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1. 1. M. ARMMGEL-SKAYA, A. A. BOGDMIOV, 1. F. TRUSOVA 2. ussit (6oo) . - 4. Bet-Fak-Dala - Geology 7. Geological structure of the Tes-Bulak region in Bet-Pak-Dala. Trudy inst. geol. nauk no. 102. 1948 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A,pril -1953, Uncl. ARKRANGEMSYMA I.M.- BROIISHTEYN T.Ya.,& ARTAMONOV A.N's Boundary of the Alay stsie in the i?uthe4stern part of Central Asia. Inform.sbor. VSEGEI no.22.-I:~-,-22 159. (MIU 341S12) (Soviet Central Ais:~t---Paleontology., Stratigraphic) ARMIANGELISKAYA I.M.; ERONSHTEYN, T.Ya.; KAKUNOVA, L.P. Allay layers of the Trans-Alay and Alay Ranges. Trudy VNIGRI no.1902398-411 162, (KIRA 16d) (Alay 4.0ge-Geology, Stratigraphic) (Trans-Alay-Range-Geology, Stratigraphic) DEMINAO A.A.; DODISKO, V.P.; ARKHANGUISKAYA, K.N.; LARINA, L.I. Bacteriological diagmosis of pertussis under conditions of mass specific vaccination. Zhur. mikrobiol.., epid. i immun. 40 no.9: 26-30 S163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Iz Moskovskogo instituta vaktsin i syvorotok imeni 14echnikova i Detskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy Baumanskogo rayons. Moskvy NO.32. R fL"j L, . f Scmv~~ haract I s t, s i n n -ar s, f w pi nog -- oil a h Wld~ p.-eizier.-. n-~ndLtl~.-nns. Pedi%cril-'a 4,2 st63. (11 T I-,k 1-7~ 5) I.. 1z -':~~,boratlnril (,,:~txykh de-~sk-lkh lnstlt-ut,a syvr,-rot,)k i vakt.-,-'-n Imenj I.I. 1,1&,!Inikova prof. A.N. Mesha-:~ova) 1 6-~' I-letSKOY goriodskoy bo2lni-,cy BabnuLn3kago rayma Maskovy. 43267 8/848/62/000/04b/001/005 Eigi/E48i AUTHORS: Fedosov, N.M., Professor; Astakhov, I.G. and Krupin, A.V.., Candidates of Technical Sciences; jV_kbanjellska a, K.Yu.L Arkhangel'skiy, A.V., Yelin, I.I., Kontsevaya, Ye.M., Engineers TITLE: Investigation of the specific pressure in the cold rolling of high alloy steel SOURCE: Moscow. Institut stali i splavov. Sbornik. no.40, 1962. Protsessy prokatki. 107-129 TEXT: Investigations are reported on the effect of lubrication initial thickness of the-sheet, number of-passes and reduction factor upon the specific pressure in the pold rolling of stainless steels 1)(2110 T GW 811) [lKh2lN5T (EI811)] and lXl8H2r5H (E)n26) [,Ki,18N2G5N; (Ei,26)] . The former belongs to the ferriti-c-austertitic class, is a substitute for IX18H9T (3~,9 IT) r ClKhl8N9T (EYalT)j stainless steel and contains 0.1 to 0.16% P, o.84,,0' si, o.4 to 0.80". Mn, 22 to 20%, Cr, 4.5 to 5.8% Ni, 0-7% Ti, 0-0%0' S and 0.0351". P. Heat treatment is not required after welding. The steel possesses increased strength combined with adequate ductility and weldability. iKhl8N2G5N steel contains Card 1/.3 S/848/62/ooo/040/001/005 Investigation of the specific ... E191/E481 o.oq% c, o.45% Si, 4.931.4 Mn, 18.85%, Cr, 2.08% Ni, 0.19% Ti, 0.0120,0' S, 0-03%-P, 0.191; N, and belongs to the stainless steels of the transition class with unstable austenite, which after cold ' rolling and sub-zero treatment partially disintegrates, forming inart-ensite. The rolling was carried out in the four-high. laboratory mill having 180 nun diameter cylindrical working rolls and 360 nim diameter back-up rolls. The surface speed of the working rolls was 0.56~ m/sec. Universal load cells with strain gauge elements measured the pressure on the rolls. The strain gauges connected in compensating bridges had their signals electronically amplified and recorded by electromagnetic oscillographs. The specific pressure was computed from the .measured load. The effect of the reduction factor on the tensile strength'and elongation and on the magnetization at saturation was examined for the two steels investigated-and the steel they replace. The behaviour of all three is similar. *The differences in mechanical properties are discussed in detail. The low nickel steel reaches magnetizations up to 13000,gauss after.reductions of 30% and over. The effect of the initial thickness*of the hot Card 2/3 SMZKHOV. A.A.p kADd.t&khn*naukj SHTEFKO, LV.~, kand.tekhn.naukj SMORODINOV,. M.A., kand.-tekhn,nauki ARKHAN.GELISKAYA L,.F,, inzho I Construction and operation technology of the base unloading stations - for mineral fertilixerse Zhel,dorstransp6 47 no,10132-34 0 065, (MIRA 18tlO) ARMANGEVSKAYA, L. N. ARIaANGELISK&YA, L. N. "Diseases of Lucerne in Kara-Kulpakii," in Results of the Work of the Station of Plant Protection of the All Union Order of Lenin Scientific-Rezearch Institute of Cotton Production on the Study of Pests and Diseases of Cotton and Inicerno for 1912 tAuto-references and Reference.e , j Publishing House of the All Union Order of Lenin Scientific-Research Institute of Cotton Production, Tashkent, 1941, pp. 67-7-. 464.04 T18 SO: SIR&, SI 90-53, 15 Dec. 1953 ARF YjGE2z1SKAY:,, L. N. "Material on the hygienic characteristics of the dust of silicon alloys." FirstMoscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst imeni 1. M. Sechenov. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate in I-Fedic~X-Sci- ence) So: Knizhaya letopis', No. 16, 1956 CZ-:tCHOjLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Pro- H- 6 ducts and Their Application--Safety and Sanitation Abs Jour,. Ref Zhur-Yhimiya, ITO 3, 19599 C-729 iiuthor Ayl~hange~l,skay~~ L, Dorisenhova, R. V. Inst Not given Title Study of Hygienic Evaluation of Industrial Dust of A.1loy Ketals Orig Pub: Zh. gigieny, epidemiol., mikrobiol, i immunol., 1957~ 1, 1-10 49 381-3UG7 Abstract: It was established that 7 to 16 weeks after a four-month long inhalation priming of white rats (L'r5 animals) by ferromanganese (10) dust (Nn con- tent 74.9 percent) and silicomanganese (II) li,`n Card 1/3 118 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Pro- H-6 ducts and Their Application--Safety and Sanitation Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 3, 1959, 8729 ,2 t~ 81 15 ercent), at a dust content r7 .3 pardpn con'centratim 6f 0,.O~to 0.1~ mg per liter,,a change in moto r chromaxia appeared in the animals. Upon histological e,-zamination, a swelling of ganglion cells was found in the brain, -a lysis of tigroid masses, vacuolization, edema, and cell pycnosis- dystrophic changes in thecortex; chronic interstitial infiltrating process in liver and kidneys, All the-manifestations are stronger by action of I than by action of II (there is an opposite effect in the lungs), It is considered that Mn alloys retain their specific toxic effect (somewhat modified). In a chronic intratracheal introduction of ferrosilicate dust (III) (up to Card 2/3 I Role of silicon-aluminum (silumin) dust in the development of experimental pneumoconiosis. Trudy I-go MI 5:31-37 159. (KIRA 13:8) 1, Iz kafedry gigiyeny truda (zav. - pi-of. Z.I. lzraellson) I-go Moskovskogo ordena Lenina, meditsinskogo instituta . im. I.M. Sechenova. (LUINGS-DUST DISEASES) (SILLMIN-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) ARMNGELISKATA, L.N.; LFVTOVA, K.Z.; CHECRULIN, A.S. Some data on the employment of medical graduates of sanitary- hygiene faculties. Gig.i san. 24 no.11:48-49 N 159. (KIEL 13:4) 1. Iz I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. (HTGI M education) -AR-KWG&'!�XKAYAj-L.,~q GALKIN, V.A.; GRIGORENKO, R.V.; LEVTOVA, K.Z.; CHECHULIN, A.S.-,- GARVEY, N.N., red.; RAYKO, N.M., (They serve the motherland; tenth anniversary of the graduation of pbysiciana at the I.M.Sechanov First Moscow Medical Institute in 1949) Oni alushat Rodine; k lO-letiiu-vy;msk& vrachel 1-go MOLMI imeni I.M.Sechenova 1949 g. Moskva, 1960. 81 (MIRA 14:J* (MOSCOW-MEDICAL COLLEGES) ---ARKhMGFL1SKAYA9-L.N. (Moskva) Short review o works on problems of labor hygiene and occupational diseases pUblished in the periodical RIgiena" ("Hygiene") in 1959 (Rumanian People's Republic). Gig. truds. i prof. zab. 4 no. 7:59 ji 16o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. 1 Moskovskiy ordena Lenina meditsinskiy institut. (RUMMM-INDUSTRIAL HYGIENB) (RUMANIA-INDUSTRIAL TOXICOLOGY) ARKHAGELISKAY49 L.K,v kindemed6naukl LAVHOVA, I.G. xpe * E r:Lqnce ~n publ# health work of departments of the Se0heAjv F#ot Mosdoi Medical Institute at the Moscow ~Kaucht~" g~ctory, SoVo -mod,.2/+ no* 10:139-243 0 160 I* Iz osp skogo ordena Lenina maditainokogo institute, im. I.M. 4cMen (MOSCOW-INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE) BEREZOVA, Mariya Konstantinovna (deceased]; BORISENKOVA, Raise. Vasillyevna; IZRAELISON, Zigfrid Isidorovich, prof.; KAPLUN, Zirtruda Sergeyevna (deceased]; KASPAROV, Ashot Armenakovich; KLENOVA, Yelena Vasillyevna (deceased]; MOGILEVSKAYA, 011ga Yakovlevna; ARKHANGELISKAYA, L.N.,,red.; BAS*AKOV, G.M., tekhn. red. (Handbook of practical exercises in the hygiene of work) Rako- vodstvo k prakticheskim zaniatiam po gigiene truda. I2d.3-, perer. i dop. Pod red. Z.I.Izraellsona. Moskva, Medgiz, 471 p. (miRk 16:7) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy gigiyeny truda Pervogo Moskovskogo, meditsinskogo instituta im. I.M.Sechenova (for Izraeltson). (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE--HANDBOOKS, MANUALS, ETC.) ASHBELI, Samuil Isayevich; ARKHANGELISKAYA, L.N., red. [Intoxication with mercury-organic p6isonous chwdcals; c3Anical aspects, treatment and prevention) Intoksikatsii rtutl-organicheskimi iadokhimikatami; klinika, lechenie i profilaktika. Moskva, Meditsina, 1964. 186 p. (MIRA 17:7) ARKHANGELISKAYA, L.N.; ROSHCHINAp LA. Materials on the toxicological evaluation of triabloron-yanuric acid and trichloromelamine, Uch, zap, Hoske nauch.-issl. inst. san. i gig. no.92127-130 t61 (MM 16:11) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyeny truda I Moskovskogo ordena lenina meditsinskogo institute. imeni I.M.Sechenova. A CT--~ 1 C) N N 1, .1 n .1 ~fi-! 0(,~- ~Z Q 0031 Orl A Q',,) IP C' F. (;;giyena 7 1 4 1 ~ P: s Prope r i e r e e i ne' 4n experl- ;i.,,! -)inp,j - ;md diphenylguanidine, vulcanization accelerators used previously. -(I~~ r of I r s 1/2 'iR- AP404878~, S 1'13M 1 T-1-l'') 0 LA p 3 Card 2/2 (-2C, MT 'm ~Fwlllv ARKFIANGELISKAYA, L.N., kand. med. nauk; MATSEVICII, L.M. Materials on the hygienic characteristics of dust of a mixed composition at enterprises of the rubber industry. Trudy 1-go MMI 28:222-231 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. KafeAra giglyeny truds, (zav. - nrof. Z.I. Izraollson) 1-go Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta. imeni Sechenova. X., Tech. Fd. pr vi(~ Yu. S. Ballchiko-a. oxic effectz and -',ndus'v'-:,.-Lal appllcatiw-,i- of :,a- r a-r- discussea. 17,he clinical p: atur of a:~aze-mcDal polson~.ngs is also t*ivon. T4,13-re a~--e p"17 :1:~L,~aj?j=e"Jtt*~l Studies of t.cL(-- Effect a- an ism of -;ndust,ri-~t-*-; Duez from Meta! iklloys Industrial dup-'-C of certain a.----oys containinr'*zaanganese- F. 11. Boriaenkov.-:- 2. Industrial 6astv of ferrosil'can. L. 11. ArX&a 4- _ nSajjpLcq. *10i Dust of metal alloys.oont-a' Ing molW66in-iH an-A. nickel. j.n 0. Ya. MogileVskaya Industrial dust of silic on--~-luminum alloys. L. N. -thangellskaya of alloY3 -,ont-aining, e :-y I I lu m. 0. Ya. - - - I'M' 9 ff I~Ji ~ /V ~ A/ ~-VFL 's r\,gy 14. ~ L-, J, 0 Ai~KH",-EL! 6KAYA, i --. a 'ju jiL.A , !~ 1! 1 , y "Problems in the Methodology of Thermal Analysis" p. 88 lWynthesis and eftmebfte of EbtIvasateates eenbadftft GINVIe w~d G Hembea - v 38 ri'l.-=sactions of the nM- Ckmference on r.Verlmantal and Applied 111neralogy and Fetrozraghy., Tru4 ... Wscav., Izd-vo AN S=o 19A 51ft- .zoprints of reports presented at conf. beld in laninsrad; 26-31 mar 56. Tin 19 p=-.pose of the conf. vas to exchange information and coordinate tb,-- activitlea in t-be fielft of experimeatal and amplied mineraloar and putrograpby, and to strous izbe increasing couglexity of practical probie=. ARKHALIGILISKAYA, M.F. Incroaning the foaling froquoncy of camole. Izv.All Kazakh. SSR. Ser. biol. no-35:94-101 147 (KLPA 9:5) (GAMIM) (HCRmam. ma) ARKHMIGELI SKAYA. M.F. ... Choosing now donors of.highly active gonad stimulating serum. Izv. AN Kazakh.'SSR. Ser. biol. no.35:102-108 o47 (MLRA 9:5) (HORK(Ras, SIX) BAZANOVA, Y.U.; STVANKINA, M.K.; ARUUNGELIBUTA, M.F. Method of studying the function of tho digestive tract In camels. Fiziol. zhtLr. 39 no.5:632-633 S-0 153. (KEBA 6:10) 1. laboratorlya vosrastnoy fisiologii Instituta. (Digestive organs-Raminantia) (Camels) BAMOVA, N.U.; STEPANKINA, M.K.; ARZMGELISXLYA, M.P. Method of studying the function of the digestive tract in camels. Fisiol. zhur. 39 no-5:632-633 S-0 153. NLRA 6:10 1. Laboratoriya vozrastnoy fisiologii Instituta. (Digestive organa--Raminantia) (Camels) 'A 'a c a a IF )(Rat 00 f 00 13 A, 09 a 00 0 11 00 9 d 1111 id 1116 1) a top r 9-- rI124,14B i~vmnlmjl u U mn U A.- %JIM At QU 40 41 me - I I I I '! - 4 . 0 . - .-PI't 41 VA 00 IlWdstdlullm of mtdiods of chetakal saAl de Is the y rubber Indus". H. KhtmAttva and M.-Afkbantgel'-, 4 RvbkF Ind a ~ R 310-19 A (U S $ 211 21 ) 11 . . . . . . t- . , q standard methmts of analysis 0t fe- claimed rtbber and natural rut)tjcr In the 11. S. S. R. are A. Itestoff .00 .00 VALLUACKAL LITINATUME CLASS10KATION 41 ~o 478 -151067 at -(P-, cat U. A, "o W, ; J, k A, ; W, it K it of 14 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 N : 0 Vo 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 411 411 Q` 0 0 o 4 "60 best '40 1110'.1! *bill, 'W a.. it, 0 04 0 w I w 0 a a 3 9 T n * 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 * *Is 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 o a o 0 1 o 0 * 0 Igo o to 0 0 ct. )1 1" Le!q 1w a t 1 1. 4i 'It t I Ila L cj. 00 00, so 90, 00 -M -V 11! puv v o -D WC It 'S 'S -pul "w2f -F -WAVIS Iiivuwqnjv -1 .11 1,1111 434101tts -%,% -~j 00 00 00 .4 00 0e 00 0 0- I-e 00 Vwl.,~ 113,901pti)kNO i r If 4 A A I it Lt PC v '. I.- w #A It .1 It it 11 ti of 00 9 0 0 0 lee Cow4wittivie datexmInation of moteculs-, welKht of rubber by the atothod of Ught tutt ~Qrajkial I.D-ZQ1WCvA. ME Lam anosov In %t . F I ce Cie!-7." L2 r -jownt'q 9 llysakvamcleluT. y L ONasit " Kanf. V,-fok-clebul. 54ed,~emv,;~, 4tad Yiui S 3-3-R. Mg. 253-62: cf. C ( 43. ~'74~6 -Nviii--c r-jbc;,!T in a soln. of mixeti toluene Pad Etolf pavt Ara iv mo~ '" of")(Jr hy 0= meh')d of ;;ght wa:~Cring Of :hd 'Oln.; !a tiaiuene' the av. Mal. mt. bv osmornetry Was 1W.000 2 -240.000. The cismameter cansists of a &" cell, closed by a membrane, and is provided vrith a Craduatcd capiUary and a AK-!59!d afn ~X-Kqaglg wAa- ti xtur f t W8, DepOn ~hce o .4hib b0fic ptoper Ps of 'id e and --stvrene m~~'dn,the Nulchfiisated of butadehe initial* KI^ ILI D,V'j5(jj* V 00166UIAi*-weight~ A. 8,!'NOVI&QV_ M UITA - T -V. DOIIOKHI.NA and M. I / iRKMANOM , ISKAM Kolkid ' Zhur~ 1 1953 p- 15): 51-2 s Met. S-~30A, was A s;Lnple of rubber, SK Rubber Abstract V l 31 'fractionally:ptecipitat6d-with.methy1 alcohol from.b6nzenee The . eater than lo6 ht M of had molkuld~ wei fractions o btained (i) o s. November 1953 . . . , g gr ' -(2) 95o OW ; (3) 290,0601 (4). 1~0,'OCOj and (5) 80,000. They, ' ' Synthetic Rubbers "As) ith Rubber ax 5') 1~ercaptobenzthiazole. -viere vixed 110 0 PA :W and like products .'2, Steari-e a6id.'.2~: -zinc`,oxide 5, channel'carbon black 50, and The amount of.rubber bound bythe. afLon sulphur. 2 Parts, c increased.from.(5) to (W to (3)-(2)-i(l). Ihe softeniAi' t6lqperafures' of the mixtures were (1), (2) and (3) 60-td,82* 4) 6401 and (5) 44% The breaking stressj, at room temperature, and 95% the'mQ&aus of elasticity, the total elongation and the numberof cycles until rupture all increased frolft (51) io (4) to (Y) ~ and were almost equal for (1) and (2) and M., Ihe ~strength.was independent of M at largq M values. A molecular weight value between 1004'000 and 300,000 is the most favourable. 3 82MYD23 15631, Z f 9 ~- 69468 S/069/60/022/02/021/024 ^ D034/DOO2 Aiio i5 AUTHOR: Tarasova, Z.N... Dpgadkin, B. , Arkhangel9skaya, M.I. S B F t ov a . e r . TITLE: The Structure and Prpoperties of Vulcanizate s of Carboxylated Rubberk'Produced by the Combined Action of Metal Oxides and High Energy Radiation6 PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1960, Vol XXII, Nr 2, pp 253-256 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the basis of a number of investigations the authors of the article discuss the effect of the structure of vulcanizates of carboxylated rubber on their strength )ropertiesi4It could be established that the rate constant og stress relaxation of these vulcanizates at 150 C is about 50-100 fold that of the vulcanizates with polysulfide bonds fRef, 11. Investigation of the change of osmotic and viscosi- Card 1/3 62468 S/069/60/022/02/021/024 D034/DO02 The Structure and Properties of Vulcanizates of Carboxylated Rubber Produced by the Combined Action of Metal Oxides and High Energy Radiation metric properties of rubber mixture and vulcanizate solutions prior to and after relaxation showed that the molecular weight does not considerably change. This in connection with the observed preservation of the number of cross.links during relaxation suggests the conclusion that the weakening of the stress during the relaxation of carboxylated rubber vulcanizates wiu'h salt type cross bonds is due to the disinte- gration of the latter and the rising of new bonds as a result of exchange reactions. The low thermal stability of salt type bonds requires additional introduction of stable bonds into the vulcan;'LAation network. Good results were obtained with Co-Ou treat- ment of carboxylated rubber preliminarily vulcanized Card 2/3 69468 S/069/60/022/02/021/024 D034/DO02 The Structure and Properties of Vulcanizates of Carboxylated Rubber Produced by the Combined Action of Metal Oxides and High Energy Radiation with metal oxides. The formation of a limited number of cross bonds-C-C- (approximately 1 per 1000 mono- mer units) permits preparing vulcanizates of high thermal stability and strength The strength of such vulcanizates exceeds 400 kg cm. . There are 1 graph, 1 table and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promysh- lennosti, Moskva (Scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry, MOSCOW7 SUBMITTED: November 9, 1959 Card 3/3 HOVIKOV, A.S., kand.khim.nauk; K=ZHOINA,' 1.1, kand.takhn.nauk; GILIKKATA, 16S.; KAZAXOVg A.Y.; Pri;]!~Vuchaettye ARKWULISTATA, Produation of heat-resistant.rubbere based on butadious-nitrile polymers. Trady NIMP no- 71'25-33 160. (N IRA 14 1) (Resins, Synthetio) 68903 S/051/60/008/02/034/036 o2 (1. 3 3 00 E2~1/�? AUTHORS: 'Arkhanizeliskaza V.A., Vaynber and Razumova, T.K. TITLE: A Reflexomet'ert%Based on a CaSO4-Mn Phosphor, for Use in the Vacuum Ultraviolet Region PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, 1960, Vol 8, Nr 2, pp 279 - 280 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an earlier paper (Ref 1) the authors reported the possibility of measuring transmission of optical materials in the region 120-145 m1i using CaSO 4-bin. This possibility was based on the ability of this phosphor to store energy when irradiated with ultraviolet light with wavelength ?, < 1500 1 and to liberate this energy in the form of light on heating (thermoluminese.ence). Within a wide range of values the magnitude of the stored energy (the "light-sum") 4epends linearly on the intensity of ultra- violet radiation and the duration of the radiation. Using a phosphor sensitive only to hard ultraviolet radiation and auxiliary light filters with gradmIly displaced short-wavelength transmission cut-offs (LiF, Cardl/4 CaF 29 etc), it is possible to separate out narrow spect W11- 68903 S/051/60/008/02/034/036 A Reflexometer, Based on a CaSO On PKOMPOP,lfor Use in the Vacuum Ultraviolet Region regions and to measure transmission in them. With such a procedure it is not necessary to use a vacuum mono- chromator and this simplifies the apparatus and makes the method much less laborious (Ref 2). The present paper deals with the possibility of constructing a simple reflexometer based on CaS04 -Mn and reports results of measurements of the reflection coefficients of some surfaces at 120-145 m1i wavelengths (I.N. Panova took part In these measurements). A hydrogen lamp with an LIF window was used as the source of ultraviolet radiation. To record thermoluminescence of CaSO 4-Mn the authors used a simple method described earlier (Ref 1). Auxiliary filters were in the form of plates of LiF (transmission cut-off at 1050 1), CaF2 (transmission cut-off at 1250 1) and SrF2 (transmission cut-off at 1400 1). The optical, receiver and recording components of the reflexometer are Card2/4 shown schematically on p 280. The optical component was L4/ 68903 S/051/60/008/02/034/036 A Reflexometer, Based on a CaSO 4-Mn DROWN921for Use in the'Vacuum Ultraviolet Region a hermetically sealed chamber with LiF windows and a hydrogen lamp (Figure a). The reflecting surface was placed inside the chamber on a moving axis which had several fixed positions corresponding to different angles of incidence of ultraviolet radiation. Bedause ozone, CO2 and water vapour in air absorb strongly in the ultra- violet region the experiments were carried out with the chamber evacuated to 10- 2 -10-3 mm Hg. Screens coated with the phosphor were placed outside the vacuum chamber so that their surfaces were in the immediate vicinity of a lithium fluoride window. One of these windows was used to measure the intensity of the incident beam and the others to measure reflected radiation at various angles of incidence. Calculations and control tests, carried out with a vacuum spectrometer, showed that the auxiliary filters made of LIF, CaF. and SrF2 make it possible to Card3/4 separate out from radiation of the hydrogen lamp regions 68903 S/051/6o/oo8/02/034/036 A Reflexometer, Based on a CaSO4-Mn PhEos'Opla/bEr'21or Use in the Vacuum Ultraviolet Region with maxima at 122, 127 and 144 m1i. The reflection coefficients of aluminized and Pd-coated mirrors, glass F-1 and fused quattz measured in these regions were found to agree weli--i4ith the reflection coefficients of the same samples at the same wavelengths measured with the vacuum spectrometer. For example an aluminized mirror Nr 5 had reflection coefficients of 24, 28 and 40% at X = 122, 127 and 140 m1i, respectively, as measured by means of the reflexometer; the corresponding values found with the vacuum spectrometer were 23, 28 and 37%. The technique described can be recommended for rapid measurement of the reflection coefficients in mass production of mirrors and diffraction gratings meant for use in the ultraviolet region. The reflexometer can be used also to measure transmission of optical materials in the three spectral regions listed above. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 3 references, I of which is Soviet and 2 English, SUBMIM" D: July 25, 1959 Card 4/4 TARASOVA, ZAT., DOGADKIK, B.-A., ARKHAWIMISIAYA, M.I., PMOVA, S.B. Structure and properties of vulcanizates produced from carboxy- lated, polymers obtained through the combined action of metal oxides and high energy radiation. loll. zhur. 22 no.2:253-256 mr-Ap, 16o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. gauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti, Moskva. (Rubber-Research) ~Ra4iatlon) 8/138/62/000/005/005/010 A051/A126 AUTHOR: Dogadkin, B.A.; DrozdovsRiy, V.P.; Tarasova, Z.N.; Arkhangel' skaya, M.I. TITLE Mercaptane and dizulfide effect on thermal and thenio-oxidizing de- struction of swollen vulcanizates PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 5, 1962, 15 - 22 TEXT: The effects of mercaptanes and disulfides on thermal destruction of swollen vulcanizates were studied. The properties of the destruction products were investigated and the substances mainly responsible for the destruction of sulfur bonds of the vulcanizates were deterDined. It was established that the mercaptanes and the disulfides increase the degree of.thermal destruction of the i 6wollen sulfurous vulcanizate, but do not affect the thermal destruction of the sulfurless radiation vulcanizate. Since there is no connection betweeh the de-- 1 struction rates of the vulcanizate and the oxidation of the solvent in the pres- i ence of mercaptanes and disulfides, it is assumed that the rate of the thermo- oxidizing destruction is determined by the effectiveness of the radicals- formed, Card 1/3 S/138/62/000/005/005/010 11 Mercaptane and disulfide effect on thermal and .... A051/A126- capable of removing hydrogen atoms from the rubber substance of the vulcanizatei Experimental findings led to the following conclusions: Aromatic and aliphatic mercaptanes and disulfides increase the degree of thermal,destruction of the vulcanizate based on SKS-30A rubber. The derivatives of the aromatic row (tri- chlorothiophenol, 0-thionaphthal, disulfide ~-thiqnaphthal ana disulfide n- -tertiary-butylphenol) are more active than the derivatives of the fatty r ow (dodecylmercaptane and its sulfide). The mercaptanes are more active than the corresponding disulfides. The trichloroihiophenol, dodecylmerca ptane and the disulfide n-tertiary-butylphenol do not noticeably affect the thermal destruc- tion at 1800C of the sulfurless radiation vuleanizate, based on SKS-30A rubber. The rate of the thermo -oxidizing destruction of the vulcanizate depends on the i~ nature of the mercaptanes and the disulfides and that of the solvent. At a constant concentration of oxygen in the system, with a shift of the temperature beyond a certain limit, a reversion of the thermo-oxidizing destruction is noVd. The destruction reversion is slowed down in.the presence of merdaptanes and di- sulfides. By comparing ~the lata on the rates of oxidation of the mercaptanes and solvents with that of the thermo-oxidizing destruction of the sulfurous vul- canizate, it-is seen that a direct relation between them is not always noted. Card V3 DOGADKIN, B&A.; DROZDOVSKIY, V.P.; TARASOVA, Z.N.; ARKHANGELISILIU, M.I. Effect of mercaptans and dioulfides on the properties of products of degradation of swc1len vulcanizates of the butadiene-styrene rubber. Kauzhoi reze 21 no.?:24-27 JI 162, (MIRA 15:7) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyahlennosti. (Rubber, Synthetic) (Sulfides) (Thiols) , - .1. . Ikhtin3kaya, T. A. and Arkhangel5koym, 111. 1% "ReLvIts of Inve.9tigating tho root-gall nemato6e on L-vandula vtira in Crimes,." SO: CUlection of !:;orks oh Nemvtodei of Agricultural Plants, Ed. by E. S. Kirlynnova, Gosizdat. Kolkhoz _J Sovkhoz Lit., 1939, Yo m cow-Len in Grad 11/5 632 - 5 'C6 ARKHANGi3LISKAYA, M. P. 36214. ~,UUXiANG,&LISKAYA, M. P. -- Otsenka prochnosti shelkovykh tkaney. Tekstil. prom-at', 1949, No. 11, s 16-17. SO: LetoDisl Zhurnal'nykh Statey, No. 49, 1949 ARMaGEL'SKATAl M.P*, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk-, TELINOVA. V.M.. &am -- ANIHOWNY-2- - Uniform methods of testing threads and yarns. Toket.prom.14 no.1:51-53 Ja 154. (KLRA 7:2) (Thread) (Yarn) ARKRANGILISKAYA, M.P. kandidat , , ~ Methods of evaluating the 15 n0-5:50-51 MY 155. (Textile toklmiichaskikh nauk. shrinkage of fabrics. Tekst. prom. (mm 8:6) fabrics) ARMANGIZISIMM.&~-, kandidat tokhnicheskikh nauk;NOVIMA, S.A., ""- ;tsVi"'r"iffi , P.r., inzhoner. Spedd method of determining irregularities in dyeing viscose rayon. Tekst.prom. 15 no.11:40-41 1 155- (MiELA 9:1) (Dyes and dyeing-ftyen) -ARKMOBLISKATA,-M.P., kand.takhn.nauk Shortening the technological process of manufacture and treatment of rayon. Tekst.prom. 18 no.12:17-18 D 158. (MIRA 11:1.2) kRayon spinning) (Dyes and dyeing--Rayon) 5/001/62/000/013/053/054 B160/B101 AUTHORS: Arkhangellskaya, At. P., Pronina, A. Ya. TITLE: Properties of new chemical fibers produced in the. Soviet Union PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 13, 1962, 654, abstract 13P380 (Nauohno-isoled. tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t shelk. prom-sti za 1959 9-t At., 1960, 48 - 71) TEXT: New fibers are classified and the main features of their physico- mechanical properties are given. These include relative strength, elongation, elasticity at a deformation of 25~ of the.breaking strain, thread rigidity, coefficient of friction on a steel roller etc., also swellability,.hygroscopioity at 1a0Eelative air humidity of 64 - 65A, shrinkage on beat treatment at 0 0, melting point and burning point, susceptibility to electrification, and maximum potential at a speed of 800 m/nec. The most interestine of the fibers studied are lavsan, triacetAte silk and ftorlon. None of them are very hygroscopic. propertieg are not stable enough, the fibers dye unevenly and they are not strong enough. Capron staple fibir has the beat twist stabilit'Y. Card 1/2 -1-T ARKHANGSLISKAYA M,P.. kand.tekhn.nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; USHAKOVA, K.N., kand.tekhn.nau , otarshiy nauchnyy ootrudnik Experience in the processing of acetate rayon with various characteristics for silk weaving. Tekst.prom 22 no-10:51-53 o 162. iMIRA 15:11) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut shelka (for Arkhangellskaya). 2. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut iskusstvennykh volokon (for Ushakov). (weaving) USHAKOVA, Kapitalina Nikolayevna, kand. tekhn. nauk; BACFbKINA, Faina, Fedorovna,, inzh.; CHUGREYEVA, V,N.., red.; ~-LHAN-Gl~L'5ML,..11-1-,I,,-kand. tekbn.nauk) retsenzent [Processing viscous rayon] Pererabotka viskoznogo abelka. Moskma, Legkaia industriia, 1965. 228 p. (MIRA 18-.10) 1 ARDASHNIKOV, S.N., kand. med. naukj GOLIDIN, S.M., kand. tekhn. nauk,- .NIKOIAYEV) A.V.1 RUZER.. L.S.; TSENTERO E.M.v doktor tekbn. nauk; FEMANOV-,WKOLOV, I.V.,, retsenzent; ARKWGELISKAYI M.S., red. izd-va; ATTOPOVICH, M.K.,g tekhn. red. (Radiation protection] Zashchita ot radioaktivnykh izIuchenii, Mo- skva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metal- lurgii, 1961. 420 p. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent, AN SSSR (for Nikolayev, Petryanov-sokolov). (Radioisotopes--dafety measures) (Radiation protection) LUKS,, Yu.A.; SAMBURGSKAYA.. AX; ARKHANGELISKAYA, M.S. Fruits of Chaenomeles Maulei as a new source of pectin substances. Trudy Bot. inst. Ser. 6 no.8:177-183 162. (MM 15:7) (Quince) (Plamt introduction) (Pectin) . I . . 1 -1 __ __ - ___ - --------LAKMIX-K-K-i-OLZOOTSKIT,- -A_._I_._,___rod&Ictor; ARKRaGELISKAYA, K.S*, 0 ' reLk;or; RNKKRR. O.G., takhnichookly rsdgkt-oK'-~~-41"- Lead metallurgy] Ketallurgiia sTintisas MoskTa, Oos. nauohno-takhn. ~ zd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i taystnoi metallurgii, 1953- 2)4 p. (KLRA 7:4) (Lead-Metallurgy) F-. . --- .-' -1 -,-/rI-,1.-I-j' - --1 - YISHKAN, Mikhail Alsisandrovich# doteent, kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; PAZMIN, V.A., professor, doktor, retsenzent; TROITSKIY, A.V., inzhener, rateenzent, redfktor.- redaktor izdatel'stva; ATTOPOVIGH, M.K., t khnic e's iftyare~diiktor [Technology of minerals] Tekhnologlia poleznykh iskopaeawkh. Izd. 2-oe, perer. Moskva, Goa.nauchno-tekhas izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovatuoi-metallurgii, 1955. 736 p. (Kicrofilm] (MLRA 16:1) (Minerol industries) BMGOVSKIY. Vladimir Iosifovich; GUDIMA, Nikolay Vasillyevich; TAIMOV. V.A., professor doktor, za:oluzheanyy deyatell nauki I tekhniki, rateensent; VARMOV, A'.V.. doteent, kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. re.teenzekit; 4,1 ICHIT, Gj., inzhener, retoonzent; ZADIUAN, A.A.,.- inzhenerg *retsenzent; RI~HNTNIKOV, P.G. . kedaktor; ARKHA GILISKAYA. M.8., redaktor izdatellitva; ATTOPOVICH, M.K., te es redaktor [Nickel metallurgy: a textbook f or schools and courses f or specialist s~ Metallurgita nikelia; uchebnoe posobie dlia shkol i kursov masterov. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnot metgllurgii, 1956. 355 p- (MLNA 9:10) (Nickel-Ketallurgy) f r -I HUMN-ROTHIRY, W.; OHRISTIAN, I.W.; PEARSON, W.B.; KADYKOVA. G.N. [translator]; KRASNOPAVTSAVA. T.Y.,Ctranalator]; RAVDILI. M.P. [translator]; BELISSXIY, Ya.P., redaktor; GOLIDINBHRG, A.A., redektor; ARKHANCELI- WW&mI6&, redaktor izdatelletva; AVINSON, I.M., tekhni redaktor [Metallurgical equilibrium diagrams. Translated from the English] Diagrammy ravnoveeiia metallichaskikh sistem. Perevod s anglitakogo B.N.Kadykovotl dr. Pod red. IA.P.Selieskogoo Moskva, Gose naucbno- tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgii, 1956. 399 P. (Phase rule and equilibrium) (KLRA 10:4) (illoys) (Solutions. Solid) DICHIDOVSKIY, Dmitriv Aleksandrovich, professor, doktor tekhnicheskikb nauk; MIKHAYLIMO, A.Ta.,'kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk, retsenzent; KRAPMIN, V.V., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, retsenzent; YBVDDXDMNKO. A.I., kandiclat tekhnichaskikh nauk# reteenzent; YAGCROV, F.G., inzhener, retsenzent; MIKHAYIAIIXO, A.Ta., Tedaktoro, AR'KITATfMT-IJqFA;4 M-1- -MM redak,tor izdatel'stva; MIOT, A.P., takhnichesicly redaktor - [Purnaces for nonferrous metallurgy; construction, analysis, thoory, calculation] Pechi tovetuoi metallurgii; konstruktaii, issledovanie, teorila, raschot. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po ohernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii, 1956. 459 P. (MLRA 91:12) (Metallurgical furnaces) WMIN, Vasiliy Alakeandrovich; YISM, Alek9andr Yakovlavich; 13MOVSKOT, A.N., professor, doktor, reteenuent; HEYIRSON, G.A., professor, doktor, reteenzent; ZWKOVBKIY, Ye.I,, professor, doktor. retBentent; MISHI- KOV, M.I., kanclidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, retsenzent; SAMBONOV, G.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. reteenzent; HESHOMYAKOV, S.I., kandidat tekhaicheakikh nauk, retsenzent; SAKSONOV, G.V., redaktor; ARMNOLI- BUYA.,M.S.. redaktor izdatellstva; RRWV, A.P., tekhnIc~-e-BK-fY--ri&Iktor [vacuum in metallurgy] Vakuum v metallurgii. Moskva, Goo. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgii,1956- 520 P. (Vacuum) (Metallurgy) (MLRA 9:12) 4 f4 MILITSYN. Konstantin Nikitich. kandidat takhaichaskikh nauk; LOVCHIXOT. Basilly Semenovich. kandidat tkohnicheakikh nauk; SUVOROT, Artur Mikhaylovich, inzboner;OSOXIN, I.Te., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. retsensent; PAVLOTSKIY, P.G., in-shener, rateenzent; ARONSHTITN, N.A., inshener, ?retsenzent; NOVIKOT, N.Y., inzhener, reteenzent; RZHBZNIKOT, V.S., redaktor; ZQAhkMIhjA*AA�",redaktor isdatellatya; BIKKIR. O.G.. tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Smelting and founding of nonferrous metals and alloys) Plavka I lit's tavetnykh metallov i splavev. Pod nauchnoi red. K.N.Militsyna, Moskva, Goo. nauabno-tokhn. 12d-vo lit-ry po chernoi t tevetnoi metal- lurgil~ 1956. 662 p, (KIJU 10:2) 1, Xollchuginskiy tekhnikum po obrabotke tovetnykh metallov (for Osokinj Pavlotskiy, Aronshteyn, Novikov) (Founding) (Smelting) (Nonferrous metals--Metallurgy) GILIFAND, Folike Vullfovich; ALISHITS, Isaak Yakovlevich, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GALLAY, U.S., redaktor; redaktor izdatellstva; NVIN ON, I.M., tekhnic eskly red (Plastic-icoated'boaring] Podshipniki, oblitsovannya plastmassoi. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgii, 1957. 94 p. (MIRA 10:11) l..Zavod. "KrasW Vyborshets." (Bearings (Machinery)) A BILTATIV, Anatoliy Ivanovich; UNCHWHINA, Yelans Aleksandrovne; FIRSANOVA, Lidiya Alak"yeYna;-BIWARMO, S.I.. professor, doktor, reteenzent; IMSTOVEIKOV, A.M., professor, doktor, reteenzent; CEZRNOV, A.R.. redaktor, IRIrffANGIL11 reUktor isdatelletya; ATT OVICK, I .0P K.K.0 tak [Physical chemistry of soluble salts] Fixicheekaia khtmiia resplAvlan- r6rkh solet. Koskva,'.qod.-' nsuchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-Y7 po chernoi.i tevetnoi metallurgiit 1957. 359 P. (MDtA 10:1i) (Salts, Soluble) GORDONo Grigoriy Mikhaylovich; PHYSAKHOT, Isaak Llvovich-, MQACM, N.F.. kand. takhn.nBuk, "toonzent; RACHKOTA, S.N., retsen2ent; ARKHMGBLISKATA- M-S-- red.; UAYNKAN, K.R., tekhn. red. [Control of dust collecting equipment; dust and gas wasure- mental lontroll pyloulavlivainshchikh us'tanovok; pylegazovye 28mary. Izd. 2., parer. i dop. Xoak-4a, Goa. nauchno- -tekbu.izd-vo lit-ry po chernol i tavetnol motallurgii, ig6i. 308 p. (HIILA 14:3) 1. Naeballnik pylevoy laboratorii Chimkontakogo avintsovogo zavoda (for Rachkoval (Dust collectors) CHALYKH, Yevgeniy Fedorovich; SOSEDOV, V.P., kand. tekhn. nauk., retsenzent; DYMOV, B.K., red.; ALKIIANGEL'ISKAYA,_M.S., red.izd-va; ATTOPOVICH) M.K.9 :CeTfin-7. red.[deceasi-fl- (Technology of carbon-graphite materials] Tekhnologiia ugle- grafitovykh materialov. Moskva, Metallurgizdat 1 1963. 304 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Graphite) TOMASHOV, N.D., doktor kt-im. nauk, prof., otv. red.; GOLUBEV, A.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, otv. red.1 PALEOLOG, YeA, kand. khim.. nauk., red.; ALITOVSKIY, RA, kand. khim. nauk, red.; MIROLYUBOV, Ye.N.p kando khim, nauk, red*; jM4gQkLSKATA., B,&., red.; ISLENT.IYEVA, P.G.,. tekhn. red. - (Corrosion of metals and alloys] Korroziia metallov i splavov; sbornik. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 382 p. (MIR& 16:5) (corrosion and anticorrosives) ARKWGEL#SKAYA, M.V.1 FLORENSOVA, V.A. I - - Materials for the spidemiologicaLcharadteriatics of tick-)orne encephalitis in Irkatsk Province. Trudy Irk. N11R4 no* 707-47 162 (m:1RA 1911) I 1. 12 otdela tabolevanly s prirodnoy ocbagavastlyu Irkutskogo nauobno-isoledovatellskogo inatituta epidemiologii i mikro- biologiis ARKHANGELISKAYA, M.V.; GELIFAND, A.S. - - , -.0 , Epidemiological characteristics of a focus of tick-borne encephalitis in the Sayan Mountain-region (Irkutsk Province)* Zhur.mikrobiol., epid. I immun. 42 no.9t96-100 S 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Irkutskly institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii. Submitted March 4, 1964. AK~LaL'ShAIAIP N. _ A. LECEAMM Medicine see ILC L 10972-66 EWT(I)/EWA(--i VEVIA (kk- _JK_ ACC NRs I AP5028398 SqXRCE CCODE: R/OOiG/65-TO-0-076b-0706.9676100'---- AUTHOR: Ar~hangjl 'a XS.;'qel1fsutd, A.8 e ORG: Irkutsk Jnstitutq of Enidebilology and MicrobloloArkutskly Institut, pioemiologif I mikrobiologii) 041 TITLE.:. Epidemiological -characteristics of the focus of tick-borne encephalitial In the sayan area (Irkutsk Oblast') SOURCE: Zhurnal m1kroblologH, epidemiologii I Immunobiologii, no. 9, 1965, 96-100 TOPIC TAGS: encephalitis, infective disease, disease incidence ABSTRACT: The authors carried out epidemiological Invest Igations during 1959-1962 In the steppe forest-steppe, and taiga. areas of the Cheremkhovsk region of Eastern. Sayan. These investigations revealed that the, degree of -contact of the population of these various areas with the natural focus.of tick-~borne encephalitis is intimately associated with the character of its economic activity and living conditions., It is: suggested that for the population of villages involved in the lumber industry the living conditions lay at the base of this contact with the focus, whereas for the population of villages Involved in the wood-products Industry, the industrial factor played the major role. The authors deem It expedient to differentiate the. system of prophylactic measures for the populations involved In the different industries: for.. n u c of tick-.:.-. the wood-products workers the measures. shouid I' cl de va _cimtion and the creation free zones around the populaled points and for the forestry Workers measures should be taken L Cqrc~ 1/2 -00 2 .395 fi. Z 53) -0--o *all 11 u u m ts u u 0 "S 1 u rl -M,- 11 a a 7no a,a K v z Olk AA ON M-1. 1116 VIVOCIS121 A%O "Cognims j j 7r ~IL A ey I i Olprimeet in the el"W&Atiogo 01 the ColorWgs of soLls'botwd do the dOctdD* Prot "a loatr". C#Ngr. SW Sci. , of Wholm Ostwald. W llirl- 6ition't; WAI culor by O.'s *y0le") Is It ' L4*impod NUO. to 70 8MM TbQ CAMIltmi'lm NAWTVIS MAI Imilm and factm utwes- ille l ait Ar= t to dwcumoml. 00 .00 O *00 's 9moo 00 j Moo 8900 04 WOO 600 VOID wo 0 AIIALLURGICAL LillailLoag CLASUPKATION 009 woe 311040 44P ofty Ott 41144st door aftv m ,- - - - - . I OW a a a I v a I 4 It a- &D 20 " " * " 0 0 . o . 00 0*0 o 0 o o 000044400 0 40 .T . 000000000000000000000006 0000i*000900006400 0 9 Mm 9 .110 I 1 00 4 60 o 00 Soo as to** a*:::: v , 11tilitit TO r! M P Rl o Vw _09 - 00 410 dal -cliewical chsrsderistiCS of forest-Stippi, so", ._A. Arkhangel "`~Ys' J"'d"101Y (U.S.S.R.t 1946, d rid. oil Itir, t,tepW the t P(mll's 1 11114 H- mc%wdi,'K to Ty-ulin -00 , 1 h in (he Mill *I a wh,-4t. an't it, the At clay Imeoloil (tile jeffrie, tilethati). &it,, free. 0* corilhined, all't chcMiC211Y cotribincil huniuq. In tile f,jr- -t-stePPe -Aii(A thr get-Ond forill of humate., a. a rul,, Prvv"% Whet' cultiVitt"t at"I t An d ifi , 0 ~ w uman ne arxllw,l. the free funil uf hulitates appeam. Ily tile q%laillity 4)f this fo f h I A,. 0, -90 fm o ullintcla the degree of Of it, 1 4 I 111 m del.j. "My A bt7kLLUMfKAL. LjVE4A6TU4t CLAjj4P*CA11C#V xia"I t1jwtv; t out Ittjl.3.t -7 ---- u it AV 00 Is 1, r, a ;l a " P 17 it go K 't tt r it 9KID ft I 0 0 0 a 000 Soo 00 700 V* '00 41413, do 0.. it, --i-ti w o 0 ', I -j ml 0 D a 0 0 0 0 4 Got 00000 0 0 0 e * 0 0 0 0 1-1 r7 AR1aiANGEL'SKIY,A D*'2 SHATSKIY,N.S., akademik, redaktor; STRMOV,N.M., akademik, ;e~;&tor; VAROTSOY.M.T.. redaktor; IS;g 1pi I ~m &N, A. kandidat geologo-mineralogicheakikh nauk, redakr-torW;hDII1!NffO redaktor; ARMMIYEV,A.A., redaktor; AUZAN,W.P., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Selected works] Isbrannye trudy. Moskva. Izd-vo Akademii nauk sssR. voi.2. 1954. 67Z P. (MW 9:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademil nauk SSSR (for Varentsov) (Geology, Structural) (Mines and mineral resources) USSR/Soil Science, Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil. J-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Bioli, No 5., 1958o 20055 Author Arki~vsksyai- N.A- Inst, Gortkovskoye Aoicultural Institute# Title The Colloidal Cheideal.Features of the Chernozem Soil of Arzamnsekaya Oblast' Orig Pub : Tr. Gortkovsk. a.-kh. in-ta, 1955, 7, No Ij 135-141 Abstract : The chernozem soils of Arzamsskaya Oblast' are distinguis- hea by an increased microaggregate content, caused in the opinion of the author by an augmented content in these soils of non-silicate Sequioxides. The content of non- silicate Fe in the soils changed from 45 to 63% of the total. A marked increase in Fe was noted in the micro- aggregates as one dropped deeper into the lower lying soil horizons. In mulch content and distribution the Card V2 ARKITA MIL I S KAYA, N.A.; GRIGORIYEVe V.N.; ZIPIMIOV, K*K.; FAVIoOVSKIY, Te.V., - - *rod.* URSTAK, G.V.,; POTMOVA, T.P., [Flaoies :f lower-Cambrian sediments in the so"uthern and wee tern outaldrts of the Siberian Platform]- Fataii #zhnekembriiskikh otlozhonii iuzhnoi i zapadnoi okrain Sibirekoi platformy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 199 p. (Almdemiia nauk SSSR. Geologicheskii institut. Trudy, no.33). (MIRA 13:11) (Siberian Platform--Sediments (Geology)) ARKUNG39LISKLYA, N.A.; GRIGORIYET, V.N. Conditions governing the formation of salt-generating zones in marine basins as exemplified by the 1~wer Cambrian evaporite basin of the Siberian.Platform. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 25 no.4-.58-75 Ap 160. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN.SSSR, Moskva. .(Siberian Platform-Salinity) A.M Vandidat tekhni~heekikh nauk; -ARKWGZLISUYA,- N. I Dyeing fabrics made of a mixture of wool and caprone staple yarn. Teket.prom. 1,4 no.9:34-36 3 154. (MI-RA 7:11) (Dyes and dyeing--Wool) (Hexamethylenizine) 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 - - a - - at to to U 26 U A 6 L L A N f Y R 1 4 0 4 ." -'"I 0 0 go. 11~ROAN G-EL%i K4 'N & f -*o CO'. j -00 C I (k -00 00 C Near snethWe of Mudylail the b-- apattift (11"A" [it ::o 00 rtt,. N. A,kh;gjclxka R.. 5111". - t4TM r - 00 a f4e,(nr in be tbrasen &,xitting diws,- u( pwatlA. althouth 00 817 it Occuts tally on acid sandy city wd,, especiall) -00 06 #1- wlikh have fecirlyrd annual applicatiim of atincral (crti-, .00 liters. The discasol plants contained 2 or more limes at m1wh Ali) a I I,%,S1Rind plants, and werv )ISher Ill Pe and Al. ago N,I-ln NIVK.41S. ]I., so j .00 0 -00 0 ago 06 00 00 go CIO* 43L&l CNIt .1,111 ame C;.-. ill 40 V I tw 0 -1 v 0 a 4 3, 0 v 3U.- U X 49 10 Is: 9~ 1, , w a it a PC it It if dma* 000 :,o 0 0 0 0,0000 * 0 1&0;440 * * a * 0 & jo 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 ii.s. Vli,van-llye ;-:ikroelyey,;yentov na kartofyel -. Trudy- In-ta fiziologii ras-tyeniyIim. Tirdryazyeva, t. VI, vy-p. 2, 1949, 5. 43-49-- Bibliogr: 15 Nazv. r, SO: IYETOPIS I No. *14 ARKRANGELISKAYA, N. S. Cand Agricult Sci Dissertation: "Influence of Hicroelements on the 6rowth of Potato.. 7/2/50 Sci,Inst on Fertilizers and Insectofungicideas Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR no vecherYaYa Moskva Sum 71 S~-V-- -7~ -,7-7 a', oh potatoes ni ffect of Matiganes-, a unlinum, an won sindy sails_ N. ~S. Arkhanvel't;kap ~Minlstry of Afer. U.S.S.R., Rcs:enif i ghivofezykA, Akad. Phuk S-S.S~R.,. Trudy Kanf. ;Vi 'krrelc-. rrent. 1950, 2W-MI(1952).-fn light xils ivith feeble! bllf- - fering an annual addri. of a6dic t~iveral ferfiiiz-~rs leAs to accumIllation Ill the pl:mtr of av+-rdable amts. of :~f;i -Id R!Qi, which cventual[7 Nmrl to diiea'e ard de.-ith of the planv;~sflcll is potato_~ Tile a6mmul-vion in Boil uf mohi!p Al causes nit iver,,ase 4t the soil ofth-z ltve'; jf maile Nln ('1111 Fq; el-nlv~tlls beirlir strong oxidi.61q, agent'; Iratt to thn df:--.dl of P.-lenflal p irts of thu pl;mt. Tfi~ actual Ittiount of At I.,; itot ~