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Dal TO a 0), ABSTRAC QZ -V7R~the: ;V4 y,u hy.. and p L: n 'a ki chL'a'njys - moscowi t s,!4~ *A, Q y I y t 'E n kLO16 UM f Wt,90't ;k h;, tv ii in~i Y* ,z~, ~,-; iiii -.0. n I I 6'y Cj~f 'h I'-J-8h. t - f OT4 t i a. 0 J~jLjj, i 6im- b A a it: ys, a e AID:- 0 r5. stance.~:at -5 t -I ~450 ' CODZs- . i J ' SOV s - . Tabldz, 1'.!, t ~ie sli ~;ak l bb o6" vis- 'Aist. #,bf: A023 a 0101 0 oil :~ID~'451 0 im .0,027 ~0,02 l l ZA ol -66 (M)/EWP(w)/T/EWP(t)/ETI Jjp(c) jWgtl/JD/JG T- AAg%!;0 EWT NRi AT6012398 SOURCE CODEt AUTHORSt Kornilovt I. I. (Dootor of ohemical acionces, Professor); Nartova, T. T.; -Andreyevt 0. N. ORG: none TITLE: A study of the strength of titanium alloys by the method of benling at 600C SOURCE: Soveshchan metg,.11-9~hi~m ij -qta1lQ.V -pr~mqneniyu.titana i y-ego L _F n -qdonlyik i -M-lxYDX Novyyo iBeledovaniya titanovykh oplavov (New research on titanium alloys); trudy soveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 247-250 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, titanium alloy, heat resistance, heat resistant alloy, aluminum containing alloy / TG-110 titanium, AVOOO aluminum ABSTRACT: A study was performed on the mechanical properties and hea4 strength of titanium alloys of several compositiorts containin~6-6.51/1. aluminum.V1 asic materials used in preparing the alloys were titanium TG-110 and alumiiiu--mKV~.1, Other elements were introduced In the form of alloys or as pure metals. The chemical contente of the alloying elements used in 12 different alloyB are as given in Fig. 1. Additional information is given in regard to the specimen preparation procedure. Measurements were made of the variation of the deflection indicator with time for the 12 alloys tested under controlled conditions of temperature and pressure. The tests indicated that the heat strength of alloys oontaining 6-6. %, aluminum increases because of the Card 1/2 6 UDCt 669.299.001.5 ACC NRt AUTHOR: Andreyev, 0. N.; Kornilov, I. I.; Nartova, T. T. ORG: Institute of Metallurgy im. A. A. Baykov (Institut metallurgii) ;z TITLE: Determination of the characteristics of heat resistance of titanium alloys SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 3, 1966, 36-38 TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, heat resistant alloy, alloy property, centrifuge test, tensile test/VT1 alloy, OT4 alloy, VT5 1 alloy, AT3 alloy, AT4 P'lloy, ST1 alloy 6 v K ABSTRACT: Titanium VTl (0.4 Fe, 0.25% Si) and titani alloys OT4 (3.5% Al, , AT3 (3.2T-11, o.8% Cr, 1-78% Nin, 0.2% Fe, O---1TSi)XVT5-l (4.9% Al, 2.75% Sn* 0.3% Fe, 0.4% Si, 0.01% B) and--A-TVd4.8% Al, 0.9% Cr, 0:4VFe, 0.3% Si, 0.01% B) have been tested for creep behavioFby centrifugal (Kornilov) and by conventional methods. Both tests were performed at h50 or 500C for 100 hr under a stress 20 kg/rmi At both temperatures tested and in both test methods M titanium had the highest creep rate and AT4 alloy the lowest creed rate (see Fig. 1). In stress-rupture tests at 500C under a stress of 30 kg/mm the ruptureZives were 12 hr for OT4 alloy, 30 hr for VT5-1 alloy, 210 hr for AT3 alloy, and 260V for AT4 alloy. Creep tests by both of the above mcLhods were performed with ST11fitanium alloy of the Ti-Al-Zr-S system at 600C under a stress of 15 kg/mm2 (alloi-vas annealel at 800C for 1 hr and air cooled). After 100 hr, the total deflection in the centifugal test amounted Card i/,R UDC: 620.172.224.226:669.295 ACC NRz to 5.6 mm, and the total elongation in the conventional test amounted to 0.56%; A linear dependence between the elongation (in'conventional method) and deflection (in centrifugal method) was found to exist for all the alloys tested. This makes Detection, E3.ongdlm,% 815-1 AT AT 2g Mie Fig. 1. Creep curves of titanium alloys in centr ugal (a) and in conventii al (b) teqtq b Or" AP ACC Wt Ap6olOO93 459; it possible to determine- the elongation from the magnitude of deflection. Orig. art. has: 3 figures.and 2 tables. [AZ) SUB CODE: ii, 14/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: oo6/ ATD PRESS: 4:pIOLq I V, 0. P. ANDREYEVp N15 661.3 Vodopropusknyye Truby Pod Zheleznodorozhnymi Nasypyaml (Water J2 Drainage Piping Under Railway Bnbankments, By) V. A. Yaroshenko, 0. B. Andreyev, A. G. P- rokopovich. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat 1952. 230 p. Mus., Graphs, Tables (Trudy Diagra., Vaesoyuzhnogo Nauchnoissledovatellskogo Instituta Zheleznodorozhnogo Stroitel'stva I Proyektirovaniya, VYP. 5) "Spisok Literatury": P. 2304231) ANDRSYIVf O.V,; BABKOV, V.P.; XAMAKHATIV, M.S.: 11RUTNTSKIT, Ts.V.; S.A., redaktor; GALAXTIONOVA, Ys.N.. takhnicheskiy red&ktor (Exeroises for a course in automobile road planning] Uprazhneniia po kurou proaktirovantia aytomobillnvkh dorog. Moskra. Izd-vo dorozhno-takhn. lit-ry Gushoodora MM SSSR. Pt.2. 1952. 2.56 p. [Microfilm3 (MLRA 7:10) 1. Moscow. Avtomobillno-doroshnyy institut (Roads--Design) AKDREYEV, O.V.- BOLDAKOV, Ye.V., doktor tokhnichaekikh nauk: 0 , K.V.; KOSMIAV, V.A.-, RODIN, A.I.; ROYER. Ye.N. [Short handbook on small bridges and conduits; research and planning] Kratkii spravochnik po malym moGtam i trubam; izyskaniia i proektirovante. Moskva, Izd-vo dorozhno-takhn. lit-ry, 195). 224 p. (MLRA 7:3) (Bridges) (Pipe, Concrete) " C. -,. 6'-93. Andruyev, C. V. Rascli; ta ol- rst.iy wist.ov, rabot~iysuhchikh -; usloviyakh podpc. -.t. A., 195~'+. ~.2s. s chert. 212sm. Vseoyuz. in-t sh.-d. strolt.E~Ilstvn i prou(~*,Ktrrowiniya. I Soobstiechenlye No. 59. DlborutoriYa aost,)vykli porelliodov.) I.DJOe'rz. Be~-pl.-(55-30P4)p 634.3-054 SUC :Knizhnnyu L~Aopi----' No. 6, 195" ABDRSfKV, Olag Vladimirovich; BABKOV, Valariy Yedorovich; GFMURT- IN, b4 -N!, 1 -J, M"IfOYM, 'Mr"ah'Madimirovich; ZVIAKHATEV,Mitrofan SamenovIch; KRUTNTSKIT, Tevgerdy Vladimirovich; ORNATSKrY, Hikolay Petrovich; SOBLINIKOV, Pavel Ivanovich; SUMOV, Andrey Sergeyevich; SHESTAKOV, P.H.Cd"coaned] PLOTNIKOV,S.A.. reduktor-, KOGAN, F.L., tekhniclieskly radaktor. [Micanpl,me of highway dnsignl Primary proektirovaniia avtomobil'iWich dorog. Izd.2-n, parer. Moekva,Nauchno-takhn.ird-vo avtotritnap. lit-ry, 1955-283 P. (MLRA 8:12) (Roads) OL.VG,Vlad4mirarl(,h-. BOLDAKCrt, Fw-g8nly Vaaillyeric'- V&;~jjl-,avjcf,; K(IK41r:IX.V, Vyaheelav AleksandraTich; 46-DIII, IvAnavich: ROY~;,t. Y'vgenly IlikolVevich; BOIJ)AXLV, Ye.V., te- k-hnicheakikh natik, redaktor, I'JZM!30V. 1.A., red,-3,.tor: GA!A:!rlAWVA, Y,-.11., t6tiiichpolay rcdAlrtir (Cominn handbonk on nonduitij and smRll bridgea- resdar.-h qnd planning] Krntkii -tpravc,~,.hnIK po trubam I malym inost&-il- 1;.,*5kRnliA i pr%)r'~.tira- vante. Pod DbOwlitl red. ltd.2-oe. Y)i?r(-r. Nauchna- tekhnicheakoe isd-vu avtotraap. lit-ry, 1956, -!1 T- (vi-p.~ 9:5) (Byldp:f-~O ifineti, CInf-'rete) BOLDAKOT, Yevgeniy Vaoillyevich, doktor takhnicheakikh nauk,' ANDREYNY, Oleg Vladimirovich. Icandidat tekhniche8kikh nauk; XVZNSTSOV. I.A., redaktor; GAIAKTIONOVA. Ye.N.. tekhnichesL-iy redaktor [Bridging waterways) Porekhody cherez vodotok-IL. Houkv.9, Nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo avtotrunsp. lit-ry, 1956. 404 p. (MLRA 9:11) (Bridges) KBLIBNIKOV, Ye.L. professor, - A %XYWXIIW'MIr ^ ',, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; BEGAH, L.G., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; BM, O.Ya., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk; GAHATUNOV, A.I., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; DUCHINSKIY, kandidat tokhniches)cikh nauk; KAZZY. I.I., kandi- dat tekhnicheakikh nauk; MOKHIN, B.F., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; WGA, A.A., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; LYALIN,N.Bo, kandi- dat tekhnichaskikh nauk; MKLINIKOV, Tu.L., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; POLOYEVKO. V.P. Jmndidat teklinicheskikh nauk; PROKOPOVICH, 1. q., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; STRELETSKIT, N.N., kandidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk; TYULMV, Ye.A., kandidat tekh*ichaskikh nauk; KHROKETS, Yu.N., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; SHELICSTET&,L.F., kandidat tekhni- chaskikh nauk; SUIRO, G.S.. kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; YAROS~LMO, V.A., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; ZELEVICH, P.Mo. inzhener;_CHXGOi; DAYhT. N.N.; BOBROVA, Te.N., tekhnicheakLy redaktor. [Techbical specifications for desigrAng bridges and pipes for railroads of a normal gauge (TM-56).]9ffActtve MInietr7 of Means of'Communicaition. and the Ministry Of Transportation Con- struction, September 15, 19561 Takhnicheskia usloviia proektirovaniia mostov i trub na zheleznykh dorogakh normal'noi kolei (TUP%-56).Wedeny v kachostya vremennykh a 1 iiulia 1957 G. prikazom Ministerstya putei moobshcheniia i Ministeretva transportnogo stroltelletva of 1~ sentia- bria 1956 g. No.250/TeZ/213- Moskva, Gos.transp.zhel-dor.izA;iTo. 1957. 221 p. (MLRk 10:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.),Ministerstvo pptey soobahchanika. (Railroad bridges--Design) BLIZLITAK. Ye.Y., doktor tokhn.wiuk,[decoused]; ROSSINSKIY, K.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, zameatitell otv.rod.; AHDRMY, O.V., kand.tekhn. nauk. red.; ZIRELOV, N.P., kand.tekhn.nauk-.;-imwarq-,-sylr, N.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, rod.; N.S. SHA1USHYIHA, N.S., red.; TEGOROV, V.I.. red.izd-va-. K11011DZ, M.M., red.jzd-va; SITEINA, Ye.I.,; KA.S!;IN,K, P.S., tekhn.rpd. [Channel processes; a collection of articles] Ruslovye protseRsy; sbornik statei. ?.SD%Irva, 1958. 394 p. 0,qRA 12:1) 1. AN SSSR. Sektaiya po nauchnny razrnhntke problem vodnogo kbou,yaystva. 2. Sektsiyu no nauchnny razrnbotke problem vodnogo khozyaystva AN SSSR, Vaeaoyixznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i proyektno-izyskatellskiy inst. im. S.Ya.Zhxika (for Rossinskiy). 3. VsaaoyuziVy nauchno-issledovatel'skly inst. transportnogo st-rnitt-119tva Miniaterstva transportnogo stroit-l'stva SSSR (for Androyev). 4. Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-isslodovatollskiy institnt vndm9nabz'honiya, kanalizatsii, gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzhoniy i Inzbenernoy gidrogoologil (for Zrolov). 5. Toontrallnyy nouchno- isslednvatollskiy institut okonomiki i okspluatataii vodnogo transporta (for Minnitsyn). 6. )oktsiya po nauchnny razrabntke prnblo,n vodnogn ],,hozvavstva All SSSR (for Sharashkina). (Hydraulic engineering) (Rivers) AI.DIW,nV, O.V., dvt.;~., kandt.teldin.nouk Morphometrlc,, I 'hed deponele-.,cic: . " i':'.Dl - -22:176-185 158. (14r;U 12:4) (ffydroGrs-,,'c.y) ANMYEV, Oleg Vladimirovich, k-qnd.tekhn.nauk: YAIROSLAVTSEV, Igor' Arkadtyevich. kand.tekhn.nsuk; GOLUBKOVA, Ye.S., red.; LAKHMAH, F.Te., (Protection of bridges against washout] Zaghchita mostovvkh perekhodov ot razmyva. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo M-va avto- mobillnogo tranap. i shosseinykh dorog RSFSR1 1959, 145 p. (MIRA 12:4) (Bridges--Repairing) (Rivers--Regulation) BLIZNYAK, Ye.V., [deceased]; ROSSINSKIY, K.I.,; r444*,..=d.; VENDROV, S.L., red.; Z.R_7LOV. N.P., red.; POPOVA, K.L., red.: RZHANITSYN, N.A., red.; FIDMI, B.A., red.; YAROSLAVTSEV, I.A., red.; VIMOVA. L.I., red.; VASIL'YEV, Yu.F., red.izd-va; MAKUNI, Ye.V., (New methods and equipment for stukving stream-channel processes] Novye metody i apparatura dlia isnledovanii rtiolovvkh proteessov. MoBkva, 1959. 220 P. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Akademiya nank SSSR. Sovet po problemam vodnogo khozyaystva. 2. Sovet po problemam vodnogc, khozyaystva Akademii nauk bSSR (for Bliznyak). 3. Giprorachtrans Ministerstva rechnogo flota RSFSR (for Vendrov). 4. Vzesoyuzrkvy nsuchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut transportnogo stroitalletva (for Ynroslavtsev). (Hydrology--Reasarch) ANMEYEV, Ole&_YladiTiroyieh, dotsent, kand.tokhn.nauk; LEVI, I.I., pFo-f., doktoi--fe-kh-n.naukv retsenzent; MIUSERCHKIN, A.A., prof., retsenzent; ITEVLEVA, T.A., red.; GALAKTIGNOVA, YO.N.0 [Designing bridges] Proaktirovanie moatovykh perekhodov. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo K-va avtomobill- nogo transp. i shossainvkh dorog RSFSR, 1960. 294 p. WRA 14:2) (Bridges) ARDFEM, OoV. Coefficients of maximum erosion for designing bridge openings. Avt. dor. 23 no.3:26-27 Mr '60. (MIRA 13:6) Ocrosion) (Bridges--Design) otv. za vypusk; IVAIIOVSKAYA, X.M., red. izd-va; bCIISKMAp G.D., tekhn. red. (Principal formulas and instructions for making calculations for bridge spans across constant currents of waterlosnovmye formuly i ukazaniia po raschetu otverstii mostov cheroz po- stoianrwe vodotoki. I:oskva, Avtotransizdat, 1961. 21 p. N3RA 15:9) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy in6titut po proycktirovaniyu avto- rer.ontnykh zavodov, garazliey, masterskikh i av-toeksploata- tsionnogo khozyaystva. (Bridees-Design) _qh, kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; ART&I ANDREYEV, Oje"adjMjinvi I I YEV, Sergey Sergeyevich, inzh.; BOLDAKOV, Yevgenly Vasillyevich, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; ZHURAVLEV, Mark Mikhaylovichv kand. tekhn. nauk; TEN, Igor' Aleksandrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; KOVRIZHNYKH, L.P., red.; GALAKTIONOVA, Ye.N., tekhn. red. [Calculation of the openings of engineering structures according to limiting states] Haschet otverstii isku5stven- nykh sooruzhenii po predelInym sostoianilam. (By.1 O.V. Andreev i dr. Moskva, Avtotransizdat, 1963. 1d6 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Bridges) (Floods) -AHDREYEV,, Oleg Vladimirovich; BOLDAKOV, Yevgeniy Vasillyevich; GAYDUK, Kirill Vasillyevich; KOSHELEV, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich; RODIN, Arkadiy Ivancivirh; ROYER, Yewreniv Nikolayevich (deceased] GRIGOR17XV, Ye*N#.% inzb.,, retBanzent; TRESFINSKIY, S.A., kAnd. geol.-;vdberal. nauk, retsenzent; GLINKA, N.N... red.; KOVRIZHNYKH, L.P.; red.izd-va; BODANOVA, A.F., teklm. red. (Concise manual on conduits,azd small bridged) vochnik,po trubam i walym mostam. [By] O.V.Andreev i dr. Izd,3., perer. Moskva, Avtotransizdatp 1963. 179 p. (MIRA 17:2) BURLAY, P.F.; GENRITSY, G.Ye.; SOLOMIN, A.F.; SLAVUTSKIY, A.K., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ANDRYEV, O.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ALEKSEYEV, A.'P.,'inA., red. (Reference book for workers in the cobstruction of rural roads] Spravochnoe posobie stroiteliu sellskil:h dorog. Moskva, Izd-vo "Transport," 1964. 331 P. (FIRA 17: 15) FEDOROV, Valentin Ivanovich; ANUMEV, O.V., dotr,., rotsc-.rzant; LEVCHUK, G.P.. dots., retsenzent; KISLGV, 'o".9., red. (Aerial geodesy and aerial survoying of IiAghwujs] Aero.- geodeziia i aeroizyskaniia avtomobil'rWkh dorog. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 318 P. (MlitA 17-.12) DRIIATSKI-Y, IN2-kciay VlaJin-Irt;vl'-h., prof., clQktcl' tekhn' I:T.ISIIVSKrY, Alcl.~;,iy dot-I., , li'~R.D:ay Petrovl~h. kand. toklin. DE111-k-, A!jllltEY-V, ult'l- Tladimiro-vich, kand. tekhn. nauh-. dots-i IVII.~)% lii~c,]Rv 117-~kolay e-V4 za.-.. dc-yatell rmliki i tekm,~~ HSF.11R, prof., doktor telAn. nauk~: BBIU-iYA, Aleksaridr l'onstantinovIch prof., dc,k'-c.r ~,ekiin. nauk; i-46KOV, V,F, prof.., doktor tekhi, natik. NOVIKOV, L.V, prof., retsenzent [A-utc,mohile tan intr-,du~:t,:~ry voun-ei AvLcm.~Iil*nyt, ')L dor-,)gi; vvorinyl hitro, Moskva, Vysshaia shkc-'Iu,, 1964- 1)1; P. (~JTDA '19~4'. Fl7evskiy institut( for Ornatzkf-yj ,V, 5 tjj e V ,, A (for'Oryiatski-v N .71 for ilim)-iya% y 1,;;,~,a Akadairi.--ye~ IJ.ja I Transporia ;for Nnvlkov). MAINAVSKIY, ;3orlp K.Lrillovich; AMEYIEV, 0,,V.,p 'K(ini. tukhn. retnen,oen-t; KUTFTSKIY, Ye.V.,, red. [Methods of deterinining the hydre-Ic-gicul charricteri-;I1. of rivers from an airplanol Metc,dy opredelenila j1dr( lc,.. gichesklkh kluiritkterlstlk rek s samoleta. Transport, 1065, 1171 p. Mliu is, V~ BOLISBAKOV, Valeriy Alekseyevieb, kand. tekhn. nauk; UGIRCHUS, A.A. doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; A11DREYEV, O.V., .1 red. [lVdraulic engineering structures on automobile roads) Gidrotekhnichoskie sooruzheni.ia na avtoriobillnykh dorogakh. Moskva, Transport, 1965. 319 p. (MIRA 18:7) ACC NR- AT~11700294-1 Monograph UR/ Uv) Andreyev, Oleg Nrladimirovich; Babkov, Valeriy Fedorovich; Gerburt-Geybovich, Andrey \71,idimiroxich; Krutetskiy, Yevgeniy Vladimirovich; Zamakhayev, TWitrofan Semenovich; Afanaslyev, Mikhail Borisovich; Bim-Bad, Maks Isaakovich; Ornatskiy, Nikolay Petrovich; Porozhnyakov, Vladimir Sergeyevich; Pryakhin, Aleksey Ivanovich; Sebellnikov, Petr Ivanovich Highway designing (Examples) (Proyektirovaniye avtomobilInykh dorog (primary), Moscow, Izd-vo "Transport", 66, 0395 p. illus. , biblio. , tables. 6, 000 copies printed, 3d ed. , rev. TOPlC TAGS: highway network, highway engineering, highway structure, hydraulic engineering, hydrological calculation. PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book gives technico -economic fundamentals for road network designing, and presents examples of transverse and longitudinal cross sections as well as methods of determining openings in small artificial structures. Calculations of earth bed stability and thickness of road pavements are given; planning and design of highways in complicated conditions is described. Hydrological and hydraulic calculations involved in the planning of crossings of Crd_A/A___ UDC: 625. 721. 2(075. 8) ACC NRt AM7002944 large water, expanses are examined. The book is intended primarily as a text- Woh, for highway engineering students at institutions of higher learning and may likewise be useful for engineers and technicians. The authors express their gratitude to the reviewers: professors, doctors of technical sciences Ya. A. Kaluzhskiy and 1. A. Romanenko; to docents, candidates of technical sciences V. A. Bogayeva, L. A. Barats, N. 1. Baskevich, V. M. Kislyakov, and 1. A. Nosich; to the chief engineer of the GPI Soyuzdorproyekt V. B. ZavadskiN, and to engineers A. A. Sernenovskiy, M. L. Sokolov, and A. S. Fedner; also to ill.-iLructors of MADI, doctor of technical sciences I- A. Bronshteyn, and candidate of technical sciences Ye. N. Garmanov. TABLE OF CONTENT [abridged]: Foreword -- 3 Ch. 1. Designing of highway networks and tc'chnic;xl and economic comparison of alternative designs -- 5 Ch. 2. Designing a highway -- 28 Ch. 3. Calculation of earth bed stability and thickness of road covers -- 206 Card 2/3 ACC.NR,. Ch. 4. diffict:lt ti!rr,'u'ri 2.95 Ch. 5. M~fliwi.v designing M lirb-mi conditionG -- Ch. 6. Manning of highway reconstructions -- 354 Ch. 7. 11 drological and hydraulic calculations of crossings over large %VaLer Y xPanses -- 380 Literatur~e' -- 399 SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: O8Jul66/ ORIG REF: 003/ Card 313 k,7)li-"Vlll P. ii(?F(~ 11 -)-)2,Y'17, P.- 0 P-,'crovo,IM,,kh Yoe its i:~cntal--h T,)r2iv-i *1 Urlovno..-o Pron-St; 1910, No. 9, S. 27-21" .7 5 0: Lntopis I Z.mL-nal' St'ite', , '101. '-2. -r-l , l-,V-1 ANDREM, P. In the intereets of the development of grain production. Sov.profsoiusy 2 no.5:50-55 my 154. (MLRA 7:6) 1. Prodsedatell rabochago komiteta profsoyuss Petukhovskogo sernosovkhosa lurganskoy oblasti. (Agriculture) KRUZEV, Alekonndr Androyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk; MAMOV, Ivan Nikolayevich, kand.takhn.nouk; A~ , P., red.; LUKA&MICH, V., [Harvesting grain in separate stageal RosdelInais uborka khlebov. Saratov, SRratovskoe knishnoo izd-vo, 1960. 77 p. (MIRA 14:2) (Grain--H2rvesting) MOROZOV3 Vasiliy Konotqntinovich, doktor sellkhoz. nauk; ANDREY-EV, P.,- red.j LUKASHEVICH, V., takhn# red. (Sunflower) Podsolnechnik. lzd,2.~ parer. Saratov, Saratovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 225 p. (MIRA 14:10) (Sunflowers) ROMMOV, Vladimir Aleksayevichp ka . sellkhozf nauk; AVDIZEYEV, P., red.; LUKASHEVICH, V.p tekhn. red. (Millet in the southeast) Proso na lUgo-Vostoke. Saratov, Saratov- skoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 60 Pe (MIRA l4z9) (Volga Valley-Millet) MASHIN, A.R.; SAZHNOV, V.Ya.LANDRICYFV. P., red.; LUKAS HEV I CH, V., [Reinforced concrete and local building materials in rural construction; experience of the Voroshilov CAlective Farm in the Bazarryv Karabulak District) Zhelezob Aom i meatnye strottelinya materialy v sellaknm stroitalletve: opyt kolkhoza in.Voroobilova Basarno-Karabulakskogo r-na. (Saratov) Saratovskoe kn1z1hnoe Izd-vo, 1957. 93 P. (MIRA 11:12) (Reinforced concrete construction) SHUSTROV, D. , kand. tekhn. nauk-j-ANDRE109 ij- P, inzh. Technical progress in inland navigation. Rech. transp. 19 no. 6:9-i0 Je 160. (MIRA 14:2) (Radio in navigation) (Inland navigation) , P., inzh. Characteristics of automatic pilot operations with magnetic stabilization of the couree. Rech. transp. 19 no.llill-15 N 160. (MIU 13 - 11) (Gyrocompass) (Stability of ships) j P, I I A dc)kt.or -4 st.or-Scheskikh nauk AlUlfl.i.yi.v, -. , . ;-, . ~ (~ -~ "y ,, s4p- f`fl ., I~,-.-'(,t people's histnric expin't of - . . . . . - - . !"oauli, V00-11,71). 3"I 5 T10.1:8-1,7 in ItI.I)v ( m -1 F., " ~ , q :: "". ) ANTIPOV, Vladimir Vasillyevkchp kand. tekhn. nauk;,-~ ~DRM~V,_--~. red.; LUKASHMCH, V., tekhn. red. [Repair and adjustment of the fuel system of diesel tractors] Remont, i regulirovanie toplivnoi apparatury dizellnykh trak- torov. Saratov, Saratovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 126 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Diesel engines-4.1,aintenance and repair) 21(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV12608 -Andreyev, Pavel Alekseyevich, Andrey Andreyevich Kanayev, and Yevgeniy - Danilovich Fedorovich Zhidkometallielieskiye teplonositeli yadernykh reaktorov (Liquid-Metal Heat-Transfer Agents of Nuclear Rea'otors) Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1959- 383 p. Errata slip inserted. 4,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): A.A. Kanayev; Ed. (Inside book): Ye. N. Shaurak; Scientific Ed.: S.A. Serdyukov; Tech. Ed.: N. V. Erastova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engincers and techniplogisbsworking in plants and designing organizations, and also.,.for students in poWer engineering and ship-building vuzes and tekhnikuns. COVERAGE: The book contains information from foreign sources on the properties of liquid-metal heatrtransfer agents of nuclear reactors. The following aspects of the subject are studied; heat capacity (liquid phase during boiling and condensation)j interactions of liquid metals with structural materials; methods of removing im- Card 1/7 Liquid-Me-tal (r,,,nt.) SOV/2608 PART 1. PROPERTIES OF LIQUID METALS Ch. 1. Physical Properties 38 1. Sodium 38 2. Potassium :10 3. Sodiwa-potas,,3ium alloys 5 4. Lithium 63 5. Gallium 71 6. Mercury 79 7. Tin 79 8. Bismuth 79 9. Lead 10. Eutectic lead-bismuth alloy Ch. II. Cheiril.,!aj Properties 89 11. Soditun 89 12. Po6bassium 100 13. alloys 102 14 Lithium 102 Card 3/7 Liquid-Metal (C~-.,nt.) SOV/2608 15- Gallium 104 16. Mercury 104 17. Tin 1 0-1i 18. Bl:imuth 10~ 19. Le ad 10-11 20. Eutectic. lead-bismuth alloy I C)8 Ch. III. Hydraiallets, and Heat Exchange in Liquid Metals 110 21. Hydraulics of liquid metal flow 110 22. Heat exchange diaring free convection 117 23. Heat exchange during forcqd convection 130 24.. Heat exchange during boiling and o6ndensation 151 Ch. IV. The Corrosio n Prope rties of Constrtiction Materials in Liquid-Metal Media 198 25. Sodium, potass itim and their alloys lbo 26. Lithium 17 ") 27. Gallium 178 28. Merrury 180 Card 4/7 Liquid-Metal .(Cont.) SOV12608 29. Lead, bismuth, tin and their alloys 187 30. Transfer of activity In liquldvmetil OVOW48 19)1 PART II- PLANNING AND OPERATION OF TIQUTDwMETAL SYSTEMS Ch. V. Planning the Systems 208 31. General principles for grouping equippent 208 32. Behavior of construction materjaZ4*'$p liquidwmetal circuits 212 33. Planning the piping systems 217 34. Heat insulation 229 Ch. VI. Equipment for Liquid-Metal Systops 229 35. Mechanically driven pumps 229 36. Electromagnetic pumps 245 37. Heat exchangers and steam generators used with sodium and sodium-potassium alloys 265 38. Fittings 28o 39. Measuring devices 284 Ch. VII. Operation of Liquid-Metal Systems 302 Card 5/7 Liquid-Metal_(Cont.) SOV/2608 40. Preparing the system for operation 303 41. Tracing the flow of a metal 305 42. Repairing and washing sodium o1roulto 306 43. The interaction of molten alkali Metals with water 311 44o. An inert gas system 1 31J 45. Determining impurities in sodipm a44 Na-K al;oys 31 46. Purification of sodium and the Na"K 4110Y 329 47. Industrial safety measures 4r4 tire-prevention techniques during work with alkali metals 334 48. Safety techniques during work wj~h merouryl, lead, tin and bismuth 340 PART III. SOVIET DVESTIGATION OF LXQV1X6WAjj HICAT-TRANSFER AGENTS 49. Heat exchange and hydraulic rea~13tjk d~r$qg the flow of liquid metals through pi eis p 342 50o Heat exchange during condepqq ~9 351 51o e L6ss of power due to th Pr 0. 'PTS Rri #0 p or centrifugal l l t id pumps operating in Liqu ,m 353 'V-ard 6/7 ANDnYHV 0 PoAo Ifoolianizing computatinn and rocord-ko(q)ing, oporations. Sudostroenle ,,'I F 1513. (MIR-k 1113) (Ts.bxilating nachines) ANDRIYXV, P. ~ - Now developments in materials control by machine. Bukhg. uchat 15 no.2;43-" 7 158. (MIRA 110) 1, GlAvnyy bukhgalter Primorskogo soynarkhoza (Vladivostok). (Vladivostok-Shipbuilding) (Machine accountir4g) BOGDASITEVSKTY, Viktor Ivanovich; DONICH, Konstantin Konstantinovich (deceased]; IOFFE, Veniamin Isaakovich; U12-TERT, Yakov Emmanuilovich; KOLYAHKOVSKIY, Viktor Po3ikarpovich; KRAINSKIY, Abram Isayevich; FOLOTSKIY, Solomon Gertsovich; SVIRSKIY, Solomon Vladimirovich; ANDREYEV P A., retsenzent; IVANOV, N.S., retsenzent [des eas-e7]-,- -TVA-AN -N.S., retsenzent; KRAINSKIY, A.I., nauchn. red.; SHAKHNOVA, V.M., red.; KOROVENKO, Yu.N.) tekhn. red. [Accounting in shipbuilding and machinery manufacturing enterprises] Uchet na sudostroitel'rWkh i mashinostroitell- nykh predpriiatiiakh. [By] V.I.Bogdashovskii i dr. Lenin- grad, Sudpromgiz, 1963. 502 p. (MIRA 17:3) M,*V?FY!,.'V, 1. A. Cv.iA Chvin -- (disr) "Interrelrtion of' cortnin silicoorCnnic I compounds nnd cellulose nit-,rittes." I.Ios, U- pp (11in of' `ii;-her Eduention U U81"Ti. ~i.os Order of Lenin Chem-Technologionl Inst Ln. :), I. Mendeleyev. Chnir of AnFl ic Chemistry), 110 co-oies (KL, 11-68, 113) r -1C,- A-A/ o k S v A AUTHORI: Krechkov, A. P. Guretskiy, I. Yu. '21 T LE The Cenversion of Some Or,~-anosiliccn -itr-tes (V--aimodcyotvJ-yc nekotoryiz~i sovedlineni- o nitratami P A. Compourds With Celluzlcnse- :'--RIODICAL: Zhurnal Obslic'iey 11:1iinii ~ 1958 qV01 .23. ':r 1 PI). 1 67-193(USSR ABSTRACT: "2he authors had already cnrlier shown that certain or.-anosill-- con compo-onds enter into reactirr wit'i cli-fforent anorZan: .Lc anu- or,-anic compounJu ~abic!l 111;1VU aCti",~ 0,0 fLInCt,'in:al (17, Cl, 011, OR, IJIT -"I ot, -0) LP ,groups ? a: Ile- ~d yield valuable pr,- ducts. But the convQrsior,'prGc,3s3ts of tlie or~,anosilicon crj--'- pounds wath cellulose nitratos had iii'L-,liortc not b-zen investi.. Zated. The Dresent Iapcr prDvns 411~at, ac2ordi-I., to the pre- vailin.- cond4tion C, u n di s t'ie zeaction of or.-anosilicon coi:)- I w L n-etierif--'ed hydroxyl ~7roips :~f col-lul,~L:o 'I-nkes place J th no &I at the oxr,,;on under tic jo-injin'- C~ -)'Ici-mmoleci~Ies of cellulose 'by the Sii~-con ~-tol~o (jc!e The a-uth,;rs in- 4. Ctra.-n-buLo-y..., tatva----*~~')--~'.' Card 1/2 1 v -, 1 j Cor:'~'crsi cn Of jC.:-10 d r C lie -CC, -n 0- re a cGn 2 . of cellulo:;e , , r , )ces. p ,~j ~,onvor-,-~ DII ,f O.-I-lojo L jt .- L, ~,~ I- ' 1y tu':OS place a,- tile , Ie co vcr~~ n oll w "t" r-;f--;cd under :n nitro ,~cn occuro ill zlif- jcLjr ~iul niLrat~e of ci-~Jlujoso, a,; LI ij I i 1 ), , rL t i , . - o n ~ -Cnri, Z- ' en oxidcs in the re i - a.7 u on All t:.,i3 T ,2a. . , thij conversion also ~-u).--e, i)la7e at th - e exp,inse .f Vie cuperct!-.arified nitr t a e of ~;ollulooe. 2hc]-0 LI:. e fiL~Ilre ' I)IL's 4 t 1 and 2" f - , ) re , crenc,~s, 21 c~ are S2avi.-. ' S U 111 21' , D To v e..i b e r 276 AVAILA:;LEt Liljrar~- of ConLress Card 2/2 1. Chendstry 2. Organic o ompounds-Infrared spectra AIIDA.,YLVJl, i.. it. N. Ya. Guretskiy, A. 11. Kreshkov and P. A. Andreyev, "The I-Icthods of Guln- bining Si licon -Organic Polymrs with High-molccular CIrganic iubstances.11 Report presneted at the Second All-Union (;~~nfcrence. on the *~hcmistry and I i 3i I Practical A~pl'cation of __l con-urganic Uonipound,; huLt lit ',onin~,,rad from 25-27 ~ieptember 195P. Zhurnal prikLdnoy kidmii, 1959, Nlr 1, pp 23F-240 (USSH) AUTHORS: Kirichenko, E. A., Andreyev, Po A. S/153/60/003/01/023/058 B010005 I TITLEt Quantitative Determination of OR Groups in Cellulose Nitrates and in Products of Their Combination With Organosilicon Compounds by the Method of Infrared Spectra PERIODICALi Izvestiya vysshikh uohobnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimioheekaya tekhnologiya, 1960, Vol 3, Nr 1, pp 88-91 (USSR) TEXT: The authors developed methods for a direct quantitative determination of OR groups in cellulose nitrates and their reaction products with organosilioon compounds. The results prove a chemical interaction of dimethyldimethoxysilane with non-esterified OR groups of cellulose nitrates. During investigations carried out by the authors (Refs 1,2) it became necessary to determine the OR groups qualitatively and quantitatively. No reliable method had been published hitherto. The authors used the method of molecular absorption spectroscopy in the infrared section of the spectrum. This method is known from publications as "method of the graduation curve" (Refs 70). The spectra were recorded on an IKS-11 spectrophotometer with a NaC1 lens. The samples consisted either of a film 19-20e.Lthiok, or of a suspension in chemically pure vaseline oil. The absorption maximum at 2.9~L was measured. The graduation curve (Fig 1) was Card 1/3 69669 Quantitative Determination of OR Groups in Cellulose S/153/60/003/01/023/058 Nitrates and in Products of Their Combination With BO11/B005 Organosilicon Compounds by the Method of Infrared Spectra determined on the basis of infrared spectra of 5 cellulose-nitrate samples~ The content of Oh groups was calculated from the content of nitro groups (Lunge's method). Table 1 shows the results. Table 2 indicates the permeability at 2~qtu of the reaction products of the oellulose-nitrate samples with dimethyidi- methoxysilane as well as the content of OR groups. The OH content was detormined on the basis of the graduation curve (Fig 1) and the values mentioned at last. The graduation curve was also used for determining OR groups of the newly formed products. Table 3 shows that here the relative content of ON groups per 1 elementary member of the macromolecule is slightly lower than in the nitrates used. The molecular weight of the interaction products is slightly higher than that of the pure nitrates. The authors introduced correction coefficients to compensate for the too low content of OR groups (Table 3). These coefficients lie between 1.03 and 1.2 according to the content of nonsubstituted OR groups in the cellulose nitrate used. Table 4 shows the accurate data after intro- duction of the said coefficients. A comparison of tables 1 and 4 shows that the content of free OR groups deoreases considerably in the reaction products of Card 2/3 69669 Quantitative Determination of OB Groupu in S/153/60/003/01/023/058 Cellulose Nitrates and in Products of Their B011/BO05 Combination With Organosilicon Compounds by the Method of Infrared Spectra aellulose nitrates with di-,nethyldimethoxysilane as compared with the nitrates used. Therefore, it oan be stated that the interaction under review is a chemical process caused by the reaction of the free, non-esterified OH groups of cellulose nitrate. Figure 2 shows the graduation curve drawn on the basis of the data determined (Tables 2 and 4). It permits a direct determination of OU groups in the reaction products mentioned on the basis of light absorption. There are 2 figures, 4 tables, and 12 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCILTION: Kazakhskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut; Kafedra obshohey khimii (Kazakh Technological Institute; Chair of General Chemistry) SUBMITTEDs February 6, 1959 Card 3/3 z/011/61/018/001/012/014 E112/E453 AUTHORS. Andreyev, P.A .,Kreshkov, A.P, and Gureskiy,. I. Ya. TITLE: Some properties c-f silicone-modified nitrocellulos& surface coatings a PERIODICAL- Chemie a --hemicke technologie, 1961, Vol.18, No.1, P,33. abstract Ch 61-451 (Lakolcras. Materialy, 1960, No,l, PP-13--17) TEXT~ The reaction of nitrocellulose with organic silicone derivatives leads pairtly to a replacement of OH- by OSi-groups, and partly to transeaterification of the nitric esters, with the production of high-molecular nitrocellulose derivatives and containing Si in linear or cross-linked structures, The physical and mechanical properties of coatings prepared from these polymers are listed. The modification, by means of organic silicones, improves the heat and water resistance of the coatings and in~:reases their strength, adhesion and impact strength, 1 diagram, 1 table, 19 literature references, (Abstractor's note; Complete translation] Card 1/1 Co'/6)6 1 /61 1 Rouction of organo-~3ilicon ... 1)235/D-502 with methoxy groups react more readily v.,ith celluiot;e r-_-.rute~3. The filas viere te-4-ed with respect to the staidard --for 11-.cquer - U films and results showed that the hardness %..,as 5 - 81,-'1 lov.'cr tl'an for nitrocelluloue films but the adhesion to -lass, brass and Steel, 0 elasticity, and impact strength were hic,,her. The silicon con-uent depends on -.he conaitions of combination of the ori-inal conpounds. Thus combination of cellulose wit), chemically pure organo-s--1--con CoMpounds led to a product with a silicon col-lent of 0.15 - 1.055j, combination in the presehce of 0.01~;" SiCI to a content of 0.3 - 4 7.01/1 and combination in a heterogeneous med4~ LM with 0.01c" SiC11 to a small fraction containing eLroIund 20c,0' silicon. 4 ASSJGIA'LION: i,-.,osl-.ovs'A-iy kiii,riillo-toklinolog-'~-chesl-.iy inst-_-uut im. D.I. liendeleyeva (Ifolsqow Institute of Chemical Technolo- Gy im. D. I. Mendeleyev) Ca.-d 21/2 ANDRETEV, P.A.; KOBZAItENK-'-), Z.N. Improvement of the method of dete-mining phospliGruS in nitrophoska. Trudy MKHTI no.44!152-,154 164. (MIRA 18:1) "and. S n -,crew 10 ACC NR~ AM6008009 yev, Pavel Alekseyevich; Gremilov, Dmitriy Ivanovich; Fedorovich, YEvgeniy Andre Danilovich !Hcat exchnngers in nuclear power plants (Teplootmenyye apparaty yadernykh energeticho-~ skikh ustanovok) Leningrad, Izd-vo "Sudostroyeniyell, 65. 0351 p. illus., biblio. Errata slip inserted. 2,550 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: nuclear power plant, heat exchanger, atomic energy plant equipment, nuclear reactor coolant PURPOEcE AD COVFRAGE- The book examines problems of design and introduces methods for heat, hydrodynamic, and strength calculations of heat exchangers in nuclear power plants. Particular attention is given to primary heat exchangers and their design features. The book is intended for specialists working in the field of nuclear power plant construction. It may serve as an aid to designers of heat exchangers in other branches of engineering, or as a text for students 3pecializing in related fields at technical schools and institutions of higher learning. TABLE OF CONTENTS (abridged): Authors' foreword-3 Ch. I. Heat exchangerB in heat transfer circuits of nuclear power plants-5 Ch. II. Design of heat exchangers-32 PWDREYEV, Favel Alekseyevich; STILMOVI'011, 11C.I., prof.., retsenzent; t--- nauk, retsenzent; TYRYSIiYM;, Y.G., nauchnyy red.; VASILIYEVA, N.N.., red.; ~.'SAL, ',.K.p tekhn. red. [Rotary screw compressors] VintovyG kompregoornye masliirq. Leningrad, Gos. soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl., 1961. 250 p. (MIRA 150) (Conproosors-Donign and construction) T.T I.V., nauchn. re6.; VL;:.SC)V-1., n''10 I'V"conoirtiv of the Lqlmico nhoot of f, ,;Iiipl'l.ildjng enterprise] Ekc~.rioridclioskli analiz balansa oi-,doot-roitell.- nogo predprliatd-ia. Leningrad, ~~idostroerlep '~O-l L). 19:5) 3k82-&6 ^u'6 INK$ AP5002221 SOURCE COM UR/0080/65' /038/012/2942M04 AUTHOR: I)KOthishyano G. 0.; Andreyev, P. r.; Danilov, L. T. ORGa none TITLE: Extract ion of thorium from dilute solutions by means of tannate of gelatin SOURCE:' Zhurnal prikladnoy khinii, v. 38, no. 12, 1965, 2842-2844 TOPIC TAGS: -thorium, tanning a,aterial, nonferrous metal, gel sea JWater, acid base equilibfium, aqueous solution, chemical precipi ABSTRAM A method Is presented for extraction of thorium from highly diluted aqueous solutio'ns containing CaC12, Na2SO4, and NaCl. The ob- Ject of the work was to examine feasibility of extracting thorium from sea water. Edible gelatin and imported DAB-6 tannin were used as extra tion agents. Thorium-.was percipitated from solutions containing 100-200 microgr'ams of Th232 and Th234 per 500 ml of starting solution, using 5 ml of it solution of DAB-6 tanning and gelatin. Tho- rium removal from a solution containing various neutral salts is shown in fig. 1. Thorium removal from simulated sea water is shown in fig. 2.1 UDCs. 546.841 Card 1/2 VASSOYAVICH, N.B., prof., doktor go o1. -minor. nauk; ANDREYIN P r . jcand. iiV- BARM;OVA. T. E. khim.nauk; BELYAKOV, H.F., kand.gool.-miner.nn , nauchn.vy sotrudnik; BUSIIIIISKIY, G.I., prof.; GROM, R.F.. prof., doktor biolog.nuuk; GROSSGEYMl V.A., knnd.geol.-miner.naij-.; IMBERG, S.S.. dotsent; KRISHTOFOVICH, A.1%; LYUBOMIROV, B.N., kand.gaol.-miner.nnuk; PORFIRIY-VV, G.S., ksnd.geol.-minar.nauk; POKROVSCAYA, I.H., prof.. doktor geol.-miner.nauk; RADCHER-0. O.A., kand.khim.nnuk; RUKHIN, L.B., prof., doktor gool.-minor.nsiik; TORGOVANOVA, V.B., g1drogeolog-, USPEUSKIY, V.A., knind.khim.nailk; FROLOV, Ye.F., kand.geol.-minor.naiik; FURSENKO, A.V.; MIN, V.Ye., prof., doictor gool.-minor.nnijk; SPLARONOV, V.V.. prof.. doktor fiziko-wtem.nnuk; YASHCHIMUNSKAYA, A.B., veduislichiy rod.; SOKOLOVA, Te.V., (Continued on next card) VASSOYEVICH, II.B.--(continiied) Card 2. [Handbook for field geologists and petroleum prospectors] Spitnik polevogo geologa - neftianika. Leningrad, Gos.nnuchno- tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, Loningr.otd-nie. 1952. 504 P. OGRA 12:12) 1. Grozzionskiy ordena Trudovogo Krqsiio,,:o Zivinonl neftyanoy inAti- tiit (for Itenberg). 2. Wyatvitellnyy chlen AN Ukrainskoy SSR (for Krishtofovich). 3. Chlon-korroRpondont All Beloruankoy SSR (for Fursanko). (Petroleum geology-Kindbooks, manuals, etc.) BAKIROV, A.A.,doktor nauk, redaktor: VASMYEVICH, N.B.. doktor nauk; VKBER, V.V., doktor nauk; DYAXI, M.F., doktor nauk; DOBFffAIISKIY, A.V., doktor na)zk; WtIIN, Z.L., doktor nauk; MIRCHINK, M.V., radaktor; ANDRETEV, P.F.. kandidat nauk; AYZINSHTADT, G.Ye., kandidat iwW:"7wo?I0WVA, A.I., kandidat nauk; GO&SKATA, &I., kandidat nauk;ZIUBRRV, D.V., kandidat nauk, radaktor-, KAZRINA, T.A., kandidat nauk-, HESSIIWA, M.A., kaDdidat nauk, PRTROVA, Yu.N., kandidnt nauk; RADCMKO, O.A., kandidat nauk; TATARUIT, V.T., kandidtit nauk; TIKIIIT, V.H.. kandidat nauk; USPENSKIT, V.A. kandidat nauk. DYAKOV, B.F., redaktor: SAVINA, Z.A., redaktor; TRDFIMOV, A.V., tokhnicheakiy redaktor. (Origin of oil) Protakhozhdanie nefti. Pod red. M.F.Mirchinka i Ir. Hoskvit, Gns.nauchnn-takhn.izd-vo neftianoi I gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1955. 483 p. (MLRA 9:1) 1. Chlan korrespomient Ali SSSR (for Mirchink) (Petroleum geology) Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 1.52 - 18/19 AID F - 2790 Author Andreyev, P. F. Title S. M. Grigorlyev, 0 protsessakh obrazovaniya i svoystvakh goryuchikh iskopayemykh. Formation and properties of mineral fuels, 1954 (Book Review) Periodical Zhur. prikl. khim. 28, 4, 448-449, 1955 Abstract Critical review Institution None Submitted No date AnRETIV,P.P. Bacterial hypothesis on the origin of petroleums Trudy VBIGRI no-83:140-148 '55. MRA 8:10) (Petroleum geology) AnRNnff,P-7,; ITANTBOVA,V.Yo; FOLUKOVA,N.N.; BILIM.N.F. - , ~ ~~ Properties and structure of the dispersed organic matter of sedixentray rock. Trudy VNIGRI no-83:171-187 '55. (GeochemiBtry) (XLRL 8:10) AIRDRIKM,P.7.; X&MUTOVA,D.A.; POLTAKOVA,N.N.; CEEMSHNVA,jL.S. Some regularities of the occurrence of organic matter ii rocks of the middle Miocene in northeastern Caucasus. Trudy VNIGRI no.83:231-2?3 '55. (KLRL 8:10) (Caucasus, Northern--Geochomistry) (Caucasus. Sorthern- Geology. StrRtig7aphic) /4' / f. f ,, f ~,, I! f. USSR/Cosmochemistry - Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, N413 Author : Andreyev, P.F. Inst Title Nev Data Concerning Properties of Dispersed Or(~anic Matter of Sedimentary Rocks Orig Pub Novosti neft. tekhn., Geologiya, 1956, No 4, 16 Abst A brief report, without presentation of experimental da- ta, on the development of new methods which obviate the necessity of isolating the organic matter (I) from the composition of the rock. The quantitative data obtained do not reflect the presence, in the specimen under study, of a considerable amount of the mineral portion of the rock. The proposed methods include determination of the content of "volatile" carbon, thermolysis, comparative ixidability, determination of the content of carboxyl and methyl groups, direct method for determination of Card 1/2 15-57-10-14446 Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, P 178 (USSRT AUTHOR: Andreyev,. P. F- TITLE: The Role of External Environment and Internal Factors in the Formation and Alteration of Oil in Nature (Some Questions on the Theory of the Origin of Oil) LR-olt vneshnikh usloviy i vnutrennikh faktorov v protsessakh obrazovaniya i izmeneniya neft v prirode (Nekotoryye voprosy teorii genezisa neftiU PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. neft. n.-i. geologorazved. in-ta, 1956, Nr 95, pp 266-297 ABSTRACT: The factors in the formation and alteration of oil in nature are divided into the essential internal ones and the unessential external ones, (stimulating, neu- tral, and retarding). Organic substances of suitable Card 1/3 composition and structure, and also a reducing environ- 15-57-10-14446 The Role of External Environment and 1nternal Factors (Cont.) products enriched by hydrogen. Further change in these ~-roducts some- times leads to their concentration. The source rock undergoes slow change which leads to further loss of heterocyclic atoms and to the formation of material with graphitic structure. The alteration of oil proceeds in this same direction. External conditions (tempera- ture, catqLlysts, time factor, hydrogen sulfide contamination, bac- terial activity, etc.) are believed to be necessary, but incapable in themselves of producing oil and its further alterations. They merely act as mobilizing faztors of the spontaneously occurring processes of lowering the energy level. Card 3/3 G. A. Gladysheva . A HDRIff KV. P. F. .-- Mechanism of processes of the transformation of organic matter In reduction conditions of bottom deposits. Trudy VNIGRI no-95; 298-316 156. (MLRA 9:12) (Reduction, Chemical) 15-57-10-14441 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 177 (USSR) AUTHORS: Andreyev, P. F., Andreyeva, I. V. TITLE: The Internal Structure of Paraffin Oils (K voprosu o vnutrennem stroyenii parafinistykh neftey) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. neft. n.-i. geologorazved. in-ta, 1956, Nr 95, pp 355-383. APSTRACT: Paraffin oil is believed to be a system consisting of a dispersing medium (liquid hydrocarbons) and a dis- perseds~haso (heavy tarry substances and solid hydro- carbon . The materials of the dispersed phase are capable of mutual adsorption and formation of complex Card 1/1 aggregates. G. A. Gladysl-.eva 15-57-4-5126 Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 4, p 150 (USSRT AUTHORS: Andreyev, P. F., Polyakova, N. N. TITLE: Coefficients of Heat Expansion of Petroleums from the Groznyy Region (Koeffitsiyenty teplovo-o rasshireniya neftey Groznenskogo rayona) L' PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. neft. n.-i. geologorazved. in-ta, 1956, Nr 95, Pp 422-440 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 ANDRE r 'I 1441:1 -W , Mr. hT ~~, ,, . Criteria of the genetic difference in tar substances of petroleum. Gaol. nefti 1 no.4r29-39 AP 157. (XLRA lOt8) (Petroleum) (Tar) 'OSSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their 1-8 Application. Treatment of Natural Gases and Petroleum. Motor and Jet Fuels. Lubricants. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, lgrB, 2529 Author : Andreyev, P.F.,-.Ivantsova, V.V. Inst : All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geological Petroleum Exploration. Title : The Role of Sulfur in Natural Processes of Petroleum Transformatio.Transformation. Orig Pub : Tr. Vses. neft. n.-i. geologorazved. in-ta, 1957, No 105, 66-67 Abstract : The role of sulfur in processes of petroleum alteration under natural conditions consists in accelerating the pro- cesses of oxygen loss and hydrogen redistribution with for- mation of water, methane hydrocarbons and graphite. Con- currently Card 1/2 KaMETEV, P.? Energy bases of organic theory for petroleum formation. VNIGRI no.105:270-278 '57. (MIRA 11:9) (Petroleum) (Geochemistry)) -9N i j 0 T'HIt.7E I BOOK EX-11LITATION SOV/i960 Vsesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-issiedovatellakly geologorazvedoohnyy -institut Ucokhlmicheskiy sborrilk, no. 5 (Collected Papers on Geochemistry, Nr 5) leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1958. (Series: Tto! Trudy, v~ u. ~:.'3) .12,17)00 copies printed. 7'avel Fedorovich Andreyev; Exec. Ed.: L. Ya. Husakova; Te-h. Ed.: 1. M. Gennadlyeva. i~UHPO- ~-:E: The book is intended for the technical and scientific personnel of Institutes and TsNIL (Central Scientific Research Laboratorios) of the petroleum Industry, and all those interested in the geolugy and geochemistry of petroleum. The book is the fifth issue of' the Geokhimicheskiy sborn,-k (Collected "-apers on Geochemistry) and contains articles contribuGed by VNIGRI staff members (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Geological Survey) on various aspects of geo- Card 3/7 -be a e many FerQL:C: T)Vr-biems. 1. K. Vorov ,rva d e r n vi met'hod of' countiri,, the, toLal nui-Awr ot* i i ve bac--te-iti.I may be applied In various mIxi-obiological studies. ileferencues acnompany each artiole. TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the Editor Dobryanskiy, A. F. On the (Zuesf.lon ol' the HIgh-tempernture Genesis of Petro.`eum 7 Dobryanskiy, A. F,, P. F. Andreyev and A, 1. Bogomolov. --ome ti~. 12 Uniform Phenomena in-Ifi-e-TVm-position of Crudes, Dv,~__'i, M. F, On tho Optical Effect!! .)," Crudes 30 :etrcva, Yu. N., 1. P. Karpove, and Y,i. A. Mandrykina. The Chemical Comnosition of I"olid, Hydrocrt-bono in the Organic. Slubstance of Rocks 39 Card 3/7 Card 4/7 ol, ~.tti, and nevon!'111 t. I ri O(Ve etrOl I revoil-I 1-cm tin i O'n t, I I (I I (".; contlec t~qc, di 'j, N T v J~rnm s phzi *1 t i cTa-ry -:ubstanr,,e-7 t Qi h e 1 d. -.C the qene "Ut-,Oys Bogomolov, A. T-., and K. Groull Analysis of f.rcrnatic Hydrocarbon Frac"Jons of Fetrolc,,u..n c "I Androyc,,v, P. F. , M. P. Dvali, and 11. 1". Silina. New Method o!' St,j,.--;ydnF the DiSnersed Organic Substance of' Hooks Gard 5/7 Collected Frapers (Cont.) scv/196U :;alomshchikova, K. !,oturmining the 1111olecular Weight of Asphaltic, Tarry '~ubstanccs o- Crudes and Bitumens ~ndreyev, diethyl Grc~,p.-,Contaired in Molecules of the DiST)r'T'sed vilc- of' :,edimontary I:o(-.kq Yurgaiiov, N. and A. I. ZInovIyev. Unit for Determining Organic Carbon in Rocks by Applying the Method of Burning Them in the Mars Furnaces 205 iurganov, N. N., and .1. Zinovlyev. ~xialysis of the ~cid- soluble Ilart of' Sedimentary Rock From One Batch *'Inovlyev, A. 1. Method of' i'rocessing Data From the Chemical ~.nalysis of Rocks to Find Out the Conditions Under Which Sediments It.'ere Formed i 4 ZinovIyev, A. 1.)and N. N. Yurganov. Trilonometric Determination of the Calcium and Magnesium Content ";,n Indigenous Waters and Hocks 2.18 6 / 7 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1178 -AAdz4~y~-v-,--Y-aye-I.Fe_dq~~(?vich; Bogomolov, Aleksey Ivanovich; Dobryanskiyy Aleksandr Plavianovi-6h; and Kartsev, Aleksey Alekaandrovich Prevrashchenlya nefti v prirode (Conversion of Petroleum in Nature) Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1958. 416 P. 3,100 copies printed. Ed.; Dobryanskly, A.F.; Executive Ed.: Chizhov, A.A.; Tech. Ed.: Yashchurzhinskaya, A.B. PURPOSE: This book ~Is intended for specialists in geochemistry and petroleum geology. COVERAGE: Thebocit gives a systematic approach to problems related to the transformations of present-day petroleum deposits as systems of active substances. A.F. Kartsev wrote Chapters I II and V (Pt.1); P.F. Andreyev - Chapters III, IV and V (pt.2j, A.I Bogo- molov - Chapters VI and VII; A.F. Dobryanskiy - Chapters VIII and IX. References are given at the end of each Chapter. Card 1/6 Card 216, Conversion of Petroleum In Nature 1178 Ch. II. Dependency of Petroleum Properties Up On Geological and Geochemical Conditions 38 A. Age of [Petroleum-] bearing deposits 39 B. The depth of-bedding 43 C. Age and depth 62 D. Differentiation within a bed 66 E. Pbase-lithological conditions 3 F. Hydrogeological conditions R G. Tectonic conditions and migration processes 104 H. Gases 113 I. Basic principles 119 Bibliography 125 Ch. III. Processes of Spontaneous Change in Organic Substances 129 A. Direction of change processes in petroleum substances 131 B. Equilibrium and irreversibility 140 C. Natural motive forces of the ch"ge process in petroleum 144 Card 3/6 Conversion of Petroleum in Nature 1178 Bibliography 250 Ch. VI. The Signifiance of Clays in the Formation and Trans- formation of Petroleum in the Earth's Crust 253 A. The development of opinions on the catalytic processes of petroleum formation and transformation 253 B. Contemporary theories on the catalytic activity of aluminum silicates ~61 C. Composition of natural clays and characteristics of clays exhibiting a catalytic influence 265 Bibliography 277 Ch.. VII. Thermocatalytic TransformatJ.ons of Heterogeneous Organic Compounds 279 A. Transformation of oxygen compounds in the presence of aluminum silicates 281 B. Thermal stability and conversion of sulfur compounds in the presence of aluminum silicates 309 Card 5/6 ANMMV, P.X,- Methyl group in the molecules of organic matter scattered through sedimentary rock". Trudy VNIGRI no.1;202-2b4 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Methyl group) (Petroleum geology) 130BRYANSKIT, A.F.; ANDREYICV, P.T.; BOGOMOIDV, A.I. Some regularities of the composition of petroleums.Trudy VNIGRI no.123:12-29 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Petroleum) ANDRIM, P.r. C1- Sfficient complex of methods for studying kerogen In sedimentary rocks. Trudy VNIGRI no.123:156-167 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Rocks--Anal7sis) (Petroleum geoloa) ANDREYNV, P.P.; DVALI, M.F.; SILDIA, N.P. New method of studying scattered organic matter in rocks. Trudy VITIGRI no.123:189-192 158. (MIRA 11:12) (RockB--Analyals) (Petroleum geology) ANDMEV. Pavel Fedorovich; GOLOUSHIN, H.S., nauchnyy red.; REGINA, G.M., vedushchiy red.; GX M D'YEVA, I.M.. tekhn. red. (Characteristics of the organic matter of sedimentary rocks and the problem relAted to areal oil occurrences] Svoista organicheskogo veshchostva osadochnvkh porod i problema regionallnoi neftenoonosti. Leningrad, Goo. nauchn.-takhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. Loningr.-'otd-nia.1959. 128 p. (Leningrad. Veesoiuznyi neftianoi nauchn- isoledovatellskii goologorazvedochnyi inatitut. Trudy, no.134) (MIRA 13: 1) (Petroleum geology) (Organic matter) 3(5) PHASE I BOOK KXPIOrTATI0S 30V 23C2 'k-AtalYS nauk Ukralnekor &U. Institut geologil polern7kh Isk.paje- ftykh Problema sigratall nefti I formiro~anjya neftyanykh I szovykh sk g T; m plenty; "terialy L6vovskoy disWusall 8.12 says 1957 g (Fmb or oil migration and the Porantion of Oil and 08 3 Accu~xulatlon3; Natertals of the Discussion Hold In Llvaw, may 8-12, 1957) Nosc~-,