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ARKHANGELISKIY, YU.A. (Moskva) On single integrals in the problem coneorning the notion of a solid body in a Newtonian field of force. Frikl. mat. i makh. 26 no-3t568-570 Yq-Je 162, (MIRA 1615) (Integrals) (Motipp) 8/040~62/026/006/010/015 D234/ '308 AUT11011i Arkhange11s---!yg YU~At (Moscow) TITLE: A Poincarb theorem concerning the problem of motion of a rigid body in Newton's force,field PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanikat v. 269 no., 6p 19620 1116 - 1117 TEXT: The author proves that the system A dp~ + (C - 8) qr - V611."if + (I (C - B) TY dt H A +'(A - C) pr - 47 3esy~+ ct C),t"y dt A) pq . x1,11, - VIOT + et (B - A) dt +(a dy n' - qT", d7o ,PT, - ry. qT L PT, W dl mgx*, jee - MM, 09 'Vest, aU Y) Card 1/2 AURM& I IY' eksandrovich; EELOTSERKOVSKAYA, S.I., red.; GALANTIONOVA, Ye.S-.,tekhn. red. I (Safety measures in the production of Ithyl gasoline] V Tekhnika bezopasnosti pri rAbote a etilirovannym benzi- nom. Izd.3, dop. Moskva, Avtotransizdat 1963. 33 P. WRA 16-7) (Gasoline--Safety measures) --------------- S/040/63/027/001/022/027 D251/D3nR MMOR; Arll~langel'aldy, YU.A. (Moscow) TI'fLE: On algebraic integra :1s in the problem of the motion of a rigid body in,, a. Newtonian f orce f ield PERIODICAL: 1rikladnaya matem atiltai melchanij~a, v. 27, no. 1, 1963, 171-175 TM' M V*V* BOletskiy (DjW SSSR, 1951, ~'. .113, no. 2) showed that the approximate equations,of motion of a.rigid body about a fixed point as above have three independent algebraic first integrals: the via viva integral, the integral of areas and the tri- vial integral.. Since the approximate equations of motion do not contain the time explicitly and have.the last Jacobi multiplier equal to unity, it is evident that the existence of a fourth alge- braic inte5ral would permit.the problem to be reducod to a quadra- ture. It is shown that -such a fourth integral exists only in the cases analogous to Euler's case and Lagrazige's case in the theory of the motion of a rigid body about a fixed point in a homoctencous Card 1/2 S/04 63/027/002/016/019 D251YD308 AUTHOR: Arkhangellskiy, Yu. A. (Moscow) ,TITLE. Periodic solutions of quasilinear autonomous systems possessing first integrals PERIODICkL-. Prikladnaya matematika i m'ekhanika, Y. 27, no. 2, 1963, 369-372 TEXT: The author considersl.the quasilinear autonomous system with n degrees of freedom n (a n) 1kxk + a1k xk k=1 ere f bare analytic functions of their exgumente in some domaint Card 1/2 'k;/040/63/027/002/016/019- Periodic solutions of ... D251/D308 _~,u is a small parameterand all roots of the frequency equation 2 2 0ik ejaik 0 are different and commensurate, The solution will possess n fre- quencies ol, ... t)nand will be periodic with some period To. Three groups of conditions of periodicity are established, and the pars, meters of the problem may be evaluated from these. It is supposed that (1.1) possesses 1( 2n) independent first integrals. Pollow- inf Poincare's method, these:integrals are expressed as finite- difference equations, and the problem of determining the conditions of periodicity is reduced.,to the.problem of ascertaining the pro- perties of a Jacobian. SUBMITTED: November 1, 1962 Card 2/2 ARUAVOLISKIY, Yu.A. (Iloakva) Algebraic and univalent integrals in t1e problem of motion of a solid body in a Newtonian force field. Prikl. mat, i mokli, 27 no. 4t697-698 J1-Ag 163. (MII~A 16-91) (Integrals) (Gravitation) ARKnNGELISKIY, Yu.A. (Moskva) Motion of a balanced gyroscope i~ a Newtonian force field, Prikl. mat i mekh, 27 no,6:1099-1101 N-D Os NLRA l7t15 I ARMIANGELISKY,, Tu.A. (Noscow) "Motion of a heavy solid around a fixed point in the New+~onian force field" report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,, Moscow., 29 January - 5 February 1964 ARMUNGELISKUS.. ?N.~t .(Moskva) Algebraic integrals in the problem of the motion of a po4d body in a Newtonian field of force. Prikl, mat, i nekh. 27 nosl:171-3.75 Ta-F 163. (MIRA 16: 11) ACCESSION XR'; AP4015972 3/0040/63/027/005/0864/0877 AUT1101I.- Arkhangellskiy, Yu. A. (Moscow) TITM: Motion of a heavy solid body set into fast rotation about a fixed point SOTACS: Priklo matem. i mekhan., v. 27p no- 5, 19631 864-877 TOPIC TAGS: fast rotation,fixed point, equation of motion, heavy solid body, angular velocity, initial condition, small parameter, periodic solution, regular precession ABSTRACT: Motion of a heavy solid body about a fixed point which has been imparted with large initial angular velocity has been studied in the Goryachev-Chaply-*gin Cate. There are certain restrictions on the center of gravity, on the moments of in"tia, and on the initial conditiona. Using the small parameter method, the -FV'4 auth i ti too tho periodic solution of tho equations of motion of a hoavy ,,jr n go bo(~e:bouat a fixed point whioh han boon aotuatod into fnat rotation relative to 4 e of the main axes of the ellipsoid of inertia and studies the motion of the booi In particular he shows that any solid body, for z. / 0 -xill have a pseudo- re lar precession about the vertical axis already in the first approximtion. Of Vt6 Bix initial codditions, At least four are arbitraryt Orig. art. hag. Card ARKHANGELISKIY, Yu,A. (Wskvx) Motion of the Hove-lovskii gyroscope. Frikl. mat. i m9kh. 28 no*3; 521-522 MY4064 "'ICRA 1737) Y1.0114. Motion of U'dia-'I ill u fitfAnnlsil of ~'IIVJO mat., i mokb. 28 no-0759-r,6) JI-1194-' (WRA 2,728) P -1 158 2, 1 f) 4 2 - 2'4 SMIWF AN Doklady', v TOPIC TAGS~ Euler Poisson equation, heav.v body rotation. periodic solution, solid bodY vt)lation, anal-vtical mechanics ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the application of the Fuler-Poisson equations which can be, under cer-tain circurnstancPs. rf-diit ed t i) --i qim!;Oine~;r autonomic E~'~~tprl i-A;) dvjzvvf~s of freedom. to thi, h- (4v xv i t h a f i x c d V L NP AP-W-1562~ ASS( Y-I A Tl( ) N N Ylf- 1~1 , B V I'l I I I ) , b \ t, 1, 1, 1 -:!.!I - -~-):)T- AO Ni i- FN (' i f) 1) N C) T, I , T- , - " -7 " , -~ I I , ' ~ T 1 ' T - T ? " n 4 ne appi i v s ns rosultr to the Yovalevskay case. wo ARKHANGFLISKIY, Yu.B.;,GIIUGUY~.V, G.P. Power-. mVply f r relay systems operating on a time p#ae prAnciple. Sbor. rab, 00 slaktromakh. no.9:70-'r) 163, (MIRA 17:2) ACCESSION NR: AT4015857 S/2673/63/000/009/0079/0087 AUTHOR: Arkhangellskiy,-Yu. B. TITLE: A dlgi~l ;~ie`grator FwI ~errflto-transistor elements SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut elek-tromekhaniki. Sbornik rabot po voprosam elektromek- I haniki, no. 9, 19G3. Avtomatizataiya, telemekhanizatslya I priborostroyonlye (Auto- mation, tolemechanization and Instrument manufacture), 79-87 TOPIC TAGS: astronomy, telescope, automatic control system, digital integrator, digital differential analyzer ABSTRACT: The integrator described is part of a Digital Differential Analyzer, used for precision conversion of equatorial coordinates to azimuthal coordinates in tha automatic control of astronomical instruments. The Integrator works at clock freq-.,,cneies of 300- 500 kc and was designed at the Institut olelctromakhaniki AN SSR (Institu't-.- ol'Electro- mechanics). The thrco-bit-input integrator consists of a bi-directional couater, a cum- ulative adder and the interconnecting logic circuitry. The adder logic Is the same as the counter logio since a bi-directional adder is analogous to a counter with an Input of -1 for all digits, no inte&ator is entirely constructed from the ferrite-transistor logical Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4015857 elements shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The element consists of a ferrite toroidal transformer, a semiconductor triode and an emitter resistor. The same elements are used in the timing pulse generator except that the transistors are in common base con- figuration. The design of the for rite- tran's is tor elements for the clock and the integrator is given In dotall. 71c clock pulses are 15 volts high, I psec in duration and drive 20 elements. Ile ferrite core is a VT-1 with the following properties: change In magnetic flux during pulse duration = 0. 132 gauss/crn2, lengtb of central magnetic field line 0. 535 cm; coefficient of magnetism reversal - 1 4 amp/cm. The clock element windings have 2-20 turns while the integrator windings hle 9-2)2 turns. The minimum required pulse width is 0.47 pace. and the transistor used is a P16B. The elements perform satisfactorily with 1 - see. pulses at 0. 6 duty factor, 1. e. a clock frequency of'500,kc. Using a P403 transistor and a suitable ferrite core, the clock frequency can be raised to 1.2~cm. The integrator Is considered very economical since It requires only 50 elements!: per digit and can be used in differential analyzerip, intorp6lating systems, oto. Orig. art.: 6 figures and 16 fomulas. ASSOCIATIOM InstibAt alektromokhanild AN SSSR (Electromechkntcs Institute AN SSSR) 0 Card 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4016867 SUBMITTEDtOO DATE ACQ: 20Doc63 SIM CODEt AA, EC NO REY SOV% 002 Cnrd q/4 EXCLi 01 OT~ER-. 002 r T- _wr AN s sp. In s AC.C.ESSION NR: AT5003623 digit and ens~ires high speed pr r lpa! ~r ASSOCIATION: none F ;n. -L 5178-6 'Fl3D/EWTW GSIGWIWS-2 ACCESSION NR- AT-5021840 UR/0000/65/000/000/0136/0144 T7, 1 AUTHOR: ArLhanCRI IV -D.L; Stanishevskily- L A. TITLE: An algorithm and a program for the specialized computer for the control of azimuthal radio tole SOURCE: ANSSSR. Inatitutelektromekhaniki? ; edya- Nvtomatizirovannyy elektroprivod 91 shchiye sTsTe-rayupravleniye I preobrazo~a_W1nyyc ustroystva (Automated electric drive; tracking systems, control and converter devices). Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1965, 136-144 TOPIC TAGS: radio telescope, special purpose computer, computer application, compute control system, algorithm ABSTRACT: Universal digital computers capable of controlling azimuthal telescopic de- vices are,usually not sufficiently reliable due to the large number of components Involved, Specialized computers are relatively sloxv (500-1000 operations per second) but can be used succe, asfully for azhnuthal control. The present article describes In detail the pertinent algol-ithm and the actual realization of the program on a specialized computer. The pro-i gram contains about 1, 000 commands and Is carried out hi 2 - 2. 5 see (dppending on the possible inclusion of scanning). This does not cover the printing time since the printing Card 1/2 L 5177-66 - E4T(d)/FWT(l IJP(a) ACCESSION NR: AT 502184.5 UR/0000/65/000/000/0167/0173 AUTHOR: ArkhangeI1s1dy,.Lu,,__R,; Zdanovich, V. V.; Chuguyev, G. P. TITLE: Program logic methods for reliability Im tems provement in.diotal control syst SOURCE- An SSSR. Institut elektromoklaniki. --Aytomalizirovannyy clektroprivod-, -T I sledyashc e slife-iny, upravi-en ye I preobrazovatelinyire ustroystva (Automated electric drive; tracking systems, control and converter -devices) Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966,. 167-173 TOPIC TAGS: random process, computer control system, digital computer, telescope, computer application, computer program logic, automal;ic control system ABSTRACT: Computer errors are essentially randomin character, and the present authors discuss them from the point of view of the theory of random processes. . For the control of Information processed by computers, they propose program logic control based on the redundancy of the original and Intermediati) informaUon. This differs from other cases encountered in various branches of tochnol(igy where the computer control may be based on comparisons with appropriate standar6b. The redundancy leads to various control relationships connecting the calculated quantities which may then be -Card 1/2- .. .... 0901 COM- GERSHGORN, M.A.; SVIRIDENKO, F.F.; WARNOW"KIYj D.S.; XTIO."I'SIOVA, I.P.; POPOVAA A.N.; FRADINA, M.G., Prini=li uchastiye: 11'rdFTr0,, 0.01.; RI]DOLISKIYj, N.L.; SLEPKANEV, N.P.; FLTSKANOVSKIY, S.T.; MRRAV~i*V, Ya.S.; BULISKIYj M.T. (deceased]; AJ;JU1tMFj,,cK1 _ 0 _ i Y. _y"j_*, ; sliAR V, B.A.; VISTOROVSKIYj N.T,; RAKHANSKIYj B.I,; SAPO1'11KOVt V.Ye.; RYABININ, N.G.; KARARULINAp R.R,; FADEYEVA, A.M.; 7VFTJ,V, D.A. Improving the production of high-strength rails by alloying them with granulated ferrochromium in the ladle. Stall 25 no.5-408-411 Mq 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Ulrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallov i zavod "Azovstall". -,. LEPORSKIY, V.V.; SLEFKMV, P.N. - AMM14GEL �J;.,IY.Yu,g,-; PODOLISKAYA, G.A.; GLINNOV., G.M.; KAPULT1411 Ye.A.; EALOSHIN) N.A.; KRIWNK0, P.T. uperazion of large tilting open-hearth furnaces with natural gas, Stall 21 no.10:883-889 0 161, (MIRA 14:10) 1. Zavod "Azovetal'N,i Zhdanovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Open-hearth furnaces) ! 7?,"! 1 :tTY) Yll 9 .1, 0 Use of vrar resistant. beaterc in shnft millc., Rab. energ., 2, no. 3, 1952. 17,11A, Mv 1952 41L~L'. i ' $SKIT, Yu.S.-, inshener. Improving the quality of welded joints of water economizer tubes. Bnergetik I no.2:23-25 J1 '53. (KLRA 60) Oteam boilers) AMItOIGELISKIY, Yu*S.; SHTYROV, A.I. Calculation of the noise factor of an unmatched microwave amplifier. Radiotekh. i elekti-on. 10 no.12:2254~21257 D 165* (MIRA 19-1) 1. Submitted February 8, 1965. USHAKOV, G.N.; ARKHANGMISKm,,.YU.v., red.; T-AIRIONOV, Gje., -r., I ~ ` (First atomic power plant; experience of construction and operation] Parvain atomnsia slaktrostnntaiia; opyt stroi- tel'stva i ekepluAtatsii. Monkva. Goa.energ.izd-vo, 1959. 223 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Atomic power plants) i POPOV) A.F.; LR!~ red.; 1ARIOVOV, G.Ye.,, tokhn. red. (Nuclear reactor control systems for atomic power plants] Slatemy upravleniia i kontrolia iadornykh reaktorov atorinykh elektrostanteii, Moskvap Goo.energ.izd-vo, 1961. 215 P- (MIRA 24t12) (Nuclear reactors) (Atomic power plants) SARKISOV, S.A., red.; KUKUYEV, L.A., red.; POLYAKOV, G.I., red.; PRF,ObltAZHENSKAYA, N.S., red.; STANUVICH, I.A., red.; 1110FIMOVp L,G,, red.; ARKIIANGELISK.TY, Yu.V., red.; LYUDYUVSYAYA, N*Io) tekhn, red* (Structure and function of the analysors of man in antooenesis) Struktura i funktsiia analizatorov cheloveka v Qntogeneze,- tru- dy. Pod obshchei red. S.A.Sarkisova. Moskva, Kxlgiz, 1961. 296 p. 041RA 15% 12) 1. Rasshirennaya nauchnaya konferentsiya instituta mozga, 1959. 2. Doystvitellnyy chlen Aktademii meditainskikh nauk SSSR (for Sarkisov). 3. Institut mozga Akademii medtisinskikh nEuk SSSRI Moskva (for Polyakov.. Kukuyev). (SENSE-ORGANS) (ONTOGENY) am MUSH., Dimitrly Vaai:.Ilyevich; NIKOLAYEV, Boris Nikolayevich; KORSUNENK0, A.A.,, inzh.p retsenzent; inzh.p reteenzent; SIVINTSEV p Yu.V., kand. teklins nauk,, red; VIASOVAI Z.V., red.; SHISHKOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. (Dosimetric control on atomic ships] Dozimetricbeakii kontroll na ato=Vkb sudakh. Pod red. 1M.biviniseva. i4nlngrad, Bud- promgizj, 1962. 130 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Atomic ships-Safe measures) (Radiation-Dosagie SARKISOV, S.A.j prof., red.1 ADRIABOV, O.S.., red.; KRYZHANOVSKIY, RA., red.; FARIN, V.V., red.; POLYAKOV, G.I.j red.j FOPOVA, Ye,N.j red.1 PORTUGALOV, V,V,l red.; RABINOVICH, M.Ya., red.; TROFIMOV, Lr-G[decoesed], red.; ARKHANGELISKIY, Yu.V., red. 1-- [Structure and function of the nervous system; transactions of a scientific conference, December 10 - 14, 19601 Strukture, i funktsiia. nervnoi sisterW)- trudy nauchnoi konferentsii (10-14 dekabria 1960 g.) Moskva., Medgiz# 1962. 358 P. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Deystvitelirgy chlen ANN SSSR (for Sarkisov). 1u. V- A "International cooperation in the development of nuclear reactor projects." report submitted for 3rd Intl Conf~ Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva) 31 Aug-9 Sep 64. MOROKHOV. LD.~ KANDARIT.SKIY, V.S. [deceased]; ARKWIGEVSKIY, YU.V. International cooperation and the design of nuclear reactoro. Atom. enarg. 17 no.4:252-258 0 164. (MIRA 17:10) ARKWIGOROMKIY. A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, dotBent. - . Approximate relationships between the component elements of ribbed strip profile. Mor.i rech.flot 13 no.6:24-26 0 '53. MRA 6:io) (Shipbuilding) AIRMUNGORODSKIY, A. 0. Some Questions in the Planning of Bulkhands T the author discusses the question of choosing the most suitable kind of steel for the bulkheads of ships and also for intermdiate decks and platforms whose permanent dimensions are not determined from condl- tions of the general stability and strength of the hull. He presents a formula for determining the proper distance between the supports of the bulkheads. (RZhMekh, No. 6 1955) Tr. Ni-knIftygynk, KgrAhlogtrnIt- In-ta, No. 79 1954, 33-48. SO: Sum. No. 744, 8 Dec 55 Supplementary Survey of Soviet Scientific Abstracts (17) kVKHk doteent, kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. Requiresionts for high-strength steel used in ship hulls. Mor.i rech. flot 14 no.12:23-26 D 154. (XLPA 8:1) (Wle (Naval arohitecture) (Steel--8peoifioations) YRAWffiamly A.G., ic&ndidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Some problems of reducing the vaight of freighter deck platings. Trudy VN1TOSS 6 no.2:3-48 155. (HLRA 10:5) (Hulls (Naval architecture) (Plate@, Iron and steel) iiR4tL~IWURWSK I Y ~ 4 t i h kandidat taki-michoskikh nauk-, 10 1 J'IWAr-(i&.A"Oryev c 0 ""NOMI MIUMV - Oleg Leont' Y-emer, lilzbener; IIJ~Lb:li -KIY, loonid lfikheylovi;h, 1whener. BRYAUT53YA, V.?.., vedushchiy redLL,ktor-. ZAYTSNV, G.Z., inzhener, reAAVIor; ?U,vL'XX'%iizV, V.A., takhatcheakiy rudaktor (Instruments for disclosing static irAeterminatenezu of -ir-iersl PrIbor7 dlia raskryliia staticheekoi mopredeliziouti ballok. Hov'-va, Aka,l.nauk 46~A, 1959. 13 P. (Pribary I stendy. Tom 2, no,?-56-.525) (TeBtIng -iscainee) (Girders) (HUh 10:10) SHRVANDINt Ye.M.. )cand. tekhn. nauk: KOZLYAKOV. V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; MAKSIMADZHI. A.I., Inzh.; BYKOV, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; MCVSTiYBYAV, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; DIMIN, V.P., doktor tekhn. nauk; RUNITSKIT, L.Ya;, kand. tekhn. nauk; PUTOVo NoTe., prof.; SHIMANSKIY, %,A., akademik,- GURRYIV, V-A-t insh'; VAKHARLOVSKIY, GJL'., Inzh.; MMIGHEV, V*H*; XVASHUK, N.7.0 inz'n*; HOGID, L,M,, prof.: RIVZYUK, G.A., inzh.; ARKHANGORODSKIY, kand. tekhn. nauk; THEMOV, inzh.; OS)4010TMnT.- =--I kand. tekhn. nauk. General disoueeion. Trudy NTO sud. prom. 7 no.1:112-152 156. (MIRA 10:12) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-Iseledovatel'skly Institut im. A4N. Krylova (for Shevandin). 2. Uzing~r~nAskty korable3troiteilw Institut (for Koslyakov, By1cov, Putor, Nogid). J. TSNIISTICI' (for Maksiiadzhi). 4. TSontrallnoye kon'struktorskoye byuro Hinisiterstva. sudostroitall- noy promyshlonnosti, g. Gor'kiy (Tevatifeyev, rvashuk, Revzyuk). 5. TSantrallnoye-proyektuo-konstruktorskoye byuro MinisteretvA morskogo flota (for Reznitskiy). 6. Ministeretvo sudostroitellnoy proryshlennosti (for Gureyev). 7. Gosudaretyennyy soyuznyy proyaktrqy institut (for Vhkharlovskiy). 8. Zavod "Krasnoye Sormovo"'(for Kerichev). 9. HKI (for Arkhangorodskiy). 10. Ministerstwo rechnogo flota (for Yefremov). 11. T%ntral'W nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut mor6kogo flots. (for Camolovskiy). (Shipbuilding) SOV/124-58-7-8103 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 7, p 113 (USSR) AUTHORS: ALWapzgazodsktiy~1,A.G;', Chernyshiv,O.L.~. TITLE: Mechanical Calculation of Statically Indeterminate Beams (Mekhanicheskiy raschet staticheski neopredelimykh balok) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nikolayevskogo korablestroit. in-ta, 1956, Nr 8, pp 3-Z4 ABSTRACT- A description is given of an instrument for the mechanical calculation of continuous beams resting on independent elastic supports. To determine the support moments and the amount of sag which the supports undergo, the span loading is re- concentrated force the magnitude and distribution placed by a, , of which a~~ so selected that the angles of rotation of the sup- port sectio4!Are the same as those produced by the actual span loading. Additional concentrated forces are applied to the elastic supports, such that the pressure of each span on the elastic supports is the same as it would be in the presence of. the actual load. With the load thus transformed, the bending moments and amount of sag remain unchanged. The instrumeA Card 1/2 in question is a uniform continuous beam subjected to SOV/124-58-7-8103 Mechanical Calculation of Statically Indeterminate Beams concentrated force loads along its spans and at its points of support. When a stepped variable - section beam is calculated, the spans are made to vary accordingly. All necessary formulae are given for determining: a) the concentrated forces needed to replace a given load, b) the requisite analog span lengths, and c) the requisite stiffness of the analog's elastic supports. The bending rnortient in the support sections of the analog is expressed by the curvature (measured with a curvature meter); the displacement of the supports is determined with an indicator. Formulae are included for trans- lation of the analog data into data applicable to full-scale conditions. A de- scription of the instrument is given, and a photograph of it is shown. There are examples of calculations. A.A. Kurdyumov 1. Beams--Mechanical properties 2. Beams--Mathematical analysis Card 2/2 SOV/124-58-7-8146 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 7, p 118 (USSR) AUTHOR- Arkhangorodskiy, A.G. TITLE: The Design of Compress !on-stressed Coverings Reinforced by Longi- tudinal Bulbous-strip Deck Beams (Proyektirovaniye szhatykh perekrytiy s prodollnymi balkami polosobullbovogo prof ilya PERIODICAL: Tr. Nikolayevskogo korablestroit. in-ta, 1956, Nr 8, pp 25-28 ABSTRACT: The author seeks to determine the elements of a least - Weight covering iubjected to compression. The compressive force, the relationship between the Eulerian stresses present in the planking and in the longitudinal framework and the yield point of the material, and the safety factor are all given. The author overly complicates the problem in that he would determine the area of the longitudinal connections from the strength properties applying in the case of a flexure of the ship as a whole, and the minimum-weight problem can be stated relative only to the transverse frameworl~ [ Kurdyumov, A. A.1 ProchnosV korablya (The Strength of a Ship), Sudpromgiz, 1956, Card 1/1 250 pp]. A. A. Kurdyurnov 1. Beams-Design 2. Mathematics- -Applications SOV/124-58-3-3377 Tyanslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 3, p 116 (USSR) AUTHOR: Arkhangorodskiy, A. G. ------------- ------ TITLE- The Dependence of the Optimal Yield Strength of the Steel Upon the Principal Dimensions of a Ship (Zavisimost' optimal' nogo predela tekuchesti stali ot glavnykh razmereniy sudna) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nikolayevskogo korablestroit. in-ta, 1956, Nr 8, pp 58-64 ABSTRACT: The value of the optimal yield strength of the steel for ships of various dimensions is determined; a sole starting point therein is the relationship between the weight of the compressed plating and the yield strength of the material of which the plating is made. Reviewer's name not given Card 1/1 137-58-1-1769 Translation from: Referat;vnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiyu, 1958, Nr 1. p 241 (USSR) AUTHOR: Arkhangorodskiy, A TITLE- Effectiveness oi Employment of Hi8h-strcn8th Steels in BuI,1-~ng the Hulls of Sea-going Vessels (Ob effektivncsti primenertya sfley povyshennoy prochnosti dlya postroyki korpusov morskikh sudov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nikolayevskogo korablestroit. in-ta, 1956, Nr 8, pp 65-70 ABSTRACT: Specific examples are cited to show the advantages oi the employment of hi8h-strength steels for medium-sized and large merchant marine vessels. A graph is presented of the relation- ship between the weight of basic metal in the hull of the sh-*.p and the (5s of the steel used, also a curve that shows the weight saved when standard shIp plate (St.4) is replaced by high-strength steel. For all practictl purposes, the most advantageous steel for merchant vessels of average payload is a steel having (7s=35 k8/m"n Z, which corresponds to grade SKhLl steel. When oil tankers and hulk carriers built by the combined method of framing are involved, and SKhU1 steel is used in place of St.1, Card 1/2 the metal requ,red for building the midsection of the hull can be 137-58-1-1769 Effectiveness of Employment of High-strength Steels (cont. ) reduced by approximately 27 percent and for the hull as a whole by 22 percent. The greatest lightening of the hull due to the use of steel of higher strength is obtained when the combined system of framing is employed. When the transverse system of framing the bull is used, the employment of the high-strength steel is less effective. For the hulls of vessels of larg It (10, 000 t and more) it is profitable to use not only a steel with (5- s 1; 35 kg mm2, but also a stronger steel, in which Crs is 40 kg/mm2. The small increase ;n the cost oi the steel does not significintly raise the cost of the building of the shilp. A,S. 19 Ship hulls-Materials 2, Steal-4pplications Card Z/2 1 -1.1- - --.. - . -. I - I - .-- - I - - I- -- - , . .1 1- . .1 i . 23WI II- - I )I 1-_ . - -- - r . ARKHANGO)IODSKIY, A.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; TAIJBIN, G.0e, kand. tekhn. nauk, ', - 'affect of mechanical properties of steel used for construction of hulls on structural bull frames for merchant vessels of various types. Tkudy NTO sud. prom. 7 no.lt75-92 156. (HIM 10:12) (Steel-Tesing) (Hulls (Naval architecture)) SOV/124-58-5-592Z Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 5, p 140 (USSR) AUTHORS- Arkhangorodakiy, A.G., Belen'kiy, L.M., Chernyshev, O.L. TITLE: A Device for Design Calculation of Beams on Flexible Sup- ports on a Continuous Flexible Foundation (Pribor dlya rascheta balok, lezhashchikh na uprugikh oporakh i splosh- nom uprugom osnovanii) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Issledovaniya po teorii sooruzheniy. Nr 7. Moscow, Gosstroyizdat, 1957, pp 575-586 ABSTRACT: Description of a. device serving for the mechanical calcula- tion of statically indeterminate beams lying on free flexible supports. The basic idea of the calculation with the aid of this device consists in the following: The original beam is replaced by a similar model; the loads and the coefficient of the rigidity of the supports ki are simulated; the sagging of the supports fi is measured, and their reaction is calculated on the basis of measurements thereon by the formula Ri = kif,-. Then the re- sults obtained from the model beam are extrapolated for the original beam. A continuous flexible foundation can be simu- Card 1/2 lated by the simple device of increasing the number of flexible SOV/124-58-5-5922 A Device for Design Calculation of Beams (cont.) supports. Examples of calculation are given wid the possibility of extended field application of the described device is commented upon. P.1. Klubin 1. Beams-LIesign 2, )3eam,,,--Te.;tJn,,, equlpmenL 3. lInthematics Card 2/2 ARKHANGORODSKIT, A.G., kand.tokhn.nauk; ENLICNIKIT9 L.M., inzh. Increasing the specific volume loading capacity of a cargo vessel. Sudoetrosule 24 n0-1:1-3 A '58. (MIRA 11:2) (Ships--Gargo) AMMANOMMIL-49"andi'Grigorl vich; BIMIKIY, Leonid Kikhaylovich; COVINOViii-TTd.-S. # -ueic&rY-yr-rea-.;' KAZAROT. Tu.S.. red.: FRTAMO F.S,, tekhnorede [Analytical method of designing ship hulls] Analitichaskil metod proektirovanlia k rpu*a oudias Leningrad, Gos.soiusnoe Isd-vo sudoetroit.promyshl,: 1959. 207 PS (KIRA 120) (%Ila (Naval architecture)) AREXUTGOROSKIT, A.G.; BRUNIKIT, L.M. Problems of nongeometrical similarity In structural mechanics. Nauch.dok1.vys.sh1coly; mash. I prib. no.l:3B-62 159. (MIRA 12:8) I. Statlys predetavlena kafedroy "Stroltellnaya makhanika korablv.a" litkolayevokogo korablestroitelinogo instituta. (structures, Theory of) -ARMNGORODSKIY, A.Ge (Arkhanhorodalkyi, O.H.] (Nikolayev); RXMIKIT, L.M. (Nikolayev) Problems of the similArity of thin-walled profiles. Prykl. mekh. no.4-.421-427 '59- MU 13:3) 1.Nikolayevski3r oudoetroitelluyy Institute (steel, Struotural) (Strength of mteriitls) ARXIWIGORODSKIT, A.G., kand.takhn.nauk; POPOV, V.G., aspirant Stability of cylindrical shells reinforced with inclined lAteral stiffening ribs. Izv&vys.ucheb.xuv ; mshinostr. no.6t 61-61 159. imak 130) 1. Hikolayeveirly korablestroitellnyy Instituto (Alastio plates and shells) 8/145/60/000/003/001/010 D221/D301 AUTHORS: A~r~ a�r Candidate of Technical Sciences and Popovp V.G## Engineer TITIEt Strength of cylindrical shells reinforced by trans- versal and longitudinal ribs PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashino- stroyeniyep no* 3, 1960, 3 - 13 , TEXT: The article refere to the work of Kafedra stroitellnoy mekh- aniki korablya, Nikolayevskiy korablestroitellnyy.inatitut (Depart- ment of Structural Marine Mechanics at the Hikolayevskiy Marine In- atitute) during 1952-1953, Its purpose was to determine the possi- bilities of strength increase of cylindrical shells by longitudinal ribs* On the assumption that bending is small when compared to thic"i[nesep then the linear solution is given by N ny V = sinm"X~7"a sin 1 _, n Uard 116, ncl S/14y6rOOO/003/001/010 Strength of cylindrical shells ... D221 n3 I where designations are indicated in Pig. 1. 'With the joe of Ritz's method the author finds expressions for the pojpntial energy of de- formation and bending of the shell, as well as the work of external forces. After defining forces in the meridional sections due to transversal loadp gt the function of stresspeg C~ as the integral of combined deformations is found. TjLs leads to the equation of the system's energy. In the case of all-round u61form pressurep it is possible to write with good approximationg Mat PX = g R ; and py = &AR 211 h (10) where px and py are the compressive stresses$ This results in simp- lified expressionso The minimum critical pressure is obtained when m - lo Special instances of reinforced ribs are then considered# A set of equations is evolved for six-equidtfistant ribs. The limit of an%e 20Y0 will be between 0 and 300. When the shell is rein- R forced by seven ribs, then this angle varies between 0 and 260, and Card 2/X V 5/145/61/000/003/001/010 -Btreingth of cylindrical shells D221/D301 maximum El is taken for each of these values. Vinallyp the author discussed nine ribs. Experimental investigation was carried out to supplement the theoretical work. Although the ribbing different from above recommendationsp results were used to determine the effect of ribs on critical pressure. The dimensions of models are tabulated, and illustrations given of them. 3hiring tests knocks were observed which corresponded to formation of dents in the shell, and when pressure aid not failt contrary to shells wi%hout ribs The character of waviness in the shell is markedly changed at t~e instant of dent formation. A detailed description is given of these deformations. For comparisonp results on shells without reinforce- ments were also tabulated. The model in these cases was subject to deformations in an axial direction after the appearance of dents and without pressure increase* On the basis of theoretical and ex- perimental investigationst the following deductions were made. The longi-tudinal ribs ensure a general increase of strength. Deviations from the correct shape of the shell affect its stability to a les- ser extent than in the case of non-reinforced W-ts. It is expedient to mount ribs with higher strength on bending and torsion for the Card 34, S/14Y60/000/003/001/010 "Strefigth of cylindrical shells D221 D301 rational use of the material of the shell. The carrying capacity of shells reinforced by cross ribs o;%ly is determined by the shell when subject to all-round external pressurep whereas in instances of longItudInal and cross rIbs It depends on these reinforcements. There are 5 figuresp 2 tableal and 5 Soviet-bloc referenoee* ASSOCIATION: Nikolayevskiy korablestroitelInyy institut (91kolay- evskiy Marine Construction InBtitute) SUBMITTED: May 16y 1959 Card 4/1,/ 350,'14 S/145/60/000/010/002/014 D262/D304 AUTHORS: Arkhan oro Candidate of Technical Sciences an ochanov, Yu.P., Engineer TITLE: Modelling the stability of flat decks PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashino- stroyeniyet no. 10t 1960, 48 - 55 TEXT: The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of determining the . stability of decks on s,.pecially built modelling in- 8tallations. The principle is based on the known relationship bet- ween loads and deformations of rods at the moment when their Btabi- lity is disturbed. The utilization of the installation is based on the theory of similarity, The phenomenon of the loss of stability Is described by the general equations Ei 84V+ 82v 0 (at y = y M 4 % 7 m ex x . Card,1/4 S/145/60/000/010/002/014 Modelling the stability of flat docks D262/D304 as VX"+O b.EI.2'v =Elm kn v X_XnI (2) UY& I dX3 IXn-0 ly - Yin at Ip V 'dv i" X X" U,EIO CuIrl, OY -a Y2 y (Y=o u y = Ll' Ct+ and U.El, Lis V dv (4) for the case shown in Fig. I (v - areat i sectional moment of in- ertia of a longitudinal beam, I - sectional moment of inertia of a* transverse beams T - contracting force of a longitudinal beamo U - coefficient of yieldingness of elastic and fittings of a beam; in- dexes: m - successive number of a longitudinal beamp n - successive number of a transverse beam) the constants of similaxity are given by Card 2/4 B/145/60/000/010/002/014 Modelling the stability of flat decks D262/D304 C'. L CK kmn VO pill ~~Olnn C1 - I Um Cj: Ulm 10 M UOrn U01M C1. - C' -LM CT M 10, #n TO. c1n Ion the condi tions of similarity, derived f rom equations (1 - 4) are al- so given in equation forms The maximum size of the installation can be 1600 mm x 900 mm. The results obtain ed from a test show that the errors do not exceed 10 % in comparison with the theoretical calcu- lations. It is stated that this method can be used on an equal foot- ing with the existing methods of calcul ations and also could be Card 3/4 S/145/60/000/010/002/014 Modelling the stability of flat decks D262/D304 used to solve more involved problems, for example when longitudinal and transverse beams are not equidistant and their moments of iner- tia vary. There are 3 figures and 4 Soviet-bloo references. ASSOCIATION: Nikolayevskiy korablestroitelnyy institut (Nikolayev Shipbuilding Institute) SUBMITTED: December 26, 1959 Pig. 1. Card 4/4 ARKHANGORODSKIY, A. G. Doe Tech Sci - (diss) "Several problems of designing chassis designs." Gorlkiy-Kaliningred,1961. 26 pp; (Gor'kiy Inst of Water Transport Engineers); 150 copies; rice not given; list of author's works on p 25-26 (10 entries~; (KL, 6-61 sup, 210) S/145/62/000/002/005/009 D262/D308 AUTHORS: TITLE: z�rodiskiy, A.G., Candidate of Technical Sciencesp and Kochan_o_V-,--7_-u-.F. -,Engineer Modelling of bending of frames with fixed joints PEIRIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashinostroye- niye, no. 2, 1962t 86 - 95 T-EXT: The work PrinciDle of the new device designed by the author is based on the relationship between angles of rotation of joints and moments about the points of support of the frame rods. The condi- tions of similarity are studied and a detailed description of the device is Given. IL numerical example is given of design of a stati- cally undeterminable flat frame. ~he error in design does not exceed 5 %. The device can be used in calculating ship frames and is recom- mended for laboratory work. The-re are 5 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: '-Tikolayevskiy korablestroitellnyy institut (Nikolayev Shipbuilding Institute) SUMITTED: December 26, 1959 Card 1/1 ARKHANGORMSKII, A.G,-[Arkhanhorodalkyi., O.H.] (Nikolayev); POPaV, V.G. jFbpov.-V.H.) (Nikolayev) Effect of the rigidity of torsion of the framework on the stability of the sheathing of a cylindrical shen. Fryklemekh6 8 no.2:178-185 162. (MIRA 15:3) lo Nikolayevskiy korableotroitel'W institut, (Elastio plates and shells) ACC NR. AP60.36879 UR/ -Arkhang 04'yj -'Alqkppp~Lr..Qx!igoi~lyey~!;4;,.:Belenlkiy$ Leonid Mikhaylovich; Litvin, fe"kiancIr Bor sovich Collapsible pad ngs in shipbuilding and ship repair (Sminayushchiyesya prokladki Y sudostroyenii i audoremonte) Leningrad, Izd-vo "Sudostroyeniye", 1966. 130 p. illua., bibli . 2700 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: Col. Iapsible paddinEr, shipbuilding engineering, shock absorber POPOSE AND COVEMGE; This booklet is intended for engineering and technical staff engaged in theiconstruction and repair of,seagoing and river vessels, and in other fields o~ technology. It can be used by students of higher technical schools and In.stitutes. Utilization of collapsible padding in shipbuilding and shiprepair plants is discussed, and the selection of materials, their mechanical properties, an~ the design and construction of collapsible paddinga are described in detail. Thpre are 52 references,, 51 of which are Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: (Abridged] Foreword -- 3 Ch. 1. Field.of Follapsible padding application -- 5 Ch. 2. Materialejueed for manufacturing collapsible paddings and their mechanical prol7rties -- ?4 2 UDC: 629.12.002.3 Card ~kt'E--Nk~-AY6636R~ -Ch. 3. Engineering design of collapsible paddings -- 52 Ch. 4. Special d6sign features of structures vith collapsible paddings -- 68 Ch. 5. Testing full-scale structures with collapsible paddings -- 100 Appendix. Numeriej~al values of HI-H5 functions -- 127 i Bibliograpby -- 12� suB com., 13..11/ suBm Dm.. oBkpr66/ ORIG MW: 051/ OTH PM: 001/ 2/2 ARKHANODRODSKIYO L., Inshnner; ZUBOVSKIY, G,, Inshow. Construction and assembly of a drying and cleaning tower. Mak.-nlov.prom, 23 no,2:6-9 P '57. (HLRA 10:3) 1. VessoyuzzW spot stalizirovanrqy moiitazhnyy treat Spets- elevatormal'stroy. (Orain alavators) VITI WMOOODD LI I LIS, N.Y. (doesaOsd]s- GRIOMOY31VA,X.P.0 inzhener, r re M*03 e or; E;URBVSKIY, L.I., redaktor; IABUS, G.A.. takhnicheekly redaktor CAusembly of elevators] Montazh elevatorov. Pod red. K.P.Grigorieva, Moskva, Goes izd-vo takha, i ekon. lit-rr po voprosam zagotovok, 1951. 479 p. [Hiorofilm) (HLRA 10-1) (Grain elevators) ARXRLNGMODSKIT, Le n1 Al inthener; MMNDMXIT, S.N.. K!&ZKEX=v 00 W-4naff-Itl6r;daktor; KRIVTAKIN, B.I., redaktor; GOLXTXOVA. L.A., takhrodaktor (Repair of elevator equipment) Remont oborudovaniia elevatorov. Pod red. B.N.Banderskogo* Moskva, Izd-vo tekhn. i skonomicheekol lit-r7 po voprosan zagotovok, 1954. 224 p. (Microfilm] (KLU 8%3) (Graln handling machinery-Repalring) SKVIIRCUK, D.; ARKHAMORODSKIT, L.[A') Using tower cranes in pouring concrete for grain elevators. Muk.-elev.prom. 21 ne.11:25-27 N 155. (KLU 9:4) I.Trest TSextrozagotstroy, (Concrete construction) (Cranes, d6rricks, ate.) ARK7(AIQ.ORGDSUY,.,Xskqnid Aleksandrovich- LAIMA-DALRY, Inv Hironovich; PISAK. 3.7a. 's'pe;too'"'ii(t'.'i"WSOTSKAYA. R.S.. red.; GOIXMX:OVA, L.A., 0' r tekhn,rede (Rapid assembly of prefabricated elevators and drier-cleaner towers3 Skorostnol montazh zagotoviteltnykh elevatorov i sushiltuo- ochistitellnykh bashen. Moskva, Izd-vo teklm. i skon. lit-ry po voprosam mukomollno-krupianoij kombikormovoi proqvahl., I elevatorno- skladskogo khoz-. 1958- 266 p,. MRA 11:5) (Grain elevators) "HANGOAODSKIY,. L.A.; BIJKSHTEYN, Ya.A. ; VOYROBIYEV, S.V. ; GAYMO, P.A.; DOLGOV~ Ye.N.; ZHIGLIN, A.A.; ZUBOVSKIY, G.P.; ISHROV, I.G.; )MYZHANOVSKAYA, G.L.; LISTAATOV, A.A.; LUR'YE, R.I.; MOROZOV, N.P.; OSTROZETSM, A.S.; PAVLOV, N.A.;PETROV, L.M.; POPOV, V.N.; TAIITAKOVOKTY. A.A.; TAUBE, D.N.; KWIN; L.T.; SHAPIRO; TS.S.; SHV;-YTSBURG,3.A.; SHEVTSOV, V.D.; DENISENKOVA, L.M., red. (Assembler's handbook on performing mechanical assembly and special work on grain elevators and grain processing enter- prises] Spravochnik montazhnika; po proizvodstvu mekhano- montazhnykh i spetsialtnykh rabot na elevatorukh i predpri- iatiiakh po porerabotke zerna. Noskvi, TSentr. in-t nauchno-tekhn. informatsii i tokhniko-okon. issl., 1963. 519 P. (MIRA 17:7) BAUM, , leksondr Yeflmovirlh;. kand. tokhu. nauki GEHZIIOY, A.P,, laureat Gosudarstvenrwy premll,. kazid. toklin. nauk, spots. red.,; PTITSYN, S.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent lnzh., red.; VOLKOV, P,N., red. 'w- ~ [Grain drying] Sushka zerna. Izd,3.. perer. i dop. Mc- skva~ 'Al'sINTI, .1963. 2167 p. (MRA 17:llj TUL'CIIINSKIY, Yefim MolseYevich, inzb.; inzh., retsenzent; ROZRANSKIY, S.V.j, inzh., retsenzent; KUDIAN, L.M. p red. (Elements and assembly of equipment for elevators and grain-receiving stations] Konstruktsil i montazli obo- rudovanila elevatjro,i I khlebopriemnykh punktav. Mc- skva, Kolos, 1965. 295 P. (MIRA 18:11) AUTHORS. TITLE: 355 S/198/62/008/002/008/Ull D299/D301 Arkhanhorods1kyy, O.H., and Popov, V.11. (Idykolayiv) Influence of torsional rigidity of the wall on the stability of a cylindrical shell PERIODICAL: Prykladna mekhanika, v. B# no, 2. 1962, 178 - 184 TEXT: The influence is considered of the elastic clamping of the edges on the stability of a closed cylindrical shell under uniform pressure. Th(.,-obtained results are used for determining Buler's load (pressure) for a llt stiffened by equally-spaced ribs. The problem is solved by t energy method. The normal-bending function is taken in the form W=f (I-x)sinT!!!+xsin'j!n-x sin~y M R' where R is the shell radius, h the wall thicknessp 1 - the length of the shell (or distance between ribs)# it the coefficient of the resistance pair, n - the number of waves, m the number of half- waves, The nonlinear terms in the compatibility equation are ne- Card 1/4 S/19Y62/008/UU2/008/011 Influence of torsional rigidity ... D299 D301 glected. After calculations, one obtains the equation for the total energy of the system. The pre-critical stressed state is considered to be a membrane state. The equation for Buler's load (pressure) is: Fh I a& qe Im I _W, (C,1t'+C2tx'n'+ C3n') + 5 a " on 1(a2+n')'(4at-r#Sj (12) hi 0 (CW + C&aW + Con') + 2 _C7 (12) T2 (I --I 0),R 1 12 (1 - pt) RI I I where ilie coefficients C involve expressions in )(. By settingt in Eq. (12),:K = v, one obtains von-Mlises viell-known formula. Tho Eu- ler load (pressure) of an elastically clamped shellt is (N( qe - Kq,,, (14) where Eh 1 U4 ht Y q0. ff 0.5U1 + n2 I Pa--+rOY + 1-2 -(1 (u, + n] -_'P is Euler's pressure of a freely supported shell, and K is a facior which takes into account the influenoe of the elaotio clmping of the edgest on stability. The values of Kv as a function of the Card 2/4 S/198/62/008/002/008/011 Influence of torsional rigidity ... D299/D301 0 shell parameters a, R, lit and -it* are listed in 2 figures. The clamp- ing of the edges has a much greater effect in comparatively short shells. The par,". eters A and n are interrelated, V, depending on the elastic cuid geometric properties of the shell and of the reinforc- ing ribst and n - on the degree of clamping of the edges on the ribs. ~Iurlher, the differential equation is considered of the de- formation of a sheil, clamped along the linep joining Ine ribs and wall. The clamping is considered as rigid with respect to bending# and as elastic with respect zo rotation, One obtains: IM3 (22) 1 + n 3 (1 -tA')/ ( _'kW (I + I) Id _( n) where IW and Id are moments of inertia of the rib cross-sectiono. The above solution is valid within the limits of accuracy of the adopted assumptions. More accurate results would require a nonline- ar treatment of the problem, Finally, a numerical example is consi--k dered; thereby the critical pressure q e was found to have increasedt'( Card 3/4 5/198/62/008/002/008/011 Influence of torsional rigidity ... D299/D301 by 45 % as a result of the torsional rigidity of the ribs. There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: ~~vkolayivslkyy korablebudivnyy instytut (Yykolayiv Ship Building Institute) SUBMITTED: October 19, 1960 Card 4/4 -i- and-YU'vL-'U;EV-Vjj- L. T.-- Aerodynamics. Defense Publishing House (1952) p. 209 WHAIWI YE, P N i~coviini,io Light and Shade," Ye. P. Pkikhanov deals with a method of the equalization of aerial film y means of slant illumination ~,-df the film under which are imbedded fine threads of a thickness of 0.02 bind 0.04 =. The resultant width of the photographic image of this "wav0s~ .-ieflects the magnitude, by several hundreds of times, of the deviation of. Vle F-11- from the level. Thus the relationship between this dimension of '46flection and the width caused by tho "wave" is obtained, and the degree 4f equalization is then easily evaluated. The method can find application in laboratories studying the proc- "see; and methods of equalization of films in aerial cameras) since it 'gives the most complete and graphic picture of euqalization which it is possible to observe immediately; in aerial camera flying tests; and in the fulfillment of the production of aerial photographs for the periodic control. of the equalization of film by making special photographs at the 6nd and beginning of the courses, or during the interval between photo- Graphitig.. Thig control of the negative can also aid in subsequent photo- 9rV=WtrIC work. (06aftiYa i ft#WOO", ND 1) JbU 5T9 014-27) (V) AR M ROV, A.M., kand.tekhn.uauk - Centrifugal rectifier for air separation. Izv.vvs.ucheb*zav.; mashinostr. no.4:106-124 '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Hoskovskoye vysaheye tekhnicheakoye uchilishche im.Baumana. (Gases--Separation) GMSH, S-Ya. Ideceneed], doktor; ARKHAROV, A.M., kand tekhn.nauk. Fxperimeatal Investigation of a centrifugal rectifier for air separation. Ixv.yVs.ucheb.zav.; mahinostr. no.4:125-140 159. (MIRA 13:4) I* Noskovrkoye "aheye takhnichaskoye uchilishche in.Baumana. (Gaseo-separation) UwPagineering - wChanics Card Vi Pubo 128- 6/35 Authors I Arkharov,, A. H., Engineer, and Hironov.. G., G.p Engineer Title i On. computing the vork of machines I vest. mash.'35/3p 13 24 Mar 1955 -Abstr--a-Ct--------$-----A-0-tudy-ia--mad6--cif the -various- mathods of- computing the work- done,by a. machine, such ast number of revolutions nadep distance In kilometers traversed, number of completed pieces of work and the number of hours of operation.. These several methods are taken up separately and their advantages or shortcomings pointed out. 132ustratione. Institution I it qqX~Sh- HIROHOV, Georgiy Georgiyevich; ZAVARTSEV, 'A A.M., inzh., retsenzent; BERZIN, B.O., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; TAIROVA, A.L., red,izd-va; BLIKIND, V.D., (Automatic recording of the performance of machines] Avtomaticheskii uchet raboty mashin. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekha.lzil-vo mashino- stroit. lit-x7, 1957. 113 p, (MIRA 11:3) (Hachine-ebop practice) (Recording instruments) and M/Olecular physics - Heat D-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1) 1958, 754 Author : Arkharov, A.M. Inst :4 Title : Stabilization of the EW of Thermocouples. Orig Pub : Izmerit. tekhnika, 1957, No 3) 54-55 Abstract : A method is developed for preparation of clad thermocouples which results in their high stability. It becomes possi- ble, in the manufacture of a large number of thermocouples, to calibrate only several specimens and on the basis of this to plot a single calibration curve for the entire se- ries, with resultant high measurement accuracy (up to O.Or C, depending on the scale of the calibration curve) for all the thermocouples in a given series. Card 1/1 AUTHORS: Gersh, S. Ya. ' Professor, Doctor of SOV/67-11-5-1/18 Technical Sciences (Deceased), Arkharov, A. M., Engineer TITLE: Horizontal Centrifugal Rectifier (Corizontallnyy sentrobezhnyy rektifikator) PERIODICAL:. Kislorod, 1958, Vol 11, Nr 5, PP 1-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The report demonstrates the !,,onstruction and the mechanism of a rectifier for the production of oxygen by air liquefaction. The rectifier .~-i7 has a hcrizontal axis which performs rocking motions, with an inclination of the axis up to 70 degrem. The capacity of varioue reatification cells is experimentally investigated, namely, spi 'ral cells with plair and knotty inner surface of various spiral length and coaxial calls. As a typical feature, the, use of irriGated condensing evaporators is mentioned. The principle of the separation of the atmospheric nitrogen ana ~xy6;sn is based on the following: The air is introduced. into the re.-tifier under 16 atmospheres absolute pressure, partly om,.densed on the condensing evaporator and passed into the center of the rotor by a throttle valve. By centrifuge.l force the'!-iquid air in the Card 1/3 spiral is drawn out into a thin filn, (0.2-0-3 mm). The vapor Horizontal Centrifugal Rectifier SOV/67-11-5-1/16 flows through the spiral in the opposite direction. The liquid leaving the spiral is vaporized on a condensing evaporator and removed. By the turbulent countermovement of the phases an exchange between them promptly takes place. Nitrogen passes into the vapor-, oxygen into the liquid phase. The intensity of the mass exchange depends on the surface of the turbulent fluid film and on the hydrodynamics of the flow. The critical equation for the coefffcient of the mass exchange for the spiral cell resulted from the experimental data and computations; K - X 47-P 41 (2) Investigations wexe -oarried out-of: The depen-denc& of the purity of the obtained oxy.;,en on the,inclinatio~ of the axis,- whtreby for shorter spiral& a considerable improvement of the degree of purity with an increasing angle of inclInation results (Frayman, Ref 19). Also velocity of rotation influences the degree of Intrity, Lk particular in coaxial cells. The thinness of the fluid film prevents the liquid from falling through. It is theoretically and experimentally suggested that by suitable combination of rocking motions and velocity of Card 2/3 rotation, by the use of many-way cells, apparatus having a I Horizontal Centrifugal Rectifier BOV/67-11-5-1/18 capacity of 1000 and more kg per hour can be constructed. in the investigated rectifier a maximal oxygen purity of 99-5 % at an extraction from the air of 57-62 % could be obtained-The oxygen conten"i, in the obtained nitrogen is 9-10%. There are 10 figures, I table, and 19 Soviet references. Card 3/3 ARIDMV. A.M.; TASTROOVA. Te.D. - Performance of Crapb1te plates in a rotary blower[with Summary 'in Inglish]. Iuzh.-fizahur. no.12:85-89 1 58. (MIRA ID12) Is Vyeeboya tokhnicbse6ye ucbillsbehe iment Baumana. g. Moskva. (Graphite--Testing) GOLOVNITSOVI A.G.# doktor te)cbn, neukq profop red.; ARMMOV, A.M., kand* tekhn. nauko red.; (Summaries of reports made at the Scientific and Technological Conference on the Work of the Low-Temperature Research Laborator7 During the Period 1957-19601 Tezioy dokladov Nauchno-tekhnicheSkOy konferentaii po itogam raboty problemnoi laboratoii glubokogo kho- loda za period s 1957 po 1960 gg. Pod red. A.G.Golovintsova i AAArkbarova. Moskva~ Yl-vo vyoobego i arednego spetsiallnogo ob- razovardia, RSM, 1960, 59 P. (MIRA 3J+tn) 1,, Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konforenteiya po itogam raboty problennoy laboratorii glubokogo kboloda As period a 1957 po 1960 gg. (Low temperature research-Congrese(os) 4q*~qj A.M,-. ".tokhn.nauk Air separation in contrigugal rectifioation alTamtus. Milm.rash. no.318-12 MY-Je.161. (MI PA 1415) Oases-49pmration)' - , ~. II ;I I AUTHORS: 22988 3/184,/61/000/004/001/004 D041/1)112 GolovintAov, A;G., Doctor of Technical S6iences? Professor; Arkharov, A.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Stolper, M*B., gineer TITLEi Investigation of increased-pressure cycle-processes for obtain- ing liquid oxygen PERIODICALs Xhimicheskoye mashinostroyeniye, no- 4, 1962.9 15-19 TEXT: Experiments with inoreased-preasure cycle-proodsses for obtaining liquid oxygen were carried out at the MVTU im. Bauman. Increased-pressure cycles have all the advantages of low-pressure cycles and are more economical Only turbodynamos are used in increased-pressure cycles. The article deals with the following 3 variantso (1) increased-pressure cycle with one turbo- pressure-reducer-valve, (2) increased-pressure cycle with two turbo-pressure- reducer-valves and (3) a variation of the latter. Calculations of the sys- tems, given in the article, were made by engineers N. Kruglova, L. Rusanova, Z. Kats, and L. Buchok tinder the guidance of the authors. The technological system used in variant (1) (Fig. 1) does not differ essentially from the P,L. Kapitsa cycle LAbstracter's notes The Kapitsa cycle is not described in Card 1/4