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ALITMAN, K.Z., Inib. Manufacturing noutral acid-free felt for technical use. Log. pros. 18 no-3:42-43 Nr 158. (NINA 11:4) (Felt) ALITHAII, K.Z.,inzh. Vat dyeing of utaple fibers in centrifuge-type anDaratuses. Tekst. prom. 18 no.4:1;8~-59 Ap 158. (MIU 11:4) (Dyes find dyeing--AppRratus) ALOTRAIT, K.Z., inzh. -WA 't '. ,00 excri., V-"K~- oA!-, -, 11~reing blankets. Teket. prom. 18 no.8:20 AC, 158. (MIRA 11:10) Oves and dy'aing--Wool) (Blankets) ALITW, K.E., insb. *ion used for oiling raw material mixtures in the folting industry, Log, prom. 18 no.9:46-47 S 158. (WHA 11:10) (Felt) ~,A-L.ITMAN9 K.Z.s inzh. Increasing the felting pover of sbeep vood from spring sbearing. Tekst.prom. 21 no.3%16-17 Mr 161. (,W-Rk 14:3) (Feltwork) (Wool) LEVINS M.I.; GUSHCHA, L.A.; ALITMAH, K.Z. , atarehiy in2h.j PESIM, I.Ya.; AKSEJNOVA, A*F* Now reagents for feltwork. Tekot.prom. 21 no.12:48--50 D t6le (MIRA 15:2) 1. Nachallnik otdola valyallno voylochnykh isdaliy Roaglav- legamababytavrlye pri Vaeroasiyakom oovete narodnogo khozyaystva-ifor Levin). 2. G3*thyy inzh. TSentrallnoy nauchno-isaledovitteltakoy laboraforii khlopka i shersti Moagorsovnarkhoza (for Gushcha). 3. TSentrallnaya nauchno- issledovatellakaya laboratoriya khlopka i ohersti Mosgorsomarkhoza (for Alltman). I.. Glavnyy inzh. fabriki "Tekhvoylok" (for Peoin)* 59 Zaveduyushchiy 3aboratoriyey fabriki *Tekhvoylok* (for Akeenuva). ~Feltwork) (Amonium multate) ALITMAN, L.H., insh. Self-propelled tanker model made of reinforced concrete* Rech.transp. 18 no.2:50 F 159. (MIR& 12:4) (Berlin--Ship models) STIBLIN-KAIMIISKAYA, 0.33,; ALITHAN L F "-, Comprehensive atlas of a Union Republic ("Atlas of the White Russian Socialist Republic.n Reviewed by O.S. Steblin-Kamenskala, L.P. AlItman. Vast. IGU 14 no.24-.159-16o 159. (MIRk 12:12) (White Ruseia-maps) ALIVAN, L.P.; NEVELISHTEYNI G.S.; KONSTANTINGY, O.A.p doktor geogr. -----'---bAUkj-prof., otv. red.; GOMOZOVA, N.A.., red.; KUZNETSOV, N.S., red. kart; BAZANOVA, I.A., tekhn. red. [Petrozavodak, the capital of the Karelo-Finnish S.S.R.]Petro- zavodak, stolitsa, Karelo-Finskoi SSR. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1951. 47 p. (MIM 16:1) (Petrozavodsk) ---ALITUN~-~ --- - ., L. Karellskli pereslieek. (Geogra.'Lia v. shkole, 1948, no-5, p. 15.) AL I TI&AN DIC: Unclass. So; LC, Soviet Geography, Part 11, 1951/Unclassified BABEDV, I i.; ALITMAN, I.P., kandidat geografichaskikh naak, redaktor; NAOW,-T.M.-,~Wfiktor. [The South Ukrainian and the North Crime& cansas and their influence on the transformation of natural Muhno-Ukrainskii i Severo-Krymakil kansly i ikh vliianis na preebrasevanic prir*dy. IoeniWad, Vess. ob-vo po rasprostrazioniiu polit. i nauch. swLnii, Leningradskoo vtd-nie, 1951. 29 p. (Micrefilml (MLRk 9:6) (South Ukrainiam Canal) (North Criwaa. C=al) XHRSMOVMY, A.A..; &I 'THANO.-L.P.j red,; VIUMILIN, N.M.0 red.; GRODRNSKIY, G.P,, red,; OBIMCHRY, S.Y., red.; SUSLMW_ KOVI, N.M.,; LXMIYZVA, L.B., [Globus-, a geographical yearbook for children. 19571 Globus; geograficheakii ezhegodnik dlia detei. 1957. Leningrad, Gos. izd-vo detskoi lit-ry H-va proov.RSM, 1957. 438 p. (MIRAL 12:8) (Geography--Juvenile literature) Al'TYANV L.P. I ~ ~ I r-1196"~, =Diviel'ou of the U.S.S.R. into economic regions." Reviewed by I4P, AlltmAn. Vest. IGU 12 no.18tI39-141 057, (MIRA 110) (Geography. 3oonomia) CHITYRKIN, V.M.; -AkIT L.P 01; CKWOV, L.G. Division into ooonomic regions of the northwestern and northern parts of the R.S.F.S.R. [vith s=mary in Inglishl. Test. IaU 3.2 no.24:-104-116 157. (KIU Uf-5) (Russia, lorthern-Geography, loonomio) ALITMAN, L.P. The Leningrad loonomic part of the R.S.7.S.R. no.6:48--50 156. (Leningrad Inonomi c Region) Region in the system of the northWistern with summe r in Inglish]. Vast. WU 13 (MIU 11:5) ALITW, L.P~ Inter=Aversity conference on the division of the U.S.81H. Into Alstricte on the basis of wktural history and economic conditions. Vest-LOU 13 no.18:164-167 158. (MIRk 12:1) (Natural history) (Russia-Boonomic c3nditions) NIKOLATIVA, N.V.; ALITHAN, L.P.; CHERTOV, L.G.; KUZNBTSOV, B.B.; L&YROV. S.B.; LAMMIRA, Te.l. V.M. Chetyrkin; obituavy, Yest,,LW 13 no,24:121-12Z f58, (MR& 12:4)' iChatyrkine Vladluir Mikhailovichl 1892-1950 AUTHOR: SOV/10-59-1-30/32 TITLE: Losses to Science (Poteri nauki) Vladimir Mikhaylo- vich Chetyrkin, 11892-1958) PERIOD10AL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya geografiche- skaya, 1959, Nr 1, p 159 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is an obituary on the well-known economic geographer, Head of the Chair for Economic Geography at the Leningrad State University, Profes- sor, Doctor of Geographic Sciences Vladimir Mikhay- lovich Chetyrkin, the author of numerous scientific works, who died on 29 Oct 58. His death prevented him from completing the monumental work he was work- ing on, "The Soviet Economic Zoningil (Sovetskoye ekonomicheskoye rayonirovaniye). Card 1/1 A11THAN, L.P. Prospects for the development of the Leningrad Economic Region and its division Into economic sectors. Veot.LGU 14 no.18:50- 56 '59. (MIRA 12:8) (Leningrad Economic Region-Economic policy) ALITHAN, L.P.; PIMMNSW. D.H.; CHWOV, L.G.; SEWSKIY, B.N.0 prof. 9 1- 11/.. nauchnyy red.; VOROD'YZV, G.S., red.izd-va; GMZHIYEVA, A.M., [Geography of great works) Geografiia velikikh rabot. Leningrad, Yees.ob-vo po rasprostrananii-m polit. i nauchn.znanti. LenlW. ota-nie, 1960. 39 P. (KIRA 13:7) (Rassim-Industries) TSABPMO. F.F., red.; ALITK", LP,,_red.-. VERZILIN, N.M., red.; BABKOV, I.I., red.; ORRUCHEV, S.V., red.; LZONVINVA, L.B., [The globe; geographical yearbook for children] Globus; geogra- fioheskii eshegodnik dlia detel, 1960s Leningrad, Gos.izd-vo detakoi lit-ry *-va proav.RSFSR, 1960. 341 p. (MIRA 13:8) (Geography--Yearbooks) ALITYAN, L.P. History and previent-day problems of the division of the U.S.S.R. into economic regions (NDivision of the U.S.S.R. into econoudo regionsn by P.N.Alamplev. Reviewed by L-P.Alltman). Vast. WU 15 no.l8il49-151 '60- (MIRA 13:9) (Geography, Economic) (Alamplev, P.M.) ALITMAN, L,P. ---- Comprehensive mapping and comprehensive atlases of the repuUics,, territories., and provinces of the U.S.S.R. Vest.L4GU 16 no,12:167- 168 161. (MML 14:6) (maps) ALITMAN, L.F. Geography of the population in the allied Baltic Republics and 'White Russia. Vest.LGU 16 no.24:170-171 '61. (MIRA 14:1?) (Baltic states--Economic geography--Congresses) (White Russia--Economic geography--Congresses) ALITMANO L,P. Twenty-Second Congress of the CPSU and the economic regions of the U,S,S,R. Vast, LGU 17 no.1202-41 162, (KRA 15:7) (Economic zoning) -A'LITMM, L.P. The Leningmd Economic Won and main problems of its derelopmente Uchosap'Lau U0015048 162, (HIRA 102) Isningrad Economic Region.-Ractomia-geograry) Reningrad Economic Region-Econmia: policy ALITMAN, L.P.; DOLKART, M.L. Economic relations of the northwest of the U.S.S.R. and their Improvement. Vest. LGU 19 no.18:57-62 164. (MIRA 17:11) IVAIIOV-YESIPOVICII, Nikita Konptantimovich. Frinimala ucbastiye ALIT~Wi. L.V., aspirantka; YEVROPI14, V.A., red. % __,: ....... (Physical and chemical principles of the manufacture of radioelectronic apparatus] Fiziko-khimicheskie osnovy proizvodstva radloelektronnoi apparatury. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 194 p. (MIRA 18:9) -1 A -~j q1.1 -tLLL klyl jjl~nl:~XL 77-U ACC NR ARG032129 SOURCE CODE: U11/0275/60000/008/13004/13005 AUTHOR: Alltman, L. V. Gorbanenko,-M--]~-- TITLE: Investigation of cadmium selenide films/obtained by Kqppy depq.~.iltiqn under a vacuum k SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. 8B32 RFF SOURCE: Tr. Nauchno-techn. konferentsii Leningr. elcktrotekhn. in-ta svyazi. Vyp. 3. L., 1965, 115-120 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium selenide, semiconducting film, polycrystalline film, thin. I film, cadmium selenide film ABSTRACT: The influence of various technological factors on the properties of semiconducting polycrystalline CdSe films of stoichiometric cornposition is investi- gated. The basic physical constants of the CdSe compound are given and some of its advantages, when applied in film transitors, are noted. CdSc films, 0. 2-0. 4 thick, were obtained by vapor deposition on substrates made of glass or GaF The following values were verified in this connection: substrate temperature, sehng velocity (usually 50 ~Vsec), distance between vaporizer anti substrate and residual 1/2 UDC: 621. 315. 592. 548. 552. 54G. 2314 7 ACC NR- AR6032129 pressure in the system. With variation in substrate temperature from 75 to 310C, P; varied from 106 to 10 ohm. cm, respectively; it is suggested that this strong variation is caused by the influence of oxygen occlusions during deposition. An insignificant photosensitivity wz~s observed in all sprayed films which were not subjected to further heat treatment. At substrate temperatures of up to 350C, crystallite dimensions did not exceed 0. 51e-.. Measurements of voltampere characteristics in two-electrod2 structures showed that films which had not been subjected to heat treatment are exceptionally unstable. They are stabilized by annealing in air and in contact with CdSe powder alloyed with CuCl or InC13. As a a* '~served result of annealing, the deep-trap concentr tion decreases. The 0 increase of crystallite dimensions resulted in a considerable increase of mobility. Investigations of transistor structures showed that CdS.e fihns..c.xn be used in the development of channel film transistors. - [Translat.ion- of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 2 / 2 ALTRAN,,.,M- "Wages and premiums in the textile industry." P. 300 (Tekstilna Industrija) Vol. 4, no. 9, Sept. 1956 Belgrade, Yugoslavia SO: Monthly Index of Fast Furopean Accessions (EEAI) 1C. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 C) AUTHOR s Altman, M. 3761h S/044/62/000/004/073/099 C111/C222 TITLEz A linear iterative method with a vector parameter PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 4, 1962, 81, abstract 4B379- ("Bull. Acad. polon. sci. Sbr. sci.math., astron. et phys.11, 1961,.Q-, no- 3, 169 - 174) TEXT: Let A be a linear self-adjoint positive definite operator in the Hilbert space H. Let m(x,x)!:-~(Ax,x)t-5?f,(x,x) and O