Co(NH )&en2.](NO ) in the crystalline state. Dokl. AN 93SR 150 no.3:.L032-103 j 3je 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Inatitut khimii AN Moldavskoy SSR. 2. AN Holdavskoy SSR (for Ablov). (Ammonia) (Nitrites) (Cobalt compounds) ABLOVI-,A.V.t akademik; STRATAN, G.G. Products of iodine addition to cobalt (111) dioximines. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.4:845-848 Ag 163. (MIRA 160) 1 1. ?'ishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy W"reitet. 2. AN Moldavokoy SSR (for Ablov). (Iodine) (Cobalt compoun4s) &EILOV, A.V.j ukademik; G.N.; GOL'I)ANSKIY, V.I.; MAKAROV, Ye.F.J TRUKHTANOV, V.A.; XM,;!-V, V.V. Asebauerla spectra or complex compounds of iron with diacetylthiosemicarbazone oxime. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.6tl352-1355 Ag 163. (KIRA 16slo) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fisiki AN SSSR i Institut khimii AN Moldavskoy SSR. 2. AN Holdavskoy SSR (for Ablov). 3. Chlen- korrespondent, AN SSSR (for Golldanskiy), TIMROV, R.Kh.; YABLCKOV, Yu.V.; ABLOV, A.V., akademik Electron paramagnetic resonance method used in studying copper (11) bis-dimethylglyoximate. Dokl. AN SSSR 152'160-163 S 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Fiziko-takhnicheskiy institut Kazanskogo filiala AN SSSR i Institut, khimii AN Moldavskoy SSR. 2. AN Moldavskoy SSR (for Ablov). (Copper compounds) (Glyoxime), (Electron paramagnetic resonance and relaxation) ABLOV?--L-Y.1-,.,1R1fPAemi.k; BMUKER, I.B.; GOL'DAZISKIYP V.I. Interpretation of-thij resonance.absorption of -,,,'-quanta by ,some complex-iron compounds With allowance for the covalence of bands and induction effects. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.6t 1391-1394 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut khimii AN Moldavskoy SSR i Institut khimicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Goltdanakiy). ABLOV, Anton V., "Structure and electron paramagnetic resonance of some copper (II) Salts of the monocarboxylic acids". report submitted for the Symposium on the Structure and Properties of Coordin~ztion Compounds - Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, 2-4 Sep 64 ABLOV,, A.,V,; GERBEIZU, N,V~ Metal deriv&tiven of thosemictirbazones, Zhur.noorg.khim.. 9 no.l.'85--93, A t64. NIRA 17-.2) 1. Akedemiya nauk Holdavskoy SSR, institut khimii. j A.V.; MALINOVSKIY, T.I. SIMONOV, Yu.A.; Al~qV Crystalline structure of diadetate diaminocopper. &-istallo- grafiia 8 no.2t270--~72 *-Ap 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut fiziki i matematiki AN Moldavskoy SSR. ABLOVp 4.V.; SHAFRANSKIY,, V.N. Complex compounds of trivalent cobalt with dime thylglyoxime and thioamides. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.3:585-590 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:3) POPOVICII, G.A.; ABLOV, A.V. Complex salts of copper with xylotriliydroxyglutaric acid. Zhur. neorg. khIm. 9 no.5t].072-1078 Pq 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut khimil AN Moldavskoy SSR. -T I A-- --V ~ -5EMT1U, T1 . I V. 1. "Mossbauer spectra of iron complexes witl; t.,.Aosemicarbazone of diacetyloyIrfe- and tiielr 1nterpretrAtIon." report, pl-Osent~-Id fit fth Intl Ccinf) Coordinution Cheudvtry, VLOnrilt, 7-1A Sop 614. MOSUL, Ya.S., red.,- WLCAl I V., rcd.; 1.1'., red.; AGAS MY EVA -A., red.; FAM 11TEYN, M.G red. Y,A.3MTKll:, A. , red. [From the history of science and teclmology; materials] Iz istorii nauki _4 tekluniki; materirily. KisliJ.i,ev, 4.-rtia moldovenlaske, 1963. 187 p. 17:9) 1. Konferentsiya i-,-torikuv yestestvomnniya. i tc~lmiki l'oldavii. 1st, Kishinev, 1962. 2. Prezident 1j'. Moldavsko-y SSR (for Grosul). Kiohinevskiy !-~o~mdarotve ,, m~ ; univer- sitet (for Agaslyeva). NA ZAROVA , L. V. ;A'-;LDV, A.V.; DAGARV, V.A. Stability of complex cackmium salts with aniline and Its moncsubstituted derivatives. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.9: 212q.-2132 S 164. (muu, 17:11) ABLOV, A.V.; GERBELLU, N.V. Derivatives cf thiosemicarbazone of salicylaldehyde with trivalent cobalt. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.10:2325-2332 0 164. (MIRA 17-12) 1. Akademiya naiik Moldavskoy SSR Inatitut kbimil. A131PV, A.V.; :;rMINA, V.G. .jjjjjvt.jon of platinum (11) tf.,Lraminc-i contalnint, tom-ionitt and &romat,Jc andnes with bromide and Jodide ions. ihur~ neorg. khim. 3.0 no.3:608-..6'.U. Mr 165. (mIRA 18:7) 1. Institut khimli AN Moldavskoy SE!R. .1; ("", .1 ' r, k? f (I; .- ~L - -' AM L", , . Alll'~ 2:"f;Mli*,,fy' ';.'IF ', . 1'P-' ~ :,. , 'I,, ', kr,~, . ~ -' ' m, A A,~ . -11,...- . -,~, tA., Rjj~*Jl" 7hk:.,... jf, lk)5. I m :,; 1~1 ~ 'k I ) ABLOVP A.V.; DIYAKONJ, I.A.; BTANOU -,.Va.; PROSKIN-t, CHAPURITIA, L.F. Metilfication of copper glycoebolate. 7hur. neorg. khim. 10 no-3: 6~8-635 Mr 165. (14IRA 18:7) 1. Institut khirdi AN Vo.ldavskoy SSR. A 131 OV A V - , N.N. ; CHAPURINA , 1 F. , , Infrared absorption spectra of the products of .he additior. of arorTwitic amines to cobalt, zinc, and cadmi-am halides. 71mr. neorg. khim. 30 no.6:1350-1,354. 11; '(,5. (1111RA 18:6) 1. Institut khimi.i. Ali Moldavskoy SSR. m AFUT;p A.V.? GERBEIEU, N.V. [GRierboleu, N.V.) I A. Derlva~.ivei of the reaction of sahcylaldeiWde '.-h~osemi~mrbazone with nickel., copper, and zinc.. Zhur. neorg, khim. 10 no.5.-1155- 1159 My '65. (MIRA 18-,6) 1. Iristdtid-% khitrii AN Moldavskoy SSR. i~Flf)v, (-! 'PT"F'. 1-F., Pll--,cf7j,,-~, .! . , 'N' f, ) lnf-r, abE~czption spectra of 11,,i-,,",r--l~,cTr--carbazonoxine metallic derivativevs. 'hlir. neurg. ~Iiilm. 10 nn.5il186-llci'O my 16-,,. (v,IFA ---S,,61N 1. lrii~,Itijt khin-,4i AN Moldavsimy S~-R. AIM~V, A.V.; N.N.; V.1'. Nfrared absorption spectra of trans-ilhydroxylm[nes of trivulent cobvilt with sulfanllmrnlde~,. Mur. nt-)rg. kLint. 10 n().6: 1355-1351 J. I , r 1~ 1 0". (IllA 1. Iristitut, khimii A14 1.1c).1dav--koy SS!i. ABLOV, A.,V.. akademik; BOVYKIN, B.A.; SAMUSI, N.M. Cc (III, diozi-mltto -ontaining a water molecule and a molecule of ammonia or of organic amine in their inner sphere. Dokl. AN S-SSR 163 no-3j635- 637 J1 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. 2. AN Moldavskoy SSR (for Ablov). ABLOV A.V.; SIRTSOVA, G.P. Cobalt (III) compounds with dimethylglyoxime and a cyanide ion. Zhur, neorg, khim, 10 no.9:1980-1986 S 165. (MM 18:10) ABWV, A.V.; SMNA, V.G. Thermal decomposit1on of bromides and Iodides of mixed platinum (II) cis-tetramines. Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.9:1987-1989 8 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. InBtitut khimii AN Moldavokoy SSR. Al. I n1i $ , , ~; j m"VYNINS Ii.A. :,';%1y of the eqidlibriurr, of trivalent cobalt Moximines contalnirg thloursti. Mair, neorg. khInt. !C nu.1.53-60 Jn 165~ (WRA Istli) 1, Kiohinevskly gosudarstvannyy unIversitet, Suhmitted July IP, IV63- ABi-t-V^ AIN N.1071 ---------- .I- - , , Thlcr,c-r,jcrrlxizcne deri.valaves of ria-licylalcrOi,vr3 e w11 t r) v!~ 1 en r AO nL"*J.4vt-O*7 chromium and t.r!vR]ent Iron. Zhur. neorg, Pi, 1. Institut khimii AN Mollonvqkay ';SR. K.,Ieh.-.rev. ')uhit--,,LcA Jilly 24, 196), ALLOV, A.V.; BOVYKIN, B.A.; SAICS1, N.M. Detachment, of protons from cobalt (11T)dicxiTaines containing thiourea. Zhur.ncarg.khim. 11 no.lt60-66 Ja 166. (MIRA Iggl) 1. Kiahlnevskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet-, Kaf'edra neorpfinl-, cheakoy khimil. Submitted June 8, 1.964. SHAFRANSKIY, V.N.;_�,B.TV,,_A. . Dioximines of trivalent coball-. containing thioure-a and aromatle aidnes. Zhur.neorg.~hlm. 11 no.lt67-71 Jn 166. (MlRA 19:1) 1. Institut, khimii AN Moldavskoy SSR. Submitted June 80 1964. AP6027195 SOURCE CODE: Ull/0078/66/011/008/1992/1998!, AurHORi Ablov. A. V.; Proskina, N. N. ORG: none TITLE: Second conference on the application of physical methods for investigation of complex compounds SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 11, no. 8, 1966, 1992-1998 TOPIC TAGS: chemical conferencet coordination compound, chelate compound, organometallic compound, rare earth chelate, quantum chemistry, crystallochemistry, luminescence ABSTRACT; The Second Conference on the Application of Phvsical Methods for ,Invegtigation of Cc lex Compounds was held 5-8 October--1965 in Kishinev. .The conference was sponsored by the Moldavian Acaderty of Sciences, Kishinev State Universit , Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, and the All-Union Chemical Society im. Mendeleyev. Moldavian BrancT4-. About 120 papers were presented, 'almost twice as many as at the First Conference, on the same subject [see Zh. neorgan. khimii, 8,1290 (1963)]. :4 new section on the rare-earth element chelatesi was added to the program. .of the conference. About 350 specialists, representing scientific re- search institutions and universities of many Soviet cities, were present. Academician I. I. Chernyayev made the opening address. -C-ard UDG AEC NRt 027195 In the plenary sessions, A. V. Ablov, (Kishinev) presented the up-to- date theory of the chemistry of coordination (organometallic) compounds and reviewed the most recent research data which were obtained in the laboratories of the Moldavian Academy of Sciences on the structure and properties of Individual transition metal compounds. A review of the work of the Quantum Chemistry Department, Moldavian Academy of Sciences, was made by 1. B. Bersuker (Kishinev) , who explained the origin of tile ferroelectric property of tht, perovskites, and the laser and catalytic .mechanism of the chelates. Also in the plenary sessions, papers of zeneral interest were presented by Col'danskiy, V. I. and It. A. Poray-Koshits.' (both f1rom Moscow) on "Nuclear gamma-resonance spectroscopy of the com- plexes" and "Crystallochemistry of the transition metal complexes respectively. The most noted of all papers listed in various sections of the con- ference were: Tolmac ev. V. N., 0. F. Boberov, V. P. Dzyubs, and V. F. Lavrushin (Khar'kov) -- Electronic absorption spectra of a- and.$-un- saturated ketone complexes with metal halogenides. M~.I. Knyazlhanskiy, A. D. Garnovskiy, an4;V. 1. Minkin -OfRostov/Don)--Luminescent, ph emical, and thermothroihic p-r-o-pe-RETWT of the metal complexes with Schiff bases. Acc HoshenkovL_V. A., K. N. Soloy've , and G. D. Yegorov (Minsk)--The effect of alkyl substitution in the ring on-the luminescence of metal porphyrins. Shkirman, S. F., A. T. Gradyushko, and K. N. Solov'yev (Minsk)--Normal .vibration frequencies of metal porphyrins in the ground and excited states. Yurchenko, E. N , K. V.-Agnitskaya Ye. P. Darienko, 1. 1. Kalinichenko, G. M. Petrova, and N. P. Bednyagina (Sverdlovsk)--Infrared spectra-or-iffie complexes and effect of pH on the formation of complexes of Ni, Fei Ce, .and Cu salts with formaznng. Samoylovich, M. L., and L. I. Potkin (Minsk)--EPR of CR3+ ions in scandium .tungstate crystals. Gui_inQYjX_b' C.-f:--yu. V. Gladkov A. 1. Patsko, and A. M. Shullga (Minskl-- 9 Nature, properties, and chemical activity of t metastable state. GabuLaj_.~. 2., Yu. V. G~RELnski and A. G. Lundin (Krasnoyarsk and yj Novosibirsk)--NMP and chemical bond In isostructural tetrafluorides of U, Th, and Zr. RiAindd, A.i., and Yu. V. Yablokov (Kazan)--l'he effect of distribution of spin density between paramagnetic complex and splitting ligands (gen- eration of free radicals in solution). -Card .3/_6 - - - --- -ACC NR, AIV019~ L., and 0. A. Domrachey (Cor'kiy)-Light absorption by B.-diketonates of rare-earth elements on tran.91tion from the excited state. Bersuker, I. B., Zhi unova, eyner, anI V. S. Nul'vian (KI.shInev and Saratov)--Anai s of Plectronic, vibrational, and CCtTonic-vibra- yst tional spectra of certain rare-earth elerent cbelateF;. Alcksandrov, A. P., and V. 14. Cenkin (Cor'kty)--PcculiariLIcs of the struc- in- the rare-earth chelates. B., and L. A. Firshteyt (Kiyev)--The state of d-clectrons of ,iron group impurity atoms in diamond-type crystals. Bugay, A. A., P. T. Levknyjkiy,V. M. Maksimenko M. V. Pashkovskiy,_and A. B. Roytsin--Splitting of EPF lines of C ZnWO by means of an 4 external electrIL field. ~ru~vunvan,_E!__E., and M. A. Poray-Koshits ("to-cow)-Structure of certain thorium compounds. Terent'yev, A. P., Ye. G. Rukhadze, G. V. Panova and N. M. Viktorova (Moscow)--Spectropolaritretry in the chemistry of chelates. Card 4/0 U_UI16.46 ACC NR, AP6027195 y - ' I ? arnovskiy, A. D., 0. A. Osipov, V. 1. Minkin, L. V. Orloyg, and L. 1. G DudkQv (Rostov/Don)--Structure of Cu, Ni, and Th complexes with benzal-o- iminophenols. Domrachev, G. A., V. P. Ippolitova, M. 1. Grvaznova, M. F. Tertyshnikov, and K. K. Fukin (Cor'kiy)--Infrared absorption spectra of certain chelaces of lanthanides with B-diketones. *Y41Wina. G. G , K. K. Fukin, and G. A. Domrachev (Gor'kly)--The solvent effect-on luminescent properties (quantum yield and nonradiative loss) of .nK2P!um thenoyltrifluoroncetonate.q Kuznel,%,Ma., V- , A,_RL_aUb96.P, and V. S. KhQmeUkQ (Minsk) --Luminescent spectral analysis of europium chelates in solution. Kostromina., N. A., and T. V,'TernovaXa,(Kiyev)--SpectraI absorption bands splitting as a means of study of complex formation by rare-earths in solu- tion. V:*~_. , -A. G. Makhanek, *and' V. V. Kuznetsova (Minsk) --Analysis -of the luminescence spectra of europium chelates. D_Qtkp_r,h_tyO.,_L. D A. D. Kidrynytseva, G. V. Peregudov, and A. 1. Sok ~Icys !!y oscow)--Spcctral cliaract~~is--tI-c-s--oT-'c-Tie-tliree'- ai~d -four- t _q (Y Card 516 aS AEC lligand europim complomes with 3-diketones. G t _)!~.atsevn ,~~-L,-,,Pqrtnova,and Yu. N. Sh~ynker (Moscow)--NMR RyRr opectra of ferrocclic -