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ADADUROVA,__7!~,V,,, inzh.; EJIAIMYJiROV, Yu.S. Using electronic digital computers for the coord~mtion of train sheets for parallel rui-ming traffic. Vest. TSNII MPS 20 no.7.47-51 161. WIRA 14.-12) (Railroads-Traffic) (Electronic digital computers) 18 (6) MAZZ I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3199 Akademlys. nauk SSSR. Institut obanchoy I noorganichookoy khInIj 0 IA. X. S. Kurnakova Analis blaawrodny2h imetallow (Analysis of Noble Metals) Moscow, 1959- 193 P- Errata slip Inserted. 2.TOO copies printed. Romp. Zd.z K. K. Pshonitzyn, USSR Academy of Sciences, Corre- spondLrxg Xsaber, amd 0. Ye. Uyagintsev, Doctor or Chealcal C, Sciences; Edo. of Publishing Houses- T. 0 . Levi, and D. N. Trifonav; Tech. Ed.& 1. N. Guseva. PUBPOSZz This collection of articles Is for scientists engaged In the study and ---I SLIS or the noble metals. COVIRAGZ% This Is a collection of artleles on the analysis of the noble metals. It Includes studies CLrrled out by the Institute or Generia and IncrgazV-c Chemistry IA. N. S. KurnAkov (AN SSSIR), an well as reports presented by scientific mzmar~h organizations and by industrial enterprises at the Third and Fourth Conference In 1954 and 1957, respectively. The on'Soblo Metals hold . studies and reports describe new orgamic magenta for giiV-1- 1 ;""- c r Dlatinum meetmas, and phymicochemical notrIc date radnatton methods Of WLLIysis Spec trophotono trIc, polarographic and ( popentlawatr1c). Special attention is given to spectral smalyal.2 for the daterminatlon or a4zLIxtures In alloys or platinum metals, silver, and gold, as well an In refined noble a motmas. The collection also includes analytical methods, tables aW charts for materials containlc imetals of the platinum group. as well as a review of the literature on the analysis of platinum metals publiahed in the last five years. No personalities am mentioned. References folio. each chapter. reharLitsyn, N. A. . K. A. GladyahevskayAL and L. M. Fteakhova. -- i" of the Ion Exchange Method In the Analysis of Platinum Metals. Report 2. Separation of Rj3odlumi from Irldl= 103 and V. N. Al anchikova. !qm wAj_0--K., Ye. 1. Mikitina - ~ -14athoda o reparrf[g-rotF~rial M15.-U-6-ni in. arning P P, Then Cemented Substances for the Determination of Platinum Metals by Spectral Analysis 115 P. Spectral Method for the Determination of ' killadlux, and Tellurium In S1.1yer-gold Alloys I-,,a and A. D. 0,4t*ko. Spectral Method of Analysis for Ref nod Irill-=-and Ru-ninLua 133 j6&2b# and Spectral r-m ov A. A. Mx Z~ __ Twt;vrm-rn-a-tIOn-7af AdaLxturve In Gold, SILver ana Alloys 139 Kumnov, A. A. Spectria Analysis or Platiamn Alloys Con- taining Three Components 143 Ad&Jd1QXA=-A-P- and Vp. M. Karboll!n. 1>-termIning the Of the Therwoelectro- active Yom* 145 AvIlo, V B. trr.ct of Complexation mrd. of the Acid- ' 7ii1;ii~In the Mcd--1. .. the P.t..tI.1 of -ne ij;!H o I O -O ":X/AUX XU/A A d A A A X u . , an Syatqaa , A. /A. , g g / . 150 j. Xosova- Chromzitozetric Determination Avilov. V. B. and.XL _ of Gold 156 AnIsimov 3. K., V. M. Fyp v and 7. P. TiYatal, - - ent fi-.d nv ; ~ ~ Mt r. t In S=vor and Load Alloys Containing Platln~ Metals 163 - 914 &- Dlssci~lng riatt-num 41 zli4 - - Their -ye Aid of an Alternating Current 176 Chontmova. X. A., T. P. Yufa and Y. a. L4vjan, "a. Xothod for the Analysis Of Pall&dlu~sl-Lvor Alloys 181 RLLzhntkcv. M. S. and-Z,.$~S~,ejna. Methods of Testing - - - Palladium Alloys and 7heIr Iroff u cla on s. Touchstone and by Chesical Means 194 ADAK]HOVSKIY, A.P.; GORDOV, A.N.; IAPP, G.3j; LEBEWA, Z.S.; PAYLSDIOVA, V.L.; 0141L'G~, G.F.; PROKDPIYEV, P.N.; ERGARDT, U.N. Investigating new types of th&rmocouples for measuring temperatures up to 1,8000 C. Trudy inst.KDm.stand., mer i izm.prib. no.42: 29-38 160. (MIRA 14:1) (Thermocouples) AUTHORS: AdakkovskLy,_A. P., Gordov, ijva, Z. S., Maksimova, Prokoplyev, P. N., Ergardt, 32329 5/08 1 /61/000/024/027/086 B1 02/Bl 38 A. N., Lapp, G. B.y V. L., Omellchenko, G, F., N. N. TITLE: Examination of new types of thermocouples for measuring temperatures up to 18000C PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 24, 1961, 173, abstract 24Ye52 (Tr. in-to-v Kom-ta standartov, mer i izmerit. priborov pri Sov. Min. SSSR, no- 42(102), 1960, 29-38) TEM The suitability of thermocouples made of Pt-Rh thermoelectrodes with varying Rh concentrations (1, 6, 10, 13, 20, 30, 401o) was studied for temperature measurements between 1500 and 1700 OC. The authors checked the homogeneity of the thermoelectrodes and the effect of contact with Zr02, Th02 , BeO and A1203 on the thermo-em'i of the thermocouples examined. These oxides were used as refractories for insulating and Card 112 S/194/61/000/011/011/070 D256/D302 AUTHORS: Adakhovskiy, A.P.-, GordQW..A.N., 'Lapp, G.B., Lebe- ddva-,-%-.t".--,Na-rts'1mova, V.L., Omel'chenko, G.F., Prokoplyev, P.N. and Ergardt, N.N. TITLE: Investigating new types of thermocouples for tem perature measurements up to 18000C PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatilca i radioelektronika, no. 11, 1961, 28, abstract 11 A225 (Tr. in-tov Kom- ta standartov, mer i izmerit. priborov pri Sov. Min. SSSR, 1960, no. 42 (102). 29-38) TEXT: Investigations are described of thermocouples made of platinum-rhodium alloys of various percentage composition of the two elements. Thermoelectrical uniformity of the alloys was deter- mined using a special arrangement Consisting of an oven, an inter- lacing device and a potentiometer. The presented tables include results of testing and calibration data for thermocouples of the Card 1/2 127131 7be CounUng of by i let. Fmono& sAmBlisit dras AWAM and A-tez Varg~L Alci:&,or P riAui h olliMral, 1. 3, DO.. 3, TOY-p. 249=- InveMigaliow wih an fiCA931-A photom-uhiphei to mtublL%ll the techniml bwls foT qW12-optical TLasuren-le-m-5 Cur-ult (lia rel. ADAIfO* A'. - Sanyaszati tapok - Vol. 10, no. 6, June 1955. Prospecting for water with electric methods. p. 315. SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), IZj Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 -Wak- HUNGARVNuclcar Phyoics - instruments and Installations. Kothods C-2 of Measurement and Research Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizika, No 2: 1958, No 2643 Author : Adam Andras; Lovas Istvan Inst Title Measurement of the Flux of Thermal Neutrons by tho Ac- tivation Method OriS Pub Magyar tud. akad. Kozp. fiz. kutato int. kozl., 1957, 5, No 5) 521-534 Abstract Card The requirements that must be met by radioactive indicators used for the mearuremont of neutron flux 1isted. The re- lationship between the flux of the neutrons and the activity, resulting from neutron capture, is considerad. The prin- ciple of measurement of the absolute activity by the coin- cidonce mothod is described in gencril outline. JUso des- cribed is the construction of the measuring apparatus, con- sisting of scintillation and Geiger-Mueller caunters. The problem of the estimate of the results and of the measure- 1/1 ment errors is discussed. V.1. Lendlyell ADAM, A. Data on nipolar electric networks. III- P- 207- MAGYAR TUD0.140YOS AKAI) MIA MATDWTIKAI KUrAxO INTEZETENEX KOZLEMENYEI. PUBLIVATIONS UF THE MATHEMATIuAL INSXFrUfb- OF THE HUNGARIAN AUADJCMY 0? . SUIENURS. budapest, Hungary. Vol. 3, no. 3/4. 1958 Monthly list of East European Accessions (MI). Lu. Vol. 9. no. 1, Jan., 196o. Unal. HUNGARY/Nuclear Physics - Penetration of Charged and Neutral C. Particles Through Matter Abro Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 7, 1059, 15018 Author : Adam, Andrasi Bata, Lajos Inst Title Measurement of Diffusion Length and Slowing-Dbwn Length in Water. Orig Pub Magyar tud. akad. Kozp. fiz. kutato int. kozl., 1958, 6, No 1-2, 3-13 Abstract The authors have determined the values of the diffusion length and the slowing-down length in water. The follo- wing data are 1-btained: for the diff-sion length L = 2.81 � OX~~" A.j, ai?~t for the qIorJ*Lnr,--6.-)iM lenEth, refer- red to t~,... t'~rn,..j - 7.)1-1 0.08 cm. The re- . 'y. ~S = ~ -1 laxation long':h in water for a Po-Be source of neutrons is X (E0) = 11.16 t oxi cm. Card 1/1 V-1- 7 77 A T lun:~U, in uotur. I!, 'I n, l!", C Stl(kr,Lst., Hun! PI-y Vol. 11) T I .,F,t L, )r0 ;~CCC-4 i:cnth J, u pean -ons Vol I-T"Cl . ADAM, Andras (Badapest) Data on bipolar electric networks. IV. Mat kat kozl. MT1 4 no.2: 183-190 159 (RUI 9:3) 1. A Magyar Tado manyos Akademia Matematikai Kutato Intezete. (Electric networks) A ulse generator ',dj) neutron source. AndrasAiLain- .as 6 Dd. oft 11 sz-A6.,nild Alarvar t om nvor 4kag4,KO-.PonIi Fic. K6:;- IrmInye 7, 331-0(11)50).-A horizontal 200-kv. accel(ptor was constructed to produce neutrons. The reaction is T- (d,n)110 and the target Zr-T. Focusing conditions and acceleration performance were investigated. At an ac- celerating potential of 150 kv. the flux was 3 X 107 n1 microcoulomb. The m yield kereased by using the same ,rtarget for it comsWerable t.inie. H. RQm2r- A pulzo4 (d, L) gautrqg joprtj- b o, _d, 8 1 e sz h A Afaq-,n, 96.~,a~ Kutaid I.V~Pimtk Kddem--Ayrt (Pmr--dinp A horizonL&II.v -ang~d 2t-h) '4N' a~,B~~ra~r h~ b~.i -6, p-l -ri hwh f ADAM, Andras; HPASKO, Peter; QUITTNER, Pal Ionization chamber for meaffuring the energy of fast neutrons. Koz fiz kozl MTA 9 no.3,/2:25-36 161. 1, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezete, Magfizikai Laboratorium II. (Neutrons) (Ionization chambers) S/058/62/000/011/005/061 Ao6P/AIOI AUTHORS: AdAm,Andrhs Quittner, Phl, Zentai, PA1 TITLE: On the statistical evaluation of complex amplitude spectra PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 14, 1962, 5, abstract 11B41 ("Magyar-tud. akad. Kozp. fiz. kutat6 int. kozl.",. jq6l, v. 9, no. 5 - 6, 293 - 299, 111, IX, Hungarian; summaries in Russian, English) TEXT: When processing amplitude spectra containing lines or line breaks based on the simple consideration of experimental*points, it is often impossible to determine the location of the lines or line breaks because of statistical errors. A method is Indicated that permits more precisely to mark the charac- teristic spots of spectnim by means of values drawn from readings of the ad- jacent channels. The possibility is examined of applying the method for pro-ces!3- Jng fast neutron spectra. FAbstracter's note! Complete translation] 1!ard 1/1 8/044/62/000/010/030/042 Or, 6;raphs with trio suparate verticen B108/B102 pairwiso noninterccotinu -ub,-,rapJw 11;1 and 8" is considered. 31 links all chains without doublc odirco witn one another. S" is subdivided into parta oalled bridges. The mutual positions of these are thoroughly studied. jAbotractcrl- no.c- Completp tranolation.1 Card 2/2 ADAM, Andras On tha rapetitllon,_free realization of Iruth fur_,tions by two-terminal graphs. R.I. Mat kut koz! MTA 9 Series A no.1/2gll-20 16.1. ADAM, Andraa:-HRASKO, Peter; PALLA, Gabriella; QUITTNER, Fal Inveotigation of the reaction mechanism of /n.2n/ on lead and bismuth, Koz fi2 kozl ETA 11 no.3:185-196 t63. AD~Ajndram; PALIA, Gabriella; QUITTIMR, Pal low$ I --Mw Reductioh of the uncertainty of the neutron flight time. Koz fiz kozl ItAll no*3&197-204 163, dtil~., , Y . ADAM, Andras; FALLA, Gabriella; QUITTILH, Pal Mfeasuring the orficiency or scintillation neutron detectors. Koz. fiz. kozl I-YPA 11 no. 4:253-260 163. 'ADAM, A.; PALLA, Gabriella; QUITTNER, P. A fast neutron flight time spectrometer utilizing the recoil alpha particles. Acts, phys Hung 17 no.3:353-a6O 164. 1. Central Research Institute of Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Presented by Lajos Janossy. 7- 7z , ~ - 7,-,- MT--~ I J_ T-5 N TOPiC. TAGS: scintillation detector, fast neutron detector, neutron detector, ph~ A '4-44"73 Al-ASSOCIATIONi-T-sentral -n~*- ILI nau aaz.Lan Acad-oary Of &Qiiaa,1~00) ENCL: 00' 14 OD-E. ADAMP A.1 PALLA, G.; KVITNER, P. [Quittner, P.1 Determining the efficiency of scintillation detectors of fast neutrons. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 9 no.4:93-96 Jl-Ag 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut fiziki Vengerskoy Akademi.3. nauk. Endocrinology HOGARY FLERKO, Bela., ADA14 Andras, SZEMMY., Gyorgy; Medical University of Pecs,, Institute of 9W, Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Anatomiai Intezet), and Hungarian AcadenV of Sciences, Research Institute of 14atehmatics (MTA - Magyar Tudomanyos Akademiaj, Matematikai Kutato Intezet), Budapest. "Attempt at Mathematical-Logical Analysis of the Biological C7cle" Budapest, A Ylagar Tudomanyos Akademia Biologiai Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemenyei, Vol VIII, No 2., 1965, pages 151-156 Abstract: A mathematical model was set up for demonstration of tho female hormonal cycle (menstrual and estrous cycles) involving the known inter- actions betiieen estrogen,, FSH,, progesterone, and LH as weal as the releasing factors of the hypothalamu:9. The logical sequence is described in some detail. Although many other experimental combinations could be set up, such logical approach, based on biological data, would bring the situation increasingly nearer to the true picture. Such approach would make the planning of an eDq)erimental progran possible in which non-informative ex- perimenta could be eliminated. 2 Hungarian, 2 Western references, ADAM, Antal (Sopron); VERO, -Tozoef (Sopron) Tellurium prospecting in a strongly cracked tectonic area. Maszaki kozl MTA 28 no.lA:437-446 161. (Ew 10:9) 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Geofizikai Kutato Laboratoriums., Sopron. (Tellurium) ADAM, Antal Telluric current model. Geofiz kozl 10 no.1/4.-23-26 162. -R ADAM. tal; VERO, iozaef A preliminary report on the national measurements of telluric currents by the Geophysical Research Laboratory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Geofiz kozl 10 no.'IA;27--37 162. AWIv Antal; BENCZE, Pal The question of stability of w~cwriulators at phctoe2,z~:tric. ~ :,n7~r. te:r,-. Mares automat 2.0 no.6-.i84-1qo 162. I. Me Uyar Tudomanyos Akademia Geofizikai Kutato Mbara4oriuma, Sopron. ADAM, Antal-(SD~ron); VERO, Jozgef (Sopron) qhazpa In. tht.tarth's electromagnetic field and their ..,-41tVR1SRiio'n ih 16' research pn terrestrial structure. Fiz szemle 14 no.7:2074i4 J1 164. ADAM, Antal Electric structure ot the earth's crust and the earth's mantle in Hungary as determined by means of magnetotelluric and relative telluric frequency soundings. Geofiz kozl 13 no.2tl4l-161 164. 5(3), 15(0) SOV/156-59-1-75/554 AUT110-1,'S: Glil:i-~ian, S. A., Adem, B. M1. , ;-ioot, L. A. TITLE: On the 17-eterogeneity and t' 'c Capacity of -,olatin rornalion of the AE7ar From t',c Philophora of ti,e 131ac'. Soa P-arcid) (0 iz c1hernomorskoy filofory (a-aroida)) U PEHUICAL: Nauchryye doklady vysz3hoy shkoly. himiya i khimicho.01,:%ya 7 'US-I'C) tokhnologiya, 195c.", !"r 1. P,) 1511 15~. \ - A3ST'_~ACT; The agar of the red al-ga Philophora, a so-called a~aroid, has a far lower .-elatin fon-iation capacity than have other types of a.gar, but it is re-mar'Kable 2(jr the hi,,-Ii viscosity of its solutions. The pronaration investi-.-a-ted 1'~aad been ~,ro- ,rar works, P!Alr_'.Ph,-)2-a is treated duced in the Odessa a - for one hour with a 0.05',-' caustic potash,, is then exta-acted with boilin-7 aa'or, aj.,d the extract af'or%:~;.rds Puri- fied by means of active carbon. A fractionation (;_~' b' 0 pro- due to its paration by means of water is too cumbersome, I s77ellin.- capacity. Fcr this reason aicohol-..-ater mi-Aures Card 1/2 were employed, Extraction ,,.as offected gradually, with rising temperatures fron, -100 to + 650 (Table). A total On the Heterogeneity and the Ca.Acity of Gelatin Pormation SOV / " ~, , / /54 of the AC:ar Fron the 11hilophora of the Blac,, Sea of 16 fractions wore obta-in-ed. The fraction-, obtained up to a tom,,erature of + 100 contain-2d mainly minerals and low- molecular or-anic impulities. Li'-.L, the insoluble ramainder (1.1,0') they were rot Investi,.-atod. In the other fractions viscosity was measiared by of th2 -.ct!-,,od described on an earlier occasion (Ref 2). A table sho,.-.-s that, like the Japanese agar, the a-aroid is a heterogreneoiEp--.-oduct. it differs, however. from genuine aacar by the IAE;h, uniform sulfate group conte;it in all fractions, Besi-Ics, the ela- sticity eciistant was measured in -'elatin (Table).In the samples obtained by repeated extraction (yieids 60-60,), the Gelatin sha-;.,od elasticity constants t.,.,Lt we-..-o very close to those of the Ja,anesc a~:ar. Thus there, -.-.,Uuld be a possibility of im--,roviri- ti,e agaroid by ,,,eans of sovcral, repeated exti-rctions with al-,ohol-water mixtures. There are 2 tables and 4 refo,,ences, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION-: Kafedra, fiziic-~Skoyikolloidnoy khimii SaratovokoLo gosudarst- vennogo univc,2--sitota (Chair of Physical Chemistry and Colloid Chemistry of Saratov State Univei-sity), SUBIJUTIIED: AU[,IUGt 8V 1958 Card 2/12 ADAM, 0. Continu,)us flow of material. P. 27. (3TRUJIziE..-,~KA VY.RG---A) (Praha, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 6, no. 1, Jaai. 1958 SO: 1".onthly Index of East European Accession (ZEAI) 1,1-j Vol. ?, N-~- 5, 1958 ADAM, Cestmir, dr, ------ I Technical innovationo in the hand3ing of material equipment in 1960. Stroj vyr 9 no.7:368-369 161. - - -ADAM, Cestmirt dre, t- I Lzai~-- Introducing modern techniques and organization in storagea Tech praca 15 no*-4i266-2-71 Ap 163, la Ustredni sklady hlavniho mesta ~rahy. k-1 11 -// I . TIMISHYARI, A.; ADAM, D.; KESLER, P.; LITMAN, 1. 3xperimental hypertension produced by, stenosis of the thoracic aorta. Khirargiia,no-8:35-38 Ag 154. (MLRA 7:11) 1e Iz Vitiologicheakogo inatituts, (dir. prof. P.Balint) i Kliniki usovershenstvovaniya khirurgov (clir. prof. I.Litman) Budapeshtskogo univernitata. (HYMTENSION, experimental, prod. by stenosie of Iu--horacie aorta) (AORTA, stenosis, exper.. prod. of hypertension) ADAMOVA, Vlasta, MUDr: ADAM, Irvin, MUDr Course of polion7alitis at the infectious ward In 3ulovka in 1952. Pediat. listy, Praha 9 no.4:222-225 June-Aug 54. 1, OUNZ Praha 8 - Balovka, Infekeni oddelenle Prednosta., prof. MUDr Jaroslav Prochaska. (POLIOMLITIS, epidemiology, in Czech.. hoop. report) Pt tv), If rV In KOS, Hiroslaw, MUDr; ADAMOVA, Vlasta, MUDr; ADAM, Ervin, MUDr-, MUWTTj Ladislav, MUDr .000JOWWO,~ Cesarean section in aeute poliomyelitis with respiratory distrurbances. Ceske gyne 19 nov4:261-265 J1117 54. 1. OM Praha 8-Movka-, inf. odd. J.Prochazka; oddo pore gyneprodnodoe Dr..T.Moudry; odd. chir., pradn. prof. MUDr J.Knobloch. (MEGITANCY, complications polyomyelitis with reap. disord., cesarean section in) (POMMULITIS. In pragnanc7 cesarean section, Indic.) (RBSPIRATION disord. with polio. in pregn., Indic. for cesarean section) PROGHAZKA, Jar., Prof., MUDr.; ADAMOVA, Viasta, MITDr.; ADAM, Ervin, MUDr. Therapy of respiratory disnrders in poliorriyelitis. Gesk. pediat. 10 no.8:578-587 Oct 55. 1. Z kliniky Infekcnich cborob v Praze 8--Bulovka, prednosts, prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Prochazka. (POLIOVYKLITIS, complicati.-ma reap. disord., ther.) (RESPIRATION disord. in polio., ther.) ADAM, Ervin, MUDr.; ADAMOVA, Vlasta, MUDr. Diagnosis of diaphragmatic paralysis in polio. Cesk. pedist. 10 no.9:588-599 Oct 55. 1. OTJM-Praha 8--Bulovka, infekcni oddeleni. Prednosta: prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Proebazka. (POLIOMYMITIS, complications -nnrn1vsis of diaphragm, diag., x-raj) (DIAPHRAGM. paralysis in polio., diag. x-ray) KROO, H., KUDr; ILUZOVA, N., WMr; ADVIAVO, V., MUDr; ADAM. E., HUDr Paresis of the extremities in Czech. tick-borne encephalomyelitio. Prakt. lek., Praha. 35 no.3:51-54 5 Feb 55. 1. OUNZ Obvodni nemocnice v Praze S-Bulovka, infekeni odd.; predn. prof. MUDr. J.Prochazka (ENCEPHALITIS, EPIDEMIC, complications extremities paralysis) (EXTREMITIES, paralysis in epidemic enceDhalitis) PROCHAZKA, Jaroslav, Prof. , MUDr.; ADAM. Ervin, MUDr.; ADAMOVA, Vlasta, KLTDr. Respiration disorderB in poliomyelitis. Prakt. lek., Praba 35 to.12:279-280 20 June 55. 1. OUNZ Praba 8 - Bijlovka. Infakcni oddelani. Prednosta: prof. %Mr. Jaroslav Prochazka. (POLIMITELITIS, complications rasp. disord.) (RESPIRATION, disord., in polio) PROCHAZKA, Jar, Prof., Mr.; ADAM, Ervin. MUDr.; ADANIOVA, Vlasta, MUDr.; BENDOVA, N., MUDr. Effect of lumbar puncture on the course of poliomyelitis anterior acute. Prakt. lek., Praha 35 no.14:313-315 20 JU17 55. 1. OUNZ Praha 8 - Bulovka, Infekeni oddelani, Prednosta: prof. Mr. Jaroslav Frochazka. (POLIOMYELITIS acute anterior, off. of lumbar punction) (SPIVAL PUNCTURE lumbar, off. on acute anterior polio.) AJDAMOVA, Vlasta, MUDr.; ADAM, Ervin, MUr. Pragnanc7 In acute anterior poliomyelitis. Cas. lek. cask. 94 no-30-31:815-818 22 JuI7 55. 1. Z infekenibo odd. OTJ1TZ--R,i1ovka. Praha 8, prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Procbazka. MUDr. Mir. Kos. Z porod. gynekol. odd. OUNZ-- BulovIca, Praha 8. preftosta doe. MUDr. J. Moudry. (PREGNANCY. complications polio., acute, anterior.) (POLIOMYELITIS acute, anterior, 1n pregn.) ADAM, 3., MUDr -, ADAMOVA. V., KUDr.: DANESOVA, J., MUDr. Prevention of chickenpox with mixed human plasma. Cesk. pediat. 11 no.9:691-694 Sept 56. 1. Infekgni klinika na Bulavee v Jaroslav Prochazka. (CHICKENPOX, prev. & control mixed human plasma (Cz)) (PLASU, ther. use prev. of chickenpox witb Praze 8, prednosta prof. MUDr. mixed bum~n plasma (CZ)) ADMOVA, VlaBta, MUDr.; TACHOVSKA, Marie, MUDr. Acute anterior poliomyelitis in infants. Cask. pediat. 11 no.9: 698-703 Sept 56. 1. Infeiceni klinika v Pra20 8 - Bulovka, prednosta prof. Dr. Jar. Procbazka Dolecovaci. ustav nasleffim detake obrny v Krei- Praha XIV, prednosta Dr. M. Tachovska. (POLIOMTELITIS, BULBAR, anterior. acute In inf. (C2)) KROO. H.; XkLKDVA, N.; ADAM, I.; ADAMDVA, V. Paretic form of tick meningooncephalitis in childhood. Ceek. pediat, 12 no.3:247-249 Mar 57. 1. Infekeni klinika v Praze 8 - na Bulovce Prednosta prof. MUDr. Jaroalav Prochaska. (MENINGOICNORPMITIS, in inf. child paretic tick meningoencephalitis (Cz)) (PARICSIS, in inf. & child Bame) (TICKS tick meningooncephalitis in child, paretic form (Cz)) ZACEK, Knrel; VIADIMIRVONXA; ADAM, Ervin; AIAMOVA, Vlasta; RADKOVSKT, Josef The state of seroimimmity for polionWelitis in Czechoslovakia. J. Hyg. Npidem., Praha 2 no.4:1123-437 1958. 1. Institute for Sera and Vaccines, Prague, Clinical laboratory for Research on PoliotWelitia, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Prague. K. Zacek, UBtav ser a ockovacich latek, Praha 12, Srobarova 48, Czechoslovakia. (POLIOMYALITIS, immunol. serol. tests in Czech.) EXCUPTA MEDICA Sge 17 Vol 519 %Iblic Health SePt 59 2567. THE INCIDENCE OF 13OLIOMYELITIS ANTIBODIES IN CHILDREN LIV ING IN CHILDREN*S I10ME-S- Adam E., Adamovd V., 2;dctk K. Vonka V. and Radkovsk~ J. Poli yelitis Res. Labs, Inst. of Sera and Vaccines. Inst. of Epiderniol. and Microbiol., Prague - J. HYG. EPI- DEM. MICROBIOL. IMMUNOL. (Prague) 1958, 2/4 (438-442) Graphs 3 Tables 4 A serological survey of 500 children in 11 children's homes is reported. !Yhe percentage occurrence of antibodies to poliomyelitis was twice as high as in non- Institutionalized children of the same age groups. The degree of such evidence of contact with the virus was related to the length of stay in the institution. Chytka - Brno (L. 7. 17) SKOVRANIES, V.; RADKOVSKY, J.; ROUDNY, J.; CIRVIMKIke J.; PEC&U, J.; SOVIIIA, J.; _AW, S.; ADAMOV4, V.; A.; ZAC&, K.; YONNA, V. Vaccination against poliomWelitis in Ozedhoslovak-ia in 1957. IL Eval- uation of morbidity following vaccinations J. Hyg. Epidem., Praha 2 no.4: 469-477 1958. 1. Ministry of Health, Prague; Institutes of Epidemiology and Micro- biology, Prague and Bratislava; Clinical Laboratory for Poliomyelitis Research. Charles University, Prague; Children's University Hospital, Infectious Diseanes Department# Bratislava; InBtitute of Sera and Vaccines Prague. V. Skovranek, Hinisterstvo zdravotnietvi, Praha 12, Tr. W. Piecka 98, Czechoslovakia. (POLIO)479LITIS, prev. & control, vacn. in Czech., morbidity in vnceinated child) PROCHAZKA# J,; ADAMOVA, V.; AIXM, B.; RADKOWKY, J. Rvaluation of vaccination against poliomyelitis in C2echoslovakia in 1957; The effect of vaccination on the clinical course of the paralytic form of poliomyelitis. J. Wg. Epidem., Praha 2 no.4.-478-483 1958. 11 Poliomyelitis Research laboratories and In.9titute of i,.Piaemiology and Microbiology, Prague. J. Prochazka, Infekcni klinika, nemocnice Balovka, Praha 8# Czechoslovakia. (POLIOMTSLITIS, prev. & control, vacc. In C2ech., clin. course of paralyti,, forms in vaccinated child. ) ZAGEK, K.; VONKA, V.;.ADkM, I.; ADAMOVA, V. The nntibody response in children vaccinated with the poliomyelitis vaccine injected in different ways. T. gyg. Npiaem., Praha 3 no.1: 60-66 1959. 1. Institute of Sera and Vaccines, Prague, Clinical laboratory for Re- search in Polioqrelitis, Prague. 1. Zacek. Ustav ser a ockovacich latek, Praha 12, Srobarova 48. Czechoslovakia. (POLIOMYELITIS, immunol. antibody response to intradermal & subcutaneous inject. of vaccine, comparison) ZACEK, Karel; ADAK,-Enrin;- RADKOVSKY, Josef; VONKA, Vladimir; VABECKOVA, Nina; -11'ZAC(MA, Dagmar; JAIZA, Zdenek; ADAMWA, Vlasta Repeated serological surveys performed In the general population of Czechoslovakia before and after the vaccination of children with inactivated and live poliovirus vaccine. J.hyg.epidem., Praha 4 no.4:453-469 160. 1. From Institute of Sera and Vaccines, Clinical Laboratory for Poliomyelitis Research and from the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Prague. (POLIOMYELITIS immunology) ZACEK, Karel; VONKA, Vladimir; ADAMp Brvin The'antibody response in children vaccinated with a)Live attenuated poliovirueen (SABIN) and b) ths fourtb dose of inactivated poliovaccine. J. hyg. epidem., Praha 5 no.2.178-188 161. 1. From Institute of Sera and Vaccines and from the Clinical Laboratory for Polionyelitis Research, Prague. (POLIOMYELITIS immunology) C ZECi,,OSLDV.,i:1i !A ZACEK, X. ; ADAM ADAADVA, V.; BURIAN, V.; REZACOVA, D.; SKRIDLOVSKA., E.; V.M;ECKOVA,1T.; VOIT,11:A, V.; Institute of Epide-mi- ology and Mlicrobj ology (Us tav Epidemiologio a Milcrobiologie-70 Prague, 1111anag-er (-ibditel) Dr J. 14alok. "Vaccination with Live (Sabin) Poliomyelitis Vaccine." Pra ue, Caso-,-)is Lckaru CosIcych, Vol 102, No 46, 19'3, pp 1257 - 12,09 Abstract:(Authors' English sumnary) Results of seriological and v!-roloQical investigations conducted in Czechoslovakia between 1958 P~d 1960 arc -oresented. Controlled field trials of the safet,- and offoctivonesS of the vaccination of children using oral- vaccine (Sabin vaccine) are discussed. of the virological control of the nation-Vide vaccination of children by this type of vaccine in 1960 are given. 1 Figure, 11 Tables, 12 Western 13 Czech references. 1/1 VOI,',KA,V.; JANDA,Z.; SIMM,J.; ADAM,E.; ZAVADOVA,H. Results of investigation of type 1 viruses isolated from paralytic patients in the period following mass vaccination with Sabin's vaccine in Czechoslovakia in 1960. J.hyg. epidem., Praha 8 no.l: 58-76 164 1. Institute of Sera and Vaccines, Virus Research Department and Clinical and Epidemiological Department, Prague, Czechoslovakia. VASASS, E.; ADAM,E.; BABONICS,M.; ABRAHMIA. Considerations on the cytohistological diagnosis of chronic pemphigus. Rumanian med.rev. 7 no.3t42-47 Ja-Mr'64 lot AD911, R-.; STANIVEG, M.; KUMTOVA,H.; IIALIK,J.; MORAVA, V.; MARES,L; .,- - ZAVADOVA,H.; DREVO, M. Vaccination against measles Wth live vaccine in a pedintric department. Cas. lek. cesk. 104 no.2:3F.-46 15 Ja 165 1. Ustav ser a ockovicich latek, Praha (reditel - MUDr. Jjfalek); Infecni klinika, Praha-Bulovka (prednosta - prof.di-. J.Prochazka, DrSc.) a Detska psychiatricka lecebna, Oparany (reditel - MUDr, V.Vojtil'). DREVO,M.; ZAVADOVA,li.; MAHES,I.; ADAM.E. Use of the neutralization test and the complement fixation re- action for demonstration of antibodies against measles. Cas. lek. cesk. 104 no.2:47-49 15 Ja 165 1. Ustav ser a ockovacich--:tatek, Praha, (reditel MilDr. J.Malek). ADAM E.; KUEATOVA, E.; KRATOCHVILOVA, M.; BURIAN, V.; SMIARIL, F.; 9tatisticke zpracovani: MALY, V. Preparations of placental gamma glovulins stabilized by epsilon-aminocaproic acid. Study on the rectivity and efficiency. Cas. lek. Cesk. 104 no.4:1093-1100 8 0 165. 1. Ustav ser a ockovacich latek v Praze (reditel WDr. J. Malek). APA~, E.; BURIAN, V.; KUBATOVA, E.; DOLEJSI, H.; DVORAK, K.; SKMOVA, X.; ZTKMUND, V. Vaccination of susceptible adults against influenza with in- activated vaccine. Cas. lek. cesk. 101, no.23s614-621 11 Je'65- 1. Ustav ser a ockovacich latek (klin. epid. odbor) v Praze (reditel t dr. J. Malek); Vyzkumy ustav experimentalni terapie v Praze (reditels prof. dr. 0. Smahel); Ustav epidemiologis a miky. biologie v Praze (reditelt prof. dr, K. Raska); Interni oddeleni nemocnice ve Lnarich (vedoucia MUDr. K. Dvorak); (Ikrem i hygienicko-epidem3ologicka stanice v Liberci (reditelt MUDr. J. Marecek). Infectious Diseases CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 615-371(:576.858.23-095-5) .AJQW,_g~; VONKA, V.; ADAMOVAq V.; BURIAN, V.; JANDA') Z.; KUBATLOVA, E.; LESETICKY; F.; NOVAK, K.; Institute of Sera and Vaccines (Ustav Ser a Ockovacich Latek)p Prague, Director (Reditel) Dr J. MALEK; Section of Clinical Epidemiology (Odbor Klinicko-Epidemiolo~icky) H-ead (Vedouoi) Dr E. ADAM; Sootion of VirologioQl Researoh (Odbor Virologickeho Vyzlcumu) Head (Vedouci) Docent Dr D. SLONIM; Instit- ute for Postgraduate Medical Training-Clinic of Infectious Dis- eases (Ustav pro Doskolovani Lokaru-Infekeni Klinika) Prague-Bul- ovka, Head (Prednosta) Prof Dr J. PROCHAZIM; Krajska Station of Hygiene and Epidemiology (Hygienicko-Epidemiologicka Stanice) Usti nad Labem and Ceske Budejovice, "Oral Mass Vaccination with a New Attenuated Type 3 Poliovirus. State of Serum Immunity of Selected Groups of the Child Population." Praguef Gasopis Lekaru Ceskych, Vol 105, No 36-37, 9 Sep 66, pp 999 - 1003 Abstract thors' English sumi~~ary modified_7: Poliovirus 3 Leon 12 alb was uaseudd in one region and virus USOL D-bac in the other. The second type produced persistent antibodies in a high percentage of children; results with the other are not conclusive. 3 TablesJ, 8 1/1 Czeeh references, (Manuscript received May 66). . KOTLARIV, J., imo; ADAM, Frantisek CILlorinated rubber coatings for water tanks. Vodni hosp 13 no.2:49 163. ADAM, Frantisek; CIDLINSKY Josef I - Mechanization of the technical preparation and records of the produc- tion in a tool slwpr., Podnik organizace 17 no.2.87-90 F 163. 1. Au.tomobilove zavody, Mlada Doleslav. JTAY, 0. "General Considerations*in bimct* Planting of Pines in the Basin* of'the'V.t. Lenin "Water-Power Plant." P. 277. (u=u Ravj-.~m-sovmuc, Vol. 69, No. 6l June, 1954, Bucuresti, Rwiania.) SO; Monthly List of E4st European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4l No. 1, Jan. 1955 Uncl. TACC-W,- AT 6033346 SOURCE CODE: IIU/2505/65/026/01-/0047/0051 AUTHOR: Adam, G.; Kukorelli, T. CO- ORG: Institute of Physiology, Medical University of Budapest (Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Elettani Intezet) TITLE: Conditioned evoked potential, a model experiment of learning (Paper present at the symposium of the Hungarian Physiological Society held in Budapest from 2-3 july 19631 SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta physiologica, v. 26, not 1-2p 1965V 47-51 TOPIC TAGS: catp neurophy5iology,-electrophysiology ABSTRACT: As a response to a combination of various somatic and visceral stimulip conditioned evoked potentials have been obtained in unanesthetized, curarilzed cats. Conclusions have been drawn as to certain elementary laws of the learning process from the character of the changes in the evoked responses. 'In the absence of reinforcement by a second stimulus, the conditioned evoked response showed a regular extinction curve; this inhibition could be suspended by the introduction of a new stimulus, i.e. a disinhibition has been brought about. The conditioned evoked response appeared in the cortical representation areas of both afferent nerves involved in the training. Orig. art. hasl 3 figures. [Orig. art. in Eng.] [JPRS) SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none / OTH REF: 004 Card 1/1 fv L 4505-66 ACC NRt AT6033349 SOURCE CODE: HU/2505/65/026/01-/O()81/0087 AUTHOR: Markel, Eva; Adam, G. ORG: Institute of Physiology, Medical University of Budapest (Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Elettani Intezet) TITLE: Elementary temporary connection in the cat mesencephalon (Paper presented at the symposium of the Hungarian Physiological Society held In Budapest from 2-3 July 19631 SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricaG. Acta physiologica, v. 26, no. 1-2, 1965, 81-87 TOPIC TAGS: cat brain, biologic respiration, electrophysiology animal physiology' ABSTRACT: An attempt has been made to set up a temporary connection for a few days, following total transection at the level of the superior colliculus (high decerebrati jn cats. The respiratory changes evoked by'the direct electrical stimulation. of the central vagal stump were reinforced by stimulation of the pelvic nerve. Before training, pelvic stimulation alone caused no change in the amplitude and frequency of breathing. After 100 reinforcements, the ampli tude and frequency of respiration had changed in response to pelvic stimulation alone, i.e. a conditioned respiratory change had developed6 After 200-300 trainings, this reaction became established and persisted ror as.-long as 24*hours. The phenomenon can be considered an elementary 'form of temporary connection which can be Indliced at the mesencephalic. level. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. [Oiig. art. in-Eng I [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF; - 009 ~ OTH REF: 00 Card 1/1 _'7 ADAM, Gabor, dr. Tuberculosis in the past in Hungary under conditions of penitentiary, institutions. Tubarkulosis 14 no.5:150-152 My 161. 1. A Bolugyminiszterium Egeszegugyi Osztalyanak kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS hist) (PRISONS) ADAM, Gkbor,, dr.; KISSp Geza, dr.; FRIEDMANN, Edit, dr. Patients vith pulmonary tuberculosis in penetentiaries. Tuberkulozig 14 no.6:161-164 Je '61. 1. A Belugyminiazterium Egeszoegugy-i Oaztalyanak kozlemanye. (PRISONS) (TUBERCULOUS PATIENTS) r) R a n r urnm A r ii e 5 v-, -i : , ! , :, .. ;!!.-I ~~f :., - - - , . ,-j~" - " , .: . - : ~ ;r4 i ~ I c li~ , -~ ~ ~ I I - '- ., 'Re b~V. Gi-Ve- t,!:; I ~, S CO=t17.' Ruirm Ja Acande-Ollic DCCrCCJ; -Dr.- Affiliat ca: -Modias Raion, Brasov Regiune.- Sol-,L-ce: 1~i -icharo s 1, 1'roblome Z66tc',,nice, si Voterinare, Vol XI, 10 97 S C;,3 0 9T S _7 i,- rbrm, of RU4 y Disease in the Natural Infection of 1~crlr--." Gpo gaIL43 Z EP C*W"W Pills_ jI._ARkM &,j"AND Obzor' 16, ?i'7.4,2209-15 (1955) Translmtoj~ofu paper ftornG1as-m)-d,1ocjwaA-uum- Trrkn%, No. 7, 1953, supplernented by W. Espe. A Lornprcs~cj 5;eal C0115151S of a Slass disk cmLvdd--a in ord m-thanically stressed by a L-ngth of metal tube; r4tal condvtcrs, tb=raMly matched with the glass, play be st2l*d In tho disk. Dt5ign of a xal Is WsW principally on Its wrent-carrying capacity and mixi- Inum ope.-Sting voltages. Distribution of stresses in the wal is annly&rd and its preparation is dm,ribed In detail. The scais caii withstand working tcnipera- lures or 25Wc, bw are bubject to failure tit sudden IDcalchang-softcrnperaturc. Tbcpaprisillu5trated by a substantial number ofdrawinits, photographs and curves, nnd containj 16 references it s str~oy-kklcz ADIN 1 0. 1952 (Budapest Med. Univ. Phy5iol. Inst. ) 7 "Measurements of Glomerulir Filtration Rate and enal Blood Flow Without Urine Analysis." Kiserl. Orvostud. 1952, V1 (38-45) No. Abst- in Exc. Med. ADAIM GY Adnn ni~.; Pricsqnyi, J.; Balint, P. L~ U "Bffec~ of Conditioned Inhibition on the Function of the C;lomeruius of 'he Kidney." L-a P~yjjiqL ,,Icq. Supplement to v. 4, 1953 Budf-post) p. 41.. U jo, L SO: Monthly List of Flist EiLro SjRr!~~, Vol. 3, No. 6 Library of Ocngress, Jun 51, ADAM., G. ADAMx G. - "Material on the connection between the functions -f the kidneys and the cerebral cortex". Leningrad, 1955. Acad SA USSR. Inst of Physiology imeni 1. P. Pavlov. (Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences). SO: Knizbn= Iatopial No. 46, 12 November 1955. Moscow USSR/Ilium.n and Aniral PliysiolO~W- llervouG System. T Iiii[jier Elorvous Systmi. 7,uhavior- Abs Jour: Ref Mur-rdol., Yo 20, 1958j 93647. .',uthor Ldmi, 9.,,,.,7,ubor, L.N., l4o-saros$l I. TItlo TacaVorl: Dctwoon Cie Cerebral Cortey in Connection with the Symetrical Interoceptive Conditionea Rofl.exes in the Presence of Kidney Irritation. Ori,~ Pub: V sb.: Probl. fiziol. tsentr. nema. siste-W. ;dT SSSR, 1957, 13-16. bstract: In aoGa with a fistula in the salivary rIv.-ndr, ard with mi exposed urcAer, intaraceptivc conditia, 'cLI rellexcG (ICR) were developOl un(lur rcioforcul fcadii-C. The stis-mlatoion of the rcel-ano-roceptors cf one kiLlnoy pelviS served as conditionin-r' agent by necais of an injection card 1/2 USSR/17UL U- . Tlerv -~ System- I aliLl llnir.-al n, 4 -US T lli[~icr 11crious Systen. 1:ehavior. Abs Jour: Ref Diur-Diol-, No 20, 1958, 93647- of boric acid al-dnistcred with a spocific rhytlui, and presswe. 1-fter the develpl-,:,crt of ICR in one Iddney, ICR appeared in the other hid-rey without any prelindnary treat-1--mt upon tho vcry first -application of the condi- tioned sti-salus. 'Tmqcvc.,r, whei, therc is a positive ICR J:1 olle lUdiley, C-:10 Call 0,13ily develop difforential itli- bition with a symictrical hidncy. -- G..!. Prenhel' Ca r d 2/2 117 ADAM, Oyorgy Np~' -co Awara; rtical connections of the kidney pelvis. MW . Tudom. Akad. Biol. Orv. Ozzt. Kozl. 8 no.1-2-.157-159 1957. Iff P. r.?" - L"4,'; V' r/"yf-- xy~~ 1. A Budapeati, _jvo udomLWi lastem Intezets, 0 4 (KIDNBT PALVIS, Pbysiol. mechanical stimulation in devalop. of interoceptive conditioned reflens in dogi (Hun)) (RUM, GONDITIOMW develop. 4f interocoptive reflexes by mecbanical stimulation of kidney pelvis in dogs (Hun)) IMNGARY/Human and Animal ftsiology - (Formal and Pathological). T-12 Nervous System. Higher Nervous Activity, Dehavior. Abs Jour Ref 7%ur - Biol., No 11, 19A 51284 Author Adam, Gyorgy Inst 'w --------- Title Methods Forming Conditioned Interoceptive Rellexes with the Aid of the Renal Pelvis* Orig I--ub Kiserl. orvoetud., 1957, 9, No 4, 31di-347. Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 98 - ~DkM, G.; MESZ'-LRO*S, I. %egjwA';r"- ;jt,- , I I Contributions to the higher nervous connections of the renal pelvis and the ureter. Acta physiol. hung. 12 no.4:327-334 1957. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Budapest. (KIDNEY PELVIS, innerv. higher nerv. connections of afferent impulses in dogs.) (URETIRS, innerv. same) ADAM, G.; MESZAROS, I,; ZUBOR, L. On the joint function of the cerebral hemispheres in connection with renal pelvic and ureteral symmetric afferent impulses. Aota physiol. hung. 12 no.4:335-339 1957. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Budapest. (BRAIN, physiol. joint funct. of corebral hemispheres in connection with symmetric afferent impulses from kidney pelvis & ureters of dogs) (KIDNRY PELVIS, innerv. same) (URITZRS, innerv. same) e; A n i ma -cjog7. The Ner, sys IXG. uou-ii. IN"L 5 1!bT!r'R T P, Tao Connectiollp, c,,t tip- ER-rl 41, 34d-333 .2 A IN a bs L I-a e t ADAM, Gyorgy; 195ZAROG, Istvan; ZUBOR, ludmills Function of the cerebral hemispheres in con-.,action with symmetrical afferent stimuli in the renal pelvis. Kiser-etes orvostud 9 no.5-6t 624-628 oct-Dec 58. 1. Budapeatt Orvostudomanyi 3gyetem lletts.Di Intezete. (REFTA, CONDITIMM interoceptive kidney pelvis re-' ''lexes in symmetrical analysis & differeitiation impulses from kidney pelvis b3 cerebral (Hun)) (KIDNEY PELVIS, innerv. symmetrical analysis & differeatiation impulses from kidney pelvis by cerebral demonstration by interoceptive reflexes (BRAIN, phy.3iol. same) demonstration of of symmetrical afferer hemispheres in dogs of symmetrical afferen hemispheres in dogs, (H=)) ADAM, G.; MESZAROS, I.; ISHOTZKT, K.; NAGT, K. The role of the limbic cortex in visceral afferentation. KiserleteB orvostud. 10 no.4:411-415 Aug 58. 1. Budspesti Orvostudomarqi B&yetem Elettani Intezete. (GERPURAL CORTEX, physiol. role of limbic cortex in visceral afferent mmchanisms of autonomic NS (Hun)) (AUTONOMIC 122VOUS SYSTEM, physiol. same) AIRM, G. Role of the motor cortex in the regulation of renal function. Acta phyaiol. hung. 13 no.4:321-327 1958. 1. Institut de Phyisiologie de In Faculto de Medecine, Budapest. (CVMRAL CORTM. physiology role in rep.-dia~tion of kidney funct. in dogs (Fr)) (XIMMM, physiologV funot. reMlation by cerebral cortex in dogs (Fr)) (RVL3X, CONDITIOIW, -physiology relation to cerebral cortex regulation of kidney funct. in dogs (Fr)) ADAM, G.; MWZAROS, I.; 13HOTZKY, I.; NAGY. K. "' ~" The role of the limbic cortex in v ~sceral afferentation. Acts. physiol. hung. 14 no.2:135-139 1958. 1. Institute of Physiology. (BRAIN, phys iol. . limbic system, Medier.1 University, Budapest. role :.n visceral afferentation) ADAM, G. Method for studying interoceD-;ive reflexes following irritation of the renl pelvis* Yisiol, zhur, 4h no.6:593-594 Je 158 (XIRA 11:7) 1. Laboratorlyn interotRepti-i-nykh uFilovnykh refleksov Instituta fiziologii im. I.P. PRvlova A11.1 SSSR, Leningrad. (KIDNEYS PELVIS, ph"isiology. interoceptive rf.rlexes After IrritAtiOn, method of investigatioT: (Rua)) I ADAM, Gyorgy, dr, , as oryostudomanyok k iindidatusa Newer Investigations in the fia,%d of conditional reflexes. Elovilag 4 no.4t29-32 O-D '19. %0.11-~' ABAH, Gyor ROS, Istvan Changes in cerebral electrical aot:vity after the effect of intero- captive unconditioned and conditim.ed irritation of the intestine. Kiserletee Orvostudomany 11 no.4:417-439 August 1959 1, Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Bgyete:~,Slettani Ine2etS. (RIUM OMITIO92DO (INTESTIM, physiol) (BLICTROENCBMWGRAPHY) -#W, Gyorgy;,-BOWSZKT, Hedvig; MATYUS, 3ndre; HESURCS, Istvan; UGY, Klars, On compensatorr activity of the afferent system of the kidney pelvis. Kiserletes Orvostud. 11 no-5:507-510 0 '59. 1. Budapesti Orvostudonanyi F,&vetem Blettani Intezetees Urologiai Klinilmja. (1/,,, 1,/ X (KIMY PELVIS physiol) -- ADAM, G.;,MESZAROS, I. Conditioned and unconditioned cerebral cortical activation to renal pelvic stimulation. Acts, physiol.hung. 18 no.21137-141 16o. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Budapest. (REnZX CONDITIMD) (REnIX) (GEMMRAL CORTEX physiol) (KIDVET PEIWIS phys16l) . I ADAM, G. I MESZAROS, I.; LEHOTZKY,. Kornelia; NAGY, A.; RAJK, .4. On the role of the brain stem activation system in the conditioning to visceral stimulation. Acta physiol.hurig. 18 no-2:143-147 160. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Budapest. (BRAIN STEM physiol) (REFMX CONDITIONED) (INTESTINE SMALL physiol) TOM, Imrs, dr.; PASZTOR, Emil, dr,; APLX~Ghor~ dr. Interoceptive excitation of cor*tioned and non-conditioned inhibitgon of alpha-rbytbm. Ideggyou. Szemle 14 no,9-285-288 5 161. 1. Orszagos Idegsebeszeti Tudomanyos Intezet (Igazgato: Zoltan Laszlo dr.) es Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Elettani Intezet (Igazgato: falint Peter dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemenye. (RUCTROENCEPULOGRAPHY) (RMEX CONDITIONED)