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AGAFONOVAv Z. P. Dissertations ffDietatic Treatmnt in Blood Circulation Disturbances in Childrem" Cand Mod Sci, Second Muscow State Medieml Inst imeni, 1. V, Stalin, 6 Sep 54, (VocherrWaya Moskvaq Moscowp 19 Aug 54)- SO: SUM 3934, 28 Feb 1955 AGAPONOVA, Z.T., ) (Lemingrad, u1. Saltykova-Shchadrina, d.8, kv. 9~) - Duodenostasis lasting 24-3,ear durations. Vest.khir. 83 no.8:132-134 Ag '59. (MIR& 13:1) 1. Iz gospitalluay khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.V. Smirnov') Laningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyanicheekogo meditsinskogo instituta. (DUMMM die.) Hernias of Colleal ligament, VeSt, khir, 114 no. 4:46-50 Ap 160. (IMkNIA) (KM 14: 1) AGAFONOVA, Z. Ya, nauchnyy sotrudnik Importance of sowing time in protecting grain against frit flies. Zaahch.rast.ot vred. i bol. 4 no.4t2l-22 J1-Ag 159. (MIRA 160) 1. KurskAya opytaaya stantsiya. ' (Kursk FMv1nce,"rit fhea-Extermination) (Kursk PfM-nce4vian-Diseases and pests) ~., AGAFOROVA, ~, -Ta. ~ Fsv ~t% x varian post of ths. awnless brome grass (Hymnoptera, Chalcidoidea). i~1-1. obcs, 38 no#2:340 '59- (MIU 12--7) (Kursk Province-Chalcid flies) (Brome graes-Diseam and posts) AC-MONOVAP Z. YA. The striped grain flea beetle on corn in Kursk Province. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 no.6".53 Je 160, (MIRA 16,i1) (Kursk Province-Corn(Maize-Diseases and pests) (Kursk Province-Flea bee tles-Extemination) I MARIKOVSKIYp F.I.,- AGAFUNOVA, Z. Ya. A new gall gmt species (Dirtera, It-,nididae) injurious to the brome grass and some features of its biology. Ent. oboz. 40 no.2:272-27/+ 161. .(MIRA 14:6) 1. Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, Tomsk i Vseso3,uznyy institut zashchity rasteniy, leningrad. (Gall gnats) (Brome grass--Diseases and pests) AGAFONOVA,..Z.Ya.-- ....... --- - New posts of brome grass, frit flies of the genus Dicraeus (Diptera., Chloropidae)o Ent. oborz. 41 no.3:492-504 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Vsesoyumyy institut zashchity rasteniy Ministerstva Sellolfto khozyaystva SSSR,, Leningrad. (Frit flies) (Brome graso.-Diseases and pests) MARDZHMffAN, G.M.; ASATRYAN, E.V.; MARKMAN, A.A.; USTIYAN, A.K.; AVRANENKO, I.D., kand. biolog. nauk (Gomel'); HISKO, L.A.; AGAFOX-OVA Z.Ya,-, kand. biolog. nauk,- ABBASOV, Ya.M., mladshiy U~ ~sttrv-ffhik; SADYKHOV, D.M., aspirant Bz~ef information. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.10-. 55-57 0 163. MIRA 17:6) 1. Armyanskiy institut zemledeliya (for MF-rdzhanran,, Asatryan, Markosyan., Ustlyan). 2. Poltavskiy sellskokliazyaystvennyy institut (for Misk6). 3. Kurskaya sellskokhosyaystvennaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Agafonova). 4. Azerbaydzhanskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut khlopkovodstva, Kirovabad (for Abbasov). 5. Vsesoyuznyy institut zashchity rasteniy (for Sadykhov). AqA~ONOVA, '?,.Ya.m kand. biolog. nauk Fertilizers impi-ove the resistance of corn. Zas rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.5:19 164. (MIhA 17:6) 1. Kurskaya sel'skokliozyaystvenria-ya op.-Ana-Ya stantsiya. AGAFO-MOVA,,Z.Ya.; BELIZIN, V.I. Corn pests in Kursk Province. Ent.oboz. 43 no.2:241-257 164. (MIRA 17;9) 1. Kurskaya sollsko-kho;,yaystvemaya opytnaya stantsiya. I ORIDV, V.; kQAYMQM6_, Z.; GUDAKOVA, V., starshiy nauehn)-y sotrudnik; TIOLMACHEVA, 0., starsbiy nauchnyy sotrudnilc Timely disinf-ntion of seed. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.ltl5-17 '65. (MIRA 180) 1. Direktor Kurskoy sellskokhozyaystvennoy opytnoy stantsii (for Orlov). 2. Zaveduyushchaya laboratoriyey Kurskoy sellskokhozyaystven- noy opytnoy stantsii (for Agafonova). 3. Kurskaya sellskokhozyaystven- naya opytnaya stantRiya (for Gudakovtti Tolmacheva). AGAFOI%IOV.')2- Ivan Viatveyevich; BIUVIM, A.[trunslator]; 11GLI:j, B., [Chemistry of miraculous fibers-I Drimmiskiedru kimija. Riga, Latvijas Valstq --'zd-ba, 1962- 102 P. fill 1".1tvian] -18:1) AGAFONTSEV, A4-At - : ~ .4", - 1. n, -', - S A transistorized scaler. Prib, f tekh. bksp. 0 no.5:106-109 S-0 163* (MIRA 16:12) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut rentgenologil i radiologii. .......... I XCUSSIR! 11R.- AF5009203- S/0241/65/03.0/003/0073/0( -Tl!.VLS*. '-sair~wx!eoor =g',ractiometer-ror stUdying =S:runotlo naa Stat 0 th iff-'- 'SOURCE: radiologlya, v. 10., no. 3s 1965P 73-78 TOPIC TAGS*. man, thyroid gland, radiometer, iodine 131., radioactive isotope, radiation counter, transistorized circuit, --onti-xauouo:-.noasur-ariaent--t ~nsdlcal- oquiment A-, onvenie or continuous rocording of thyreogram- 2- 0 I-y th ewathor Is described. The :ontinuous th7reogram curves expraasi% the relation b,3twoen the iodine 131 level In the thyroid gland and time are important In studying fruste and extrathyroid disturbances of the glaxad and the 3ifects of various p~iysiologicalp puarmacological, and physical factors on the functional state of the gland, The devioe UGIZhs 750 9M., hits. overala dimensions of 42 x 77 x 170 Mins and Is sub iont, rillawinv. h!4va- ti attsehed-bv~. atrai)a--to,tha -aheat~~of the M) .0 b ohi~ N -~r 6 b a dur e - iU e 1--f-, o~ amulacy o lirle valuos, The device basleaI17 conststs of a tvo-channel radlome or t unit and a,p;,por recording unit *.,ich are completely transistorized x 'to sup ly-provided by a L5 v dry cell, Tho RSK-D can 0 _p Tpj~s -a too m' -7,23, - t n UiAmat R_ or: -3 .. ... .. a --ndIt 0 g TIO lk- IffiMoh Azerbalfthmskogo-,, nau Soo 0 i7iftit f) O)ftipbo ogi R entgenology o and. RaMA~ka- jB)EJjUMj::: 15AW63 SUB COD-B4,, _Rzp~ BOV.*- 008 V MM 000 A,: ALIXTSHIBEEIKOV, M.M., dr. mod. nauki 40AFONTSEV, P.A. Tnyrold gland activity during sleep. Probi. fun,3ok. i Corm. 11 no.2:15-18 Mr-Ap 165, (MIRA 18:7) .1. in'stitut rentt-!,"-n1-AorC'jA, nqdiologli i onkolug-jJ (direktor doktol, iied. rauk M.1M. Al i lkish., behov) Mli ill s teritra .Jravookhrar,~inirz- Averbaydzliarkoy SSR. .Af,AFONTSF-Vj A.I., m'-id#ly nau(,.-nyy sotrudnik; ZAVIYALOVA, L.V.,, mladshiy nauchj*7 sc ~r 13,11 k - Techrdcal. an,l 1-.onon~i(, lm~ie of the optimum stancard dimensions of centrifuge i-,;`-n;dng vi(Aiine;i f r the manufacture of twine yam. T511i ]r,-.65-67 161, (MIRA 18:4) AGAFONTSEV, A.le Economic efficiency of the use of capron in the r~qnufacture of cordage. Tokst.prom, 25 no.1:21-24 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Ekspert otdela narodnokhozyaystvennogo plana jo predmeVan potrebleniya Gosplana SSSR. -J LAA N - Ihi, tm~fss j- jif#tt;.As jor ditenWaing p1cric scid. N. 1'. Aglkf%-Ilin. I' ' uivtUwf4 (hF 141tv-d5ifava IAh. 6, 1010 IM(II.M71. o(" vits"Itt. tile tw%t restillts were obillit)"I in tile doill. tit s colitll"Itllied with milleml t er piair ocid in wa%lr wit at-1414 *fill difilirl'I'lle"ll) 1) v nroorslitivig the mixt. with 00 NA011 with Ar 4111111. .11 riter,al NIT,011 Atil dets. tve ' stivarbri, asid 111tri A-1 Oil- stat-M-14 W I vvl(d byAr INW). 0141. 111411c khlrr 30 . . 00 111~00 r0 ~ j 0 1 t - L -1 -LLLIQI,'Clt ,,$I IF K A TWh O 0 ~ too 4A 0 0 I a W * lt vi .1 R it if A 0 0 O 0 o O 0 6 0 0 0 6" 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 * * : : 0 0 0 Q 0 ii 3 4 t a U tj 41 I -" C , A F0 H A~ 0 a Ahmplex compo"di cl pteric uld i4nd some other nitro 00 it ; 1!1%*AOIG with copr'r oftmoalatem. Aphohill. 0 0 '00 (wo. of pimor ariti it A~ IWlo sal .%Ip ~ (011)1. jCslIj(NLh)A)j,Cui.NIlj). pts. Alw%c 134, "t %* It Ibis lol-e% X11 Oil .00 j. w ti. & when treated with wo" e 0 It an HIM solo. of 2.4 -dimitropheatil is utcd, JCJI.- (NO08011CU(NUIS). is obtained. Vadcr aulogu~.s cxm- ! " 0 a -J Iltkwj, o-nittoPlitmil and ctr". give sinidar j1pic, but (tie zoo 0 anolymes do not III the 11him"Y' 00 00- as 010 1 Sao U set) ose l laic ea.'" -41 Q.V 9.1 o4111 Qiio-~' too a 4 13 t l tg t 01 ; e o 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a I; 1 4 a # I I # k; 11 6-~' is ~-- A l L - . . - l A~ g Present-day met" lot the deplienowation of waste -041 waters. N, P i Saxtekk. 1;i1olylphosphatraills lWitallsof water. Thco:rjt" of -00 00 No. 4, 01.1473(ins).-The character and The cbem. catri. can be brought to &S Ni%, arl it depends %. ry 00 jjA111111, 14 waste watrts vary with their origin. Only the , little on the initial cotwn. of the phtsioll. (3) %'ifli; a -00 jeclailifing methnils call Stolle the prolskin of dephrlsill i!- pirlitnittary striation a part of S can 1W sepd. in the 'k. -06 00 ton tistil 14 %va%lr witless. Their drvelopment and utilitos InclitAry f(Will. still another part at 411. Illivrit-tt, a air lVills 64141 tell by Indusitics. Dephroolization cl gin- i past 0 lilt- I'llellobi4lo.1 filbill Artalion. (OThrithri-1. l coal waten by means of tritollyl phoitphate - nalatial so KI-O.-Purification of 9411-IrtnetatiGg watet Vd. No. 5 CU" bC frClAinfUll fitlill the W. fly dittig. wiih strim. itt with 11 10-21)" b exi 5) Th d .00 Z , costvig. x-A. of phenn) Oil- Nils, S4h' and low. ( s. e col . water Wirt it, . list. of the C w emuNifird tr1folyl phoaph*tr) should 1. ~O 0 j ~W),- ), by cxtg. with tritolyl pho-pluste under lab. ron- purified biologically. A preliminary aeration Is r",c'm (litiorm Tritalylpbio%phatepo%.vwsano.rJadvantaltes nitntled. Activated charcoal produces unsatijifact.q Y 4" overtirrijenu. It hit% a larger di--A-dug power for plictu " " i i results. (6) The wins. of Xll, front soft coal wmerq . 0 s 11111AMO. le"S - l1 WSIM and is less 'k-OlAtIle. 1C.41 1-111411 - tricans of a itratnictit with bases its not economical. A c** rat,ily dr~tnulqifivd. Its high cost is com;wnsaird by the finish purification of the water (rum the tjkfs cAn lw (it). sniAer anti. of the reagent txvdcd anti fly tunall lossem tained by settling ta complete purifics1ion is nit, lit-colisse of the high d. the emn. shoidif be lictforined lit -a ry). (7) The exits. process (followed by biol. purif. -00 strp%. I'lle following c(Inclu%ions wcte reachrd: ( I i - tio 0 is economically profitable front the rrsullinx Phrn'j gV The rolls. should I.- pelf'-filliA at 100111 tVtnp. iWith A 1 I~ 'I'l r%,en Shen thtir tlinleat in killer is only I g " llislicl tillip. its" clag. ptivict W (tltt4)1 phoolphiste is tv, ~ "11,40 1,114ni'lliole icsidtir which is dissolved its malt t 00 ole pillnurn conditions at" a dutillitc tremillicill duct:11). (2) 0 lahonifill"ll; 1.) dor% not interfere with the t)W putifw,t- -. 11140 with I(xi parts of water, and with 8 sad 11 parts at ttitolYl l 5 7 1 f . litin. Throu ill Kkim. Brferill. Zhar. 1. No. 11 1,.,, 0 and . wTv. lit a triple lorall1writ with part% o , . phosp 121. 1:t2. W. R. licull 60 Ik 0 ell Ni .. A S A t L A DITALIVPGKAL LITEWL'I CLAWFICA-MIN ' 13ot" to 11 0 $1 IN It 9 of it it q n , , ' *0 ~* 0 s 4I 0 lw~ 0 6 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 " 9 : r 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 4 0 0 0 0 : : o 0 0 ..A A I it L - o, 0 00 to fol Akr Yom POPM p, t -00 *0 A o . 00 00 c 00 00 Purifi"tlooa Otolo"te -ter$ froms tb* Donletrous me" iOdUStry. N, P. A;9q:jbjn jl"nyt .11flal. 13, No). 5, , i of or 00 .1 Nk"03~ ISM); CAS liose W Q&3:fle 41, 4illf. A P.-C. Sf i'.; :gGe o zo zoo look, Illif)". ti -T I ~ *71 I & iv 10 it . q AM I i I Cko 0 VI w ow do a ; ~ q ~ ; ij n ; t, 11 11 ri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 stry Periodic System Fab 52 zation of the Mendeleyev Periodic System~of N. P. Agafoshin, Aoscow Power Eng Inst Obshch Khim" Vol XXII, No 2, PP 177-184 isents and discusses -new graphic representation Mendeleyev periodic system in which elements are iresented as points on.path which can be' generally ~crlbe& as system of concentric circles, on each which are placed all elements having outer elec- ~n shell with same designation (e.g., 1s, 2s, 2~D witb representation of nucleus as center. iments are arranged clockwise around each circle, /Chemistry - Periodic System (Contd) Feb 52 Ithen around next outer circle, in order of increas- lag t er (from I to 98). Elements of same I numb if or subgroup are connected by radial line (dif- o;r-ent degs of phys or chem. analogy between at different elements are shown by solid, dctted, and other types of lines). Elements of different groups (I-VIII) are contained in different radial sectors. Periods are represented by appropriate nuz~ber of successive concentric circles. Rare earth elements are included integrally in representation. :2; W 209Ti~ AGAFOSH39 N.P. Xodernizztion of Kenedeleyev's periodic systan of the elements. Zhur. Obehahey Mix. 220,177-84 1 4e Gene Chou# U*SaSaRa 22, 221-8 #52 [lag!. translation). (MA 5:5) (CA 47 no.l9s9684 153) I 1. 14. P. 2. UZSR (600) /,. Chemical Structure - -.I,. 7. Thp natire of valency and mechanism of femiation of bcn'is, v "Ienle -no. 1, Y'53. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, mqv -1953, Unclassified. ' N. P. 434o. AGAFOSHIN, N. P. --Kotpya,-ova, 0. G. -- Elementy-metally pobochnvkh podgrupp periodichoskoy sistemy. (Ucheb, posobiye) M. 1954. 48s. s chert. 20 Bm. (M-vo vvssh. Obrazovaniya SSSR. Mosk. ordena Lenina energet. in-t im. V. M. Moloteva. Ke-,Ara khiraii) 1 1-500 6kz. bei;pl. --(54-58018)p 546.3 SO: Knizbnaya letopsis', Vol. 1, 1955 AGAZOSHIN, Nikolay Petrovich; POZDNYAKOYA, N.I., redrktor; DZHLTIYEV, S.G., "YSONWdIft"99TAktor [Selected chapters in general chemistry; principles of the structure of matter),Isbrannve glavy eushchei khimii; oanovy stroedia veshche- stva. Moskva, Goo. uchabno-podagoge izd-vo Hinisteretva proeveshcho- niia RSFSR. 1956- 333 P. (HU?A 9:8) (Chemistry, Physical and technical) IGAFOSRIN, Nikolay Petrovigh: KOROBTSOVI, N.A., red.; FKDOTOVA, A.F., a ore 0; OVA, N.N., (Selected ch3pters of the general chemistry; fundamentals of constitution of matter] Izbrannve glavy obehrhei khimii; osnovy stroeniia veshchestva. Izd.2., Hoskva, Goe uchabno-podagog. Izd-vo H-va proov.WSR, 1959. 346 p, (min 120) (Matter--Constitution) AGAFOSHIN, Nikola leh kand. kbim. nauk; 14EKHLYUDOVA, A.S.; - re .; RAKITIN I.T., ~ekhna red, (Periodic law and the modern theory of atomic structure) Pe- riodicheskii zakon i sovremennoe uchenie o stroanii atoma, Mo- skva, Izd-vo "Znaniey" 1962, 38 p. (Narod i universitet kull- tury: Estestvennonnuchnyi fakul'tat, no.207 (MIRA 15:2) (Atomic theory)