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ALEKSANDROV, Ye.B.; BONCH-BRUYEVICH, A.M.; KHODOVOY, V.A. Spin exchange. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 no.8:1070-1077 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10) ALEKSANDROVY Ye.B.; KONSTM TINOV, O.V.; FERELI, V.I.; KHODOVOY, V.A. Modulation of scattered light by parametric resonance. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.3'503-510 S 16100 (MW 16:10) 1. Opticheskiy institut imeni S.I. Vavilova. (TAght-Scattering) (Cadmium) ALEKSANDROV Ye B - KONSTANTPILN, O.V.; PEJULI, V.I.; KHODOVOY, V.A. --1--l- .11'. a P Modulation of scattered light by parametric resonance. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.3003-510 S 163. (YMIA 16:10) 1. Opticheskiy institut imeni ';;.I, Vavilova. (Light-Scattering) (Cadmium) ACCESSION NR: AP4020921 S/0051/64/016/002/0193/0200 i AMOR: Aleksandrov.Ye.D..; Konstantinov,O.V.; Perell, V.I. TITLE: Conversion of the frequency of modulation of light by parametric and double. resonance SOURCE: Optika I spektroakopiya, v.16, no.2, 1964, 193-200 TOPIC TAGS: modulation frequency conversion, light modulation conversion, radiation; modulation,' parametric resonance, double resonanc'e, Zeeman effect, magnetic field splitting, luminescence modulation, harmonic combination, dual modulation, light scattering, cadmium ABSTRACT: In resonance scattering of modulated light by atoms whose excited state is a Zeeman triplet, the depth of modulation ofthe luminescence is resonance-de- pendent on the splitting magnetic field; the degree of modulation exhibits a maxi- mum when the modulation frequency agrees with the frequency of the sigma component of the line. On the other hand, In scattering of light of constant intensity (non-U modulated), one can obtain ;Dodulated luminescence by applyingp in addition to the constant splitting magnetic field, an alternating field perpendicular or parallel Card ACC.RN: AP4020921 to the constant one. In the former case there obtains "double resonance"; in the latter case, "parametric resonance". Modulation frequency conversion incident to parametric and double resonance is discussed and analyzed theoretically; the dis- cussion is based on earlier publications of the authors. It is shown that incident: to application of an alternating field, in addition to the constant one, there should appear In. the luminescence intensity harmonics not only with the frequencies. of the incident light modulation and field modulation, but also with combination frequencies. The amplitude of the combination harmonics is resonance-dependent on the strength of the constant field. The experimental part of the study was carried: out on a set-up consisting of an oscillator f0eding a coil via an rf amplifier, a photomultiplier, a tuned amplifier and a detector assembly. The set-up was similar to that described earlier by the authors ME iTF,45,503,1963). Radiation associated with the 53Pl__51S 0 transition in cadmium vapor (contained in a tube surrounded by the above-mentioned coil) was observed. The1purpose of the experiments was not to obtain detailed data, but only to demonstrat,,the feasibility of modulation frequen- cy conversion. A modulation amplitude verstW!field strength curve is reproduced. - -- .: The experimental results are consistent with 169 predictions o:, theory. "In conclu-~ sion, the authors take pleasure. in expressing; their gratitude to A.M.Bonch-Bruyp- vich for his interest in the work and valuabl'o advice.1, 51 formulas Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4020948 S/0051A;4/016/003/0377/0381 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, Ye.B. TITLE: Coherent excitation of atomic states by electron impact .SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v.16, no.3, 1964, 377-381 TOPIC TAGS: electron impact excitation, transition probability, coherent excitatio4i ,modulated excitation, pumping, Zeeman splittink, line shape, cadium .ABSTRACT: The present work was a continuation of earlier research by the author .(Opt.i spektro.14,436,1963) and O.V.)(onstantinov and V.I.Perell (ZhETF 45, 279,1963). ~concerning resonance scattering of modtilated light by cadmium vapor. It was estab- ~1.ished that the depth of modulation of the scattered light has a sharp maximum when; the modulation frequency of the excitation coincides with the frequency of the troa- : ~sition between the components of the Zeeman triplet of the 53p, state of the atom .in a magnetic field. The effect is attributed to interference between the terms cha-! * racterized by different magnetic quantum numbers, specifically, sublevels with m = : = �1. In the present work there was investigated coherent excitation by electronim-~ pact. The experiments were carried out with cadmium vapor, the observed line being Card 1/3 ACCEssioN wn. -Ap4w48 the 3261 X luminescence line, associated with the 53p,__51S 0 transition. The modu- llat,ad electron beam (from a gun) was directed normal to the weak (0-0.5 gauss) mag- !netic field, which was slowly swept through the expected resonance region. The ra idiation was detected at 900 to the beam by means of a photomuliplier. The modula- Ition frequencies were 1 and 2;62 Me. The result of processing one series of measureo~, !Ments is shown in the Figure (Enclosure 01): the points are experimental; the solid! 5 line Is the theoretical contour calculated for g w 1.5 and 7 m 5.6 x 10 see-1. i(The second experimental peak is due to the presence of odd Cd isotopes in the vap- i !or.) The advantages of the modulated beam (beats) technique over other methods for 14etermining the probabilities for transitions asoociated with non-resonance lines !are polfitW out. "I take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to V.A.Bud- i inikova for assistance in realizing the electron excitation, V.S.Shevere for consul-: station and help with the same problem, and to A.M.Bonch-Bruyevich for his attentions and interest in the work." 3 formulas and 3 figures. 4SSOCIATICK: none i iSUBMITTED: 30UaY63 DATE ACQ: OZApr64 ENCL: 01 SUB CWH- PH NR REP SOV: 004 OMERs 002 Card 2/3 ACCESSION N'R: AP4020971 S/U051/64/016/003/0533/0535 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, Yo.B.; Rozlov, V.P TITIZ: Contribution to the theory of modulation of luminescence appearing incident to interference of coherently excited nondegenorate states SOURCE. Optika i spektroskopiya, v.16, nO.3, 1964, 533-535 TOPIC TAGS: bent luminescence, modulated luminescence, level interference, coher- ent excitation, nondegenerate system ABSTRACT: In a series of recent papers by one of the authors (Yo.B.Aleksandrov), alone and in collatioration with othor investigators (Opt.i spol-tr.14,436,1963; Zh- ETr-,45,503,1953; Opt.i spektr.16,377,1964; lbid.16,193,1964) there were described experiments in which there was observed beating of the radiation from a system of atoms characterized by close sublevels in the excited state. The beats arise as a result of interference of states. The theory of the phenomenon as regards opticil excitation was developed by O.V.Konstantinov and V.I.Perel' (Opt.i spelttr.16,193, 1064; ZhETF 45,279,1963) using the density matrix formallfsm. In the present paper there is proposed a simpler variant of the theory, which is applicable for diffe- Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4020971 rent types and ranges of e%citation and, in the opinion of the authors, is more physically meaningful. The approach is based on the assumptions that lifetimes of the atoms in the-energetically close excited states are equal, that there is a cer- ta-in probability for excitation of the atoms to the states 1 and 2 with a definite phase and amplitude relation (coherent excitation) and that the effective excita- tion time is much shorter than the lifetime in the excited states. Thus, there are derived formulas characterizing the luminescence beats under conditions of modula- tion of the excitation or of the separation between excited sublevels. Beats should also occur in the case of modulation in phase, rapid rotation of the plane of po- larization, etc. "We are indebted to O.V.Konstantinov and V.I.Perel' for discus- sion of the work and critical remarks.'I 12 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUB11MED: 30hlay63 DATE ACQ: 02Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODR: PH NR MF SOV: 005 OVER: 002 Card 2/2 ALEKSAND,F%)V. Ye.B.; BONCH-BRUYEVICHl A.K.; KOZLOV, V.P. Observation of the signal shape in the presence of a high noise level by means of repeated oscillographing. Prib. i tekh.eksp. 10 no.5tUO-113 S-0 165. (MDU 19. 1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut, Leningrad. Submitted Aug.8, 1964. ~L 3665-66 Ewil) IJP(c) 011108: ACCESSION N11t AP5 UR/0051/�5V018 0545/0551~ 00~ Ego/ 599.3.84.2 6.48 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, Te. 6; WOMOV) Ve Ve q V, (;5" TITIXs Use*of the method of beats to measure the Stark spl-itting of the cacbsiini .53p, level SOURCE: 0 ptika i spektrookopiyap Y. 18p no. 4, 1965P 545-551 TOPIC TAGSt Stark splitting., cadmiva, resonance, luminescence, beat method, 31 ght modulation, splitting constant ABSTRACT'i The Stark aplitting of the, 53P, state of cadmiun vas investi at,d by -inescen UK observing the degree of modulation of resonance I 4W.0~ed wgen cadmi vapor is excited with modulated light (the method of beat This Splitting Vas never investigated before by radio-optical or polarization methods, and in too &=11 to be.observed by direct spectroscopic methods. The measurements vere zaae by two methods, one with siamiltaneous application of a constant electric and Yarl- able magnetic fieldp and the other vith an electric field aldne. Me@ the cUssi- eal interpietation cannot be applied to the latter casep a,geueral ans4sis of -the,i' Card 1 2 L 9912-56 .___g~Vn_T1V~"Tr(mYEPF(n)-2 -_.'P(t)/~j-;P(b) 1JP (c) M/W-4/M AP502 872 1WO05 /Oi~/o6~/64 rxer~__ L) I AUTHOR: Aleks andr45__)1r_.,,.B., ORG., None TITLE: Beata in luminescence due to phase modulation of the excited state SOURCE: Optika, i spektroskopiya,, v. 19, no- 3, 1965p 452-455 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, excited state, light polarization, transitlon radiation, phase modulation, Faraday effect, q~admium.,,. ABSTRACT: The author describes the realization of a new methlod of synchronizing in- tensity beats,in the spontaneous radiation of atoms. The metbod was originally pro- posed in an earlir.,r paper by the author (with V. P. Kozlov, Opt. i spektr. v. 16, 533 with correction in v. 16, 1068.9 1964) and consists in making -the elementary process that rroduces the beats govern the initial phase of the beat. The experiment is base on the cadmium intercombination transition 53P,--5'So in a magnetic field. Cadmium vapor at 220C is escited by 3261 A resonance radiation from a cadmium lampp directed along the magnetic field and linearly polarized (Fig. 1). The luminescence is ob- .served at right angles to the field by means of a photomultiplier. The modulation ofl the initial phase was produced by oscillating the plane of polariza -on at high fre- quency with the aid of the Faraday effect in the same eadm ear the absorp-r ium tion line. Details of the oscillation of the plane of polarization are described in a companion jxLper in the same source (Opt. i spektr. v. 19, 4-55, 1965, Ace. AP5022873Y- The line shapes of the luminescence beats before and after synchronous detection, as UDC L 9912-66 ACC NR, AP5022872 ism G Fig. 1. Block die-gram of experi- zi 4 Z mental setup. 1 - Cadmium lamp, 2 - lens, 3 - polarizer, 4 - Cad- 7 mium vapor cell, 5 - resonance 6 rememw vessel, 6 - 975 kcs oscillatorp 12 7 - 500 kcs heterodyne., 8 - fre- e 9 10 quency doubler-, 9 - 25 kcs IF am- Yftq CUMXPM11W plifier, 10 - synchronous detec- YOSOUWMb 25 XeR &MMOP WWWO tor, 11 - mixer, 12 - photomulti- plier. 9- well as the line widths (5 X 105 see-3-) vere found to agree vith the published di ita. Author thanks A. M. Bonch-Bruyevich for advice, support, and interest in the work, and V. P. Kozlov for critical co ents. Orig. art. has: 2 figures a~nd 2 formlas. suB CODE: 8um DATE: 29jan65/ ORIG REF: 010/ OTH REF: 004 C,,d 2 ALEKSANDROV, Ye.B. Astrophysical proof of the second postulate of the special tre-ory of relativity. Astron. zhur. 42 no.3%676-678 My-Je 165. ~YjRA 1&5) 9911-66-, MWTD, (e) ACC NRi AP50228 3 SWRCE CODE: IJFVOOQ6~1_6 I ./ i AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, Ye. B. ORG: None .TITLE: Modulation and filtration of resonance radiation with the We of the Faraday effect SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya,,v. 19, no. 3s 1965, 455-457 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium, Faraday effect) resonance line, light polarization, Zeeman ef- fect, absoiTition band ABSTRACT- Ibis is a companion to the preceding paper in the same source (Opt. i vv,sj. spektr. v. 19, 452, 1965, Ace. AP5022872) and describes the use of the Faraday effect' in cadmium vapor to modulate and filter out the unshifted resonance lines. The pur- pose.of the experiment was to develop a technique which can be useful in certain ex- periments with resonance excitation. The experiment was performed with the cadmium 3261 A r9sonance line. Lihearly polarized light from the cadmium lamp passed through a_qMartzVcel1 placed together with an electric oven inside a coreless coil to provide a magnetic field up to 2000 gauss directed along the light lbeam. The magnetle,field split the excited state of cadmium 53P, into a simple Zeeman triplet whose outer com- ponents pr-pduced the magnetic rotation and absorption. MaxLmum differential rotationf- of the plane of polarization could be obtained by varying the splitting and the vapors density under the given experimental conditions, and by eboi5sing the optimum tempera-~ Card 1/2 UM t 538.6 L 9911-66 ACC NR, AP5022873 ture and a suitable value or, the field it is possible to obtain a significant modulm- tion of the transmitted light. by applying a varying magnetic field to the cell. An absorption test has shown thIat practically.all the light produced in the system lies in the absorption band of the cadmium vaporj, thus testifying to the effectiveness of the filtration. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 2o/ Sum DATic: 29jan65/ ORIG PXF: 002/ OTH REF: '001 212 !wpm -L 00541-66 -EWT(T,.)/'T IJP(C) ACCESSION NRz' AP5019221 UR/0056/65/049/001/0097/0106: AUTHORS: Aleksandrov# Ye._,B.,- Konstantinov, 0. V.; Perell, V. I TITLE: Optical orientation of atoms in a magnetic field perpe ndic lar to the beam SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49i no. 1, 1965, 97-106 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic moment, molecular bi-am, bezun modulation, gas laser ABSTRACT: The authors investigate theoretically and experimentally a new method.of orienting gas atoms in a magnetic field perpendicu- lar Ito an orienting light beam. This is done by using an alternat- magnetic field in addition to a constant one, and modulating the alternating field while maintaining the beam intensity constant. It is shown theoretically that if the alternating field makes a- L .00541-56 ACCESSION NR: AP5019221 -small angle with the constant field, then the resultant moment precesses about the constant field and produces large constant com- ponents of the magnetic moment in the directions of the magnetic field and of the light. The theory of the process is briefly devel- oped and expressions are derived for the total moment and its pro- jections. To check, on the theory, experiments were made on the dc and ac components of the moment projections on the light beam and on the constant field in the vicinity of the first resonance., The experiments were made with a mixturelof cesium vapor and argon, using an orienting beam which was circularly polarized and contained only one long-wave component of the resonant doublet. A cesium electrodeless discharge spherical lamp served as the source. The experiment setup is described. The test results are found to be in isatisfactory agreement with the theory. Plots were obtained of the Idepth of modulation of light on the amplitude of ~he alternating Ifield, of the dc components of the moment against the constant field,~. land of the resonant broadening by the alternating field. Orig. art. 3 _L io ~T -2/EFF(n)-2 (k)/EWA(m) _2/EA(h)/ _ra)/EEC(k)__ ACC NR, AP 001660. ETctm) - SMI-Tik(e) SOURCE CODE: Ult/0051/65/019/006/0982/0984 Vqj ~'(7- Y !I AUTHOR:. Aleksandrov,.Te.'&; Bonch-Bruyevich, A.M.; Koutin, N. N.; Khodovoy, j.;- ORG: none TITLE: Stimulated Raman.scattering in a selective resonator SOURCE':-- Gptika i spektroskopiya, v. 19, no. 6, 1965, 98,2_984 TOPIC TAGS: laser, Raman scattering, stimulated eMiSSiOTI, laser cavity, Ramon laser ABSTRACT: The stimulated Raman scattering was investigated at an excitation power just above the threihold using the following three different setups: 1), a Raman cell in the resonator of a laser; 2) a longitudinal selective resonator (the term used by the authors for the case when the Raman laser - Wator is in the direction of the ruby laser resonator); aM 3)a transverse selectiv Tesonator (the term used for the case when the/Raman laser resonator is rotated 90* from the direction of the axis of the rubyNlaser, i.e., a 90* off-axis Raman laser resonator). In the first setup the gi7a_ntpulses were produced by a ruby crystal. Using two variable-trans- mission-coefficient filters (transmission coefficient 30-50% at X - 694 mv) the effective intensity of the 30-300 nsec-duration pulses in the resonator reached 100 Mwt/CM2. The maximum energy per pulse was 3-4 J. Two dielectric mirrors writh a transmission coefficient of 0.4% at X = 694 mv, 0.8% at X 745 mv (the fundamental Card J/Z %35-t37 6 .3 5.L.~_35 L 10789-66 ACC W AP6001660 SRS line in benzene), 40% at A 805 mu (first harmonic) and 70% at A 875 m (second harmonic) were used in the experiments. The SRS in benzene had thresholds for a specified length of the Raman cell (i) and the laser input power. No SRS was observed at I < 2; however, SRS.was stable for 5 < 1 < 60 cm. The threshold power decreased almost linearly with increasing 1. At 1 w 60 cm the of ficiency of energy conversion reached 10% of. the puwer An the cavity. It - -.4as observed that an.increase in thielenergy'of theLpulSes from the ruby 1.5-2 times above the :L threshold resulted in a three-order:inerease in SRS. InLthe longitudinal selective setup, the additional reflector betweentbe ruby rod.and the Ram."Lcell had a tranS_L missionLCoefficient of 90% at--A - 694 mp, 10%,at X - 745 V, and 1% at A 805 and 875 mv. In this mode of operation the efficiency of energy conversion was at least as high as that in the previous case. Two higher harmonics at A = 745 and 805 mp which reached saturation at ulo% of the input power were observed. Results similar to those of the longibidina--setupl.Fere achieved with a transverse selectivesetup. HY.Never, SRS was achieved in a Raman cell the length of which along the laser beam was only I cm~ Stimulated Brillouin scattering in benzene was also observed in this setup. Orig. art., has: I figure. ICS] SUB CODE:, 20 SUBM DATE: 15Apr65/ OTH REF: 004/ ATD PRESS://1/4W L-Card '1Q242.;-6& RDAWTU C -2/T/E111P )AWN00AWT(WEEC V51LIA W_ 'nly ACC NRt AP6=19T VGJH~ SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/65/09/005/1435/1444 AUTHOR: kq dr ~Xp~I ;:,Bonch-BrqYev1ch Kostin, N. N.; Khodovoy, V. A. ..ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering in (selective resonators SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no. 5, 1965, 1435-1444 2 TOPIC TAGS: laser, second harmonic nonlinear optics, Raman scattering, Brillouin scattering, A"or-j,-~a- ABSTRACT: The stimulated Raman scattering was investigated at an excitation power just above the threshold using the following three different setups: 1) a Raman cell in the resonator of a laser; 2) a longitudinal 8 ive resonator [the term used by the for the case vhen the Raman lase donator is in the direction of the ruby4uMeqrsesonator); and 3) a transverse selective resonator (the term used for the case when the Raman laser resonator is rotated 900 from the direction of the axis ofthe ruby laser, i.e., a 900 off-axis Raman laser resonator] (see Fig. 1). In the,first setup (Fig. la) the giant pulses were produced by- a ruby crystal 10 to 12 cm long and 12-16 mm in diameter. With two variable-.transmission-coefficient filters (transmission coefficient 10-80% at A 6943 the effective intensity of Card -1/4 L 10242--66 ACC NN AP600019T 01 00.0 0, r -experimental set Fig. l.- The UP 0000), a- SRS in the ruby laser resonator; b- SRS I' n the longitudinal selec- tive resonator; c - SRS in the trans.- 0000~ verse selective resonator. V L - reson&tor length for scattered radiation; 1 - length of the "ac- tive" path for the scattered radia- 04 Z~Z?Z, tion in the resonator; 0 - mirrors; 0000 r - ccefficient of reflection; F - variable coefficient of absorp- 0000 tion filters. CGrd 2/4 L 10242-6 ACC NRt AP6000197 the 20-200' nsec-duration pulses in the resonator reached 100 Mwt/cm2. The maximum ~energy per'pulse was 5-6 J. Two dielectric mirrors 01 and 02 with a transmission coefficient of O.h% at A 694 mu, 0.8% at A = 7h5 mu (the fundamental SRS line in benzene), and 40% at A = 805 mu (the first harmonic) were used in the experiments. The sensitivity of the detectors was sufficient to register 10-4 of the energy of the laser pulse. The setul~? shown in Fig.Ila was used to investigate SRS in benzene. It was observed that an increase in the energy of the pulses from the ruby laser 1.5-2 times above the threshold resulted in a three-order increase in SRS at the funda- mental frequency. Saturation was reached when the intensity of SRS was about 10% of the energy input, at which time the second harmonic whose energy output quickly reached the level of SRS at the fundamental frequency (at saturation), appeared. When the second harmonic reached saturation the duration and the intensity of the laser pulses decreased sharply due to the reverse effect of SRS on the ruby laser pulses. When the length of the Raman cell ~1) was increased, the threshold power and the pulse energy required to achieve SRS decreased. Also, the larger the cell, the sm ller the energy above the threshold at which second harmonics were generated. The SRS was stable when 1 was between 5 and 60 cm. In the longitudinal selective setup (Fig. lb) reflector 02-replaced 04 and the transmisslon coefficient Of 03 was very high at A = 694 mp and was at a minimum at A = 745 mg. The gain of SRS at 1 = 5, 20, and 60 cm was at high as in the previoras case, although the pump Dover and the pulse energy required were considerably smalLer. For example, when the output of a ruby laser pulse of 30 nsec duration was h0 Mw (1 = 20 cm) three 10 Mw SRS pulses of 20 nsee duration were observed in the Raman laser cell. Similar re- de Card 3/4 L 26i2 ~-66 iw(m)/~wp(t) DLUP~l J-P(0) ACC NRi AP6015809 SOURCE CODE: U1VO38q66/0D3PWj04ZJ0 AUTHOR:, d=990ftUd~X. Sokolov,- A.: P. -6G non 41 ? - --Cd - "imeeby.~ 3261' a"MI -Orientation of resonant adiabion' ik.rSOURCE --ZAxxihal.~_eks no, i.,-ti6reticheskoy fiz'ikit m,v r a rue urep, re nanc ight a rf so b linei I. excit t o nj. ~_nsnce line, 1. e splitting, In ~'ABSTRACT' in authors haV6~ob~a able -"of Cd - 3.2.1 nuclei in The ~4,, tpredi., orientation "vapor at a -den" ity j6 id of,'~ci -0 -cm- -the' darI3~ -- l- ized 8 on iheL~ojder-- f' with a rci -po ar: method of orientation is similar I n' its 6hbi' outlines ;td`. that _used by the Yjistler-Brossel group'for',odd mercury.isotopes (Compi. rend. Acad. Scie'"_~ 249, ~77, 2,53, 1959). Ole orientation of the cadmium was'Malized In a setup #+'(Fig. 1) in witich 3-ight from, a high-freVenc -cadmium larap vas passed tbroxigh a circulm- p6larizer to a euvette with Cd-11-3-: vapor, saturated rut 240C. The transmitted filt light was passed through a gas er filled with Cd-13-4 vapor, which selectively ab- sorbed the byperfine component F = 3/2 of the 3261 A resonance line) thus increasing ly several times the dependence of the brightness of the transmitted light on the state of orientation of the nuelei.L The transmitted light was registered with a T photoreceiver., The presence of orientation wAs established 'by means of a nuclear; res. 7 onance signal, To this endj an alternating magnetic field (4.8kcs) Perpendicular to CaM 1/2 -.66 L 26128 ACC NR, JiP6015809 t Gener, remepa- MOP H, VA.. yn Fig. 1, Diagram of experimental setup., &4,w 0 . ch'. de ivm lamp., 2 -- polarizer Cil Am 1. 1 --, CadmL 3 Er Cd ON- cuvette., 4 gas filterp 5 -'photo- Ycuqm- (b IW receiver. 4 ity the light ray was applied to'the cuvette. The constant fielC of variable intens -.was directed at an angle of 450 to the light-beam axis. With such an arrangement.. the magnetic resonance was accompanied by modulation of the ta-ansmitted light at the alternating-field frequency, and this served as the resonance signal. A distinct res- onance signal with.half-width of several cps in a field of 5.2 oe,was observed. ap- proximatelF corresponding to the published value of the nuclear moment of Cdl-"I-. The signal exceeded by two orders of magnitude the noise level, the receiver bandwidth be:~-% apprimdmate1y 1 cps. The authors plan to investigate in the future the charac- ter L,O the relaxation processes in the system and to attain t more complete orierrta- tion oi' the ensemble. The same method can be used to orient CdI 7he authors t M. P. ChoMm for help with the work an;! A. M. Bonch-BrtWevi t for support and interes SUB CODE: 20/ SM DATE: 3.1 MaX66/ Oni REF: 005 :W Car L 29.967-66- E1VT(1) ijp(c) ACC NR-Ap6oo2883 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/z~)5/000/021,,/0041/0()41 IhTENTOR: Aleksand?~~T...,Ye. B.; Bonch-Bruyevich, A. DI.; ORG: none TITLE: Method of measuring the modulus and direction of of force of weak magnetic fields.(,.Class 21, No. 1,76976 SOURCE: By-ulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. ICiodo-voy, V.A. the vecuor 24, 1965, 41 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic field measurement, vector, w-eak magnetic field, magnetic field intensity, paramagnetism, measurement V~ ABSTRACT: The method ofAmeasuring, the modulus and direction of the vector of force of weak ih!15netic fields, based on the optic orien- tation of atoms, is c aracterIzed by tne fact that the effect of the action of the measured magnetic field and of the known light intensity on the paramagnetic atoms is compared and the magnetic field strenSth is determined by the intensity of the orienting light. These charac- teristics are incorporated in order to widen the measurement rar.,re ol' weak magnetic fields. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 13Apr64' 510041 SOUIRME CODE: UR/Q386A6/003/002/008, ACC N ,Rt AP7007681: -t AUTHOR# Aleksand' Y B Bonch-Bryevich, A. M.;:Kostin, N. N.; Khodovoy, V. A. State "Ordeir of Lenin" Institute of Optics im. S. I. Valrilov (Gosudarstvennyy bi-dena Lenina Opt cheskiy institut) TITLE: Frequency shift of optical transition in the,field of a light wave ~i SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentalln6y i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pistma v redaktsiyu, v. 3ol :1 no. 2, 1966, 85-88 ITOPIC TAGS: optic transition, ruby laser, photowultiplier, optic filter, resonance ~Iline) laser pulsation, magnetic field intensity, light absorption/FS-7 filter, KS-19 I I ibleaching filter ! ABSTRACT: The authors experimentally investigated the frequency shift of the optical resonant transitiqn 4S1/2 - 4PJ/2 3/2 of potassium (principal doublet). It can be be shown that the~expected freque-Acy shift of this transition is connected princ ipallyi 'with virtual transition induced by the laser pulse from the ground level (01/2 4PI 2,3/2) and th~ excited level (4P3/2 - 6S1/2). The first pair of transitions is sti~lsufficiently far from the resonances (the transition wavelengths are 7665 and 17699 A, that of the laser is 6943 A). The 4P3/? - 651/2 transition is much closer to resonance OL = 6939 X). In spite of this, all these transitions make comparable tributions to the sought frequency shift of the investigated transition, owing to tcz difference in the oscillator strengths. It is important that the ground and UDC: none ACC NRt AP7W7681 excited levels are shifted here by the ruby-laser light in opposite directions. In the experiment Iight from potassium lamp 1 was passed through vessel 2 with potassium vapor saturated at 100*C (see the figure). At the selected temperature,, the vapor absorbedabout 80% of the lamp's resonant radiation. Transmission of light by vessel :2 was expected to increase during the action of the pulse from laser 3, provided the resultant transition frequency shift is commensurate with the line width of the lamp iradiation (it was assumed that +.his line was broader than the absorption line ofithe vapor). The transmission of the resonant light was recorded with as~hotomultiplier whose output was fed to a pulsed oscilloscope (4 glass filter IT No Card ;e/4 ACC NRI AP7007681, laser The scattered light in the registration channel-was reliably cut out with FS-7 P F'~~; filters. Prelimilaary experiments have shown, however, that the laser pulsed is 1~1 accompanied by scittered radiation with spectral components lying in the region of the registered potassium line. The authors used a *cial method of filtering the resonant line witi the aid of the Faraday effect to combat the mechanism of radiation occurrence. Afte,- passing through vessel 2, the light beam of the potassium. lamp was made to pass Through an,auxiliary euvette 6 filled -with potassium vapor and place between crossed polaraids 5. A local magnetic field of approximately 2 kOe was applied to cuvettp 6. The magnetic field produced, besides splitting of the absorp- tion line, strong:;radiation of the p1sne of polarization of the light, but only in the nearest vicinity of optical resonanco. By magnetic field intensity selection, the system was mace to transmit almost &11 the resonant line, and to absorb the extraneous light.!- The entire apparatus behaves like a high-transmission optical filter with a bandwidth on the'orde:z-of 0.1 cm-1. Under the conditions described, a distinct signal was recorded, evidencing a decrease in the absorption of the resonant light by -the potassium atoms in vessel 2 during the time of action of the laser pulse (20 nsec); the laser operated in the monopulse mode by using bleaching filters KS-19. To verify that the change in the light absorption was not connected with some experim6ntal errors the authors checked: (1) that the signal vanished when -the potassiu~i light was turned off; (2) that the signal vanished when the potas-.- sium vapor was frozen out in vessel 2 (with the illumination on the photonrultiplier i maintained at the'previous level); and (3) that the signal vanished when the operating' mode or lamp 1 walt forced so as to broaden the emission line (the broadening was confirmed by the observations). The minimum laser radiation power density. at which CGrd 3/4 ACC NR: AP7007683 the bleach' 5:L ~aal was produced was -10 )W/cm2 corresponding to an electric field F j intensity (~n the ight of 105 v/=. The half-width of the spectral emission line ...I is estimated at -31 x 10~ cp, so that the observed shift was of the same order The authors thank P. A. Godina for providing the high grade polaroide. Orig. ;A has: 1 formula aria 1 fiFn;re. SUB CODE: 20 UBM DATE, 30NOV65 ORIG REF: 001 OTH REF: 003 Card ALEKSANDROV, Ye.B.; KHODOVOY, V.A. Letters to the editors. Opt. i spektr. 18 no.6:1090 Je 165. (M,IRA 18:12) ATY, ANDROVj~~q. -.*-.- - Upanding the enas of steel tubing with harametal expanaers. Stan. i instr. 26 no.10:35 0155. (MLRA 9:1) (Pipe, Steel) RLEKIRNDROV, Ye-B. Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 14/25 AID F - 5359 Author : ileksandrov, Te. B. Title : Ikivice for turning long shafts of small diameter Periodical : Stsa. i instr., 8, 37-38) Ag 1956 Abstract : A description of a device which greatly reduces the time and labor required for turning long, not-rigid, small diameter shafts is given. Four drawings. Institution : None Submitted : No date ALFKSANDROV) Ye. I. MEASURING INSTRU1,!ENTS Weaknesses in organizing supervision of measuring tools. Vest. mash. 31 No- 12, 1951 Monthly List of 11assian Accessions, Library of Conaess, Sept. 1952. Unclassil-ied. 1. iLLEKSANDROV; YE. 1. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Measuring Instruments 7.. Shortcomings in-organizing the supervisionof measuring equi-6ment. (Remarks on Ye. I. Aleksanclrov's article). Vest mash No 9 1952 9. Monthl Lis' of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. .U.L Z il - ALEKSANOZOV, Yo. K. Spinal anesthesia in labor. Akush. gin., Moskva No. 1:51-54 Jan-Feb 52. (CLML 21:4) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. 2. Of the Obstetric-Gynecological Clinic of Yaroslavl' Medical Institute (Acting Head of Staff--Docent O.G. Aunapu). E- - - - AT -$?KSANDROVTEO-- K. PCAUDMATE OF THE MEDICAL SCMCES Mbr., Department of Ob5tetrics and Gynecology Yaroslavl Medical Institute 91ethods of open care for the navel using surgical clamps and t4innin,"kkush. i gin. no.4:60-62 JlAg 1952 AIIKWIDROV, Ye.K. , Concerning R.N. Iurleva's article on "A now method of treating the umbiliail. cord.O. Akush. i gin. no.6:90-91 11-D '55 (MLRA 916) (MIBILIGUS) ALM(SANDROV, M K. ALEY,SA,W.OVs YE. K. "Material on the study of the pathogenesis, clinical aspects, and treatment.of late foxms of virus venereal 3,ymphogranuloma (Nicolas-Favre diseasia) in women (clin- ical observations in the MNR)." Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians. Moscow, 1956. Oissertation for the Ngree of Doctor iAOciences) Mealcal Sot Knizhnaya Letopial., No. 18, 1956 Z /9 ALEKSANDROVt, ,f,,..,dotsent (Yaroslavl' Surgical treatment of some forms of ulcerative vesidovaginal fistulas and destruction of the urethra. Akush. I gin. 32 no.5: 49-53 5-0 '56. (MIRA 10:11) (VAGINA, fistula vas:icovaginalg with destruction of urothra, surg. technic) (BIADD]IR. fistula samo) (UMHRA. die. lesions in vesticovaginal fistula, surg. technic) AMSh OV. Ye.K., doktor med.nauk Variations in surgery for u.-ogenital fistulas in women [witb summary in 31nglish]. Akush. i gin. 34 no.l.'71-74 Ja-F '58. (MURA 11:4) (zav. 1. Iz kafedry- akusheretva i ginekologii - dotsent Te.l. Aleksandrov) Yaroslavskogo veditsinskogo Institute. (URMICIITAL USYSTAI, fistula In women, surg. tedhnics (Rug)) EYCMPTA FEDICA See 10 Vol 12/10 Obstetrics Oct 59 1807. TUBAL. RESECTION IN ISTIMIC OTILATC3 1%1*10N OF 'ruBFS AND IN E CTOPIC PREGNANCY (Itusslan text) - A to k a and ruv E. K. - AKUSIL I GINEK. 1959. 2 (68-72) Illus. 3 The author recommends an operation for the rltllrti.. normal patency of fallopian tubes by resection of the obliterated portbn, or the part concerned in tubal pregnancy. followed by end-to-end ana5tomolis. In experiments patency and the functional capacity of tubes and cornua were rf,stored In 761,6. In 1937 the author performed this operation for the first time in the t (SSR. In 10 trionths normal gets- tation ensued, terminating in normal labour; a su sequent pregnancy resulted in abortion. Up to 1941,6 operations had been perforr ed, 3 in caces of ectopic pre- i gnancy. Insufflation in 5 cases revealed that the oi erated tube was patent: in one patient Insufflation was contraindicated (fresh gonf rrhoea). Salpingoanastomosis was performed for the 8th time in 190 (ectople pi agnancy). Gestation ensued in 2 yr.. followed by the birth of a live child. The tv !hnique of the operation is des- cribed. ALEKS.ANDROV,, Ye.K.. Viral lyq)hograntaoma vener= (NIcolas-Favre disoase) as a pro- cancerous disease. Vop.wflc. 6 no.2:61-67 F 060. (MIRA .14:2) (1,YMPHOGWMOMA VENEREUM) (CANCER) ~ AI&SANMY Ye, 1,. t Doe of peridural anesthesia In gynecology. Acush,J gin, 36 ' no.4M-73 JI-Ag 960. (MMA 13s12) (GENITOMWARY ORGANS--SMMff ) (SPINAL ANESTTESIA) ALEKSAEDROV,-Ye.K., prof. (Yaroslavl') Some problems of the prevention and treatment of bemorrhages during prognancy, labor, and postnatal period., Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivan. gos. med. inot. no. 28:223-231 1 63 (MIRA 19:1) P(c) GG/BB/GD/JXT(BF) KC-C-NR, ltwo9442 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/i)00/0045/0051 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, Y(s. K.; Sullpovar, V. L.; Timokhin, V. 1. ORG: none TITLE: The fundamental characteristics of a model learning automaton iind certain results of its learning to discriminate Rattgrne SOURCE: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po kompleksnoy probleme Kibernettka. Bionika (Biontes). Moscow, Izd-vo M, I K, 45-51 TOPIC TAGS: logic circuit, logic element, pattern recognition, algorithyn, electronic feed- back, automaton ABSTRACT: Logic circuits made up of threshold elements are used as the basis for a learning automaton. These bases were proposed by Varshavskiy in 1962. The problem of pattern re- cognition is solved by finding the logic function wha-ch divides the sets of independent binary variables Into two classes. Where Varshivskiy used an ideal logic circuit of threshold ele ments, in the present work the weight factors of the input of every threshold element In the first layer do not change durlng teaching and can accept only one of three fixed values +1, 0, -1. With respect to this, the inputs of a threshold element di-Ade into activating (t z=+I), retarding Q=-1) and blank (~=01. The thresholds of all the elements are the same and re -main constant 1/2 L _3.~3 66 _ . _9JM__ ACC NR; AT6009442 throughout the entire process. Every threshold element realizes the function n Yi =sign ~Ixi- 77 1, where ~i is the weight factor of the i-th input; x, is the value of the binary input variable at the i-th input;," is the threshold value-, n is the number of the inputs of the automaton and j = 1, 2, 3. ..... n. The specific advantages of this automaton are the large volume of Information about the signal, the parallel processing principle, and the use of distributed memory. It should be added that there are individual memory units for storing weight factors for each threshold element. The automaton was used in 1962 for discriminating the letters of the Russian alphabet, numbers, and various geometric figures. The methodology for teaching the automaton Is discussed. Algorithms were used In the majority of cases. Feed- back was discontinued and every element was checked for Its correct answer to the teaching sequence. The teaching process was continued for those elements which gave wrong answers. Curves are given showing the increase in the number of correct answers for the elements of the automaton. A part of the experiment consisted of finding out whether the automat was able to recognize new elements of the images already incorporated. This phase of the experiment was called "checking the automaton for generalization. 11 Under these conditions 60 to 80% of the ' answers were correct. The automaton was simulated n h gh, Td digital computers when the 0 'p linear law of weight factor change was Lve_r1fi6&.'_ it is shov ;n that emiton becomes more-!, flexible with an increase In the number of ide-me-fits or the complexity of structure. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 4 formulas. 0S7 SUB CODE: 09, 16 / BUBM DATE- MOM / ORIG REF: 001 ,-. ALMSANDROV, Ye.P. Preparation of models for studying the mechanism of sudden death in imuff icienoy of coronary circulation. Trudy LSGNI 48:227-238 159. (MIRA 34:2) (CORONARY HEART DISEASE) (DEATH (BIOLDGY)) ALEKSAWR-Qy,j"" FLAVITSKIT, Tu.V. "Now~~10"FINUM Detemining parametirs for electric motors used on ctiters ard cutter-loaders. Ugoll 32 no-5t24-28 My '57. (MLM 10: 5) (Electric motors) (Electricity in mining) ALEMAMROV, 76.V.,inzh.; NOVAKHOVSKATA, D.S.,inzh, Using soup dtock as a plasticizer. Biul.stroi.tekh. 12 no.10: 15-16 0 '55. (mila 12:1) 1. Tre3t "Stroitell." (Plaaticizero) (mortar) - A- ~ _I~vUnjy 1y :Lc~h PATELOVSKAYA, M.I., red.; -ALF-KSAXDAQY, NOCHALINA) Z.3., tekhn, red. (Safety manual for roofers] Pamiatka po tekhnike bez- opasnosti dlia krovellshchika. Izd.3., ispr i dop. Mo- skva, GosstroUzdat) 19*63. 20 p. ~MIRA 17:3) ALEKSANDROV . KIR1YA T.A.; KHMIADASHVILI, P.I. -~-- y , Vibration compensator for a drilling tool. Heft. khoz. 43 no.5tl7-20 Itf 165. (MIRA 18:6) ALIMSUTDROV Tu aviatekhnik This is how the time is allocated. Grazhd. av. 17 no.8:25 Ag 160, - (MIRA 13:9) 1. Lineyn6-ekepuatatsionnava i remontnaya Z%Sterakaya, Ioningrad. (Ieniwad--Airplanea--Maintenance ana repair) ALEKSAMRQY--Yu.; PILIPUSIIKO, I.; VOLCFENKO, V.; SEMEROV, I.; LIMARENKOV, L.; YARkOV, G.; YENTSEV, I.j KUMUT, 14,; SHCHEKOTOVIGH, P.; BOBGVICH,7~; CHEREPANOV, G. They are raising the level of their qualifications. Zeishch.rast. ot vred.i bolo 7 no:,5.-61 ~~ 362. (MIRA 15-'11) (Plants, Protectioh of-Study and teaching) ZAKHLRKIN,, O.A.; KOLDAYEVA, T.N.; LISOGURSKIY, Z.I.; SKOVORODKIN, P.A.; POLYAK, M.A.; YURIYEVA, A.K.; PrInimali uchastiye: GAVSHINCYV, I.I.; . SAVINA., A.S.; ALEKSANDROV, Yu.A.; S~MdWGVAV A.N. Some peculiarities in preparing rubber mixtures in a two-speed rubber mixer. Kauch. i rez. 20 no.10:39-41 0 161. (MIRL 14:12) 1. Yaroslavokiy shinnyy zavod. (Rubber industry-Equipment and supplies) ALEKSANDROV Fimt a-*d, P L ior oneself and a comrade. Voen. zna-,i. 1+2 no.2: 26-127 F 166. (ISIMI 19: 1) ACC NR~ AP6022040 SOURCE CODE: UR1012C!66/1)00/003/0221/0222 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, Yu. A.; Kutsenko, A. V.; Maykov, V. N.; Paviovskaya, V. V. ORG: Phy~ics Institute, AN SSSR, Moscow (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: A water soluible epoxial glue for scintillation counters SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1966, 221-222 TOPIC TAGS: glue, epoxy plastic, photomultiplier, cerenkov counter, scintillation counter ABSTRACT: A water-soluble glue for use in scintillation counters, Cerenko-,l spectro- meters, and other similar equipment has been developed. The glue provides good, uni- form optical and mechanical contacts between photoelectric amplifiers and irradiating or light-conducting media. The glue is made from a DEG-1 epoxial resin (a glycerin compound) and a DEG-1 hardener. The glue maintains its consistenr--, . 40 to 60 min after it is prepared; it requires approximately 20 hr to fully harden. It takes from sev- eral hours to several days to dissolve the glue joints depending on their thickness, the temperature, and rate-of-flow of water, and the surface area of' the joint that is exposed to water. The light conducting properties of the glue have! been studied on scintillation counters and have been found satisfactory. The authars thank Ye. S. Potekhina, L. A. Skrylova, and Ye. M. Blyakhman for consultations and for supplying the specimens. SUB CODE:/g 0 SUBM DATE: 14May65/ 6RIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: Card 1/1 / I UDOP 539.1.074, ALEKSANMOT, Tu.A., inshener. Goatrolling the operation of transformers in urban electric networks. Bnergetik 2 no.2:19-20 F 154. (MLRA 7:4) (Blectric transformers) ALMANDROV, Yu. I - Gigantic radioteleocopes. Nauka. i shiznl 22 no-10:54 0 155.(KLRA 01:1) (Telescope, ItAdio) SHRETBER, V.; Urgent problems concerning operation of transformers in city electric power networks. Zhil.-kom.khor. 6 no.8:14-15 '56. (MLRL 10:2) 1. Glavrqy inshener treat& "Kavmineoergo" (for Shreyber). 2. Nachallnik takhnicbeakogo otdola tresta "Kavminanergo" (for Alskeandrov). (Electric transformers) MAMSANMOV inthener; SHREYBER. V.P., inshoner. wwm;:~Zw_ Onerating 6 kv city pover lines in sleet areas. Inergetik 5 no.6:17-19 Je '57. WaA 10:7) (Electric lines) ALRMNMOV, Tu., inshener; SHPZYBZR, V., inshener. %W - - - ga ~~ I 'A Sons problems In operating city cable lines. Zhil.-kau. khos. 7 no*2:11-13 '57s (KM io.-4) (Electric cables) AUTHORS: S74reyber~ V.P. and Aleksandrov, Yu.A. 94-1-13/24 TITLE: Extravagance in the Construction of Urban Electricity Distribution Systems (0 nekotorykh izlishestvakh v stroitel'- stve gorodskikh elektricheskikh setey) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958 L40.1 pp- ~?'_'29_'*~USSR)' ABSTRACT: There are as yet no general rules about the design of urban distribution systems. Therefore, the erection of lines for distribution of electricity, radio and communications, street lighting and supply to electric clocks is not co-ordinated. Much expenditure can be saved by preparing rules for the com- bined erection of such lines and siting them to fit in with street gardens., It is wasteful to use columns only for street lighting. An example of the multiple use of lighting poles is shown in Fig.l. Since it is now necessary to provide concrete footings for wooden poles, the spacing of poles should be reviewed to avoid waste. Greater use should be made of reinforced concrete in various structures. At present the common types of transformer mounting and distribution equipment use littlexeinforced con- crete. Existing typical transformer-stations for general Cardl/2 supply are somewhat extravagant and greater use should be made ..AL%,SANDROV, Yuriy Andre evjq4;,, STRL"I'O', Aleksandr Alekseyevich; `~VfITSP%6_66V'tio~ich; JLTUFIYBVA, A.M., red.izd-va; LICLYUKMN, I.A., (Experience in the operation of electric networks in the cities of Stavropol Territory] Iz opyta ekspluatatsii alaktrichaskikh setei gorodov Stavropollskogo krain. Moskva, Izd-vo H-va kommun. khoz.RVSR. 1959. 77 P. (MMA 12:10) (Stavropol Territory--Electric networks) IT:-,E) c;f cable cabincto In 6 L.ower r.c!t,vcrks;. Tralr!y !JEI 17:6) 1. Tr,,st ORavminvodoem;z,,". I_Z',xjj2Z66 ACC NRt AP600157Z 0,) SOURCE CODE: URIOIZO/65/0001006/0084/0089 'AUTHOR: Alcksandrovs Yu.. A.; Kutsenko, A. V.; Maykov, V. N.; ;P -12ovska DtZT.__.*Sa ORG: Institute of EhXsics, AN SSSR (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Using an AI-100 pulse analyzer as a storage device SOURCE: Pribory i tek%nika eksperimenpta, no. 6. 1965, 84-89 ~ iTOPIC TAGS: pulse analyzer, cornputer storage device/ Al-100 pulse analyzer ABSTRACT: The remodeling of an AI-100 pulse analyze for purposes of measuring Awo simultaneous pulses is de scribed; a fifth program ("storage operatiore') is introduced into the AI-100. The storage is controUed from the outside, while the arithmetic unit is used for receiving and recording two simultaneous pulse trains. The resulting storage device has a constant dead time at its two inputs of 120 t4sec,a pulse-height range of 1-100 v, and 99 storage addressee for synchronously recardin the results of measuring two pulses. Tables of operations and commands are given. Such a remodeled analyzer hits been used for one year in conjunction with two Cerenkov total -absorption spectrometers (with the 680-Mev FIAN synchrotron). Orig. art. has; I figure and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: 23Nov64 ORIG REF., 002 Card 1 1 UDC-. L 28055-66 EWT(1)/ETC(m)-6 IJP(C) N C Ri, AP-5087006 SOURCE CODE: TJR/0120/65/000/005/0045/0048 AUMOR., Al9ksandrov. Yu. A.; 'xut,9_Q'M)CQ, At V.; -ALaykov.' Vt---Nt Tavlovska7a-, V._V6_ ORG: lu-titote of Phygi o AN SSAP- Mnyntw (Fizicheskiy institut) TITIE: Time characteristics of SOURC3: Pribory I tekhnika ekspr*rimenta, no. 5, 1965, 45-48 TOPIC TAGS: gamma spectroscopy, Cerenkov radiation, Cerenkov counter, photomultiplier tube ABSTRACT! In order to Investigate the resolving time of a.Gerenkov- spectrometer~-a method of coincidence circuits was applied. A spectro- meter (de bed in PTE 1964, no. 34, p. 38) with a 300-mm radiator was used. The light from the radiator was collected by the FEU-49 photo- multiplier tube. The coincidence circuit was formed by the addition of two FEU-36 photomultipliers which had an adequate amplification factor and a time spread not greater.than 2 nsec, By such an arrangement a resolving ti'me of about 4 x 10-9 sec was obtained without diminishing the 100-pot efficiency of recording the gar-ma quanta in the range from 100 to 600 Mev. After a preliminary theoretical study, the experlmenta~ Card 1/2 UDC: 539.1.074.4 L 28055-66 ACC NRt AP5027006 were conducted and the performance of the coincidence circuit was testa.~. The experimental curves showed that at the electron energy of 100 Mev,, a 100-pet efficiency of recording was attained when two additional FEU-36 photomultipliem were included in the circuit. The dependence of., the recording efficiency upon the resolving time was also investigated- and the curves of "delayed".coincidehoes were plotted for electron beLm energies of 100 and 500 Yev. In the case of 100 Mev, the best resolv- ing time was 4.7 x*10-9 sec While at 500 Mev the 100-pot efficienoy.was attained at about 4 x 10-9 see. The comparison of these results.with the data published by other authors showed the superiority of the abovG arrangement. The,authors.expressed their appreciation to Ye. M. Levkin for the discussion of various problems, to T., I. Kovaleva for the selee- tion of FEU-36 tubes and.the assistance in measurementi-l-a-n-d to the personnel operating the 680-Mev synchrotron. Orig. art. has: 3 graphs, 1 table and 1 formula. SUB CODE: i18 SUBM DATE: 64 ORIG REF: 003 OTH 003-1 U91. Card 2/2, LIA '_~VC1fdT DE: UH/6_i20/_66_!ooo/0l2/0050/0054 ACC NR, AP7001938 AUTHOR: Aleknandrov., Yu. A.; Kutsenko, A. V.; Maykov, V. N.; Pavlovskaya, V. V. ORG: Physics Institute IAN 98SR, Moscow (Fkzicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva) TITLE: A system of correlated Cherenkov spectrometers with analysis of data on an M-20 computer SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika ekoperimenta, no. 6, 1966, 50-54 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear radiation spectrometer, spectrometer, Cerenkov counter, computer application ABSTRACT: A system designed to measure correlated Y-quanta or electronsi in the 100--600-14ev range is described. The system, originally designed I to study neutral particles generated by a 680 Mey synchrotron, consists, of two full-absorption Cherenkov spectrometers working either in a- coincidence or an anticoincidence made, recording and storage logic circuits, and calculating and output equipment. The recording and stor-i age logic circuits consist of an AI-100 analyzer with a changeable pro- gram, linear amplifiers, and transistorized and tunnel-diode logic circuitry. Control and calculation is performed by an M-20 computer. Card 1/2 line '. 539.1.074.oh ACC NR: AP7001938 Input to the computer is on 80-column punched cards. The output equip-, ment comprises a card punch (the output card punch of the M-20 computer),:. an EUM-23 electric typewriter, and a number of calculating devices of t8e PS-100 system. The system output is a 100 x 100 x,y printed matrixi I Information along the x and the y axes indicates the pulse amplitude registered by the first and second spectrometers. Some of the system parameters are: energy resolutions, � 21.5- 9.5%; resolving time of the two spectrometers connected for coincidence, 5*nsec; dead time when registering occurrences, 130 nsec; capacity of the operating intermediate memory, 99 addresses with 16 bits in each; readout time from the intermediate memory, 10 see (on a. punched card); system process~ time for 10,000 numbers (including input and output time), 10 min. Orig. art. has: .1 figure SUB CODE: 18/ SUBM DATE:..17Nov65/ ORIG REP: 007/ OTH REP: 002 Card 2/ 30206 S/081/61/000/019/032/085 -~'j oD B11O/B138 AUTHORS: Al(~keandrov, Yu. A., Brilkina, T. G., Shushunov, V. A. TITLE: Oxidation of organometallic compounds,, 3. Synthesis and some properties of triethyl lead oxide PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 19, 1961, 145, abstract 19Zh44 (Tr. po kh1mii i khim. tekhnol. (Gorlkiy), no. 3, 1960, 381-387) TEXT: The oxide of triethyl lead (I) was obtained by reaction of disperse metallic Na with triethyl lead monohydroxide (II) in benzene. I decomposes ato,j 200C, reacts vigorously with acetone and acetaldehyde, and reacts instantaneously with water to form II quantitatively. When reacting with methyl, ethyl, benzyl, and a,a-dimethyl-benzyl alcohols; as well as with hydroperoxides of tert-butyl and cc-cumyl, I gives the corresponding oxy and peroxy derivatives of triethyl lead, which are unstable at 1200C. The rate of thermal decomposition of I at 70-900C without solvent was studied. The products obtained consist of an equimolar mixture of C2H6 and C2H4 (with an impurity of 1-1.5 % of butane), 0.97 mole of Card 1/2 1102o6 s/m/61/ooo/oi9/032/085 Oxidation of organometallic... BI1O/B138 triethyl lead per mole of used I, and a solid substance containing 87.1 % of Pb, which is insoluble in organic solvents. The authors assume that the accelerating effect of I on the oxidation of hexaethyl dilead by 0 2 in n-nonane solution is caused by the ability of I to decompose with the formation of ethyl radicals, whereby a degenerate chain reaction is effected. For Report 2 see RZC, 1961, 8Zh231-, LAbstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 30207 S/081/61/000/019/033/085 '3 -7 B11O/B138 AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, Yu. A., Radbill, B. A., Shushunov, V. A. TITLE: Oxiiation of organometallio compounds. 4. Oxidation of hexuethyl ditin vith oxygen PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 19, 1961, 145, abstract 19Zh45 (Tr. po khimii i khim. tekhnol. (Gorikly), no. 3, 1960, 388-393) TEXT: The oxidation of hexaethyl ditin (I) with oxygen (II) in n-nonane solution at concentrations of I ranging from 10 to 100 mole% has been studied. The oxidation rate of I is described by a first-order equation according to the concentration of I, and is independent of the pressure of II within the range of 300-500 mm Hq. In the temperature range of 60-900C, E(act.) is 19-5 kcal/mole. 0 55 mole of diethyl stannic oxide, 0.62 mole of triethyl stannic oxide, and 0.12 mole of acetaldehyde are formed per mole of oxidizcd I. Water was found qualitatively. The oxidation of I is not catalyzed by addition of 13.2 mole% of triethyl lead oxide. Addition of 2.6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl Phenol lovers the Card 1/2 30207 S'/081/61/000/019/033/085 Oxidation of organometallic ... B1IO/B138 reaction rate to approximately one-tenth, which is indicative of a chain iaeohanism of the reaction. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Card 2/2 oD AUTHOR: TITLE: S/gI96 61/000/023/017/061 1~ B117/B147 Production of triethyl-tin peroxide PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 23, 1961, 230, abstract 23Zh24O (Tr. po khimii i khim. tekhnol. (Gorfkiy),. no. 3, 1960, 642 - 643) TEXT: A solution of equimolar quantities of anhydrous H 202 and H.) Sn (I) in ether is shaken with anhydrous Na at -200C for (C2- 3 120 2S04 [ 15 minutes, and decanted. Ether is distilled off in vacuo, and the resi- due diluted with hexane (II). (II) is distilled from the filtrate at -100 C and I(C2H5)3 Snj2 02 is obtained. The peroxide decomposes completely at -00C within 24 hr; at 600C it explodes, with water it decomposes more slorly than M. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 )0 0 y SO V/(,9;-30-2-56/i 8' AUTHORS: ShUohUnov, V. A., Yu. I. TITLE: Concerning the Decomposition of the Benzoyloxy Radicals In Solutions PERIODICAL: ZhUrn,31 ob3hchey khimil, _1960, Vol 30, Nr 2, pp 632-634 (usn) ABSTRACT: Benzoyl peroxidQ on heating di.,;,Sociates into bon'loylox, j .1 radicals which, in turn, decompose into phenyl radicals and CO 2' c,11,G00 (10, (2) If the above reactions are reversible then, in the pre- sence of tagged CO 2' the tracer atoms should pass into the nondezomposed benzoyl peroxide and alzo into the benzoic ~,cid formed in reaction of the bei-.zoylo.-,y radicals Card 1/2 with the oolvent. Concerning, the Decomposition of the Benzoyloxy Radical,~ ill SOILItIO!10 77*907 9 - 3 0 - 2 - 5 817 8 cgll.'Coo- + Ill( - C6111,C0011 -t- H- In the pre~;ent OtUdy, benz-oyl peroxide was decomposed by heating to 70-80c) C~ in the presence of C1402 in various solvents (carbon tetrachloride, benzene, mixtures of various alcohols with benLene, etc.). It was established that reaction (2) wtas irreversible and that, under the conditions of the experiment, there was no exchange of C atoms between CO and the L)enzoylc,.,.,y i~adicals. There are 2 table3; and W , references, _~ U.S., 2 So,iet. The 3 U.S. referenceo are: L. Jaffe, E. Pro,,3en, M. Szwarc, J. Chem. Phys., 27, 1116 (195(); N. '~wicbel, J. Turkevich, W. Miller, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 71, 376 (1S~49); A. Seidell, SOILlbilitieS of Inorganic and Metallorganic Compounds, Vol 1, N.Y. (19531). ASSOCIATION: Gorlicly Scientific Rvoearch Inotiti-ite of Chemistry (Gorlkovskiy naLichrio-i.osledova'L-.el.lsl~iy institut 1,him-ii) S'L113MITTED: February 12, 1959 Card 2/2 ALEKSANDROV, Y~.A. Cand. Chem. Sci. (diss) "Liquid-Phase Oxidation of Hexa-ethyl-diolov, Hexa-ethul-dis-lead and Tetra- ethyl.-lead by Oxygen." Moscow, 1961, 16 pp (Acad of Sci. USSR) Instit. of Elementary Organic Compounds) 150 copies (KL 6UDP 12-61, 255) S Y1 0 0 S/081/61/000/024/011/086 B138/BIO2 AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, Yu. A., Brilkina, T. G., Shushunov, V. A. TITLE: Oxygen oxidation of distannic ethide, diplumbic ethide and tetraethyl lead PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 24, 1961, 75, abstract 24B541 (Tr khimii i khim. tekhnol., [Gorlkiy], no, 1, 1961, 3 - iiV TEXT: The oxidation of distannic ethide (I), diplumbic ethide (II) and tetraethyl lead (III) by oxygen was studied in solutions of n-C-H-- and C6H3C13 at 50 - 90 0C. Additions of triethyl-tin peroxide cause' considerable acceleration of oxidation ofI,although the initial increase is not suatain6d, the reaction rate returning to normal in the course of time. The products of oxidation of I are tin diethyl oxide, tin triethyl oxide, CH3CHO and H20. Activation energy of the process is 190 kcal/mol; In oxidation of II lead oxide, III, C 2H5OH, CH3CHO, and H 20 are formed. Card 1/2 S/081/61/000/024/01I./086 Oxygen oxidation of distannic ... B138/B102 The dependence of oxidation rate of II on temperature and initial concentration is of a critical nature. Considerable variations in the rate of the process are observed with very slight (60 to 62.5 0C for instance) variations in these Darameters. Additions of lead triethyloxide accelerate oxidation of II, and additions of H20 retard it. C 2H6' C2'H 4' C4 H109 CHCIIO~ H20, the 1-hydro-2-oxide of triethyl lead, the 2-hydro-2--oxide of diethyl lead, and the mono- and dioxide of lead are formed in oxidati~ln of III,, Addition of solid-oxidation products considerably acceleraies oxidation of III. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation. Card 2/2 4290 S/081/62/000/022/026/088 B144/BIOI ~0 AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, Yu. A., Shushunovq V. A. TITLE: Organometallio peroxide compounds. 2. Synthesis and some properties of triethyl tin peroxide PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 22, 1962, 227, abstract 22Zh240 (Tr. po khimii i khim..tekhnol. [Gor1kiy] , no. 3, 1961 , 644-651 ) TEXT: (C H SnOOSn(c H ) (11) was synthesized by reacting 2 5 3 2 5 3 (C2H5)3 SnOSn(C2H5)3 (1) with anhydrous H 202- A solution of 2-3 9 1 and 1 equ. H202 in 15 ml ether was agitated for 10-15 min (200C) with 1-1-5 9 LIP anhydrous Na2 s04 (111); the solvent was evaporated and 10-15 ml of hexane were added in the presence of 1-1.5 9 111. Within 5-8 min (Of agitation) II was separated after th% solvent had been evaporated from' the filtrate. In the synthesis a contact between reaction mixture and air Moisture was avoided. II hydiolizes readily to give (C 2H 5)3 SnOH and H202 Card 1/2 S/081 /62/000110,12/026/088 Organometallic peroxide compounds. B144/B101 (yield in H202 100.2~6). On heating (6ooc) II explodes. In n-nonane (0.1l'-0.60' M) II decomposes according to a first-order reaction (E(act) 14 kcal/male) with formation of (C 2H5)3 SnOC 2H 5and (C2H 5)2 Sno in equivalent amounts. If II reacts with a solution of (C 2H5)3 SnSn(c2H5)3 (IV) in n-nonane (200C) then I arises. The peroxide II decomposes when induced and is caDable of initiating oxidation and polymerization reac- tions. The course of thermal decomposition of II and its reactions with IV are discussed. Communication 1 see RZhKhim, 1961, 23Zh240- [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.3 Card 2/2 88569 S/020/61/136/001/017/OIA7 0 B0161BO55 AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, Yu._A., Brilkina, T. G., ar-d Shushunov, V. A. TITLE: Bistriethyl-lead Oxide PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 1, pp. 89-92 TEXT: Bistriethyl-lead oxide,((C2H5)3 Pb)20, was synthesized with a view to establishing its properties and studying it in detail. In an earlier work the authors had found that bistriethyl-lead oxide has a marked accelerating effect on the oxidation of hexaethyl dilead by oxygen. They assume this effect to be due to free radicals formed by decomposition of bistriethyl- lead oxide. Basing on their own resulte, they state that this compound has never actually been obtained by other researche2.-s (Refs. 2-4), since bistriethyl-lead oxide hydrolizes in alcoholic and aqueous solutions. The authors therefore applied a different method: They dispersed metallic sodium in n-nonane, removing the n-nonane thereafter by decanting and distilling off, and then poured on dry benzene. To this mixture they added a triethyl lead monohydroxide portion so calculated that sodium was well Card 1/3 88569 Bistriethyl-lead Oxide S/020/61/136/001/017/037 B016/BO55 in excess. In the course of 2-3 h triethyl lead monohydroxide was trans- formed into bistriethyl-lead oxide which is readily soluble in benzene. After filtering off the solid residue, and distilling off the benzene, bistriethyl-lead oxide was obtained as mobile, faintly yellowish-green liquid with a sharp specific smell. At room temperature, bistriethyl-lead oxide hydrolizes to triethyl lead monohydroxide (to an extent of 98-99%). Alcohols and tertiary alkyl- and aryl hydroperoxides act similarly to water, transforming the bistriethyl-lead oxide to oxy- or peroxy comp _-nnd.; of triethyl lead, besides triethyl lead monohydroxide. At temperaturc-, 0" only -101C, several of these reactions occur at an appreciable rate. Tb:. authors studied the effect of methyl-, ethyl- and benzyl alcohol, dimefty'J.- phenyl carbinol, tert-butyl-and a-isopropyl phenyl hydroperoxide on bistriethyl-lead oxide. The following compounds were obtained: ethoxy triethyl lead, tert-o-butoxy triethyl lead, a-isopropyl-phenyl peroxy triethyl lead, methoxy triethyl lead and a-isopropyl-phenoxy triethyl lead. The organic oxy- and peroxy compounds of lead are unstable and decompose gradually at room temperature in sealed ampoules, accompanied by a color- change to redbrown. Bistriethyl-lead oxide reacts vigorously with acetone at room temperature, under formation of triethyl lead monohydroxide. In Card 2/3 88569 Bistriethyl-lead Oxide 3/020/51/136/001/017/037 B016/B055 the presence of a great excess of acetoneq mesityl oxide and a resin which was noz further investigated were formed. On heating, bistriethyl-lead oxide decomposes comparatively rapidl with liberation of an equimolecular mixture of ethane and ethylenet and 1~ butane. The residue is tetraethyl lead (Ref. 7). There-are 2 figures, 1 table, and 7 references: 2 Soviet, 2 German, 2 US, and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimii pri Gor1kovskom gosudarstvennom universitete im. N. I. Lobachevskogo (Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry of the Goilkiy State University imeni N. I. Lobachevskiy) PRESENTED: july 4, 1960, by M. I. Kabachnik, Academician SUBMITTED: July 4, 1960 Card 3/3 11-7 , 7 28732 S/020/61/140/003/013/020 B100101 AUTHORSt Aleksandrov, Yu. A., and Bhushunov, V. A. TITLEs Triethyl tin peroxide PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 3, 1961, 595-597 TEXTs Since peroxides of the type R nMOOMRn (R - hydrocarbon radical, M - metal) are only known for Cdt Si, and Go, the authors investigated the triethyl tin peroxide (TETP) synthesized by them, (C 2R5)3 SnOOSn(C2H 5)3' The synthesis was carried out by mixing equimolar amounts of triethyl tin oxide and anhydrous H,O,, dissolved in absolute ethyl ether, in the presence of anhydrous sodium sulfate. After 10 - 15 min vigorous shaking, the mixture was filtered, and a new portion of sodium sulfate was added to the filtrate . After distilling off the ether at reduced pressure and room temperature, a small amount of hexane was added, and shaken for another 2 - 3 minutes. After filtering off the sodium sulfate, hexane was distilled off. The residue was a viscous, golden-yellow liquid, pure TETP (100-101 % active oxygen). Its synthesis was achieved according to the reactioni Card 114 2871~61/14 0/003/013/02 S/020 0 Triethyl tin peroxide B103/B101 (C2H5)3 SnOSn(C2H5)3 + H2 02F==::~(C2H5) 3SnOOSn(C2 R5)3 + H 20 0). The resulting water was bound by sodium sulfate. The tin content was 53.6 %, the molecular weight 443-4. TETP is very'aasily hydrolyzed by water without heatingt (C 2H5)3 SnOOSn(c2'q 5)3 + 2H20-4 2(C 2R5)3SnOR + H202(2) This reaction was used to determine the active oxygen by means of permanganatometrio titration. TETP is ver~Cunstable and decomposes completely within 24 hr at approximately 0 - At 600C, decomposition proceeds most vigorously in a sealed glass phial; an explosion occurs after 2-3min. In n-nonane solution, this reaction Is much slower. It can be described by a kinetic reactipn equation of first order. During the reaction, a white deposit is precipitated from the solution. It is unBoluble in ordinary organic solvents and was identified as Aiethyl tin oxide. A second product of thermal decomposition, ethoxy triethyl tin (boiling point 190-1950C), remained in the solution. It can be hydrolyzed with water, thus forming triethyl tin monohydroxide. From 1 mole of TETP, 0.93 moles of diethyl tin oxide, and 0.98 moles of ethoxy triethyl tin are formed. The apparent activation energy of TETP decomposition in n-nonane is 14 kcal. Polymerization of methyl methacrylate and acrylonitriie is Card 2/4 S1020 13/140/003/013/020 Triethyl tin peroxide B103/BIO1 initiated by additions of TETP. At room t.emperaturq, TETP reacts very fast.. 'with hexaethyldi-tin, giving triethyl tin oxide as a result of the reactionsi. (CHb)3 Sn6 + (CaNs SnSn (C&Hl,)& - (C%Hs)a SnOSn (CHa)a + (CsHs)s gn (7) (C4Hg)jSh + (C&Ht), SnOOSn (Cj4,)j - (C4H,)& SnOSn (CHs)z + (C.IH&)& Sn6 (8) ((~,Hi)sSnO+(CH,),tn--(CH,)&SnOSn((:tHa)s (9) 2 (QHs)sS; (CHI)3 SnSn (C2Ha)s -QO) During the reaction of hexaethyl di-tin with oxygen,TETP formed as n intermediate which, dould not be proved because-of the high reactio' n rate. However# oxidation 18 accelerated by additions of TETP. The methods of these experiments-were described before (V. A. 'Shushunov et al., Tr. po khim. i. khim. tekhnol., GorIkiy, 1959, -P- .329; Yu. A. Aleksandrov et al., ibid., 1960, P. 351). The oxidation of hexaethyl di-tin is accelerated either by TETP, or by the radicals forined during its transforma- tion, but not by diethyl- and triethyl tin oxides. which are formed di3ring this process. The reaction of TETP with hexaethyl di-tin ia accompanied by .formation of radicals-which initiate oxidation'of hexaethyl di-tinAby.- a oxygen. There are 3 figurqs and 3,Soviet references. Card 3/4 28 /0 7 s 2076611140100310131020 Triethyl tin peroxide B103/BlOl . ASSOCIATIONt 'Gorlkovskiy gosudars tvennyy universitet im. V~ I. Loba6hevftgo (Gor'kiy: . St8tq.University,imeni N.. 1. Lobachevskiy) PRESENTED: February 25, 1961, by B. A. Arbuzov, Acad'emician SUBMITTEDs February 22, 1961 Caidt*