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AFFRQaLIT-CII, V. A : Cl--~.PURJINJ V. N. (Enc.) 11 St.ate of Production of Telemechanical Apparatus," paper read atthe Session of the Acad. Sci. USSR, on Scientifiu Problems of Automatic Production, 15-20 October 1956. Avtorati.ka i telemekhanika, No. 2, p. 182-192, 1957. 9015229 --AIZRr&OVTGH-J-V.--D* -- - -- - - -- "New Developments of the *Elektropulltl,51ectrical Pane17 Factory in the Field of Telemetry" (Novyye razrabotki zavoda 'Elektropullt' v oblasti telo- izmereniy) from the book Telemechanimation in the National Econonw, pp. 249-263, Iz. AN SSSR) Moscow, 19 (Given at meeting held in Moscow 29 Nov to 4 Dee 54 by Inst. of Automatics and Telemechanics) SOVI 112 -58 -2 -27 36 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 2, p 149 (USSR) AUTHOR: -Ambsosqvich. V. D. TITLE: The Present Status and Immediate Problems of the Development and Production of Telemechanical Means for Power Systems (Sovremennoye sostoyaniye t blizhayshiye zadach! v oblasti razrabotki i proizvodstva sredstv teleinekhar4iki dlya energetiki) PERIODICAL: Sessiya AN SSSR po nauchn. probl. avtornatiz. proiz-va, 1956, T. 4, M., AS USSR, 1957, pp 117-124 ABSTRACT: Vhe history of the development of telernechanical-equipment produc- tion at the "Elektropul't" Plant is set forth. New systems and equipment for remote control, telemetering and telesignaling manufactured at the plant are described, and their characteristics are briefly presented. The most impor- tant immediate problem is transistorizing telemechanical equipment. P. V. M. Card 111 AFIBROSOVIC IZM;U~~r~feyevlch; SIDELINIKOV$ V.V.o kaiii. tekhn. nauk, otv. red. [static power converters ror tolemetry systemm) Statiche- skie preobrazovatoli moobohnostl dlia taleizmeriteltrykh sistem. Moskva, Nnuku, 1965. 117 p. , (MIRA IM) ACC NR, IU.$500)4 Monograph Ambrosovich, Vladimir Doi~ofeyevich Static power convertcrn for telemetering systems (StaticheDkiye predbrazovatell moshchnosti dlya telcizmeritellnykh rjatem) Moscow.9 lzd-vo "Nauka") 65. 0115 P. illu3., biblio., fold. charts. (At head of title: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Ingtitut clektromekhaniki Gosudarstvennoro komiteta po elektrotekhnike pri Gooplane SSSR) Errata slip inserted. 3,300 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: telemetry system, static power convertor., electric measuring instrument ITWOSE AND COVERAGE: This book (;ives a systematic review of methods of contructing static (without mobile parts) power converters designed for use in systems tele- metering the power of different systems in the capacity of primary measuring conver- ters. A major part of the book views the theoretical aspects and principle schemes for diferent types of converters Considering the requirements of telemetering systems of the energy profile. This book is recommended for those working in acien- tific research, planning and construction, and application of measuring, telemetering and computing technology. This book can also be useful to sapiranto and students of electroteelniical and power institutes and departments dealing vith meacuring converters. TABLE OF COMNTS (abridged): Card 1 IP ACC NRi pjj60()jj836 - Introduction -3 Ch. 1. Classification of methods of constructing static power converters -5 Ch. II. Static power converters (m) using schemes of linear multiplication -14 Ch. III. SPC using schemes with squarers -35 Ch. IV, SPC using multiple schema with hyperbolic and exponential fuctiono -62 Ch. V. SPC using schema based on time-pulae and amplitude i2odulationo -68 Ch. V1. Comparative ovaluation of different variants for conatucting and Spa con- sidering the requimmnts of telemetering technology -66 Supplement -108 Bibliography -109 SuB com Oq / sum DATs: 16.Tan65/ ORIG REF: 122/ OM REF:053 kand. tekhn. n,,uky otv- red,,), AMBRO30VIGPI NIKOV, V.V-s, SIDELI V,.D.2 GARIAJV)V, A.R., red. -T-()kju-j. naukp IT ;11U illy S11INA, V,,V.: d.; f ice-type data tranoMitting Systems] (Automatic and distal s Avay e sistenq. yo. kvtomatir-heskie i telinformat IS-8) mquka, .1965. 299 P- 1. Len,ngrad' Institu-t, elaktrorc-elhauiki. lip(c) Do SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/004/003810038 AUTHOR: Mityushkin, K. G.; Ambrosovich, V. D.; Klemin, V. A.; Gorshkovs So Ve ORG: none TITLX: A cyclic device for mote control and signalling. Class 21, No. 178802 [an- nounced by the "ElektropMlIt" UADJILM76d "elektropullt") and the All-Union Scienti- fic Research Institute of Power Engineering (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issiedovatellsm institut energetiki)j SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlemyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no* 4, 191669 38 TOPIC TAGS: remote control, telemetry, cyclic coding , electronic circuit ABSTRACT: This Authorla Certificate introduces: 1. A cyclic unilateral (simplex) ac- tion device for remote control and signalling with pulsed time marks. The unit- -con- sists of two subassemblies for remote control and signalling. On the transmission side of each of these sets is a pulse generator, distributor, coder, time code shaper, line- ar unit and a unit for friquency-division channel multiplex. On the receiving side are a unit for frequency-di'vision multiplex, amplifier, shaper, decoder,,distributor, pulse duration selectors, a unit for authorizing actuation and individualoutput con- trol relay units. On the transmission side of the cyclic unilateral (simplex) action remote signaning device are a distributor, an automatic triggering #evice, a coder, UDC: 621.398 Card 1/3 As -9ts L 23901-66 ACC NRI A F9_8&17 1--pulse generator; 2--pulse distributor; 3--con- trol panel; 4--command acceleration unit; 5--dis- charge unit; 6--linear unit; 7--frequencv-divi- 3 sion multiplex unit; 8--time code shaper; 91-9 n and 101-108--distribu-tor elements; 11--bloaking call. time code shaper, linear unit, frequency-division multiplex, and on the receiving side are a fT*- quency-division multiplex unit, amplifier, shapert i distributort decoder, pulse mark duration select- ors, reception accuracy control unit and indivi- dual output signalling relay unit. In order to prevent indefinite'delay during transmission of* remote.control,commands due tothe necessity for resetting the,.-. distributor to the initial state-, k remote -,control 'device. : -The, input of'this~_un ccMmand -acceliration: unit LsAi4prol~' nAhe is connected to the outpuroUthii.-coding unit and:tha,first output-of "t e,c Ing unit h od Is connected to the input -of the 'first cell,of the.distributor whilethe second output is connected through a distbarge circuit to the input of the coupling circuit for the distributor. 2. A modification of this device in which false signals are eliminated C.,d 2/3 L 2391"6 - - ACC NR3 AP6009847 from the control code by using aunit for automatically erasing false "ones" in.the pulse distributor. This unit Is a blocking cell connected In series to the common I coupling circuit of the distributor. 3. A modification of this device in which-the reliability and resistance to interference are improved by connecting the output of the ferrite diode-pulse distributors to each cell for the corresponding signal. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 29Jan64/ ORIG REF; 000/ OTH REF: 000 3/3QK L 42188-66 E1.7 ( 1 ) ..Cp I ~ACC NR: AT6008927 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0119/0125 AUTHOR: Ambrosovich, Y. D. i Bartmer, A. Ye., Mikhaylova, N. D. ORG: none TITLE: Numeral displaX panel for teleinformation systems SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut elektromekhaniki. Avtomatichesidye i te!einformatsionnyye sistemy (Automatic and teleinformation systems). Moscow, ,~Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 119-125 ;TOPIC TAGS: display panel, signal processing, information processing, pulse coding i ABSTRACT: A remote character -display system is briefly considered which uses! fa i~telegraph-type pulse code and to intended for receiving, storing, and displaying ,on a panel the information sent from a central station. The information is trans- mitted, over a telephone line, in case of emergency or on request from the Card 1 /Z E-~'r (d)/E-_'? W, jjp (C) ~ACC NR: AT6008928 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0125/0130 AUTHOR: Ambrogg,,tr --I. D.; Kato. D. A,; Chernyahevp V. Ye. -.01 ORG: none ~60 TITLE: Nonvolatile storage with four-coordinate access SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut alektromakhaniki. Avtomaticheskiye I teleinformatsionnyyp sistemy (Automatic and teleinformation systems). Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1965,',125-130 TOPIC TAGS: compiter storage dexice, digital decoders digital computer ABSTRACT: Methods are considered for simplifying the nonvolatile-st orage (up h o 10000 numbers) decoders used In digital computers. W en the storage capacity' -,lexceeds 1000 numbers, four control coordinates and square-loop ferrites become necessary. The simplest 4-coordinate circuit would have too many simultaneous I'd !Card I /Z Card Z/z AIT-ROSOVSlaY, 114. F. "Hakbman's Method for Access to the Fissures in the Brachial Regionp" Khirurgin, No. 7, 1948- Chair Operative Surgery & Topographic Anatomy, Leningrad Med. Inst. GOLUB, D.M.; A LEONTYUK, A.S.; NOVIKOV, I.I.; ORLOVA, B.L.; JKMHE- F.B, Data on the formation of now afferent pathways in the urinary bladder and large intestine. Arkh. anat. gist.i embr. 38 no.1:3-19 Ja 160. (MIBA 13:7) 1. Kafedra anatomii cheloveks. (zav. - prof.D.M.Golub) Minskogo meditsinskogo instituta i laboratoril morfologii Instituta fiziologii Akademii nauk BSSR. Adres avtorov: Minsk, Universitetskaya A., 2, Heditsinskiy instituto Kafedra anatomii cheloveka. (BLADDER-IMMVATION) (INTESTINBZ-nMRVATION) AMBI~W-''M:X, A.p. (AqVrosleu, A.P.]; KIIEYMW4) David Moiseevich Golub; on his 60th birthday. Vestsi Ali BSSR. Ser. biial nav. no.3:112-114,'61. (14111A 14:10) ~GOLIUB,. DAVID MOISELVIGH, 1901-) JURANEK j J.; AMBROVA, A. Colorimetric-chromatographic ultramicroanalysir, of gases. III. Determining ultramicroamounts of carbon in technical iron and iron alloys. Coll Cz Chem 25 no.11:2814-2821 N 160. (EEAI 10:6) 1. Institut fur Erdolforschung, Brno. (Colorimetry) (Chromatography) (Iron) (Gases) (Carbon) A~MOVA, P. Souveniers from the dietary school. P-133 VYZIVA LIDU. (Spolemost pro racionalni vyzivu) Praha, Cze&.oslovakia, Vol,lb, no.9, Sept11959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFIAI) LCp Vol.8p no.12, Dec-1959 Uncl. AMKOVA, P. Oat flakes in the nutrition of children and adolescents. (to be contd.) P-134 VYZIVA LIDU. (Spolecnost pro racionalni vyzivu) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol-14, no.'),, Sept.191~9 Monthly List of East European Acces.-ions (EEAI) LC, Vol.8, no.12 Dec.1959 Uncl. PINBROZ, Anton "Microwave measurement and measurement instruments" by Gyorgy Almassy. Reviewed by Anton Ambroz. Slaboproudy obzor 23 no.10!Supp.l.-. Literatura 23 no.10:L77,, L79 162. ~,.--7- .., . -1 Herring of the Bay of Peter the Great, lzvest5,),a Ti~:hockeanskiouo Inst. 1~-,,bnogo Yhozajstva (?roceed--ngs of the Pacific Fisheries Res. inst.) 6, 1931 Aleksaudr ITImovich; ROLL, Y&J., redaktor; GRUDZINSMA, O.S., ~" - a - "' - " r idsk or; " W, I.P., takhniohookiy rodaktor. [Fish of the Dnieper, Southern Bug and the Dnieper-Bug estuaries] Ryby Dnepm, lUxhnogs Bugm, i Dneprovske-Bugakog* limana. Kiev, Isd-vo Akademii nauk Ukrainskei SSR, 1956. 404 p. (KLRA 9:5) 1.Chlen-korrsvpon~lent AN USS (for Bell). (Dnieper River--Fishes) (Bug River--Fishes) _WRO-Z-,,_AtIj; CREPM-OV, V.S.,, dots.,kand.biol-.natiky [Beluga of the Black Sea] Beluga Chernogo moria. Kishinev, 1960, 199 ps (11obiney, Vn4yerviteto Uchenye zapiekip Vol. 36) (MIRA 140) (Black Sea--Sturgeons) 4. MOZ A. I. The situation of the pLialculture reservoir6 in th*-Dauube Basin within the U.S.S.R. frontiers, and the measurewfor maintaining and enla-rging7 them. Hidrologia 1+s277-286 163, AMBROZ, A.I. Sturgeons of the northwestern part of the Black Sea, Trudy VNIRO 52s287-347 164. (KRA NgIO) 1. Odeaskaya laboratoriya Azovsko.-Chernomorskogo nauchno- isolednvatellskogo instituta. morskogo rybnogo khozyay8tva okeanakKaf U 0 AYBR,DZ,Ilanna;KASPRZYK,lUzbieta; CZYZT;.;ICZ,Jer,,,,y Application of rubber soles to shoes with leather u,,jpcr3. Polimery tworz wielk 7 no.5:177-181 My 162 1. Tomaszowskie Zaklady Tworzyw Sztucznych, Tomaszow. ANBRM , HanrA ... - I --- --- Chemistry.. proceseiAlS and crosslinking technology of polyurethan elastomers, Polimery tworz vialk 8 no.3:91-91+ Mr 163. 1. Instytut Przam;yslu Gumowego,. Warszawa. AMBROZ, Hanna Urethane lacquers for rubber shoes, Polimery tworz vialk 9 no.5:204-206 YV'649 1. Laboratory of Sport and Sanitary Goods, Institute of The Rubber Industryp Warsaw. AMP ewVIIfjItg-fj'o- 11""cif cqxrl'.%v 4) colvasical P")bv- MOciril rychlopli p LAL-uL&, "d P. M-789. .5, no. 10, (),.1. jq'-'.3 I -Ally f rit'Viples (if Imustart.joe"t by Pilut t"Im., C "'t"""W"Wnh Disbi butiol, ,lid " 'fiditialls r1ji(l Mid idi.)It of jIj('j I wasurvinvi)ls. j)i;jgr,jIjj~. gr.11)11%. 5 IN N "f`: . : : ;'~ SMA n Mm ,U,.qXZCL-I)J., Power sources for the auxiliary equipment of stem-Fower Flant&. p.L,3 (Nova Technika, Vol. 1, no.2, Feb. 1956) Praha SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (EEA1) N, Vol.6, no.7, JulY 1957. Uncl. AXMZI 4098f, dr. Problem of the employment of older people. 162, Soo revus 9 no.4/3tI78-288 A rll~10. RE-u-v AhD a RUTICKA, Juroalav; AHBROZ, Jaroslav lesions of the upper respiratory tract in workers eWged in the production of nitrogen fertilizers. Pracovni lek. 11 no.8:414-418 Oct 59. 1. Oddeleni chorob z povolani KUNZ v Ostrave, ved. lekar MUDr. J. Roomanith ORL Doliklinika '31M VZID v Oetrnve VII, prednosta XUDr. L. Havlicek. (FMTILIZ3M, toxicol.) (NITROGEN, toxicol.) (MPIR&TORY SYSTEM, dis. ) kMROZ Tosef inz. World wook production in 1960, Drevo 17 no,61l9l Je 162. AMBROZ "Handbook of voodworking technology" by [inz.].Arnost I~ravnik and others. Reviewed by Josef Ambroz. Drevo 17 no.6:196 Je 162. CRELBOUN, J., inz.; AMBROZ, J., inz. .1 64. Extraction of coal from diimps. Paliva 44 no.9t281-283 e~ I 1. Szientlfic Research ..stitute of C,,.ql. Preparation Departmeint, Ostrava-Kiincicky (for Chleboim). 2. 3drimcni, Ostravsho-karvinskych dolix, Ostrava (for Ambroz). -f -~ I! ? ......... . 1.1, polvillclicilloll ,j- ,,t,,jy.-.tA by AlClj Tht- NJ jell of the c of RIL)., "Y 1;1 tilt, prc-,,~,L ll'is i,, AICI, N":(!' 1~ A - V- f ~ ~ ~ - v - f,~. -,- --~ 7 Distri 4E2c(j) of Paymerintlon of 1. Dbtm&bU M*dW M a, the Ur the study gem polymatizatioll of rAodw. -1. Ambrof (Vtrxumtlt astay makram2kkQM1 . Chem., MK5., CMS. . MOWN IMMMORM. CAM. Vm- d ~ C irxw. 24 3703-70M)~A dilatometric nwAhod was anted which is suitable to the study 9: icadions In the I,,. 96( liquid phase with a solid mktocMt. WeIM during which a vol. watraction taked place: the method was applied to the study of the heterogeneous stereospecific polymerization of ptopylene. Ile contraction during the reaction Is ' h- dl l f ona to t po 3 conversion. T he reaction, Is o the od"- order with m2pect to the monotner. R. R _ Z/009/60/000/01/007/038 E112/E253 AUTHORS: -Ambro~,' t'.T.,jAmbroz4, L., Dvo'r6.k, S V1 TITLE: Preparation of Pare Titanium Trichloride PERIODICAL: Chemick~ prtLmysl, 1960, Nr 1,, p 23 ABSTRACT: Titanium trichloride is recommended as a catalyst for stereo-specific polymerisations. The standard method for the preparation of the compound is the reduction of titanium tetrachloride in a stream of hydrogen at 100000. The authors state that the realisation of the reaction may give rise to experimental difficulties and that the separat ion of unreacted titanium tetrachloride from titanium trichloride may be difficult. They describe a laboratory method based on the same reaction and claim to have obtained microcrystalline titanium trichloride of high purity. Two diagrams of the apparatus are given. Experimental details are given for a charge of 350 ccs titanium tetrachloride as starting material. The titanium trichloride was shown to be completely free of the tetrachloride. There are 2 figures and 3 references, 1 of which is German and 2 English, ASSOCIATION: V~zkilmny u-stav makromolekula'rn3- chemie, Brno (Research Institute of Idacromolecular Chemistry, Brno) RMBROZ, J. Z/00VT0/olo/o5/o4o/o4o /0011 311+2/2135 OTHORt Jaros-la- Z TITLEt Adjustmen of the Molecular Weight during tJ'ie Stereospecific Polymerization of P-MY-1-elle"I PERIODICALt Chemicki Prdmysl, 1960, Vol 10, Nr 5, pp 278-280 ABSTRACTs High-molecular weight Dolymersl are produced during the stereospecific polymerizatio-nof propylene when using titanium chloride and triethyl aluminium (Natta at all Ref 1) as catalyst system. The transfer reactions during the process were investigated as well as the possibility of adjusting the molecular weight of the polymer. It was fouad that the molecular weight could be reduced, whilst maintaining a high degree of isoactiveness when diethyl zinc was used as carrier (Figs 1 and 3J. The relationship between the concentration of the individual components and the molecular weight of the polymers was investigated by using the dilatometric method (Ref 10). It was found Card that changes in the concentration of titanium chloride 1/2 hardly affected the molecular weight of the polypropylene (Table 1). The effect of triethyl aluminium on the S/081/62/000/022/068/088 B166/B144 AUTHORS: Ambroz, Jaroslav,_Hami~ik, Oldr'ich TITLE: A method of producing polymers from unsaturated hydrocarbons without needing to remove and detoxicate the catalysts PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 22, 1962, 518, qbstract 22P287 (Czechool. patent 99911, June 15, 1961) TEXT: For low-pressure a olefin polymerization highlk efficient catalysts based on TiCl 3 and (C 2H5)3 Al are used at a rate of