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S/149/63/OW/001/001/008 A006IA101 AUTHOR3: Khan, Go A** Panteleyeva, No F., Agranat, B. A., Belochkina, Ye. Yababovich, 1. A. Kirillov, Oo Do TITLE: Experiments of using ultrasonic waves in selection of collective concentrates PERIODICAL: Izve6tiya vysshikh uphebnykh zavedenly, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, no. 1, 1963, 25 - 31 TM: The experimental investigation was carried out for the purpose of finding new effective means of selecting collective copper-molybdenum cone n- e trates. Among others, the method of eliminating reagent coatings from surfaces of m~.neral narticles in ultrasonic process, were studied. The effect of ultra- soni(.1 waves upon selective separation of molybdenite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and quarE'z__-was- 1-n-ve'-6ti me-7minerals --and -artif I ci a 1 mineral -mixture aIt-: was found that the breakdown of reagent - woa-tings -from- the aurfabe- of -mineral- particles was performed in an ultraso-aic field above the threshold of cavitation of the liquid phase. The density of the processed pulp has a substantial effect Car.1 .1/2 S/149/63/000/001/601/008,~_. -per t I~Y. -iments of using ultrasonic waves in... A006/AlOl upon subsequent flotation -behavior -of the- mineral I --the Melectior~~, of Vie doll0io- I tive concentrate-is improyed during the ultrasonic processing of m6re diluted Vilpa with.not ov6r.10%-content of -~solids- -: in denser pulps the possibility of breakdown.of the reagent coatings from the surface of mineral particles is im- paired. 'The time of ultrasonic rocessing of the pulp affects the results of p treakdown of the reagent coatings from the mineral surfaces; 8 - 10 min is the most efficient timefor processirg. The breakdown of a fixed collector from the srurfaces of pyrite and chalcopyrite In ultrasonic processing proceeds more fully;' as a result the extraction of these minerals into a concentrate is reduced. Multi-stage processing of mineral mixtures by ultrasonic waves is not expedient, che process becomes more complex without increase in efficiency. A breakdown of xantogenate coatints without ultrasonic treatment, using merely filtration, was not observed. Filtration after ultrasonic treatment is not always necessary.: There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stall I splavov (Moscow Institute of Steels and Alloys) Kafedra obogashcheniya rud redkikh metallov I kafedra fizild (Department of Concentration of Rare Metal Ores and the Department of Physics) STWIT!ffi.Dt April 18, 1962 P/2_ ACCESSION KR: AT4001238 S/3031/63/000/035/0214/0218 AUTHOR: Actranat, B.- A TITLE: A method of exposing a solvent to ultrasound SOURCE: Gosudarstvenny*y institut tsvetny*kh metallov, Sbornik nauchny*kh trudov. Moscow, no. 35, 1963, 214-218 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic cleaning, ultrasonic metal cleaning, ultra- sonic pickling, ultrasonic metal pickling, ultrasonic degreasing ABSTRACT: In order to increase the efficiency of ultrasonic energy transfer to a cleaning solution for aluminum wire, an existing magnetostriction converter Mh 3.838.003-D, which is used in the UZM-1,5 ultrasonic apparatus, was modified so that the ultrasound could be introduced into the solvent independently of the magneto- striction stack. To this end, the radiating surface of the stack was wrapped along the perimeter with a polyurethane.plastic liner. Considerable advantages are claimed for this method, since the poly- urethane introduces small damping and protects the magnetostriction radiator against the action of the solvent; on the.,other hand,. Card 1/2 A CCESSION NRs AT4001238 bringing the radiator close-to the wire made it possible to clean wire moving with sufficiently high speed. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvenny*y institut tsvetny*kh metallov (State Institute of Nonferrous-Metals) SUBMITTEDt 00 DATE ACQ: 170ct63 ENCM 00 SUB CODE: XL# PH No PsP SOV: 006 OTHERt 002 Card 2/2 KHAVSKIY, N.M.; YAKLBOVICII, I.A.; AGRA111, B.A.; YIT,.7LLOV, O.D.; VASILIT-7, L. V. Effect of ultrasonic waves on the process of laziching hard to dis- solve rare motal compowids. Izv. vys. uclieb. zav.; tsvet. met. 6 no.3:IC6-lC Card 6/6 OOA III AkV !~Iof4j 4w focv(cf,ts "'t. I 4) ii A --j- I ii lee p_AgT&nrnko. S. A and Poktavskays. .00 Nilr--tic,jurr and 191H- 136 pp. 4r.. 70 k-.prck,. Zoo of js Ob ~7 -7: I I b u AT No a ItI 00 00 0 000000000 zoo re 0 -09 lee Co 0 goo Soo we boo I -C'7 too 0 ow ov, & AW A .I a N 0 IN I a 3 2 0 A 4 00 a. Agranenko. N. P., Alritnenko. S. A.. and Pokrovskav i NitiAAttv i Nitftwtwilil l 00 ttsirvia sivo A.-, l litm q.f Nift, '-picr and Nitroctiamr)). M-m-Letlin. 0 : grid! (44hinjivIal. 1048, 13#1 plo. 4r., 71) k,,pe(kk. 0 0 0 0 -q L M41ALLMOZAL LITINAI&wi CL&SjjpjCAT*, WOOD Solova It 04, O'l oew:00*00000060060*6006 o 0 boo 000*900*ooooeo*Oooo*O00*000060000 woo =9 0 ro 1000 Xoo q0 0 got WOO UO 0 be 0 boo IQ' ""In1 0 6000 lee 00 007,00 O's 6000060 so AGRAMIKO, T.A., kandidat meditsinakikh nauk Present-day problems in the field of hematolopy and blood trans- fusion. 11hirurgiia no,3:86-90 Mr '55- OUA 8 --7) (BLOW TUMSFUSIO11, in Russia) (MUTOLOGY, in Russia) AGRANENKOI, V. A. "Present Status of Problems of Blood Substitutes,, Therapy of Bums, and Radiation Sickness." Xhirurgiyaq No.9, 1955 Translation W-31628,~ 30 Jan 56 MC~ "PT YEDICh Sec 9 Vol 13/2 surgery Feb 59 867. (315) THE USE OF POLYGLUCIN IN TRAUMATIC SHOCK AND ACUTF BLOOD LOSS (Russian text) - Agranenko V. A. From A.A.Centr. tnst. of liaematol. and Blood TriiHiTu-s-io_n_,_M`oscow - PROBL. GEMATOL. I i'EREL. KROVI 1956, 1/2 (55-56) Illug. 2 Polyglucin has a pronounced and lasting haemodynamic effect in shock following traumik, operations and burns, Rapid Injection of up to 1.00 ml. does not cause any side-effects. In traumatic or postoperative shock complicated by heavy blood loss it should be combined with blood transfusion, but the amount of blood given cari be considerably reduced. References~ 4. Krymatu - Moscow (S) USSR/General Problems of Patholoa - Tumors. Comparison U One'AouY. Ifir-mi Neoplasm - Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 1, 1959, 4242 Author : Shvedskiy, D.P., Agranenko, V.A. Inst % - Title : InvestiEption ~)f the Spleen Intravitally by the Meth-)d of Puncture in Chro:,ic Myelasis and Its Cliiical SiL,,ifican- Co. Ori[-, Pub : Za sots. zdravookhr. Uzbekistana, 1956, No 2, 30-37 Abstract : Results of investiGations of 21 patiei~ts with chronic myel.-)sis, treated with ethyl urethane, are reported. A close relationship of the picttire of the spleen pmc- tate with the c1i:2icnl course xnd the staCp of the pro- cess was established. The in-itial staGe if nyelosis is characterized by prevalence in the spleno(yan 3f inter- nediate forms of LTanu1jcytjp3iesis; erythr.)poiesis is somewhat decreased in the liver and in the bone mrrov; Card 1/3 - 42 USSR/Gonaral PrDblems of PathDloa - Ttwors. Cxiparis)n U Oncology. Human Neoplastis. Abs Jour Ref 21hur Biol., R) 1, 1959, 4242 the nimber of thronbocytes is riarkedly increased. In all the staGes of ehrDiiic pyelosis accoppanied. with a resistant anerlia the hemoGlobinization !)f the erythrj- and nDrmoblasts (the erythroblastic reaction) is arres- ted; lymphopaiesis is absent or siGnificantly reduced. Durina the stage of anute exacerbation of chronic myelo- sis, imimture neutrophiles and little differe,,.tiated cells predorAnate in the splen.)(,Tam. DurinL; the sta,,*o Df severe exacerbation with a sub-acute course the mua- ber of orythra- and normoblasts decreases mrkedly in the bone marrow and iii the spleen. With the onset of rerAssion resulting from urethane therapy the cytoGram of the spleen approaches to nornal; n.)rmlizatian of the leuk~)cytic formula, n:,d an increase of the number cif erytlmmytes and of the heriD~;lAiu level is also) noted. The changes of the spleno(7am dUri"G urethane Vierapy Card 2/3 Card 3/3 - 43 - AGRAMMM, V. A. "Study of a New Method of a Two-Stage Preparation of Preserved Blood," by V. A. Agranenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences, and L. I. Fedorova, Central Institute of Hematology and BloodTrarn- fusion, Vrachebnoye Delo, No 8, Aug 56, pp 811-816 A method is discussed for mass preparation of preserved blood based on two steps: the preparation of preservatives in sterile appliances out- side of the stations for blood transfusion, and the preparation of blood in sterile appliances containing preservatives previously sent to stations for blood transfusion and to therapeutic institutions. Two different formulas for preservatives are given: solution TsOLIPK No 7 (acid glucose-citrate preservative with sodium sulfacyl and rivanol) and solution No 7-a (acid glucose-citrate preservative with sodium sulfacyl and chloromycetin) -- which is the preferred solution and whose advantage is explained by the substitution of the easily decomposable rivanol with chloromycetin. A total of 117 blood transfusions applying the new two-stage method of blood prepared in TsOLIPK ampoules which were prepared up to 6 months pre- vio4sly proved that the therapeutic effeztiveness of such transfusions does not.differ from transfusions of blood that bAS I%een stored in freshly pre- pared preservatives. The! method is simple and easy. . 41N0, F.A.; SAGDASAROV, A.A., redaktor; GROZDOV. D.M., redaktor ., 'i , CTransfusioa of blood.-and blood substitutes; an atlas] Perelivanie krovi i k-rovosemeniteley; atlas, Pod obshch~i red. Moak-va, Meduch- pooobte, 1957. 181 P. (MIRA 10:7) (BIA)OD--TRANSFUSION) 'UXEVX.~T' -1 - Polyglucin,Ia now lastra substitute, and its use in surgery [with ummary in Bnglishl. Khirurgila 33 no-7:31-34 JI '57. (MIRA 10:11) . Iz khirurgichookoy kliniki (zav. - prof. D.M.Grozdov) TSentrall- : nogo ordens lenina inatituta gemstologii t perelivaniya krovi (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen A14N SSSR prof. A.A.Bagdaearov) (PLASMA SUBSTITLTTSS, ther. nse, p'olyglucin, in surg.) AGIVOOKO, V.A., kand. med. nauk Mobile units for the preparation of preserved blood. Voen. tied. zhur. no.3,12-15 Rr 158. (KIFA 12.7) (HOOD, PRESERM mobile units for prep. (Rua)) (WICINS, MILITjtRY AND NAVAI wbile unitti for prep. of preserved blood (nan)) BAGDASAROV, A.A., prof.; AGRAIIENKO, V.A.,, -- I Artificial kidney. Zdorov1e 6 no. 11:10-11 11 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. DeystvitelInyy cheln A14N SSSR (for Bagdasarov). (ARTIFICIAL KIDNEY) GROZDGV, D.M., prof', AGRAIIERKO, V.A., Modern therapy of blood coagulation disorders in surgical diseases [with summai7 in English]. Xhirurgiia 34 no.10:101-108 0 158 (MIRA III11) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologii I. perelivaniya krovi (dir. - deystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.A Badgasarov) Ministerstva sdravookhrananiva SSSR. ?ANTICOAGULANTS, ther. use. in surg. (Rue)) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE, anticoagulant ther. in surg. patients (Rua)) BAGDASAROV, A.A49 profol AGWMO, V.L.,-kandemedanauk Rrroro,, hazards and complications connected with blood t"mfuoion and methods of their prmntion, Khirurgiia 36 no,9#59-65 0 160. (KW 13811) f. ,In ISentrallnogo ordena lenina instituta gematologii I pmli- vaniya krovi (dir, - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.A. Bagdasarov) Ministerstva sdravookhraneniya SSSR. (BWOD-TRANSFUSION) BAGDASAROV, Andrey Arkadlyevich;,-AW-94ql~Q, Viktor Ardat'ovich: - ~1- _-i ~ -1 RAUSHENBAKH~ M.A., red.;'POGOSY,114A, V., li~. red.' [Blood service) Sluzhba korvi. Yoskva) Medgiz, 1961. 178 p. (MIkA 15:1) (BLOOD-COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION) (BLOOD-nWSFUSION) (BLOOD PLAMA SUBSTITUTES) AGRANENKO, V, A.; YMCHISHCHEV, V. V. Hemodialysis by means of the "artificial kidney" apparatus without use of a donor's blood. Probl. gemat. i parel. krovi no.1:3.-9 162. (MIRA .1517) 1. Iz pochechnogo tsentra (sav. V. A. Agranenko) TSentrallnogo ordena lanina instituta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir - daystvitelinyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A. A. Bagdaearov[deceasedi) (ARTIFICIAL KIDNEr) AGRANENKO, V. A.; VINOGRADOVA, I. L. Normalization of electrolyte metabolism under the influence of bemodialyBis and conservative treatment of acute renal insiffi- ciency. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi no.4:37-43 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Is pochechnogo tsentra (zav. V. A. Agranenko) TSentral,nogo ordena, Lenina instituta. gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. dotsent A. Ye. Kiselev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (RVIAL INSUFFICIENCY) (KIDNffS, ARTIFICIAL) (ELECTROLYTE METABOLISM) Aq~~71~ VOROZ111SPICIIEV, V.V.,i Cnwh s,,mdrome and its troatment 17 the mothod of hemodialysis using the nartificial kidney" apparatus. Vest.khir. ro-5:63- 68 162. (MIRA 15M) 1. Iz Fochechnogo tsentra (zav. - Y.A. Aggranenko) TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dire - prof. A.A. Bagdasarov [deceased]). (RUAL 17mWICIENCY) (XTDVEYS, ARTIFICIAL) (TRAMIATISM) AGRANENKO, V.A.,; SKACHILOVA, N.N., Compound treatment of acute renal insufficiency with the use of hemodialysis (artificial kidney). 25 no.5:10-18 ~~ 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz TSentrallnoeo ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i pereli- vanlya krovi (kir. - dotsent A.Ye.Kiselev). (KIDNEYS-DISEASES) (KIDNEYS, ARTIFICIAL) AGRANWOP V.A.,,; SKACHILOVA, U.N.,,nauk; CMWIIKOVA, Ye.V.,, Hemodialysis operation ("artificial kidney") in acute renal insufficiency appearing after the intake of mdfanilamides. Terapearkhe 34 no.3tll5-119 162. WMA 15:3) 1. Iz pocheolmogo tsentra Nav. - V.A* Agranenko) TSentrallnogo-instituta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. deystvitellnyy chlen MiN SSSR prof. A.A. Bagdagarov (deceased]). (SULFANII&IIDES-TOXICOLOGY) (RENAL INSUFFICIENCY) (KIDNEYS, ARTIFICIAL) AGRANENKO, V.A.; VINOGRADOVA, Dynamics of rizoLemia under tLe inflilence of a nemo-aiai7sis procedure in ncizte renal insufficiency ~auvfid by Jnccmputible bloM tran.-iftision. Probl. gemat~ i kroyl no-10:40-55 164'. WIRA 17: 12) 1. Iz pochechnogo tsentra (zav. V.A, Agrarienko) TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina Instituta gennatologii i perelivanlya krovi (direktor - dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev). AMMEMO~-T.A.1,. kandmed,nauk; LMTSKAYA, L,A.j,; KAVESMMOVAO B.F. ,Heparimization method and blood coagulation control during hemo- dialysis using the artificial kid4ey" apparatus, Khirurgiia 38 no,1061-58 0 162, WRA 15:12) lo Iz pchechnogo taentra (zav, V.A. ApanezkD) TSentralinogo instituta gematologii i pajMj~vaniya krovi (dir. - dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev) i Wauchno-issledovatolskogo ftatituts. eksperimentallnoy khir"raicheskoy apWatury i instTweniov (dir. - dotsent M.G. Ananlyev) iARTIFICIAL KIDM) (ELOOD--COAGULATIOR) (HEPARB) AC&UNWK0, V.A.; UEDOSHIVIVA, R.V. Experimental study of acute renal insufficiency following complications during blood transfusion. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 7 no.1271-74 Ja-F'63. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Iz pochechnogo tsentra (zav. V.A. Agranenko) TSentrallnogo instituta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. - dotsent A.Ye.Kiselev) (KIM,'M-DISME) (BIDOD-TRAITUSIOE) CHAZOV, Ye.I.; ANDREYEMO, G.V.; SPEIT20ROVA, Z.G.; I - VSKA UU YA., V.V.; MOISEYEV, S.G.; BABSKIY, Ye.B.; BHEDIYJS, Yu.I.; KUSHKIY,R.O.; KALITEYEVSKAYA, V.F.; B3MOV, Ye.; POIMGVSKIY., LV.,- MELINIK., I.Z.; AG.RAIENKO..-V.A.; VIIIIOGRADOVA, I.L.; SKAGHILOVA., N.N.; VIKHMT, A.M.; ZPWYSLOVA, K.N., prof.; SOKOLOVSKIY, V.P..,prof.; BEYUL, Ye.A.,; SOLOVIYEV., V.V. Rtnutes of the ineetinga of the Noscow Society of Therapeut iota. Terap.arkh. 35 no.lzll2-118 Ja'63. (14IIA 16:9) (THERAPEUTICS-ABSTRACTS) SKAGHILOVA., N.N.; AGRANENKO) V.A. Cardiovascular activity during hemodialysis using the artifi- cial kidney. Ter. arkh. 35 no. 7:73-83 ii 63. (KIRA 17:1) 1. Iz Pochechnogo tsentra (zav. - kand. med. nauk V.A. Agranen- ko) TSentrallnogo ordena Lenins, institute gematologii i pere- livaniya krovi (dir. A. Ye.Kiselev). AGRANENKO, V.A., kand. med. nauk; VINOGRADOVA, I.L., kand. med. nauk (14oskva) Disorders of water metabolism in acute renal insufficiency. Klin. med. 41 no.6:85-93 Je 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1, Iz pochechnogo tsentra (zav. - kand. med. nauk V.A. Agranenko) TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. - dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev). ...-AGRANERDS, V.A., kand. med. nauk; NIKOLAYEVA, M.I. Exchange transfusion and hemodialysis in the treatment of blood transfusion complications and acute renal insufficiency. Vast. khIr. 91 no.804-48 Ag~63 Oram" S3) 1. Iz Pochechnogo tsentra ( zav, - V.A.'Agranenko) TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologil i perelivanlya kror.1 ( dir.- dotsent A. Ye. Kiseler). ikkGRIMMKO, V.A. (MonYva) --- Problt)m of 'replan'Ang th& rea~pientls blood with the blood of the donor. P:robl. gemat. A peral. krovi 8 rio.1109--S2 N 163. (ICRA M12) i 1'~ , - AGRAMNKOt V~A., kando mod. nauk Treatmont df P&tients with bl6od transfusion complications by the means of hembdielYsios Voeh,-nodahur, no,,80901 164, ~MIRA 1815) AGRANENKO, V.A.; SKACHILOVA, N.N.; VINOKUROVA, G.P. Functional state of the kidneys in acute renal failure caused by the transfusion of incompatible blood. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 9 no.5:31-38 My 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Otdeleniye posttransfuzionnykh oslozhneniy i gemodializa Nav. V.A. Agranenko) ISentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i parelivaniya krovi (dir.- dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev), Moskva. AGRANENKC), V.A.; I.AGIJUN:~, N,Y:i., F.V,, Hemorrhages in 4.nn,-fticion complicFitlons and exmhange. transfua'.cnF~ of blood. Probl. gemat. I perel. krov! 9 no,5145-40, ~~i 1640 I~C-F~4 18,-,,3) 1. Otdeleniye post-transfuz-Jonn,1--kh, csiozhnenay i gemodl",,iliza (zav. V.A. Agranenko) "',cntrallncg ordena 1.enina ~4nst4l~,utfi go c krov] Moskva. UHNOVA~ M.A.; AGRANENKq,, V A.; ICHALOVSKAYA, T.A.; PISKUNOVA, TA; KAVES-I I RIWU7, - Sensitization to Duffy factor (F ') as a cause of blood transfusion J of complication with ,he developmen acute renal failure. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 9 no.5:52-55 My 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. TSentrallnyy ordena, Lenina institut gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir.- dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev), Moskva. AGRANENKO V.A. Bibliography and revif~ws. Prol;l. eemfit. I perel. krovi 9 no-5:55-57 ~~ 164. (MIRA 18i3) AGRANENKO., V.A.; NEDOSHIVINA, R.V.; ROZANOVA, N.S. (Moskva) &P-rimental r--,,march on kidnny function in acute renal insuffic'-ency ca,,s,3d by trareNsion of incompatible blood. Arl:h. pat. 26 nc,,.'j*-4(r- 51 164- 18: 12) 1. Pochpchnyy tsentr Ozav. - V.A.Agrarienko) I patologo-anatomicheskaira laboratoriya (znv. - pref. N.M.Nemonkova) T-9entral Inogo instil'Uta. gematologii i perelivaniya k-rovi (Clir. - dotsent A.Ye.Kiselev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SS~;R. Sub- mitted December 27, 1962.