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L 24179-66 EWT(SWEPY60-2 ag
ACC NRi AR6005228 so UR70053707000/U097MIU1 I"
AUTHORt Andronikashvilis El Le
TITLE: Effect of nuclear radiatioA on the properties of alkali-halide crystals
SOURCE: Ref. zhe Fizika, Abs. qzql6
tverd. telakh. No. 1. Tbilisi,
',U-,F. SOURCE: Sb. Elekrone, id6tyyei protsessy v
Xetsniyereba, lc?64, ~-12
TOPIC TAGS: gamma irradiation. ~i~u~roa irradiation, alkali halide, potassium chloridtq
lithium fluoride, color center
A33STRACT- Part of a paper delivered at the symposium on radiation dome e in solids
(Venice, 1962). An analysis is presented of original results and of data by other
workers on the influence of x-roy# gazma, and neutron irradiation on various types
of hardness of KC1 and LiF single crystals and the formation of color centers in them.
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: 'Andronikashvilip E, L,; Politov, N. G.; Vorzheykina, L. Ya.; Abramishvi
Mok Q1 ..;, -"' te
TITLE: -Influence of structure defects on the mechanical properties of crystals
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 11E695
REF SOURCE: Sb. Elektron. i ioraWye protsessy v tverd.
Metaniyereba) 1964, 13-30
TOPIC TAGS: crystal defect, irradiation effect, potassium compound, hardness, color
center, Gamma irradiation, x ray irradiation, neutron irradiation
ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the influence of irradiation by x rays, 7
rays, and neutrons at ordinary temperatures and at liquid-nitrogen temperature on
the hardness of 101 and LiF crystals. Three types of hardness were measured: the
microhardness HW the scratch hardness Hs, and hardness based on the damping of pen-
dulum oscillations Hp. It is shown that as a result of the F-center formation under
irradiation with x rays the KC1 crystal becomes softer. The discoloring leads to
restoration of the 11p hardness. LiF crystals harden when irradiated with x and 7
rays independently of F-center formation. Irradiation of KC1 crystals influences
differently different types of hardness. It is shown that Hs, which decreases upon
irradiation at ordinary temperatures) increases after irradiation at low temperatures
When crystals are neutron-irradiated, all three types of hardness increase even
L 33173-66 - !
ACC NRt AR6016236 0 1.
during the first stage of irradiation. Low-temperature irradiation of LiF crystals
leads to a smaller radiation hardening than irradiation at ordinary temperatures. I
The process of radiation hardening is completely reversible: annealing of crystals
at 6000 for 3 hours completely eliminates the hardening. The influence of-.iso-
thermal &mealing at 3W and 700C is demonstrated. B. Prusakov. [Translation of --
SOURCE -7670
ACC NR, A 05229 CODE: UR/0058/65 07009/MM/E=
AMOR: Andronika!~~_ k.; politoy) N. Go; Getiya" M. she
TITLE: Radiative changes in the-density of dislocations in ionic crystals
SOURCE: -Ref. zh. Fizika., Abs. 9E917
REF SOURCE: Sb. Elektron. i ionWe protesessy v tverd. telakh, No. le Tbilisi,$
Eetsniyereba., 190+., 31-41
V. TOPIC T&GS: crystaldislocation,, potassium chloride, lithium fluoride,, neutron bom-
bardment., annealingj, crystal surface,, ionic crystal., single crystal
TRANSLATION; The a uthorn preseq results of an investigation of the density, of dis-
locations (D In SIBBLe c of ZC1'and LiF bombarded by neutrons in a reactor.
The method of chemiwa etching was used to dLspW the D. 7he d"adence of the din-
location density on the ridiation dose bus sev~ maxima and -in' . thus evidencing
that during the course of the irradiation ed'Apeting processes which lead to an in-
crease and decrease in the number- of dislowAtions occur in the crystals. Effects of
hardening of the crystals and of "rejuvenation" of old dislocations under the Innu-
ence of irradiation are observed* It is Indicated that isochronous annealing for
three hours at 300C leads to an anreciable change in the dislocation pict and at
700C no dislocations r-ain in the crystal and its surface becomes covered by a 1wge
number of pores. The dislocations can be extracted by annealing from the irkadiated
more easily then from non-irradiated ones. Yu. Tyutrin.
AICC NR1 jj*rZOU0178
SOURCE CODE: UR/3182/65/002/000/0014-/0018---~-
I-AUTHOki Andronikashylli, E. L.; Politov, N. G.; Abramishvili, M. G.
I'ORG; node
[TITLE: The formation."Of color centers in alkali halide crystals irradiated in a
reactor at usual and low temperatures
SOURCE: AN GruzSSR. rnstitut fiziki; Elektronnyye i-ionnyye protsessy v tverdykh
telakh, v. 2, 1965, 14-18
TOPIC TAGS: -color center, neutron irradiation, irradiation e tal absorption
crystal lattice dislocation, gamma irradiation tUrys'
ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the coloring of lithium fluoride and potassium
chlor.idd crystals irradiated in the veitical experimental channel of a reactor at
-room temperature (300K) and in low-temperature loops at 300K, 155K, and 110K. The
IRT reactor at the Physics-Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR
was used for the low-temperature measurements. The measurements of optical absorption
by LiF cryatals irradiated in a reactor channel with nv - 3.2 x 1012 neutron/cm2sec
showed*that with an increase in irradiation time the coloring increased.nonmonotoni-
cally: the maxima were replaced by minima. Apparently, both neutrons and gamma-
quantA, contribute to'the coloring. The comparison of results showed that in a channel
with a weaker intensity of neutron flux and with a gammat-screen the specimens were
Card 1/2
ACC NRI AT7000180
SOURCE CODE: UR/3182/65/002/000/0027/0034
AUTHOR: Andronikashvili, E. L.; Vorozheykina, L, F,; Igitkhaniahvili, D. D.;
Politov'-'N-.0.-----_' ~- , , ~'
ORG; none
TITIE, . Radiative changes in the conductivity of M and LiF crystals
SOURCE: AN GruzSSR. Institut fiziki. Elektronnyye i ionnyye protsessy V
tyerdykh telakh, v. 2, 1965, 27-34
TOPIC TAGS. neutron irradiation, gqmmrt irradiation, crystal dislocation, crystal
ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the relationship between the ionic conducti'v
ty and the activation energy of carriers in KC1 and LiF crystals caused by
reactor irradiation. The temperature dependence of ionic conductivity was investi-
gated in the range from 50 to 400C. The heating of'the specimens was carried out
at a constant rate of 1 OC/min. . The measurements were made in a vacuum of .10-4 mm H
The specimens were irradiated in the IRT reactor of the Physics Institute of the
Acadeqr of Sciences, Georgian SSR at s. point where the thermal neutron flux was
2.Q7 x 1017 ne*utrons/cm2 -sec. The conductivity was measured before and* after
irradiation with spe,cimens prodaced from a single ingot. Radiative changes in
conductivity accompanied sharp changes in the crystal microstructure following
ACC N" A.117000876 SOURCE COM UR/0058/66/000/009/E;09I/r,-091
AUTHOR: Andronikashvill, E. L. Politov, N. G. ; Getiya, M. Sh. ; Galustashvili
Mi. V.
TITLE: Radiation- induced changes in dislocation density in lithium fluoride
crystals irradiated in a reactor at normal and low temperatures
SOURCEP., Ref. zh". ritzika, Abs, DE731
REF SOURCE: Sb. Elektron,'i ton. protsessy v tverd. telakh. No. 2, Tbilisi,
Mitsniyereba, 1965, 3-13
TOPIC TAGS! cryistal dialocation, lithium fluoride, dislocation density, lithium
fluoride crystal
ABSTRACT: Changes in dislocation density (DD) was observed in LiF crystals
irradiated nt 155 and 110K in the reactor of IRT IF AN GSSR. Irradiation at lower
temperatures resulted In a lesser relative change In DD. High -temp eratur e
annealing of LiF crystals was also studied. During annealing at sufficiently high-
temperatures, DD Is found to drop to lower than initial values. The'supposition
expressed by the authors previously on the "condensing" mechanism of the radiativer-
C.'a 112
AUTHOR: Andronikashviii, pj_j~ 'Politov, N. C. Abramishvili, M. G.
TITLE: Formation of c'oloration centers In alkaline halide crystals exposed to
irradiation in a reactor at room and low temperatures
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9E721
REV SOURCE: Sb. Elcktron. I ion. protsesay v tvard, telakh. No. 2, Thiliai.
Metsniyereba, 1965, 14-18
TOPIC TAGS: color center, crystal dislocation, alkali halide, crystal absorption,
crystal coloration, irradiation coloration
ABSTRACT: Kinetics of tile coloration of LiF and KCI crystals was investigated
follm~,inrr irradiation in an IRT IF ANGSSR reactor at 300, 155, and 110K. The
coloration intensity was determined by the absorption coefficient for j_30o
The duse-related coloration intensity proved to be nonmonotonic. During irradia-
tion with neutron flux of-lesser intensity and using a'i-screen, the coloration of
crystals was found to beweaker, although the qualitative shape of the dose curve
remained unchanged. Concomitantly a more intensive generation of dislocations
LC,rd I
ktCt~R'_ AR7000877
took place. It was established that the coloration intensity of KC1 crystals was
stronger when crystals were exposed for shorter irradiation periods in the reactor
and that the coloration was weaker than that of LiF crystals during longer exposure
to irradiation.* This seems to be in contradiction with data already published con-
cw ning a higher accumulation rate of coloration centers during 'Y -irradiation of
crystals with a lower lattice energy. This discrepanc is reconciled on the basis:k.':
of the lithium nuclear reaction occuring in Li6 (n,"IAW The agreement of the
maximum dislocation density with the minimum of F-centers concentration is
explained as due to the irradiation dose which determines two competitives
processes: vacancies condensation and electron capture by the vacancies. A. Kiv.
[Translation of abstract] [AM]
ACC N" AR7000879'
SOURCE CODr-,: UR/0058/6G/000/009/E0D2/E052
AUTHOR: Andronikashviii, E. L. Vorozheykina, L. F. ; igitkhanishvili, D. D.
Politov, IN. U.
TITLE: Radiation-induced changes in the conductivity of potassium chloride and
lithium chloride crystals
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9E736
REF SOUR~CE: Sb. Elektron. i ion. protsessy v.tverd.'telakh. No. 2. Tbilisi,
Metsniyereba, 1965, 27-34
TOPIC. TAGS: potassium chloride crystal, lithium chloride crystal, radiation,
ion conductivity, activation energy, carrier activation energy, thermal neutron,
radiation defect
ABSTRACT: A study was made of changes in the ion conductivity and the activation
energy of carriers in KC1 and LiF crrtals irradiated Nvith thermal neutrons a
flux density of 2. 07 - 1012 cm-2sec- using a reactor of the Institute of Physics of
the Academy of Sciences USSR. The activation energy was determined from
ACC NR-.' AR7000879
measurements of conductivity as a function of temperature within the 50-400C
range. At relatively small radiation dosages conductivity was found to decrease
with an increase in the activation energy; at the "critical" radiation dosage, of the
order of 1. 2 . 1016 cm-2,. the activation energy reaches a minimum and con-
ductivity a maximum, corresponding to a change by two orders of magnitude. The
defects induced by radiation in KC1 are thermally more stable than in LiF.
[Translation of abstract] [SP]
Cord 2/2
ACC NR: A-1,7000177 SOURCE CODE: UR/3182/65/002/Cl~ 4XCO/0013
AUTHOR: Andronikashvili, E. L.; Politov, N. G.; Getiya, M. Sh. Galusta--*-.%-,1i, M. V.
ORG: none
1ITIX: Radiative variation of dislocation density in alkali halide crystal.s irradiat-
ed in a reactor at normal and low temperatures
'SOUR.CE: AN GruzSSR. Institut fiziki. Elektronnyye i ionnYYe Protsessyy I zverdykh
telak-h v. 2, 1965, 3-13
ITOPIC TAGS: lithium fluoride, alkali halide, neutron irradiation, gamma irradiation
al dislocation phenomenon
i.ABSTRACT: Samples were irradiated in the Institute of Reactor Technology at ISS ~nd'
lloK at the Institute of Physics, AN GruzSSR. The depen-lence of dislocation density
on irradiation time and temperature was studied. Dislocation density was determined
~in two ways- 1) the number of dislocations were counted in random portions of a series
irradiated samples with the aid of a standard, and 2) the relative variation in
idislocation density on irradiated surfaces was determined by comparison with a con -
trol surface of one sample (mirror crystal method). The latter method is More accu-
irate..Curves are plotted for the number of dislocations in ur crystals as de 3endent
ion irradiation time in the vertical experimental reactor channel (nv = 1.1-101 neu-
trons/cm2 sec, 85 mm thick lead target attenuating the gamma radiation), in the verti-
Card 1/2
ACC NRI AT7000177
:cal low temperature loop (nv 5.5-1011 neutrons/CM2 sec), and in the horizontal low
;temperature loop (nv = 1.8-1012 neutronS/CM2 see). More radiation-genera-ced disloca-
t'tions and fewer vacancies occurred in samples exposed to the attenuated gamma radia-
Ition. The dislocations in these crystals apparently form from the condensation of
;pl)lnt defects. The ratio DIDO was measured after sample irradiation in a beam of
:1.8-1012 neutronsj=2 see at 100K in a range of energies from 3-1014 to 1015 nv-t.
'The ratio increases with increase in irradiation time, and the dislocation density at
;110K is about 20% less than at 300K. Results at 155K coincide with those at 300K.
iThe effect of annealing on dislocation density is described. The deDendence of dislo-
Ication density in UP crystals on the temperature during irradiation'confirms the con-
idensation theory of dislocation generation. Selective etching of the test samples
!revealed the nature and distribution of point defects. Microphotographs of crystals
.etched after irradiation show extensive pitting, which increases with higher dosages.
IEffects of irradiation and subsequent annealing on the density and nature of pitting
land the mechanical properties of the crystals are described. rrom the experimental
.data it is concluded that irradiation causes point defects to merge. These defects
.have greater dynamic resistance to the motion of dislocations than do individual va-
~,cancles, interstitial atoms, and individual impurity atoms. Annealing causes the
point defects to unite into plane cavities. The annealing time and temperature and
the rate of cooling all affect the mechanical properties of the irradiated crystals.
The authors thank L. F. Vcrozheykina for making the microhardness measurements, M.F.
Zhvaniy for monitoring the neutron beams, and G. N. Garevanishvili and G. I. Ayvazov
for irradiating the samples. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 4 tables. (WA-951
SUB CODE: 20,11/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF-. 003
Card 212
ACC NRt Ar6o37065 SO(MCE CODE: UR/C)056/66/051/(,,'~5/1344/1347
AUTHOR: Andronikashvili, E. L.; Tsakadze, D. S.
ORG: Institut of Phys cs) cademy of Sciences) Georgian SSR (Institut fiziki
Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR) I
TITLE: Condensation of rotating helium 11 and the jump of its density at the phase
transition point
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 51, no. 5, 1966, 1344-
TOPIC TAGS: liquid helium, quantum liquid, low temperature research, ph:-se transi-
tion, second order phase transition, critical point
ABSTRACT: To determine the velocity dependence of the density of helium TT., the
authors have undertaken an experiment in which sensitive pycnometers are set in rota-
tion. The pycnometer is briefly described and a formula for the increase in the den-
sity as a function of the level difference of the pycnometer is presented. The mea-
surements have shown that the lower the temperature the greater the density of the
rotating helium II, and that this phenomenon cannot be attributed to centrifugal
pressure. A special investigation in the temperaturo interval 2.14 -.2.18K (strad-
dling the phase-transition point), using a fixed amount of liquid in the pycnometer,
has shown the density to experience a discontinuity characteristic of a first-order
phase transition, amounting to 0.02% of the density of the liquid. It is concluded
Card 1/2
ANDROB 21 r.
-- I-KASHVMI, I A, Inshent
Determining the most economic read routes depending on the transportation
sorwlco,~~lan. Ayt.der.19 ne.8:19-20 Ag 156. (KM 9:10)
Veterinary and sanitary cysticercus inspection of cattle
carcasses and organs. Mlus.lud.S&M 31 no-2;36 16o.
(MINA 13:8)
1. Thilissidy oyasokombinat.
(Cattle-Diseases and bests)
(bmlity control must be simplified.
loTbilisakiy Waeokombilat.
(Sausages-Quality control)
SSSR. 30 no.4:25
(MIRA 12:12)
(Thlisi Meat~Ccnbine)-----
"Veterinarysanitary inspection of carcasses infested with tapeworm (Cestodae)."
Veterinariya, Vol. 37, no. 9, P. 80~ 1960.
Veterius:ry and sanitary expertise on animal carcasses infected
with eysticercosis. V6terinariia 37 no.9:80-81 1060. (14IRA 14:11)
1. Tbilisskiy myasokombinat.
(Cysticercosis) (Meat inspection)
Chromatographic separation of a mixture of hydrocarbon gases
Cl - Cz on X-type zeolites with a different content of calcium
cations. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 4:932-0.34 je 16/4. (MIRA 17:6)
1. Institut kh1mii im.
SSR (for TSitsishvili).
mpjav-%'a A
fm r- na. 2 a mb I i, u? Tt
is- no-
5or diAtonthe nd kaolln wcre
thbpwpost, Thespp.u~Ndlustraftd. wiA the
desm-bad with N were anal)ttd by hem-couil. mea--
The mrmal C
om wert rtiltivriv
y an
., t
,,m-lop werr not ;,7
Y sep
Trell itt)d_ exc~tpl for W-C.1413 'Ind K-if th-r CM,
h,~,nmlmga whirb. weri shaiply cpd mt dt,t,,
s[ sl,r~kt-!K
r Y- 4,
.!x Qf-u
ANDRONIKASHVILIt T, 0, Cand Chem Boi --(diGG) " The adcorbtive idtv44L*c of
saturated hydrooarbons in the normal struoture C5-C7.t' MOO 1957- 9 Pp 20 01M.-
Wad Soi USSR. Inst of Petroleum), 100 oopies
(XL, 7-57, 104)
AUTHOPS; Sokolov, V.A., Andronikashvili, T.G., Kuzlmina, L.P. and
Shishkova, V.P.
TITLE: The Use of Some Minerals of Various Adsorption Capacity
for Chromatographic Analysis of Gases (Primeneniye nekotor-
ykh mineralov razlichnoy adsorbtsionnoy emkosti dlya
khromatograficheskogo analiza. gazov)
PERIODICAL: Khimiya i Tekhnologiya Topliva i Masel, 1957, No-109
pp. 61-65 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: A comparison of structural characteristics and other
properties of adsorbents and their separating ability of hydro-
carbons and cther gases was carried out. The types of adsorb-
ents and their physical properties are given in Table 1,
adsorption isotherms (for benzole) in Fig.l. The possibility
of application of the above adsorbents (serpentine, natrolite,
kaolinite, diatomite, etc.) for chromatographic separation of
hydrocarbons (C -C ), carbon monoxide and hydrogen was investi-
gated. The diajr2 of one of the apparatus used is shown in
Fig.2. The detection was based either on heat.conductivity
(Ref.10) or using a special absorber with a W16 solution of KOH,
when carbon dioxide was used as a developing gas. Examples of
curves representing the separation of mixtures are given in
Fig.3. Chemical composition of natural adsorbents tested is
Gardl/2 given in Table 2. On the basis of the results obtainedi it is
T. f I t-\ 7 F r. r T
Adsorp~ion -technique for separation of C 5 - c7 saturated
hydrocarbonso Trudy ins. ..- nefti. 10:101-105 157. (MIRA 11:4)
(Hydrocarbons) (Gaaeo-Absorption and adsorption)
0 certain factors on chromatographic separation of a
mixture of saturated hydrocarbons (fractions C5 - GO. Soob,
AN Grux. SSR 19 noo*3:273-278 3 '57. (KIRL 11:5)
1, Akademiya'naak Gruzinskoy SSR, Institnt khimii im, P.G.
Helikishvili, Tbilisi. Predstavleno chlonom-korrespondentom
Akademii G.T. TSitsiahvili.
(Ghromatographic analysis) Mrdrocarbons)
Synthesis of awe forms of molocu3,ar sieves. Soob. All Gruz. SSR
27 no.4:405-410 0 161. (MIRA 15:1)
1. All W4zinskoy SSR, InELtitut khimii imeni P.G. Melikishvilip
TbUisi. Akademiya nauk Gxuzinakoy SSR (for Witaishvili).
Soveshchanlye po tseolitam. Ist, Leningrad, 1961o
Sintatiohaskiya tssolityj poluohaniye, isslodovaniya i primeneniye
(Synthetic Zoolites: Production, Investigation,and Use). Mos-
cow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 286 p. (Series: Itst Doklady)
Errata slip inserted. 2500 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agencyt Akademiya nauk SSSRo Otdeleniye khimloheskDch
nauk. Komisiya po tmeolitam.
Resp. Bds.s M. M./Dubinin, Aoadendoian and V. V. 3orpinekly, Doctor
of Chamioal-Soiences; Bd.t Ye. 0. Zhukovskayaj Teoh. Rd.t S. P.
PURPOSEt This book In intended for scientists and engineers engaged
In the production of synthetic sooLites (molecular sieves), and
for ohwdstB in general.
Card 1/30
Synthetic Zoolitest (cont.) SOV/6246
COVERACM: The book In a collection of reports presented at the First
Conference on Zoolites, held In-Leningrad 16 through 19 Yhroh 1961
at the'Leningrad Technological Institute Imeni Lennovet, and Is
purportedly the first monograph on this subject. The reports are
grouped into 3 subject aroast 1) theoretical problems of adnorp-
tion on various types of toolites and methods for their investi-
gation, 2) the production of toolites, and 3) application of
zoolites. No personalities are mentioned. Reforenoss follow In-
dividual articles.
Foreword 3
Dubinin, M. X. Introduction.
Card 2/19,#~
Synthetic Zeolites: (Cont.) SOV/6246
rAndronikashvili, T and Sh. D. Sabeltshvili. Gas
*,"Qgraphy on Synthetio Zeolites 65
Zhdanov, S* Pe, Lo S. Yastrebova, Ye. V. Korom&lldi.
Porous Glasses as Moleoular Sieves 68
Dobyehin, D. P.j T. M. Burklat, N. N. Kiseleva. Porous
Glasses as Absorbents of the Molecular Sieve Type 75
Dubinin, M. M. The Composition of Cubic Octah&dral
Structural Units of Synthetic Zeolites 86
Aleakovskiy, B. V. The Possibility of Obtaining Ab-
sorbents of the Moleoular Sieve Type of Leaching 91
Mirskiy, Ya. V., and M. 0. Mitrofanov. Adsorption of
Hydrocarbon Vapors by Synthetio Zeolitea Lt High
Temperatures 94
Card *&Lr e,,.V
AUTHORS: Taitsishvili, G. V., Andronikashvili, T.-G.,
Laperashvili, L. Ya., Gedzhadze, Ts. k.---
TITLE: Synthesis of certain forms of molecular sieves
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurna-1. Khimiya, no. 16, 1962, 348, abstract
16K131 (Soobshch.-AN GruzSSR, v. 28, no. 4, 1961,
405-410 LRussian])
TEXT: It was found that zeolites can be' synthesized at atmospheric
pressure and 1000C. A sodium form of type.A zeolite was obtained. Sodium
zeolitic alumosilicates were prepared from sodium aluffiinate and sodium
silicate. A specific quantity of sodium aluminate solution was added to
a sodium silicate solution. This.produced a whitish yellow Eel whicli,
after thorough mixing, was left to stand for 42 hours and then heated for
a specific period, which resulted in the formation of zeolite crystals.
The product of crystallization was washed and the further zeolite
obtaine'd was dried at 80-900C. Calcium and copper forms of zeolite were
obtained by ion exchange from the sodium form. (AbBtracterle note,
Complete translation.)
Card 1/1
Gas chromatography study of the separation properties of sodium and
silver forms of X-type molecular sieves. Neftekhimiia 2 no.2;
248-252 Mr-AP 162. (MM& 15:6)
1. Institut Idlimii All Gruzinksoy $SR imeni P,G.Helikishvili.
(Gas chromatography) (Zeolites)
Sorption of water,vapor
28 noiI:i7-24 -J~ 162.
Soob.AN G-,-uz.SSR
1. Akademiya Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut Ichimli imeni P.G.
Yelikishvili Tbilisi. 2. Akademiya Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for
(Zoolites) (Adsorption) (steam)
TSITSISHVILIN G.V.,, akademik;
Device for injecting samples into the KhT-2-M chromathermograph.
Zav.lab. 29 no.5:631 062. (KRA 15:6)
1. Institut khimii AN Gruzinskoy SSR.
(Chromatographic analysis)
TSITSISHVILI, G.V., akademik; T.G--,
Manifestation of intermolecular forces in chromatographic
separation. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 33 no. 2017424 F 164.
(MIRA 170)
1. Institut khimii imeni Malikishvili AN Gruz$S,
2. Akademiya, nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for TSitsishvili),,
Selective properties of silver ion-containing fillers for a
chromatographic column. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 35 no.1:87-92 J1
164. (MIRA 17:10)
1. Institut khimii imeni Melikishvili AN GruzSSR. 2. Akademiya
nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for TSitsishvili).
Color Indication of moisture with the aid of cation exchange types
of zeolitse. Zav. lab. 30 no.9;11111.1315 164. (MTRA 18:3)
1. Institut khimil AN Gruzinakoy SSR.
1,~ 7 W)F 's s i shv; I V. Krupenni kcr-,a Y i A td ITI i k, a s h -
vili, T. G.
TITLE: Crystallization chai,acteristics of obsfAlan and tuf,3~-errs rhyolite
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no. 2, 1965,
TOPIC TAGS: obsidian, rhyolite, crystallization
-h filect s esis'oUsor-as
-raw lMter 1--f6r--t e- d Ynth
bents -Is important-in -science and economy. It opens the possibility for synthesis
of sorbents with predetermined properties. The fact that natural zenlites are
forned by the hydrothermal reaction of different salt solutions with rocks makes
it possible to expand the use of experimental methoids for the production of syn-
theti,- zeolites and tc reproduce !he conditi;ms of hydrothermal m-amor-phoses of
arnorphous volcanic glass into zeolites. It was sh(wn that ~T-y~;-aliine stri_,ctures
Card 1/2
.L 5-250698-65
may be produced from amorphous obsidian and tufaceous rhv-)Iite from deposit:; of
the Georgian SSR. The minerals which were used in this wnr~ rvstallized -nI.; in
-~,e form of sodalite when subjected to the tr-i'-Prit -!a~ i,,Ose d'd-
rT- Sudo 3nr,4 M. Matsuka, Geokhim. e! 'he
_71,ltion of sodal--te was -Dost successful ;n Wi i um, ,vd i - ~x ~ de
a,~t i,)ns .Solium chl(-,! i~o or mollecular chiurine ha,4 n,, i~n ii, z!nt eff e-t 1r, the
W' soda te. the addition of sodium silicate to the reaction mixture
changed the crystallization process significantly preventing the formation of
art. as,
anl~e structure Orig.
12 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii im. P. G. Melikishvili Akademii nauk Gruz SSR
(Chemistry Institute, Academy of Sciences Georgtan 99R)
ENCL: 00 S119 BODE! 17
"IBMITTED: 13Jul64
1V -ITF 0-C7: 3010 OTHER: 003
Card 2/2
Gas chrouatographic Droperties of barium-containing type-X
z9olites. Soob. AN (h-uz. SSR 38 no.lt63-68 Ap 165 ~MlRA 18:12)
1. Institut fizicheskoy i organicheeko7 khimii imeni
Malikishvili IAN GruzSSR. 2. Akademtya nauk Gmzinskoy
SSR (for TSitsishvill). Submitted Dec. 11, 1964.
Purification of air in oxygen shops by removing acetylene traceB on wolite
adsorbents. Zhur. prikl. khim. 38 no.7tl536-1541 Jl 165. (MIRA 1W)-
M5R / Forestry. Dendrology.
Abe Tour Ref Zhur - niologiya, No 18, 1953, No. 82185
Garden, 'AS Gaorgian SSE
ml.i;~j Son,:i 14c,;t Uta. on Types a-~O, Fruiting of the Iberian Oak
Orig Pub Vestn. Thilisak. botant sada. AN GrutSSR, 1957, No 64,
A"Datract CLuercus iberica, endemic to the Caucasus, is found in
gignificant numbers on the lower part of the mountain
slopes (5CO - 1300 - 1400 m above cea level). Because
of dif-ferened'i in cultivation corilitions in this species
considerable type variation in observed. Isolated as inde-
ykrAo4t strains and being nasentially tM2 of 1% iberica, Q.
soro^.arpa Woron. and q. macrocurpa (b. Soan.) A. GrOBSh.
grow together with th3 former in the riverside plantings
of Borzhomskiy Rayon (Akbaldaba). ',I, iberica v.
C ard 1/2
PrirodaO 6j 23 -.23P June 1954
Institution I
The physical properties of Uquid helium are described and the difference
between liquid. helium and other liquids is explained, . The. viscosity
measurementi carried out by various scientists on a.norms.1 co*onent of.
helium n are analyzed as to their accuracy. Data of various authors
are presented on the heat conductivity, or rather the difference in heat
conductivity,, of helium I and n. the heat conductivity of the 3AW
exceeds that of one of the best heat conductorsle. copper. TAquid
helium dissolves no other substances, and only its own ipotopeg (helium
isotopes) are capable of forming unicue 14e4 He3 and He'* HeO solu-
tions. Graphs.
0 A 1 8 1 10 11 1) is m is Is I~ 4 is a P a a 0 As )b P M A Al it 0 13 Jd IV 14 P APP& 0; us) MAIL,*
A M.-F. a R 14 Ct IV it A, k 0 a ~J-tv o
is, ." 1-
Tbe wred d the cm this water an dm WWI*.
of 9 D.A.Audiail mid
0. P. Trykism. No. 4. ;-00
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water 4mmeed of diad. water In The WAmUlm of bom witb i
00 byt%vhkAte C" eltba haptiv., m imlak The bk%whinil
wthm. l1vidiffir"m &ctkmdeVK"A%uj%m the Pemment
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00 4 Own. &wr. Ion, 1, lum.-Tbe wn of an A) pmdurt lot
10mlergroofins of f&N*s b nvoncd. It covisdas A"
00 1 11.7-1 sg,. V&A co.i".3 ww himl. nsidno
00 1 mad Own no Claw "Us. Uom milds"Ory ft-mults can
1 wben tb
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041 4 eltro
in combimlion whb
cottittawd oU T1w adds
of 3 S
ol ow
6 milkkat. The map
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W. A. Mow
4411ami mat av sits 4111iAll &If list Jim 41-9A$I
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0 0 0 41 o A 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
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0000 01
ANDRONIKOV, Gyor , katato
Experiences vith rock drilling heads nom,factures in Hungax7.
Bany lap 94 rto,3:205-206 Mr 161.
1. Kownyfwdpari Vallalat, Budapest.
(Hungary-Rock drills)
AMRONIXOV., Irak3.iy
Thoughts on collectors. Hauka. i zhiznl 28 no.7:47-48 J3. 161.
(MIRA 14:8)
(Conectora and collecting)
Treasures of the Central State ArchIves of Idtemture'and-Ar**-
Nau)m i zhisn' 29no.1206-63 D 162. (MIM 16: 3) :
AAMLWAJIX_Ni)~~kayevich; OGOLTUBOV, N.D., redaktor; NAUMOV, K.M.,
tekiiii Mr.
LWorker's movement in Italy from 1918-19391 Raboahee dvithenie
v Italii v 1918-1939 godakh. Moskva, Vyeshais. partiinala shkola
pri TeX KPSS, 1957- 58 P. (xLRA io:6)
(Italy-Labor and laboring classes)
AIMRONIZOV, Nikolay Grigorlv
.qy1qh, Imnd.voyennykh nauk, dotes, polkovaik;
Se-m'enovich, )mnd.voyennykh nauk. dote.,
polkoynik; XAIAGHEYs Ivan Georgiyevich, kandevoyennrkh nauk, dote.,
polkovaik; KRASHOV, lzraill Isayevich, kand.voyennykh nauk, dote.,
polkovnik-, TERMOV, Petr Vasillyevich, kand.voyennykh nauk, dote.,
polkovnik; ZYUZIN, U.M., polkovnik, red.; SGROKIN, V.V.. tekhn.
[Armored and mechanized forces of the Soviet ArnW; a brief account of
their development and battle experiences] Bronetankovye i mekhanizi-
rovannye voialm Sovetskoi Armii; kratkii ocherk razvitiia i boevogo
puti. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo, M-va obor. SSSR, 1958. 263 p. (MIRA 11:5)
Production of butyl acetate from acetic acid made from wood
powder. Sbor.rab.Lab.lesokhim. no.2:65-69 '58. (HIRA 12:8)
(Acetic acid) (Butyl alcohol) (Calcium acetate)
Improving research techniques In making ooll wpm [with summary
in English]. Foohvoyedenie no.8:117-124 Ag 158. (yrn 11:9)
l.PochvenV7 institut im. V.V. Dokuchayeva AN SSSR.
"Heat resistance of sexual calls of poikilothermic animals-*
UNE= - Internatlonal SYmposk= on the Role of Call Renctions In Adaptations
of Metazoa to Environmental Temperature.
1,eningrad,, USSR, 31 Mey - 5 June 1963
. I ---,
Thermostability of germ cells and embr7os in cold-blooded
animals. Sbor.rab. Inst. tsit. no.8:125-139 165.
(MIRA 18:12)
1. Laboratoriya aravnitallnoy taitologii Instituta tsitologii
AN SSSR, IArLingrad,
Using color photography in eoil reeearch..Pochvovedenis noo9s92-94
P 156. (MLRA 10:1)
1, Pochvemqy Ineltut imeni VeVAbblohayeva Akademii nauk IMR.
(Color photography) (Boil research)
Category Soil Sclenno. Soil Ceneais and Geogrnphy.
Jour. 53347
Inarj tut. -'-zjp-c)43.19AIninks-Dit3iKtruwte of the A.S. US-SR
'atic, Vatithods of InterprIting tho Soil Cover of the
Fore!3t CO)teppe fron Aeriel Photogruphic Nita
')ri ~. Put. Poohvovedeniye, 1957, No-5, 70-76
Absti-set Cert8in resultm are reported in tho work of the
3oil Institute of the Acadeny of Sciences U3SR
to clear up the basic distinctions and methods of
Interprtting the joil cover frora aerial survey
data, using one of the typical sections of the
forest steppe area in Hyazanikaya Oblast as an
extunple. Tho results obtainod by interpreting
the soil cover from spoctrozonal aerial photos
were superior to b1nok and white photos in the
clarity of soil demaroation by mechanical
Card: 1/2
ANDRONIKOV, V. L.: W-ster Geolog-Mincralo, Sci (diss) -- "~Jethods of dociphor-
Ing the soil co-er of the foreat-steppe fron, aerial pbotographo". wac(v, 1958.
17 pp (Acad ScI USSR) B011 Inst IM V, V. PoInichayev), 150 copies (KL, No 4p 1959)
AUTHOR i Andronikov, V.L. 10-58-3-15/29
Card 1/2
On the Spectrum Reflection Ability af Forest-Steppe SOLU
(0 spektralynoy otrazhatellnoy sposobnosti nekotorykh pochv
Izvestiya Akademii Vauk SSSR, Seriya Geograficheskayal 1958,
Nr- 3, pp 93-97 (USSR)
When taking aerial photographs of ground cover, the question
of wide use of spectrozonal serial survey becomes very im-
portant, since it helps to increase the effectiveness of soil
analysis. The spectrum reflection abilities of various ob-
jects in nature were investigated by G.A. Tikhov, Ye.L. Krinov,
A.K. Pronin and others. The present article deals with the
investigation of the spectrum reflection ability of some wood-
steppe soils to discover the spectrophotometric characteristics
of individual soils. Specimens of soil were studied with
the aid of the universal photometer "FMI1. Analyses of the ma-
terial were made. As a result, it was found that spectrum re-
flection depends on the composition of soil. The article
contains 3 graphs, 2 tables and 5 references, 3 of which are
Soviet, and 2 English.
On the Spectrum Reflection Ability of Forest-Steppe Soils 10-58-3-15/29
ASSOCIATIOU: Pochvennyy institut imeni V.V. Dokuchayeva (Soil Institute
imeni V.V. Dokuchayev)
AVAILABLEt Library of Congress
Card 2/2 1. Soils - Spectrum 2. Soils - Analysis
Principles of photolnterprotation In aerial surveying of
eroded forest-steppe soils. Poohvovedenle no.10:109-116
0 159. (MIRk 1312)
1. PocbveTu47 Inatitut im,V,V.Dokucbaqava AN SSSR.
(Erosion) (Photography, Anrial)
Using large-scale soil maps in agriculture. Pochvoveduale
no.12:24-35 D 159. (MIRk 13:4)
1. Pochvenny7 Institut im. VJ.Dohmcbeyeve, Akadaidi nauk
s r
iA 'I e
V -4 V
Category USSR/General Problems - Problems of Teaching A-3
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957, No 2811
Author Andronikov V V
Title E~;tmenis 'orthe Production of Slowly-Variable Currents and
Certain Demonstrations with Them.
Orig Pub : Uch. zap. Leningr. goff. ped.,in-ta, 1955, 103, 261-293
Abstract : Description of one- two- and three-phase inverters, which produce
altqrnating current of any desired low frequency, and of a
series of demonstrations that can be performed with these in-
verters. The instruments can be made without the help of a
skilled mechanic and are succissfully applied when covering the
corresponding parts of the curriculum both in middle and in
higher schools.
Card 1/1
~ - -4
Characteristic errors in representing magnetic fields made
by some authors of pbysice textbooks. Uch. tap. Pod. inst.
Gerts. 125:85-93 '56. (MLRA 9:12)
(magnetic fields)
AT SANEROV, N.V., dots., .40to-; XM~iYff, A.V.9 tekhn.
11'f'09r=8.Of Pedagogical institutes; electric iengineering3 Pj,-ogrjjW
PedaMichaskikh institutov: alaktrotakhniks. [Moskva] Uehpedgl;~
1957. 6 P. (MIRA Ilt
1. Russia (1917- M-7.S.R.) Glarnoys upravleniye vyeshikh i
arednikh pedag ioheitkikh uehebnykh savedeniv.
Wootrio anglueering-Study and teaching)
AN 0 t%
USWSngineer~zg - Toole
Card, 1/1 Pub. 103 10/29
Authors, Andronikovo B. PO
Title Drawless.olamping head (chuok)t
Periodical Stan i
instr., 10 23-24; Pot 1954
Abstract I A new type'drawless clamping chuck devised by F. P. Soakov, for alltomatic:
screw lathes is described, and drawings are given depicting the above men-
tioned chuok and the disposition of its components.
Submitted i
A list of M.A. Rykachev's works. Trudy GGO ~o.32341-27
161. .(Bib2iography--44eteorology) (MIU 14:8)
Bibliography .. ~,Iagnetisznj Terrestrial)
- * , A. .L .
Photo O'jrcts.
An arti-cle found in "Optics for .'dli ' Une", Part 1, pu!,!. it,-,cd ',,.v the
U~55R i"Cadel-il Of ScAn
. 11C(13 i.-OSCOTT, 1~h5.
Tool.; RXZUNOV, M.A.; RITTNI. N.B.. SAVOSTITANOVA, H.V., professor;
professor; VB&ILOV, P.P.; TSARVSKIT, Te,Ns, professor; CHZMTATIIV,
D.P.; TUDIN, TeeF.; KAYRAYSKIY, V.V., professor; VAVILOV, S.I.,
akademik, redaktor
Loptice in military science] Optika v voennom dale: abornik statel.
Pod red, S.I.Vavilova i H.V.Savostlianovol. Izd- 3-0), sanovo parers
t dop. Moskva* Vol.2* 1948. 387 P. (MLRA 9tg)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. 2. Sostavitelt - sotrudniki Gosudaretvan-
nogo, Opticheskogo instituta (for all except Vavilov and Xavreyekly)
3. Voyanno-morskaya akademiya (for Xavrayakiy)
Some features of positive and inhibitory cardiac conditioned
reflexes in made Zhur, vys. nerv, deiat. 10 nQ. 5:654,662
S-0 1.60. (MW 13:12)
lo Inatitut evolyutsionnoy fiziologii im. I.M. Sdohenova. Akademii
nauk SSSR.
Created by the innovators of the Rostov Agricultrual Machinmry Plant.
Mashinostroltall no.404-15 Ap 165. (MIRA 18,,5)
Investigation of the continuous charcoal kiln developed by Y.N.
Kozlov. Trudy Inst.khimi met. no.2:128-149 155. (Hia& 9:5)
(Kilns) (Distillation, Destructive)
InAt III IMIr 7 1 a
Andronnikov, N. V.
"Investigation of V,e process of obtaining conrlex ethors from Dowdered
pyrolip-rr-u- acid with the simultaneous reactions of double decomnosition
and etherification in a single m3aratus." Ydn Higber Oducation USSR.
Sverdlovski -(Dissertation for the
Ural Foestry Engineering Inqt. 1956,
Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences).
SO: Knizhnaya letoTAs'
No. 25, 1956. Moscow
Conference of
32 no.1:1~6 A
Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i im=.
(MMA 1L.-6)
Retrospective study of the population for tularemia by means of the
tularemia test. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i immun. 33 no.5:120-121 Yq 162.
WIRA 15:8)
1. Iz Voesovuznogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta "Mikrob"
i sanitarno-epidlimiologioheakov stantaii Chuysahskoy ASSR.
L 58869-6-5 b-WA(b)-2/SWA(j)/EWT(l)/T
UR/ 16AVOn0/004/0021/00 25
7, 1 PF3 C tr1w, ;Lra T-,Rf~ !q
36uh"'E Zhurnal milcrobiologii, epil,4mloloo:,11 II Imminnhiologil, no,
TOPIC TAM- tulare-min, epidemiology, Chuvmqv) A33R, natiiral focus,
geroloqic testY rodent, tick
A 3~3TH-A C T .in 1961 investigations were conducted to find natural
o tularernin in Chuvash ASISH, a ptLrt ,f' ri lwr~-e FLroq whf'.1,e
~.;U J- arl D V
P- -33tq, 2 ri -
A I A, Mu'l -
n wer-3 fo-und lvq~ In areas
located in the Prisura forests. Also, a now case of tularemia was
disclosed. The most varied species of mamals and ixodio ticks
capable of supporting tularemia foci were found in the southwestern
T)R,-t of tlae repul-)"Lic. In the Prisurn forestF3 anl 3,.Lra rivor
~s 9 r *3 Tr, o c, 'Iv i5',' Fk
'"r rats. V El 7ea-1- ~LT, c e r
piirpoaea 7-~a-T a
ASSOCIATIOV- Tnstitut epidemiologli I mikrobiologil im. N. F.
(E-,,idemi~Dlogy and Mcr-)biofoa tnstltute AM, SSM)
N'-. 307- 001, OTRER: 000
Card 2/ i~'
ANDRONNIKOV, V.V. (g. Leningard)
Reorgani2ation of eleefric laboratories at pedagogical instituteas
Politekh.obuch., uo.10:67-69 0 158% (MIRA lltll)
(Blectric iaii~iitoriee)
MELITSERp Ye-M-9 kand-filologicheakikh naukj FLIASHBERG, A.Yao, :'.--.,,Rhiy
prepodavatell; ANDRONNIKOVAP-19, *2--repodavatell
Analyzing the terminology of the pulp and paper industry; from
English and German sources. Trudy LTITSBP no.8:200-208 161.
(Paper industry-Terminology) (MIRA 16:9)
AM)ROHNIZOVA, Ye.H., referent
M loefgt-Tilngl square meter of a moving paper sheet with the aid
of beta rays (from "Woohenblatt Vir Pnplarfabrikation," no.13,
1954) Dam.prom-32 no.g,.27-29 S '57. (MIRA 10:12)
(paper) (Beta rays--Industrial applications)
MILITSER, TevgeniyA Mikhaylovna, kand.filol.nauk; AN=NHIXOTA,,YeleAa
V.X', Icind.tekhn.nauk, red.: POGREBNATA, L.L., red.; MURAEKOVA,'
[GermAn-Russian,dictionary of the paper industry] Nemetsko-russkii
slovarl po tselliulozno-bucozhnonru proizvodstvu. Sostavili: B.M.
Melltser, B.N.Androunikova i L.I.Kniaziatova. Red. V.A.Grabovskii-
Zkonopaits. Moskva, Gos.12d-vo fl21ko-mstem.llt-ry, 1959. 235 P.
(MIRA 12:4)
(German language--Dictioneries--Russian)
(Paper industry--Dictionarieu)
Neu models of Soviet automobiles vith small eylinder oapacity. Ayt,
tranap. 42 no.9& 38-40 8 164- (MIR,-' 170-1)
1. Glavnn konstruktor Moskovskogo zavoda malolitriz-mykh avtomoUlay.
AUTHOR$.LAji~~onov, A.A. and Gorelik, G. S. (Deceased)
TITLE: RadiOphySiCB and the General Theory of Machines
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya VYBshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika,
1958, Nr 1, pp 5-13 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: (Note: The paper was written in 1944 and forms the intro-
duction to an unfinished monograph on oscillators, automatic
control and the generai dynamics of machines. In writing the
introduction, the authors were advised by L. I. Mandellshtam,
who took a lively interest in the monograph. This paper is
published in the journal for the first time). The theory of
oscillations in nonconservative systems has been known for
quite a long time but only the comparatively recent interest
in radiophysics and radio engineering has stimulated its rapid
and fruitful development, The problems encountered in the in-
vestigation of the oscillations in nonconservative systems are
quite different from those which can be dealt with by means
of the classic mechanics of Lagrange and Hamilton. Conse-
quently, the development of the theory of oscillations was
concerned not only with the solution of concrete problems
but aimed at the establishment of adequate mathematical methods
which would permit the successful tackling of various problems.
Card 1/4 BarkhAusen first investigated the problem of oscillations in
Radiophysics and the General Theory of Machines
oscillations of any shape by means of the quantitative theory
of the differential equations of Poincare'; (3) the study of
the stability of oscillating systems by employing the works
of Lyapunov. The use of the above mathematical equipment
permitted the investigation not only of electrical oscillat-
ions but could be applied to the investigation of the oscill-
ations caused by hard friction (e.g. during the cutting of
:netals), the study of the oscillations of distributed systems
and the investigation of the problems of aerodynamics. The
mathematical equipment could also be used in the study of the
problems of automatic control. In this way a new science was
created which embraced both the oscillations and the automatic
machine control systems. The science could be termed "the
general dynamics of machines". Historically, the theory of
&utomatic control has had two development trends. One of
these follows the path first adopted by I. A. Vyshnegradskiy,
who published his classical work "On the direct action con-
trollers" in 1876. In this the author solved the linearized
problem of control by neglecting the friction. The second
trend in the theory of control is due to Leaute", whose work
dealt with the investigation of the non-linear problems which
Card 3/4 took into account the Coulomb friction. Iater on, Stodola
Radiophysics and the General Theory of Machines
(1892) introduced the Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion. 'In
recent years, Nyquist proposed a novel method of investigat-
ing the stability by plotting the frequency response of the
investigated systems. Since then a number of important works
dealing with the oscillations in automatic control systems
have been undertaken in the Soviet Union. In particular, the
works of Nikollskiy, Butenin, Kotellnikov and Bulgakov are of
great importance. The paper contains 8 references, 3 of which
are French and 5 Soviet.
ASSdCIATION: Issledovatellskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri
Gorlkovskom universitete (Physics-Engineering Research Inst-
itute of the Gorlkiy University)
SUBMITTED: December 201 1957.
Card 4/4
AUTHOR: Andronov, A.A.
TITLE: On the Natural Rotation of the Plane of Polarisation
of Sound
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy,
Radiofizika, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.645 - 649
TEXT: In electrodynamics, effects associated with spatial
dispersion are'well-known and are frequently small. However,
even in that case spatial dispersion must be taken into
account since it leads to qualitatively new phenomena
(Refs. 1, 2). Spatial dispersion may be of interest in the
propagation of sound, in hydrodynamics, and in the theory of
elasticity. In the present paper spatial dispersion is taken
into account in the propagation of sound in a solid. The
discussion is limited to the rotation of the plane of polari-
sation of sound. The relation between stress tensor al.k and
the deformation tensor ui~ is written down in the form".
'ik '~ hikemutm ' Yiklmn oufm/c)xn (1)
in which second-order terms in a/L are neglected (a denotes
Card 1/4
On the Natural Rotation of the Plane of Polarisation of Sound
the atomic dimensions and L is a typical linear dimension over
which appreciable changes take place in the deformation and
certain other quantities). In the above equation % iktM "
the tensor representing elastic moduli and Yiktmn Xs a tensor
characterising the spatial dispersion (Einstein's summation
notation is employed). The tensor y-F satisfies the
conditions of Eqs. (2)-(4), where e lxislMhe density and c
the velocity of sound. For plane waves in an isotropic body
the usual equations of the theory of elasticity (Eq. 5) lead
to the relations given by Eqs. (6), where u i are the
displacement components, k = k z and c t and cc are the
velocities of the transverse and longitudinal waves, respec-
tively. In the expression for the deformation tensor, non-
linear terms are neglected. As can be seen from Eqs. (6) the
propagation of longitudinal waves is independent of y
while transverse normal waves are
Card 2/4
On the Natural Rotation of the Plane of Polarisation of Sound
circularly polarised and phase w1ocities with left (-) and
right (+) polarisations are given by Eq. (7). The associated
rotation of the plane of polarisation of a linearly polarised
wave per unit path is then given by Eq. (8). Bearing in mind
Eq. (2), Eq. (8) can also be written in the form of Eq. (8a).
At sufficiently high frequencies the rotation of the plane of
polarisation of some waves becomes large, for example, for
8 1 -1
10 cps, ~p ~ 10- cm ,i.e. the effect is already
appreciable. However, observation of the rotation of the plane
of polarisation is made difficult by absorption. In fact,
for w - 10 6 cps the absorption coefficient is of the order
-3 -5 -I -5 -I
of 10 _ 10 cm and (p -,10 cm Thus, the
absorption of the wave ttkes place much faster than the
rotation of the plane of polarisation. In optics, when the
absorption is appreciable, one observes circular dichroism.
The analogous phenomenon takes place in the propagation of
sound. The ratio of axes of the polarisation ellipse for a
wave which has traversed a path.-e 'and was originally
Card 3/4
On the Natural Rotation of the Plane of Polarisation of Sound
linearly polarised is given by Eq. (9) 9This ratio is
extremely small since even for W %, io cps the ratio is
of the order of 10-4 t cm , while the absorption coefficient
is I - 10 cm- I . The rotation of the plane of polarisation
(p can be artificially increased by using special media. This
can be achieved, for example. by introducing a large number
of particles having no centre of symmetry and whose elastic
moduli are different from thos~_of the main medium. The paper
is concluded with the application of theabove ideas to
naturally active crystals, in which the relation between
stresses and strains is non-local. Acknowledgments are
expressed to V.L. Ginzburg, who suggested this subject and
directed the investigation. There are 10 references:
9 Soviet and I English.
ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet
(Qor*-Xiy State Kniversity)
SUBMITTED: February 28, 196o
Card 4/4
AUTHOR: Andronov, A.A.
TITLEt on the question of growth and attenuation of
plasma waves
PERIODICALs Izveatiya vysshih,,-~ uchebnykh zavedeniy,
Radiofizika, v.4, no.5, 1961, 861-866.
TEXT: The relation between the mechani;.m of Landau
attenuation of plasma waves (growth) and the Vavilov-Cherenkov
effects is followed up, and the coefficient of attenuation
(growth) Is obtained. The attenuation coefficient of waves in
equilibrium plasma is obtained by applying Einstein's method of
Quantum Theory, splitting the damping coefficient into true
damping and induced emission and taking the velocity distribution
of the electron to be the Boltzman distribution. The
coefficient of absorption p is taken to bel
n8 8=3c c/n - v. Cos
W (19) -2 xT
w n 8
Card 1/3
On the question of growth and s/14i/61/004/005/004/021
where q radiating power of electron beam; angle
between direction of propagation of the wave and the beam velocityr,
w = frequencyj c = velocity of lightl n = refractive index of
lightt T, = temperature of beam; v. = velocity of beam;
x = Boltzman's constant.
The radiating power of the electrons is obtained by considering
the Cherenkov radiation of longitudinal waves caused by high
energy particles.. The Coulomb gauge is used in which the scalar
potential satisfies Poisson's equation with a dielectric
permeability which is a function of the frequency and the wave
vector. By assuming that the radiating electron moves with
uniform velocity the stopping force acting on it produced by the
rest of the field is calculated. It turns out that in contrast
to the case of transverse radiation the intensity of Cherenkov
radiation of longitudinal waves does not vanish when the
frequency of the wave equals that of the electron. The damping
(growth) coefficient is then calculated. The results of Landau
are obtained as a special case.
Card 2/3
On the question of growth and ... S/141/61/004/005/oo4/021
Acknowledgments are expressed to V.V. Zheleznyakov for directing
the work.
There are 11 references (9 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc.
The English language references read as followsi
Ref.3t D. Bohm, E.P. Gross, Phys.Rev., v-75, 1851 (1949).
Ref.4i D. Bohm, D. Pines, Phys.Rev., v.85, 338 (1952).
ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno-issladovateltakiy radiofizicheskiy institut
pri Gor1kovskom universitete
(Scientific Research Institute on Radiophysics at
Gortkiy University)
SUBMITTED: February 6, 1961
Card 3/3
S/14i/62/005/o62 ooVo25
1 , U"a Andronov, A. A. and Gorodinskiy, G-V-
IITLS: Dipole radiation of longitudinal waves
PERIODICAL: Izvostiyn vysshikh uchobny1di zavodoniy,
Radiofizilza, v. 5, no. 2, 1962, 1234 - 239
T EXT The authors discuss the emission of longitudinal
waves in an isotropic transparent mediui-,i with spat-; al dispersion.
is assumed that the relation bet-voen the induction D and
t:~o clectric 'iald Zfor processes which have a simpl
harx.onic dependence ~;n time is of the form
D = c (w)r, + L div E + L2-'-\ E
0 - 2 -
where c0(w) is tho dielectric constant in the absence of
s?atial dispersion, and
LI and L2 are parameters whose absolute magnitudes
are of the order of the characteristic
microdinionsions of the medium.
card 1/4
Dipole radiation .... E032/E314
UsinS the Coulomb calibration of the el octroi-,iagnotic-f i old
potentials, it turns out that the longitudinal field can be
dorivdd froi:i a scalar potential 9 , which satisfies the
Generalized Poisson equation
(w, k)ay (2a)
A A 2"2
E (W, 11.) = FE L Ic (3)
is t.-io dielectric-constant operator. The corresponding Green
function is then derived and is shox-m to be
-ik r
G(r) = (9)
Card 2/4
Dipolo .... B032/E314
.,:Ic,-e '~N-2= 2 2 = 2 2 Next, it is
0 C0 (u)/L and L L1 + L2 N
sh,wan that the total intensity of longitudinal waves in
plasm,a is given by
p = POw C0(U) (19a)
18 C' (VT/0)
wh ere VT is the average thermal velocity of the electrons,
and the di--.)olo t,
iomont is
Finally, the ratio of the intensity of longitudinal- to
transverse waves is
Card 3/4
Dipole radiation .... E-032/E314
3 (20a)
PL 20(VT/c)
T'lus, the int'onsity of tho longitudinal waves is i,.iuch higher
than that of the transverse waves and tends to infinity at
a fixed frequency and fixed dipole moment, isrhen L or VT zero.
ASSOCIATION: Nauclino-issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy
institut pri, Gorlkovskoin universitete
(Scientific Research Radiophysics Institute
of Gor"Ikiy University)
SUM,11TTED: July 26 V* 1961
Card 4/4
Instability of one-dimensional Packets and the absorption
of electromagnetic waves in a plasma. Zhur. eksp. i teor.
fiz. 45 no.4:1009-1015 0 163, (MIRA 16.3.1)
1. Radio-fizicheskiy institut Gorskovskogo gosudarstvennogo
ACM~SION APL,031626 S/0203/64/004/002/0233/0242
A. A.; Trakhtongerts, V. Yu.
TI'7k'L'S: The kinatic instability of the outer radiation belt of the earth
SOURCE: Georvignetizm. i acronondtya, v. 4, no. 2, 1964; 233-2142
70~7~11(; '7'AGS: radiation belt, aurora, corpuscular stream, ultralow frequency,
quasloquilibriumi state
7' ~ " -,,:-
Iae authors have used quasilinear equations to construct a nonlinear
v o ~~* inr, --ability of the earth I s outer radiation belt. They have detenuined the
-:,~s c~nd dep2ndenco of particle streamz (electrons) leaving the belt, and
-('y na CO.%.uted the inten3ity of ultra low-f requency noise. Altbough complete
'3ss of Particles from the belt because of the indicated. instability is very s-mall
~a'-C'Izt I-ILO/"' of the total number of particles), the differential loss at arv
dcfin.ito cnori:y level may be considerable. Loss of particles from, zones corre-
-nondin- to electron energies of 10-25 kev may wmount to as much as 35% of the
ota I nu;-.~ber of electrons in this energy interval. In the quasiequilibriun. state,
~sl - V
_e be, -t; %Lst therefore be a "pile-up" in the energy spectrum of electrons in the
Card 113
anor_,y zono of 11-25 key. A "plateaull in the intermediate zone of the belt leads to
craaso in the initial anisotropy. In this the concentration of electront;
Lhe jq.'jxi_;qum for Wo bclt may change bacause of apatial ro(IU;Lribution of
entrapped particles. Ultralcn4-frequency noise and particle streUT13 in tho at.-nos-
p-ero may be localized by longgitude, since the -drift time of electrons with
Cnorglas ).n IW-io vicinity of 20 kov is on the order of 24 hours, much greater than
~he damping timae of the ultralow-frequencies. The presence of external sources of
ultralow-f.equency radiation (such as artificial sources) may change the redistribu-
tion time and -Vhe stream of particles leaving the belt. The authors consider their
computations prela-Minary. They point out that a detailed explanation of the
instability factor in the belt in producing the observed effects awaits an accumu-
lation of experinental data on the electron spectrum in the belt and on simultancous
observat-ions on the intensities of entrapped particles, ultralow-frequeacy noise,
and polar auroras. The indicated mechanism probably applies..chiefl.,; to the middle
latitudes. Other mechanisms may be at work in the zone of polar auroras, where the
effect of solar corpuscular streams is direct. "The authors expre.,s their thanks
to 13. 14. Oartihman for Jda intardat in the viork and ror Ida remarks." Orig. art*
has: 1 figure and 31 f0mulas.
Cord 2/3
AGMSION1 NR, AP4031626
41ISSOCLM."ION: Radiofizichoskiy institut pri Gorlkovskom gosudarstvennom
universiteto (Institute of Radiophyrics) Gorkiy State University)
SUBMITTED: 16Nov63 DATE AOQ: 30Apr64 ENCL: 00
Card 3/3
ESSION NR:' AP4039725
CC S/0141/64/007./002/0251/02.61
'~'AUTHORS: Andronov,-A. A.; Zheleznyakov, V. V.1 Petelin, M. X.
ITLE: on the kinetic instability of a homogeneous maqnetoactive
2e 1964; 251-261
I:SOURCE. XVTJZ. Radiofizikae. v. 7, no
t~TOPIC TAGS:. plasma instability, magnetoactive plasmati plasma dis-
I~tribution, Boltzmann equation, plasma electron oscillaition, plasma t1
kwave absorption
!';ABSTRACT: Results previously obtained by one of the authorsi(V. V.
i1zheleznYakov, IVUZ Radiofizika v. 4, 619, 1961) are generaliz6d and'
I,used for an analysis of the kinetic instability of a homogeneous
limagnetoactive plasma with a speciftid momentum'distribution function,~', the electromagnetic waVes propagate at an arbitrary angle
to the magnetic field. Unlike the case of longitudinal propagatio7a
'6;,_d' -
_.cord_2 2