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K. 133-5E-3-26/29 AUTEOILS: Brayniii, I.Ye., Professor, Bornats~o, I.I., Candidate of Te,chnie-*I Sciences and Alfe-rov, K.S7., RnFinec-r TITLR: IncreazinL the Durabili-ty Lioulds by L~cans of Reinforcement (Fovys~-~eniye stoykosti ',zrupnykh izlozhnits ;lutem axiiArovaniya) PERIODICAl: Stal'i 11,158, Hr 3, pp 26/ - 2?0 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In th.e a .pen-bearth, meltin~~. shop of the Makeyevsk Works, two tyi~eB of ".:ot moulds viere in general use: V.-'dC., End up, clos~!d botton. vit! ~:ot tops Afor InL-ots we4,hizl~: 6.2 to.-Is and both cnds Open lix.1lds for ri= it38 nVrec) the nonsutioruxry are discharge turns into a diffase dis-o*i Ahe features dint ing-uishing it from other types of clictrge under certain e4mil LI ionr dlachmrge are: ttie elitich&rge channel consists of trio brancher not connected by a claar2y pronounced ae,-,tion, a wich higher voltage is required to produce a given cur- :'ellt, and the WltagC IL;kd cum Axecute high-frequency pulsations. Mne frequency increases wl-.Ii the air &I)eed ~ uh decreasing density, reaching as high as -2300 cp4. All othor parameters of ta. "fuse discharge do not depend on the air speed. ~Th,% di Mae disalmrgo bacomes -rw vt under cortein conditions, at speeds >100 m1sec. Orig. art. has: 8 flaures. SUB CODZ: 20,( SUM DATTE: 15.- ~o/ ORIG REP: 004/ 021 W: 002 ATD PMBS: 5108 Card 2J2 A -C 0 TYLKrU, X.R., red.; PULIN, L.I., tekhn. - - A'wj. (Advanced technological equiPmentl Progresslyna-la takhnolo- g1chasksla onnaetka. Tula, TuPskoe knishnoe isd-vo, 1962. 25 p. (XIRA 16.8) (Interchangeable mechudems) 1.1 :, - llr~lli-lx, A.S. ........., F sLudy or the offe!:* nr sr. cri !hprujwicuplfi readings. 'nib, fit. znur. 7 nc,O:,.-l'-- 136 '6-o, ~MTF?. 1.7.11z, I I f i: 1!A 1. 11 1 B=AKDVI I.P.1 rod. [Collecting medicinal plantal Sbor I*karstyermykh rastanii. luilotalwv, H-va sdravookhrananila, 1999. 44 p. (M RA 16.7) 1. Stershiy agronom treats, Iskarstvennykh rasteniy Minister- stva adravookhranenlys, SSSE (for Balgakov). 2. Direktor KuykWsbevakoy mezbobasetnoy kontory "Lokrastresta" (for Alfarov). (BOTANY,, HEDICAL) AMMT, T.P,_ kto r*atate of 31oftla's d1soalm (OpIdowle hopat1tim) in Child- ren. Youpiabbmatol do%, 5 aojt35-39 Mr-Ja 160. (XIM 13t?) 1. Is karodry dotsklkh UU&-nor (mv. - prof. V.P. tmm~mssukty) zonit""Okop w*61taluskago Insti- tuts, (41r., - Prof. A*Ta. Ivan")" (uwam;, mrr=ious) 42 no*9ti*.'-Pl 3163. 1. 1.3 ICtLfW4rY 10.1110-rll (AW-73d-lYiis~.~:-dy jr:,f. cirtetrinkInFL) ALPEam, V.P. ... ... Tbymol-veronal test In infectiouv 1,.epgLtltis in chi2dren. Lab. delo 6 no4s2l S-0 160. (KUtA 13: 9) 1. Wedra detakM bolesney (sav. - prof. V.F. ZrA=nskiy) lAnin- gradAcgo owdtarno-gigiyanioheskogo meditainskogo instituta (dir.- prof. A.U. lVanov - (THYHOL~ (HFPkTITIS, INFECTIOUS) AL.FEROV~ Y! P. Cand Yed Sci - (diss) "Use of novocaine in Botkin's disease in children. (Clinical, laboratory, and catamnestic observations)." Leningrad, 11961, 22 pp; (Leningrad Pediatrics Medical Inst); 250 copies; price not given-,(KL, 5-61 sup, 200) ALnROV, V.P., kand. t=d. nauk; MMMGIN, A.I. Clinla"pidemiological observations In Infectious lympbocytonis. Say. mod. 27 no.309-81 Mr 064. (MR& 17: 11) 1. lalte~ pediatril, (max. - pror. M.S. Osetrinkina) LenlWadskogo "nitam"igiyanichemkogo meditsInskogo inatituta i 2-ya Gorodskan bollmitaa (glavnTy vraeb B.Z. Brodskiy), goroda Slantay, Leningradskoy oblasti. 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2098 Moscow. Vlyssheym tekhnicheskoy* uchilishche imeni N.E. Bauman& NeVotoryye navyye vopromy shtampovkI toohnykh detaley; jobornik stateyl (Some Now Problems in Stamping Precision Parts Col- lection of Articles) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1959. 110 p. Wriest Ital [Trudy] 85) Errata slip inserted. 4,TOC copies printed. Ed.t E.A. Satelys, Honored Worker in Science and Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professorl Ed. of Publishing House: P.B. Norozovaj Tech. Ed.: N.A. Pukhlikova; Managing Ed.: A.S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer. PURPOSE: This eollection of articles Is intended for industrial workerm In prscision stamping and for teachers and students In this or relattd fields. COVERAGE: The collection covers problethe of stampinj :hin-walled and low-rigidity sheet products, obtaining rigid r crystallized" joints, forming square and cyclindrical blanks In closed dies, Card 1/5 Some Now Problems in Stamping Precision Parts (Cont.) SOV/2098 and accuracy and finish In cold extruding. Problems of ultra- sonic machining of carbide-alloy materials are also discussed.- The articles rgresent some of the studies carried out In re- cent years at he Department of Technology of the MVTU (Moscow Higher Technical School) Imoni Bauman on methods of stamping precision machine parts. No personalities are mentioned. Some of the articles are followed by references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 11oreword 3 13utuzov, E.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent.Operation of Rubber Bolsters In Rubber Formin 5 The article to devoted to an explanation of conditions causing nonuniformity In rubber pressure during forming of their walled parts. Practical advice is given for the use of rubber bolsters in forming not only aluminum but also other metals. Butuzov, E.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent.Uae of the Method of "Recrystallized" Rigid Joints in Manufacturing Large Card 2/5 Some Now Problems In Stamping Precision Parts (Cont.) SOV/2098 ThIn-walled Machine Parts 22 The problems of obtaining rigid joints by cold pressure weld- ing are exa Lmed. The method Is used In making large parts from th!n she(ots. Alferov, V.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent.Determi- Mechanical Characteristics of Thin-walled Cylindri- cal Shells 27 The problem or determining the mechanical characteristics of 19 amples out out of formed abolliL is'41scussed. These character- I tier differ from chara*teristiqp_,9f,,$jk;mples cut out of sheets/ of the Same Matarial. Kinkevich, D.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Investigation of the Kinematics of Metal Plow During Forming of Parts of the Plate and Sleeve Types In Closed Clas 35 The process of making cylindrical blanks from square ones and then pressing the final product in closed 'dies is described and analyzed. Card 3/ 5 Some Now Problems In Stamping Precislon Parts (Cont.) SOV/2098 Minkevich, D.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Effect of Various Factors on Forming Forces and Accuracy of Cold Pressing In Closed Dies 55 A method for calculating deformation forces during forming of square blanks Into cylindrleal shape Is presented and experi- ments are described. An investigation showed the variation of unit pressure Vith thickness of the initial blank, coefficient of external frictlon, magnItudo of flash and properties of do- formed metal In accordance with formulas derived. Dobrovollakly, A.K., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Yu.Ye. Zakharov, EnginserlDetermining Deformation of Ring-type Parts 68 The author disicusses methods of calculating deformation of nonrigid rings as well as the shape of the deformed rings under various supporting and loading conditions. There,are examples of means of compensating deviations of shape result- Ing during manufacture. Goryachev, N.S., Xmglneer. Use of Ultrasonics In NachInIng Die Parts 92 The principles of ultrasonic machining, the tool ~) and Its Card 4/5 Some New Probloms in Stamping Precision Parts (Cont.) SOV/2098 wear are discussed. PAchines of Soviet make are described. AVAILABLE: Library of Cong"as GO/bg Card 5/5 8-17-59 Category: USSR/rIenaral Division. Coagresses. Meetings. Conferences. A-4 Abs Joar: Reforat Zh.-Biol., No 6, 25 March 1957, 21343 Autbor Werov V.YL- Inst not given Title In the bUcroblology Institute (joint Conference with the Confectionery Industry InStitute). Oria Pub: Vesta- AN $=, 1956, No 5, 82-83 Abstract: The cmference was beld, on, January 16, 1956 and was devoted to the problem of Increasing the industrial output of citric acid. The reports were discussed of the confectionery in- duatry institute staff employees L.V. Novoselova on the selec- tion of nspergillue strain, E.I. 22iuravleva on the simplest method of increasing production of citric acid domesticeJ-1y, G.I. Zhumvski on a method of producing citric acid by sub- merged culture. It was deemed necessary to expand research to choice and selection of highly active fungal strains, to study fungal metabolism, also to study methods of combating Infection,of fermenting solutlons. AUMOV, V. T. Saccind evordinstIng conference on the problem *Controlling micro- 'organism. metabolism in order to Inteximify microbiological procesess In industry aid agrioulturs.0 Mikrobtaloglia 25 no.3:389-391 W-Je 156. (MICROBIOIWT) (Kut& 9:10) AIMMW, V.T. -, i, At the InstItuto of Miarobiology; solentific conference. Tast.AN SSSR 26 no.8:90-91 Ag 056. (trace elements) (NM 9:9) ALYJROV, V.T. All-Unlom Conference an the Use of Antibiotics in Animl Hmebmadry. livAl OSM. Ser.blol. moJOW-388 IV-Js 157. (MBA 109� (ANTMOTICS-COMMMM) (S"= AND STOCURMING) AIMOV. T.T. ,, , 1~ ". - 0onference In the Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences or the U.S.S.R. kikrobtologiis 26 no.2-255 Kr-Ap '57. (MICROBIOLOGY) (MIRA 10:10) AUTY302 by LT. Alf*rov PA - 2481 rilu H*v Voi7b6W Ut-Froducing Vitamin D (Nowyye myetody procyodstya vitamid I , Russian) PMUODIC.LL Yestnik Akadeall Sauk 0882 1957, Vol. if, No. 1, pp. 113-114, (USSR) :ftQo*ivMd.t 2 Nxy 1957 Reviewed: 4 June 1957 AWTRACT Vitamin 3 is used nor* aad more frequently both in medicine and in 4,t11k-f&rz1zS as stimulant for the growth of the animals. Therefor* it I* of Importance to tiad the most economic methods of prodixoing this vitamin. On 23 October 1956 a scientific contoramos took plate in the InatItute, of Microbiology of the Academy of Science* of tits USSR, with r*pr*oont&tiv*o of dIfferomt Institutes, of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, of the Ac*doxy of ModWas, of tbo All-Union Academy of Agri- cu3.tur* so well as of 0bor scientific and official institutions An=W its partiolpantm, Several lectures were given, of which the ftlloeing cowmadot the grost*#% lator*stt lecture by N.C. Oolysh*VvL (candidate for the doot*rts degree of biological sciences) on "Synthesis of Vitamin I tWoush the Microbiological *ethod by meane of tproplanto bacterits ahroanil-, and lecture b Dr. N.D. Isrusalimskljys I.T. Xosmova, and I.N. S*rohova on "kthods, of Increasing the Siosynthemis of Vitamin B 12 through CARD 1/2 low Methods of Producing Vitamin 3 PA - 2481 (Nowyye mystody prosvodstva vitamiR B 121 ltuns'&n) Rioro-Organissn". It could be *sob from the lectures that al- th*ugh vitamin 3 could be produced by the influence of different micro-Hganisms its production by means of propionic- acid bacteria @till im more preferable. According to M.G. Go.lyoh*va, it has been possible by means of the group mentioned ab,ove to obtain 150-200 r of the vitamin per 1 g of the bacteria xaAn. If the oonclusione from the different lectures are drawn, then one &rrives at the conviction that in order to increase blosyntboole of vitamin 3 It appears to be nooessary to damp the synthesis of the folij2&o1d, or - still more economical - to choose such antiastaboliten whicb-directly result in vitamin B 12* Tko conforonos arrived at the conclusion that aotinomyces olivaoeus seen@ to be the soot favorable f9ir the synthesis of vitamin BJ21 and furthermore ammonius salts of succinio acid, mallo aol , glutin-mic acid, &opax&gio acid, and furmaric acid. They serve an nitrogen sources for the listed organisms, and the origesi* parts of the salts are consumed by them. ASSOCIATION: PRBMTZD BY: SIUMMTED: AVAILABLE Library of Congress CARD 2/2 AUTHOR s Alterov, V V 3o-5B-4-24/44 TITLEt The Use of Antibiotics in Food Industry (Primeneniya antibiotikor v pishchevoy promyshlennosti). Conference at the Institute for Microbiology (Soveshchaniye v Institute mikrobiologii) PERIODICALt Ventnik kkadsait Nauk SSSR, 1950, Nr 4, P,P. 107-109 (USSR) LSSI'RICTs In the Institute for Microbiology of the AS USSR a conference took place on January 15 in which repreeen- tatives of some other institutes of the AS USSR, of the VASKhNIL, the scientific resuarch institutes as well as of a number of industrial enterprises took part. The oonference was devoted to the problem of using antibio- tics for the preservation of food. A. A. Imshenetskiy, Director of the Institute foe Microbiology, underlined in his opening speech the tasks facing microbiology. Turther reports were given byi 1) G. B. Dubrov. representative of the Scientific Research Institute for the Necha- Card 1/3 nization of Fish Industry, on the The Use of Azt Ilbiotlcs in Food Industry. 3o-58-4-24/44 Conference at the Institute for iacrobiology results obtained by the institute in the use of antibiotics for storing fresh fish. 2) V. K. Diklop (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Meat Industry) on the use of anti- biotics for preserving meat. T. B. Orvcharova (All-Union Ocientific Research In- stitute for Canning and Vegetable Drying Industry) on the possibili- ties of using some antibiotics of vegetable as well as of bacterial origin)- 4) A. ra. Onlkiyenko (Leningrad, Scientific Research Institute for Mechanizing Fish Industry) on the use of speotros scopic methods for quick determi. nation of the residual quantities Card 2/~ of antibiotics in food. ALrBROT, V.T. r .......... .. ConfermiNce an the ane of antiblatica in the food Industry. Irv. AN MR. Ser. biDl. no.5t625-628 S-0 158. (MIU litio) CKIP21BIOTICS) (YWD PIM81IRVATIVBS) A_- aAT. l-,.MjMjwwlwwjjjlMlw#M"l",! ... ;,~ Conforms on the pbjmiology and biochemistry of micro-organism used in the industries. 1xv.AN SSSR Ser.blol. 23 no.1:121-125 JAW? I", (MM 11: 1) (XICR0-M"XISMS-lWW IAL APPLICATION-CONGUSSRS) ALMOV. T.V '' Xffoct of some chemitals an the morpholoa of fixed bActerial calls (with a%mmAr7 In linglish]. Mrobiologits 27 no.2:182-188 Kr-Ap 158 (KMA 11:5) 1. Imatitut nikroblologil AN SSSR. Koskva. (ISCH31RIC31A COLI, off. of drugs on various chou. agents. on morohol. of fixed cells (Run)) 17(2) AUTHOHt Uterov., V. VA.- SUV/3Q-'5-2-48/6O TITLEt Continvous Fermentation and Brooding of Microorganisms (Reprer.yvnoye brozheniya 1. vyrashchivs,niye mikroorganizmov) PERIODICAL: Vestriik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 'I, pp 100-108 (USSP." ABSTV,ACT: A-hip Ini!ttltut mikrobiologii Akadenii nauk SSSR (Microbiological Instituto of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) convened a conference from October 1~ to 159 1958 which dealt with the invenligation of some working results in this field as well as with ;ho discussion of a further intensification of the productic,xia basing on the activity of microorganisms. The C0nf0T41n(',0 W&S attended by more than 200 representatives of academic and scientific branch research institutes, enterprises, soi,naTkhozes, universities, an well an foreign scientists. The followiry-, lectures werp heardt N. D. lyq-rusalinakiy spoke of the theoretical foundation of the methoil mr contiYluous microbe breeding and its prospects of mpplit.,atlon in the microbiological Industry. T,?,. A. Plavako, Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy in8ti.ut Card 1/4 khlebopeknrnoy pmmyshlennoeti (All-Union Scientific Research Continuous Fermentation arill Breeding of Microorganism" : SOV/30-59-20-48/60 Distitute of Bread-Production Industry) dealt with the problem of the breeding of yeast in solutions containing MOlaOBes. 1). N. F-1911mr, K. F. Andreyev, V. A. Utenkova, 11. Ya. i7alyuzhnyy and L. V. Kryuchkova, VoeooyuzNvy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut gidrolixnoy i sullfitno-spirtovoy promyshlennosti (All-UrLion Sc2entific Research Institute for thc, Industry of Hydrolyttis and Suifito Spirits) evaluated the theoretical and practioal work in the field of continuous fermentation of wood hydrol,yvates and sulfite liquor as well as their utilization for obtaining fodder yeast. V_ 1. Rarozava, Krasnoyarskly gidrolizrVy zavod (Krasnoyarsk JI.-rdrol:pais Plant) said that the introduction and completion of the continuous process of yeast breeding nade it possible to incroa,so the output of yeast factories by ten timea. 7. L. Tarovenko. A. L. Italchenko, Veesoyuznyy uauchno- lsaloda>vatellekly institut spirtovoy i likero-vodochnoy promyMilannosti (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Spirit, Liqueur and Brandy Industry), V. M. N&khmanovich, Dokahmninskays, nwichno-issledovatellskaya laboratoriya (DokjjhurAinak&ya Scientific Research Laboratory) reported on the Card 2/4 experitattnt of applying the method of continuous fermentation Continuous Fermentation and Breeding of N-Leroorganisms SOV/30-59-2-48160 of tile starchy raw material aj2d syrup in the alcohol and acetone-butanol, industry. S. A. Nonovalov, All-Union SoJentific Research Institute of the ILIcohol. Liqueur and Brandy Industry reported on the problem of antiseptics In fighting infection due to ferments. L. Tu. Yedvinskaya, Institut rAikrobiologii Akademii nauk USSR (Microbiological Institute of the AS UkrSSR) reported on the inveatigation of the morphological and physiological prop-orties of yeast. A. bj,Kovalenko, Andrushevskly spirtovoy zavod (Andrushevka Diol. lery), N. Ya. Savchenko, Malo-ViBkovskiy apirtovoy zavod (Malo-Vi-il:ovi3kiyAlcohol-Diqtiller.,)AP. Itakarova, Smolenakiy Sovrau-khoz (15moleask Sovnarkhoz) reported on some working reaultei obtained ty distilleries in the syrup fermentation by using the method of continuous flow. M. S. Loytoyanskaya, Leningradskiy universitet (Leningrad Univornity) chs.racterited the correlation of reproduction j,"oesoes and biochemical activity of acetic acid bacteria in thfo hIgh-apeed production of vinegar. V. 11. Heranova, Microbiological Institute of the AS USSR Card 3/4 apolte of the possibility of obtaining vitamin B12 by Continuous Fermentation and Breeding of Rioroorganiame SOV/30-59-2-48/60 continuoua breeding of propionic acid bacteria (propionovokislyye bakteril). S. L. Brinberg, 0. Z. Grabovskaya, Veetioyusivy nauchno-issledovatellakiy institut antibiotikov (411-11nion Scientific Research Institute of Antibiotics) ropor"d on tho application of this method in the production of Penicillin. V. T. Vyatkins, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Spii!it, Liqueur, and Brandy Industry showed that the method of semL-contLnuous breeding of the fungus Aspergillus niger accelerates fermentation. B. V. Perfillyevq Leningrad University reported on the results of inventigations of the natural microflorm by the method of capillary microscopy which he had developed. V. A. KonJyus, Kiyev Univernity demonstrated his new batcher for continuous breeding of microorganisms in laboratory rr&ttice. If " ,r. '7intik and J. Rialca (Czechoslovakia) expressed their opinlons on the methods of continuous breeding of micro- organi sma. On thle Conference it was pointed to the necessity of orgnnizing the industrial production of cultures for Card 4/4 comtinuous fermentation. ALMOV. T.T. 211fact of certain chealoal compounds on the morpboloS7 of fixed bacterial calls. Report No.2s Role of substances causing cell contraction. Mikroblologlia 213 no.4t507-513 JI-Ag 159. MRA 12:12) 1. rustitut aftroblologil AN SSSR. (BACTMIA pbarmacol.) ATJIMaf. T.T., (KOMI-y&) C*W,eos of mlard'olologlats, Priroda no.6;26 Je 160. (NMA 13:6) (Himmlawn-c(mums) ALMROV. V.T. Halmrianntal production of uo*Nl V&Pl&ntB of n1cro-orgbMems. vest.As sssn 3o no.5sjo6-jo? rv l6o. (MIRA 110) (Microbt oloa-4ongrem one) AMOT, V. T. W& liMMMUM, A. A. Pgo*low Anox*toa In XUbbastWIS.0 0 xopwt pmeented at Vo aft Ima. Oowo" at plam"Olows, smutal Q00"m 39-1* #As 19(1e. hms rrm V= zTu* consm" 9br ulcrcblolwl 19-25 AkAg 6e, xmtnmd. Ilb2clear Appmtus in vly=baktomA* V V Alfemr, A A Imohenstakiy, Moscov US5R 31 7"M lr*l=w Ot &Otro*U PLUtabod by Owvto". MM. nntInr .1p It, - 51, -74 18-2) ALFEROV, Sr .~ prutIt-ris concerninr the orr;knIzat'.-)n of central'-zed repair of glectrit-al equipment in industry. Prom. Pnere. 3( no.12:2'j-29 v 1 61- (MIRA 14:12) (Electric apparatus and appIllances-RepairinF.) DIKXAXV, S.V.., Insh.; ALYMY, V.Ye.p Insh.; VIKMV, V.P., inzh. Retention of optimm operating coindition-i of power trans- formers or Industrial enterprises. Pros. cnarg. 19 no. 0 !~-7 Ap 164. (MIRA 17t5) ALFF-RDV, V.Ye. Impro" the organization of )lectrin- Aquipment repair. Mashinontroitell no. 5,10-11 My 64. (MIFA 1'1:7~ ALFS.RCIV, V.Tii.; DIKKAPOV, 5.1J. Ymp-win t?,p 1'ght!.ng of working ar"an. no.9-41 Ag 11,4. (MIRA 27:10) Mt. FF-K f1 v, 4-h- I - U9SR/Mysics Pbotediodes FD-2398 Cari 1/1 Pub. 153-2/21 Author Alfero Zh. I.; Konovatenko, B. X,; Ryvkin, S. M.; Wchkevich, V, M.; V, A-;-- 1. Title Flat germanium photodiodes Periodical : Zhur. tekh. fiz. 25, 11-17, Jan 1955 Abstract : 7he authors describe the principal properties of germanium photodiodes of unique design and free from the usual deficiencies. In this design the illvminated area Is not limited by the length of the diffusion dis- placenent and can reach very large sizes corresponding to the total area or the m-p transition. They conclude; the germanium photodiode is a photocell valve to which considerable voltages can be applied in the closed direction; the sensitivity of the photodiode is about 300 times that of pbotocells with external photoeffect; the proper time of germm;..-'- um phatodiodes studied Is about 1/105 second, and can be decreased by decrease or the thickness of the n-germanium layer; the characterist!Ls are very stalble and free of "fatigue". Deficiencies are considerable temperaturt dependence of the dark current. The authors thank D. N. Musledov, M. V. Sbcbetinina, and L. P. Bogomazov. Three references, Includ1mg one USSR (S. M. By-vkin, same issue, p. 21). Institution: -- Butwitted : Ckttober 13, 1954 ALMOY, Zh.l.-. SILIPA. N.V. Arfect of the awfac* state on the breakdown voltage of silicon alloy diodes. Pis.tver.tela I uo.12AB78-1879 D 159. (MM 13:5) I., 7ixAkD-tek:huI*h*mkir inotitut All SSSM. LeniWad. AIIINDY. MI.; URT, I.A. "Breakdoirn' of silicon alloy diodes In the transmission direction. Fls.tvar.tela I no.12:1679-1882 D 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. riallm-tekhnichesiZ institut AN SSSR. Ioningrad. (Diod 4L273 3/105/62/000/012/002/003 E194/EI55 AUTHURS: Alferov$ Zh.1.9 TUchkevich, V.N., and Trukan. M.K. 1 .1 .- .... ____ TITLE; The p-n junction temperature in germanium power rectifiers during the forward half-cycle MAIOD1CAL: E lektri cites tvo, no.121, 1962, 64-6t) TEXT: The temperature of the p-n junction in semiconductor rectifiers, may dortermine their failure on overlond. The temperature function of the forward voltage drop is a better criterion than that of the reverse saturation current because the latter cools the p-n junction. A family of V-A characteristics is determined at difrerent temperatures by applying current itopulses to the rectilier. 1r the pulse characteristics are correctly chosen there heating of the p-i-n structure 'by the Imasage of current and no phase displacement between current and voltaxv due to rectifier diffusion capacitance. The thyratron pulse-generator circuit that was used delivered a sinusoidal voltage wave with an overall duration of 300 microseconds and with flattened peak lasting about 20 microseconds. Peak currents of up to IUUO A were delivered wJLth a pulse-recurrence frequency of Card 1/2 The p-n junction ter-iperature in ... s/lo5/62/ouo/ol2/002/003 E194/Elj5 c/s. and the rvL4ulto were independent of this frequency. From the ramilts so obtained the forward voltage drop was plotted as fusiction of temporature. Tests were made on laboratory rect2tiers with junction areas of 3 and 1; and also on commercial models type rBB-500 (GVV-500) with m2 area. The measurements were made in a half-wdive rectifier circuit at 50 c/s. The temperature of %he y-i-n structure on pa~saing through the zero value was detertained from the tomperature function of the reverse saturation current. The temperature of the p-i-n structure varies almost synchronously with the current. During the forward half-cycle, heatinf is very considerable and for a current of 600 A it roaches 40-1,15 C for rectiliers with a junction area of 3 cm2 and 50-55 OC for those with 1.5 cm2. There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tokhnicheakiy institut AN SSSR (Physicotechnical institute AS USSR) $11 JJV. ITTE 0 1March lot 19b2 Card 212, IT -UT L-i P t Mg & - -~ ' ' ~ - J- --611 saga COM: UV0058/65/000/010/MM~~i AMM: Alfewv, Zh. 1. S Caj&vwjov, V. V. I Zinolorova, N. S.; XazarinoV, R. F. TIZZ: Pwowbiratiow;lradiation f=n a P-n-n + stLvcture in indium antbcnide SOUFCE; Ftef. zh. ritika, Alm. IOE662 REP. SCUMSt Tr. Xmis. po, spektroskopii. AN SSSR, t. 3, vyp. 1, 1964, 503-507 7 TAM: indlum cmqxyxd, antimmide, recal)lwtion emission, Junction diodet spoctral distribution, semiomukictor carrier ABMXT: An Investigation was macL- of the sp,-,ctral distribution of recombination radiation from p-n-e structure in IrS.). The 1--r.--i+ structvxes were obtained by fusing In and ft in n-InSb of hiqh rAw-.ty. A study was vadL. of the dependw-oa of thel intensity and of the spectral dUstrwuum of the reombination radiaticn an the can-, mtxation of the InJected carriers. (TransLdti'on of abstract] SM 20 cclr4 Ar.CbSSION OR AMM~539 3/0181/64/006/02/0&A/0645 AUTHMo Alforovt Zih. 1.1 GaUvamwo V* V.1 ZjrwVjvv , u. s.; Kazarinov, R, F. ~ICIZI Aftcot-Iffiation r*dIAtIcA of V-0-e structure In Indim antimnide SOUP41tv Flalka tvw*" tala, vo 6,p no. 2, 1964, 644-&S IAVAC TAGSs recombimation, radlatioa# rocouRbInWon radiation, p n e structure, indium antimctdAe, spontaneous recombination red4stion, spectral distribution, forbidden sonap current carrier, current carrier concentration, current density, radiation int4insity ABSTROTs The authors have made several experiments on spontaneous recombination radiation) at tomWaturss ne& the tempsrawre of liquid nitrogen, from the P-4~ Stru Irdlum antimulds The somplas w" p;tyn single crystals with n, 0 3#WX3S'Un w 230 000 ;21v*soc anS n u 2*10LAcm L:h- 200 000 c&2/v ssc (at tjw taqpemtw* of 14auld nitrogen). The width of the WA a n-layer was Thm current, carrIer 7.0nClatration In the hIgWr doped zones was 'I cm~, S-Wconl- Innthe p mone and aboon iO -, In the v-sons. The spectral distribu- Uan for re4aftnation radUtion pvv to be AIWA symmetrical with a maximum at Cad IA -j- AWROSUM W4 AP4013539 an onargy of about 0423S ors. The width of the forbidden zone, deteradned from the Wge or the rocombinotion radiation 4"atrun.was 0,200 evo which agrees wall with theory for thab teVorskture (I)CK)d. The spectran of recombination radiation for cotArinla vith lcm lo c:prrier concootration woo always somewhat below the spectrais of the fl,*uvo sample. This in undoubta"r.das to the beginning of dogen- araer In the lattera., Prellpl=7 Oudles Ind4oste o. linear relation between cur,-, reat density and intormity of ro"lon. 'The authors sincerely thank Professors V. Ho Tutbkovich and,D. N. Kaslodoi tar their constant interest in the work, and they thank Too A. Gaml3ko for his aft in preparing the s=qAes.u Orig. art. hast 2 figur". AMIATIONs Fisiko4ekbAlabeekly institut Jx* As F. IWO AN SSM4 Leningrad Ohysicot*ohniciLil InotitlaU A$ MU) SUBK=XD& O?Oot63 I D;WZ ACQ* 00ar64' EWL 1 00 Wa QW&I IM N NO R1W my$ 001 OTMs 002, CWW 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4039563 8/01OS/64/000/OOS/001.6/0050 AUTHORSt Alferov. Zh. I.i Uvarov, A. 1. TITLEt Thermal breakdown of high-power germanium rectifiers SOURCE; Elektxichestvo, no. 5, 1964, 46-50 TOPIC TAGSt diode, diode junction, electron bole junction, germanium rectifier, negative resistance circuit, p-i-n junction, thermal breakdown AMTRACT: The article is devoted to alloyed p-i-n rectifiers, in which the bulk of the heat under forward conduction is due to recom- bination of electron-bole pairs in the base and in the highly doped n- and p- parts of the structure, the low thermal inertia of which causes the, teoperature to vary in synchronism witb the supply fre- quency, thoreby limiting the current rating. Another linLitation on the current in imposed by the uneven distribution of the current Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: "4039563 over the area of the p-i-n structure, which may cause local break- down even if the average temperature is below the critical value. These phenomena were analyzed theoretically and checked experimental- ly. The results show that the inhomogeneity in current distribution may reach 100% in some sections, and that the limiting current den- sity at 50 cps is 1200--1300 A/cm2. Local heating of the junction was investigated by using current pulses. Even a short-duration overload is capable of damaging the rectifier. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 11 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhaicheskiy institut im. loffe (Physicotech- nical Institute) SUBMITTEDs lOOctG3 DATE ACQ: 0lJun64 ENCL: 00 SUB-CODEs EC UR REP SOVt 004 OTHERs 002 Card 2/2 Hl;jll i ~ I . i. 1. 1 i ! ~ i i~ ! l~ r! , 11 I - .I ~~ ~ 11 I I, ,I I ~ I , i , I I i II i I !. 1 I i i I i ! I i I ~i, lkiflorov, a-1.1; ZIMMOTIOVA G .1% [Zymohorava, N.S.]; SAFIDLIYA11OV, A.M. [Samollianov, O.M.j; i.PBKAN, M.K. Photoolectric properties of hatero~unctlons in some semiconductors. I~kr. riz. zhur. 9 no.6:65~-663 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Flit iko-tckhnicheskiy :~natltut im. A.F. loffe M, SSSR, Leningrad. Antutoll,y I'vamv-::b; YUDIN, Vladiml-r VasillyevichL .. ik d. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent, 4, ke. MITROFANOV, V.V., lnzh.l. retsonaent; PASYNKOV, V.V., prat,, daktor telchn. nauk, naluchn. red,.; CHFAS, M.A., md.j YVOCIIKINA, G.F., red, of the mamfacture of seniconchictor devices] Teltlwv ti Ciia prol zvodstva poluprovodniko,67kb pritw)rov. Lani.tug.rad, Sudostrostile, 1965. 247 p. (FIRA l8i8) t nirY5,,_6-t norm ?FwVWr/Fx1s(t) 1"r jD ACC Nit- AP0030961 SOUR-6-t-6 0___D E-TURV-018 1 _/66/_00_8_/_00 64*2-6-2--3-4 2627____J'__z V. S. ; Kradinova, L. V. AUTHOR: gLT,1.1e _M. I- Alferov, Zh. 1. ; Grigorlye Prochukhan, V. D. ORG: Physi -otechnical Institute Im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningra (Fiziko- itekhnicheakoy inaRtut AN SSSR) TITLE.- OpLical r4iflection of galliun phosphide and gallium arsenide and their solid solutions ;7 7 SOURCE: Fizika 4verdogo tela. v. 8, no. 9, 1966. 2623-2627 TOPIC TAGS: gallium arsenide, gallium, optical reflection, gallium phosphide, doublet structure. ultraviolet region structure, spin orbital, splitting ABSTRACT- An analysis is made of the Mti~al reflection of GaP, GaAs. and their solid Ealutions in 1he 2. 0- 5. 0 ev region at 100 and 290K. A doublet structure was d etected in th e ull raviolet region of the spectrum, which shifis linearly with changes in composition. Satisfactory agreement in the distance between double components and corresponding: values. determined from infrared absorption. make it possible to ascribe thin doublet to the spin-orbital splitting of the 4 valency band at the r,. c.d 1/2 ,L ni!Icej.,67 .. . ., _., I I ~ ... --. - - .--... ...- -_ - -- - ---I-- ACC NI- AP6030963 JJMM. the carrespi)nding transition in this case being the .transition from th(~. upper vallency band to the second conductivity band. FDr GaAs we then have 4,46' ev, A9-0.32 ev, and for GaP, E. --; 4.68 ev, 4-0 ev (T a 290K). The shift in the doublet AS~Aj occurs linearly with a bre,~"5,rhe doublet structure, which becomes less distinct as the content of GaP increases, is observed as far as the composition GaPO 7ASO 3. Apparently, corresponding Iransitiona occur ikt various points of the AbrW~ch for GaP and GaAs (direction 11111 in the Rrillouin zone). The author thanks Ye. F. Gross for his interest in this -work. Orig. azt. has.- I table, and 3 figures. (Authors' abstract) [SPI SUB CODL: 201 $101M DATE: 17J&n66/ OFUG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 009/ AV" card 2/2 ACC NZ__APQ56�W_ ( 1, /YJ SOURCE CODEj UR/0181/66/008/01113236/324 AMORS Alforov, TA. I.; Garbuzovo D. Zo; Morozovp Te. P. Offit Physicotechrdcal Institute In. k. F. loffe, AN SSSR, IAningrad (Fisiko-tokhni- cheskly Institut " SSSR) TITIEs Effect of Mat treatment on the photolumineseence of gaUium arsenide SOURCES F:Lzika tvocrdogo tele, v. 8g no* ljo 1966P 3236-3M TOPIC TAGSj gallAunk arsenide, photoluminescence, recombination radiation AMTRAM The affect of heat treatment of n-type and cadmiurit-doped p-type gallium arsenide on its photoluninesconce spectra was studied. The SaMP163 were heated for 3 hr at 270, 170, 450, 520, 580, 710 and 8809C& and the spectra were recorded at 77 and 3D001. It was round that the position and intensity of the longwave band3 of re- combination radiation 4" determined by, the conditions of heat treatment of the crys- tal. When the lattar Is heated in quaAz ampoules above 7000C, the fraction of*radi- ative recombination decreases sharplyp and the entire radiation falls within the nar- row band of 1.3.5 eV. Radiation in this band Is due to the mzombination of excess carriers across one of the acceptor levels or copper. Heat treatment at lower tem- peratures (450-6006C) causes a strong luminesconce in the 1.28-1.10 9V range and a displacement of tbe 0.96 eV band in the initial asterialto an energy of 1.01 eV. These changes are attributed to the introduction of lattice defects during heating in f4c the pre"we of coppor. In conclusion, authors are grateful to V- X. Tuchkevich and 0. N. Naslodow for their constant interest and attention to this vork, A. No Yermaka for assistance in thn wqwimantop &W Do No Tr*tlyakov for a number of useful sugge tions. Grig. art. haso 4 figures. M CODES 2*/ SUEN AM 09Apr66/ WM PJWI 004/ ON PJWI 007 AVEROT, K.S.; MAGIIWVBKIT, V.A,j MMUCHIT, N.P. Xwu developments in research. Stal' 25 no.10:961 0 165. (MIRA 18:11) d - ~ m , --, e. v, xAcnoy. T.Z., kRal"t tokkAtabookly "utg XONMN. R.L., budldLat tekWohouldIth mw*t AXMOV, X.T.6 professor, retsensentl IMONIX,. S.A., kandiM "uk, rodaktar; SCKVWA, T.?.. takh Achoskly ;;ds*k~tor (ftest b*lt aouveyeral principles of planning, calmlation and operatiaQ 9onv*jmx7 so stalluat lootoL$ oanovy proaktircrodia., rasebeta. L skopliatatoll. Nomkia. fts. nanobno-tekbn. tud-vo sambLuostrolt. lit-rr, 1952. 161 v. [XIcrofiW (ML'RA MO) Ocuv*ylug machinery) AI,Frp,4-7, Y. V. =US. I.TA!.; AJAHLAOU, doktor toichniches"" w-Jr. retsensant: TALM~Ut. I-1-pT-Tm'mzW*mr, redaktar; POMA. 8.M.. tekhnicheakly r*d&kl0t-. NOWSMA, TO.N., tokbutChOaly rodAktor. Dolt oonmrars and their use In hydraulic construction] Lenteaboya kenvolary I Lkh primemnle v ClAr*tekhnichoskem stroital'stva. gookwa. Goo. manchno-takhn. lad-vo washinestrolt. L "'Istrelt. lit-rT. 1953. 239 P. Mu 7: 8) (Conveying mahinary) X.Y.. daktor tekhalcheakikb nom ; ZZMT. R.L.. kandidat takh- ~~Oc%" "sklkb muk; RMLOM. V.I.. Inshener, redaktor; QDWTIN, S.Ta., imsbaner. redaktor; FOPOTA, S.R., takhnichaskly redaktor. FlInaer inatallations: design. calculations and operation] Bun~ kartWn uslanovk1; prooktirovante. ranchatti ekspluatatsi!L&. *mkva, (k~m,n&uchno-t*khn.1zd-vo mosbiDoetroit.lit-r7, 1955. 307 P. (KIRA 8:10) (C*vvviT1nn nachtnnry) (Loading and umloading) L T- It -= I -- >' 0 ~ K ~ V 3ROKMGO Awromm Alakeendravlah. prof.; TOSHCHISIM. Nikolay Petrovich, Rand. takhn.mauk; P=wMaT, Takov Xoiseyevich. kand.takha. nauk; PMOSIX-NIXITIV. Bareflis Mikhaylovich, imnd.tekhn.nauk-, tOLMS. Arty SelOusnovich, Iaxh.. Prinizal uchastiyet B=MMV, V.I., kund.takho.vauk. -AWM,-JC-T" prof., doktor tekhn. swvk, retsensentj NMIROMIY, X.I., Insh., retsensent; IONOT, t.K., insh.t reddl VIXRMV~ A.Ts., CUrthmoving mahLrAry; atlas of designs] Kashiny dlia semlianykh nutot; atlas konstruktoll. Pad red. A.A.Bromberga. lad.2., perer. A dop. Xosk:vs, Oam.nauchno-tskhn.isd-vo mehinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 154 p. (KMA 13:1) 1. Moskovskiy institut Inshenerov sholocnodaroshmogo transport& Itani I.T.51talina (for Alferav). 2. Teaeoyusn" neuchno-Issledo- vatellskiy institiat stroitallnogo I doroshnogo mashinostroyaniya CU113troydormesh) (for Neuirovskly). (Sarthmoving sachinery-Design) AL"UM, L6A. I I.. ....... ............ ItstatUsbang fo"Ptation norw is a necessary condition for the rational uns of matuml resources. Mr. pr1r. I vapov. delo v SWR no. 6t15-22 060f Ororest Intluences) (MM 14: 5) .pvIOL STAIMUKOVAp N.M., red. I RAKITIN, I.T. , AX O-Wj,_.jAbOrAX.AftWO tokboo red. (Forowt In our omtry's wealth] Ioe;,,-(bo9atstvo naebei straIT, Koskn, led-vo Nfeaule,0 1961, 47 Vaesclume obBbcbootvo po ramprostrannitu politicbeskM I nmcbrq* xmmij. Ser 8 Blologils. A meditlizal U0.15) (MIRA 2.4;81 8 (Forests and forestry) "MROT, L.A. Foreau in the Grim& and bwda problem in their protection. Okhrepr1ral sapavdelo v SM no,,7325-33 162. (MMA 1684) (Orlmea-.rorost protection) q, ANUCHINP X.P., nauchn. red.; Uteri Afs"f.lj ,AyAq~ red.j RAXITIN, I.T., tekhn. red. (Life of the forest) Zhisn' lesm. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znaixie," 196). 30 p. (Novoe v shisni nauke, tekhnike. VIII Serila: Riologlis. i meditsins, no.14i (MIRA 160) 1. Cblen-korrespond"t Vassayusnoy akademil sellskokhosyay- stvotwykh nauk In. V.I.Lenina (for Anuchin). (Forests and forestry)