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soir/log..4-8-9/35 Influence of the Intermediate Electrodes on the Ignition Voltage of a Self-sustaining Discharge in a High-voltage Mercury Rectifier relatively to the curves of a 11free" gap. At a mercury vapour pressure of 4 x 10-3 mm Hg, the of a rectifier without inserts is about the presence of the inserts, it is about effect of the geometrical dimensions on also investigated: this is illustrated Curve 3 was taken for the tube with one thickness was 1.5 cm; Curve 4 was taken had a thickness of 3 cm. It is seen that the thickness of an insert, the Paschen shifted to the right. There are 6 figurets references. SUBMITrED: March 5, 1959 breakdown voltage 70 kV, while in 250 kV. The the inserts was in Figures 3, where insert, whose when the insert by increasing curves are again and 6 Soviet Card 3/3 ~ALMO=VfD.D.; OIJ=KAYA, X.F.; PTITSYK, S.V. rdect of intermediate elect*odes on the electric strength of a high-voltage rectifier. 1%v. NIIPT no,5:5-11 160, (MIRA 14S1) (Mercury-arc reotifiers-Cooling) AUTHORS: TITLE: Ils-ir 13 3 PERIODICAL: 27995 S/194/61/000/004/038/052 D201/D302 Aleksandrov,lD.D.,, Olendzkaya, N.F. and Ptinsin, S.V. The influence of intermediate electrodes on the elec- tric strength of a high voltage rectifier Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 4, 1961, 30-31, abstract 4 G204 (Izv. N.-i. in- ta postoyan toka, 1960, vol. 5, 5-11) TEXT: The static electric strength of a high voltege rectifier with no current drawn at Hg vapor pressure within the limits 1-2 microns Hg, is determined by the laws of breakdown in vacuo. When the rectifier is loaded, the pressure observed at the walls and side- regions of the anode structure is 3-4 microns Hg, so that mercury condensation may occur at surfaces having a tempetature of 30-40"C. The condensate drops, falling on to the more heated parts, may in- troduce short duration (up to I sec) increases in pressure - up to 6-8 microns Hg at the anode end. In these conditions the breakdown Card 1/2 27~9 S/19 61/000/004/038/052 The influence of intermediate ... D201 302 is determined by the ignition of the working glow discharge. In- vestigations have shown that the presence of intermediate electrodes - inserts in the anode assembly increases the value of the break- down voltage with increasing vapor densities. The effect becomes more pronounced with the decrease of the exposed surfaces of inserts and with the increase of their thickness. For a number of inserts greater than two, the breakdown voltage remains practically constant and independent of their numbers, provided their geometrical dimen- sions remain the same. In the presence of inserts the breakdown voltages for vapor of Hg, air and H2 remain constant; in intervals, without the inserts, the breakdown voltages decrease with the exp- eriment being repeated. Pre-ageing by means of a glow discharge in an inert gas seems to be the most effective method of cleaning the surfaces. The pre-ageing conditions are given together with the curves of breakdown voltage characterising a well pre-aged rec- tifier. 4 references. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translationj Card 2/2 ALEKS.-'MROV, D. I. 6780. Alekcandrov, D. I. Komnatnaya Prakt. ukazaniya. Kishinev, gosizdat 20 sm. (Glav. upr. s.-kh. propagandy i ekz. 50 k.-Bibliogr: v kontEe knipi 634-33 (1,7k"75)-'&lOl6.3) kulltura limona v 14oldnvii. moldavii, 19',4. 40 S. S. Ill. nauki MSKII MOM). 2.000 (10 nazv.) -- (55-2613) P SO: Knizhnaya Letopiel No. 6, 1955 AjFASANDROV, D.N. Fuel Abstracts the Var May 1954, dmtdllrg the easet mtnt rig Natural Solid activity In the U.S.S.R., the constrwtton ergineer respor3tblia fc-. pit head' Fuelst Winning buildings, etc., needs to knc" f urwe rcck mv%ents vil tilt n _''S tr it) Directions f w research. are I nolcatod. (L). SHMERT, S.A.; PIRLIBA, A.M.; XIJLZHIIISKIY, V.I.; SIDIU0., T.K.; ALEKSAMOV" D.11-.; SOKOIOV, Y.F.; FALIKOVSKAYA, L.N.; BRUK--L1WIHSO#,-T.'L,; BLWAKOVA# A.U.; KOURMUKOVA, Ye.K.; AVRUSHCEYHKO, R.A., red. izd-va; VOLKOV, S.V., tekhn,red. [Water purification for water supply to mmchine-tractor stations and state farms3 Ochistim vody dlia vodoenabzheniia poselkor HTS i sovkhosov. Moskva, Izd-vo H-va kommun.khoz. 'RSFSR~ 1957, 69 PO (MIRA 11:6) 1. Akedemiya komunallnogo khozyaystva. Moscow. (Water-41arification) (Water supply, Rural) .ALZKSANEROV, D'; nauchny7 sotrudnik Protecting water pipelines from ruptures in displaced soils. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 8 no*3:14-15 158. (MMA 11:4) l.Rostovskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut Akndemij kommu- nallnogo khozyaystva iWater pipes) ALEKSANDROV, D. N., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Problem of the study and prevention of damage to water pipelines above underground dev- elopments." Moscow, 1960. 20 pp; (Academy of Economy im K. D. Pam- filov); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 25-60, 130) ALEKSANDROV. D.N. Deformations of rocks and pipelines over underground mine workings. Trudy NPI 138:67-73 f63, (MIRA 16:10) VASILIYEV, NV-, kRnd' takhn. nauk.; ALMMANDROV, D.S., inzh. Using renovnble brnas .ing in batt welding of pipes. Nov. takh. i pered. op. v stroi. 20 no.Ils.10-12 N 158. (UnA 11:11) . (Pipe, Stael~-We*lding)' VASILRYEV, NV., kand. tekhn. nauk.; ALKMANMOV, D.S,, inzh. laying sewers by the method of pressing. Nov. telch. i pered. op. v stroi. 20 no.11:12-14 N 158. (XIRA 11:11) (sewers# Concrete) BORISOV, V. N.; ALEKSANDROVP D. S.; MEZHUYEVA, V. V. Study of the are quencing Properties of freon and electron gas. Elektroenergetika no.6:3.29-136 162. (MIRA 16:4) (Freon--Electric properties) (Electron gas-Electric properties) (Electric switchgear) BORISOV$ V. N.; AL&KSANDROV.--D--S.,- MEZHUrETA, V. V. Study of the quen4q of an electric arc in an electron gas. Blektroonergetika h6.6:137-152 162. (MIRA 16s4) Electron gas-Electric properties) Electric switchgear) Eleotric are) ~ KHAYUTIN, G.M.; kLEKSANUROV, D.V., red. [Lectures on the course '!Technolog3 c--,' retals:: furdam-en-'.als of the metallurgy of cast iron, steel, copper and al=jnur.." Supplement to the course of lectures on tha tAichnology of metals published by the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Power Engineering in 1961) Lektsii po kursu "Tekhnologlia metallovi osnovy metallurgii cbuguna, stali, nedi i aliturd- niia.11 Dopolnenie k kursu lektsii po tekhnololrii metallov, lzd. VZEI, 1961. Moskva, Vses. zaochn3,i energ. in-t, 1962. 62 p. (MIRA 18:4) NOVIKOV, I.T.; NEPOROZHNIY, P.S.; GANICHEV, I.A.; LAVRENENKO, K.D.; FINOGENOV, Ya,I.; AIZUAXpRQV, D.).Ia.; SERDYUKOV, N.P.; KUDRYAVTSEVt L.N.; PETROV, A.N.; BANNIK, V.P.; VOLKOV, I.M.; MELINIKOV, B.V.; STAROSTIN, I.A.; BUBNOVSKIY,,P.A.; SUVORIN, F.'Yl&.;-GRITSAY, B.I.; SKUPKOV, A.A.; BAMSHTEYN, Ye.B.; TURCHIN, IUrii Nikolaevich Pongillskii; obituary. Energ. stroi. no.27:99 162. WRA 15:9) (Pongillskii, IUrii Nikolaevich, 1925-1962) ULGARIA Car.r "r. ALM1jA'Nj)RQV, Medical Corrs. "ANormal Anti strepto lysin Titer Lavels at Military Age.." Safia, %locino Meditsinsko Delo, Vol 71, No 4, D;-c 1962; 57-62- Abstract rRugsian. sur-4ary madifiedl, Study to determine hemolytic Strer "d!:~-,'-bution in Bul-aria. Among M soldiers in Southeastern Buloarin s, 1960, averac,c titer was 292.6 units; 10.2" were fount' to be A 0 carriers of haaolvtic strains. In an earlier unrublished study In the same -rour, 9.16';a of 1163 were four.~; to be ca-,:ziers. Author cormnents that titers are very 111vigh In Bul"Prin in view of its relatively southern ,,osition. The data are diucussed in the contert if a:je aroups, and &rLdcmiola4-,ic geof,,rij,hic localities. Thr-c tall)es, 3 Bulgarian, 4 Soviet and 2 Geman references. SOV/49-59-10-18/19 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, E. L. ~__I~~-Un~i - TITLE: Six on 6onference onNClouds PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya 1959, Nr 10, PP 1526-1527 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Conference took place on the 15 to 20 June 1959 in the Institute of Applied Geoph,~ics, Academy of Sciences USSR, and was convened by the Co-ordination Council for.problems of the physics of clouds and precipitation. The Fifth Conference took place in February 1956. The Conference advised on the improvement of research in the following: 1 - aero-synoptic and microphysics of cloud, 2 - sounding of atmosphere, 3 - chemistry of water aerosol, 4 - theoretical analysis of experimental data, 5 - application of telemechanics, radio techniques and electricity and such apparatus as rockets in cloud investigation. The Conference also decided: 6 - to organise an "All-Union Cloud Year" in 1962 with the following Scientific bodies anticipating: Institutes and Centres of Academy of Sciences USSR and allied countries, Central Office of Hydro-bleteorology, Minist Card 1/2 of High Education, Meteorological Services etc., Sixth All-Union Conference on Clouds SOV/49-59-10-18/19 7 - to initiate an edition of the journal "Cloud and Precipitations" and to organise Seminars (twice per year), 8 - to intensify the exchange of scientific information, and 9 - to call the next Conference in 1961 Card 212 4117) 8/16 62/000/009/092/120 D228YJ)307 AUTHORS: Lebedev, S.L. and Aleksa&r,- E. L.. TITLE; Artificial dispersion of cumulus the introduction of moistened pqrticles PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnalg Geofizika, no. 99 1962, 73, ab- stract 9B448 (ln~collection: Issled. oblakov, osadkov i grozovogo elektrichestvA, M., AN SSSR, 1961, 16-22) TEXT: The reaction of cumulus with the surrounding medium is con- sidered when moistened par'uicles,.inducing gravitational coagula- tion and precipitation, are introduced into a cloud's summit. It is shown -.hat subeloud air cools when rain drops evaporate beneath a cloud, and that ascending currents give place to descending. The ~break up of a cloud occurs in*consequence of the fact that moisture .ceases to enter acr08B its lower boundary, and as a result of the evaporation of cloud particles when relatively dry air is drawn in across*the upper and side boundaries, the intensity of this process being determined by the cloud's size and by the temperature aTid the Card 1/3 S/169/62/000/009/092/120 Artificial dispersion of ... D228/D307 ,humidity distribution in &nd outside it. Thick cumulus can I'disin-' tegrate itself" after moistened particles have introduced a suffi- cient mass of water under the cloud. This mass can be ascertained if the cloud's water content and the atmospheric temperature and humidity are known. The intr ,oduction under cumulus of enough water from outside the cloud can cause descending currents and the cloud's dispersion. The formation of a "locking" layer near the lower boun- dary of a cloud, within which an upwards-directed force acts on the sinking cloud masses, plays a decisive part in the cloud's disper- sion. The "locking" layer's lower boundary occurs at a level where the relative humidity of air rising into the cloud is still small enough for the atmospheric water to evaporate in amounts, necessa- ry for the density of air beneath the cloud to be equalized with that outside the subcloud column at the same height. The layer's upper boundary occurs at a.level above which the cloud's water con- sufficient for the density of air, sinking from there, to become equal at is lower boundary to that of air at the same height outside the subcloud column6 The "locking" layer's presence hin- ders the cloud's spontaneous dispersion when the descending move- Card 2/3 8/169/62/1)00/009/092/120 Artificial dispersion of D228/D307 ments of cloud masses are small. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translat ion. -7 ATZKSANDROV, B.P. m of Pro f secondary atelectasis of the lungs In newborn infantfl. *11~~9?th :e2ary In English] 0' Trudy ISGMI 41::1'92-198 158 (miunul) W (ATMCTASIS, in inf. & child. In newborn inf. (Rus)) (INFANTS (NMORN) dis. atelectRais (Rue)) ALEKSANDROV.- E.P.; POMICHANSKIY, L.S. --Z= -------- Prevention of sudden death in hypertension and atherosclerosis. Sud.-med. ekspert. 4 no.3:7-10 JI-S 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Kafedra sudebnoy meditsiny (zav. - prot. A.V.Vallter) Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenichesko meditsiniskogo -1-stituta. (HYPERTENSIOT (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) . (DEATH-CAUSES) ALEKSANDROV, F.A., inzhener. " Analysis of technological and economic factors oftbrick production in the Ministry of Conatruction of Petroleum Industry Establishments. Stroi.pred.neft.prom, I no.10: 8-12 D 156. (MLRA 10-.2) (Brick industry) ALEKSANDROV, F. A. 27256. ALEKS-AMROV, F. A. - R biologii Iyupina mno.vole-'-nego. Doklady akad. Naulc assr, nov- cxym seriya, t. LXVII, No. 6, 149, s. 111,3-34. -Bibliogr: 6 Nazv. - .1 SO: Letopial Zhurnal'nykh Statey, Vol. 56, 1949 "The Biology of the Lupine Verennial (LupinUs)," 1. ALMANDROV, F. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Agriculture 7. Michurinist fruit growers of Gor'kiy Province. Gor'kiy, obl. gos. izd., 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953. Unclassified. 1. ALMANDROV, F. A. 2, USSR (600) 4. Apple 7. Role of adventitious buds in the renewal of vital processes in apple trees damged by frost. Bot, shuro 37* No* 5o 1952o 9. MonthIX List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 953. Unclassified. ALEKSAIMMY, F. A. V pomoshch I kolkhoznomu sadov6du ZA-id for collective farm fmdt grower_s7. Gor I k. knizh. izd-voj 1953. 200 p. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7 No. 1 April 1.954. USSR / Cultivated Plants. Grains. M-3 Abs Jour: Ref "hur-3iol., 1958, No 16, 72910. Author : Alek 0 R A Inst : irovskiy State Pedogogical Instttute Title : Results of Variety Testing with Corn in 11055. Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Kirovskiy Los. ped. in-t, 1955, VYP. 9, 190-193. Abstract: In 1955, 20 varieties of corn were tested at the botanic garden of the Kirovskiy Pedagogical In- stitute. The varieties "Lesozavodskaya-l", hybrid "Bezenchukskaya X Partizanka" ' "Partisanica" and "DZh" (with violet grains) gave the Dest results. These varieties are valuable because they give ma- ture seeds before the first autumn frosts. -- G. N. Chernov, Card 1/1 29 ALE F.A 0 .. --- - - --Sida.gwl "-- 1~1,; I - - , Method for determining the germinating power of seeds. Es',.v sh-kole no.1:80-81 Ja-F 156. (MLFA 9:5) 1. Kirovskiy pedagogichaskiy institut imeni V.I.- Lanina. (Germination) ALEKSMMROV, F. A. Species of endemic flora in the environs of Kirov. Bot.zhur. 44 no.10:1490-1491 0 159. (NIRA 13:4) 1. Kirovskiy p:ftqogicheek'iy institut. (Kirov rogi n"Vatobling) (Kirov region--Cinquefoil) AIUSAIMROV, F.A. New plant speiies_~m Kirov Frovince~b Bot. zhur. .46 no.11:1700-11101 N 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kirovskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. (Kirov Province--Plant introduction) ALEKSAND F*Ao Kirov Botanical Garden; 1922-1962, biul, Olav. bot. sada no.5NI07- 108 .163, (MIRA 1711) 1. Botanichaskiy sad Kir'q'vskogo gosudardtvannogo.podagogioheskogo in.- stituta Jiueni Lenina, Won(oblastnay), AllKSADDROV, P.A. ~ -- Eff e3t of g-lbb6rellitt (in th-a gn-rith &na ylaid of oQmmm meadak, mushroomg (igari-mai %t. z1=. Alq noo7sl056-105-, Tl '(4 (MIRA 17 28) 1. Kirovskiy psdagogic~heskiy ir.Rtifut, Kiror cblastnoy. ALF.KSANDRGV#-&L-.; VIKHREVp S.D. Lening--rad)- MIALEYEVA, O.F. .1. Review and bibliography. Rast. res. 1 no.2.,,284.-287 165. (MI,RA 18;U) 1. Obshahastvo okhrany p---;-rc)dy,, Kircy-, (for Aleksandrov). 2. Bot.=ichaskly institut !--:::w,-qi Kmarc-a AN SSSR, Leni.--grad (for KUHAKIN. P.G.; PAULIN, B.A.; 4_IX.CSANDROY, F-P,__,.;.AASHCHINSKAYA, G.N., redaktor; MATISSXH, Z.M., tekhnic~;;TcV-f6dAkjdr [The production of stationery goods in printing plants] Proizvodstvo pischabumazhnykh izdelii v poligraficheakoi promynhlennosti. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo "Iskuastvo.0 1956. 214 p. (HLRA 9:9) (Stationery) (Printing industry) A C C 4N.R AP6011117 SOURCE CODE: Ult/0413/66/000/007/0028/0028 AUTHOR: -11oksandrov, F. I. ORG: none TIM: Full-wavo de convertor. CL-xss 21, No. 18021,1, �-Mnouncod by Scientific Research Institute of Urban and Rural Telephone Comnunications (Nauchno- i,slodovatollskly institut gorodskoy i sol'skoy tolofonnoy svyazi)-7 SO`U111CE:. Izobroteniya, promyshlonnyyo obraztsy, tovarnyye zaaki, no. 7, 1966, 28 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor rectifier, saturation magnetization A2,3TRACT: This Author Certificate presents a full-wavo convertor of direct voltage into alternating square wave foria. The convertor contains two rzignotizablo naturablo~ t'ranoformor coro3 and somiconductor dovicotj oporating in the switching mode and con- trollod with a foodback winding. The prijmry and magnetization windings of each core are connocted in series as a half-wave magnotic amplifier without feedback. To inn,':ove the dynamic characteristics of the output frequency control in the induced core magnetization mode., each of the feedback windings controlling the corresponding somiconductor device is placed on that core in which (for the open state of tinis, semiconductor device) the ampere-turns of the primary and magnetization windings are matched in direction (see Fig. 1). Card 1/2 UDC: 621.314.572 L o8994-67 ACC NRs ApfO12117 0 Fig. 1. 1 and 2 - cores; 3 and 4 - semiconductor devices; 5 and 6 - feedback windings; 7-10 - primary windings;.11 and 12 - magnetization windings Orig. art. has: 1 diagram. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 20Apr64 %4! ALFXSANDROV, F.T., starehiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KRYIDV, V.V., kandetekhn.nauk Cap-type carding machine with a production capExity of 15 kg. per hour. Tekst. prom. 3.8 no.6-.17-19 Je 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Carding machines) ALEKSANDROV, F.T. The ChYZ-1+50 high-speed comber. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Goo.- nauch,-issl.inst.nauch. i tekh.inform. no.6:59 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Cotton machinery) VASILIYEVA, A.I.; GIJIMOV, A.I.; KH1A)NINA, N.P.; KOSTINA, T.N.; -ALENSANDMI-x FjZ , starshiy nauchn37 sotrudnik, Iaureat Gosudarstvennoy premii The new factories should be equipped with high-capacity carding machines. Tekst.prom. 22 no.4*.27-29 Ap 162 (MIRA 15:6) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Cheboksarskogo khlopchatobumazhnogo kombinata, (for VasUlyeva). 2.1achallnik navostroyashcheysya pryadillnoy fabriki No.3 Cheboksarskogo khlopchatobumazhnogo kombinata (for Glumov). 3*Nachallnik chesalInago tsekha novostrovashche3rsya pryadillnoy fabriki No.3 Cheboktarskogo khlopchatobumazlmogo kombinata, (for Ehlonina). 4.Nachallnik Proizvodstvennoy nauchno- isaledavatellskoy laboratorii Chebok-sarskogo kblopchatoburiazhnogo kombinata, (for Kostim). 5.Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut legkogo i takstillnogo mashinostroyeniya (VNIL-Telmash) (for Aleksandrov). (Carding machines) ALERSANDROV, Gep polkovnik The use of cybernetics in military training practice. Voen. vest. 42 no.3:92-95 Mr 163. (MIRA 17:1) ALEKSANDROV, G., pollovnik The revolution in military affairs and it- influonce on the training of specialists. Komm. Vooruzb. Sil 5 no.-:2:28-33 N 164. (MIRA 17-12) ALEKSAWIDROY, ~ G~. - . - Machine-Tractor Stations Organizational and technological instructions for effecting tractor work in the machine-tractor stations. MTS 12 no. 7. 1952- 9. Monthly List of Russian Acc .essions, Library of Congress,SaptAm'her- Uncl. ALEKSkNDROV9 Q.. - Trannformer stagese Nm~m i zhiznl 28 no.1156-57 Ja 161, (MMA 3411) (Electric power distribution-High twulion) (Electric ta-insfamers) ALEKSANDROV G, Large-block and large-panel construction in the Kubans. Na stroio Rose no*3:31-33 Mr 161. (MM 14:6) 1. Zameetitell predsedatelya Krasnodarskogo sovmarkhoza. (Kuban-Preeast concrete construction) ALEKSANDROV, G. [Aleksandrov, H.) Motion pictures disseminate innovations. Nauka i zhyttia 12 no,4z28 Ap 162. (KRA 15-.8) 1. Direktor Kiyevskoy kinostudii nauchno-popxayarnykh fillmov. (Motion pictures, Documentary) fq ~ E I 4t, V/1 c-,', /q. j~Lll;;, ~j -'t ~, G - h - , inzhener . ~, =A -.'roving tv -Liston conDressors. Energetil- 5 nr,.': . h-.3 Easign of - - r~ e ~ 3~~ il '57. (":;A-1, (Gas t-urbines) --~WSR/Aeeteorology Cllmtolo'gy "Some Remarks 'on the Prdbl6i4s of Climatology," qand. Geog. Sci G.A.:Aleksandrov, Yerevan Admin ~f Rydromet Service, Armenian SSR "Meteorol i Gidrol" No 12, pp 16-19 States the~b perusals of "Meteorologiya i Gidrolo- giya" and "IzvestiyaXsesoyuznogo Geograficbeskogo Obahchestva".show that climatologists fail to serve 237T96 the niftional economy. Suggests scientists be more -expedient,in proposing solutions to the problems I.Of,c1j-;aato1ogy-. ALIKSARROV, G.A. ound-nut tightening wrench for taDered bushings used in spherical ball-beari-ign. Sellkhozmashina to.6:32 Je 157. (MIRA 10:7) (Wrenches) 01. A. Ra ri i os, 4 c s Di--ertntlor: 'Tet.hols for Y.(,a,,ur-nr Flu-tuatinp 'jand 7ech Soi, Mosrow Enrin-rinu Inst of Cor---,"Ini aflons, 8 AT)r 1~4- (Ve(,.hernvava Moskva illos-,ow, 29, Yar SO: SIN 213, 20 Ser 1954 DORRER, Iosif Alek5eyevich; IAELIIIIK, Semen Osherovicb; ~U~MSAIMAOV, G.A., . , - -t-OM-.-r 1314-; VMIGRE71YUK, L.I., red.; MARKOCH, K.G ' [Phototelography transmission on short-wave radic) frequencies) Pototelegrafirovanie po koratkovolnovym radiokatialam. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry- po voprosam sviazi i radio, 1958- 78 P- (Raw facsimue) (MRA 12:1) AUTLORS: Iffilytchiyev, S.M. , Ale! sandroij, G.I.. , Dfl,:Jxt, Y!i.-,' Smagin, I.I. TITIE: (The Path of) Automation of Centers (Puti avtoniatizatsii radiopi-iyemnykh tsentrov) PERIODICAL: Blektrosvyazl, 1958, tir 6, pp 13 - 20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article is Dublished as a basis for discussion nii6 readers are invitp(l bo comi,ent on the oroblei,,js raised .1n it. Methods oi autom&tiofi which are applicable to productive processes cannot be mechanically applied to communications,but so.-:e of the concepts and solutions can undoubtedly be used to improve the stability, capacity and efficiency of coiLounicction links, particularly short- wave radio links. Classification of the Principles of Autozatic Radio- receDtion Centres: Radio-receivers can be classified. according to the geographical location of the basic equipi.,)ent groups - radio-rece-otion centre and the radii) office. The anitennae must be placed in an a-rea relativel,7 free from industrial noise. Geo(,raphical separation of the terminal equip- ent from the antennae and the head amplifiers is dard 1/8 R' SOV/106-58-6-3/13 (The Path of) Automation of Radio-receptior Centers considered undesirable -for the follo-f,.-,inr-- reasons: 1) Extra equipment is required to link the receiver head and the radio office. 2) Maintenance personnel are still required outEidc the radio office. 3) Concentration of the equipment in towns is undesirable arid re-equipping of the radio offi(-,e viould be necessary. Thus', the traditional separation of the reception centre and the radio office is considered nost suitable. This iE assumed in all the schemes discussed in the article and it is also assunted that the equipment necessary for auto- matisation is located at the radio-reception centre. Automatic radio-rece-otion centres can work in three ways: a) Remote control from a control dEsk located in either the radio r-entre or in the radio office; b) By pro- grammed control. The controlling apparatus perfori!)s all the necessary operations in accordance w-ith a previously planned programi-,te; c) Operation with autoratic program- ming. The controlling apparatus Computes its own programming to meet the demands of ti)e correspondents. Card 2/8 V1", 8-6-3/1--~ Me Path of) Autoination . of MN]io-receptio~-i Centers Centre with Remote Control: With remote control from a control des'~.,:, it is necessar,Y to control a variety of operations, such as smitchinn ir and out of receivers, tunin- of receivers, switch-1-inG Df U antennae, of terminal equipment, etc. It is also necessary to check that the required operations have been performed. The general block diagram of a remote control system is shown in Figure 1, Here 6CY is the control si_;-:;-nal tran6- mitter; ITCY is the control signal receiver; 14)1, 032- ...,M-)n are the control executive members. Full lines show the control signal paths, and the (lotted lines show the path of signals confirming the operc *tions. Specific systems can be divided according to the type of executive members used, by the method of confirmirE fulfilment of the operations, by the form of the control signals and by the method of transmission (Refs 1, 2). Centres with Program,-.ed Control: The classification and terminology given in Ref 5 are used in this article. Automatic systems are divided into three groups: 1) Systems of automatic "hard" control; Card 3/8 S017/106-5B-6-3/13 (The Path of) ' Automation of Radio-reception Centers 2) Systems of automatic regulation; 3) Self-chanGingy or self-regulatin.c-, systems. Analysis of oprational data of the Ministry of Co=unicetions radio-reception centres show that: a) The wave timetable to each correspondent is given monthly and is not changed over the given pTiod; b) Over a period of 24 ho=-s, the given waves are chanGed in accordance with a prosrauujie, corrected by the operator to correspond to the factual propagation co:aditions over the iven route. Quite a large deviation in changeover time up to several hours) often occurs; c) The manner of ~ working and speed is given quarterly and is not changed over the quarter; d) The antennae are tied to the cor-res- pondent but can in some cases be changed; e) During operation, the receiver is frequency-trinmied by the duty technician whenever the siEuial quality wcrsens or when requested to do so from the radio office. From the above, control of the majority of the operations is possible on the basis of a "hard" prograrx..ed aulbonmatic control sequence, For this, controlling- apparatus, to switch in the executive members, a memory, to store the Card 4/Y ogramme and a decoder, to produce the control signals as ~The P'-th of) AutomatlOn of Radio-rece--~tion Centers required by the pro-ramame, are necessary. Facilities for fulfillinE special requireprents, as they occur, are also necessary. By introducing limited loSical circuits, wlto- matic control can, to some extent, repla2e the judgment of human operators. The presence of arithnsptuia-l apparatus in the controlling machine significantly videns its possi- bilities, makes it more universal and reduces the size of the memory necessary to store the prograi.,,;~~e. A f unda-mentual deficiency of the "hard" automatic control system is that to preserve optimum quality of the siLlial, -,;he programme must be adjusted from the radio office whenevE.r the propagation conditions change. To overcome this deficiency, self- regulating systems are required, for which electronic con- trolling machines F-re most suitable. In the self-regulatinG system, there is extra equipment Y 2 (Figure 3) as well as the basic controllinE.,, apparatus Y. receives signal data from the receiver output, trans- Y2 mitter frequency data, receiver tunin-- da'ua, information from Z-1 the radio office, etc. and evaluates the siCnal auality from Card 5/8 SO-1/106-58-6-3/13 ~The Path of) AUtOmation of Radio-receptior- Centers this data. It then acts upon Y. to ma'.Lntain the oi:)tirjui.,i siGmal quality. Radio-reception Centres with Automatic Programming: Statistical data, characterisin- the features of each radio link, can be accumulated in the memory. The controllinG apparatus itself can then use this data to introduce corr- ections into both the wave timetable and into other -jarts o'L the -~)ro~'-.ramme and, furtherraore, it can dEvise a nev, -pro- gramme to meet the requirements of an ord6ina-tinz,., corres- pondent, i.e. the reception centre would have autormatic pro- gramming facilities. Such a centre would search for the calling correspondent and then s~,;itch to directive w3rkir.E. Search receivers i7ould find the corresDondent's carrior frequency. On the basis of the corresDonden-Cs data and analysis of the incoming; signal, the controllinE apparatus selects a free receiver and adjusts the e-oui-pment lua suit tho modulation, the nature of the ;.,arkI the frequency, etc. and when ready, sends a ready siCnal to the transmittinI., station throuGh the radio office. Autonatic -oro,:.ramninr-, howevcr, requires not only new and very complicated equipi.,ent but card 6~Aso re-organisation of the Liethods of radio com:uniicutilon. SOV/106-58-6-3/13 ~The Path of) AutomAtion - of Radio-reception, Centers Thus, it is a lonC-teri,,I problem. I Conclusions: Radio-reception centres proEXarauil.ed control are a more imi,,~ediate task and such centres can I~e introduced gradually by replacement of e-"~'isti'o"' cen'trolo. by re-nquipment. A number of associated oroblems then ,'. equipment arise due to: 1) Some types of existin;,,- are not suitable for automr-tisation; 2) Prototypes, and in some cases, even the design principle:3 of instruments for objective measurement of the radio s::-fnal quality have not been developed; 3) Measuring instrtupents constructed to meet the requirements of computing electronic machines are not available; 4) Sufficient experf.ence in the design of self-tuninE and self-regulatint; systems has not yet accrued. Card 7/8 SOV/106-58-6-3/13 tThe Path of) ' AUtOMati*n of Radio-reception Cev~,ers There are 4 figures and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet and 1 English. SUBMITTED: August 12, 1957 1. Communication systems--USSR 2. Radio sts.tions--Control systems 3. Noise (Radio)--Measurement 4. Personnel Card 8/8 Konforme"Iya po, roprosm tacrii I priamaerilys. diskretrykic avtomatichosk1kh mistocs, M-_' 1919 Teartys. I prizenon1jro diakr:tuykh &vtcast.Iebqsklkh I.teal trudy (Theory aM Application f Discrete Autcastia Systeco; Tr,noi-tiozz of the Conf.roxo.) Hole-, AN SSSR, 190. 572 p. 5,000 copies ;riatd. Sponsoring Ae ... Y, Lkalmiya Mak SSSR. Wotsicnalla7y kocaitat 5= po ovtomett- cbe.k4maA upra,looly.. lastitut arteniatiki I tal-kh&nIki. "AtIriol Soardt M.A. Oavftler, D~.tor of T--hm'cal S~Lancos, Tu.7. Doloolsak., Doctor of TecWc4l Sciences, V.A. lotallinikov, Candidate or Teahmleal Set.-.., 1.7o. Wrnwr, Doctor of Technical Scimmoax, I.S. 11,cromencr G.S.*-, Da.%4r Of T-Waj A.A. Doct.r of Technical -'zz, 1.7. ==.- 1-1 ..... . I - - ----- 1 al-., and Y..Z. '.Y7kt-, ;;;t.r of I 'Xcd-.1 3o1-*.-; Romp. IA.. T..Z. T.Ypkin, Don", cf 7-haIC-1 Setee,c4si LA. of Putliahtag Hamm: X-L. Podtoyotskiy; Toth. 14.s S.G. 1',arkool-ch. PUR?=~ Th- tra-etioas or. InteaJod for the acat~erm of the And other epteislista in autowatio contro2. COVVWA I Th- 0. the problems, or T~.scrj -,I Applic.til. tf D, ser.t. "t"t". SYS a.. ';v'9 Pl~'m It yome:w front S.;t-am. 22 to 26. It w&j t:zh d-tad to of the pr*s*nt st&-.~ of tte thoirT to. h. q. 3 of dla,.~ta auta,cat-a .,&;a= "I to pl~xiz, r~r f~turo As-lop, seat . Th. P:,-erj d!-Ssad at the aorfsro.~. have Loon divided L_-- Cre--ps. In tha first gr=P lptialz.tOn sul-UhAnd zlr~_utt3 are disvtsaei .' .. of *:Ay Control srstoca, to particular plant U, cazt.-I s7xt*ns -z wt_-~h are roa-11.,d ;;t!..1 p.-c.os4s - to q.!,k 71, --1 r-,ep at 1. do Iat*? to the azalya'* 4a,' yn-.bo3-.s of pulse sys-zo with virtab'a ;--otora, of ?.lov systo" vith soverAl Pula* c-tr'n%m' -4 the Atujj of phor~.4 -n n-,_11-4r rules yxrvim, and to th* zith'13 of c.l'u:atL.& 11-Ir p.0-4 syst-eta. Frtblms a,' a=1atit,: joI44 ayat-a aad~ dor-titt-ra c! pul.. t..n. Th. t--.rj C-P .:' or _'.'C of -1 co_/~,qrs ter tto sut~ti- of -ri-, fitl, at zg".:r-.Z, %...' zver-,C, radio coarac--t-.c., -rcbl~za -,Ucit.1 - ......... . =-I 'Ic. Of azalac I.... .. pmbl-. of =-rt.r. h... 1- inalud~i 'z this gra"z;. 7-- :-~.h graip -f pa-,era 1=11~4- theoritto" jorezt3 .-.I pro ~-~tcx` a-pal ttatte" of -.he *i_-plolt tjTss at flalf-alfusung 'Pti-1111.1 ---trz, .13temj. on r..'.f, 7,.Ls. -i dt~tc- F- - alac f.-I ;a~pvrz 1-rltinC Tarious mothoda of ~n-tLgitlr., otAo4y steto Taz!it%=s 1. optias'.1sing syst&w, recalls of tWylne ~ho iffvats Ar raal,a .'-tort ~.z ttq I '~j o: a"'ting pr-- a: sc=i:&, aul -P. srs-vas. Scza of the %are c-mtcauzca ~d cbv*rtzt-=3 =!i 'j=- Ing the dls~43siln of the vartoca confqrsoco Paper. h~- I.-, t;44.1 in the Nrm.rallti.m ond rate-=., sten-pany -at of the ;.per.. Ill. DISIT" SYS--)a A.I. Possibility of Applytg Dlo-t. Dov!=.. ?or Aa'- 17-M.7--r-CM AtI-P-.r R-9--a-ti-. of Operating C-diu.- I. . Fau.- 247 The author tauserst*s several factors h_24h Influence the caoc'.jca2.oPrm_ tino, of electric pow- systans. no gives *=plea of several arms, of P- PlICatioc of digital computers in powor b1std= far taktcg these facto" Into 4ccasid r tlac either nal A continuous or a Periodical bamls. he- are na, and Man. Byd.roaa, (".). Us. of Dlscftts C=,,al Pon-'* 'a SYn's" Of _111tOcATIC Contrat of F.UltiMp. M~ft Halving zquip- mat d,abtir"Pe hoists "~ v'4817 used in the Soviet mining in&str7. Yor depen- 257 Operation in deep obafta, the hoist, have to be equipped .1-h I.p-.b Wlcat,ers and a sosj~jag pul,.-typ. ccm?o...t of the regal&tcg 8,Tstma. Th*- "a 11 Mf.r.caos, .11 Soviet. JXhLMUZTY_5_-~--. and G.A. K`amaa~)- PftgPfttg Or A;PlliOZ JUsatronjo Control Mae .. Rnift!~-"n of Receiving Rediff"1111 Stott." 267 Th* author d.scribes the *Wluti-a &,-I op.ration of roceivize. rodif- rust" stations 'A tbd Sn"'t Union and axPIAIzs the primalplo. of %halz auto. o4tt4A. There are 6 raf.r.coo., 5 Soviet xM I gbgLigh. AIEKSANDROV, G. A. AIZKSANDROVt G. A.: "Investigation of the process of fmmation of in- terference bands on glass from solutions of the 6tbyl ethers of orthosilicic and orthotitanic acids." State Order of lenin Opti- cal Inst imeni S. I. Vavilov. ~bscow, 1956. (DISSERTATION For the Degree of Candidate in CHEMICAL SCIENCES.) So: Knizhnsys letopis, No. 24, 1956 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov,' G. A. 51-3-2/14 TITLE: Calculation and Interpretation of Vibre tional Spectra of Cyclohexane and Certain of its Deutero-derivatives. (Raschet i interpretatsiya kolebatelln3-kh spektrov tsiklogeksana i nekotorykh ego deytero2.ameshchennykh.) PERIODICAL: 'Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol.III, Nr.3, pp.202-210. (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first calculations of vibrational sipectra of cyclo- hexane were carried out by Beckett st al. (Ref.9). Later Larnaudie (Ref.10'& 11) gdve ii-ftLller calculation and interpretation of vibrational spectra for this molecule. The present paper repeats these calculations with inclusion of the data available for deutero- derivatives of cyclohexane. Calculation of-the normal frequencies was carried out by the method of Ellyashevichl and Stepanov (Ref.13). 54 coordinates were introduced for changes of bond lengths and valence angles. -Th following values were taken from Ref.9; 0-0 = 1.54 1.- 0-H = 1.09 J, angles HCH, HOC, CCO all. equal to 1090281 Card 1/3 (tetrahedral. Unharmonicity of vibrations was accounted' 51-3-2/14 Calculation and Interpretation of Vibrational Spectra of Cyclohexane and Certain of its Deutero-derivatives. for by the use of nspectroscopic masses" for H and D. Force constants were calculated using the variational method of Stepanov (Ref.13). 1485 force constants were found (some of them are given in Table 1). Due to molecular symmetry this number was reduced to 450. Certain of these force constants can be iieglected for various reasons. This reduced the nindber of non-zero force constants to 21. The system of force constants given in Ref.16 was used as a zero-order approximation in the present calculations. Table 2 gives frequencies and interpretations of vibrational spectra of cyclohexane 0012) deuterocyclohexane 0012) and monodeutero- cyclohexane (06EJlD). The agreement between calculated and ob erved frequencies is good. The maximum error is 66 cm7l and the average error is about 3.5 =--,. . The calculations confirm the interpretation of cyclohexane spectra given in Ref.9, but not that of Larnaudie (Refs. Card 2/3 10 & 11). The authors propose to use later the system 51-3-2/14 Calculation and Interpretation of Vibrational Spectra of Cyelohexane and Certain of its Deutero-derivatives. of force constants given in this paper for calculation of vibrational spectra of other derivatives of oyclo- hexane. There is 1 figure, 2 tables and 18 references, 7 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION.- Rt&dfii State Pedagogical: Insitutue. (Mur(lraiskiY gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut.) SUBMITTED: Tanuary 17, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, G.A. sov/51-5-2-5/2(i TITLE: Calculation and IntarDrotation of Vibrational Spoctra of Mathyleyclohexane and Ethylejelohexane (Raschet j. intarpretatsi-ya kolebatellnylch su,.-,L-trov inatiltsiklop-eIcsma i etiltsiklorekzana) 17ERIOD I CAL iOptika i Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 2, pp 1,28-133 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper gives results of a theoretical calculation of vibrational frequencies for methylcyclohexane (C7H14, structure shown in Fig 1 .) a!-;--s et-hyleyclohexana (GaH16, structure shown in Fig 2) obtairied using the Yellyashevich and Stepanov method (Ref 4). Values of the geometrical parameters which give the aq7aklibrium configuration of the two moloculos were taken from Ref 5. To find the vibration frequencies of mathyleyclohex-ans wi6 othylcyclohexane the author used potential energy constants found earlier, given in Ref 5 for cyclohexans and in Refs 4, 7 for ethane and propane. The values of the constaats of interaction of methyl and ethyl groups -rjith the ring viere taken from Ref 6. The calculated results are compared vith exparLuantal infrared and Raraau spectra (Table 1). The experimental values -.,-are taken from Card 1/2 SOV/51-5-2-.5/26 Calculation und Latorpret~,~tion of Vibrational Spoctra of Yet1,,ylc,.,clohOxanO and St-hylcYcloh..-ixaLe i1ofs 1-3. Table 1 GIV05 aluo the iatcrpratation of the spectra of 07H14 an' G8Hl6. The agrewsent betv~e6n the calculated and obsorved frequencies for C7H14 is SooL The mw.iizw absolute error iu 42 cm-1 while the mean absolute error is le" cm-1. The interpretation of the C8H16 spectra is difficult because of tho occurrence of isauerri, but the agreement betveon the calculated and experimental values is satisloactory. There are 1 table, 2 figures and 7 refarencas, -1 of which are Sovie~t, 2 American and 1 transletion of a Wostern Tiork into Russian. ASSOCIATIOY; 1,~uromskiy gosudarstvarnyy pedagohicheskiy institut (Murou State Pedagogical Institute) SUEZTTED: July 2, 1957 oard 2/2 1. Cyclohexanes--Spectrographic analysis 2. Molecules--Vibration 3. Infrared spectra--Applications 4. Raman spectrs--Applications ALEKSARDROV, G.A. Determining conditions for the deposition of interference films of a given thickness from solutions on glass. Opt.-mekh.prom. 25 no.1:25-27 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:7) (Optical films) ALEKSANDHOV, G.A..I-DORRER, I.A.; I=CIIIIISKIY, O.M.; JOUTCHIM, S.M.; CHISTYAKOV, N.I.; SHULIGIN, X.A.; VENGRENYUK, L.I... red.; IMWCH, K.G.y tekhn. red. [Radio com=nications and broadcasting) Radiouviaz' i ve- shchanie. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam(sviazi i radio) 1961. 503 p. 14IRA 15;2) (Radio-Receivers and reception) (Radio-Transmitters and transmission) ccuction of phtNal-l-c anil---',-* issloinst.nauch.i tei. r., IS Mo PALSIIXOV~. Titaliy V.1-0imin:Vich, drtv., ot-v. red.; IMEDIMMIRTH, L.I., red. LRadi~i re,~ejmjng systems] RadAcpr-'--;?mnyo ustrclstva. Mr.. sk-qa, Svi.qzl, :1965.' 5112 D. NIRA, MS) ALEKSAIMROV, Grigoriy Fedorovich; KLYUCMIIKOVA, H.I., redak-tor; GIUNS0,11, - ~~ ~--' ~~87 redak-tor [Organization of slaughterhouses) Organizataiia, skotouboinfth punktov i boenskikh ploshchaaok. Moskva, rza-vo tekhn. i ekon. lit-ry po voprosam zagotovok, 1954. 78 p. (mM 8.-6) (Slaughtering and slaughterhouses) ALEKSANDROV G.G.; LARIONOV, O.G.; MUM, r-V. I I,- ~~- I I - I - '. k Device for studying the kinetics of adsorption from liquid mixtures on crystalline zeol.ites. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.4: 1034-1035 Ap 165. (14IRA 19:1) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimil AN SSSR. Submittod Aug. 22, 1964. N.F., podpolkovntk meditsin3koy Sluzhby; ALEMUMBROV# Me . Experience in active detection of glaucoma In a garrison. Vorn. -!mode zhur. no.10~68_69 164. (MnA 18S5) ~A L 0 Is V 9069000 0 0 "m Ali, xxx a 110CISUS No 00 bo *0 'S iu Rd 4*sk roe --00 -sag It 114 A I L NITAttMK,L LITERATLeff 'ISO* ELASIVKAT#Om clog $Iasi .1. a.. as, U 19 At 00 &S we* 21 9 K U it K v nd a o Is, 0 ~61 a so eel I jai A to IwllUllwul&l? IT 0 A A-L- A-A-J 0-11,0MI[I A'.0 TM Wagim ad m4wa-. .-r.. Y- 1 " go, , 9 Ow. R. S. S. V, MI lil kM to a IM mm 1 p. -Tbq exprealm *( the coluM. ON two b"t"m in IMCAWU of tlw cam Mll '=: id h r 0*4 e c1 I I.. fl wilow of Individual QV t tkms Of the COMIX)Mts by the maviltudc'ut deviation of the cxPtl- values for &Mtivity and VI) a study of the botberm of MW sysunts. For an ideal cm I system. nwhere P is 0: the ;istL;'- IPI iJA PI 0- Proper 2 Of ;my il~pmi tie 00 t the components. X Is Md. fraction and a Is the ratio of the mos. of mob. In the emplexes of the womd aind Ant CVMPDD U. Propert mopa. curves in& be either Can y V. an applicstion Of Index of cave c OOW on . convex or reftectiom Town to the equation a - I(P - PS)X11 004 UFA - P)(I - X)l fw the EtOff-CAllo, MHAninew, 00 S Ac0H-CjU and CeHroctyl ak. "em, - --. . a - obtakeed in each cow for X. Which show tkat (1) 00 2 the lodes of refractim d1wimm the presence of compbam h f n t e that do Not break up in (2) complexes with r not destroyed UP to tile b. p., are praMW3 kl ax upw f0m groups bras it compiem that T a - S L a SIVALLURGOCAL LITIM61LOC CLSISWICATIC, J-~ ------ U 0 AT 00 As 0 IT VI at or K K a It C In 11, a 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZT40 0 0 0 0 :. Nil UDJ4*%V*pe4l qUw*A* top 11 a pi,cf-mi'll W' I incrosoc In tclup. and upon dimpAving and Ow ant In the ol bo"T'llog"I'll orril"t Contain -M C01"Pk3ms Than the ftAWwIng; tmus. V&hm III a jut the system 10CURCIN-tilluenc wVIV' rMp., Coutt. index of relmeling, or viKJWty was the prope% Who- studied. Utoll is stfuWy Amwd- wi MSPect to M H. The mut' Al for inch given syVIC111 call haw la III, general mcoltodn cmie two values, one for pWrtie, &,. Will the other Ime detd. by the btructure of thc Mmpkxn lot than properties that depend on a am comptimUd structure, i. e.o an the grwps or empkxn. In the latter case x depends cm tetnL.. Gc?rp Ayers 1~0 viam &)Lill od OUT III a 1A an I 1 1, JA A I a Od 0 so v I W 9 a a 3 8 V 014 If 9 9 0 0 C 0 * * a **OOOOO*qO*O -00 -00 -410 -00 see 3*0 Alto a** cot so* Wes =411111 see wee too ties CIO 0 Igoe .1-(=?= WN"A. TrifouVand -(V. 1. U1*Aww-1A"1n Kann 9tate UNIT-Ki" U *&&R.). Ims. Smers pis.4himl. 17, IM40(190).-Time studied were IfjO-Cjjf&- A 2be ev". feudu Were cm. oil am 2M=H 1 4: 67T bined Into a .. the symm HoO + (CAW - 2COU01f, SMAUMIMS the reaction posolble under conditions. flurfam tension (P) was detd. at 0 and 25 The eOd. data weft In good agratment with the coled.- The compa.-acurves act the *Nnadd" have ackartyelpressed singuhtr a Wat in the Isotherm where the mat (110,00.62*111 w InglAratio. St"Illar-l= WT, 0 a dielec. petift"hility, totat vUjx wemure. Partial vapor pressure at RtOH. b.p.. d.. ow vis. cositY of the SYMem. The data for these curves were taken fim Giber im"Stbaten, Ali Un cwvm x - - for d. lmd a rimerly dWmW AWAw p". The "wen "A- stoll Is irwwwo ckwwkwiwd by ebm. romew of the. compmonw. Thermlimp !Mb" ~ Lialbouquid phase. The of 06 Symesm am less cberactermle, Which mm to indicate @am , . of the owed. 0". of MOIL The system is Its amtkety. Le., HeO + MOD - Moil, ks maim of ak. at a VA. ratio I: I of the coampmeati. The &k. does not dbw. into its com- patients In the liquid phase, which accounts for the singultr Points an an camp.-Pruptrty ctu V of " systems. M. Homeh Derivation of the shit" of the physic-at-properties isotherm in atinalb w lquidalsterns. G.K.Aluktarvirov~Sa I., v 70- ~AJROT Agod. Xcut Y. IV. 23, 19-21( lijv', find mugi itktdc of ordinate itt r~latlon to it nomal aysltm art detd. by the no. of mt>13~ twer:,ir into the reaction and by the no. of mols. of the reaction product. If the no. of mols. formed (k) h less than the vu ot reatting mols. (Fn + is), Le.. then m + n > k, the ordinatti repremut- Ing the property art displaced (m compared to a normal system) in the dnectimi of the prodnet. NNben m + n < Ii. the displacement is toward the components. (Trilonov, )C.A. 40, 27241). M. fjoseb A2-,E 1v,7) 0 C) USSR / Electronic s. H Abs Jour z Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, No 9828 % 4~' Author 11 hlgftlrQ~Xjrlmu_U4~1 Inst Not given Title Physical Conditions for the Appearanoe of a Corona Dischar- ge with AC Voltage. Orig Pub Zh. tekhn. Mika, 1956, 26, No 8, 1769-1781 Abstract The author reports results of measurement of the initial corona voltages at ao in cylinders 200 and 30 am in diameter at variou6 diameters of the corona-formifig conductor (from 1.5 to 22 mm). The oorona* current was recorded with an oscillo- graph and an amplifier, so that it became possible to obsei-- ve current flashes with amplitudes of 5 -- 10 microamperes. It is established that in a smooth increase in the voltage, C. the oorona in the larger cylindet'strikes simultaneously for both half cycles of the voltaeg. In the smaller cylinder, Card 1 /0 L/ 9. USSR / Electronics. H Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, No 9828 Abstract : thb corona occurs first at the negative half cycle of vol- tage, and in order to start the corona in the positive half cycle a. somiiwhat greater voltage is necessary. A de- tailed analysis is made of the mechanism of the production of cascades in positive and negative oorona discharges and from this analysis th'e author obtains theoretically the con- ditions for a stationary discharge with positively and nega- tively charged conductors. The theoretical conclusions per- mit t1fe author to estimate the conditions under Which corQnm discharge will'oocur in case of ac and to explain the experi- mental results. It is shown that the 4*riking of the corona. in the positive half cycle of voltage depends'.on whether ne- gative ions remain in the discharge gap4-trom the preceding negative half cycle. Bibliography, 26 titles. Card, : '0 /,3 Cand Med Sci AIEKSANDROV9 G. M. Dissertationz "Certain Data on the Content of Caecum During Appendicitis from the Viewpoint of the Alimentary Theory of Pathogenesis." 19/6/50 Moscow Medical Inst, Ministry of Health RSFSR So vecheryaya MOSAVIa sum 71 fi,,Y V UZOMMM., G. M. . Modern tberepr of varicose ii1cers, Felldsher & Aktwh, No, 321 Doc* 50o pa 17-9 1. Candidate Medical Saienass C= P-O,$ 3. March 1931 1. ALEKSANDROV, G. M. 2. WSR (600) 4. Mqsentery - Surgery 7. Hemostatic suture. Khirurgiia no. 10, 1952. 9. monthly Lists of Russian Accessionsm- Library of Congress, March 1953, Unelassifiede 10 0ALWANDROVI G. M. .L 2. USSR (600) 4. Ribs 7. Rib fractures. Felld. i akuBh. No, 10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JanuaI7 .1953. Unclassified. 1. ALEX05ANDROV, G. M. 2. USSR (600) 4. Ligaments 7, Pulled ligaments* Falld i akush. no. 11 1952 go Monthly I!ist of ausaian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. 1, AIFKSANDROV, G. M. 2. 'USSR (600) 4. Abdomen-Diseases 7. Case of a non-parasitic cyst in the abdominal cavity. Yest,khir. 72 no. 6, 1952- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Max_4 1953, Unclassified. , U. A . ALUSANMOV, G..M. technic of arterial puncture. Xhirurgiia. no,5:73 My 154. 1. Is 2-go khirurgicheakogo otdalemiya, 6-y Kookovskoy k1juiche- skoy gorodskoy bolinitay. (ARTARIMSO *pmoture, technic) (PUNCTURNS' *irteries,, technic) a AIS A ROV,Georgiy Mikhaylavich; SHIEIATBV,N.A., reda)rtor; GIMOTEDOVA. *"i r"'e'"ktor id es n [They are brought back to life] Oni vouvrashchniutsia k zhizai. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo meditsinskoi lit-ry, 1955. 26 p. (Mm 9:1) (Death, Apparent) ALEKSANMOV, G.M.,vrach. ppdn If "-' bt I (MLRA 1o:4) &V.4%60"Ov e 3 no.3:12-13 Mr '57 (APPIMDICITIS) ATANSAWMV, borgiy Moiae-yevich -1-1--',---,,-_.-- -.-1 .1 ---- I. ~ ,-, [Why pain occurs in the abdomen] Otchego byvaiut boli v zhivo~e. Moskva. Kedgiz, 1958- 32 p. (KrU 12:6) (ABDOMM-DISWIS) I L 46032-66 EWT(l) ACC NRt AR6013637 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/6 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, G. N.;,Ivanov, V. L. REr SOURCE- Sb. Proboy dielektrikov i poluprovadnikov. M.-L., Energiya, 1964, 39-44 N TITLE: Disdbarg characteristics in long air gap3 under the influence of damped os- cillating voltage SOURCE: Ref. zh. rizika, Abs. lOG237 TOPIC TAGS: voltage stabilization, electric discharge , r2r-enelcr '%ee_ TRANSLATION; The results of a study of electrical strength of air gaps between elec- trodes of the types; rod-plane, rod-rod and wire-plane under the influence of damped oscillating voltage pulses (with a frequency of 50-125 cycles/sec and a maximum of 1.25 Mv) are presented. In the course of the initial increase in voltage, the rise time ranged between 2000 and 4500 Psec. A considerable scattering in breakdown volt- ages is observed for voltage pulses with a slow rise time, when applied to gaps of the first two types and with a length greater than 2 m. Arcing across these gaps took place on the leading edge of the pulse long before it reached its maximum. The magni- tudes of voltages which brought about arcing are subject to a considerable statistical scattering. In the shorter gaps the streamers which feed the leader texminal reached the opposite electrode. In the longer gaps, the leader terminal is fed by streamers Card 1/2 L 46o32-66 ACC NR, AR6013637 0 which do not cover the whole discharge gap; the result is a zig-zag discharge path. Flor gaps of the wire-plane type, with a wire length of 300 m, the scatter of electrica strength is considerably less when slow rising voltage pulses are applied. lit this case are-over may occur along a considerable length of wire (100-150 m). SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE., none. Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4018367 S/61201641900/00110069/0075 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, G. M.; Zaymidoroga 0. A.; Kulyukin, M. M.; Peshkov, V. P.; Sulya)rcv, R. M.. Filippov, A. I.,' Taupko-Sitnikoy, Y. M.; Shcherbakov, Yu. A. TITLE: Use of helium-3 for filling ahigh-pressure diffuaion chamber .SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta,.no. 1, 1964, 69 -75 TOPIC TAGS: diffusion chamber, helium-3 tritium separation, high pressure ::diffusion chamber, syriFhrocyclotron, OIYaI synchrocyclotron, high purity helium-3, ABSTRACT: A method of highly purifying helium-3 from tritium (11*1'1103 < to-,,) is I described. Helium-3 condensation with subsequent evaporation at 1. 2 K was used.; The cycle was repeated'4 times; a smz~ll amount of H. (about 0. 00516) was added 3 ;ior to every liquefac4n. The source gas contained 0. 15a of H and 0. 5-1% of D, N, 0, and A. The final elimination of H., was attained by burning it with copper oxide heated to 500C. The internal pa *its of the DK-Z standard diffusion chamber (see M. S. Kozodayev, et al.., PTE,;4958, no. 6. p. 47) were remodeled; its volume, about 11 lit.. was filled with helium- 3 up to 20 atni; equipment and Card, 1 IZ AGCF~SSION NR: AP4018367 filling details are given.The chamber was in co ntinuous (5oo hrs)operation with the OIYaI synchrocyclotron, It can be filied witlL 5 hrs. Gas loss at each exposure has been 0. 1% or less. "The authors'.~re deep*ly grateful to P. L. Kapitsa for his permission to separate He' from T iii! IPP A114 SSSR, and to V. M. Kuznetsov and A. L Filimonov f6r lending the equiprrient and: their help in determining T concea- trations. We ar4 also thankful to V. Dzhelepov and L. L Lapidus for their interest in the pr'oject, and to K. A.'Baycher and S. 1. Maly*sheva for their helpi in building the outfit. Mounting was pbrforme~ by A. G. Zhukov, P. Ye. Laykov, N. V. Lebedev, V. I. Orekhov, V. F. Poyenko,~ A. G. Potekhin, and A. I. Chernetskiy, for which we thank them: We would par -ticularly like to acknowledge' the discussions as well as the active help of B'. Pontecorvo throughout the project stages." Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Obl'yedizxenny*y instit~t yaderny*kh, issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Studies) SUBMITTED: 23Feb63 DATE ACQ: I$Mar64 EXCL: 0 0 SUB CODE: NS NO RE~- SOV: .006 OTHER: 005 Card ALEKSANDROV, G.N. Aorgiy Nikolayevich) "Evolution of the Arch of the Human Foot, and Problems of Flat-Footedness)" (Dissertation) Acadegic degree of Doctor in Medical Sciences, based on his defense, 23 February 1954, in the Council of the Kazakh Stata Medical Inst. im. Molotov. Samarkand State Medical Inst. im. Academician I.P. Pavlov. KARLEVKOp P.N. Same kandt u1. Traktornayar.d.20); UXXSANDROVp--GeN*j# BORUKHOV' S.A. domparative data o-A the histological structure of the Aortat the pulmonary artery and Botallo's duct in fetuses. Grud. khir. 3 no.108-43 Ja-F 161. (MICA 160) .1. Is kliniki obshchey khirurgii (say, - prof. P.N.Karlenk;) kafedry topografichaskoy anatomii a operatiynoy khirur.giyey (say. prof.,Q.N.Aleksandro,y) Samarkandskogo meditainskogo ingtituta imeni akadamika I.P.Pavlova (dir. - dotsent M.A.Mirzamukhamedov). (FETAL WNBRANES) (DMTUS ARTERIOSIS) ALSKSANDROV, G.N.; DIMMIT, I.N., red.; TUT, A.A., tekhn. red. [Pathogenesis and conservative treatment of he=orrhoids] Patogenez i konservativnoe lechenie genorroia. Tashkent, Gos. med. izd-vo M-va zdravookbraneniia UzSSR, 1961. 82 p. (MIRA 15:4) (IMORRHOIDS) r