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li."Mi; C=t AAOU46 , 61 lml;-Chvwsi~ vitiftblet, lmye,Z piltham."Odth, the b'do 01 ratkoll, all o t e rivtq~ 99 ' r~vrc re 11 6weW otic'of dle tbe: ~a-jvi p0ialns lljwcili~ally, i0 ) ncl~ll".,. A. IV. IlysindWirr, t mathematical Reviews V01- 15 NO- 3 March 1954 AhL&Mgy, B. Dynamical investigation of medi inISMS., Akad. Nauk SSSR. Trudy Svin. 'I'Corii NNXin i N! -haniz-( mov 10, no. .11, 36-42 (19SI). (Russian) '57 T 1 1. of- an I~air t;it.,. ::r,,: TITIldy lf~4-11 Lt'vr mash., 12, ,~o 115, 1951 julle ABR&MOV, B.M. ------ Notion of prismatic crosshead in a guiding spucial system of forcet. Trudy Sem.teor.maah. 12 no.47:5-38 '52. (KWii 6:6) (Mechanical movement 0 124-58 9-9554 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p, I (USSR) AUTHOR: Abramov, B. TITLE: Determination of the Dynamic Loads in Tooth Gears Ha% ng Straight-line Tooth Contours (Opredeleniye dinamichesl 1kh nagruzok v zubchatykh pryamozubykh kolesakh) PERIODICAL: Tr. Khar1kovsk. avtomob. -dor. in-ta, 1957, Nr 19, .-p 95-110 ABSTRACT: A correction ( /17 - 1)/R is introduced in A. 1. Pet: usevich's formula for the determination of the impact force in the i eeth of gears, which formula provides overrated values because it does not take into account the changes in the character of the ..efort-na- tion as a point ot contact approaches the path of contact. An in- vestigation is made of the dynamic loads with and withoul consid- eration of the effect of non-impacting pairs ofteeth durin,ii edge impact and two instances of face impact, and with and wilhout backlash. Expressions for the maximum force experienced during an edge impact are obtained in the form (equation on card 2) Card 1/2) IZ4-58-9-9554 Determination of the Dynamic Loads in Tooth Gears (cont. U V 4 _MC %rl+k2 - max u k where. k= 22 j 7C Vu vu is the velocity of impact, c is the rigidity, m is the reduced wheel mass, 8 is the deviation from nominal pitch of the gears, and during a face impact Umax = qPZ + Z 8, C, P + P where P is the static load. A typographical error appears in the last formula, viz. , the term P was omitted. 1. Gears--Stresses 2. Gears--Mathematical analysis M. K. Kris ti Card 2/2 25(2) FRA39 I SOOX MLOTATIOX f Akadandya ralk SWR. Institut mashInovedenlya. Seminar PO t*0rI4 mashIn I nekhanIzamy Trudy , ton XIX. vMT4 (Tran"ations of the institute or Naebins' Science, Academy of Sciences, U"R. Seminar ca the TbOcry of Machines and Mechanisms, Vol 19, go. 74) Moscow. 1zd-VV Am 333R. 1959. 66 P. Err&,-& &21P Inserted. 2.5W copies printed. Scientific Supervisor or the Seminar: x. x. krtoboievskly, Acade%lcian; Ed. of PublIsUng House: 0. S. OcraNCOW; TWCb. Md.- 1. F. Kovallakeya; FAltorial Foardt X. 1. Art-obolawsklY. Academician (Resp. W.); 0. 0. Baranov, Doctor f Tvchn1 Sclancox, Professorl V. A. Gavr1lanko, Doctor oef Teaftle Sciences. Professor; V. A. 7q v'yoVv Doctor of TochnicAF113.1sn"s. Professor; A, Ye. Kobrinsidy, Doctor or Technical Soleness; 3, . 1. lAv--takiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; X. r. RoL_Y*vakiy, Candidate or Technical SclariveS, L. X. R*ZhGt4sw& Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; and n. A. McurldIms Doctor of Technical Sciences. 7roftaxor. for anginee-rL Intorooteod in the theory of ma,41ftlnes and 0". COVERA12R.- The book consists of r1yo stiontMa'p"orm dem" with war. hines and mchamls". The topics covered IMIUde dynamic principles of shockproof scrvenst el*ctrlcal almo- lation of dyn&=Io~loadt acting In mine hoisting equIpmeattv dynamic loads in spur geiarso am analytical method of dosIVOIAC cam profiles, " the analysis of forced vlbratloom In a system with a nonlineaLr r*at*2-Ing force. Wor personalities are mentioned. References fellow several of the articles. TAWS OP CONTINMe ?per*** 3 AnIlovIch, V. Y~x Dynamia Principles of Shockproor Scrowns 5 of an analysis of the differential equation of motion for shoolcproof screens used in coal-dromsLog plants, the author presents a xethod for designing and Internally balancing screening nachUms. .LapkIn. B. P. ziectrical simulation or Dynamic Loo do In PtIne Hoisting Equipment 14 The author pr*sents results or electrical simulation or dynamic load& acting on elements or a singla-drm- b-ist during the Initial stage of llftIA6 from both A'SaI20w and deep mine sharte. of Attached Muses an Dynamic l4ads -in Spur Gears 25 ThLouthor discusses the problem of d*torjLLnlng dynamic lo a on gear 'teeth caused by errors In manufaxture. He investigate& the effect of a mass mounted on a goar shaft In the rare or a disk on such leads. Tam results show that in a gear traln w1th very r.'Xid short shafts, th:o:ttaehed MASGOB Increase dynamic leads considerably. Ho or, with the Increase Ln gear mass the affect of attached =*as is reduced. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5001 Abramov, Boris Meyerovich Diniunika sharnirnykh mekhardmov s uchetom trenlya (Dynamics of Unked Machinery With Friction Calculation) Khar-1kov, Izd.-vo 1(harlkovskogo univ., 1960. 148 P. 3,000 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: D. I. Kostyuk, Docent; Ed.: M. I. Prokopenko; Tech. Ed.: N. I. Nikulina. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for technical personnel in machine building and instrument building, students at schools of higher technical education, studentb in divisions of physics and math- ematics at universities, and for those Interested in theo,.,etical and applied mechanics. COVERAGE: The author discusses the kinetic, static, and dyntmic Investigation of mechanisms with friction calculation In hinges and slideways. N. Ye. Zhukovskiy's conceptar "friction c~.rcles')' further elaborated by scientists V. V. Dobrovollskiy, M. A. Skuridin, 0. A. Barsov and others, serves as the basis of the book. Special attention is given to a discussion of cynamic Car4-:1/4- Dynamics of Linked Machinery (Cont.) SOV15001 problems with more than one solution. Methods of determining true motion from r . POSBlble motions are examined. It is stated that the book contains some original material. There are 59 references: 43 Soviet, 3 English, 7 German, 5 French, and I Italian. References accompany each chapter. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Ch. I. Motion of a Solid Body Linked With Friction 10 Ch. IL Kinetics and Statice of Dyadic Mechanisms in a Plane System of Forces 39 1. Kinetics and statics of-dyads without taking, friction into account 39 2, Investigating air motion, taking Into account fric- tion in the guiding vanes 42 CaPS-44 ABRMOVL_B.M.,-,L kand.takhnonauk, doteent Iffect of dynamic loads In spur gears on the *error In position! and the gear ratio. Izv.vys.ucheb.z&v.: mashinoptr. no.6-35-43 160, (MIRA 13:7) 1. 11harikovskly avtodorozhnyy institut. (Gearing, Spur) -ABMOVI Boma Vibration of gear tra~smjssiona caused by varying rigidity of zeshing. Trudy Inst.mash, Boma po toor,mash. 21 no.81/82t86-92 160. (MIYA 13 r, 11) (Gearing-Vibration) ABRAMOV9 B.M., kand. tekhm. nauk, dotzent Equillbri= of a solid suppurted *c,;r a rough surface. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Flartkovskiy avtodorozhnyy institut. ~ .1 - 4 .3 APRAHDV, B.N. Irluotuatione of the concentration of oxygen and biogenous element-.: In waters of the Central and Northern Caspian over a period of many years. Trudy, VNI30 38:117-133 '59- (MR& 13:4) ' (Caspian Sea-Vater-Composition) ANUIP'OV.9 1.3. 1, . I "Gleaninr Vmthy Sced with lZmeikal Separator." Sel i sen, 11, 'Allo 5) 191 2, 1 ' ,IRA July 195,2 Using organomineral fertilizer mixtures for winter crops. Zamblel!* 6 no.8:40-41 Ag 158. (MIIJ 12: 11) (Grain-Pertilizere and m.anurea) SHMUN, I.A.; ABRAMOV, B.S.1 MTSKAN, T.I. Outbreak of anicteric leptospirosis in the Termez District. Mod. zhur. Uzb. no.6:52-53 Je(T,6o. (MRA 15:2) ERHEZ DISTRICT-LEPTOSPIROB-IS) Mon 1, ,, j J'f J( -'. N, 7- d d p J 4 ABILUOY, B.S., inshener; XHUXHUYIY, G.A., inshener. VW, f.~ -~ "~- % -; '' Novosibirsk Hydroslectrio Power Station. Nauka i shizz' 21 no.ll: 4-6 N l54. (KM 7:12) (Novosibirsk Hydroeleotric Power Station) .. ~ ~ I, %~ --7.r, - :Di - L 4, .1 ~ .--L - -1 41 -. INUMOV B. The construction of great hydraulic engineering works. Stroitell no.10:12-15 0 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Hydroelectric power stAtiona) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 946 Abramov, Boris Savellyevich Gol-ib,yye kaskady (Blue Cascades) Moscow, Gospolitizdat, 1958. 54 p. 75,003 copies printed. Ed.: Orlov, V.; Tech. Ed.: Mukhin, Yu. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for the general reader desiring general information about the state of development of hydro- electri,:,- power in the USSR. COVERAGE: The author briefly reviews the geography of the USS putting emphasis on the water power resources of'the Russiai., land mass. The high points of Lenin's plan for electrification of the country are given, and the successes in hydroelectric power plant engineering and construction in the USSR are described. The future of hydroelectric power development in the Soviet Union is also mentioned. No personalities are mentioned. There arc no references. Card 1A Blue Cascades 946 The future of the Amur River 42 A unified power system for the USSR 48 New teChnological advances 51 Hydroelectric power inthe service of the national economy 54 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress J?/nah Card 3/3 12-9-58 ABRAMOV, Boria Savellyevich; KOLOSOV, A., red.; CHEPELEVA, 0., .1, (Power engineering of the seven-year plan] Energetika semilet;:i. Moskva, Izd-vo eotsiallno-ekon.lit-ry, 1959. 63 P. (MIRA 1,!:12) (Power engineering) ABRAMOV, B.S., inzh. Construction of the Votkinsk Hydroelectric Power Station. Gidi,. stroi. 32 no.1:41 Ja '62. (MIRA :15:3) (Votkinsk Hydroelectric Power Station) V- -- -- -- - --- - - AIRMVP B.S, Hidden sources of life. Priroda 52 no.7s25-31 J1 163. I (KERA 160) I (Water supply) (Water resources deplopment) -- 7- s,:-*.--.-- - :' ~- , - I Zan, NIIG I Zi 6,4. 0 , I i.-HA 1",-.N ABR,UIOV, B. V, (Receiver and amplifier tubes; reference pumphlet] Priemno-usilitelinye lurmy; spravochnye avedeniiu. Moskva, Goe.energ.izd-ve, 1952. 23 p. (viaA 6:7) (Vacuuti! tubes) .Yumm- I, -V,- [Tubes for radio and television receivers] LaMy dlia radio- voshchatellnykh i televisionnvkh priemnikov. Moskva, Gosenergols- dat, 1954. 79 P. (MM 8.-1D) AUTHOR ABRAL!OV, B,V., T!KhON-OV, V TITLE Experiment-aT Investigation of the Aud~,~,Freque-,%~,. , - , c i Tubes and Semiaonductor Triodes. (EkBperJn,ental-noye isr3edovnniye ni.-koubastotiVkh shomoir lamp J polliprovodnikov"jkt.-i;,2-Ire.-,~.-;- - Russian) PERIODICAL Radiotekhnika,1957. Vol 12, Nr 6, pP 45-` NT~SX,R,) ABSTRACT The level moasuramants of static noise were carried out a,cording to Ine meth,,)d of the comparivon botwoozi tho -.tutic nolqc if radio tubes and that of the effective resistan,,-(, at norinal room tempgra.- ture. A spectral analyze:t- vti`,;h 27 (-xchi7.q;ee.b'.e filters in the fre.. quency rangre of 3oC -i- 151.v' was of apae.. tral density ofstatic at vari uo frequen(Aes.7-Phe relative trans- r_IL .; wission range of the filte 03 (!ongta:,jt and :,qual to o,2 The spectral intrinBity of the gtat.-".c of the tut,~! invBs-,5gatel 0an be assumed as approximfttcly c-)-nstarit vWhin the tound irieo of the trarsmisf,.Jon rango of the singla ftltcars A ucjt,joterLV-.q was used as initial J -ndicator; its indicai 2 )is depend bn' on the levelof -the and therefor make it ,-)ssib"- fj)L t lis 1evP1 The basir ampli.fler has an amplifinatJon -7-)Eff ici ,3,-l Of -.)out 2,1o 4 *)~,,k)~,C .3'. ~-' four cas, and a fransm4.siior xarffe of 'roin co 2L. caden,A desoription of the mr.~thr,0- of operLtior, folt-liyuj 1111catigated were t audio -f requenoy 8DETtra of the flic~,;atungr static of' the 6Zh4 Card 1/2 and 6ZhlP tubes in th,~'case of pentode- and trinde as well A Experimental Investigation cf .-be Aur;io L'_ ',)f 111'. ea and Semi.conduc:m, Triodes.. as spectra of the static of -,,wo i.~:iivondicior plarle ';.riOC~.3 PIA The results are vhown In 3 Uilles.The -,,f v,arc about 15%, in the case of the lore-,". ('V.ith 3 tables, .5 112uzArvionj and 1 reft-:.--m-v~ ASSOCIUMN PERSENTED BY SUBMITTED 16-5-1956 LUILLBLE Library of Congress Card 2/2 I - -, - ri-,k ye Itoi---', r,,,I:cty ITS !'fjrl~ovnl,,oy obl_nsti Sotr,. Scl. , (-.1--etory 4 1':)-O:'-vc, 10 9, 74 - 8, 13. 35-3F SO: ILTOPIS' 1,"(!- 35, 10,49 AMMOV, D7N. "NWXNWW Problempk of inerpased replacement of produetion Pntorn on collective fmrro Vap, -To 157. (Mylu 10: ?) ~Xovqoy Province-i0ollective fame) (Agrleultur*-Eeo~owle aspects) ABRAMOV, D. A. Cand Toolt 8oi - "Study of oertain parameters of single- span overhead if- min7c~onditions vi )unt Len, 1961 (Min of Ilfgher and Secondpry Speoinlited F-dwation RSFSR. I'm Order of Lenin Forestry Engineering Aoad irp 9. M. Kirov). (KL, 4-61, h1[) RISHITOT, Alakeandr Taxillyevioh: AUML- R-As, redaktor; AGRkWVSKAT,,, N.D., redaktor isdatelistva; SKITS. T.P., takhnichockiy redak-;or. (Leading lumber In Siberian lumbering enterprises] Pogruska, Loa us. lesozagotovitelInfth preipriiatiiakh Sibiri. Moskva, Golesbun!zdat. ig5e.. 45 p. (nii 9:6) (Lujobaring) (Loading and unloading) MOZERTSBY, Vasiliv Yefimovich, kandidat tekhnicheskikh aauk; BFMIWI, Nikola7 Vasillyevich; A2WOV. D.A..,redaktor; SHAKHOTA, 1.1., redaktor izdatelletv~-r'rfi"gw,'V.'P.".9ekhnicheskil, redektor [Reducing labor loes in preparatory and auxiliary operationa in lumber enterprises) Snizhenle trudovykh zatrat na podgotovitell-. nykh i vapomogatellnykh rabotakh v leapromkhozakh. Moskva, Gas.-- lesbumizdat. 1956o 28 p. (MM 9-1.j':!'1 (Lumbering) V-AMU starshiy nauchnyy sotrudpik mls--~-Ls t - Aerial skidder. Takh.mol. %8 no.lOi24 160.. (MIPA 1::10) 1. WentrallnI7 nauchno-looledovatellskiy Institut mokhanizatiii i energetiki promyshlennostis (Lumber-Transportation) (Cableways) 0 ArOHONITSY1,,', K.I., kand. telft. nauk,, red.; TI7WGAUZEN, P.E., kand. tekhn. nauk., red.; NADBAKH, M.P., red.; TANTSEV, A.A., starshi-.j nauchr7y sotr., red.; AMWOV, S.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; red.; DOGDANOV, 11.1., starahiy nauchnyy sotr.p red.; UNWORN, G.K., kand. tokhn, naWt, red.; GAVRILOV, I.I., atarahiy nauchxi~y sotr,, red,; GUSARCIPJKj D.E., starshiy nauch,yy so".r., red.; D'YAKONOV, A.I., red.; ZAVIYALOV, M.A., kand. tok',ti. nouk, red.; ZARET~IQKIY, M.S.t star:3'dy nauchn),y notr., red.; KA011ELKINp L.I., ntars1dy nauchnvy sotr.p red.; KISIIINSKIY, M.).O kand. teklui. nauk., red.; KOLTUNOV, B.Ya., starnhiy nauchnyy so-1r.x red.; OSIPOV, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; SHINEV, I.S., kan-.', ekon, nauk, redi (Materials of the enlarged session of the Scientific Council o.1 the Central Scientific Research Institute for Mechanization an; Power Engineering in Lumbering on problems concerning power engineering and the electrification of the lumber industry] Materialy rasshirennoi sessii Uchenogo soveta TsNIIME po voprofu onergetiki i elektrifikatsii lesnoi proiVshlennooti. Moskvay 1961. 75 P. (MIM 15:4) UFO~~ ~-~) AI)RAl'ovp D. 1. 11-RationalizinE the i'repiration of Canors Wine." Vin. SSS-,~ 12, 1"o 7, 195: ,--i?k oct 1952 1. AKIUO,~'M, 1). 1. 2. UI7.,'_R (600) 4. Fruit Woips 7. Self-clarification of fruit and berry iuices, 11 no. 4, 1953. 9. Monthly Fist af Russian Accessions, Libra-y of Congress, t'dh IL 1S, i3, Uncl. 137-58-3 5584 ,rranslation frorn: Referat.ivnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, p 15 1 (USSR) A UTROR - Abramov, D. M. TjT LE: Various Factors Affecting the Rate of Corrosion of Steel Periodically Exposed to Sea Water (VliyaniNle razl-.chnykh laktorov na skorost' korrozii st.ali morskoy vodoy pri periodicheskom smachivanii) PERIODICAL- Izv. AN AzerbSSR, 1957, Nr 8, pp 3i-40 ABSTRACT- Investigations, performed in order to establish how ih! rate of corrosion (RC) of stecl periodically exposed to sea watur is affected by various salts coMained in Caspian Sea water, :- ave shown that chlorides 1'NaC1, MpCl,) are the most active sE..ts. Sulfates (MgS04, Ca k4) exert a -retarding action on the It C of steel when added to solutions containing chlorides. The RI; in artificial and natural sea water is lower than it is in sc1It&..>ns with identical concentrations of chlorides. Maximal RC i~,:" observed when the chloride concentration is 70 g/liter. wk !reas greatest increase of the RC occurs in the rdnge of concenti-ations between 5 g//Iiter and 10 g/liter, i. e. , at concentrations itientical Card 112 to those encountered in sea water. The RG increases con::.iderably 137-58-3 5584 Various Factors Affecting the Rate of Corrosion, etc. (cont. when the frequency of periodic immersions is increased. However, very frequent immersions (every 1-3 minutes) no longer affect the RC; this i - explained hy the fact that a film of moisture is permanently present ,Nn Cie surface of the steel and prevents the latter from drying out. A reduced RC, after some time has elapsed in the course of testing,is attributable not t.) any protective action of the corrosion products but to the impaired diffusion, )f 02 through these products. At increased temperatures the RG increases . considerably, owing to the increased diffusive and convective flow of 0.)*I- A. Card 212 ABRAMOV, D.M., Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) "Study of tne electrocnemical process of corrosion ==me-ef periodic Pe6trivig th water." Baku, tub House of Acad "ci Az&~R, 1956, 19 pp (Min of Higher Dducatirn IJS',R, Azerbaydzhan State Univ im MI. Kirov) 150 CODies (KL, U-Sb, 113) - 5 - SOV/1 37-58-11-23082 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiyt. 1958, Nr I I, p 179 (USSR) AUTHORS: Negreyev, V. F. . Abramov, D. M. TITLE: On the Electrode Processes in a Zone of Intermittent, Wetting (0 mcklianizme elektrodtiykh protsessov v zone periodicheskol., .,o smachivaniya) PERIODICAL, Izv. AN AzerbSSR. Ser. fiz. -tekhn. i khim. n. , 1958, Nr 1, pp 97- 106 ABSTRACT: By plotting polarization curves a study was made of the kinetics of electrode processes on steel covered with thin films of Caspian sea water and fresh ("Shollar") water, and with films of NaCl, MgCI 2~s MgSO 41 and CaSO 1~ solutions. The effect that corrosion produc have on the intensification of the corrosion of steel during intermittent. wetting was also studied. The investigation was per- formed in an airtight apparatus in which the relative humidity was kept at 98076. It is indicated that with a decrease in the thickness of the f ilm from 500 to 100 ti the cathodic polarization of steel decreases as a result of an intensive supply of 0 to the corroding Card 1,12 surface. The rates of the cathodic processes Ullier thin films of On the Electrode Processes in a Zone of Intermittent Wetting SOV/137 ii-8-11-2308Z sea water and fresh water are practically equal. The anodic polarizatio-1 of steel increases with the decrease of the thickness of the solution film. A grealer retardw tion of the anodic process i.-. observed under a film of fresh water. D. is indicated that under thin filrns of salt solutions the kinetics of the electrode change. The presence of MgSO (film thickness 500 4 ) retards somewhat the rathodic pro-- cess of the corrosion 0~ steel, the Cl- ion decreases the anodic p0ldriZilfi0n, and CaSO 4 and MgS04 greatly inhibit the anodic process. By means of a seven-morith investig.ation of corrosion currents in Fe-Cu macrocells suspended at 0.5. 1, Z, and 4 meters above sea level it was shown that under any weather conditions the current intensity in the macrocells decreases with increasing height above the surface of the sea. It was detected that a constantly active factor determining the intense corrosion of steel in the wetting zone is the presence of a porous layer of corrosion products (of the Fe 03 . nH?O type) which are strong depolarizers of the cathodic process. Bibliograpgy: 14 references. P. S. Card 2/2 NIGUMV, V.F.; AIUMOV, D.M-; SHANIVA, T.H. Cortosion and aAldokroeldn protoction of offshore pilings. Izy,vyu,uch9b.2av.-, neft'-I gas 1 no.12,.125-129 158. (MIRL 12:4) 1, Aserbaydzhanskiy industrialOW institut iM, X.A21sbakova, Institut khimii AN AzerSSR i S.-sudarstyepw nauchno-iseledo-vatell- skiy i proyektnyy institut morskoy nefti. (Corrosion and anticorroaives) (Filing (Civil engineeriiW)) I&V-IEDOV, I.A.; ABIWIOV, D.M. Mechanism of the electrochemical corrosion of steel as de- Imnident on different size of soil particles. Azerb. klini. zhur. no.4:83-86 159. (14IRA 14:9) (Steel--Corrosion) (Soil particles) MAMEDOV, I.A.; ABRAMOV. D.H. I------- Iffect of cathode deposits in the soil on the process of cathodic polarization. Dokl. AN Azorb. SSR 5 no.5:379-382 '59. tmRk 12!-.8) l.Institut khimli Aka4emii nauk AzerSSR. 111lectrolytic, corrosion) I&GREYEV. V.7.,-, ABILOOV. D.14. Composition rf coryiBion products of steel repulting from porlodle wettirW, by s,~a water. Dokl.AN Azerb.SSR 1.5 no.12: 1119-1121 159. L Inatitut lihimli AN UnrSSR, Prodstavlono Mmdonikom All. ?,zerSSR M.F. Xagiyevym. (Steel-Corrosion) MAIMED)V, I.A.; ABIUMV, D.M. Effect of the tPmperature conditions of f.-oils on Fteel corrosi,in. Report No. 1. AtPrb.khiTn.zNr. no.l*,5)-59 '60. (,k'lHA Vi: 9) (Soil temperature) (Steel-Corrosion) -1 MAIEDOV, I.A.;__.~~OV, D.M. .__ Effect of soil salinity m steel corrosion. Azerb.SSR 18:67-78 160. (Steel-Ccrrosion) (soil chemistry) Trudy Inst-kh'im. AN (KRA 14:9) S/081/62/000/010/051/085 B168/B180 AUTHORSs Negrayev, V. F., 11,am.idovp I. A., AbrqPPY,0,-M. TITLEs A study of the mechanism of the anticorrosive effect of sodium hexametaphosphate in aqueous medka A ,-4., PLRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 1 09 N~' 10~62, 366, abstract 101265 (Azerb. khim. zh., no. 5, 19619 -111) TEM Investigation of the corrosion-inhibiting mechanism of sodium hexanetaphosphate M in cooling water of various compositions showed that it varies according to circumstances. It was found that in fresh water containing no Ca2t.or Cl- ions I is an anodic corr'osion inhibitor (at a concentration of 200 mg/1). In the presence of Ca(RCO 3)2 there is cathodic as well as anodic corrosion inhibition. ~f there it) any appreciable concentration of Cl- (NaCl) no anodiainhi~ition occuriso it was found that in fresh water a phosphate film gradually formu on the surface of steel, causing anodic polarization. With water containing 2100 mg11 I, polarization sets in 24 hours after treatment of the steel. ward 1/2 A study of the ... s/o8i /62/000/010/051 /065 B168/BI80 'I"'hen a mixture of chromate and I is used as corrosion inhibitor in fresh waters, besides the active anodic inhibition characteristic of toth the above-mentioned agents there is cathodic inhibition, which does not occur when each of these agents is used separately in the same . cone-entration3. Thus, in a solution of NaCl (8.11 &/'1) the use of a solution of I and chromate, at a rate of 200 mg/I each, causes active cathodic inhibition. ~_Abstracterta notet Complete translation.' Card 2/2 ~nml' I in F4 PS! UK, -M r "Ll If- -j ama SIN' J D-(W.~t 19B S_ ~PA Ref. 7j. 101intIv., Ah~~. 11KII) 'AMR; Negreyev, V.F.,-Abrarnov, D.M., Agaytiv,NAM. Effectiveness of -the I Munn, kat, pin A in a q_y9tem containimr li-Mrocarbois lAd 'lijkW-5 nol Uhun TD SOURCE: Gaz delo. Naucluio-teklin ,b. . no 9, 1963. 2,1-31 n, q hydrocarbon, salt w~tvr, OPIC TAGS: steel, stciel corrosio _q_rrog1_on !Dl ~1. . i putrolewi. refining,clectro6h m-' try tu a jrrent, m 115 quaternary ammoni n salt, pol rizing -c, prot ~c.,vt; filml/kaLapin L A -(a-quatemar --ammionium _cbloridc Salt) wa S )r pos e _v- a corrosivivinhibitor In the petroleitm refini.ngjndustr~. Mie effootivene-jils and .-naractor of the forniation of prOtective filuis were stUdied dilrillg thO 118C of this cwxroslon inhibiLui a a mixtureof an aqueous NaCl solution and kerosele witil or Without ".ne ,.)rescncv of 112S. Sinca tho corrosion of steel in a system f::oisisting of hydrord:1-bons and an aqueous,Goltllion is an electrochemiml process, it was s0died by electriual viethods. The study o' the effeeLveness of inhibitors on the basis of tho density of the o1 : zing all C_ L 19849-65 FS.".'ON NR-. AR4048153 re i n the presence --)f an awropriateh, selortr-di r)c?:-nn1i.-I! iififor-o. i,f,k I-!, the SLJB CODE: MM, Fp ENCL: 00 Cara 2/2 :i' L -ABRAMOV, D.M.; 71,"YNALOV, S.D ; AGAYEV, E.M. Electrochemical method for determining the efficiency of corrosion inhibitors for steel in the production of gas- condensate wells. Gaz. delo no.1:22-25 t65. WRA 18:6) 1. Institut khimii AN AZSSR. A00-66- __EWT(m)/9WF`(t)AWP(b) UP(q) ACC NRs AP5025720 Sol CODE M 02W/65/000/011/OIY4/0074 INVENTOR: Sandler, R. A.; Yelin, N. M.- Podzorov, B. H.; Abramov, D. Si fit'; Y7,55 Y I---O-RG: none TITLE: A method of producing titanium-aluminum alloys. Class 40, No. 174T92 qq,( 7 SOURCE:- Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovalfifth znakov, no. 18, 1965, 74 TOPIC TAGS: alloy, titanium alloy, aluminum containing alloy ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method of obtaining titanium-aluminum alloys vith 15-27% aluminum by reduction of titanium tetrachloride with magnesium. To simplify the process and reduce its cost, the titanium tetrachloride is first re- duced with metallic aluminum in the presence of solid sodium chloride and then reducei vith metallic magnesium or sodium. [NDI SUB CODE: MM, IE/ SUBM DATE: 22may64/ ATD PRESS: ~~&4 0901 /7 lll~ 3. rk ~~ Allp, P-i EE iN Z j-T ~4 'Aw Roll g ~5V N4 A0 gq .0;Z1 a--n -~g fra--,-,f7---- A 5 M? -.W?' AM 'MA ABRAMOY, Z.A., kandAstor.nauk; KRUGLIKOY, F.T., kand.istor.nauk; A.L., kand.iator.nouk: YASILITKY, A.Y., nauchnyy red.; TOROBITEV, G.S., red.izd-vg; GUMMIYETA, A.M., tekhn. red. LBrigades of communiat labor] Brigndy kommunicticheakogo truda. Leningrad, Ob-vo po rasprostraneniiu polit. i nauchnykh znanii RSFSR, Leringrotd-nie, 1959. 46 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Sociglist competition) (Efficiency, InGustrial) 4CC NR, AP6025930 SOURCE CODE: UR/030i/66/012/004/0435/0437 AUTHOR: Surinov, B. P.; Manoylov, S. Ye.; Abramov, E. F. DRG: Leningrad Chemical.-PharmacelAtical Institute, Chair of Biochemistry (Ka.fedra biokhimii Leningradskogo, khimiko-farmatsevticheskogo instituta) TITLE: The use of ion exchange resins for the desalination of proteolytic enrymes SOURCE: Voprooy meditsinskoy khimii, v. 12, no. 4, 1966, 435-437 TOPIC TAGS. trypsin, proteolytic enzyme, ion exchange resin, enzyme desalin&tion ABSTRACT: A method for desalinating solutions of proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, chymo trypsin) with ion-exchange resins is described. Various anion and cation exchange resins are used (EDE-10, AN-M, SBS-1, KU-5, and KU-2 with 4.8-12% divinylbenzene). The most favorable combination seemed to be anion exchange resin EDE-IOP and cation egchange resin KU-2 with 8% divinylbenzene. These have suffi- cient stability and are produced commercially. Experiments showed dynamic con- ditions of demineralization to be the most favorable. An increased release of resins was observed under atatic conditions. Conclusions were that KU-2 with 8% divinylbnezene sorbs trypsin or chemical trypsin poorly. Anionite EDE-10 has the capacity to baorb some amount: of proteins which can bia washed away. The loss of protein enzymes by desalinattag performed only in resins is 20%. In such a way, ion-exchange of resins cian be used succeasfully for de-salting compounds of proteol Card 1/2 - 1 ACC NReAPAP6025930 enzymes. This method which is particularly important during purfication enzymes, avoids long process of dialysis, SUB CODE: 05AO/SUBH DA,rz: 09jwj63/ ORIG REF.- 002/ M REF: 003 Card ABPJYOVY F.; OUTOV, V1. "Monopoly prpfitq" -Mompelivo by G,S, Roginskii, F. Abramov, V. Kr-utov. Vneshe torg. 42 no.8:46-* a Reviewe(-., by 162. OGRA 2-5:9) (Profit) AlihAMOV, F, Pactido-sciantifin, studies of bourgeois economists. Vnesh. torg 43 no.10113-2.7 163. (MA 16:11; A,; I. 11 11 ""tilizati,ni of tije . jl,, tilE, Cotton ;;i-ns,, 11 . 1:0,;~,)-s ";0 :;o 12, jgi',j " I'ilt Au, L r 195" w ' 6- w a a 4 ;1 0' N ;1 o ; ; a a a I ; 1 4 1 0 1 a I a 11 11 1) W Is Is It 11 At y,11 limit PIP A P Is 11 Ll 11 0 b It I, a .1 . a r, ot A -fi-A-A-A-L. III A .$w I! -A I L At 0 11 W U o, T N - Mikitaks mercur deposits J&)uth Riotaisi, flefowl'of ur"al 19J1. 711:1 'Ill .4 frov.phor n,,d Mritall,,vaphic 04& nuivilt (itinAt%al 111, Q1IAI1tIf% N 1 1 3 11,1119 A 1 -ut 1 0 wns A ttt,,,,Iry It N . 4r: 00 &0 j 04) w 'w :" 9 j n L 0 .00 .00 00 t 0. 0 - o 0 g o ~O 4 11 0 N 7 6 0 6 i 0 0 0 41 0 9 0 4 o 0 f 0 s 0 4:: 0 0 ANUMOV, F. u5SR On: Underground Stations for gasification of coal Soviet Source: Ns Moscow 18 April 1945 Abitracted in USAF "Trousure Islan(PI on file in Library of Congmsug Air Information Division, Report No. 26270. :71 a i 'A ll',-'~1'00* 10 1 S, IZ 1 . 1. .1 ADRAMIM 117. A. ABRAMOV. F. A. Ard Miletich, A. F. "Calculating the aerodynEuaic resii!tance of air bridges and channols toward 'Lans"p (In coal mines), Izvestiya bnepropAtr. gornogoin-ta im. Artmvi, Vol. XX, 1948, p. 62-82. SO: U-4631, 16 6ept. 1953, (Utopis 'Zhurnil lnykh Statay, No. 24, 1~-%9) Cw USSR/FuniniL Jan 49 Ventilating Syatems Braceb th 7117-LII-tiOn CO,~rf:'clents of Aerodynamic P -sistance of xev-Type Mine Bracings,O Docent F. A. Abramow, A. F. Miletich, Dnepro- Petr,,Tr~k Mining IiIst, 2 pp "Gor Zhur" No 1 Xxperinental research an earodynemic resistance for vaTiou-S t.-,Po~s of mine :-einforce-ments suggests that lm metal, reizzif ozoing of tan is with arches MR 40/49T77 USW/Mlrxing (Contd) Jan 49 or pillars, the gaps between th-m F-hould be filled in with tie bearms or Txjr~xpte slabs. This lovers the ventUatlon reiietanc& three tL=s c,=pared vith vo~od roof irnports, etc. vow e ARRAIT'V, 'F. A. rA 15 0Y1 USSR/kngineering - Instruments se-,) 49 Gauge) Roughneos "liechanical Profilo-Graph (Surface RouChness GauEe)," F. A;-Abramov, A. F. Riletich, Dnepropetrovsk Mining Inst, 1 V4 pp "Zavod Lab" Vol XV, No 9 Describes mechanical apparatus which can be uoed ander limited light conditions of mine shafts in place c-f optical type. Includes diagram of parts, and photo- graph of apparatua. Ak 154!T15 1. ABRAMOV, F. A. 2. ussit (6oo) 4. Mine Ventilation 7. Deteralr4bg the resiGttinctj to ventilation of circlilar, curicrete-linfid mine shafts. Ugoll No 1 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russinn Accessions, L.i.brary of Congress, Ar)rll - 1953, Uncl. The Canittee on Stalin PrIzets (of the Comcil of NUnistera USSR) In the fields of science md inventions s=umes that the follming scientific vorks. yopular ecitn- tific books# and textbooks hVe been submitted for c=patition for Stalin Prizes for the yearn 1952 and 1953. (Scvetsk" Kultura, 1'-%scow, No. 22-40, ?0 Feb - 3 Apr 1954), N Lm Abrnmov) -..49 Title of Work "Deterrdtintiot) )f i,),e Ventilation Fesi!~Uuwo ci ~.~rved rcncrcte "Ine 5~ af ts -ininj- iveni Aitem SO- W-3o6oh, 7 JU1Y 1954 V;:., erU~!~olq impij,"f lid, AtmL::'v. :Ilc~llotl' i'.F.' i;. tit, ~- -nj ~n 1,.r,,t IVIV Utkll tt(lflaW CO UIO air resist.1ricc 0 A.I. and ria t verichtIms (Lf I W. AB Ydq,;,.AZaAayAjjrj "-7ROLOV, Nikolay Afanae'yevich; GRISHAYINKO, ,~Aus_ H.L. otvatetvennyy redaktor; HUM. O.G., tekhnicheskiy radaktor: AIADOVA, Te.l., tekhnicheskiy radaktor [Filectrio model of mine ventilation networks] Xlektrichaskoe modeliroyanie ventiliatsioanykh setai ugolinykh shakht. [Moskva] Ugletokhizdat, 1957. 132 p. (HLRA 10:7) (Mine ventilation-Electromechanical analogies) ABRAMOV, F.A.; DUGANOV, G.V.; ROKENSCY, L.P. Few instrument used for depression surveying. Bezop.truda v prom, 1 no.7:25-27 Jl 157. . ~- - - OUM 10:7) ..r. - 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gorayyInstitut im. Artems. (Xine surveying) IBRIMOV. F.A., prof., doktor takhn. nauk; DOLINSKIY, V.A. Amrockynanic resistance *orkings lined with sectional reinforced conorate supporte. Kre, ir. vyr. ugoll. shakht no. 1!73-75 157. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gorW insti-ut. (Hino timbectig) (Rainforood concrota cons,-uction) (Aarodynamicn) ABRAMOV F A professor, doktor takhnicheakikh nauk.;PODOLISKIY, V.A.. inzhener.; YHOWY, N.A., inzhoner. New method. Of calculating complex diagonal connections. Gor. zhur. no.2:4044 F 157. (MLRA 10:4) 1. DneDropetrovskiy gorW institut. (Mine ventilation) ABRAMDV, F.A., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauki MIDY, N.A., Electric automatic device for the design (modelling) of mine ventilation sygtew. Ugoll 32 no.5:28-31 My 157. (MLIIA 10:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trtidovogo Krasnogo Znameni Corm institut iment Artema, (Mine ventilation) (Electromechanical analogies) ABRAMOV, ?.A., prof., doktor takhn. nauk; DDYKO, V.A., gorny7 inzh. - - ------- Method of electric modeling of mine ventilation with use of semiconductor device. Ugoll Ukr. 2 no.2:16-20 F 158, (MIRA 13:3) I.Dnepropetrovokly gornyy institut. (Mine ventilation-Blectromechanical analogieB) A&UMV, F.A., prof., doktor tekhn,nauk; BOYKO, V.A., gorn.inzh. Electric modeling of mine ventilation systems with semiconductor elements. Izv, DGI 31:5-13 '58. (MIRA 11:7) Nine ventilation) (Electromechanical analogies) (Semiconductors) -ABRAMOV, F.A., doktor taklin.nauk, prof.; DWADOV, G.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; MILRTICH. A.F.; ROMENUSKIT, L.P., kand.tekhn.mauk Investigating aerodynamic resistance of mine shafts with various types of new supports using streamlined girders. Izv- WI 33-:23-40 158, 01IRA 11:7) (Aerodynamics) (Mine ventilation) ABRAYOV, F.A,, prof.; TUPITSYN, G.M., dotsent; RIPP. M.G.; MILETICH, A.Y. DGI axial, compressed-air driven fans. Izv. DGI 31:125-130 '58. WIM 11: 7) (Fans, hochanical--Pneumtic driving) ABRAWV, F.A. , prof.. doktor tolhn.nauk; DOLINSKIY. V.A. , gornyy insh. Aerodynamic rosiatance of mina shafto lined with reinforced concrete tubinge. Ugol' Ukr- 3 no.4:16-19 Ap '59. (MIRA 12'.7) (Shaft sinking) (Aorodynamics) - I ABUMOV, F.A., doktor takhn. nauk; MILETICH, A.F., ~mnd. tekh-n. nauk; TAROVOT, I.M., kand. takhn. nauk Improving the aerodynamic characteristics of fan channels. U,oll Ukr. 3 no.11:6-9 N '59. (MIRA 13:3~", l.Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. (Mine ventilation) ABiW!OV-,-4,edor--k1-skoey&vich; MILETICII, Anton Fedorovich. Prinimali ucha- stiye: DUGANOV, G.V.; RIPP, M.G.; BOYKO~, V.A.; VOROVINA, L.D.,; CRISHAYENKOO M.T., red.izd-va; QWOVA, V.V.,, [Apparatua for controlling mine ventilation) Priboi-y dlia kontrolia ventiliatsii shakht. Moskvin, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu 1960. 273 p. (MIRA 14:12) Nine ventilation-Equipment and supplies) KEM, Vladimir Nikolayevich. Prinimal uchastiye PONIZKO, T.A., lnzh.,, ABRAMOV, Y.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk. retsenzent; DUGANOV, G.V#, dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk, ratnanzent: USHAKOV, K.Z., otv.rod.; GMIMENKO, V.A., red.i%d-va; IL"NSKAYA, G.M., [Mine air cooling systema) Shakhtnye vosdukhookhladitellnya untanovki. KoekvP, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu, I delu, 1960. 67 p. (MIRA 13:6) 1. ZrAveduvushchiy Irafedroy Rudnichnoy ventilyateii i tekhniki besopaBnosti Dnepropetrovokogg gornogo, instituta (for Abramov). 2. Kafedra Rudnichnoy ventilyataii i tekhniki bezopasnosti Dnepro- petrovskogo gornogo instituta (for Duganov). (Ooal mineo and mining-Air condiblioning) , ., - ABRAMOV , F. A. p prof . I BDYKO 9 V. A. , kand. tekhn. nauk Research on heat trane-er under mine conditJ,ons using the method of electrla analogy. Inv. vys.ucheb. zav.; gore zhure ne.5:51-58 1960. (MIRA U: 3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gornN7 institut imeni Artema. (Mine vent lala tion-.4lectrome chani cal analogies) ABBANOT, F.A., prof., doktor takhn.nauk; C-3LOBL3, D*N&, 'prof#, doktor t e~. na~uk - "Aukania Works" precision barometer, Ugoll Ukr. 4 no.4:43 Ap l6o. (Oarmany, last-Barometer) (HIU 13s8) ABRAKOV, F.A., prof. Analytical determination of the air flow resistance of mine shafts and tunnels lined with reinforced concrete tubing. Izv, vyss acheb, zavo jror. Ehurv no.8159-64 160, (MIRA 130) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znamuni gornyy institut imeni Artema. Rekomendovana kafedroy rudnichno7 ventilyatsii. (Mine ventilation) (Air flow) ABRAMOV, Y.A... prefessor, doktor tekhn.nauk; H&KSIMOT, AtTe, doteent, kand.tokhn.nauk; DDLINSKIT, V.A., gornyy inzh. x Modification of mine shaft lining reinforcement methods. U901' 35 no-3:50-54 Mr 160. (MIh& 13:6) (Shaft sinking) (Reinforced concrete) -B01'KO. Yladimir Alekeendrovich; YROWT, Nikolay Afs;tuslyevich; BAGRINOTS)KI7, A.D.s otv. red.: GRI- SLAYENKO, H.I., red. lxd-va; FROZOROTSKATA, T.L., takhn. red. [Model mine ventilation networks] Modelirovenie ventiliatsion- nykh setel shokht. Moskva, Goa. nsuohno-telchn.ivd-vo lit-ry po gornormi delu, 1961. 219 p. (MIRA 14:5) (Mint) ventilation-Slectromechanical milogies) ABRLMOV, F.A.j doktor tekhn.nauk; BOYKO, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Automatic regulation of air pressure in mines. Ugoll Ukr. 5 n,:).5: 6-9 My 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. (Mine ventilation) .ABlIAHQVj,-F.-A., prof.; BEUNSHTEYN, S. I., kand. tekhn. nauk; VOLIXI B. G., m1adshiy naucbnyy satrudnik Pneumatic apparatus for automatically maintaining constant pressure in underground mines. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; or, zhur. no.10:149-153 163. (MIRA 15:105 1, Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gornyy institut imeni Artema (for Abramov). 2. Institut avtozw.tiki i telemokhaniki AN SSSR (for Ber~enshtsyn, Volik). Rekomandovana kafedroy gornoy elaktrotekhniki-Dnepropetrovskogo gornogo institute. (Mining engineering-Equipment and supplies) (Atmospheric pressure) ` MOV, F.A., dolctor tek-bn..nauk,, Prof.: ST11EYMNN, V.E., inzh.; IWUS:,-'JJV, --- WRL~ V.N., inzli.-konstraktor KI-1 microbarometur for praLiBure survoys In mines. Gorahur. noo4174 Ap t62o (MMA .1594) 1. Dnepinpotrovskiy gornyy institut (for Abramov, Streymann). 11 14)t3kovskiy zavod "Gidi 1) " -ometpribor" (for Wmshin). (Mine vent.V-ation) (Baxometers) ANW40VI F.A.,, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; MOSIN., I.M., gcanyy inzh.; O.A., prof., doktor takhn.nauk Control of mine ventilation in case of fire. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.2:41-42 F 162. (KIRA 15:2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Abramov, Mosin). 2. Inatitut teploenerptiki AN USSR (for Krez*v), (Mine vontilation) (Mino fires) ABRAMDV# F.Ady prof.9 doktor tekhn.nauk,- DOLINSKIY~ V.A,, gornyy inzh, Aerodynamic resistance of workings equipped with conveying units. Ugoll 37 no.102-55 Ja 162, (MMA 15921 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gorziyy institut im. Artema, (Mina ventilation) AFAM?V, F.A., prof.; PlGIDA, G.L., inzh. Design of ventilation systems with auxili&ry fans. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor, zhur, 5 no.10;71-78 162. (Pmk 15111) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gornyy inptitut imeni. Artema. Rekomendovana, kafedroy gornoy mekhaniki. (Mine ventilation) -ABRAMOV F,A,,, prof.; DUGANOV, G.V., dotsent; KUKIIAREV, V.N., inzh.; HERITIKOV, G.F. Thermal atmospheric phenomena in the mines of Kadievugoll Trust occurring in the transfer of mining to deep levels. U901' 37 no.9:52--55 S 162. (MIRA 15-9) 1. Dnopropotrovskiy gornyy institut. (Donets Baain~--Milne ventilation) ABRAMOV, F.A. (Dnepropetrovsk); BOYXO, V.A. (Dnepropetrovnk); BULAKH, -.- - - ~ , , ~ I i G. 1. (Dnepropc trovsk) Using rapid e'--ectronic computers for calculations of mine ventilation. Izv. AN SSSR. OW. tekh. nnuk. Met. i gor. delo no.2:161-168 Mr--Ap 163. (MIRA MOD) ABRAMOV, F.A., prof.; BOYKO, VA., kand, tekline nauk; GREISINGM, Bacof kand. teldhn. nawk; SHMLEVp G.A., Lnzh. Physical nature of transient gas-dynamic pr9ce3ses in controlling the flow of air in a section. Ugoll Ukr. 7 no.7tl9-22 JI 163. (Mine ventilation)