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ALIKE.MOV, A.I., ALICIMIAN, A.I., ana ME10W, B.S. "On the Form of they-Spectrum of Ra E in the Vicinity of the Upper Limit and the Miss of the Neutrino," The Physical Review, Vol. 53, PP. 766-767, 1938. Physical-Technical Institute, Le;Angrad, U.S.S.R. o 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 1 0 0 1 "00 0 to gi "N' lln Q)IZ) A ". fo~ oil 14, if IF 00 .00 Ow 00 z through larlp A A Aliklmit' o l %I 00 . u till, , & y of"-'- J-1- V- R. S- S. 24, 425 71 lwlf#~(ju - 11 0"w "ealter'"ll 41f 11114",91, an , 9"911, .11 901. Willa vncllpv~ (I.,111 f4hi to. jwo,l , kV. wa~ -06 06 invc-IticoMill %uh oni sosm 00 . 00 4114'111111111111- Olk 111111 1,0A Imwlj~ 1141,h. 41111111 00 1-1 4111111,11d. All C-11 410 Ali p1mid fit fill lit 45* 1 it I lit' I WAIII. 411:11 he oa-III tele4l j q 00 J ,kj " j, , I 1 toy life (vulcidelliv tit mmullatwun diwIvalvx on 1 100 00 o - Mullif lilt 1114,1% at "it inigh. I'l 141 fv.14~t I" . 00 I.-oom lilt- 6.111.1 1" je - to-.I,. 1.11. 4.11161"I'l .00 00 Vu 11" % -m 160'. Ow "fill It" *0 -4 Au fit, "lilt .I IIIe "I'l"t 111 lifflol L'. 1, lit p.,,1 ago,,.- 06 si lilt-lit VIIIII F. C. .40 to 00 f .00 00 "00 j .00 0 . tillwaltst CtAltIM1,11011 1 1 4 so - . 1 1 11. . . , 11 " ~ kV 0 00 It l' ,o ; . , , of I It '4 (I 16T 90 L to 0 0 04 06 6 0 00 00 00000 00 . % a f. 'I I for 0. 6j a 1 0 4N d, 'A 0, L it 0 00 0 a 0 0 04 0 00000 oooo*O ~ 0 e 0 0: e00: ooooo 0000000000 4 000000000oo o oo*oooooe - !o."4 000000040 10 : 1.0 w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 9 0 0; I I 1 0 11 a It all 111 is of a 0 to Is R 11 U U b a ft a AR X I U U r a A I I it 11_11 IS, bli AA a (A Do K a 11 8 1 1# 1 1 111' 1 1 s C. A. A F. lot apt IW ('110tel AM' .1. IsP141 off -00 00 .00 641 -00 So al Iowa. 66mi of tam ellictruns. A. Alikhau' A 1 t La c d " 6 U X S S 0 . . . c ro . . 3 . . . . v ZS r h R = 0 ).- . k actry kisses of [am ellectromwere 1xvcstigated bythe appeal 111i acid Alabsutb- .00 ers of visprious thickoespin and a method of uniform niamlic-fieldficultitaill. 71terestalmilitainni (foe waimal goo rnrfgy foues) virrv fuuod tD bit in fairly good alreement 00 with those eaW. by the Bloch famoula, and they are in - : o"doinlity with the theory that when traversing a paila. 0 Marim with a fair at. no. tbr elections experiermv greater ago rnrfzy losses than when passin t which Is In pittii I contrudk- g through a heavy p-altntackv t i f "14 t h l -ac: er,-u ot lso cit " "rul Ifurst (C. A. 32. 18544) awl Ruhhg and Crane 11009 00 4 C. A. 32. 442:12)). The restilts do not allow for any 4 tincluslonp, concerning cami when the lo%s in erai-rgy ex - goo 00 I-tTietice by the elleettons is very high. It. (!onet 400 200 1.4 Joe ~ A I s. I a sl[TALLUNWAL LITIRATU119 CLASHWATION ties 1 10 , - . I- Ila., I Ia., W.I.. 141101;) map O.T "I t 41, 1 0 0 u is V 1 ' ' An A I a Oil 0 Or a I W It 9 a a 3 0 T L1 9 o 11 n ft - o 0 : 0 1 o 0 0 0 f 9 0 4 0 : : W a 0 0 0 - o 0 a 4 4 0 0 so as* t 0 0000 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 41 0 ; ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 00 0 0 0 9 0 0 :1 " l 06 66066060 * 0 o o 6 * 06 00 0 67 , ? 00*000000000000010 9 0 " wx Ix W, A I u . . 11- .- 11 1 . z0 004 t 0"61 , . , fd1t.(#Wt so pacwtallit .1-1. ACY 00 *60 0 0 0 : PoW" spubm d ndkm-C. A. 1. AtKUzK,%, autf 4; 11. LA-vTvnr,,j IAUV*v (/.-Physses U.S.S.R.. 104O.-A 263-274).-- nir Z, 9 0 podtrm qwinm of R&-C b" ben investigated with im. tit ainst no MVd MtUL The cume of eaw a 00 . P g p " i d di h d b o 0 t mmpoo ng w padUma dkows 11 mM. me kup w All the positions 'Wch tbo eneW can be cak , =00 :0 . &tims ftm intermill Conversion of Y-ftys. It is WVC " 11 CIS 0 0o 41*011 at fl- 19A_ I W603ity Of A" DO. Of r-UPOS Of It&-( t h th f h 1 l f bk i i " Z: 00. , w y- ine o e t e 9 t nte nmyres ty o I~XpTua IOU. 637) is . Abs thaxy H ( ~ o0 goo 09,11 Val&& No df ~ WiS of 1414 ke.%-. f k I Ti L I ~ ," o n a bac n with the fad that a tiransitios hom this M%.Vl oo of a y-my Is futhild&n. A. J.M. go :Soo J, ussp, to es .200 4`0 Cleo At-ILA .11AMINSICAL &ITIF11411,41 CLAS54KATOGIN no* .10., Sit 11,10.3 .0 (Mt oil suilitsill 4,11sill am 0." 11, - 0; , K u a It a ML n5 - 1 " 1A A a 14 1 1 1W 0 01 W I W of a Is T " X4 a 0 9166 T- 06 oleo 00 000 emodroo 4 999 I 0699409*606906060: A . N 0 o 0 a o 0 00 o o o o 0a I I 1 10 It U 11 14 111 16 1? t$ 11 a A' b 16 V a 10 b 31 U 13 39 0 ill V 4 JO 6 41 Q Al Ad Alin 0 _L I, A m__r a a I t ~1__AA N M PD_ U A 1-00 00 so 06 A 00 06'r; -00 i Sfwctrum of t*Siutn C pOsittOuP A I-,Ahih4Iw% .11-4 -00 G A I_aIY.IlVV, J. KAM. Th^,fff. 11 'r, . 1'. S S 14 3 to - RM 11.1tIA441411. M g: I All, IV,. I V "I III IJIV %%, al. -00 00 1 IM. .1.141111FAI 4~ to 10141.1 ObIll.111AI ..till. 1M1.1 I A%, -00 00 NI kV. I it, lilvtmV 4,11 -lml~lojl I., tit. 1,4111.4 till- It, 1441111111,11"1 000 00 0 00 we W, fie 10 u 1% AV 00 it A v,v AA I I I OW a .1 ;o 0 n to All -1W It 0, 0* 4" 0 o 0o 0 im'" o s o o & 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1% 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 a 0 o o G 0 0 o~*10,00000,000000000404oooooooo;otooooo*soooo000000, ALTI LT I 'T 'T -.I Ins t - cef-llt,ol~(!nL-," of Cosmic ~",ftvg t!1.,1 of Fh-sics (U.0!.S.Ti.) .1-942, Vol. I'vio. pi) 23'~Q-232, izvestlin likade"lli-i ALIlaWiOV, A.I., ALIMMIAll, A.:7~., and 11IRIANASHVILI, G.M. "Measurement of the Angle-Independent Intensity of the Soft and Hard Component of Cosmic Rays at 3250-Mater Al~.'itude," Soobshcheniia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi S.S.R., vol. 4, No. 7, pp 637-64o, 1943.- .R. fFiziko--Tekhnicheskii Institut, 1--n:lngr-ad ",-L- ALDTANOV, A.I. and ALIMAIIIAN, A.I. "On the Results of the Cosinic Rays Expedition of 1942," Journal of Physsics, U.S.S.R.,) Vol. 7, No. 5, P. 246, 1943. Physical-Tochnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. o 0 0 10 o 0004poo I Is 16 if fj W ts v 1 W 11 1 It It 10 It 9 a id a x A A, At J A -L 0 X - f~ 6 A-J- s ) o 06 VC116 44, .00 0.40*#*r14 .,'1 911 A Now WA an the rAture of equidc rays. A. 1. Alikhanov. Vesffti&A" N-A-S.S.S.P. 1044- 19 a tendt of expeditions hi 1942.3 the fullowbil; 00 a S.S. new data on cumnic rays were obtained In southem W - R.: the existence of OrLtmis frum natiam cleavage we* establi" and the eximenct of a third cimpumut vrami %hoNfi. Ile letter diffeis in its propenks from either ekarwo or mesms. ml 6 d6dustfUrd by a %wy strunq which is either a direct characteristic of lonittlit abilit 00 j! y. i; the "11111kiorm. or 1-4 (life to "'t-41,14ty parth-left r"olocril 0 by this agracy. xtwKll&[% a 00 00 it 4 41 41 -a 01 0 O'A we* =00 94110 go* z;0 0 to 0 it t, Int. u u 1, so III u v ZA A L S 0 1W p 0,1pix Dom 0111 994 Ifur, M10 t 14 0 a IF im 5 am 0 0 0 0 4,jo 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 014 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Co 0 111 0 0 0 * 00 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0-4 0 0 6 0 111 0 to * 0 0 0 1111 40 0 I Is a a a a a a . . . T 70. "a" 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 1) 1? " 1% .4 1? 11 ; '** -0 0 0 4) o S 0 Is a 6~-z -L-1 " . 7.~ v in it 4 It 41 41 to 1, ~R.1. I It 0 Ski. 1 11 -A I Ik %.W U t -too '94. Jor 42C 19 so kd 0. Mirlanooviti (I. Pilysics. U.S.Sr. r94V4.. nib of ex U CASTW out on the summit Of M-) i=rumlia S.S.R. in the tummers of `C-111 we livins. 51"k-counter and coincidence measure. Inents vt Ow ratio of soft to bud , Ic miliation (penetrating 10 CM. Fb) amvitiewtC =~& at 000 m and 3230 in. abovo wa so le-ml. Pve vals. 7drjrV$jOa m4 042*"3. respectively. The absorption cor" .40 at 2200 w. isbow sea levej up tit a depth t~for this 1~t;l radiatim mid for the hard- camlonent, 0 -9 3 in. 1~.O oil 13* was Alan tmhW. Tle malis owfirm the x6trace of decoy roe CIMUOUS In aft, sincest a depthof sin., I'lli, b(I-I 4 0 tit. AwAim., the prodombuint part of tha soft radiation consists of decoy virc. -00 00 trou: at SM in.. thefe appears to bi: an additional soft radiation. roe goo Zee gee I see 1"0 too S L A tTIILLUtGK4L LITERAT"I CLASSFKATION tIoe b U o. -- .0-&t tri -1 a 0- a a -j as Ii '3 1 -; 'L " to 3o a K a 1( Is 00 oe W`011111 eggs 000 009 0 0 0 go 00 00 0 0 0 0000000 o 0 0 0 Cs Goo 000 0 0 0 00 so as 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0040's oi a 4 A a a 0 a a a A, a A a a 1, !& A &k"A,7, vk"h~ A%, A jW:j a& a a a a 14F 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 i f i i i i 4 4 0 9 0 q o it flul1w ism ills "so F-A--h M V M, A A, I A AJM)-"V.PJOPt*l-- PNIX11611 AND POMONA ..v4j A cow of wok fin at as aliltuaO of 3180 M. A4_kjiiwv. A. 1. Altithwi"Ita, L, Nowuov and N. Pft J. Pk". 8. W(II144)(In Box- Y lial).- r 3 dWilresit alvibuds it was fouud that the cx- polivaestally deld. ratio of Ult sit cam t to the hard colwAmt of the COMIc toys vWkd =Inwtbw and altilfth fmn three distinct values of I.I. OAS wW 0.30 at 00 =Ow.toasWkv&kw*IO.33at9Mm. ItiscloachWe-1 I s thot the wit component contains pank-les witit an inuisins :00 pcnfw freater thm that of rtktiTwic Particift. Probably- pretons with an eneW below 100 m.e.v. It. Ii. R. as usse a S L A "IlAttUO&KAL UltQATUff CLAVOKAIM* 0 0 0 0 Ill 0 0 0 IsTse 1 4 00 A a f. a a * 4 0 0 o 0 #1 11 Q Go -I% I ;-V~,~ wilt sisal )s 7-2 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 s- 0 0 0 0 * 0 9 I** -09 -00 Go wee COO goo see see we 0 coo mob woo too Nee to is 91 aa 0 a 9 9 9 w 7 v 9 . . - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * ~.A L" 00 Aftlon of ft l* ""pow on "em 0 as dbo 41'spew A.,A A Kamm C. KV man= .00 wk *NK. ?&. w L M& z" ooz 7*7 5. 1 pows. twx. s; 2., w. 57 amm of -- b~Wm of 6m un wd had cow ago 4( Om" 191 or mm of a webmift ww"m am a OWMAhl" MOOL L (L Poe :0 goo 00 Woo goo coo goo goo woo :soo Al. too AS&-ILA at tALLOWAL Lift RAIM_ CLAI OFICAVION too 0 too sitall old O"V rit 40j .&V 0- M if 6 AA A I Od 0 -4 a IV 0- 1 a4 3 1 V u 00 11 0 0 0 it pit a of man If" a I in 01 0 : 0 jo 0 0 0 0 00 00 titootmill 40041 0 010 0 0000000*0400000 0 :j0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o to * o 0 to o 0 0 0~6 0 0400404604.00t00:6 A a - ; s w or - W1 I " a All ad - , . 4 it u 1, u 1, u I? Is it n jo it Itu 34 0 b v is a a N a t-~ ;r spe A l A A *~(Ljw CLAD-U 'I . 00 A .40 00 00 R"011CO 01 UM tb" VMPDPtJ)t DI Co=njt UYS, A. I.- Ahkb%qqx&ndA.l.AJJkh&n'ymu. J4Pkyj.(U.S.8.R*.7j-- j-3m- 50940-11sts obtained for hard and wilt radiati on at an clowat;on of WO m. with counters do not AgTse with fb b i d i ole o ta ne w (h lonintion chlunbers. the latter 00 givint 4/4 - 1.16, This result. with considers- c lion of o*cr obowntions, is interpreted asiod"Ovecla' -00 00 A 31d carol anent. not counectecl genetically with mc%)trans - o . acrisons. or pholons. S. L. Gerhard -00 3 goo 00 ~u i =so J roe 09 ro o no 0 goo tie 0 to* ilia, am U 9 AV 10 AS it fca 'Itt" 11"0" T gom K 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 6 0 oi 9i * 0 0 0 0 P-A 41 : : : : : : : : ALIKHARUV, A.I. "Explosion of the Atom," Tekhnika-Molodezhi, Nos: 10-11, pp. 18-20, 1(?44. 0 IS SIMMKIR a lawalmauLlrAplilsfklr-~RvssiuDtw-%P-mg?eeo~,~- AT IKHMOtr;-A-.I-. VIIII-I JTPI "U""T 10,1 1 SIR, Z V -IL A Im I IT AND 2ND OR MRS 340 AN(f 4tM_ORDtot~ 71 PROCESICI AND poloptRYIES INDEK a a tioll effect I md. Tiffin. 7 ."mituts were made at diffet- mu, in elevation 3225 in. The :ut dcplb# ~ n b=1,1~rjIl MM. e I wer-producing Cohiponent roin thatof the soft component. lgxpts. with Al screens V to a Inbt. thick between the Ph screen alft chamber wall ohowed that absmption teaches a lunt. at 6 to 12 nitg..of Ph, devending on the thicknesq of the Al ween. S. L. ON j pup 0 c 0 t7 a IS A t a 0 vv A t go I U01VIIII mail 41 a L-A- 140 4.0 4t. OROM 04 OV' V 001aV34411M IN4I to fill IT)IS"IIWill, V11,1111' 04 RA "A 00 00= 00 'Xniddv iAvq %141 tKII ptm to vj smaill 1-1 -xoiddo 2m pal.MIPP $31311nPI 3U 00 00. jwt"jxwJwd qIJAI '11130A*14 'us (10. - I's aPm" 313" r -1-waV -0111 %11 "ARM "11ININ V I -V elp Iq 1001 SmAlq 10 b"Sm"I or so r 00 I ~Iq al 33-K I I r Ir a I I 90 ZIj gas 61YA 8 S 4 4 11 IJ 4 1 A J A J 4 f 4-1 '~z- MO-0 0 *-*-o a 0 Mul A A-L-k-A-1 a 11 1 L-1. A It Q I 1--k-I -A-1 Aj 0 0 Uf, COU"Mititm of cosmic says at the altitude of 3250 m. of abovesealevell. A.1.116IMIAIIOV. kk6rhN S.S., &r. jWjys. 0, 13.5-440945); cf. C.A. 39, VANO. The Falls) 411 tile "I c"1111".11ent of cv.111ir toy. to tile IIAI %I COMIKUtt'llt l1iVJIJ%tI1 %A "it Is r'-untri. %%u~ Wit." A 110."; 11WIVIUMI With littlitAtiolli Chatill)VINt. it WA~ 1.1," 1 Thr eslpt~.. cpc,:Wly te'l, iAilll a 11folhati.,11111 ttailitti. hadicattit IlLit milt clwitic ray% contaitt lx~idc% cleclsoti% wid phislow particles with great lki%vt eif iint"litm and a its&%. of 0.11 to 1.4 of the Ina,% of a lit"Ittst. Vie Authot "ai,itirt, list. thitil comixiirtit a, prol,ni, of U-0 sit c.v. vi S. P. 00 cc note Zip a-%~.SL A 04TALLURGKAL LITIRATURII CLAISIFKATION floe __ -- ~ - ___17:_= --- M., slow %I-,Nj t wooss -A Inativa "it (t.. slat valint"C --- Woo !71 i-I U Is Aw so it! -Kr-uy-. , . % v Old 0 of 2 IN IN 5 n It 3 a, ; a, it Is K KW n 1 1 to It It ON K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 * o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~!' , .. , J'' Is'. ~Iai 1 " N . . . 'v a 0 a a a a ~A jC9 an 04, A 0 PNOM"s Atill P114W1111"t "oil A panicits in soft component of comit VMA1,irLW,-,,n. A. 1. AIik!AAiiuv andS Nikitil, Tech. lu,t. AvaA.-M.-I "SA.W.). J. Phy, '2- Vw."., 167~73(1945); d. C-11. 40, 2722-An ar. 0 arr% with livirar smplifirr%. lee Go I)y CAAtK+lCnM bttwftn cs'.M. c4mxtrr*. show"I 1* 0 00 4 ANIIII W% ", the M41 ovillwaint 44 C1.11d, will-06MI t =0 in. altilude of highly kmilins tialk'I". Rough C%tn. C4 the 1HA%S ASIA Mn9r %hos"I thAt the PM lielti proliably Afe lifutuns of aliout IU, 11I.C'N. Cnagy. A. 4). Alivu 43U w I L A NOTALILIMMIC&L LFTIRATWI CLASIOCATIGO LALt 1"M - - gas Joe %9 lee too goo q_bUUAVQUj;;;;;;j ilia' jx'j Itirwil 0 0 L 0 0 0 V: e0 00 0" 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 a 0 a 0 ),s t~ ).5 iiiiij weiii1l"Ilt it abinit. 'A411, t, fit ~ei~ 4-In-3 Ilil camm~v . It!'AlAid', U S.~~ 0 e0 009 00 09 of 0 0 g V 00000000 00 0 0, a 11 IfnAs Is it If 30 so 0 at a a If a Is OP P"'. 71.ft R. ~ 1141610#10111101 list 1, a A.-t It" a Is- L M1, AA 0% a 0 ur k *0 A I It 04P INV (01-1111 1 . 1001!# 0 _Lt~_ ___- I . - -_ ~ I- 00 Measursment of the assit and the bald components ot 00 c.-,uWc rays by tifflaus of the ioulitatIm chamber. A. 1. Do C Alikhatisov A 1. Allishany4n, and N. N1. hucharyan. 0 AZ;A . 5~' . '4 Arstissiax 5.5.R. 4, No. 3. \j 4L 0 W ccnmk rays M an althude 432M tit, will M in. In Annerlis by means of an fialisAtion chat"ber 0 0 showedtheprntriclicitatiewesitul ent.whichwasnam"I 0 00 "the third COMPOUCIlt," The ioxmnicatimi vitcvt tit IN. component is 3 tievirs, than 4 the Inr"I; it apiwan to .00 c d of protons of energy of uux,v.; h-r mt Is much infire, readily alrawInA bv 1-1) thsn 01 all, by It. I it is AblItftt AhCIII III file Of-r%A1111111 -00 at lower 4101.1r. G. M K .~1,41 HA coo ze 0 re 0 AJU_ Coo fee j dit "oe t 11 t I y i All a 'w0 w 9. 1 0 3 If 10 st It (I It 01 as. Is it ftz A I VO 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a C 01 Ili _ - -A-" 00 0 0 * * G 0000 go *I 44 is 0 0 0 * see * 0 0 9 0 0 ." 'k-0 _:.1 g Absoilstion of cornic rays in a strong inagnelk field at 3250 motors above sea level. A. 1. ikh.any4n. A. A. Alikbanov, S. Va. Sikilin. and A. %apwnfeig. J. 10. 214-6(11401); cf. preceding ufY%tr.---AujIV 'is of the soft component of cosinic rays by ineanq of an in- tense Marm-lic field shows that the conlibunclat Imling .1 range of 4-4.5 rin. in M) is not dederitA by the field. o.41 confitinti that the particles gent-tated In Ph air pmtons- it. A. pf3 0 a 0 0 a 0 00 1 111flifilsililt 1 A A r a It IF is 6 A a t as .4 i'- s j - - -67 .-f 00 Naas.~- kaft4 00 f l i i I 0 o re at v rtk * a A. 1. Alikhanyan...&, ,=d A. 6VX Alikha " * 4- Expwar. Nested. 1 yli~--irus~a.Rj 16, 3;!TSjfM ; ) 00 J. Pkyr. (U.SS.R.) 9. 2"INS).-Falat electrossis fricto it IM-210-natillicuric radon sources (Ra C efettrow, upFer limit 3173 kv ) were b a mai i ij 8 . c e lv y 'pect"littaph Anil tarjusts, 44 arnerairs 1"1100) to ANXI Ity, 00 a wear scattered on thin fibas Placed at 45* to the brain I 00 4 Smitering wasa oW-fvcd with ( stificir-Miffler countm at s 0 an angle between U and 97 ; i4adiatIon front t1 t r go at tiource was arliminate4l. Tilt! "tiering metal fdms wo e by therinsal valwasuin rvalin. And deposited on 2-4. - p celhad(ild (41%. which contributed nq)t over P14 P --ca the 0* lotalwAtts-rinc. try i far criticiriani tif lincitrity tit saristler. 0 luff intensity and 111111 thicklit-, laarthmiMU7 esprit. go 0 A), Ni. Air, and An layrra bowed that unglenris of 00 V muttering is Upprommated the better the Caster the ela'.c. 00 trains, exanai,12 At 3.41 and 6.0 mg./sq. can., enearity, of R cir"ronal WA), 141M), 121M1. JXIO kv., ratic" of intresitles tituttered by the thicker &nil by the thinner Win - 2.71. 2.S3, *-,.IY. 2.4itt. rt--sp. Ac~xlrdiuj to Weittal's (C.A. 17. Ir-13) criterion for single wattering at an atjgk sit nwasely not Ina" than two deflections on rise AV, by An "lie %;o,/4. scattering all JINXII-ky. clectrains in Al 1W ing./sq. cru. thick isthod-I Aill lie single, 'isbacrella txl)tll resiults show that nsulti;4c ak~sttctinj accasts even jin 6 rag./sq cm. At; roaticquently, Weattels criterion h b1 h ik O d h h e. e ai acat app a n t er e elapd. ratio& ob. and. t * tabard check talst isfiwi arilv seat h Artitivalovkh % formula A -1 x + 1.311 X 1111 where X - no, of cloctrilits . . ........... o 0 0 0 4, 0 o 9 a 9 as 10 10 0 0 0 0 & * 0 0 is 0 $1 six JI'lly state! 46 U'll Mlif!9 a j 6 Ifto C.-A- 0 f - !-0o I-so lactiat red b At K enefgY 14 clccl'oo~ ilk in rx'. it I thlickuti.;7fil.1, Al. --I'd bear out his busic triaTrINtaltation to the "Iltillity tit dedertious by burgair angles through Ice angles. Final deiu%. were 0 =ird dedeclion Is IRIPJ most newly 1. ~o 0 with x staid tE Ul -111kh scattering It r', 3.(1l1. 11.1XV cst,.. E tingle. example Al 1- lu"d '09 IMXJ~.1050, 8LKi-12(lo, ,too-lassu k,.. rimp. For art (at. no. Z - 7. 1), A]. Cu. Ni. Ag. An (Z - 79). Probability 0 of *cattElring varies with -1 along the -Aint curve. identical zoo with MOtt'll thieuettical qat"antum"neclast"'cal CUrVc (C" CA. 11. UM). Abs. values of the "tArflut an light ouclci and their dependence On Z sign check with Mott's themy (example. for A] 3 mg./sQ. rill., IRM) kv-, within with The exception of An, fair which the exptl- Tms,.ection is about 2.5 times smaller than that Predicted b%ener of by.the theory; for Ag (Z - 47), silsint to the 41, a 1:1111"rivist firmula. agreement clialial'at Ile SLAU"ed. ne tapid iscmir 0 the torctivat - -xi'M 4WI scattering by higher entries. c4imed tilt Skotarl'i,yu and Steltanova Pf. 14 ned cloartned. X.Theall k C A. 30,.33171; 32. VC: (3- % 411 a* 9 ji~ . 09 1 0 zoo too at, U60 Q- It, Flats a I T I.A ra I An 1 5 a OT U Al 10 All; j*, n', j I It U1 ii~ a at las AT,MW-NOV. A. 1. USSR/Nuclear Physics - Cosmic RadiiLtion Nuclear Fhysics - Particles May 47 "The Existence of a Particle With Mass, 11etween the Masses of a MeB6tvon and Proton," A. I. Alikhanlyan, Corr Y*mp Aced Sci U&EIR; A. I. Alikkanov, A. 0. Vaysenberg, Academieasn, 9 pp "Vest Ake& Nauk, SSMII No 5 During period 1942-1946 authors were stationed on Mount Alagez, at an altitude of 3 250 m above sea level. Discerned cowtic particles very different from mestrtrons and protons. Series of tests revealed dats. which showed that these particles to be ionized gases, two to three times greater than either protons or mesotrons. Mass of this intermediate particle is 250 to 2,000 mo. They are either positive or negative. Authors express gratitude to V. M. Kharitonov, and M. I. Dayon. PA 54T69 17 n < Ir ^-Q - - 5 -c-- '61 ,7 -) C 11 u a 41 cp &I 6 09 x %. w 0 PU 0 s a a i JL-l-L.-L I son u(NO314"tt"13 11411vesill 1w3manl1ware I I I a for :Sutr;juj '60 :OU jql 'I"al 10 '0U -'q) IG 4~01 01 JjnotUw T" 3.%oqv -to OVZLr. )o a"nj~'J' uw iV -swjiAnq lan in on ap uM jdjq sbisil) L-I -NJ ol stradd" twilAim'sod jo Do aq) paw IPMAN41U "A-wi salml sl-Tw v ql~m ..'suonAM. pMw '"" 'Am pow -mvi uirlnw tAws jjuw~3 Irqj ukoqv p3upqqo q1tam jqI III '6!'A JVUV 'aJUIU Sit PUV 41VM 9.313IUld V JO "11YAW of bqt q1011 30 luaUminsiii" mummptwp pallpaiat, 43IRS ujiunoa jo tua%sAs v XuIsn Aq p^;n um a&oqv -m OqU so,! *1 If 00 In almillif uv 11 paitIlls"u! asaa IAVA Qpmm*a--',Lftt '.,ml I" *rO )a -IN"I'UH ui)(IwWa III Ors ~--11) .$,(Vj -'r 'itt"PUR unutism-loz 'Swa y :M.-Plm -puJAP -14W0.) -li3q""N -V jlit-titv r e9 o I V lutAut*qnlty .1 v .10110" paw VDXMIW Olp uaamlaq alwipam"ju! "Tto v in!& lapnmd In -,"ps A ALIr'(nIIAO'r*0V; Ji. UJI1 I/Nucleat Physics - Cosmic R%r n Dec 47 Maclear Physics - Mesons %9s.Spectra of Varitrons," A. A:Likhanyan, Corr Mem, Acad Sci USSR; A. Alikhanov, Academician; V. I-Sorozov, G. Muskholishvili, A. Khrimyan. Phys Inst, Acad Sci, Armenian Sul 8 pp "Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LVIII, Wo 7 Authors reported in previous artiole that, as a result of magnetic analysis of composttion of cosmic radiation at, an altitude of 3,250 meters, new particles discovered which have amass greater than the mass of the mesotron. Also presented data showidg- that, in cosmic radiation, there are particleB with a positive and negative sign, the mass of which exceeds that of the protron. This new group of elementry particles named varitrons. Preser;t article!-presents results.-of spectrum analysis of these now particles. PA 6OT80 a's U 3~ P_ C4 Existence In coantle rays of positive and negative particles rith a maso I;rester than the mass W the oneson. A. I Alikhantram. It. I. Alikhoit1%.and A. V~YwOm-rK.. Zk*,. Fit Fksfd. 7roref. XCIB."AIL11- 1419111); cf. C.A. 43 14112e, 410.1taf-The hard and saft routponcrits of rfmintir ray!, at ,T-kitl m. abuirv., sea lerd Ore., anilYred In a InaVirlic field "y an claloinale i-Axinter ArtranKirnient. and nit%-" air tivrit ,or the nit. of trajot-toriests. displAr"mria of Itiattivir4. lim. Aim] ties. pArtit-les are bulk-ateil with nut-4--irs grriter, than the ma%4 of a trincon, scitne with a ma" greater than the prolon Inato. MurrAir Rhtr) PdiuWArr~ - s s m, MW/Nuc~jaar Physics - Cdodo Rsdiation Aug 48 Iftwlear Physics - Particles "Spectrum of Varltron Mass, - -A. Allkhanyan, 'A. AlIkbanov, V. Morozov, C. Muskbe3ishvili, A. 1hrinyan, Phys Mast, Aced Sol Armenian SSR, 30 pp "Zbw Mcoper I TeoreA Tizu Vol XVITL No Method for was spootrametrlo analysis of partle2em in hard and soft omponents'of cosmic rays. IsUblished. that at altitude of 3p250 a above ass level, there are more than 12 varieties of varl- tr vith mass varying frca 100'to 25'000 time nass of electrons and possessing. -positive cr law A- USM/Nuclear Physics - Cowdo Radiation Aug 48 (Cont,d) -.-tive charges. Shovn tba:t varltroax registered by spectrcwt;r vere result of - dleasswiazion or bbarler particles caused by deceleration In ear* Is stwephez-a. Presence of fast protons Is confirmed and It is Inferred they constitute not less than 7% of total intensity. 9AM9 USSR/Nuclear Fhvsics - Cosmic Radiation Jul L8 Nuclear Physics - Particles, Charged - Trajectories I'Spectram of Varitron Masses, lIp" A. I. Alikhanyan, Corr Mem, Acad Sci USSR, Acad A. I. Alikhanov, V. M. 14orozov, A. Vo Khrimyan, Phys Inst, Acad Sci Ariwnian SSPj and Inst Phys Problems, Acad Sci USSR, 6 pp I'Dok Ak Nauk SSSRII Vol LXI, No 1 Part I appeared in I'Dok Ak Nauk SSSRII Vol LXVIII, No 7. Present paper gives more exact data obtained by processing supplementary series of readings, and by processing the trajectory of particles with a penetration of over 5.6 cm 11b ( of the "hard" component). Submi tted 18 May 1948. PA 8/49 T104 ALIMANOV, A 14. Womfttizto Alikhanov, A. 11. - "Cosmic rays," Sovr. probleLny nmikl i tokhniki, 1.4loncow, 1949p p. 19-47 50; U-4355, 14 August 53, (Leto is 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, 110. 15, 1949.) p 0 0 0 0 0 0 a i-o'b"We, 0 *W I I It I I I It% IA I. 9k% I '01-t oil- ev itj-i A j I f *0 A 00 P&MMIS A-0 Pottle all 4t T 00 -00 :0 358, Concerning tow elesiontary particles In cosmic rays. &1 1. '00 A it 96 t Auk"" and A. r. AlManow jLUjn.=, 761(1949) MIty 'go 00 14 (Lo ter to Dis *RtOiY '00 00 Recent work is reviewed wh1ob bas provided evidence of the wdetenost ofootsule ray particles hAving mass *x3ooding that zoo a Of MDOAS (Ittt*f at !Idlature 453, 486(1947 1 Rochester --Y-;Powoll and Occhiallne and Butler JhjunLjW, 5(-194-7 XA*U" 161, 551 9487. The, autbore call attention to the fact that t1ey "ported the existence of such particles an early as 196 X&A, S-8-6-R, S, 129(1946)), T althouSh so mention to wde of this by the aforementioned fit-, too eve V* 0 7, U is AT so U An A 0, lot 4,, 0, 1 a a At it it is0056 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 010 St 0 te 0 0 Is 0 0 9 0 0 SIAJ ALLIY111101OV, A. 1. USSR/Nuclear Phyefts - Cosmic Rays Sep 51 11investigation of Mass Spectrum of CORMiC R3Y Particles at Sea 'Level," A. I. Alikhanov, G. P. Yeliseyev "Zhur Eksper i Atorot Fiz" Vol XN,, No 9, pp 1009-1022 Describes a nev much improved mass spectrometer for cosmic rays, which increases reliability of trajectory detn and mass measurement. It was applied to meas-nvments of mass spectra of cosmic req particles a~'-, 96t level'. Submitted 3 Mar 51. 193T91 am. Ift A. L Auuuwm Awl A. I A,L 314 IIL%-*l MW W.=J~ -Irm P., I t. R On fmdmm~~W.l Ils wAbon b uno- vpwiumW modK docloood betwo 1947 mW 1"06 %*h bd ow is UNW66 *a Mm twit, VWhW =11OW dk%Md ROM dW MWAM Of dW I dKum POW&. mme or pommo. AW to ww dwy p" a omm the NwArow" A to ok aWdm by J. DwAft tAWr. UN (l"W4 rwAm w" be dm go to wm amold ITOA P~ of OWIFUM no Got of by as OWL TU authm Sla a Aftabd smb~* of A Pon" omm of wim to doommus" th" that wvm Comm ml @womb* ~ dwk , fm in "fititiol expWboave md tbu dwy um radmaeg: to m 6 -- .&MMOM hcw Is th* bAM Rome w "m Gawk* paboiV TjwW appoem" h dommond Is dmt tb&V ubm do Md smd Im 04 wowkwo so up to MM GRUA v#A IN x 39tapdohmadf3mil eh Im"Ibm ON doOk byM of '- = F4 1 9 N I I " NO p&W OW 601MMA OM 0 the WOUNIM OW M 00 ad md am in bamm Apo ftm *AN a awmbw or sbmbw4 KOOM NO 0 bld Of 0 SIN lift - - at dw arA of Uw pwikk snOKuwbk' GhW Padow iM Wd wM do bm o( wuat4 t"-- -1 - thm wA at thoir AhL in tw WO Oo a4vemy'af 6" #wdck befts aw orw pA. I , I i* c"m be wmftd in d"L Tm VW* of the - d c - IN wm ebm 76 kaL As ""* of do woolow sub$* of tm 0 , - O(tw= 60 WAN ai nibm WAMS64 T*h tm d*- or I&* awwwo iomww at 3m m b,, fm kvsk Is wrommake @mpg of P-Lin wm 04 WAN 270 mq# md in dometkw pwtkin wm m&un 00 w. and 900400 at,. S. suftir ALIKHANOV. -A. I. Aug 53 USSR/Nuclear Physics - Mesons "Heavy Mesons," A. L Alikhanov Usp Fiz Nauk, Vol 50, No 4, PP 481-538 Reviews foreign and author's cosmic-ray observations at sea level and at high altitudes. In particular, analyzes traceB left IV heavy mesons. Results are given in tables, Suspects the existence of excited Drotons. 0 263T99 KWITONOV, V.; BARSKIY, A..; ALIKHANOT, A. L. akademik. Ionization created In gas by fast pexticles. Dokl.All SM 93 no.4:643-646 D '53. (Mak 6:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Alikhanov). 2. lizicheekiy inutitut Alcademii ArmWanskoy SSR (for Mharitov and Bartkiy). (Ionization of gases) (Mesons) I YBWSIV.ZV, G.P.; KOSMACHMICIT, V.11.-. LTUBIMOV, V.A.; AWKWOV, A.I., akademik. Relative primary anti total ionization of /-,-mesons as a function of energy. Dokl. AN SSSR ()0 no.6-.995-998 Je 15:)o WMA 6:6) 1. Akademiya nauk S*.SR (for Alikhanov). (Manotrons) (Ionization) BABATA 1, Kh.P.; SINGER, I. I.; HARMAN, N..&.; ALIKHANOV, A. I., akikdemik. - "".W~Wlw Determination of the immber of slowtri andA masons in coemiu rays at various altitudes. Dokl.AN S18SR 92 no.2:263-.264 5 153- (RU 6:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSS11 (for Alikhanov). (Xesons) (Cosmic rays) ZAVOYSKIY,V.11.; SMYUK.R.L.; JRSHLIR,B.T.; SUVOROY,L.Ta. [BoIlIng hmogenems nuclear power reactor] Kiptashchii energeti- cheakii gonogennyi iadernyi kotel; dolclacly, predstayleanye SM na Xeshdunarodaulu konferentstiu po mirroziu impollzovanilu stomnoi energii. Moskva, 1955,- 13 P- [Microfilm] (kIRA 9:3) (Huclear reactors) ALI?:IIAIIOV, L. I., VU.D11-URMY, V. V., NIKITIN, S. Y.,GAIANIN, A. D., rAVRIIVI, S. A. AND BUM-OVJ N. A. "A Heavy-Water Recearch-Reactor, 11 a paper presented at the Atoms for Peace Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 1255 ALIMMOVp A.I.; VIADIMIR$Kn'p V.V.j NlKiTIN, S.Ta. [Measuring the effective number of secondaW neutrons, in U2331 w2351 and Pu2.n in the thermal energy region of i.ieutrons] Izmerenie offel:tiv- nogo chisla vtorichma-kh neitronov urana-2339 urana-235 i plutoniia..239 v oblasti teplovykh cnargJ i neitronov, Moskya, 1955. 11 p. (Doklady predstavlennye SSSR ne. Mezbdunarodnu-lu konferentsiiu. r4momu ispoll- zovaniiu. atomnoi energii) rHIRA 14M (Neutrons-Captitre) (Uranium-Isotopes) (Plutonium-lootopea) AI-IKH OVp A.I.; VIADD13RS]Mrg V.V,,; 33s S.Ya.; r-ATA IN, A.D.; MMULOV-p-S.A.1 BURGOVt N.A. [Heavy vater experimental reactor for pbyaical reBearch] OpyttWi fisicheskii reaktor at tiazbeloi vodoi. Moskvas 1955. 15 P. (KMA 34%7) (Douterium oxide,) (Nuclear reactors) ALIMUNOVO A.), AND C(THERS. Hcnogenous evap0qtion nuclear rebetor Tor power production. Tr. fron. the Ilussian. D. 707. 9 Vol. 3, no. 6, 1955 SOVETSKA vEnAt EN-ERariyA So: zestern European Accession 'Vo.,.. 5 No. 4 April 1956 ALIKHAMV, A.I.; YNLISSYSV, G.P. Anomalous scattering of/4-mesens in grp-phite. Izv.AN SSSR Ser.fiz. 19 no.6:732-736 N-D '55. (MLRA 9:4) l.Akademiy,a nauk SSSR. (Cosmic rays) (Ruclear physics) .3UBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1601 AUTHOR ALIKFANOV,A.I., VLADIMIRSKY,V.V., PETROV,P.A., KHRISTEENK0,P.I. 'MLE A Heavy-Water Power Reactor with Gas Cooling. PERIODICAL Atomnaja Energija, 1, fasc.1, 5-9 (1956) Issued: 3 / 1 956 The authors at first discuss the advantages offered by heavy-water reactors for atomic power stations, namely the high neutron multiplication fantor, because neutron capture in D 20 is low, so that natural uranium can be burned and a high burn-up of U 235 iE attained. The high reactivity allows a large surface of the fuel element. Because of the high costs of D 0 quantities used should be as small as possible. In the first construction D20 was uEed as moderator and as coolant. This proved to be insufficient, As at a given maximum temperature of the fuel elements heat transfer increases at a low coolant temperature whereas the thermal efficiency of the power pro- duction is increased, the revult is an optimum which at 230 0 C results in only 2,5 atm wet steam excess prefisure for aluminium fuel cans and 10'. efficiency for the vapor power works. AEi this is considered to be inadequate from an economic point of view, a second construction was provided with gas cooling at Tmax = 4000 C and 29 atm steam excess pressure and with aluminium alloys which would theoret-.".cally PeMit 4700 C and 90 atm excess pressure. p~., A;r 301~41(195( anti Mlowing 's. At UW3 Uk3t -Values bm, ~,.ft 'd C-omplite-lattkv. and 2.44 - q- Aj~ t12, ar !63 'th W d20S F* POO) whtn a 85-m, radlus:.-thcr.~ q letkarond ikit~exptl. channel. -IJ 7-7 ZF of~ r t f':~I.`:, 4i f 411 ALIMMOva-~I-I--j ErNsm;R) 13.V.j LIMI-I)VI V.A., YELISEYEV, G.r. (Acad. Sci. USSR) "Measurement of Lwaitudinal Polarization ofy 2lectrons." paper submittel at the A-U Conf. on Nuclaer Reactions in Medium and Low EnerjZ, PhysJcs, Moscow, 19-217 Nov 57. ALIX"ANOV A I LUBMV t .'V.A., YELISEIYEV, G.P. "High Precision Measurement of the Ionizing Power of Fast Charged Pnrti,~les with the help of Multi-Layer Proportional Counters," paper presented at CERN Symposium, 1956, appearing in Nruclear Instruments, No. 1, ppl). 21-30, 1957 AUTHOR AIJKHANOVo A-I.,YELLISLf _7,7) G.P.,LYUB11,01r, V.A. 5 12/56 ERSHL14i' ~j B.V. TITLE The Polarizati~)n of li'lectrons on the Occasion of B-Decay. (Polyarizatsiya elcktronov pri 3-raspade- Russian) PERIODICLL Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret.Fiziki,1)57,Vol 32,Nr 6,pp 1344-1349 (U.S.S. R.) ABSTRACT In connection .Yi",h the cheeking of the law of conservation of pari- ty,the authors CUrried out experiments concerning the discovery of a longitudinal polarization of electrons on the occasion of 8-decay. For the determintttion of this polarization the effect of the azi- muthal asymnetry was used; it occurs on the occasion of the simple scattering of electrons polarized vertical to the direction of mo- tions through a large angle on a thin foil of a heavy element.The longitudinally polarized 8-electrons were sent through an electric field crossed by a magnetic field.In these crossed fields a trans- versal polarization occurred in the electrons. The reasons why this method should be favored are given.The numerical parameters of the ineqsuring device used here are given.tleasurements were carried out in the energy domains of 300 keV.1t an electric field strength of 18,3 keV/cLi and a magnetio field strt:ngth of 11"- 79 Oe the spins were turned by the angle of 9-500.The expected amount of the azi- muthal asrmmetry can he determined from the data -iven in a table. For the expected effect of azimuthal asymmetry in the plane which Card 1/2 is vertical to the direction of spin the value bexp, - 27,7% is found. 56-6-12/~6 The Polarization of Electrons on the Occasion of 5-i) a Measuring resuli*,s are given in a further table. They shoxi 'that there is no asynmetry in the plane of the turn of the spin by 0 1800. An asymnetry is ob*rved in the plane go-2700,where the sien. changes if the direction of the field is reversed.The sign of asymmetry is determined by the fact that on the occasion of 2- decay the electrons are emitted vith a spin directed against the motion of the electrons.For the (le6ree of the polarization of the electrons on the occasion of 2-decay the expression 9(17)4:t2,6)/ /27,7 = (0,63;t0,09)B is found. The experiments concerning the mea- suring of the polarization of electrons in the case of B-decay tend to show that parity is not conserved in the case of weak interac- tion and that the theory of the tvo-component neutrino suggested by Landau agrres with the experiment. (4 tables). AS3CCULTION Not Given. PRES 1-2,"1 ED B Y SMUTTED 3o.3-1957 AVA1113LE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 ALIKHANOV, A. I., YEIISE-YEV, G. 2., LIUBIli!1OV, V. A. znd ERSHLER, B. V. "Polarization of Electrons Fhitted in ~ -Decay,11 Nuclear Physics, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1958. (No. Holland '--'Ubl. Co., Amsterdam) USSR Acad. 3cl. , Aoscow Abst: In connection %Ath a reconsideration of the law of conservation of parity some experiments have been performed with the purpose of detecting longitudinal polarization of electrons emittc-d in p -decay. It was found that the spin of the emerging g -electrons is opposite to the direction of electron motion. The magnitude of the lohgitudinal pclarization agrees with the theoretical -value, v/c, v being the electron velocity. AUTHOR3: Ali-kiiano,LAv+.--,--tie4iseyev, G.P., 56-34-4-1/60 ---Ty~~~umovj V.A., Ershler, B.V. TITLE: Electron Polarization in P-Decay (Polyarizatsiya elektronov pri P-raspade) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34, Pr 4, pp, 785 - 799 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors reported already in a short communication (referonc,) 1) on experiments in which a longitudinal polarizat 'ion of the A-electrono was found. This work now descrAbes more exactly these experimento rnd control measurements. The experimental arrangement consisted of a device l'or measuring the turning of the spin and of a device for the mousurement of the intensity of the electrons, which were scattered through a wide angle, at various azim-athal angles between 0 and )600. The apparatus fo:~ the turAing of the spin consisted of an oblong electi-ic capacitor which was in a meta.1 vacuum tube. Then the authors shortly report on the accurtcy Card 1/4 of the mea3urement- of the electric and of the magnetic Electron Polarization in P-Decay 36-34-~t-1/60 field. The source of the P-electron3 4as laid upon a 1OA4thick aluminium support as an even spot with a diameter of 1 cm. The source consisted of segregations from fraction solutions (oskoloclinyy rastvor) of go 89 Sr with an admixture of Sr . The spectrum of.-the electron energies of such a source is plotted in a diagram. The thickness of the source plays an essential role in such measurements. That part of the device in which -*,here were the scatterer of the electrons and the countors was separated from the capacitor by a thin colloidal film. For the computution of the expected effect of the azimuthal asymmetry the angle of rotation of the electron spin in crossed fields and the dependence of the azimuthal asymmetry on the scattering angle and on the energy of the polarized electrons m-ist be known. A quite complicated term for sin ~o is obtained, where(p means the angle a)f rotation of the spin. The amount of sin y depends to quite a degrce on the energy of the electron and this e.;peci4,11-y in the ca--.c of high energies- 3 tables illustrate theL,_xperimental results for 3 series of Card 2/4 raeasuremen7;s at energies 0f--300 keV and a fourth table a Electron Polarization in P-Decay 56-34-4-1/60 gives the results for energies of -750 ke V. Various details are discussed. An asymmetry in the direction 0 - 1BOC' exists that changes its sign in the caue of a change cf "Vhe signa of the fields. Their mean value is (14,5 1 6t5)~4. In the direction 90 -2700 the asymmetry is (42,8 -f 4,B)A. The data obtained on the polarization need a correction because of the multiple scattering at the scattering foils. The degree of polarization has at a mean energy of 300 keV resp. 750 keV with an accuracy of 15~6 resp. 40;~ the value -v/c. Finally the authors thank K.A. Ter-Martirosyan for the derivation of the rormula of the spin rotatioti in the crossed fields; L. Ya. Suvorov, M. P, Anikina, and V. D,, Laptev for'the production of the strontium source; L. 3. Kronrod for the computation of the light intensity of the device and M. Ye. Vishnevskiy for his useful &.ta on the role of multiple scattering. There are 4 figures, 7 tables, and 12 references, b of which Card 3/4 are Soviet. . Electron Folarization Ln P-Decay 56-34-4-1/60 A330CIATION: Akademiru nauk S,;SR (AS U53R) SUBMITTZD: Februar~, 3, 1958 1 1 I I I. Electmns--Polarization 2. Beta particles---Decay Card 4/4 AUTHMI: Alikhani2v ~'. I' TeIlReyov, G. P., Lyubimov, V. A0 T IT LE; The Measurement of the Longitudinal l'olar tic111% the 0 f 170 M !, 153 Electrons Emitted in P-Decay f TM , Lit 1 .1 lie 186 , Sr 90 and Y91~U(Izmerenlye prodolln-7 po"~'Urj'zatsii 198 elektronovt lspuskayemykh pri 0-raspade TmI70, Lu1770 Au t 153 166 90 90 Sm , lie , Sr i Y . 11) P'~'~IODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretioheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34. Nr 5, pp. 1045-1057 (USS10 ABSTRACT: The authors try to measure, an precisely as possible, the longitudinal polarization of electrons with variou!3 energi es fcr elements With oulomb (Kulon) trans4tions, such as Tm 7o ( igg 1;yes), Relag ( j - if yes), SM1,5 (i - 1,0; yes), Aul ( J - Ot yes) and Lu17 ( 0 - 1; yes) or ( J ;-- 0; yes). These elemento contain a mixture of Gamow (Gamov) - Teller interactions und Fermi interaotione. For the pur-zosc of comparison the authorE; also carried out mearurem;nts at Sr90 and Y�O, which have "unical" transitions and a pure Card 113 Gamow (Gamov)-Taller interaction. The longitudinal Polariza- SOV/56-34-5-1,"I The Measurement of the Lorgitudinal Polpri-:,%tion of the Electrons '-ItAttPd 170 177 198 153 166 90 90 in O-Decay o~ Tm f Lu I lal , S) n t, Re ,Sr and Y . Tj tion was ineasured according to the method of Mott-sci-Atering, i.e. by det,~rmination of tho azimuthal asymmetry in the single scattering of transverbely polarized electrt:nn by a scatterer wi%h g-reat Z into a great angle. The meacuring de- vice and the measuring method are discussed. The authors then discuss the calculation of the extrapolated value of the azimuthal asymmetry of single scattering and the calculation of the expected value of the azimuthal asymmetry of ecatter- inge The results of' the measurements discussed in this paper lead to the following conclusions: 1) The lonpitudinal polarizations of the electrons of all the investigated elements are equal.Wth an accuracy of 2 to ill *9o. 2) Por the averare value with respect to all ele- ments the longitudinal polarization of tile electrons is eoxial to V '/C With all nc~c~iracy of 3 4~. 3') ',"ithin the range of fro'll 19") to 600 koll th,. icnpitujilial polarization of the electrons of the Coolomll doee no' depend c-n the energy (with an Locuraev of (~,j t fornula ii iTiven for the Card 2/3 CC')'Ulojnb transit-_~',~no 17WC'I arP in t~ie t'Lrst order. SOV/56-34-5-1/61 .The Measuremerit of the Longttudinal Polarization of the Electrons Emitted 170 1771 198 153 186 90 90 A-n P-Decay of Tm Lu Au Re Sr and Y . II There are,6 figures, 2 tables, and 9.reforences, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya neuk-BSSR (AS USSR) SUBMITTED: December 12, 1957 1. Eleotrome-Polsirization meeaurement 2. Electrons-4t4weee 3. Beta deov 4. Ghe--14ja elements-Pr6porties 5. Matbomatics- Applicatiom Card 3/3 21(8) SOV/56-35-4-5o/52 AUTHORS: --AlikhanovL _A1., Yeliseyev, 0. P., Lyubimov, V. A. TITLE: The Polarization of tho Electrons of RaE and Time-Parity (Polyarizatsiya eloktronov RaE i vremennaya chetnost) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheakoy fiziki, 195B, Vol 55, Nr 4, pr 1o61-1o62 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an earlier paper (Ref 1) the ai;thors showed that the lorigi- tudinal electron polarization in P-decay acts of heavy nuclei (which corresponds to transitions forbidden in the first order, i.e. the so-callod Coulomb (Kulon) transitions (,d J j 2) and the unical trans~.'tions (-d J - 2, ja)) is equal to v/c with % accuracy and in Independent of electron energy. However, in one cese (RaE) an anomaly in the shape of the P-Spe$trum is' observed in spito of the Coulomb transition (1- _* 0 By employing a method already described (Ref 1) the authors determined the longitudinal electron polarization at the mediun energies E - 125 and 3Q10 keV. The Ra(D+E)-source 2 with an intensity of 5 M Cu had a thickness of about 0.8 mg, cm Card 1/2 With 1i - 125 and 590 'r-eV the lonritudinal polarizat ion - < d > c/v SOV56-35-4-50/52 The Polarization of the Elecllron of PaE and Time-Parity of the electrons amounted to 0.733 � 0.06 and 0.725 + 0.06 (mean value 0.73 + 0-04). B. B. Geslikenbeyn, S. A. lit-3mirovskaya and A. P. Rudik calculated the longitudinal electron polariz-a- tion of RaE for the VA- and ST-variants in consideration of the non-conservation of spatial parity, but with conservation of parity with r,~spact to time (but also for the case of the non-conserva"lion of time-parity). The disturbance of time- parity is less than 7-5'5o. This is the most accurate estimate of the conservation of parity vith respect to time that has hitherto been made. Possibilities of a further improvement of this estimation are pointed out in short. There are 8 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: August 2o, 1958 Card 2/2 ?1TL1z Th TILL Annual Congress of Unless Spectroscopy (TILL ":hogodocyo .0,othet-Ly. Vo yeAtrool MICOICAL- V;P. kht f1joich.oklkh sent. 1958, Vol 65. tr A. V- 72t 22 (17530) AUTIAC? t The Sth Congress of ludlear Spectroscopy t"k place In L"Ingrad fro. January 27 to lotruar7 ), 195a. Is v" attended by 300 s4i.ntlsts from the V331t, further by scientists from Chin.. Fromee, Poland, C ... bslo,.ki.. Z-gry, Us%*= Germany, Tuttalavis. and the Moored. Democratic liopublic. A main laot~.. mnd about 90 ro;orto -v board. The -in lectures dealt .1th problem. concerning rwelmar models. the a- and 0-4.acy. y-radl.t1nn. internal conversion, and nuclear Isomerism. A.S.DaUlepov, Cor~reopoadlag %soher. Acada,my of Sciences. 17332, opened the conference. L.0t.X.0 or. hold by: T.Tu. Conch"o To. Y. loopln. B.P.Toytka (?TZ.AS VkrSSR) a - '*L Poker an 1102 nalol "I Can- . (BAN 3531-Library AS 11333)j Tu.X.3blrolt&v (UrU-No-coo Stht* Val.oralty). L.A.%I!- ~" - .1cial-To.hol.01 0% al. on levels In, 9;8~4.xr "d 412~$ D.C. Alkhasor, A.P.GrInborg. C.U.Cusirskly. I-! 'LF71) an tk.vlng fo,und an r.tstlovel levels at B(I NoT In Cr, In# and Un nuclei. !he sane, re,saarch sarkers daso,pport.*.m,j~v al.covvry of r1brationa. r-lovolo in I,TIa4 I - ...let by me- of the Mthd of the Coulomb, omait.ll.. at No..- I N.V. L.K.P.k.r (US 5333) gave a survey repor-t., ~Con~ernlng Soca PeAlcular. In T1br t1onal Levels at Defor,mod Nuclei.. or. be Id 4a:o Ity: P.74.rtt sk% 7 (AN 5931 - t*332) " radiwilon tr" itious 1;jaforced nuclei ai%h the spin - t/21 T.S. &Wol . 2N1 IMV (Rod Scientific Iss*arch Znottt%to of Phx0im, xmc- State University) an th. 1--*l displ-san', and the probability of corrsspondIAC 13 - rA In odd noolell D.F.Z.r.t.kly (AS SSS1 - EZZ t". A" U Influonco of the Vln-orbital coupling upon tr- =wttlo am to - CAN 5351 -AS CSSR) an the t ,:fth. nucl.l. A.1.21.x ;M 9f liebt nuclei .1th bl4r!x neutron or proton excess, ,A. Xrartoov (LPI-L*nlnrr&4 Poly-ochnic Institute) on the ,.rnation, of nucleon pairs In -1.11 L.L. Colldia,. A. Z. C.X.Xo.iko,&, (TTL AD SSMR) lpho decay am rotational level, of add nuclol; T.r. Z 1.01, (AAF 35SE - AS USSR) an alpha e.*~ay of -A.pb.rical ...I*I (..rv.y)jI , T(TT,7A,z likhanO, .J.2r.alar Al- p '..t. electrons emitted 1. the 0-d. To Lu 96 AS .U,53,Wa6 (W. 0 I'a,_ -1) so all .4 10 that of Sr9o and T9. (&1- 2,-- (AS SSSX - AS U3_-jj,.n measure- a' 0 of the (0-7) ;;Cular eorrolatluns in U -dwcyj ;7A ftreo- and Tu.T.T.r.khn. (TTL AN 33CA) on investigations .i ;helects, n-toutraft correlation. "A the res"once a.%1:rlh, oPy-rafil-tiong B.X.X.ris., na (WO-Koscov State University) On the bro-trablung of 10-Cit-diwelly Volaxi-*4 -4 U.S. F*_T (999) no the off"tj v crao act a r the scattering of polarized at polarized *I I. -A;Cbud are ~4 1. (A the ur its) on the doserain,at on f st-01ty of the omp.n.nt. of the O-plax P..P..-run .QQ;rdl.g to the Perot diagram, I.M.D"d L.N.2 and 1, '1." yrjr,,. puj.~S IGV on t 'o. of '. be probability Of the P.-itt.d and of the rofttAA- GVt,,, of UOUVo, 1,j, . .2,ma. => ALMLM A. I. RESEARCH INTO THJP, NATURE AND SPECTRA OF PARTICLES PM)UCED BY HIGH EMOT NUGI#BDNS A. I. Alikhanov, A. V. Khrimyan, V. K. Koemachevoky., Vo Le Avakyany Ke So Egiyanj Yu. P. Xorotkov, 1. A. Nalbandyan The nature and the momentum spectra of secondary articles produced in lead by fast coudc nucleons were studied at an altitude of 3.,250 m. above -iea level by.: meanssof a magnetic mass-spectromitter, five-layer proportional counter and five- layer scintillation counter. The momentum epctraiof Ir -misons, K-mesons, protons,, and deutrons, generated by the charged and neutral compononts of cosmic radiation, are preffantedo The spectra of -F, :f-mesona produced by neutrons do not difW from the spectra of IT Z -mesons produced by f ast charged particles. The N IN -ration for ;/- -mesonagenerated by protons differs from that for 1j) -mesons generated by neutrons. Among the products of stars with momenta up to 720 Mev/o, the number of K- mesons is of the order of 10% of the 117 -mesons. In the 720 - 1,000 Mev/C range,, NkIN,,> 0.2. ' In'the mementum range up 1.,000 Mev/c, Rn increase in the number of X-mesons in observed with increase in momentum, An evaluation of ratio was tndertaken where n. p are the cross sections of K-mosons Prodaction by neutrons and protons. Data are presented on the nu4ber of nautrons and protons of different energies in cosmic radiation flux at an altitude of 3.,250 metres above sea level. Report presented at the International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hoscow., 6-11 July 1959. ALIKHAqOV, A.1,, akademik, obshohiy red.; VEKSLKR, V.I., akademik, obshchiY red.; .. VLASOV, N.A., kand.fiz.-mat.nauko obahchiy red.; DROZDOV* G.I., kand.fiz.-matomuk, red.toma; ZARETSKIT, D.F., kand.fizo-mat. nauk, red.toma; SMOLTAN, G.L., red.; MAZIM', Te.I., tekhn.reA. [Nuclear physics; :proceedings of the Second International Conferenoe on the Peaceful Uson of Atomic Bnergy, Geneva, 19581 Wernaia fitika; trudy Vtorni noshdunarodnoi konferentaii po mirnomm - ispollsovaniiu atomoi energii, Zheneva. 1958. Tod oUhohei red& A.I.Alikhanova, Y.I.Yekalara I NoA.Vlasova. Moskva# Isd-vo Rev., upr. po ispol'zovaniiu atomoi energii pri Sovete Kinistrov. Vol.l. 1959. 552 p. (KIn 12:5) (Geneva-4tomic energy--Congresses) ALIKHANOV, A.I., akademik, :red.; VLASOV, N.A., kand. fiz.-mat.nzuk, red.; B.I., red,,.-, IABAZNOV, V.I.p red.; MAZELIp Ye.1.0 tekhn, red. [Transactions. Selootedreports by foreign scientists] Trudy. [Izbran- YWe doklady inostrawykh uchenykhj Moskva, Izd-vo Glav uprav. po ispoll- zovaniiu atomnoi energ, pri Soveto Ministrov SMR . Vol: 2. [Neutron pby-sics) Neitronnale.fizika. Pod obahobei red. A.I.Alikhancma i N.A. Vlasova. 1959. 755 P. (IOU 3J+%7) 1. Vtoraya mezhdunarodnaya konforentsiya po mirnomu ispolizovanIqu atomnoy energiiq Zhe:rLeval 1958. (Neutrons) 24(7) AUTHORSt Alikhanoy,_.L._1._. Yeliseyev, G. P. SOV/56-36-2-91/63 Kamalyan, V. 3h., I~yubimov, V. A., Xoiseyev, B. N., Khrimyan,A.V. TITLE: Investigation of the Nature and the Spectra of Particles Produced by HJgh Energy Nucleons (Issledovanf*.,-e prirody i spektrov chastits, generirovannykh nuklonami vysoko3p energii) PERIODICAL% Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i toorotichoskoy fiziki, 1959t Vol 36, Nr 2v PP 404-410 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the authors publish the results obtained by the investigation of particles which were produced by high-- energy nucleons of cosmic radiation dt an altitude of 3200 m above sea level. Investigations were carried out on MountAragats in Armenia. Th-a experimental device used is shown by figure in form of 2 ajactions which are vertical to each other. The device, in principle, consists of a mass spectrometer (6850 Oe), an additional hodoscope arrangement, and a five-layer thin- walled proport!.onality counter. Two series of measurements were carried out: with generators ( 10 and 25 cm lead) and control tests "without generators" (0.3 - 2 cm lead total substance thickness). Mea.suring results can be divided into 2 groups: Card 1/4 a) particles produced in the generators by neutral radiationg Investigation of the Nature sov/56-,36-2-9/63 and the Spectra of Particles Produced by High Energy Nucleons b) particles of stars produced by charged particles and single charged partioles. Muons were excluded by means of the momentu;.~- range method. Figures la,b show the results of momentum- and ionization measuremonts of secondary particles under 25 cm of lead of groupa a) and b). Sufficient data could be obtained fror the experimental material concerning secondary protons and partly also concerning deuterons. In 2 series of measurements carried out iathe momentum range of 400-900 Idev/0 35 deuterons were observed, 10 of which had been produced by protons. Thus, cosmic radiation in an altitude of 3250 m had 3.5 times as many neutrons as prDtons. The momentum spectrum of deuterons in the "generatorless" tests with momente. -'*-,,,800 Mev/c had the form ,(p) -p-r , ( rp=2), Figure 3 shows the differential momentum spectrum of rr--mesons which had been produced by neutrons, viz. measurements of shovieromesons and of single mesons ( momenta: 400 - 7000 Mevi1c); the course corresponds to N(p).-vp-r , where for the shover 1.7 for single ltr*-mesons is equal to 2.4 - rimyan and Avatiani (Ref 4) found 1.5 for the -Tr--meson L ipectrum (shower), but they investigated the Tr--meson Card 2/4 production by protons. Investigation of the Nature BOV/56-36-2-9/63 and the Spectra of Particles Produced by High Ehergy Nucleons In tho momonturi rango of 125-700 MOV/c the mean value 89/45 was obtained for N.rr- INIT+ as a result of neutron action, and for stars produced by protons N 1r- IN IT + - 45/54 was obtained. In figure 2 the distribution of the recorded particles is represented in the momentum range of 125-720 JAev/o (ionization 1-3 - Umin ) se,parately for single paTticles produced by neutrons and fcr multiple stars produced by neutrons. Particles with a mass 700-1300 m. were determined as amounting to 10~: (measured accoTding to the proton number). As regards the K-mesons determined, it may be seen from table 1, which gives a detailed account of all measuring results, that N K+IN K- = 16/3, and that in consideration of the producing particles, it holds that N,.t(p)/N~ (n) - 14/5 . Finally, a large number of investigation)rosults concerning -W- and X-mesons In the momentum range of 720-900 Idev/c is given. The authors in conclusion thank Professor A.I. Alikhanyan for his interest and discussions, Card 3/4 Investigation of the Nature sov/56-36-2-9/63 and tho Spoctra of Particlou Produoed by High Energy Nucleons and they express their gratitude to V. K. Kosmachevskiy, I. P. Karabelcyan, V. P. Kanavots and V. V. Avakyan for their great help in organizing and oarrying out the work. There are 4 figuxes, 2 tables, and 6 references, 4 of whic-h -are Soviet. SUBMITTED: August 20, 19f,8 Card 4/4 A'1(l). SOV/56-36-4-69/70 AUTHORS: Alikhanov, A. I., Lyubimov, V. A. TITLE: On the Possibility of Determining Muon S,_,irality by Means of ~-Electron Showers From Magnetized Iron k'O vozmozhnosti opredeleniya spirallnosti myuona po ~_ elektronnym livnyam iz namagnichennogo zheleza) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959~ Vol 36, Nr 4, pp 1334-1335 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The nonconservation of spatial parity in the case of weak inter- action causea muons formed in pion- (or K _ meson) -decay to have tQ polarization. The direction of this muon polarization has hither- to not been experimentally determined. The authors suggest a theoretically justified method of measuring the direction and the amount of polarization, and investigate the possibility of carrying out such experiments with accelerators and in cosmic radiation. This is done on the basis of a formula given by Berestetskiy for the scattering cross section of polarized muona on polarized electrons. This formula shows that the croon section is indapendent on polarization and that, if the energy Card 1/3 transfer of electrons in collisions with high-enerCy polarized SOV/56-36-4-69/70 On the Possibility of Determining Muon Spirality by Means of ~-Electron Showers From Magnetized Iron muons is great, it may assume considerable values. This may be the case with a ((-shower having a certain number of particles, which is caus,?d by muons in magnetized iron. According to the avalanche theory for the probability f(E,n) of the occurrence of a shower causad by polarized muons in magnetized iron with an electron number > n the formula E (E) b(E,n) = mf f(C,n) (E,f-)dF- . bo(E,n) + _P _P bl(E,n) is given. 0 e ~k energy of ~-electrons, b 0 denotes the polarization-inde- pendent and b 1 the polarization-dependent probability for the occurrence of suoh a shower. For P - 8d,. a number of numerical values is given.) Measurements of muon chirality by means of the method described can be carried out also on muons of cosmic radiation. A similar equation is written down for the probability Card 2/3 of a shower formation with particle number ~>n by a cosmic muon, sov/56-36-4-69/70 On the Possibility of Determining Muon Spirnlity by Means of E-Electron Showers From Magnetized Iron and again numerical data are given for P. = 8~. The authors thank V. B. Berestetskiy for discussions. There is 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheakoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: February 21, 1959 Card 3/3 24(0) AUTHOR: Alikhanov,.A. I; SOV/53-67-2-6/7 TITLEs Lev Andreyevich Artsimovich. On His F-Iftieth Birthday (K pyatidesyat-.iletiyu so dnya roz-hdoniya) PERIODICAL: Ur3pekhi f -Izicheskikh nauk, 1959, Vol 6',' , bIr 2 pp 367-369 (USSR) , ABSTRACT: The Soviet phys:1cint, Academician L. A.-Artsimovich, celebrated his 50th birthday on Pebruary 25, 1959. Ile was born as the san of a professor (if f1tati0ticG IfU MOSZOW. He studied at the. Belorusskiy gostidarstvennyy un~lversitnt (Bel.oTussian State University) and at the Lpningradskiy f.-ziko-tekhnicheskiy institut (Lenincrad, PbYsIno-Technical Institute). Ile ~arriod out his-first scientific work .1n oooperation vith the autbor of this paper on X-ray optics.* Durine the followir.g years (1934/35) Artsimovich together vf--th 1.'V. Kurchatov and others, worked in the field of neutron physics and investigated the laws of conservation in olsotron-posit.rcii annihilation and in the Compton effoot. ile further investigated the interaction of fast electrons with matter, theoretical and experimental problems of electron optics, especially of the chromatic aterration of electron-optical systemsi Il, 1945 he carried out a theoretical Card 1/2 investiCation, together with I. Ya. Pomeranchuk, of radiation Lev Andreyevich Artaimovich On His Fiftieth Birthday S 0 11/5 3 _' 6',r - 2 -_ 6 /7 losses in a betatron. He further occupied himself with probloms of isotope se.paration and the aberrationless focusing of wide-angle io-a beams in axially symmetric wagnetic fields. Together with a group of physicists under his supervision, he investigated high-intensity pulse discharges in rarefied deuterium (plasma heated to several millions of degrees); in 1952 this group of*research scientists discovered a new phenomenon: this plasma wELS found to be,a source of neutrons and hard X-ray radi~ation. Since that-time, Artsimovic'h has been busy investiCating thermonuclear reactions. He attended the second- Geneva Confereince for the Peacdful Uses of Atomic Energy in 1958. He. taught at the Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute), at L 'cninZrad University, at the M-oskovsk inzhenerno-fizicheskiy i4stitut (moscow Engineer. Pb,vsics - InWland 2ately at lkscori University. In 1946 he was appointed CorrespondinG Member and in 1954 Regular Member of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. In 1953 he was awarded the Stalin Prize and in 19513 the Lenin Prize. There are I figa:re and 15 Soviet roferences. Card 2P2 PEIASH I BOOK &PIDITATION SOV/4317 A111hancv, Abram Isaakovich Slab~7e vzaintocleyetviya; noveyshiye issledovanlya, 0-raspada (Weak Interactions; Recent Investigations of O-Decay) Moscow., Fizmatgiz., 1960. 143 P- (Series: Sovrezaennyya problemy fizikL) 10,000 copies printed. ~A.: Ye. Ye. Zhabotinskiy; TedoL. Ed.: Ye.A. Yermakova. UWE. ThIs took is intended for students, aspirants and scientific workers in- 1~-.rested ia problems of mo(burn physics. eIERAGE: The book reports on wrperimental research in the field of P-decay carried .out fTCM 1957 to 1959 Uhich the author claims helped confirm the existence of non- romservs,U(xi of paritr~ during ireak interactions,, and made possible its use in fur- tter study of the atomic nualeus and elementary particles. Problems of j3-decay of special interest to the author, and vhich have been intensively studied by re- sen,rchers of the Institut teoreticheskoy'i eksperimentallnoy fiziki AN SSSR ('.institute of Theoretical ard txperimental Pbysics of the Academy of Scientzes USSR) AahakNov, A. I. "Measurment of Muon S~piralitj." report submitted for the 10th Intoomational Conference on High Energy Physics. Rochester, N. Y., 25 Aug - 1 Sep :L!?60 report to be preaented by Iyubimoir, V. A. LYUSIMOV. V.A.; Affect of a magnetic field on resonance absorption of -C rays. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 24 n0-9:1076-1078 S 160. (MIRA.13:9) 1. Institut tooretichaskoy i ekspertmentallnoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR. (Gamma rays) (Magnetic fields) 85702 3/056/60/038/006/045/049/XX Boo6/BO70 AUTHORS: Lyubimovj V. A., Alikhanov, A. 1. TITLE: Effect of a l1agnstic Pield on the Resonanz;e Absorption of Gamma Rays PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eks p ori mental ~noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 38, No. 6, PP. 1912 - 1914 TEXT: The emission and resonance absorption of gamma ray-i without loss of energy during nuclear recoil, dincovered by M6ssbauer, permits an immediate observatiou of the Zeeman splitting of excited nuclear levels and measure- ment of their magnetic momerls. The gamma transition in Sn119m (23.8 kev; lifetime, 2.67*10-8 Sao; lerel width, 2.5010-8 ev) was selected for the ob- V servation of the Zeeman effect, and some results pertaining thJreto are reported in this "Letter to the Editor". It was necessary to use a sample enriched to 96% J~L.,Sn I j BJn vhich the fraction of Sn 112 was less than 0-05%, as the In"-' produoed from SnI12 is a strong scurce of -24-kev X-xays. A magnet with pyramid--shaped pole pieces (6 mm gap) and capable of Card 113 85702 Effect of a Magnetic Field on the Resonance S/056/6q/o38/OO6/045/049/XX Absorption of Gamma Rays Boo6/BO70 giving fields of up to 209000 gauss was used for the determination of the field depenlence of the resortance absorption. The size of the gamma source was 20)(4 mm (5mg/Om 2). The E,bsorption length of the 23.8-kev gamma rays 2, 'ally in tin (on %ocount of the pbotoeffeot) was 70 mg/cm and thus essent. larger than the resonance abE,orption length in the source and absorber. Source and absorber were cooled with liquid nitrogen. The measuroments are described. Three different thicknesses of the absorber (natural white tin) 2. were used f3r the measurements; 36~ 11, and 5 mg/cm Thq measured H de- pendenoe of the relative intensity changes Is shown An a diagram. During measurement, the source temperature was 900K and the abaorber temperatures 2930K (with the thin absorber). The theoretically calculated curves for A - 1.5 go and ji - 2.0 40 are also shown in the diagram, The magnetic moment of the excited level of Sn 119M was determined from the data obtain- ed. The values found are: g . -(1.1+0.1)00 or V - (1.72-fo.06)po for a _ - ~f the ground state the magnetic moment Debye temperature 0 - 1700K. go is Card 2/3 85702 Effect of a Magnetic Field on the Resonance 3/056/60/036/006/045/049-/XX Absorption of Gamma Rays B006/BO70 of Sn 119 and equal to -1-046 nuclear magnetons. L. A. Artsimovich is thanked for preparing the enriched sample, G. M. Kukavadze for mass spectrographic analysis of the samples, and V. I. Anan%ye for help in the measurements. There are 1 f-.gure and 2 references: I Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Institut eksperimentalinoy i teoretliheakoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: April 25, 1960 Card 3/3 85706 S/056/60/038/006/049/049/XX B006/BO70 AUTHORS: -Alikhanoyl--A. *4..? alaktionov, Yu~ V.j_Gorodkov, Yu. V.~.. Ylekis ~~- T~ , Lyubimov , V. A. TITLE: Measurement oi! the Chirality of the p-MeSCID. PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretleheskoy fiziki., 1960, Vol. 38, No. (;% pp. 1918 - 1920 TEXT: The muon chirality was measured by the, authors -.)f the present "Letter to the Editcr" by a a.ethod described in Ref.l. The method is based on the measurement of the scattering cross sez~tions of polarized muons from polarized electrc,ns, This cross sestion dependa on the mutual orientation-of the spine of the colliding parti~_les. An independent mea- surement of the number of 6 showers was made., the showers being released by cosmic muons in magnetized iron and consisting of two or more par- ticles. The experimental arrangement is shown in a Fig. and described in the text. About 500 muons psas through the apparatus every minute, one or two of these produce showers with m2O. Up to now 116;000 showers with m2t3 have been reeorded. The energies of the shower-producing muons were Card 1/3 85706 Measurement of the Chirality of the ji-Meson S/05 60/038/006/049/049/XX Boo6yBO7O between ~; and 6.5 Bev. The following results were obtained from the ex.. periments: For p1t mesonsi tl.o difforence in the number of showers for two different direotions of the ourrent in the winding of the triangle (Fig.) gives the effect s.~ . -.0-37 -- O-41j (a - for p- meson.8,. a - +0.82 _t 0-42. For both iiigns of the charges of the muon the effect ig given by s - 0-58 + 0.2c,. The- thAorstizal value for a 50% PO]arlza- 4 tion of the muov. is 0.6. The sign of thq effeat corresponds tc. weak V-A interaction (according to which the spin of the maon is di-reated opposite to its momentum), that is, to a left-hand chirality of the ~L 4. MeGon. The pxobability for the effert tci be zero or negative is 2 .10.21 The experi- ments are being continued tc improve the statistl,-,al accuracy. There are 1 figure and 2 Soviet referenaes. ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheakoy i eksperimentallnoy fizika Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physi.,,& of th6 Aoad6my of Ssiences USSR) SUBMITTED: April 25, '1960 Card 2/3 85706 S/056/60/0.36/006/04 9104" 9 B006/BO70 Legend to the Fig.: hodoscope counters for the determination of the muon trajectories; S - counter series for shower recording; A - iron yoke of the permanent et for the determination of magn the sign of the muons f rbm, their deviation in the magnetic field;, B--- iron core of the electro- magnet with triangular cross hection in which the muons produce showers; the field in- duced in B attains 14,400 gaus3- -A S/056/60/039/003/008/045 B004/DO69 AUTHORS: Alikhanov, A. r., Yeliseyev, G. P., Lyubimcv, V. A. TITLE: Longitudinal Polarization of Beta Electrons[-,-'rom Au198 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 196o, Vol. 39, No. 3 (9), pp. 587-588 TEXT: The authors measured the polarization of ,~u198 electrons by means of an apparatus resembling the one described in Ref. 4, but improved in order to work with a beta source exhibiting a strong gamma background. V1 The measurements were made in the ranges of 145 kev and 390 kev. Equal Au198 and Tm170 samples seived as sources. The corrections for the two samples were mutuall compensating. At 145 kev, the lonGitudinal polarization of A09~ beta electrons was PAu/PTm = O-8OtO.O5 relative to Tm170, and was thus smaller than -v/c. Comparable val7.-s were obtainei by P. Ye. Spivak and L. A. Mikaelyan (Ref- 7). At 390 kev, PAu/PTm = 1-07�0-08- A paper by B. V. Geshkenbeyn and A. P. Rudik is referred to as containing an explanaTlTn of the de-y-15tion from -v/c at low encrGies. Card 1/2 Longitudinal Polarization of Beta Electrons From Au198 S/056/60/039/003/008/045 B004/BO60 In the case of heavy nucloi, polarization for first forbidden transitions is to be expected to devittte from -v/c in that region of the beta spectrum where there is a deviation from Vie Fermi shape. There are 9 references: 6 Soviet, 5 US), and 1 Dutch. SUBMITTED: April 30, 1S160 Card 2/2 ALE [Alikhanov, A, I. j - -MM, Weak interactions. I. Tr. from the Russian. Analele mat 15 no./+: 105-168 O-D 161. (Nuclear reaclions) (Beta rayn-Decay) 6.)