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RMSEYXV, N.A., otv. za vypusk; DONSKAYA1, G.D., Norms for the consumption of materials and tools for the maintenance and repair of motor vehicles in automobile repair shops and automotive transportation units] Normy zaakhoda materialov i instrumentov ne tekhnichaskoe obsluzhivanie i remont avtomobilei dlia avtoremontnykh predpriiatii i avtomo- billuykh khoziaistv. Moskva, Avtotransisdat, 1960. 70 P. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo avtomobillnogo transporta i shosseynvkh dorog. TSentralinaya normativno- iseledovatellakeya Atantsiya. (motor vehicles--Maintenance and repair) KUZNETSOV, Ye.; ALEKSEYEEV, N. The TO-I standard maintenance line for motor vehicles. Avt.transp,- 43 no.3:15-17 Mr 165. (MIRA 111;5) 1, Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-J.ssledovateltskiy institut avtomobillnogo transporta. ALEYSEYEV., N.; KRASNOBAYEV, I.; STEFANOV, A. $odium silicate as a disinfectant of premises for housing eattle,before slaughter. Mias. ind. SSSR 31 no-4:49 160. (KM 14:7) (Sodium silicate) (Slaughtering and slaughterhouses-Disinfection) ALICISEYEV, N.A., inzh. ~j~ -!'-~--- ... :---, , - ~ ~ ~.t ~ Skis made of wood boards and plywood. Dar. prom. 8 no-7:22 Jl '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1.Sortaval 'ekiy mebellno-lyzhny7 kombinat. (Skis and skiing) 117-58-7-9/25 AUTHORS: Brovermann, M.V., Fayershtern, N.D., Levin, S.M., Engineers and Alekseyev, N.A. TITLE: ti"atioli and Improvement of Factory Records S'7S kra 'M shcheniye i sovershenstvovaniye vnutrizavodskoy dckumen- tataii). PERIODICALs Mashinostroitell, 1958, Nr 7Y pp 25-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with the principles and practical results of an internal documentation reform carried out by a team in the Nevskiy zavod imeni Lenina (Nevskiy Plant imeni Lenin) producing steam and gas turbines, air blowers and other machines by small lots or single units. The refor-.- included the technical, as well as other documents, or documentation systems within the plant (planning, procurement, administration, accounting, etc.). One example of the reform is the "personnel account sheet" for single workers or teams, shown in p 27, introduced into all the plant's shops despite the different operations; it has replaced 15 different work-record sheets used before. The reform reduced Card 1/2 by 17% the total number of document forms and by 400,000 pieces Abridgement and Improvement of Factory Documentation 117--58-7-9/25 the yearly quantity of various documents, which corresponds to a yearly economy of 116,000 man-hours. Further reform of re- gistering and accounting documents will additionally reduce the number of documents by about 650,000 pieces per year. The "Machine-Accounting Station" of the plant has three sets of ana- lytic tabulating machines 114-MI", and a staff of 21. It pro- cesses 200,000 perforated cards yearly. It is planned to in- crease the station and its work-scope to free designers and tech- nologists from setting up materials and work "norms", material specifications for separate workpieces, summary material specifi- cations for the year plan, for quarter plans, etc. There is one figure. 1. Industrial engineering-Systans Card 2/2 AUKSKUT, N.A.; BBLYAYEV, I.M.1 IMAPIVIN, V.F.; MINOVSKIY, I.I. (Planning and calculating construction and repair work on local roadal Planirovanis i uohet stroltellufth i remontnykh rabot na mestnykh Idorogakh. Koskvs. Avtotransizdat, 1953. 250 p. (MLRA,7;5) (Road construction) (Roads-Maintenence an& repair) ALX0zYEw'j~A*; BUZIKO, M.P.; IPPOLITOV, K.M.; PALKIN, R.I.; SIMONOVICH* je.Ya.; TARASOVA, V.S.; TITKOVA, M.G.; AM YU N.A., otv. .%a vypusk; GALAKTIO'N6VI, Ytf,.*~',,.,,--,,jON -G,D,, tekhn.reds [Provisional norms for the use of mAterials and spare parts in repairing road machinery and tractors] Vremennye normy raekhoaa materialov i zapeanykh chastai dlia remonta doroshno-straitellnvkh mashin i traktorov. Moskva, Avtotransizdat, 1960. 380 p. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Rassia. (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo avtomobilinogo transports i shosseynykh dorog. TSentrallnaya normativno-issledovatelskaya stantsiya, (Road machinery--Maintenance and repair) (Tractors--Maintenance and repair) mMVI)D'.V, V.D.; ALEKSEYEV, N.A. Comparativ,O testing of t5e ZIL engine with spark and torch J.gnition. Avt.prom. 27 no.11,44 N 161* (MIRA 14: 10) 2.. Moskovskiy avtozavod imenj Likhacheva. (Motortrucks-Engines-Testing) GASENKOf .412KSLYEV, N.~. Quality of bee honey soR in t~e nart.-.1A of Melit"Opol'. Vop. pit. 22 no.3:86 W-Je 10. (MI RA 17 : 8) 2. T, Molitopollskoy gorodskoy 3anitarno.-apidemiologicheskoy atentsii. - - AUMUM, - 11*~L- - -- --- --- - - -- - -- - Sffect of rigid walls on samples of freo-flowing substancoo sabjected to unlaxial deformation. Nauch.dokl*vy9.sbkoly; fiza-mat.nauld no.11:94-98 '59- (MIRA. 13:1) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvenW universitat im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Vatbematical pbysics) - ALEKS-EYEV N A . -~L-=~ Method of deteminina dynamic characteristics of soils at high pressures. Trudy NIIOSP no.44:96-102 161. (14IRA 14-. 8) (Soil Me-bbanico) (Deformations"(Mechanics)) ALEKSEYVI, N.A. Determining lateral to'Mt in single-We dynamic deformation Of soil. LTrudy] NII cap. no-51:42-47 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Boil mechanics) 57a, eesf#77~ ICO C-L Alb /I ;rIOIJ 5 IIV; ALEKSEYEV, N.A. (Moskva); RAKHMATULIN, Kh.A. (Moskva); SAGOMONYAN, A.Ya. --ligm ,R) Fundamental equations of soil dynamics. PWF no.2tl47-150 Hr-Ap 163. (Soil mechanics) (MIqA 16:6) RAKmgrULIN, Khalil Akhmatoviahj SAGOMONYAN, Artur YakovIevich; ALEKSEY-EV, Nikolay Aleksandrovich; DOZORTSEVA, G.I., red. 1---'---'--. - [Problems in sail dynamics) Voprosy dinamiki grantov. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ.p 1964. 236 p. (MIRA 18;1) Subject USSR/Hydr Eng AID P - 3378 Ca rd 1/1 Put. 35 - 9/16 Authors Sanarin, A. V. and N. A. Alekseyev, Engs. Title Influence of the dividing pool on the traffic capacity of a lock Periodical : Gidr. stroi., 6, 28-31, Je 1955 Abstract : The building of dividing pools between the lock chambers is strongly criticized. The article gives instances of rafting and ship passages through a lock with a mathematical analysis of the velocity of operation and concludes that locks built without dividing pools have greater efficiency. One diagram. Institution None Submitted No date MARKOV, F.Y.,-kandidat seltakokhozvaystyeanvkh nauk starshiv nauchnyy sotrudnik; DANILOU.G.T.. inzhener;-AIMML inzhener; OZKROV. Y.N., redaktor; PMUSYPKINA, t-.1F.-,-t-e-kEmT4cftas-k-. 4iy radaktor; nVZM. V.I., tekhninheskly, redaktor [Agricultural reclamation. work; based on data from the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition] Seliskokhotiaistvannyo melioratell; po materialam Veasoiuznoi sel'skokhosiatetvennoi VyBtaVi. MOSkva, Gos. izd-vo ealkhos. lit-ry, 1956, 511 P- (MLRA 9:11) 1. Voesovuzny7 nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrotekhniki i maliorataii (for Markov) (1~pclamation of land) DANILOVA. G.V.; LOTTER, M.N..;-AIMSYNT, N.A.- KOVALIT, I.I.; DAKILOV. A.Te.; SHINDRIKOV. G.L., i.o. glav:66glo"189- ta; ORLOVA, V.P., redaktor; PAVLOVA, M.M.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor (*Water resources management and rural hydroelectric power stations" pavilion; a guidebook) Pavilion OVodnoe khoziaistvo i sellskie gidroalektrostantaiil; putevoditell. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo salkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 21 p, (KlEtA 9:12) 1. Moscow. Yeesovuznaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya vystavka, 1954- 2. Direktor pavilions (for Danilova) (Moscow-TAgricultural exhibitions) (Water supply, Rural) (Hydroelectric power stations) ASIANOV, A.N.; VASIN, G.D.; VORONINA, Te.P.; GRIGORXNKO, G.P.; GRUSHIN, F.Ye.; DEPARKA, V.N.-, DRESVYAMIIKOVA, D.F.; DUBINIM, KITAYIV, I.Te.; KULIKOY, N-N.~ PANUKOV, H.P.; MILIKIKOV, AJ.; RBZNOV.-I.P.; nSTRYAKOV, A.I., redaktor; PAVLOVA, M.M., tekhniche- shy redaktor; SOKOLOVA, N.N., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Hoohanizatioa and electrification at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition; 1956 guidebook) Mekhanizateiia i elaktrifiketeiia na Yeesoiuznoi sel2skokhoxiaistvennoi vystavke; putevoditall, 1956. Moskva, Goo, izd-vo sellkboz. lit-r~, IQ,56. 305 p. NLRA 10:3) (Hoocow--Agricultaral machinery--Xxhibitions) 7 AUTHOR: Alekseyev, N.A., Engineer 99---1-2-5/7 TITLE: Exhibition of Advanced Experiences and Achievements of Hydraulic Engineering at the All-Union Agricultural Fair 1957 (Pokaz pere- dovo o opyta i dostizheniy vodnogo khozyqrstva na VSKhV 1957 goda~ PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i Melioratsiya, 1957, No 12, PP 39-48 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The author reports on the progress made in the field of hydrauiia engineering as demonstrated on the All-Union Agri- cultural Fair 1957. He gives a brief account of the various devices used for irrigation, drainage and sprinkling, and of different machines used for mechan~ilation of melioration work and water supply. Specially adapted for the irrigation of small areas is the mobile pumping station 11r1HC-T-2x6j;AB11 operated by the tractors "KAM-35teland NZT-54". -The rotary pumps iinr-350 and 'Mr-2X35" are widely used in Central Asia. New automatic water meters IRMA-Bl" and "MU-B2" were shown in the pavilion "Hydraulic Engineering". The differential water meter "BrA-5011 , designed by K.S. Glubshev, and manufact- ured by the plant "Gidrometpribor" at Riga was also shown. Sprinklers "AAII-30011, AAA-100m"t "HAY-55119 "AAA-5211 Card 1/2 and numerous pumps, adapted for lifting water from artesian -- ---- 99-12-5/7 Exhibition of Advanced Experiences and Achievements of Hydraulic Engineering at the All-Union Agricultural Fair 1957 wells and open bodies of water were displayed. Drainage pipes made of glass were recommended by the planning institute "Rosgi- provodkhoz". In order to meet the varying requirements of earth work, the excavators "3-801", 113-153,11 113-30211 and the ditch digger'13TH-142" were designed and tested under field conditions. There are 6 photographs. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 I - I., Utilizing the water resources of North Caucasian water-supply and irrigation systems for domestic and industrial purposes. Vod. i san.takh. no.11!4-7 N 158. (KM 11:12) (Caucasus, Northern--Water supply) AIr,.,KSEYEV9 N.Aeq inzh. Specific norms for capital investment in the construction of irrigation systems under modern conditions* Gidr. i mel. 14 no.9r38-46 S 162. (MIRA 173?) 1. Vsesoy'uznyy gosudarstvannyy proyektno-izyskatalI3kIy i nauchn6-issled- ovatellskiy institut vodokhozypystvennogo, stroitellstva minister0tva- aellskogo khozyaystva SSSR. ALEKSEYEV, N.A., inzh. Ways for Improving the utilization of irrigated lands In the Northern Gaucasus. Gidr. I mel. 15 no.11:14-22 N 163. (MA 17:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy gosudarstvennyy proyektno-izyskatellskiy I nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut vodokhozyaystvennogo stroitell- stva Hinisterstva sellskogo khozyaystva SSSR. ALEKSEYEL N.A., inzh. UaMrfating the expenses for the maintenance and overhaul of struo-tures completed but not yet put Into operation. Gidr. I mel. 16 no.4:60-61 AP 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy gosudarstvennyy proyektnLu-,1%yskate1'skiy I nauchno-issledo,vatel'skly institut vodokhozyaystvc-.nnogo stroiteltstva Goezemvodkhoza SSSR. AIERT]YEV, N.A.,, Inzh, Pasture water oupply by using widely sp;iced wijter sources. Gidr. i mel. 17 no.6:36-40 Jo 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Vaesoyuznyy gosudarstvennvy proyektno-izyskatellskiy i naucbno- issladovatellskJy institut vodokhozyaystvonnogo stroiteltstva, Moslcva. ALEKSEYEV, N.A. Thrombocytopoiesis in healthy children. Irop. gemat, v pedi-' no.3:9-15 164, Characteristics of thrombocytopciesis in healthy children and in children with some diseases of the blood system. Ibid.:67-78 (MIRA 18:7) ALEKSEYEVp N.A., inzh. System of technical and economic indices for determining the economic effectiveness of irrigating pastures. Trudy Giprovod- khoza no.25:79-86 163. (wRA l8t6) KA L, i ~ . ~ !I, VA . ,, ~ I . ; _-~ ~ ~ ~ ,, r, F. ~ . . ; . " , . I t, v , I, . ,, . Tf,rC:;lbocytopr,iesJs in hrpplastic ELnd aplantic ariern.'ass 'In children. Vo,.). gamat. v pdlat. no.3:17.1,-181 164, . (MIRA 18:7) SoKoff)Vjl-.~l*i.~til-C!',.:J,., K.G.; AJIMSEYEV, R.A. Problem of antithrombocyte antibodies in leukemia in children. Vop. gemat. v pediat. no.3:294-299 164. (MIRA 18:7) POTANINp N.V.; ALEKSEYEV, N.A. Thrombocytopoiesis in Schl6nlein-Henoch disease (hemorrhagic vasculitio) in children. Vop. gemat. v pediat. no.3:357-364 164. Hemorrhagic thrombasthenia in children. Ibid..-383-389 041FA 18:7) Thrombo-;y-Lic formula jr, acilte leukemia in cbildren. Frob]. ge-mat. i perel. krovi 9 no.8:24-27 Ag 164. (WRA 18:3) 1. Fafedra gospitaltnoy pediatrii (zav. - daystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.F. Tur) Leningradskogo pediatriclieskogo meditsiii- 2kogo inatituta i tsitologicheskaya laboratoriya po izueheniya ley'-;Zov (zav. - prof. V.V. Akkerman) Leningradskogo inotituta pe, elivardya krovi. ALMZM, N.A., polkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby V, - Nozzle-fitting a flask for rinsing the upper respirator7 organs Ancl'the eyes. Voen.-med. zhur. no.4:78 Ap 156. (MLRA 9:9) (MIDIGAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS) T-~ , T ---if I -- . A) 21820 AL-,,XS -,YT-,V, E. D. Elsperinnehtalln3d-I nepn2rT,,rodeYStvuyush&.iy press (dlya otldiatiya soka L~ plodov gretr~kogo orekha). Trudy Krannodarsk. in-ta - pishch. prom-stil V.,.'P 5~ 1949, !-,. 167-72. SO: Letopis' 'hiirnalln5rkh Statey, No. 29, Yoskva, 1%q AIBKSJdYXV,k,.Niko itriyevich., Atdiw=. Taistya Timofeyevna; "M BLIZIIYAK, V.V., retsenzent; BIRKGAII. Yu.B., spetoredaktor; ICHMYLINITSKAYA, A.Z., red.; CHNBYSH19VA, Ye.A., [Engineering equipment for the production of essential and synthetic oile, perfume and conametics) Tekbnologicheskoe oborudoyanie efiro- maslichnogo, sintaticheakogo i parfiumerno-kosmatichaskogo prois- vodstv. Moskva, Pishchepromisdat. 1957. 379, P. (MIRk 11:2) (Perfumes. dynthetio) (Cosmetics) EV'- - 11-. D 2. USSR (6,00) 4- Condensers (Steam) 7. Condensation system of cookors, Masl. zhir. prom., 17, No. 5, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. FETUKHOVv M.S,; ALEKSEYEVi N,D.; STAPANOVp A.A. On the road of t*6bnological progress. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 5 no.2 34-6 F 163. (MIRA 16:5) It Glavnyy inzh. Leningradskoy fabriki "Proletarskiy trud" (for PaUkhov). 2. Nacha Inik planovogo otdela Leningradskoy fabriki "Proletarskiy trud" Ifor Alekseygv). 3. Nachallaik-tekhnicheakogo otdoleniya Leningradskoy fabriki "Proletarskiy trud" (for Stdpanov). (Industrial organization) .-- iLL f= - A A.A;_4..L_f 6 .4 -A _.L A A f A Id A ~i I I 'AlrKSEYEV, N- t tm MOO of tho ase%" l e N P AlekXty. 00 vW.�*O& !r=( lgwr~&Umrity was dctd. al it-'S, S. R.) 6. ff"t &WAe and pm pmen, f lbe cimfull tu OAIY * P cum- c June, bm o ls and wave kiqlb- At ce"Aill W i a mash". in"Vom and 00 00 c;* 0 00 4* 00 -.00 t I; A 8 - I L 0-IT-MAGIC.L LITiVATUSI CJASSWIC&I;G" too* S~. 1'.. -.00 00 U ii~;Iv .' L . _11_;,t _0~" _ri.l__"_.- It at a a it n It Ot 0 0 0 0 1e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 1W 0 0 1 a 04 -1 j 4 ell *, 0 0 '0 0 040, O 0 0 0 0 0 0 f v A Lf~-KS E ALEKSIM, r". F.J, and D. i~. EALIARCIN Poluchenie moshchnykh kolebanii rLiagnetronorr. v santimetrovom diapa-one voln. (Zhurnal Lekhniches;toi fi:!iki, 1940, v. 10, nc.15, :. 12"`J~-1301C, 'V~Lle, dia-,rs., biblio,.,Traphy) Title tr.: Generation of high-power oscillations by a in a cri-ilave range. QC1.Z48 1940 SO: Aeronautical 3ciences and Aviation in the 3ovict Union, Library of Congress, 1955. ALEK26a. N. F --, and D. E. MALIAROV. Generation of high-power oscillations with a magnetron in the centimeter band. (Institute of Radio Engineers. Proceedings, 1944, v. 32.0 no. 3,v P. 136-139, diagrs., bibliography) Trans. of Poluchenie moshchnykh kolebanii magnetronom v santimentrovom- diapazone voln. TK5700.16 1944 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. --~' ~ I ~' v I " - k - ~ U - '- U ~L - ) E~Rg Q'I - M I '-R-M- V , L . 1 . F'-'q I . , "Fundamentals of Radiolocation," (Osnovy Radiolokatsil) published in the Air Fleet Herald (Vestnik Vozdushnogo Plota), No. 11, Nov. 52. Su=ary D-1368o6, 14 Dec 54 -r" I -, W ttTS-pTMI-.- ~- "Study of the Process of Oscillation Stabilization in a Decimeter Wave Bard Auto- generator." Hin. Bigher Education USSR, Moscow Order of Ifinin Aviation Inst imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Moscow, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technicai Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis'. No. 22, 1955. pp 93-105 tA ~_ it- ~\_ a L T 1~ ~, J ---t -i-- I- . SUBJEOT USSR / PHYSICS CARD I / 2 PA - 1310 AUTHOR ALEXEJEEW~, N.F. TITLE. On the Problem of Determining Oscillations in Autogenerators for Waves in the Decimeter Band. PERIODICAL Radiotechnika, 11, faso. 8, 52-63 (1956) Issued: 9 / 1957 reviewed: 9 / 1956 The attempt is made to determine: the point of time of the creation pf osoil- lations in the autogenerator, the value of the initial amplitude of self-os- cillationg noises in the autogenerator until oscillations begin, as well as the possibility of diminishing the average delay of the high frequency impulse and of reducing the "scattering" of delays. In autogenerators the process for the determination of oscillations can be represented by four stages. In the first two stages super-high-frdquency nonstationary processes are rendered more difficult by large angles of the passage of electronsp because voltages at tube electrodes are low. In this case the excitation of the oscillation does not occur at the end of the first stage, but only after the angles of the passage of electrons have adjusted themselves, and this takes place in accordance with the phase equilibrium in the autogenerator. The increase of the working fre- quency of the autogenerator (in the case of a constant steepness of front of the feeding impulse) leads to the initial conditions of self-oscillation being determined mainly by the noises of the partial effect beginning from a certain frequency onwards. Theoretical- and test data are in agreement: The initial amplitude of self-oscillations is determined by pre-osoillation noises of the a N,,Fl - - ~ - (~en4 ngrad) Automating Information serviceii a, the U.S. Defense Doaumentation Center for Scientific and Technical Inforriation. NTr no.2;55-,62 164.. (MIRA 17:6) 0 LZONTITEV, I.I.; ALK=Ylff, N.Y., retsensent; ZHULIN, A.P., inshener, redaktof,'-~ redaktor; KISINA, Ye.I., tekhnicheskiy rodaktar. [Guido to the processing of hides] Rukeyodstyspe-ebrabotke k*shevenno" syrlia. Forelzdanie. Hooky&, PishchpproxiiidiLt,1955. 188 P. (Hides and skins) Off-RA 9:5) 'w-y-M '- CRIME,, j7 NMI If AIMMMV, N[Fj Machine for removing. svine hides. Mias. ind. SSSR 27 no.5:62-63 156.- 1. Glavwy tokit~-4log,-.Moa~covskogq.-uWasokombimta'. (KM 9:11) (Germany, Bast-ftoking_.houses-IcLuipment and supplies) (Hides and skins) USSWFarz AnImn' a - Sheep and Gods. Abe JoPr-- Ref Zhur-Biol., No 17, 1958, 78754. f Author : AjftO2).Mj6ft Spirin, A - Inst :Rraenoynrsk~ ientific-Pasearch Distitute of Agriculture. Title :Development of~a New-FineOWool Breed of Sheep for Steppe Kolkhozes and Sovkhozes of Khakasiya. Orig Pub: Dyul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Yaasnoyarskogo n.-i. in-ta s. kh., 1957, No 1-2, 53-55. Abstract: Local coarse-wool sheep were ctossed with ram of the precoce breed; the hybrids were inbred, then a single crossing with the Grozny finewool bseed was effected. Hir)ily productive animals with a strobg constitution were obtained. The herd of Card 1/2 ALEKSEY ",, N.F.; MINDLINA, D.S.; STEPAIM, A.V. ''r. A of sodium silicate In disinfecting and preservi abaep casingR. Vaterins.riia 35 no.8:82 Ag 158. iMIRA 11:9) 1. MDakovskiy TVasoknmbinat imoni A.I. Mikoyana. (Sausm" rasings) (Sodium silicaton) ZOTOV. V.P.; BMSEV, L.Te.; GORBATOV. V.M.; FAIMW, G.A.; KLEMCHUG, A.P.; A~MZM, N.F.; IVANOV, G.Ya.; LEPILKIN, A.N.; GEVORGYAN, B.A.; K-AIDUV-,-T.-I.,-SINITSYN, K.D.; KOLIDIII, I.G. A.N.Anfimov. Nias.ind.SSSr 31 no.1:58 160. OCM 13:5 ) (Ar,fimov, Apollon Rikolaevich, 1894-1959) i 0 a 6-0- 0 go golf DevowwooW 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000*-- .. Cc u A- k- t d --t- N-R " ..99 g A , , At 01 Ctuds Sathrac;n*81 (pit amw L ItAv U 5 . , . S. R.) YA anthrovene % is Obtained in Ml~ ),Q'b): C111' I I:t I With crud E e t H (23 Ujin. a, the h. P.). 0e a It A. -00 go Of .3 =90 GOO 00 a KOO 0 0 00 its* Is .1169t%.rulcm tM4141044 4tamPkAllow T2 L-00 all Vir,ki, -a- '1' too 7V O) f l *40 IV 11 It go* Wit list K Un HOC m KW i *gs 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0;* 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0i 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 11 IS u is 1* 1, IS all it At I oatil* A 111-C 0- P 9 if J Af W K L AA 00 (X 0 If4v 1i d p A 0 A 0 . (16"m - -t .,~ . 1. # A _L. 14 I-at t!ll Iw Iflattetwitinstion of naphthalene in %bituntincius' gas 011 ' _AILL lli. I.) II-I Mal ...... 1.4', .-1 I lie del Ia. R11.114111111,111 iti jk% pit-iRte ittilars gix%l itmill.. Iliftwolli- a"w i1w tall VOiltiliII4 I"Millit'litIl WhiCh fl.4tit 11-1111,11tAtill' 114-IMI-A. .00 The volatile unuild. ond the himitiloo ad C1611, , 0, Ill Ity mi- vall IV ".111twed by IhAllillighis Willi 1111 dilittil With KNNO,. iijer th, %ulatile ounjuN. aic I%&. .11m1 Ill lite -%till 411,1 till, Calif. i4 1111,104A %b. it Ilvatrit. dwillade 41411111. ad file K Mail), IA thm till. 11. Ia. e. I drum lift- luffide w till K Nilko, n,lqlll%. va(vilix It mil :1 Ill " coo So 01111. The Militia lite ItIOMd 1111.111% ilig 130. (Of IV. K %till1l. vs. penTaltaffir of C40110. Tile Curve hAq a #Iktitict I'mok 00 at a point VVIakh ill tile QVIII01 C,,]I,. Till, 041 willpic is treated will% variou% to vvitiove lite so 0 volatile &flat which Ow CAI. Cm IV o go A (lk-TACC. 'JCLIt lid-fiWillal VlVFV fIttillil Ill Ik'011111111.4 41141 It 7 j? t;O 0 441-C ' oo too u 0 AV 90 1% 1 t I ,A All A a tj 0 N 111, "Pillf s it Rit it a " It K A I Ia 111 0 #1 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o g o 0*90 0 It tv 11 It is It it a it ill 21 )4 b Is M M %I V 13 M Is M v it a it 44 61-0 4-,K S-L,U I I A 11- 1 JAA ap U S_ I a d 1 4 '7'-** A r a Q 4 LET~ 3jE)'F_',j, jq! "it "' """' . t -09 Corrosion of welded seems In solutions of ammonium 00 nitrate containing nitric acid. 0 niv Prit, No. 6. 12- 14 ( 111LIM. 1-00 00 It And &.4.111hillation 111CINXII *,-IV'I aj:aljj,( v.611,111.1ti 111 -00 (I'Alliflille'll V,IlllK. (1.1:1 %" r 'I. "I (1'L" 00 IIXO.. COMWItiork was detd. fly lit%-; it% wt. of %irvi lWa-1. -00 T"10 IaMrIl 24-240 ht*. At IM-145', III ad'itt ;~- .1. 110111. the tift'llfftle rMICIAtialt Vi'vif At%% lorASMIA At% wrlilt-A oromi, weir the mom %tattle. 10tvirwally WO&d .1weil"rov gaiv 2 3 lillirl Ir- 1114110hrm YIII, "Oe WA% e%pCci4IIF notievable I'll low o-114,114. 4 )INO'. ):.,I 11NOsCOM02. 013g./I. lhecor";on Was at a min. may lie (lot to increased ritte of pattilvity at I bit ninen. or 9`9 to rrillitant protect I%v film. tvdmens the parvist turful watt allork"I fit-it. tWhile I'm 010, goit- wehled Allvirvi 4 1 fir Wraill W41AI 1 riArd 1,41.1 It I, 100 ~910 it "7 :I two* bt 0 Ass-)LA .11ALLI-RGKAL 1.111FRAILORt CLA%%WKAIIO* 4040114 it ONT Got 611111001 Ow 0~- AS- jU 11 AIP 00 At i I hil 0 a -1 IF so -J All 41 3 1 T "7 In It go at a a III a 011 a III U cc 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 A sea S! W 00 09 009 -327. i5e4W Z qxbkoya N. F. Al C4a, (in Russia No". 14bomtoriva (Factory Jaborlt"QW- 1047, P. 13-51-13SP- I apparatus in method and De simplified hicrIbes centra, in 2 steps the diolefins Itre con 10 liters of I'h using activ*Wl carbon " adwrbent gas are requiredufreL determination. AcrufacY Is for duplicate analysis is 110%, 71me req 2.g,s hr. 18 ref, L A~ &ITALCURCKAk UMATUNE CLA$WK&YOGN I** *00 -6 400 =00, see Poo, q*0 moo tie VILINI CK "I its to Is it Is 00 .0 0:0&** so 0000000000 4,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0: 0 0.0. 0 6 ,- 1 14 j:~ -nnz T. Z-- I . . I , . ~. , - , , , ~ I - '. - . , . Mi AIUTHORS- TITLE: PERIODICAL: Ahlekseyevo 114-F.-s YakobpDn, L.G. Dvinyaniiia, M.P. , 32-3-12/52 N.N. The Acceleratetl Analysis of Ylixlhires Containing AInDoaa and Ketkylamine (UskorcniV.,, ansliz smesey, sodern-hashchikh =n-Jak- metilamipy) Zavolqknya Laboratorlyo., 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 3, pp. 283-287 (TiSSR) ABSTRACT: A method of determination was worked oat which was developed from three different methods. One of them is the chromatographio analysis aLocoraing to Fuks and Rappoport. [Ref.iP. From a hydro- chloric acid solution three samples are taken. In the first sample d- i'Methylaird-ne is determined polarographically or by hydrazine- method. In the second Cample the hydroahlorides of anmonia and morometi-kylamine are treated with butanol and chloroform. The third sample seinres for the chrorat-ographic detennimat-ion of trimethyl- amine. Should the solution contain less than 0.25 g/1 annonia, determinat.ior. of ammonium ch,13ride cannot be carried out with butanol but, according to Leon [Ref.2] , by a precipitation vrith Card 1/2 -qvA_i.wn c6bal.tinitr.-!_ Ile. The ex..-action of trimethylamine in The Acoelevted Mmlysis of Mixtures Containing 32-3-12152 Amonia and Methylamine chromatogrwphio determination is cariied out, instead of with britanol, with benzene accor4ing to Geiber and Hildi [Ref.91, as In this way a better separn-tion is attained. Chric-matographic iletermination was carried oult in a mixture of starch and calcium o ide with bromct)V=1 blue. Titration is carried out with a x~ ~ k' 0.02-0.05n sulphuric ac--*13 solution. The accuracy attained satisfied "ie , 4, lemands made by industry and analysis is said to take three hours. There are 2 ta:Ues, and 9 references, 5 of which are Slavic. ASSOOIATION- Fumnrcm Nj'.tz%en Fertilizers -1.ant (Keniercv.9kiy azotno-tukovyy ~;avod) AVAILABLE: Librax-y of Congress 1. Ammonium compounds-Analysis 2, Methylamine compounds-Analysis 3. Butanol-Applications 4. Chloroform-Applications; Card 2/2 !UTHOR: Alekseyev, N.F. 32-24-6-9/" TITLE: The Polarographical Determination of Primary Aliphatic Amines (Polyarograficheskoye opredeleniye pervichnykh alifaticheskikh aminov) P 24, Nr 6., pp 684-688 (USSR) ZRIODICAL: zavoaskaya Laboratoriya, .1958, Vol 0 ABSTRACT: It was found that compounds of primary aliphatic amines with isosebacic acid aldehyde with a composition of 1:2 and ui on a background of 0.1 n LiCl give easily reproducible polarographio waves with a potential of -1.5 Volts, whereas compounds with secondary and tertiary amine3 as irell as of ammonia aN r--duoad at higher temperatures. The method of qualitatively and quanti- tatively determining primary amines vas worked a-it on the basis of methylamine; the process of analysis is described in detail. From the experimental results and graphical representations given it follorm that in order to obtain well reproducible measuring results, not more than 1.5 mol isosebaoio acid aldehyde need be used per one mol of methylamine; if the mtio changesp also the diffusion current may be changed. If the ratio between amine and Card 1b aldehyde remains unchanged and in the case of an absolute increase The Polarographioal Determination of "Primary 3Z-24--6-9/44. Aliphatic Amines of the quantity of the amine the diffusion current at first in- creases alowly and later more mpidly, on which occasion the presence of di- and trimethylamine as vrell as of ammonis. exer- cised considerable influence. The highest diffusion current, specifically formonomethylamine, was found in solutions with dimethylamine, and the lowest In ammonia solutions. For every mixture a separate calibration curve mustbe made, and it is pos- sible to vary only the monamethylamine content. As it is diffi- cult to comply with these conditions, the method of additions was found to be the most practicable. The methylamine content ie calculated according to a given formula; the methoa of determina- tion is described in detail. Determination is said to take 25 to 30 minutes; it is possible to determine about i% of a primary amine in secondary or tertiary amines of amonia with a maxiw= error of 10%. The error limit for a high-percent monomethylamine is given as amounting to 1%. There are 3 figures, I table, and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kemerovskiy azotno-tukovyy zavod (Kemerovo Aitrogen Fertilizer Plant) Card 2,13 The Polarographioal Determination of Primary 32-2)+-6-9/44 Aliphatio Amines 1. Amines-Determination 2. Aliphatic compounds-Polarographic analysis Card 3/3 At T. 11. G. - ---' Method of simultaneous count of reticalocytes and throm- bocytes. Sovet. med. no.10:27-28 Oct 1950. (C1ML 20:1) I* Moscow, AVI BTAV, N,G*_ Unusual localization of Zntamosba gingivalis and TirichomonaB alongata. Mad, parazit,, Moskva no.3:273-276 Kay-June 1953- (ClKL 25:1) 1. Of the Clinical laboratory (Head -- N. G. Alakseyev) of the Central Clinical Hospital (Read -- V. N. Zakharchanko), Ministry of Govarminication Routes. AT-103M 73V, N.G, , Rational application of counter for blood formula. Xlin. mod., Moskva 31 no-5:79-81 may 1953. (CIML 25:1) 1* Of the laboratory (Heal. -- N. G. Alekseyev), Central Clinical Hospital (H-sad - V. N. Zakharchemko)g Ministry of CommLmication Routes. ATWqRYZV. N.G. r- , Cytological diagnosis of e9ophageal cancer. Xhirurgiia no.10;27-32 0 '55. (MLRA 9:2) 1. Iz klinichaskoy laboratorii (nach. N.G. Alekseyev) TSentrallnoy klWncheskoy bolluitay MPS (nach. V.N. Zakharchenko) i kafedry khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.I. Kazanskiy) TSZU. (ISOPRAGUS, neoplasms diag., cytodiag) ALEKSEM, N.G. Express method of cytodiagnosis of malignant tumors and their metastases during surgery. Vest.khir. 76 no.8:94-103 S 155. (MLRA 8:11) 1. 1z klinichookoy laboratorti (nach--N.G.Alaksevev) Teentrall- noy klinichavikoy bollnitay MPS Moskva, D-182, VolokolamBkoye shosse, d.34, Dom medpernonala, kv.42 (NMPLASMS, diag. cytodiag.imprint method during surg.) AIXKSMV, N.G. lqethodi c~-qutck coloring of blood ismears, punetates and inpression preparationa. labbdalo 2 no.lt3l Ja-Y 156. (MIRA 9:10) 1, Iz klinicheskoy laboratorii (nach. N.G.Aleksovev) Toentrallnoy klinichaskoy bollnitay Hinisteretva putey embahcheniyas (HEDIGAL TESTS) AIJKSMV, N.G. "ORMWARM"i A pipette for recovering fragments and complexes of cancerous calls in hemorrhagic exudations. Lab.delo 2 no.4:28 J1-Ag 156. (mLRA 9:1o) 1, Is klinichookoy laboratoril (nach. N.G.Alekseyev) TSentrallnoy klinicheskoy bollnitay Hinisterstva putey soobahcheniya SSSR. (PIMTES) (CANM) AIAMYEV, N.G. Stabilizer for fibrinous exudatese Iabodelo 2 no.5:29 S-0 156. (xLRA 9:n) 1. lz klinicheakoy laboratorii (nacballnik N.G.Aleksayev) TSentrall- noy klinicheekoy bollnitBv Xinisterstva putay soobehaheniva. MORMICK) (FIBRIN) ALEKSM, V. N.G.p zwluzhe=V vrach PJMR Role of the oytologioal method of examination in the diagDoois of cancer of the esopbagues Xhirurgiia 36 no.806-42 A" 160 Iz kliniko-diWosticheskoy laboratorii (nacb, 14,G. Alekoeyev) Tsentrallnoy klinicheskoy bollrdtoy Ministerst7a. pat*y ooobshche- 4iya (nacb, - sasluzbemn vrach RMR Ve-N, Zekharchenko). (ESOPHAGTJS-CANCER) AIM-KME.Y. N.G.. PROKHOROV, V.A.; CW1UTOV, K.V.; FINKEW, E.E., red.; KOGAN, V.V., tekhn. red. [Use of electronic equipment and circuits in pbysical chemistryl Fri- menenie elektronrWkh priborov i skhem v giziko-khimicheskom issledo- vanii, Moskva, Goa. nauabno-tekbn. izd--vo khim. lit-ry 1961. 552 p. NIRA 14:12) (Electronic apparatus and appliances) (Chemistry, Pbysical and theoretical) ---- -- ALEKSEIEV,-N-.G-.-;--YEMELIYA14OVf--K.N*;- KLIMENKO,-G4#K*-- ; RYBAKOV.-B.V*;--ROSTOVTSEVP--- ---- - , - * - - - universal gamma-ray unit for use in radiation chemistry studies. Atom.energ. 10 n0#4:396,400 Ap 161. (MIU 14:4) (Gamma rays) Sterilization of Fr=ckelu needles by G.F.Stepanov's flame method., Lab. delo 8 no.3s55-57 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Kliniko-diagnosticheakaya laboratoriA (nachaltnik N.G.Alekseyev) TSentrallnoy klinicheakoy bollnitsy Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya. (MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS--STERILIZATION) ALZMEYKV, N. 0. Apparatus for washing cover glasses. Lab. dolo 8 no.4:52-5/, Ap 162. (MIRA 15--5) 1. Kliniko-diagnosticheskaya laboratoriya (nachallnik N.G.Alekseyev) Mentrallnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya. (MICROSCOPY-EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES) - 7 !1 "Stracture of Active Carbons and the Tir.-.e -4enu~ red +o -,?each Adsor-,jtj,,)- i`mx; -1 LL Dok AN sssa- 66, Nio -51, 1949. - --: - ' I A 4 1 i YA9111121131ift k~L-A 0* a 0*4 008 0041 00 et 004 It; LF- 1C i Its I J"M t bow P04CIA"I age "Opmet-41 "291 X. V.- wow M A SMX C =2)AHQM h . . ~ Sohniou at %simink and bwolk m" um a6purbW an bqpwWocd and hwiraiqed carbon and on qwb pm~bb* do indamm or uhm .00 mak kroamift as 40 gmt1w 460ftd Was *- ' " L UtW Al 0 18theordarof . We A&D" ubilook b6aw" alftm the M wd Se"em Oft 0* vddk this w o d uaw n QwAft b havue much b b & d M age c m on v counWained carbon. dm y in MoWW of do mW =OecWk bY the retnoW, of dc bWdnwcw do mW molmAm bdm u it L41 0 . waft dakm dmm into. Go pom of the adsorbent by W. M. Wrong coo we* wee, Use IRTALLSOGICAL LffERATJ*l CLA4WKATIO 94t-=-- 2--= goo 1810ya -ISO CNv ost 434111009 VIA&DI OW All 41 v A u a .1 0 All" & 1 2 401 mw a of a it 0 0 * 0 :1* 0 0 4 11 0 * 0 0 see 9, 0 v : 00 at go vo 0 'S 0 0 0 'D @ * 00 7005,41 of*** goo** 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 060900 00 0 w a AIMIESEYEV-1- N.G,: PROKHCROV, V.A. Differential photorday for n themoatat [with %glish summnry in ineort]. Shur.fis.khfim.30 no.5-1144-1145 Mv 156. ()CLaA 9:9) (Photoelectric cells) (Thermostat) 11 - 1. - " I I - j I . . . I - I , - - ~~. . - - . ..I":, KI-I z r_- - -W, EN 1- ~ 4- - I , ~ I . .~ , - MR~PRNI~ Al". 3-1:9M, % " , , , ., 22619 S/089/61/010/004/022/027 A/,5700 B102/B201 AIJTHORS: Alekseyev, N. G., Yemellyanov, K. N., Klimen'.o, G. K., Rybakov, B. V., Rostovtsev, A. A. TITLE: A universal gamma-ray source for use in radiochemical studies PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 10, no. 4, 1961, 396-400 TEXT: A gamma-ray source for use in radiochemistry is described, which meets the following requirements: 1) It has an inner radiation chamber of 50 om 3 and a dose rate of 500 r/sec + 10 ~. (depending on the spacing between source and irradiated sample, the dose rate varies from 150 to 15 r/sec); 2) tests can be mad6 at regulated bigh and low temperatures j3) remote control of temperature and telemetering of several parameters is possible; 4) the source operates without water, is reliable in operation, has exchangeable parts, and causeq no radiation damage. The cylindrical radiator is composed of 24 CoOO sources, is 160 mm high, and has a total aotivity of 5000 gram-equivalent of Ra. The sources are arranged in two rows within a diameter of 75 mm. Thus, the volume in the center is Card 1/9 A universal ... S/089/61/010/004/022/027 B102/B205 3 -50 cm . The sample specimen is placed inside the aluminum container (see Fig. 1). The radiator is housed within a lead container weighing 1200 kg, which serves for protection against radiation during transport and operation. It is enclosed by a steel jacket, and has three gates, one in the direction of its axis and two on the sides, which are closed during transport. Outside the closed device, the dose rate is not higher than wgr/seo. 1)uring operation the device is placed in a special channel within a shielded cabin, and is shielded by 600-kg plates. The whole setup is shown in Figs. 2 and 3. A general view of the device in -working position is shown in Fig. 4. The circuit diagram used to control the radiator chamber, the signaling, and the automatic blocking of the gates and the magnetic gate look is shown in Fig. 5. Control operations are done from a board. The individual operations are done in strict order (indication of the Dilot lamps 1-4). Unloading and loading operations are illustrated b- y Figs. 6-7. There are 7 figures. SUBMITTED: July 2, 1960 Card 2/9 TMAKOV, Georgiy Gavrilovich, prof.; BELOMOV, A.P., kand. khim. nauk, retsenzent; KCVALENKO, M.S., prof., retsenzent; GRISHCHENKO, A.D., dots., retaenzant; TVERDDKHLEB, G.V., dots., retsenzent; ass., retsenzent; KACHTOVA. L.A... ass., retsenzent; SERAYA, M.P., ispol- nyayushchiy obyazannosti ass., retsenzent; KOSSOVA, O.N., red.; SOKOLOVA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Microstructure of milk and milk products) Mikrostruktura moloka i molochnykh produktov. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1963. 177 p. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Propodavateli Leningradskogo tekhnologicheskogo insti- tuta kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (for Kovalenko, Grishchenko, Tverdokhleb, Alekseyev, Kachtova, Seraya). (Dairy products--Analysis and examination) ALEKSEYEV, N.G. Is the "algorithmicalm approach to the analysis of teaching faethode.justified? Vop.'psikhol no-3:137-142 My-Je'63. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy pedagogichenkiy institut imeni Lenina. IVAEOV, Turly Vladimirovich, k9nd.tekhn.nauk; Prinimali.uchastiye: . AUMM, N.I.. inzh.; YZIPPOV, U.N.. makhanik; FZnTOV, - ~me in. BOMULIN, A.P., red.; NIXCLATRVA, L.N., (Maintenance of the steering gear and pin couplings in a motor vehicle] Proverka takhnicheakogo sostoianiia rulevogo upravle- nila i shkwornevykh soodinanii avtomobilei. Moskva, Avtotransizdat, 1960. 31 p. (MM 13:11) (Motor vehicles-Kaintenance and repair) P" LEUNSON, Boris Vladimirovich; CIIERMSalOV, Leonid Fedorovich; retsenzent; FILIN, A.G.,, red.; BODOUVA, A.P., tekhn. red. (Centralization of the maintenance 4nd repair of motor vehiclas)TSentralizatsila tekhnicheskogo ob.-luzhivaniia i remonta "-vtonobilei. Moskva, AN-totransizdat, 1962. 45 p. WMA 15 : 10) (Motor vehicles-Maintonance and repair) AIZKSEYEV. N.L. inzh. - - ------ Use of asynchronous machine and rectifier stages in the mining indu:3try. Gor.zhur. no-4.'45-49 Ap 16Z-. (MBA 15.14) 1. Mbskovskiy gomyy institut. - (Mining machinery-Electric driving) (Blectric motors, Induction) I ----ALMLRZVM.,NI.., inzh. Experimental study of asynebronous motor valve cascades under laboratory conditions. Izve: vy-e. ticheb. Eav ; gor. zhur. no.10.* 138-348 161. ~HIRA 15: 10) l. Moolcovskiy gorr" institut ineni I. V. Stalina. Rekomendovana kafedroy obah.ohey i gornoy alektrotekhni3d. Oraeotric motors, Indaction) ALFKSEYF,V. N.I., kand.tekhn.nauk -1 Methods of detpr-lning the efficiency of induction machine- rectifier ar. rectifier cascades. lzv.vYs.ucheb.zav.:gor.zhur. 7 no. 1-.132-i.>7 -b4. - (MIRA 17-5) 1. Moskovskiy inatitut radioelektronikl i gomoy elektromeldianiki Rekomendovana kafedroy teoreticheskikh osnov elektrotekhniki i. elektricheskikh mashin. 16(1),10'4) AUTHOR: Aleks SOV/140-59-1-1/25 TITLEt On the Stationary Plow of an Incompressible Tenacious Fluid for Which a Threefold Orthogonal System of Surfaces is Possible (Db ustanovivshemaya potoke neszhima~em:tyvyazkoy zhidkosti, dopus- kayushchem triortogonallnuyu sistemu poverkhnostey) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1959,- Nr 1, PP 3-6 (USSR) .ABSTRACT: The investigation of geometrical properties of a flow leads to the consideration of the vector field of the velocities of flow. The author considers the geometrical structure of a stationary flow of a tenacious incompressible fluid, the velocity field of which admits an orthogonal one-parametric -family of. surfaces belonging to a threefold orthogonal system. It is stated that the family of surfaces being orthogonal. to the rotational field, .Z'6-risists of planes depending on one parameter and containing th8 congruence of the flow lines. The cor-grlien-ie of the flow lines r-onsists of the meridian curves and the congrusnce of the vortex Card 1/2 On the Stationary Flow of an InoompressibIg SOVII-40-59-1-17~~'- Tenacious Fluid for Which a Threefold Orthogonal System of Surfaces is Possible lines consists of the paralleles of the surfaces of rotation of the turbulent flow. There are 3 Soviet references. ASS.OCIATION:Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Moscow Aviation TrStitUte imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze) SUBMITTEDt March 3, 1958 Card 2/2 ALEKSMV, N.I., kandidat fiziko-matematicheakikh nauk, 0 A one-parameter famil7 of stratified orthogonal pairs. Trud7 MAI no.61:20-29 056, (MLRA 10:1) (Geometry, differential) KRAbTOSHCHEKOVAj Tatlyana Ivanavna; ~TASOYEDOVA, Soflya Andreyevna; ALEKSEY.EV, B.I., kand. fiz.-wt. nauk, retsenzent; RIM--'M- --KMWM-V) B.S.,, kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, retsenzent; S W AIOVICH, A.F.) red. (Problems on series; manual]ZadatWpo riadam;,uchebnoo po- sobie. Mosku, Moak. aviatsionrvi in-t in. Sergo OrdzhorL- kidze., 1961. 51 p. (Series) (MIRA 15s8) ALIKSBYXV, N.I., Imndidat fisiko-matematichaskikh nauk. U-~A Imt-MAMUMA"W" The steady flow of an incompressible viscous fluid. admitting family of orthogonal surfaces. Trudy MAI no.61:5-19 156. (Viscosity) (Surfaces, Okt6gonal) (MLRA 10:1) ne t rans;xir~ a ABSTRACT: This firticle describes stud len made of tli- L!~f 6LIl'-l Luen T-0 vAbration at thi. vl!hstOcId these treatments. CorJ 1/2 f -e, ltz rW--W, A t~ Thp Pressed steel rinR Joint comists of a fr!~e ste-c! flangF and a I.Card ACCESSION NR: AP4042943 S/0057/64/034/008/1521/1525 AIMIOR: Aleksoyev, X. X. Xaminslciy, D. L. TITLE: Ionization at several 'rare earth elements on tungsten, rhe nium and iridium surlaces SOURCE: Zhurnal tokhnichealcoy fiziki, v.34, no.8, 1964, 1521-1525 TOPIC TAGS: surface ionization, rare earth olomont, tungsten, rhenium, iridium 'ABSTRACT: The surface ionization coefficients of all the rare earths except Ce and Pr were measured on 0.1 mm diameter W and 0.2 mm diameter He and Ir wires, and some of the results are tabulated. The wire was located on the axis of a liquid nitrogen cooled copper cylinder which served as collector and contained a 2 x 3 mm2 window to admit the molecular beam. A 75 V accelerating potential was maintained on a grid between the wire and the collector. The temperatures of the Ionizing surfaces were measured with an 4tical pyrometer; they ranged from 1500 to 2550OX. The materials wore vaporized In a thin-walled elootrically heated tantalum tube with a I mm dia- motor opening for escape of the molecules* The total quantity of material vaporized -Card ACCESSION NR: AP4042943 method." 5 formulas, 2 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Fizik6-,tekhnicheskiy institut im.A.P.loffe AN SSSR, LenilirTad'(Physico- .technical Institute, AN SSSR) SUBM17MD: 25Jul63 RNCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP,EM NR REF SOV: 006 OTEMR: 001 YAV Nikolay Ivaaovich inzhener; SHLIM, Igor' Sergeyevich; GAUKTIONOVA, Te.N.. takhnicheakiy redaktor [Servicing the fuel systems of 1AAZ-204 and IaAZ-206 engines] Obsluzhivanie toplivnoi apparatury dvigatelei IaAZ-204 i IaAZ-206. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn..izd-vo avtotransp. lit-ry, 1956. 71 P- (Diesel engines) (MLRA 10:1) ALEKSWAV, N.I. inzhener; GUTMAN, M.N., inzhanor. _ZII_ - _'; 461WzA W ' Ifficiency expertx of one plant. Sudostroania 22 no.11: 38-41 N 156. (MLHA 10:2) (Shipbuilding-*Equipment .ALEKSI&TEV, M., inshener. -mmumm" Hull assembling operations. Sudoetroenie 22 no-7:36-37 J1 156. (MLRA 9:10) (Hulls (Naval architecture)) (Shipfitting) -ATM ZYNT .. No I., inzhemer. ~. International conference on shipbuilding for the fishing industry. .Sudostroenle 23 no.2:70-72 ~57. (MIRA 10:5) .(Shipbuilding) Ofishing boats) 21;'A _I--_ -- -- --, -, - , r~, ~ T -- --- ---- - -- -- - - - - - ALICKBEYBY, N.0', inzh. %WWWOROM -W Improvement of information from plants and organizations of the shipbuilding industry. Sudostroenie, 23 no.9:66-67 S 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Shipbuilding)