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December 31, 1967
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ACC NRi AP6012497
AUTHOR:.. ftranovsXaYa,_A. I.; Kerlov, N. V.; Krynetskiyj D. B. 56
IORG: Physics Institute im. P. No Lebedev AN SSSR, Moscow (Fizicheskiy institut AN
TITLE: Effect of temperature on line width and resonance field of ferromagnetic reso-
nance in polycrystalline specimens of Ca#I.SN3.5012
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. S. no. 4p 1966, 1265-1267
TOPIC TAGS: ferrcmagnetic resonance, low temperature effect, SHF, ferrite, line
widthj magnetic anisotropy
ABSTRAM The ferromag etic"_properties.of Ca3VI.Sre3.5012 are studied in an attempt
to determine the possibilities For using this material in SHF ferrite devices which
operate at low temperatures. Line width and resonance field were measured as func-
tions of temperature in polycrystalline specimens of this ferrite. Powder metallurgy
methods were used for making the specimens. The results show an Increase In line
width and reduction in field intensity at low temperatures (see figure). These pheno-~
mena may be due to an increase in the magnetic anisotropy of the crystal. The tem-
perature curve for the line width shows two maxima: the first at 40K and the second
at 7-1000K. The first Is apparently due to rapid relaxation of bivalent Iron tons
L 26367-66
ACC NRs AP6012497
Temperature curve for resonance field Intensity
(1) and line width (2) of a polycrystalline
specimen Of Ca3VI.SreSO5012,
tM 7
while the second is probably associated with another phase. The rather narrow fer-
rmagnetic resonance line at helium temperatures indicates that these ferrites-mav
be used in low-temperature SHF devices. The authors thank A. M. Prokhorov for in-
terest in the work an-d-V.-I. Solovyev for discussion of problems encountered n this
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l30ctG5/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REN 003
-Card 2/2
ACC NR: Am06228 16?10121001100'~81OW)
Samonova, N. 11.
AUTHOR: Vinnikv M. A.; Agran=L
ORZ % none
TITLE: X-ray diffraction and microstructural study of the phase rolaionships in
the formation of barium cobalt hexa~errito BaCoZFo16( 7
SOUR,',E': Zhurnal noorganichoskoy khimiij ve 12, no. 1t 19057p '_~8-43
TOPIC TAGS: barium compound, cobalt compound, forrito
AaSTRLACT: The comoound BaC02FO1602-7, designated Co214, was synthosized by a solid
hase reaction from, Fe2C3, C03C4 and BaCG3, and the phase composition o-f tho i)roducts
(kept at 500-14400C for 4-20 hr, then quonichod in air or furnaco-cooled) was dGtcsr-
nined by x-ray diffraction and microstructural methods. C02W does not forn, diroctly
from the initial oxides, but via the intermediates BaFolZO19 (barium hexaforrito) and
cobalt ferrite GoFo2Q,, OC and is stable at
The compound C02W bogins to for, at 1150
tomperaturas below ~350`C. At 13500C and above, CoZvJT decomposos, the products being
1 3a7a 0 and Co Felf-
1 Fe,3+o4. The decomposition is due to ihe roducti~n of Fo3+ to
at ?igh to4loraturcs. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and I table.
UDCt 546.73217230431-31%539.26
Card 1/1
L_ - __
Selecting opii-ma parameters for shaking conveyors with the help of an
electron model. Obog. rud 7 no-5:40-44 162. (MIRA 16:4)
(Conveying machinery) (Electronic analog computers)
AGROnvc,KAYA, F.A. (lAiningrad)
f1sing ele-3t.ronic analog computers 1"or the solution of nonlInear
dif.Pprential equations containing pariorlical furctions of a
dependent variable. Izv.AN SSSF. Mekh. I mashinc-str. no.4-
2.'15-177 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:4)
AUTHOR: (Leningrad)
TITLE: investigations into the mechanism of a vibrator with
automatic unbalance control
4RIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. otdeleniye
tekhnicheskikh nauk. 1110khanika i mashinostroyeniye,
no-1, 1963, 190-193
TEXT: Reference is made to the German description of an
inertia vibrator in which the unbalance forces are automatically
reduced during running up and traversing of resonant conditions.
The device consists of a disk on which the unbalance niass slides
radially along guidea. 1.1hen stationary and in slow rotation, the
mass is pressed by a spring towards the center so that the
eccentricity and the unbalance force are small. Under working
conditions, the moss is thrown outwards and develops the required
unbalance force. The following conditions have to be met:
1) The rotational -speed at which the unbdlance mass overcomes the
spring force should be about twice the maximum natural frequency
of the vibrating machine. 2) The maximum value of the restoring
Card 1/ 2,
Investigations into the mechanism... S/179/63/000/001/029/031
force arising as a result of the wass being thrown against the
___._~__:__periphera1 Sto _~must be'lins-ited.- -3),-The devieb --should -be - small-
,,and reliable in operation. Fulfilment of the second condition
requires the solution of the differential equation of motion of the
unbalance mass, which is of the second order and has variable
coefficients. An electronic analow computer was used to obtain
solutions for many special cases. The differential equation is
formulated. The block diagram of the analog computer is illustrated
and the method by which the mechanical quantities are transformed
into computer inputs is given. For different values 4, 6, 8, and
10 of the ratio of the initial and working eccentricities of the
vibrator, graphs are reproduced, derived by the computer, in which
the velocity of the moving unbalance wass at the instant of impact
against the stop is plotted against the rotational speed as a
multiple of the natural frequency of the unbalance itass on its
spring. Each graph contains a family of curves corresponding to
constant values of the vibrator shaft acceleration. Evaluation of
the main des' ters of the device, with the help of graphs
ign parame
provided, is described in detail. There are 7 figures.
~SUBMITTED: July 19, 1962
Card 2/2
AGRA13011S Kfff Al E. A. (Laningrad)
Investigating the process of the pas:-,ige through resonance
in units with inertia exciters. Izv. AN SSSR.Yehh. n0-4:101-
107 Jl-Ag 165, (;%-qlRA 1,0,;:12)
daktor izdatel'stva; GUROVA, O.A., takhnichookiy redaktor.
[Atlas of Oligocene spore and pollen complexes in various regions of
the U.S.S.R] Atlas oligotsenov7kh sporovo-prlltsevykh komplekaov
raslichnykh raionov SSS'L. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry
po gologii i okhrane neLtre 1956. 312 P. (Leningrad, Vsesoiuznvi
geologicheskii institut. Materiaiv, no.16) (MIaA 10:3)
1, Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iosledovatellskiy- geologiche9kiy institut
Ministerstva geologii i okhran7 nedr SSSK.(for Asatkina, Bovtsova,
Kalashnikon,Kruchinina, Pokrovskaya, Romanovskaya, Sedova, Stell-
mak). 2. Tuzhno-Urallskoye geologicheakoye upravleniye (for Sigova)
3. Urallskoye goelogicheskoye upravleniye (for Agrapovskaya, Bocharni-
kova, Martynova, Polukhina, SamigLilina). 4, Trest "ZapsibneftegoologiyaO
(for Boyteell, Ivanova, Klimko, Markova). 5.Geograficheskiy fakulltet
Leningradskogo gosudarstvannogo universitsta(for Malyasova)
(Pollen, Fossil) ("spores (Botany), Fossil)
[deceased]; MAKRUSHIN, Y.A.i
[Atlas of upper Cretaceous, Paleocene and Eocene spore and pollen
complexes in certain regions of the U.S.S.R.] Atlas verkhnemelovykh,
paleotsenov.vkh i eotsenobykh sporovo-pylltsevyl:h kom-Dleksov nekotorykh
raionov SSSR. Leningrad. 1960, 574 p. (Leningrad, Voesoiuznyi geologi-
cheskii institut. Trudy, Vol-30)- (MIRA 13:10)
1. VsesoVuzW nauchno-issledovateliskiy geologicheskiy institut
Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (for Alyushinskiv, Asatkina,
Boytsova, Gromova, Panova, Pokrovskaya, Romanovskaya, Sedova,Stellmak,
Mil'shteyn). 2. Urallskoye geologicheskDye upravlenive Ministerstva
geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (for Agranovskaya, Bocharnikova, Marty-
nova). 3. Severo7Vostochnoye goologicheskoye upravleniye Ministerstva
geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (for Voyevodova, Khaykina). 4. Lenin-
gradskiy filial Gidroproyekta Ministerstva elektrostantaiy (for Zauyer).
Determination of gold in tungsten-based platings by means
of variamine blue. Zhur. anal. khim. 18 no.9:1054-1058
S 163. (WRA 16: 11)
1. N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University.
L 12988-66 EWT:(m)/PP(t-)-. -IJP(c) -- --JD/JG/(39
ACCI NR: AT6005602 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/64/000/000/0193/0196
AUTHOR: Frumina. N. S.; Muslafin, I. S.; Agranovskaya, L. A.; Karakhtanova, Z._G.
:ORG: Saratov State University (Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) S'/
..TITLE.- Determination of noble and certain other metals in protective an& amtither-:
moemissive coatings
SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya rabotnikov metallurgicheskoy i.kjji~michctskoy
Prowshlennorti. i..sQtrPdniRQy yuzov. Rost -qn-~pn,..1962. Peredovyye metody khimi-
qy- - I
cheskoy tekhnologii i kontrolya proizvodstva (Progress ve methods of chemical engi-I
neering and production control),, trudy konferentsii. Rostov-on-Don, Izd-vo Rostov-
.~kogo univ., 1964, 193-196
~TOPIC TAGS: gold, tungsten, copper alloy, nickel alloy, aluminum alloy, tin alloy,;
;protective coating, quantitative anaXysis
ABSTRACT: Analytical metho&%rpre qveloped for determining the quiklity and thick-
~ness of protective coating ofs topper-nicke,livlcopper-aluminum, [tin-nickel, tin-~
~copper, and gold and used on tungsten and Mglyhden articles. After reduction of
Card 1/2
L 15988-66
t~ACC NR: AT6005602
;cupric ions to cuprous ions with hydroxylamine, bicinchoninic acid was used to de-
,termine copper photometrically in the presence of nickel by means of the colored
icomplex formed by this acid with copper ions at pH S-12. To determine gold depos-
ited on tungsten, methods of separating the gold from the tungsten backing were
;studied, and it. "af und that treatment of the sample with aqua regia inevitably
_&21da,7 It was thus necessary to
,caused some tungst:n3o go into solution with the
find a methJd -ofdetemining gold in the presence* of tungstate ions and of the com-'
ponents of aqua regia, since evaporation of the latter would cause tungstic acid to.
,precipitate, adsorb gold on its surface, -and reduce it to the metallic stat . None:
of the known methods of determining gold was suitable. The problem was successfully
isolved by using the reagent variamine blue, which was applied to the determination
',of gold for the first time. Orig. art. has;. 1 table.
SUB CDEE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 24Mar64/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH P.Er: 004
Card 2/2
The law comes into forceo Izobr, i rate, no.11:22-24 N t61.
(MIRA 14.'11)
(Technological innovations)
Agranovskiy~ A. "The university Of K2raviyevo," (The dairy-
breeding state farm of Karavayevo, Kostroma Oblast. Outline),
In the collection: Kostroma (Kostropia), 19h8, P. 136-57.
SO: U-3736, 21 May 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Stztey, No. 17, 1949).
StIal ingrad Wdroelectric Power Station, a great construction project of
Communism] Stalingradskaia GIS - velikaia stroika komminizma. [Moskva]
Gos.i2d-vo polit.lit-ry, 1953. 97 P. (MLRA 6:7)
(Stulingrad Hydroelectric Power Station)
- iz
Oa, 1 .1. - .. " ---
-i-;P- --- - . : I
SOV/ 137-58-8-16626
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 53 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Agranovskiy, A.A., Montvid, A.E.
TITLE: New Engineering Solutions in the Design of Alumina Plants
(Novyye tekhnicheskiye resheniya pri proyektirovanii glinozen-1-
nykh zavodov)
PERIODICAL: Sb. materialov tekhn. inform. Gos. in-t po proyektir.
alyun-jin., magniyevykh i clektrodn. z-dov, 1957, Nr 1,
pp 13-20
ABSTRACT: A presentation is made of the major trends in the develop-
i-nent of alurnina production-. The utilization of complex types
of raw material, increases in the capacities of alumina depart-
ment, modernization of equipment design and - in particular -
sintering processes, reductions in the consumption of raw
materials and energy, increase in productivity, and improve-
ment in working conditions. Examination is made of the plan-
ning solutions of various conversions occurring in the produc-
tion process: Acceptance of ore and conditioning it to uniform
properties, receipt and storage of materials in powdered form
Card I/Z for metering into and grinding with the raw material, sintering
New Engineering Solutions in the Design of Alumina Plants
of the charge in rotary ovens, leaching of the sinter and separation of the
slime from the solution, thickening and filtration of the slimes and the
Al(OH)3, and decomposition of aluminate solutions by evaporating return
solutions. Ideas are put forth on the introduction of sintering processes for
nepheline and bauxite mixtures, and for fluidized-solid calcination and cool-
ing of alumina. Problems of mechanization of minor processes in alurnina
production are examined.
V. Shch.
1. Aluminum--l-roduction 2. Industrial plants--Design
Card 2/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 10, p 51 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Agranovskiy, A.A., Labutin, G.V.
TITLE: Comple`xr-ro`cessin~g-Alunite Ore (Kompleksnaya perera-
botka alunitovoy rudy)
PERIODICAL: V ab.: Legkiy--. metally. Nr 4. Leningrad, 1957, pp 51-55
ABSTRACT: The complex processing of the ore envisages utilization of
all its useful components: A1203, S03, NaZO, and KZO. The
caustic, ammonia- caustic, and reduction methods of process-
ing the ore are examined. The last yields the beat technical
and economic indices. The method is based on removing the
S03 in the Al sulfate by reducing roast with a gaseous or vapor-
izing liquid reductant, The roast gases contain up to 707o S02.
The roasting is performed in fluidized- solids furnaces. Reduc-
tion in accordance with the countercurrent principle provides
9516 decomposition of the AlZ(S04)3. The reduced ore is
leached at 1000C by circulating caustic solution containing 120
g NaZO/liter. The aluminate solution is freed of silicon at
Ca:rd 1/2 1050 and is centrifugid.* As the solution is evaporated after
SOV/ 137-58-10-20696
Complex Processing of Alunite Ore
separation of the Al hydroxide, Na and K sulfates are liberated. Sintering
of a portion of the resultant sulfates with the return hydroxide and leaching
of the Na aluminate derived compensate for the loss of caustic in the pro-
cess. The reducing method, with a sintering arm, makes it possible to
obtain AIZO3, HZS04, and KZS04- L. P.
1. Aluminum-potassium-sulfate--Px~ocessing 2. Minerals--Separation 3. Centrifuges
--Applications 4. Sulfates--Sintering
Card 2/2
USSR/Zooprasitolouy - Pnr3sitic Worms. G
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol-, No 1, 1959) 950
Author Ap:rauovskiy, A.M.
List Lci.inLrad Sanitatio!i and Hy&icia Medical L,,stitute
Title Sa:iitary-HeInintholo-'ic 'u-Z.LysiS of Fish as the Mea,,.,G of
Prophylaxis of Diphyllobothri3sis
Orig Pub : Tr- Loning. san.-aigiyeli. ned. in-ta, 1958, 44, 283-
Abstract : For the p-,,xpose of lowerina the morbidity rate of diphyl-
lobothriasis a system is presei-~ted by nea%s of sa*.itary-
helraii,thologic mmlyses of fish (F) ard Licludes L; the
determination a series of such exardnations and an nttai-1-
ment of F affected by larvae of the tapcworra (T). The
sy6tcu Licltides: organization of the st,,.dy of F for iii-
fectioi, by T, establishmeiit of the intensity of infectio*2
Card 113
- 12 -
USSR/Zooprnsitoloey , Parasitic Worns. G
Abs Jotir Ref 71lur Biol., No 1, 1959, 950
Of F i:i i-,.,dividilzl water basins (water basin regions),
establishmei,t of a permissible norm for the atmber of
T, ai;d the order of r-ses of F in relation to the data
of the investigatioa. ~t~zdies of straii--s of F of pri--
mary i-.,-.temed-iate hosts of Vae tapeworm are extensively
condlicted once every 10 years by activities of the sani-
tary-epidenioloGical plants. Sampling of F in lakes ni-A
inlets was arranged every 125 - 150 IG-.1 and i!; rivers
every 100 - 125 ku. Small water basins were explorod iii
olie ---At- 75 specimens (25 of the large species aild 50
small) were examined, and coi;lplete helmiuthologic explo-
ratioiis were performed with conversioi-, of the number of
T il~ I kg of prodict. In determiidiiG the degree of con-
tarAnation of F by T, the former were divided into two
groups: F used for food p',xposes on. gei,eral groriids,
ai,,d F conditiomlly suitable , usable -after special
treatment and decontardimtion. To the secoiid gro p
Card 2/3
USSR/Zooparasitoloa - Parasitic Worms.
Abs Jour Ref &iur Biol., NO 1, 1959, 950
belo-nLed F, having oil an average of 1 k- weid't 10 T
,,%I'd more ill tuff) 8 ir.. perch, 4 in e4pout, and 3 ii,
pike. The hazard of this gro~'.p J0, J..-Isiplifi-
ca;it, but it is iiecessary to treat them thro.-Lt the
preparatioii of caj.~ned foods) pickling, etc. For the
sm,all species of F (pe-,-ch, rjIff)) lient treatmert by
frying for 15 - 20 millutes is sufficient. -- L.P.
USSR/Electricity - Installation Regialer- Oct' 50
Electrical Equipment
1-4 Ragul;ations for Installing Electrotechnical
Equipment,"'D. V. Agranovskiy, Engr,'Teplo-
elektroproyekt Trust, P. F. SolovIyev, Engr,
'Glavelektromontazh Trust.) Min of Constr-of
Heavy Tnd Enterprises,.-M. S. Trifell, Engr, Baku
I .
"Elektrichestvo" No 10, pp 88-90
Concludes discussion conducted by editor an re&
ulations for installing electrotechnical equip -
ment, and cl&ims exchange of vievs:between all
USSR/Electr;Lcity - Insti3latioL Reguls- Oct 50
interested branches has been of great value. Con-
clusions reached were expected to influence meeting
convened by VNITOE at Leningrad in Oct 50 to discuss
All-Union regulations on this subject.
Translation from: Referati~~nvy zhurnal
AUTHOR: Agranovskiy, G. A,
SO'Ji 1 -,17-50- 2-44 121
Mciallurgiva, lQ59. Nr 2, p 297 (USSR)
TITLE: Selection -)I Protective Atmospliei-es-ai,-LlSe'lec.t'L-onoi Standard Indus-
trial Apparatus tor Their Preparation C Podbor zas'lichiinykh ainiosier
i vybor Upovykh promyshlennykii ki~itanovok dlya ikh prigotovlicniva)
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Materialy Soveshchaniya glavn. metallurgov z-do%- i in-tov
avtomob. prorn-sti. Nr 3. Moscow, 1958, pp IZ7-13i
ABSTRACT: An intermittent- action apparatus for the control of the moisture
content of the atmosphere (A) was co-, ' tructed. and its automalion is
being developed in the thermal division of the NJITavtoprom (Scientific
Research Institute of the Motor Nr ehicles Industry), The caktl~co:on of
the mechanics and ec'onomics of 14 projects for creating a comrolled
A leads to two projects which produce gas at tne lowest cost per nO.
1) Endothermic A, and 2) Exothermic A without. the removal of C02
and H20. A catalyst for the endothermic A was selected. Exotbermic
A without the removal of C02 and H20 are suitable onIv for the protec
tion of low-carbon steel ., whereas purified eyotheri-nic A are suitable
Card 112 for high-carbon. steel, also. However, they are less efficient than
SOV-1, -~'7-5---- --'- -14' 1 ?
Selection of Protective Atmospheres and Selection of SU-indard Industrial (cont.)
endothermic A. Industrial endothermic A generators have been put into operation in
the Moscow im. Likhachev automobile plant.
A. S-
Card 212
I Engineers 0. A. Agranovskiy, No M. Levitanskaya, A. Go Kalinin (NIIAvtoprom),
Go Yet Litv:Ln. A* A@ 1hdatnikov (Automobile Works imen-I Likhachev) were awarded the
First N. A. Minkevich Prize for the paper "Investigation and Introduction of a
Standard., Controlled Atmosphere for 11eat Treatment and Chemical-fleat Treatment of
Steel", wherein these authors propose an original method of purification of town
gas by passing it through zinc-chromium catalysts*
Results of the 1958 Competition for Obtaining imeni D* K. Chernov and imeni
No At Minkevich Prizeso Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obi-abotka metallov~
1959, No. 6, pp 62-64
AGRANOVSKIY, G.G. (Leningrad)
Precast foundations under machinery with dynamic Rads. Oon.pfund.
i m9kh,grun, 6 no,,6s22-23 164o (MUU 1811)
AGRANOVSKjy.. O.G. (Leningrad)
Conference on Precast Reinforced Concrete Foundations under
Machinery. Oen., fund. i makh. grun. 7 no.3332 165.
(MIRA 18:6)
Results of the eyamination of precast and precast monolithic
fotindations for machinery. Pra,..stroi. 43 no.120:20-21 165.
(MIRA 18:12)
) -6
"Beyond the Arctic Circle)" Krestlyanka, 30, NO-4, 195Z
) A.,
"In the Kuban# Steppes)" Krestlyarika, 31, No-~, 1952
In memory of Vladimir Sergeevich Smurov, 1897-1965. Kbim.
volok. no.208 165. (MIRA 18s6)
Operation of a pilot electric Pirnace for the production of
hydroj,nn an1fide. Milm.volok. no.1:40-45 '59. (141Rt 12:8)
1. Vsosopiznyy nauchno-issladovatel'skiy Institut iskus8tvennogo
(Electric furrutces) (Hydrogen sulfide)
Electric condictivity of the carbon containing materials used in the
production of carbon disulfide. Khim. volok. no.3:40-44 165.
(MIRA 18:7)
1. Leningradskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo institut
Isk-usstvennogo volokna.
~,L6-5293-65 WTM liTW(EH)-
ACCEZS10IN M kP5020416 n/0~7175/65/000/008/0076/0079
Zabre-v, A. F. F]r,gineer, i~y X , v,,,, Doctor )f
--"i hiethu" of measuring ~Rmeterr, of the motion of -iWo3ectiles Undex
SJ!,:RCEi Viorskoy aboraik, no. 8, 1")61..
TOPIC TAG'St undervatex P-hQ!QsrAr,4p Iraok-ing Bystem2 underwater ballistics,
underwater "oustion, underwater camera, underwater uo=d eq'uipment, torpedo
AjY6T1ACT-- low in he high coat of magnetic systems for t4Z---
le -3radil- ---tb- A-w- -mfio- ayetems - Used -on---ai
travel time, The particular ty-pe of equipment uzed nnd t1he arrangement of the
7- 77-77
Radzllar,:)v, M,M
3'/16 9i6o/000,1,,OCI-41,100~/O 12
A 104 /A I
LE. Fros~ie_*;*.Ing ihe me-,',od of refrac-ea wavei on 'he
aouthern slope of tare Kara-y~jj~ TaatTleaj
FERIODICAL* Akademlya naak T-arliurnerskc-I SSR~ Seyllya fllz~k-,-,-,~~Iln,'.-
cheakikh, khlmlcheBklkh I na-Lik, nc~,. 4, 1~-~O, 46-52
The, aivan t ages of -be f r ef - a - (FMFV)
fcr the pros pe of the Kara.-Kum
z;eQial intlereat af-~er rich gas wells wer- z,r.-k --i. -x~ Qf the
oen-ral region near Darvaza, Shi.Ikh ` in.? i::~--:-ern cf xie
Kara-Kum i_- covered w-l-!h a wide s * ra -r, w. :- i !i: a cland,
ir-'ersr,ersed tj ~21av layers. Gro,.LiJ
f ~C.. W.. KMF;
reglLbtered a numler'.of :refracted wavc-E.
within Tertiary depos~,.ts in ar,cna2eri-~ (7r~*-
na,c~ ir.:- Anc,;n. 1 ~~:i:A A oomp ar I -
y ve.Ao..Ities of 41.he mos,~ int.-~nz.
Ii~ I 5L A I ii, K 2 -? C-1
acin of st.ratum i~o tcwidary Zh~4n
+~he fcrmer by 1.4 - !.6. This shad,;- T,-,h~j
Oard 1/4
Frospecting by the correiation met-hod
A 10 J-/A I -Y j
eminently suitable for -Investligat.'or-4z C f 0 r 17-. -3.1 -_V~d r -2,Z.1 R j t 7
..-his area. IMPV Invez".11gationE an.4 n R
and we-a oarried k) (,, b-'126 - chftrnt-"' ZI,7) 1 9 15 1 - zum.
frequenoy retponse of modifted amp", -1f.-cr,43 vi;, r;-i.~hi-j 3~ 25 01-48
(3F-48) aeismcgraphs with a na~'Ural 2~ a_--J a, r~*~,.-,,,ir5 rf
o2cillations. !be diatance f 1, - rr, km.
lhe ne't of Profilee formed close po-Ijgoni, a'. a ma-Kia.,ir., T,,1r.Ime7-,4r of 140 kz. E)r.-
perlmental data proved that- the waveB !::) rcundi_
rIes are distinguiBhed by recording ex-
tracing ranges, The seiemlo prcfiIez on hDdogra werr- ~crrplllel
according to 41*0 and +,-'me fiqlds la.d d,~sm 'vi ~_I.D,. G-arn'turtse-i (Ref. 1~: "Yorrela~w._
onnyy metod prelomlennykh voln" [eorrela-'i.on method of refrac-~ea. waved), Akadem-
izdat. 1952). The method was applied to 1-1.5 m deep refra3Ting bic~undaries!
deeper boundaries were shown with the help of -I~ime fields and ray diagrams Vith
due coiisideration to the vertical mean velo.--ry gradler,"% 'The rPaa'!.iVEerroz4HjI
at Vhe determination of the dep'~h of b.-ounda-;, ',IreB d'ae t,: inar.-ilrat-e
~~J.on of boundary velocity Vr ie calculat'sl a12_-rding Io.
Card 2/4
s116516010Y6M' 4/00~/~-
T)_Prospeoting by the correlation method
4V .VX6
n-VIVrs LVr'-Vr-Veff Q\-Vr absolute error in the determination of velocit
The Izgant Fold revealed refracted strata bedded in Tertiary and upper-Cretace,ow.
deposits; it forms a sub-latitudinal brachyanticline. The structure of Kazy'
has been prepared for deep drilling, The structural layout was traced along
the refracting stratum with Vr = 5,500 - 5,700 m/sec and bedded in Cretaceous
deposits. Two furiher not 6efined strubtural complexes were revealed north-
west of' Kazzy, their preaence appears to confirm the theory of Yu.N. Godin (Refj
21 "Glubinnoye geologicheskoye stroyoniye Turkmenii i yego izueheniye geofizil.
oheskimi metodamill [Plutonio geological formations of Turk-menia and the explora-.
tion by geophysical methods], 1959) on the existence of a Tuarkyr - Karatakshins-k
kiy Bank. Described explorations provide the basis for further prospecting of
sloping structures by the WV method in the region of Southern Kara-Kum. There
are 5 figures, 1 table and 5 Soviet-bloc references.
Card 3/4
Prospecting by the correlation method ... Aio4/Ai29
ASSOCIATIONI Upravleniye geologii I okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Turkmen-
skoy SSR (Administration of Geology and Protection of Mineral Ro-
sources In the Council of Ministers of the Tur-kmenskaya SSR)
SUBMITTEDs March 1, 19.60
0603~a- Table 1: Boundary velocities of refracted waves
PB11011 quille Vr (M/ce1c.)
a) Area
BOX" b) Design waves
lbrairr 1,' 3200-3400, a) Vr (m/sec)
tj 3900-4000
tj 4500-4600
t, 64UU-65OU
tj 2600-2700
t, 3200-3300
t, 15500-6700
Card 4)~
3, o o E191/E381
AUTHORS- Eadzhabov,--M.M. and Agranovskiy.,-L..Ye.
Determination of the
TITLE. Depth and Vrof2 e 6:~e
Separation Boundary from the Individual Transverse
Hodographs o0kefracted Waves
PERIODICAL. Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya
geofizicheskaya, 196o, No. 6, pp. 854 - 862
+ 2 plates
TEXT: The problem of determining the profile of the refracting
boundary from the indi-,idual transverse hodograph is considered
for the case of a single flat inclined separation boundary.
Formulae are given for determining the depths of the
refracting boundary in the immersion zone from the individual
transverse hodographs of refracted waves at each point of the
profile. The errors in the determination of the effective
depths of the refracting boundary in the immei-sion zone are
considered. The accuracy of the determination of the profile
of the refracting boundary in the immersion zone is formulated.
Examples of experimental data are given, It is shown that
Card 1/3
Determination of the Depth and Profile of the Separatior
Boundary from the Individual Transverse Hodographs of
Refracted Waves
only in the case of a straight line transverse profile
orientated across the direction of* the spread of the
refracting boundary and on condition that the separation
boundary along the perpendicular line is horizontal, does
the individual transverse hodograph of the refracted wave
at given values of the velocities in the top layer and the
refracting layer offer the possibility of determining the
depths at each point of the line of observation. Under actual
conditions, these requirements are satisfied adequately in
the exploration of structural elements of the type of an
inclined monocline layer. In all other cases., additional
data are required apart from the values of the velocities.
When these data are known, the formulae given permit the plot
of the boundary of separation, also in the case when the
boundary velocity in the refracting layer varies along the
Card 2/3
25th anniversary of the hoard of Ser.
fiz.-tckh., khim. i geol. Tiaul, nn.,`:2:'-.'5
1. llpravleniye gt)ol-oi;ii i okhrany riedr pri Sovete ilinl3trov Turk-
1"lanskoy SSR.
Elootric conductivity of carbon-containing materials used in the
production of carbon dioulfide. Report.Vol. Khimvoloke,
nos3:39"41 161. Niu 34:6)
1, Leningradokiy filial Voesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo
institute, lokusstvennogo volokrao
(Carbon disulfide)
(Coal-Electric properties)
AP6024083 SOURCK 65F-,i )5/o2j6
A"10R.. zavlyalov. A- S-1 qet'rAn__,.Af,_A,; Holchanov, V, D,; Krasyuk, N. pot
Agranovskiy K. Yne; Borgor As Yao) Groyort Le K&- Yesakov V, Ps; flillor, Yes Val
Pyatman, VT.; WE 0 F - - # -
-yatin, VONA Gu-banov,-V. V.; Orans , Hs I.; Yevs0yev, 110 Yost
-Merkin-, Go Bs; inollnibv-, Yes M.; Avilov-KarnatiZio-v,-D.-R.-;--IlFgurJi, A. Ml
DoVi~~cv,T P.; Pokk6r, ;-Th0rnyav-sTdy-,-7s Is
ORG- none-
TITIZ: 0* Be Bron (on his 70th birtliday)
SOURCE-a IVUZ. Elektromokhanika, no.,2, 1966, 235-236
TOPIC, TAGS: electric engineering personnel, circuit broakor
ABSTRAM Osip Borisovich Bron was born In 1896 in Klintsi. In 1920, he graduated
from tho physics-math facultY of Khartk!lyT~clmqlogicnljnntitUte, He bocam a pro-
fossor in 1930- lie defendod-his doctor's Du~ the second world
war, ho was in tho navy. After demobilization in 1950, Engineer Colonel Pron iient to
work toaching at the 11j'anin ad Tndustrial Correspondence Schools Ile became Uia )lead
j~ --
of the Chair of Thoo Jjasos of Electrical Techno'logy U-1 1958* Ito is alosrAY
associated with scientific and dovelopment work, and has cooperated closo2y in this
area with the Leninaad IT,-lektrosllall plant since 194,6# Ilis work has boon in the
aroas of spark-Zamping and hiNi-power -qU-quit breakers. lie has published over 140
scientific works mid 19 inventions,, Lj-PR-J7
SO CODE: 05, 09 / SUBM DAM none
312 p.
Oft 9
Sig 1jav.];3!3~411
fill,, , " lo', m "
At I fill.
"Sakhiurt" means spark. IUn.tekh. 5 no-3:13-14 Mr 161.
(MIRA 14:6)
(Buryat Mongolia--Building stones)
GlU N )V h t Y,
Nfiw syntem cl l"ni: S.~,.Ill T., -T, find, f "I Dating
elvotr,,~; cratws. Ar 16Z.
f,m , T
.t,. lisio
Alil? ' UCX~4-" '~Y , Y', V o 9 :,~ ~, ' 3' 1 1. '-' * . ~
E IV 'Ur Ing q(jj-jL i rql It. - W I", - ~ I.- -40~,trjc, ~ej\jvs C-f
OtIckC-L w-.'.nchv,,3 ".-. , '1'~ .. i. LjVT 110,71 - `,' (" 4-
I I I ,
AGRANMKIT, Z.H., dotgent.
-_~. "' " -.-~ ~- ': , ~~ , . - , :, ,
rroblems of food hygiene as illustrated in Russian manuscript me-
dioal books of the 17th and 18th century. Trudy LBGKI 14:211-219
'53. MU 7 -'9 )
(Food--Early works to 1800)
USSS edi_cine__-_Nu_tri-V1o-n
Card 1/1 Pub. 141/-' ~7/1`9
Author : Agranovskiy, Z. M.; Gessen) A. I. (Reviewed by Bychkov, I. Ya.)
Title ! Guide for specialization of subordinates in nutritional hygiene
Periodical : Vop. pit., 47-48, Jul/Aug 1955
Abstract : Gives favorable review of above guide for students about to become spe-
cialists in nutritional bygiene. The few errors found in the book axe
due to faulty editing, according to the reviewer. No references.
1- AGUNOVSKIYO_ Z.1)4.~_
Sasic problems of hygiene in
L3GHI 25:5-11 155-
in Russia,
studying public nutrition. Trudy
(HIRA, 1218)
hyg. aspects (RUB))
Problems In the epidemiology and prevention of diphyllobothriasio
in fishing areas. Trudy LSGMI 25:127-167 155.- (MIXk 12:8)
1. Kafedra gigiyany pitaniya Leningradakogo sanitarno-gigiveniclip-
sko (sav. kafedroy - ~ j
go maditainakogo inatituta q,,).
(TAPSWORN, INFECTION, epidemiology,
dip1*11obothriania in Russia, in fisherman (Rua))
Sanitary and epidemiological considerations on food poisoning.
Trudy LSGNI 25:177-188 155. (MIRA'12:8)
1. Kafedra, gigiyeny pitaniya Leningradskogo eanitarino-gigivenleho-
skogo moditsinskogo institute, (zav. ktf edroy - doteent -Z,M. Agranovskiy).
AGWOVSKIY, Z.M.p dotsent
Method and practices in teaAing a course in the hygiene of nutrition.
Trudy LSGMI 360~-81 156. (MIRA 14:1)
AGRANOVSKIY, Z. 1-1,.: Doc Med Sci (diss) -- "Diphyllobothriasis as a problem in
- - -- ----
marginal pathology". Leningrad, 1958. 53 pp (Min Health RSFSR, Leningrad
Sanitary-Ilygiene Med Inst), 300 copies (K1,, No 6, 1959, 140)
laborator7 work in food bygione,0 Reviewed by Z.M.
Agranovskii. VOP-Pit. 17 no.3:90-91 1~-Jo 158. (MIIIA 11:6)
Problems of food hygiene in ffFood regulations"; on the 200th
anniversary of the first edition. Vop.pite 17 no,6:64-67
X-D 158, (MIRA 12:2)
1. Iz kafedry g1glyeny pitaniya Leningradskop canitarno-giglye-
nichoskogo meditainsk-ogo instituta.
AGRANOVSKffq Z.M., dote
Sanitary and holUinthOlOgical examination of fish as a means of
preventing diphyllobothriasis [with summary in English]; Trudy
LSGHI 44:283-306 158 (MIRA 11112)
L Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy giglyenZ pitaniYa Leningradskogo asnitarno-
g;giyenichookogo meditsinskogo instituta;
(TAPEWORM I M CTION, prov. & control.
examo of fish prove of dipbyllobothriaele (Rus))
FISH, exam in prev. of diphyllobothriasia (Rue))
fish exam. in prove of diphyllobothriasis (Rue))
S C,
'.01,terl nt t of 0
I ~"J Cc . , -
AGRAINOVSKIY, Rhaim-Zalman (Zinoviy) Mendelov (Mrkovich) for Doo Mod Sci oil the
basis of dissortntion defended 2 Fab 59 in t:he Comicil of Lon Snnitpry Hyt;ie3lif.-
. . .1r, .11
Led Inst, entitled "Diphyllobothriosis as a problem of margi=l pptholof.-,,."
(B!.fViSSO USSR, 1-61, 2o)
"Food hygiene" by A.V.Reisler. Reviewed by Z.H.Agranovskil.
Vop.pit. 18 no.2:91-94 Mr-Ap '59. (MM 12:5)
AGRANOVSKIY, Z.H.. dotsent
Exporimental investigation on the effect of various physico-
chemical factors on the survival of Diphyllobothriiun latum
plerocercoid and their significance for the prevention of
diphyllobothriasis. Report No.l. Trudy LSGMI no.47:7-70
'59. (KIRK 12:9)
1. Kafedra, gigiyeny pitaniya Leningradskogo sanitarno-piglyeniche-
skogo meditainslcogo institute, (zav.kafedroy - doteent Z.H.Agranov-
(FISH. parasitology)
-___:AGRh11OVSKIY 2.14. dotsent
1hparimental investigation on the effect of various physico-
chemical factors on the survival of Diphyllobothrium latum
plerocercold and their significance for the prevention of
diphyllobothriusis. Report No.2. Trudy LSGMI no.47:71-113
'59. (14IR& 12:9)
1. Kafedra. gigiyany pitaniya, Leningradekogo sanitarno-gigiyanichs-
skogo, maditainakogo institute. (zav.kafedroy - doteent Z.H.Agranov-
(FISH - parasitology)
Cofiference of graduateo in vanitary medicine from the Lardngrad
Jwtitute of Sanitation and Hygiene, GI& i san,, no. IN10,3407
Clinio for alimentary diseases an an academic and scientific
basis for a department of the hygienie of nutrition. Vop.pit.
19 no.1:81-86 Ja-7 160. (MM 130)
1. Is Icafeary gigiyeny pitaniya (zav. - aoteent Z.Ho Agranovelciy)
Lening-radskogo oanitarno-gigiyanicheakogo meditsinakogo inatituta.
(BUT ITION education)
*Hygiele in p4blic eating establishments' by LIA. Moreinis.
Reviewed by AcM. Agranovskii. Voppit. 19 no-W8-89 J1-Ag 160.
(MIRA 13811)
Some causes of erroneous diagnosis and unsatisfactory sanitary and
epidemiological examination in food poisonings, Vop. it. 20 no.5:
72-74 S-0 161. ~~l 4: 10)
1. Iz kafedry pitaniya (zav. Z.M.Agranovskiy) i kliniki alimentarpftb
zaboloV&niy Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo
IVANOV, A.Ya., prof.,; AGRANOVSKIY. --prof.~ red.;
ANDREYEVA-GALANINA? Ye.Z., prof., red.; ANICHKOVp S-V., prof.p
red.; BABAYANTSp R.A., prof., red.; BASHENIN, V.A.Pprof., red.;
GUTKINP A.Ya.-, prof;, red.; &UffSHANOV, A.F., dotsent, red.; -
KLIONSKIY,, prof.,*red.; RYSS, S.M.-q prof., red.;
SMIRNOV, A.V., prof., zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, fed.;
TIKHOMIROV, P.Ye., prof., red.; CHISTOVICH, G.N., prof., red.
[New informative material on the methodology for sanitation of
the environment, and the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of
some diseases; results of research at the Leningrad Medical
Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene to assist in the practice of
public health] Novye informatsionnye material po metodike ozdorovleniia
Yneshnei sredy, preduprezhdeniiu, diagnostike i lecheniiu nekotorykh
zabolevanii;'rezulltaty nauchnykh issledovanii LSGMI v pomoshch,
praktike zdravookhraneniia. Leningrad, 1961. 105 p. (Leningrad.
Sanitarno-gigienicheskii meditsinskii institut. Trudy, vol.73). -
(MIRA 170)
1. Deystvitellnyy, chlen AMN SSSR (for Anichkov). 2. Chleny-
korreopondenty ANN SSSR (for Babayants, Ryss).
prof.; LEBEDEVA, Ye. A.; MAYKOVA, 0. P.;
Nutrition in old age as a hygienic problem and methods for its
combined study. Trudy LSGMI 67:8-.17 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Kafedra gigiyeny pitaniya s 'klinikoy alimentarnykh zabole-
vaniy Leningradskogo smAtarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo
instituta. (zav. kafedroy - prof. Z. M. Agranovskiy).
Distribution and characteristics of dipbyllobothriasis morbidity
in Leningrad. Trudy LSOMI 67t259-301 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Kafedra gigiyeny pitanlya a klinikoy alimentarnykh zabole-
vaniy Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenichoskogo maditsinskogo
instituta (save kafedroy - prof. Z. Me Agranovskiy).
_~~O ~1,-Z M. ; ZHUKOVA, N. M.
Some problems of pathogenesis in diphyllobothriaBis. Trudy LSGMI
67:309-325 162. (MIRA 15:1)
1. Xafedra gigiyeny pitaniya B klinikoy alimentarny-kh zabole-
vaniy Leningradakogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo
instituta (sav. kafedroy - prof. Z. M. Agranovskiy).
(Perape-,tives for the develcmant of nutriticirtal hyglene]
Perspektivy razvitiia gigiony pitaniia. Moskva, Medits-Inas
1964. 17 p. (MIRA 18:7)
SUBJECT: USSR/Luminescence 48-5-50/56
AUTHORSt Agranyan M.I. and Gorbachev N.V.
TITLE3 Manufacture of Luminescent Multiplication Paints and Their
Application 2"or Luminescent Filming (Izgotovleniye avetyash-
ohikheya mulltiplikatsionnykh krasok i primeneniye ikh pri
lyuminestsentnykh kinos"yemkakh)
PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akddemii Nauk SSSR, 3erlya Fizicheakaya, 1957, Vol
219 #5# pp 763-770 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Experimental research for the manufacture of luminescent paints
was carried out and methods of their application in multipli-
cation of movies were developed.
The basic raw material for the manufacture of luminescent
paints are: zinc-aulfide and cadmium-sulfide luminophores
produced by the "Krasnyy Khimik" plant, and lumogen produced
by the KharIkoy Plant of Chemical Reagents.
An a reault of experimentation, 24 paints were produced. They
can well be photographed on the 3-layer color cinema-film.
Card 1/3 Ten of them are mixtures of luminophores and pigments, and
TITLEs Manufacture of Luminescent Multiplication Paints and Their
Application for Luminescent Filming (Izgotovleniye evetyash-
chikheya mulltip'i6ikatsionnykh kra3ok i primeniye ikh pri
,.,I*lyumineateentnykh kinoslyemkakh)
were dovised to contain saturated colors for filming in mixed
light. Ton others were produced without pigments, and were
devised for filming under ultraviolet illumination alone~ The
two-year experience of using them has shown that these paints
fully met the requirements of multiple filming. They possess
a good adhesion to-celluloid sheets, sufficiently elastic,
and dry quickly. The composition and color characteristics
of these paints are given in Table 1 of the paper.
A comparison of conventional and luminescent paints used for
cinema films led to a conclusion that luminescent paints gave
colors of greater purity than the conventional ones.
The luminescent paints were used in several movies produced
by the studio "Soyuzmul,itfillm" (Union Multiplication Film)
during the time from 1954 to 1956.
Luminescent paints are of special importance for representing
such light effects as polar light, fireworks, rainbows, thunder-
st6rms, etc.
Card 2/3 8
AGRATINA, Anatolie, 4
lln~ ,
Following upthelabor productavity in the leather industry,
Jndi-.3tria us,,ura 12 no-1:4-6 Ja 165.
1. Director of the :28 Mail' Enterprise, Medias.
AGRAYEV, V. A. (Gor'kiy)
"Concerning the Algorithm of Translation of French Texts by the Calculated
Technique in Russian."
Theses - Conference on Machine Translations, 15-21 May 1958, Moscow.
A C C N il,.
SOURCE COM UR/0000/66/000/000/0013/0014
AUTHORt Agreq A. L.; Ivano
V~ V. M.; Truichachovp Vo T,
ORM none
TITLE., Problem of the possibility of mineralizing water-focal mixtures by the
pressure cooking method [Paper presented at conference on problems of space
medicine hold In Moscow from-24-27-May-1960,-
SOURCE: Konforentslya po, problemam kosmicheskoy meditsiny,, 19669 Proble~y
kosmicheskoy meditsiny. -(Problems-of space medicine); materialy konforentsiLp
~bscowo 19660 13-14
TOPIC TAGS: life support systemg biologic metabolismp metabolic waste
ossib e.-to .. m-inera lid
e d'
emonstr.ate thatit-isp.
!90-937o of a urine-fechl mixture by a pressure cooking (wet combustion)
method' with air as them oxidizing agent._--.---
Card 1/3
The effects of various factors (tem'p'erature, 'p*r*e'ss'ur'e, and dura'*_tio'nj'_7_.
were carefully studied under laboratory conditions.. The relationships
between feces and water, the required amount of the oxidizing agent
(oxygen of tile air) and the degree of mineralization were carefully olfserved.
The degree of mineralization was determined on the basis of the
difference between the initial chemical oxygen requiren~eht and its
terminal value expressed in terms of percentage. The chemical require-
ment of oxygen was determined by a bichromatic method.
in the coursd-6f the'bxpekinients it was determined that the. optimum
duration of'cooking was 2 hr, with a temperature of 275* C, and pressure
ibetween 120 and 130 atm: This process, which develops a slight excess
?f air-oxygen in comparison with the initial chomical-oxygen roquiromont,
vesults In mineralization of 00-93% of the fecal mixture.
The liquid which f6rms after mineralization is a transparent solvent
with a specific aroma and a small amount of flaky sedimcnt~whicli con-
sists largely of non-water- soluble calcium and magnesium salts. The
gas which forms during mineralization of the water-fecal mixture consists
chiefly.of carbon dioxide and residual.oxygen and
T. 08
The water-fecal solvents which result from the pressure cooking
nethod contain 5-7% residudl organic substances, which act as
nhibitors during cultivation of higher and lower plants on a mineralizedi
sults in a
-nedium. The extracti6n of residual organic substances re
iutrientt solution whicIj,is-nQntoxip Dlants 1'*',CW. A. No. 22; ATD Report 66-IIE
Distribution of radioactive pollutions in stagnant water. Med.
rad. 5 no.1:67-73 Ja 160. (MIRA 15:3)
1, Iz kafedry biofiziki biologo-pochvemogo fakullteta
Moskovskogo gosudarstvemogo universiteta,
KOLIS, 011ga Romanovna; LIMAPYTKO, Iya Vikhaylovna. Priniinal uchastlye
ACRE _Aj,,$--TARUSOV, B,14,., prof.., red.; CHERUSOVA, V.I,,, red.
Ti~d--~va; YEZHOVA, L,L,,, tekhn. red.
[Practical work in general biophysics in eight issues)Fraktikum
po obsbehei biofizike v vosImi vypuskakh. Pod obshchei red.
B.H.Tarusova. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo ItVysshaia shkola." No.6. (Work
with radioactive isotopes]Rabota s radioaktivnymi izotopami,
1962. 202 p. (MIRA 15:10)
Ar~~, A.L.; AGAFONGVt B.M.
Some data on the migration of cesium and strontium radioisotopes
from reservoirs with slow circulation. Report No.l. Biul.MOIP.
Otd.biol. 67 no.3tl54-155 Yv-Je 162. (KRA 15:11)
(Radioisotopes) (Water-Purification)
Biological concentration of minute quantitie,9 of cesium and strontium
in reservoirs with slow circulation. Report No.2. Biul.MIP.Otd.
biol. 67 no.)tl55-156 my-je 162. (KRA 15:11)
(Plants, Effect of radioactivi ty on) (Water--Purification)
Effect of the varJous blomass of aquatic. plants on the concentra-
tion of microquantities of cesium and strontium in tanks with
slow circulation. Biul.WIP.Otd.biol. 67 no.5:120-127 S-0 162.
(MIRA 15:10)
Accumulation of radiostrontium by hydrophytes and detritus. Biul.
MOIF. Otd, biol, 68 no.1:133-137 Ja-F 163, (MDIA 17;4)
AGRF I A.L.; 140WHANoVA, 1. V.; 111~'~ei.'FYFV-'~!!~.;OV",K[Y, N~V.
- lf-purific.--ition of wate.- F-3 of' water
,,:; f- .1 jr, L-rji ,
with stow circulation aL diff'erent spt.,cds and v,)Iurme of water
and ceqium concentration. Mul. 11.011'. Otd. blol. 69 no. 31
,-0-24 Illy-Ju 164. 1 L -A
(111W 17,7)
Accumulation of microquantities of strontium by green and
blue-green algae. Fiziol. rast. 11 no.1:135-137 Ja-F 164.
(MIRA 17:2)
1. Akademiya kommunallnogo khozyaystva imeni K.D. Pamfilova,
577.7 577.391
AU7HOR: Timofeye-va, V. A.i_4&E-,
CoeflicieIA5 o1 8ccumulalio,, of 81ronliu,;-91 by fr--sh-water plimts from
solutions differing in specific activity
SOURCE. Radiobio-logiya, v. 5, no. 3, 1965, 457-458
TOPIC TAGS: stroritium- 90, radiobiclogy, hydr-otiology, algae, radioisotope, radio-
ABSTRAM The authors present the results of experiments on the relationship be-
tween the coefficient of accumulation of Sr9o ~' I
IN, the f-,esh-water plants Elodea
an~ r~~dcphom 'fn-,cta ~, tZ 9-1 *hP -1,-TiVity Of MiCPDC.On-
centrations of t'ie radioisotoDe. (T'he co-efficiei-.t is T-le ratio of
the concentration of an eleme;it in some substance to its concentration in water.)
Tws series of experiments were perforned-, (1) L4 modificatiorns w-ith Eto&!a (with
5, 10-E,' 1,_7 1 ."-A - I , .
Sr9c) concentrations )f 10- -,--eaten 6 ti.mes; (2) 2
m,D~fications with Ctadophora (with Srs6l :Lon~entrati3ns cf 10 and 10-~' c/liter)
repeated 4 times. mince the Sr9o --oncentra*;on was fcun-~ tc, increase in both
species of planta in
90 ------- Q--
efficlents of Sr accumulation remained constant, with an average value of-5 0 f6f
Etodea and 754 for Cladophora. Thus, no: relationshIp was noted between tbe co-
of accumulation of Sr9o and i-.s activi That Is to say, there
rj 2-, c a:,,n ~) f an " i s ~ t D T i -- e fF- - --e r~ -is las eOrig. art.
ON Instit!It biologii UFAN SSSF', of B-olojy, UFAN
-REF SOV: 0C),
Card 21
-6 m
_L 07~70 L Er T
ACC NR: AM030291 -'-'--~olikk-d-bbti7-Wo240/66/oc)0/008/0117/0119---
AUTHORs RovJnskiy, F. YA. (Candidato of Chomical Scioncos); Apra, A. L. andidate of,
Biological Sciences)
ORG: Institute of Applied Geophysics, Moscow (Institut prikladnoy geofiziki)
TITLE. Prediction of strontium 90 accumulation in fish
SOURGEi Gigiyena i sanitariya, no. 8, 1966, 117-119
TOPIC TAGS; strontium, isotope, radio strontium, radiation-V
food sanitation,
ABSTRACT: Under specific conditions tho Sr and Sr-O accumulation factors F. are equall
in magnitude if the chemical state of the Sr and Sr90 solutions is identical and the
accumulation time of Sr?O in the organism is long enough for the establishmdnt of an
equilibrium between the organism and the solution. In view of thi S it is possible to
predict maximum accumulations of Sr9D in fish under various specific conditions by the~~
determination of the F of Sr under the sano conditions. Experimental daterminatiops
of the Fa of Sr90, Sr, and Ca in parch, crucian C&rp, and one-Nar-old carp show that
1) a relationship exists between the F of Sr90 and the ty-ve 01' fish, 2) the F Sr90
a a
of the perch is highest and amounts to " 270, 3) the F. Sr9O of tho one-year_old carps
Card - 1/2 UDC: 614:31:639-21:614.777:546.42.02.90
ACC NR: AP6030291
.'is the lowest and amounts to V130, 4) the F Sr go of the crucia4 carp is of inter-
Imodiate value and amounts to /N-/ 190, 5) theamagnitude of F Sr+;e and of F Ca+2 in
~tho throe types of fish is the same as the Fa Sr90 magnitude, and 6) the ratio of
90 +2
!pa Sr % Fa practically-9quals 1 indicating that when the fish spends a sufficiontJ
Ilon- time in the water with the Sr90 and Sr+2 an equilibrium is established between the
I - +2 in the fish equals sr~U/Sr
,organism and the medium at which the Sr9O/Sr +2 in the !
;water. The method for predicting Sr90 accumulation is unsuitable for general appli-
!cation inasmuch as in highly contaminated water the mineral exchange between the water
Icould be disrupted owing to the radiation injury sustained by the fish. Orig. art.
!has: 1 table.
~ISUB CODE: 06 suBm DATF,: 16jun65/ ORIG REF: OOV OTH REF: 001
ACC NR, SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/DOO/DOOfDOl2/6DI-3-----
re _T.; Tsitovic-hj..
A. L.-; N1 lovskay!~,A!
Varlamov, 7; M6]~~Ovic.h., I. L,_--
ORG: none
TITLE: Experimental investigation of the possibility of cultivating higher plants
on a nutrient medium of biological vilneralizors under conditions of a closed gas
cycle Glaper presented at conference on problems of space medicine hold In Macow
from 24-27 may 1966)
SOURCE., 1~onferenvsiya po problemam 1cosmicheskoy maditsiny, 1966. Problemy
kosmiches1koy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materIaly konfe.rantall,
lbscow, 1966, 12-13
TOPIC TAGS: life support system, closed ecological system, plant physiologyp'
pliotosynLhesis, plant metabolism
The creatioz i of a closed cycle of substances for experimental
ecological systems is unthinkable without a stage of recycling human
metabolic wastes, in order to transform organic substances- iji~q-.qj
for mineral feeding Sjf~ower and higher auto' trophs.,.-
a 1/3
ACC NR: JU6036467
One of the possible and r ising meth' Ids of m ~' erali 'g h -man
p om 0 in zin U
-as with
metabolic wastes is to use aerobic oxidation of organic materi,
the aid of biocenosis of microorganisms, carried out in a biological
Tnineralization chamber. At tho present time, the aeration tank
:(aerotank) as a biological mineralization chamber is highly developed
from the point of view of both engineering and construction and is quite
.useful for conducting experiments with short closed cycles.
In these experiments (the- very first), two linked but contradictory
processes were utilized. The first process was the synthesis of organic
compounds from inorganic ones using the energy of light (photosynthesis
o -daher plants). The second process was the biochemical oxidation of
organic substances (mineralization of the urine and fecal mixture in the
aeration chamber).
Hig1jer plants Oicad cabbage) were grown for a period of tivelve days
in an open assimilation chamber on a urine-fecal liquid which had been
mineralized biologically. After this, they were grown under conditions
;of a closed exchange of a gas-air mixture between 'the assimilation
chamber az)d the, aerationJank f -e;riods,Qf four and.eleven_,qq
ACC NRi AT 60 646'f-
DurAmicy the process of biological mineraliZatiOn, a cortain arnount of CO,
gas was e%tractod from tile aeralion t.-ink ind allowed to pass into the
assinii'lation chamber with tile hiz,,h(-!r plants. In turn, olxygen which had
been produced by tile plants passed into the aeration tank. These
experiments with tHe "assimilation chamber-aeration tank" system made
it possiblc to establish a practical gas exchange between higher plants
exi e
and the biocenosis of rnincrili7ing microorganisms. Tile ) riments
also established the possibility of using a mineralized urine-fecal liquid
as a nutrient medium for higher plants. In tile course of these
experiments a somewhat lowered photosynthetic rate was observed.
It is assumed that this can be explained by the action of some kind of
gaseous inioro-admixtures which are, metabolites of plan ts and of
activated sludge.
Experimentation with short. closed cycles of the "assimilation
chamber-aeration tank" type showed that they 'ZLI practical for obtaining
information necessary foi7jhe creation of closed ecological
tW.A.- No. 22; ATI) Report: 66-1167
SUB CODE: 06 / SuB~j DATEt Mlay66
Card 3/3 -- ),
AUTHORt YazdovskiY, V. I.; T.-itovich, S. I.; A-re, A. L.; Gusarov, B. G.;
Sinyak, Yu. Yo.; MIZ11ov, S. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: Transfoutintion of iinstes In a closed ecological system
SOURCt3: InternationnI Astronnuticnl Con.-rass. 17th, Hadrid, 1966. DOMAdy.
no. 10. 1966. 0 transformatsil piodtiktov zhiznedoyntellnosti chalovc~n i '
blokompleksa pri osushchestvlenii krugovoroto veshchestv v malyldi zamlaiutykh
pros trnns tvaldi, 1-7
TOPIC TAGS: life support .system, metabolic wastez closed ecolo3y syste-m-
Successful operation of life-support systems
based on partial recycling of substances depends on
mineralization of human wastes and other life-support
system byproducts, such as refuse fr'0111 the space green-
house, garbage, ete. Biological, phi, isical and chemical
methods of mineralization can be used alone'or in COT-1-
bination. Criteria foi6 Judging the efficiency of these
methods include the completeness of nineralization,
the degree of chemical composition and aggre-
Ccrd 1/ 6
ACC NRt AT7011648
gate state of the products., the'coefficient of return
of substances to the cycle, the weight and dimensions
of equipment, the expenditure of energy, and the toxi-
city of end products.
The high-temperature and catalytic oxidation methods
are most suitable for mineralizing solid.and dehydrated
human waste and ure-support systeiiii refuse. The high-temp-
erature method is technologically simple., but requires a
temperature of 700-800*C. However, it mineralizes near-
ly all wastes, producing ash and gaseous products 002.
sulfur oxides,~etc.). Within a range of combustion
regimes the mineral composition of the ash is fairly
'constant, although its physical and chemical properties
may change. One disadvantage of the high-temperature
method Is the possibility'of forming free nitrogen
which must be bound (with additional energy exple2ndipture).
It should be noted that some type of high-temperature
mineralization must be included in a life-support sys-
tem because this steD burns up the end-products of
other fo3~me of processing. This method can be success-
'fully used in partially closed systems.
Card 2/6
The catalytic oxidation method of mineralization
requires comparatively little energy and produces an
acid solution useful for dissolving ash and treating
nutrient media for autotrophs. Lower initial-tempera-
tures (2000C are required, and the abh formed by this.
inineralization process'Is more suitable for further
processing. However, experimental conditions must be
strictly controlled and long-acting, stable catalysts
must be found. The catalytic oxidation method can be
advantageously combined with the high-t-emporature
method previously described. This combination can be
used in partially closed systems, when the desired end-
product is solutions of mineral salts.
The "Pressure-cooking" method (oxidation of wastes
In the liquid state) utilizes-high pressure and high
temperature and can be used to mineralize liquid human
wastes, diluted urine-fecal mixtures and plant residue.
This complicated method deserves more study because it
produces a solution of mineral salts directly.- (Ming
to the variety of organic substances subjected to miner-
alization, it is difricult to obtain a solution of con-
stant composition. Experimental investigation of this
self-sustaining exothermal process showed 90% minerali-
Card 3/6