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-P - rl_ ~P -,-Yu.P., starshiy prepodavatell; DIDENKO, V.Ye., assistent, A~RKHI KUTASIN, B.P., dotsent Compounding synchronous generators with carbon pile voltage regulators ('RUNft) on tank vessels of the "Kazbek" type. Biul. tekh.-ekoi,. inform. Tekh. upr. Min.mor flota. 7 no. 81 37-47 '62. (MIRk 16:5) 1. Odesskoye vyssheye inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishche. (Tank vessels) (Electricity on ships) ARKHIPOV, Yu.P., eta.-ahly prepodavatell Trnnsient processes in direct-current electric propeller drive. Sud. oil. ust. no.2slO2-114 163. (MIRA 171l) 1. Odesskoys vyasheye inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishche. A,IZKHIMVA, A. and KAKUSHKINA, Ye. "Senescence in the organism and Chemical Factors of Nervous Excitation.,M Dokl. AN SSSR., 53, No-5., 1946 CHAUSOV, Nikita Semenovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; Prinimali uchastiyez GVOZDIKOV, B.F.J inih.-elektrik; KULAKOV, B.F., inzh.-elektrik; SBORSHCHIKOV, S.G., inzh.-elektrik; FUKHLYANKO, A.A., inzh.-elektrik; KORNEYEVA, V.P.) tekhnik-elektrik; AYNBERGI V.D.p programmist; MELINIKOVA, M.G., programmist; KOZLOVA, R.Ya., programmistj ARKHIPOVA, A.A._,. programmist VILKOV., G.N., red.izd-va; MOCHALINA, Z.S., (Using electronic computers in calculating engineering constructions (programming the calculation of shallow shells and beams for the electronic digital computer "Ural-111)] Primnenie elektronnykh vychislitelInykh mashin pri raschete inzhenernykh sooruzhenii (programmirovanie rascheta pologikh obolochek i sterzhnei dlia ETsVM "Ural-111). Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit.i stroit. materialam, 1962. 135 p. (Akademiia stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut stroitelInykh konstruktsii. Trudy., no.9). (MIRA 15.8) (Electronic digital computers) (Elastic plates and shells) (Beams and girders) ARMIIPOVA A.A. inzhener-khimik S U bstitutes for sodium sulfide In dyeing solutions. Tekst.prom. 22 no.4t 64-65 Ap 162 (MIRA 15t6) 1. Kombinat "5-7 Oktyabrl" Vladimirskogo sovnarkhoza. (Dyes and dyeing) (Textile rinishing) iizDNfV, V'. It.- av,-t APxlMKjVjiJ, A. G. Ile Water f;!inperature Fluctim',ions, an:1 Balance varlal"Ill'. Ily report tc) be subtaitted for the Intl,/Gollg. New York City, ?l 1-1 195~- (Ilat. Oceanographic Irist. , ijoscow) DODIN, D.A.; GOLUBKOVi V.S.L_kM I ~ 1POVAj,,.A-...; A-fiASOV, A.I. DiviLsion of the trap formation In the northwestern margin of the Siberian Platform in medluyn-scale geological mappin Inform. sbar. N11GA tio..30:8-11 162. %RA 171l) AR11111PLVA, A.T.; NACIIINKIN, N.O., I, , , NizhnufokInsk differentiated Intrision in th-.9 western nargln of the Norillok Plateau. Uchs zap. NlIGA Rg,~301. no-301-61 '64, (MIRA 18slO) ACC NRs Al"(002668 souRcE com --tuf/olog/67/012/601/0098/0105--, AUTHOR: Azjqj~payjL A. ti. j.-TK achuk, P. M. ; Fedorus , 0 - A. ORG: Institute of Semiconductors, AN UkrSSR (Institut polupsovodnikov AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Threshold characteristics of CdS photoresistors SOURM Radiotekhnika i elektronika, Y. 12, no. 1, 1967, 98-105 TOPIC TAGS: ABSTRACT: photoresistor, photosensitivity C, azL~ The voltage and photosensitivity of CdS photoresistors was experimentally studied to establish the application of the photoresistors in recording weak alternating light signals. The 4 x 1-mm film specimens were pre- pared from US single crystals (50-100 p thick) obtained by vapor- phase synthesis of Cd and S on a glass substrate. The noiseless.con- tacts were made by vacuum deposition of indium on the ends of the speci- mens (the photosensitive area is 1 mm2)." The experiment shows that both high- and low-resistance photoresis~ors have a minimum sensitivtty threshold [(3-6) x 10-10 Im cps -1/2 (1.5-3) x 10-11 w cps -1/2) at 1-10 lux illumination for a light source with a color temperature corresponding to 2854K. The sensitivity threshold for light pulses in the spectral range of CdS maximum sensitivity (A - 0.51 V) in X 10-13 W cps -1/2 at 10 lux white light illumination. The voltage L~q!d _,Ja_ uDc: 621.383.4 ACC NR, AP7002668 sensitivity of US photoresiators is 2-10 v/xm at 1 ir conatant' voltage. OrIg. art. has: 6 figures, 1 table, and 3 formulas. SUB CODE: 09, 20/ SUBM DATE: 13-Tul65/ OFdG'REF: 010/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: 5112 Lqard 2/2 " i/~ r7 rf BDS ACCEOSION NR: AP300YAO 0/0165/63/008/00510598/0599 AVMOR: A# No)' Mop -Go -44 -PUrsenkop V4 ------T !!Ikhy" Pedo _10vastigation-of the`* .0 d SOLMCE: Ukraylnslkyy flzyc~~*hurw.a,,,Vo 8,* no - 5 91963, 596-599 TOPIC TAGSt,'cadmium-sulflde crystal# phenomenologic&L quantum yield, cadmium sulfide-photorealator ABSTRACT: The relation-between-phenomenologicaI quantum y1bld (PQY) and the intensity of constant bias 1 -lghting in a wide range of' specimen illuminations by short light pulses has been experimentally investigatod by measuring the photo I response. The experiments show that the PQY for specimens with low dark con- ductivity (10-10 mbo) increases with bias lighting, rises to 'a maximwa, ana then decreases at comparatively high bias lighting. 7he PQY for a specimen -.4th a 10-7 to 10"6 who* dark conductivity decreases monotonically with an increezei in bioz lighting, Thf..PQY for the zajority of specimens varied within 0.01 to 0.02 electron/quentum. The authors conclude that the sensitivity threshold of CdS photoresistors can be increased either by adding certalu impurities to the 1/2 Card L 10788-63 -A=SION M: APYW240 CdS single crystal or by treata*At-of the photosensiti eurface of Te the Ma~ala authors express their thanks to Academigan Ve Be Laaharlov for his valuable suggestions and interest In the work." Orig. art, hes.1 1 figure and I formula. ASSOCLATION: Insty*tut na;pivprQVIdny*kiY AN WBR m. lr-yiv (Institute of S=i- conductors" AN MR), ARKHIPOVA, A.P., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk. Constructing asphalt-concrete road surfaces at lowered air temperatures. Avt.dor, 20 no.9(179):14 5 157. (MIRA 10!10) (Roads, Concrete) (Asphalt) NIKISHINA, M.P.; MOMNEV. L.Ya.; NRODINA, L.A.; ARIallPOVA, A.P.; BEGUMU, N. 1. Bituminous and tar emulsions used in road construction. Avt.dor. 21 no.11.025-27 N '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Road materilas) EVENTOV, I.H.: ARKITIPOVA. A.P.: WAROV, V.V. Use of machinery in preparing black top nixtures troated with emulsions. Avt.dor. 22 no.7:12-11 JI 159. (MIRA '12:9) (BituminouR raterials) IRRMNIV, Leonid Yakovlevich; ARMIM ~ TA,_ Aleksandrs Ravlovi!~-, YAKOYMA, A.I., red.; GALUTICNOTA, TO.N.,,; NIXOLAYJWA, LoNef LUsing reverse emulsions in constructing and repairing roads] Primenenle obratnykh emullaii v stroitel'stve i remonts dorog. Moskva, Nouchno-takhn.izd-vo X-va avtonobiltnogo transp. I shossainykh dorog RSFSR, 1960. 26 PO WRA 14a) (Roads--Kaintenance and repair) (Bituminous materials) ARKECPOVA,, A.P.; IGONIKINA, G.S.; SERGITWO, V.A. Road emulsiono under arctic-region conditiono. Avt*dor. 25 no.lltlO-12 N 162. (HMA 15t12) (Road materials) NIKISHINA, Mariya Filippovna; EVENTOV, losif Markovich, ARIMPOVA, ,kg~ Pavlovna; BEGM;KOVA, Ninell Ivanovna;-BORODINA, Al~k A_ I,yubov' Aleii -yiii~a; IGONIKINA, Galina Sorgoyevna; NAZAROV, Vladimir Vladimirovich; ALEKSEYEV, A.P., red. Emulsions used in road construction) Dorozhnye emullsii. W] M.F.Nikishina i dr. Moskvaq Transport, 1964. 171 p. I (MIRAL 17:12) MR AFAhAStYlVA, L.Vq AhKlil,14)VA, k.S., red. [IndustrAn-1 dust and Its liygjEpiii-- naia pylt i Oe ZnB,-ntJTAO. MoAvat 71-~-,,ntr. in-t usoverohansl-jovanila vrachell, h)b.3. 2,1 p. 0,11.1-il, a*,?.Blj MSR/Pharmacology Toxicology, Anti-inflammatory Agents. u-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.p No 3Y 1958) 13029 Author : Priselkov, M.M., Pushkar', E.G., Arkbipova) A.V.) Kocherova, A.N. Inst : - Title : Decomposition of Pyramidon and Some Other Drugs by Microorganisms. Orig Pub : Aptech. delo, 1956, No 3, 38-43. Abstract : It was demonstrated by growing E. coli, Proteus and Staphylococci on meat-peptone media containing 0.5-1% pyramidon, antipytine or caffeine that multiplication of the organisms was retarded, especiaUy in the pre- sence of pyramidon, and that their sugar fermenting and proteolytic activity was supressed. It was found that microbes destroyed pyramidon and antipytine mole- cules by the utilization of carbon and nitrogen. Card 1/2 .. USqR/Pharnacology - Toxicology, Anti-inflammatory Agents. u-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol-i No 3, 1958, 13029 Proteus destroyed over one-half of the pyramidon present in the medium in concentrations up to 0.5%. Card 2/2 ARKHIPOVA, A.V.; SHNOV, Petr Leonidovich, red. (Practical manual on pharmaceutical chemistry] Praktichaskoe rukovodstvo po farmatsevtichaskoi khimii. Moskva, Hedgiz, 1959. 343 P. (MIRA 13:8) (CMISTRY, MEDICAL AND PHARKAGMICAL) L MAKSWEREVA, Z.T.- DARAYEV, A..~, FLL2WI&N, M.Y,,; BRINZA, DEGUAREA0, Ya.A.; KAGIBIN, V.S. Exclizinge of exparj-liv.,e. Zav.lab. 28 no.4-42&,4-)7 162. OMIRA 15.5) 1. Tashkentskly gosadurstvonnyy univeraitef. imeni Lenina (for lktkqimych~%,Ts,. Ikibftyev) ~. Dnepropetrovskil,- goaudarstvennyy- universitet (for ~elldmany'&Yma) ,. 3. L3vovskiy politoklmiala.- eakiy iwtitut (for Degtya-raiiko). 4. IrLqtitut metallurgii inom Baykova (for Vagibin., ArkUpoj~O. (Metals.-Analpis) T. S/~oq/62/0O0/0IjL/O18/O3Lq 8071/8331 'AUTHORS i Nagibin j V*S* and ArIthipoval A*Ve Pf ITLEt Determination of tin and titanium inbinary alloys SOURCE1. Akademiya nauk SSSR* Institut metaillurgii. Trudy#. i no6 lie Moscow, 1962# Metallurgi)'Pao metallovedeniye,! fisiko-Uhimi,cheshlye metody issledovaniya. 224 - 226 TEXTt The-method of determining tin And titanium in industrial binar~r alloys was chocked% Tin is determined iodometrically. in the presence of titanium; titanium-in determined by proc'.6_ ipitation -with cupferron after the'separation of tin.(by precipitation with hydrogen sulphide in the presence of citric acid. The tin determination was carried out both in the presence of ..vanadium and after.sepuration 'from vanadium. Xt was found that the: Industrial method of detemininS tin in the presence or vanadium was satisfactory. 'The analytical procedure In described in some detail* There are 2 tabl*B'o Car ACC NR: AP6028193 (A) ddW~C_E' d-6i~r,--bi~/6-0-3;~/66/oll,?/006/071'9/0720~I AUTHORS: Arkhipova, A. V.; Kudellkin, V. P.; Lyubinskaya, M. Ya.; ILIenin, Ye. N.; Popova, L. ORG-- "Elektrostall" Factory (Zavod "Elektrostall") TITM: Determination of decarburization 'in bright-drawn high-speed steol by the thermoelectric potential method ,'..."SOMM Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 32, no. 6, 1966, 719-720 TAGS; thermoolectric sensor, decarburization, high speed steel, carbon steel/, '~'~,`Rq tool stool, RIB tool steel _..._-~6STRAL A method for determining decarburization In bright-drawn high speed steel is briefly described. The method is based on measuring the thermoelectrio .potential between the metal surface and a copper'electrode clamped to the surfacel and by comparing this potential with the potential obtained between couples of known composition. aperiments were performed on steels R9, R18, and others (not listed in report) using a copper electrode at 160--170C (some results are tabulated). The aecarburization criterion is specified by GOST 5952-63 as 7 (unspecified scale) indicated decaxburization in 72--100% of the specimens (checked byl chemical analysis). It was concluded that this method is sufficiently sensitive to carbon content in the surface layer to be of practical importance. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 table. SUB CODE:1113/ SUBM DATE3 none/ ORIIG REP: 002 I Card 1/1 UDC: 620.183 AUTHORSs Frisman, B,Y.l Arkhipova, E.N. TITLEs The Sign of the Double Diffraction of Rays in a Flow as Depen- dent on the Conomtration of the Solution of a Polymer (Zavialmoot' znaka dvoynogo lucheprelomleniya v potoke ot kon- tsentrataii rastvors polimera) PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii Naui SSSR, 1957, Vol- 115, Nr 3, PP- 491 - 493 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The double refraction of rays in the flow of polymer solutions is determined by the difference of the main polarizabilities of the macromolecule in the solution. The macromolecule in the solution may be considered an ellipsoidal particle which is sa- turated with the solvent. The refraction index of' the solvent is here different from the refraction index of the polymer. At first an already earlier found formula for these difference of the polarizabilities is given* The anisotropy proper of the molecule can be poative or negative according to its form, but the aniso- tropy of the form is always positive. In a macromolecule with negative anisotropy the sign of the resulting difference of the Card 1/3 polarizability is dependent on the share of the individual terms 20r~719/59 The Sign of the Double Diffraction of Rays in a Flow as Dependent on the Con- centration of the Solution of a Polymer of the above-mentioned formula, In the case of a laminar flow in the solution the share of the individual term is in different dependence on the hydrodynamic force applied to the maoromole- cule and therefore also on the velocity gradient g. In the case of g-* 0 and an alteration of the moleoular'weight a change of the optical anisotropy can be expected in one and the same sol- vents This phenomenon was already earlier discovered during the inventigat on of the solution of two fractions 01 - 3.105 and X - 100.*) of polystyrene in dioxane. The solutions of the low-molecular fraction have a negative double refraction in a wide domain of concentrations and velocity gradients. The so- lutiona of the high-molecular fraotlon had a positive duuble refraction, but only at small velocity gradients g. With in- creasing g the positive refraction of rays becomes smaller, then it passes through zero and thereafter becomes strongly negative. A diagram illuatiates the dependence of the amount A n of the double refraction on the velocity gradient g for solutions with various concentration. According to the authors the double re- fraction in the case of sufficiently high concentrations must only be due to the anisotropy proper. There are 2 figures and Card 2/3 15 references, 7 of which are Slavic. 20-3-19/59 The Sign of the Double Diffraction of Rays in a Flow as Dependent on the Con- centration of the Solution of a Polymer ASSOCIATIONt Leningrad State University imeni A.A. Zhdanov (Laningradakiy gosudaretvennyy universitet imeni A.A. Zhdanova) PRESENTEDt March 16, 1957, by A.A. Lebedev, Academician SUBMITTEDt March 12, 1957 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 3/3 FRUMN, NoV#; AIUM&OVA, N.M. 1, ~ - I - ~. ~. .- - -. ~ Determining the optical anisotropy of nacromolecules in a system as It Is affected by shmpse Part le Zhurstakhefis. 29 no62: 198-206 7 '59a (MMk 12:4) L Laningradakiy osudarstvannyy universitat im. A.A,Zhdanova. fStyrene-Optical properties) 12UMRUDOVA~ T.V.1 DERVENCHUK, L.N.) APKRIPOVA, F.I.j JIIOqyGlNA, U.N. Modifination of lignin for the purpose of obtaiLing a weei- soluble dtoritratIve. Zhur.prlkl.khlr.. 38 no.11--2614-2616 N 165, WIRA 2-At12) 1, Submitted March 12,, A65. .1 .\ I ARMIPOVA, G. Influence of the time factor on the rate of production. Vop. ekon. no.3:90-97 Mr '62. (MIRI 150) (Economics, Mathematical) MFSHALKIN, U.N.; SERGI 1MVSK11Y, V~S.;_A~PlFOVA G F OKUTUTA, G.N.; SAVINSKIY, G.A.; VLASOV, Yu.A.; 'PIDENKO, V.I. Theoretical possibility of preserving tho basic function of the lung following surgical resection of all its neural connections (in auto.- transplantation) under experimntal conditions. Eksper. kh1r. i anast. 9 no.2-.34,42 Mr,-AP 161+, (MIRA 33,11) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny (nauchnyy rukovo- d-4tell - Prof. Ye.N,, Meshalkilip ispolnYlayushchiy obyazannosti direktorl dotsent Yu.1. Berodin) Ministerstva zdravockhraneniya RSFSR, Novosibirbk. !I)T~~qVA I.Ye., doktor khim.nauk; MISHCHENKO, K.P., inzh.; FLIS, tor khim.nauk Thermochemical study of the reduction of potassium chlorate by sulfite in an acid meditm. Trudy LTITSBP no.lltl24-127 162. Spectrophotometrie analysis of acid sulfite solutions. 128-133 I . ~ I P (MIRA 16tio) MAMOVA, G.A.; ARKRIPOVA, G.R.; RLMIROVA, A.A. Prevention of hypogalactia wider conditions of a pediatfte health center, Kaz,med.zhur. m.1:78-80 JA-F163. (MULL .16:8) 1. Kafedra propedevtiki detakich bolemey (zav. prof. G.A. Makarova) Kazanskogo medWinskogo instituta na baze 4~y ob"yedinennoy defskoy b9itnitsy (glavnyy vrach - R.Kh. Savenkova), Kazan', (LACTATION) (BRMT FMIM) SERGEYEV, Ye.N.; ARKHIPOVA, G.F.; DIDENKO, V.I. (Novosibirsk) Hypoxic method of cardioplegia in experimental extracorporeal blood circulation. Vrach. delo no.12:7-11 D 163. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy biologii, i meditsiny Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. A:~:T',ICVA, 6.i'.; FLI,,, l.Y(!.-, K.11. -1 Pot~~-,ntiomctri: determination of the IIS03;:tS(),3- +'0 eqWlibrlxuu within 10-500 temperature rnngo. Zhur. prAl. khim. 3", no.10: 2306-2309 0 t64. 17:11) FLIS, I.e.; ARKIIIPOVA. GP, MISHCHENKO, K.P. 0 Equi2ibria in aqueous solutions of sulfites at temperatures of 10 -35. Zhur. prikl. khim. 38 no.7vI494-1500 J1 165. (MIRA 180) AUT11ORSs Hzhanov, A. V., Arkhipoya, I. A,, 57-20-5-23/36 Bidulya, V. X- -------------- -- TITLE% On the Applicability of the Method of Velocity Measurement of Surface Recombination by Ideans of the Change of Semiconductor Resistance in a Magnetic Field (0 primenimosti metoda izmereniya skorosti poverkhnostnoy rekombinatsil izmeneniyu soprotiv- o leniya poluprovDdnika v magnitnom pole5 PERIODICAW Zhurnal Takhnicheakoy Piziki, 19509 Vol. 2B, Nr 5, PP- 1051-1052 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the paper by Zhuze, Pikus and Sorokin (Ref 1) a new method of measuring the surface recombination velocity a by means of the modification of the resistunoe of a thin semiconductor sam- ple in a magnetic field was proposed. The author of this letter to the editor employed the described method in the investigation of the modification s according to the change of the electric surface potential. The measurements were conducted with two dei; vices. One served for the measurement of the constant component F., one of the sample surf aoerb6ing subjected to the action of & conatant transverse field or of various gas media. On the Card 1/2 other device the voltage of the doubled frequency E2,, was mest- On the Applicability of the Method of Velocity Ideasvrement 57-20-5-23/36 of Surface Recombination by Means of the Change of Semiconductor Resistance in a Magnetic Field sured, one of the surface media being subjected to the action of a siriuioidal transverse field with low frequency. The ob- tained results show, that the method of measuring the surface recombination velocity by means of the modification of the con- ductivity of the samples in a magnetic field yields correct va- lues of,6 a at a modification of the concentration of the re- combination centers which was also proved by grinding expekiments. If a changes becrause of the modification oi the electrostatic surface potential, this method, however, gives too low values. This can be seen from a direct comparison of this method with the bridge method of measuring the effective life. The authors thank Yu.F. Novatotakiy-Vlasov for his help. There are 1 figure and 5 refarenceso 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONa Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeva AIN 33SH, Moskva (Moscow Physics Institute imeni P.N. Lebedev .,AS USSR) SUBMITTEDt December 28, 1957 Q&rd 2/2 1. Semicondu6tors--Surface properties ..25682 s4lal/61/003/007/QO4/023 t770a B102/B202 .2 16 AUTHORS: Rzhanov, A. V.:and Arkhipoval 1. A. TITLE,: Surface recombination it germanium with raised injection levels PERIODICAM Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 3, no. 7, 1561, 1954 1959 J TEXT: The authors report-on measurements of the surface recombination rate as a function of the surface potential for different injection level&~, ' with the theory. This problem is of interest They also give a c6mparison numbdr of semiconductor device's-operate at increased since today a lar e injection levels ere the concentration of the non-equilibrium carriers h g equals or exceeds that'of the equilibrium carriers) and because it has. J %V~,f hitherto not beezi studied experimentally. In the laboratory of the ' # devised for the combined study of steady photo-, authors a method was conductivity and field effect, ahich can be employed for different- injection levels. It is based on the follovzing principle: A.rectangular germanium plate is covered by 2 mica foils and fixed between two glass*. plates to the inner surfaces of which'the transparent tin oxide electrodes Card 1/5 116 181/ S/ 61/003/007/004/023 Surfaco recombination ... B102/B202 are fitted. A sinueoidal transverse voltage'is applied to this two-sided capacitor which simultaneously is exposed through the electrodes to square light pulses of equal intenqity but different repetition frequency. -Under these conditioi,s, three curves can simultaneously be observe4,on, the oscilloscope scrooni The curve of the conductivity variation in the dark, and the conductivitr curves for onez dnd two-sided exposure (with double total intensity). The surface dark potential can be determined from the former, the steady photoconductivity is determined from.the f ordinate dif erence between first and second curve" From this difference, the effective lifeti~me-and surface recombination r;te are determined if the calibration coefficient (which is determined fiom the eecoAd and third ' , urves) is known. The theoretical considerations are based on the foemula lor the surface recombination rate , "1) 1-44 NI (I -f- 1 . 1. 1q'I 4- C~ a Ch Ch (Y. - M kT . Card 2/ 5 .~Fmi 1 3 181/61/003/007/004/023 0 * . Surface recombination', B102/B202 where Y is the surface potential in 6 recombination via centers of and o(. are the concentration N with energy levels E a E Ei~ a t t t n hole. p and electron trapping.constants, n and posare the balanced volume 0 6 . Ln _ 1~2 concentrations of electrons and holes is the injeation level ni ni ; q%/kT In With increasing the position and X. p /n n,/n 1 2 . 0 qfo of the maximum of the curve 3 W is shifted f6m Y1 + In ,%(for*' kT small to Y qjo/kT for large.g. If (1) is wriiten in the f 6rim $0 9; qCO IWCO Ch Y, In X Card 3/5 25682 ~ ~ 023~ /004/ s/1e1/61/oO3/007/004 023 X3/007 ~~ Surface recombination B102/B2Q2 'where S is the. surface recombination rate for small 4t the variation of 0 thq maximum surface recombination rate with the injpotion level 'booomes manifesto. (4) shows that also at relatively small 6, the maximu orface 1 reoombin tion te'decreaseb with the injection level if (X+7-, 2 >1 +,ch( an"d i~oreases with the-inveroe'ib'bquality sign. With kT Ft _ q~o large. 4 S - decrease's-with increasing 4, if ' (7~+?C')> and max 2 01 S _4&n . , thor'in 3 ith f f 6 h th l 'I cre,ase o w a ur e va e9 approac ue , + %,to t c4 -n p In the following, these results are applied to practical cases. A-6ompArli= of the theoretical results with the experimental ones for the two ext;rem* values 0.1 and 4.3 showed good agreement. The authors thank A. L. Vollsk, Member of Warsaw University,'for assis-tanoe and advice. There are 2 figures and 8 referencest 6 Soviet-bloc and'2 n6n-Bovist-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as follows, R. H. Kingston. Semic ,onduotor Surface Phypics, P.*85, 19571 Go Dousmanis. J. A~ppl. Phys. 30, 29 180-1 1959. Card 4/5 7, ''i 25682 3/181/61/003/007/004/023 Surface recombination B102/B202 ASSOCIATIONs Fizicheskiy inatitut im. P. No Lebedeva AN SSSR Moskva - (Institute of Phyeios imeni P, No Lebedev AS USSR9 Mosoow) SUBMITTEDt January:149 1961 Card 5/5 37938 S/181/62/004/005/029/055 B108/B112 ,,UT'LICHS: Rzhanov, A. V., and Arkhipova, I. A. TITLE. Surface recombination on germanium with a large quantity of water adsorbed PZKODICALi Fizika tvordogo tola, v. 4, no. 5, 1962, 1274 - 1278 V7,;-',7': The chances in the character of the recombination curves during aradual drying of p-type germanium wore examined. Conclusionst Virtually no quantitative relationship exists between the changes in the maximum surface recombination rato.of germanium with adsorbed water and the Slope of the capture curves. Recombination is accomplished at discrete levels as well as on continuous energy levels in the surface forbidden band. As a first approximation it is assumed that the effective c-apture cross sections of the discrete and continuous levels are determined only by the donor or acceptor character of the respective centers and that they are independent of the energy position of the level. An approximately linear increase of the recombination rate on the side of positive surface notentials was observed on the p-type specimens (resistivity ~,20 Gard 1/2 3/181/62/004/005/029/055 Sur.,"ace recombination on ... B108/B112 - detailed description of the experiments will follow later. There are figures. ASSOCIATIONs Fizichoskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva (Physics Instituto imeni P. N. Lebedev) 11-08cow SUBLITTED: January 21 1962 Card 2/2 ARKHIPOVA, I.A.; RAFIKOVY S.R.; SUVOROV, B.V. Fr'oduction of nicotinic and Isonicotinic acids and their aMides by the hydrolysis of nitriles. zhur.prw.khim. 35 no.2:389- 393 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut khiTnicheakikh nauk AN KazSSR. (Nicotinic acid) (Isonicotinic acid) (Nitriles) 8/079/63/033/002/007/009 D204/D307 AUTHORS3 Me Arkhipoval IoA*j'R4%fikoYp S.Rs and Suvorovp TITLEs Hydrolysis of,terephthalodinitr:Lle with aqueous ammonia under pressure FERIODICAM Zhurnal obehohey khimii, v,, 33,,no. 2, 1963V 637 641 TEXTs The above reaction was studied to determine the possibility of selectivel preparing the desired intermediate products. Terephthalodinitrile '(TDN 0 prepared by the oxidative ammonolysis of p-xylene of ?b vanadate, was rsaoted with aqueous ammonia (taken,in Various TM ammonistwater molar ratios, n) at 200-30000, in a stain-' less steel autoolaveounder pressures from 5 to over 3 hours. For n - lsl4s2109.the yields of the diammonium salt of terephthalio.-- 0 efts om 30 % -at 100 % at 30000y vhilst acid (1) in r ed fk* 20000 to the yields of NH4COOC6H4CONH2 (11) fi~ll from ^J50 % at 2000C to rV10 % at 25000. At 2000C# with TDNtH20 13210, increaelLng the molar ratio ~,j of NH3sTD)i to 36 favored the formation of I and LE, whilet 30-40 of Card.1/2 - ----- -------- ----- S/079/63/033/002/007/009 Hydrolysis of -tirephthalodinitrile' D2o4/b3O7 :.Oaoh-:Or--)IH coo 0--and -NH C00644CONH2 - Was formed-tt 21H sTDW 1-2 2 04. .2 3 4. A small'amount of ammonium p-oyanobenzoate-vas also formed with low concentrations of -NR--- At 0 --2,50001 noreseed concentrationa of wat r. promoted the rate of reaction and favored the formation of the final J products of hydrolysin.,During the fomation of CONH2 from - CNO -the ammonia, behaved-only as a the conversion of - CONHo to CGONH however odaasiderably higher- - conc entrati one - of NH3 - were 4-1 There are T figures. A560CIATIONs Institut khimioheskikh-nauk-Jkademii nauk ~R___,(Inetitute of Chemical Xazakhe oy 8 Sciences of the Academy of Soienceo of the Kazakh SSR) SUBMITTED# mairch 140 1962 Card 2/2 EVIKOV, S.F.; ~AKHI~OVA, r, tull 1. .v Ir thermal dqmc- '-(, ".-'-noti-.1 cl,~*ucnoniiim stiltz and I nold imldes. ~hu!. ob. 011%.. :4 D '64 (mirl.4 )STI) 1. Instit.ut kliimi~+eokAl~ --Illk "iN F:1-n-Mr: coy ARKH V the ni:ioiijjA,c and aill-J~: !ield&. N 164 110-I'' 2-4~,8-24713 (MiR--. 18:1.) ;ACCESSION NRI AP4043709 6/0190164/006/008/1496/1497 .AUTHORS Koton, Ho M#; Kieeleva, T. Hol Arkhipovat 1. L, .TITLEi Synthesis of metal-containing' polymer* by reaction in a ipoly(mothacrylic acid) chain iSOURCEi Vy*aokomolekulyarny*ye soyedineniya, v. 6. no. 8, 1964, 1496- 1497 :TOPIC TAGS: metal containing polymer, metal containing polymer syn- ithesis, poly(tri-n-butyltin methaerylate), poly(triphenyltin methac- i !rylate), poly(diphenylantimony metbacrylate), poly(triphenyllead ~methacrylate),- poly (phanyime rcury methacrylate), thermostable Polymer 'ABSTRACTS Thermally stable organometallic copolymers which are soluble in organic solvents were synthesized by reacting poly(metha- ,crylic acid) with alkyl- or aryl-metal The copolymer. wcre syntheaLzed in alcoholsolulti.nn.-at 70C as. followst Clio + Card /,,3 ACCESSIOH NRt AP4043789 where N is Sn, Pb, Hg, or Sb,and R to C HS or C4119. The synthesized :copolymers were poly(tri-n-butyltin'matgacrylate), which is soluble !in benzene,. toluene 9 dimethylformamide; poly (tri phenyl tin me, thacry late) i which is pa-,rtially soluble in dimethy4formamlde; poly(triphenyllead .4 methacrylate)t which is insoluble in organic solvents; poly(diphenyl- antimony me'thacrylate), which is soluble-in dimethylformamihe; and poly(phenyl,mercury methacrylate), soluble in dimethylforma- mide. Depo'nding on the viscosity of poly(methncrylic acid), various copolymers of tri-n-butyltin methacrylate, ranging from *rubber-like- to solid-type,were obtained. The structure of the synthesized copolymers was proven by the hydrolysis of poly(triphenyltin meth- acrylate), which yielded pure triphenyltin hydroxide. It is noted that the thermal stability of the copolymers is not lcwer:,than that l of homopolymers of the respective orgAnometallic monomeras Orige.arto has$ I formula. ASSOCIATION: Institut vy*sok6molakulyarny*kh soyedineniy AN SSSR.: (Institute of Nacromolecular Compoundsp. AN SSSR) Card 2/3 SUDAKOV, V.A.; A IPOVA. X.M. Iffect of electrio so railroads on overhead telecommunication lineg. Sbor. nauch. rab. po prov. sviazi no,6tll2-123 157, (NIU 11Z5) Weatrio railroads) (Telecommunication) AFXHIPOVA, K.K. 11 ~ '0001,10'amr ,."a Nxternal and mutual resistances of a coaxial line shielded by a spiral screen. Sbor, much. rab. po pray. Wasi no.6:124-139 157, (Coaxial cables) (NEU 110) 6(0) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2792 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Laboratoriya sistem peredachi informatsii Froblemy peredachi informatsii, vyp. 2 (Problems of Information ..Transfer, Nro 2) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959, 99 p. Errata slip Enserted. 2,000 copies printed, Ed. of Publishing Houset Ye.K. Vinnichenko; Tech. Mot Yus Rylinaj Editorial Boardt P.A, Kharkevich (Reap. Ed.). V.N. Kuznetsov, I.A. Ovseyeviah, V.N. Roginskiy, and V.0, S.olombnov. I PURPOSE: This collection of articles may be useful to engineers engaged in the design of wire communication systems. COVMUGE: The authors discuss A%0-he theory of transmission of infor- mation and describe methods used in transmission. They oonsider attenuation of a two-wire line and cable impedance and discuss problems of coding, decoding and predicting communication sig- nals. They also consider statistical analysis of information and discuss systems used. No personalities are mentioned. Card 1/6 Problems of (Cont.) References appear at the end of each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Kuznetsov, V.N. Electromagnetic Field of a Contact Wire of Elect- rified Railroads Operating on A-e 5 The author determines the Olectromagnetic field around a wire located at a given height over the flat surface of the ground with a finite conductivity when alternating durrent passes through the wire. There are 7 references; 3 Soviet (including 1 translation), 3 English and I German. Kuleshov, V.N. Additional Resistance of Cable Lines Due to Losses in Adjacent Strands 26 The author presents a methqd of calculating additional resis- tance of multiplexing cables due to losses in adjacent strands. There are 3 references: 2 Soviet and I English. SOV/2792 Card 2/6 Problems of (Cont.) SOV/2792 Ar A,-K.M. and V.A. Sudakove Determination of Attenuation and a Propagation Constant of a Two-wire- Line., Taking Into Aooount Rtnite Ground Conduotivity 33 The authors present a method of calculating propagation cons- tant from a transcedental equation obtained from field equa- tions for air and ground, They also present nuAerical exam- ples in which simplifications for actual frequency ranges and ground conductivity were made. There are 3 referencest 2 Soviet and 1 English, Sinay, Ya.G. The Least Error and the Beat Method of Transmitting Stationary Information With Linear Coding and Decoding for the Case of Gaussian Communication Channels 1 40 The author derives a functional expressing the mean-square error of transmission and obtains the beat method of transmit- ting information, with linear coding and decoding, by Gaussian communication channels. There are' 3 references, all Soviet (including 1 translation). Card 3/6 Problems of (Cont.) SOV/2792 Kazaryanj R,A, Some Problem of Predication of Communication Signals 49 The author discusses problems of constructing circuits for signal prediction and analyses their operation under near- actual operating conditions. He also presents an example of extrapolating a speech signal. There are 11 references: 6 Soviet (including 1 translation) and 5 English, Meahkovskiy, K,A, Some Problems of the Theory of Coding 57 The author discusses the principle of constructing, analyzing and comparing of codes. There are 5 references: 3 Soviet and 2 English. Garmash, V.Ae Methods of Using Punched-card Computing Machines for Statistical Information Analysis 65 The author shows the advantage of punched-eard computing ma- ohines over other types of computers for statistical analysis of information. He also discusses methods of using these ma- chines* There are 3 references, all,Soviet, Card 4/6 Problems of (Cont.) SOV/2792 Lebedev, D.S. Device for Printing Images on Punched Tape 73 The author describes a device for printing images on punched tape. The device is used in the study of statistics of tele- vision information. It converts a continuous signal obtained in scanning a motion picture into a sequence of binary num- bers. There are 2 references, both Soviet. Lebedev, D.S., and V.A* Garmash* Statistical Analysis of Three- letter Combinations of a Russian text 78 The authors present methods and results of a study of fre- quency of three-letter combinations of a Russian text and de- termine the rate of transmission of telegraph information. There are 3 references: 1 Soviet and 2 English, Solomonov, V.G. Errors in the Synthesis of Characteristics 81 The author presents a theoretical proof of the possibility of synthesizing characteristics and analyzes the error of synthesis by means of a delay-line system. There are 5 Card 5/6 Problems of (Cont.) SOV/2792 reeerencesi 4 Soviet and I German. Tsemell, G,I. Some Problems in theOperation of a Time Equalizer 92 The author derives an expression for determining delay time of a time equalizer from the pulse characteristic of a ootaMnioa- tion channel and describes the nature of equalizer distortions& He also discusses deviations of the attenuation characteristic of an equalizer operating in a linear speotrum. There are 9 references: 3 Soviet and 6 English. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 6/6 JP/jb 12-1-59 ,6,-ARXHIPOVA X.14 ; SUDAKOV, V.A. Determination of the phase coefficient and of fading in a double line in view of terminal ground conductivity. Probl,pered. inform* no.2:33-39 159. 040A 12:11) (Electric lines) (Field theoz7) 1 69810 q-1300 s/O24/6O/ooo/oi/oj8/o28 AUTHORS: Arkhipova, K.M. and Sudakov, E~!R~3335 (Moscow) TITLE: _F_i1_t_e_r_in__9_Me- H01 Wave in a Waveguide With an Iris PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdoleniye tekhnicheakikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1960, Nr 1, pp 144-148 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Separation of the H 01 waves from higher modes of the same type (H , H etc) in cylindrical waveguides is con- 02 03' i:_~ sidered an important problem in long-range waveguide communication. The difficulty lies in the fact that H029 H03 I ... waves have the same structure as the H oil i.e. they do not have a longitudinal electric component along the waveguide walls; thus, they pass without attenuation through any known filter designed to suppress waves with such a component. The article contains the results of theoretical study on the possibility of filtering out the H 01 waves by means of waveguidels irises, thin discs with openings of equal radii in the centre of Cardl/2 each. The irises are distributed uniformly along the e 69810 S/024/60/000/01/018/028 Filtering the H01 Wave in a WaveguideOMNVIris length of the waveguide, To Simplify calculations the conductivity of the dielectric inside the waveguidd is assumed zero and the conductivity of the metallic walls of the waveguide and of the iris are assumed infinitely large. In the first paragraph, the electromagnetic field in a wavegulde with irises is considered. In the second paragraph, the boundary conditions and the transcendent equations for constant transmission are given. In the third paragraph, an approximate method of calculating the wave filter is described and the derived formulae are utilised for calculating the practical example of a wavegulde filter w1th the following data; wavelength - 0054 to 0.68 cm, iris opening - 0.6 cm, waveguide diameter 2.4 cm, spacing between the irises - 2.4 cm. There are 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED- June 30, 1959 Card 2/2 28587 S/562/61/000/010/007/007 'T,1310 (41401117,-330 E140/E435 AUTHORS.- -Arkhipova, K.M. and Sudakov, V.A. TITLE: Hom-waves in a diaphragmed waveguide SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Laboratoriya sistem peredachi informatsii. Problemy peredachi informataii, no.10, 1961t 108-118 TEXT.- This papek was.presented at the Seminar of the Laboratory held on May 16, 1959 In long distance waveguide communications lines using the Hol-wave, all parasitic flow can be eliminated by using suitable filters which suppress waves having a longitudinal electric component which, however, does not function for the H M-waves, m> oss section shown ?n the ..,2. A round waveguide of the cr' figure is considered, where the dielectric constant in the interior of the wavegdide is taken equal to zero and the conductivities of the metal walls and diaphragms taken infinite. The author first derives the transcendental equation for the, propagation constant of the diaphragmed waveguide Card 1/0 4-, 2A587 Hom-waves in a diaphragmed S/562/61/000/010/007/007 E140/E435 ...... Sj-,B,-, S1,811 SlIBU SISBIS ... ...... CI-ID&-, CIODIO CIIDII ......... ...... Ss-,Bt-l S28Bso S%,Bll ......... 0. ...... C4-,D,-, C20Djo CjjDlt* ......... ............. SB . ..... . : ....... ............. ..... ..... ......... where ZI (k,,,a) B" kt.Z. (k,..) Z, (k,,a) - DR (M."a) " kj.Z# (ks.4) k I'll* (kltla) (36) (34) (35) Card 2/7 vW 28587 S/362/61/000/010/007/007 Hom-waves in a diaphragmed E140/E435 2 1 sin R. S.q 2vtn (29) + 00 M,I ); PqC,,q; (30) 1) It\ I (2n - t) I Bill Kaq + )T sin R., - -2 1- c,Q - (411- 1) + (zn - 1) aq + Z, (kr) N, (kb) J, (kr) Ji (kb).Ni (kr). Z, (kr) - J. (kr) N, (kb) + N. (kr) h (kb). Card 3/ 7 HOM-waves in a diaphragmed 28587 S/562/61/000/010/007/007 E14o/E435 where the propagation constant yo is related to the parameters Uq and q by aq 79 + q T (21) and q is an index of summation (-004(q < + oo). In view of the nature of Eq.(36), solutions for a, b and J must lie obtained numerically. Utilizing the fact that if Eq.(36) has only a single root. yol at a given frequency, only the Hol-wave would propagate in such a line. Over a given band of frequencies about the frequency of the solution, the distortion may remain in satisfactory limits. Then Eq.(36) can be simplified, retaining only two components (n 1, q 0, 1): S1,B10 S, Bit 0. (37) CIOD10 CliDit. I - For arbitrary integer n the vnlue of b a can be chosen to VY Card 4/7 28.56 S/562/61/000/010/007/007 Hom-waves in a diaphragmed E140/E435 satisfy the condition Zol 0 or (b a) VwwFp~c It n (41) If- we Put Pi for the i-th root of the 6essel function Jl, the parameter a will be defined by the condition PI a< Ps (44) For given b and a we can now dotermine 2x (45) OJAC - ",PC -OT and estimate the distortion from Card 5/7 AMIL-)VA, K.M.; SUDAFFT, V.A. Calmiltition of' loviso-3 ir, ~% .-ir-tt--te wavilpilide ii.-*th finIto conduc- tivity of thn wall.,. `robi. pered. inform. PO-15:94-10---: 163 (miu, -11718) L 17847-66, EWT(d) IJP(0 (IS ACC NR: AT8004697 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/1)00/0147/0150- 'AUTIIOR- Arkhtpova, K. M. ORG: none TITLE: Ile calculation of the Kotellnikov Integral (Paper presented at a seminar of IPPI AN SSSR on 1 November 1962) SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut problem peredachl Informataii. Opoznanlye obrazov. Teorlya peredachl Informatsil (Pattern recognition. Tfi-e-o-F7 of information transmission) Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 147-150 TOPIC TAGS: Integration, digital computer, computer application, algorithrn A13STRACT: In various applications of the theory of probability and mathematical 1 statistics calculation Is often made of the Kotellnikov Integral 4" -F (n.4 4)" (x)]-e dx. Card 1/3 S dx (2) However, for certain values of a and n the values of the integral are very close to unity, and since the computer can operate with a limited number of digits, the approach to unity cannot be carried out beyond a certain limit (0, 999 999 099 In the case of Strela-3 com- puter). The author proposes an algorithm which avoids the difficulkyby utilizing the small i parameter approach (L T. Turbovich, Metod blizkikh ststem. Fizmatglz. 1961). Using 1. the substitution (3) where to an auxiliary function of x, the Integral under consideration becomes equal to it finite sum of n single kind Integrals differing only in the power of some values of the Kotellnikov Integral are listed In Table 1. [...Ca.rd 2/3 17847-66 ACC NR: AT600467 Table 1. Values of the Koteltnikov integral n=7 n ts a:=3t 0 0,875 0,038 0,069 1 0.614 0,739 0,282 2 0,288 0,406 0,517 3 01823-10-1 0,135 0,03 4 0,137-IOCI 0,254-10-1 0,42040-1 a 0,0240-1 0,267;10-t 0.484,10-4 6 0,75140-6 0,00.1" 0,307-10-0 7 01258-10-0 0,554-10-6 Olftl-to-& 8 0,540-tor-I O,Ito-io-4 0,230-10-4 0 0, 663. io-9 0,148-10-6 0,3040-8 Author thanks L. S. Curevich, A. M. Kukinov, and V. P. Shvallb for consultations and help in the computer calcu ationB, and D. S. Lebedgy' r the formulation of the problem. Orig. art. has: 15 formulas and I table. SUB CODE- 09, 12/ SUBM DATE: 25Sep65/ ORIG REF: 003 Card 3/3 not I I I , , INIng thG hydraulic convcytng .)f ck;i,l -r, "ria Klzel Sa~jn and T.,,!thoin cr Trudy lGD (0yard.) no.8377-63 t6i. (MIRA 171.10) AWIMA. L.D. -'bf Kobylotsbqa Polyana In the Transearpathian Nountains. NIn.s'bor. no.5:243-252 151. (MM 9:12) 1. GosunIvereltst Iment lvam Frs~iko' Llvov, . y1stak"s Polyan&-~-Xlnek (lob alogri SREBRODOLISKIY, B.I.; ARKHIPOVA. L.D.; KUZNETSOV. G.V. Find of hauerits in the Rozdol native sulfur deposit. JProbl.gookhim. no.1:296-300 159. OURL 13: 7) (Rozdol region-Bauerite) Prophylactic work of the gynecological center in treating pro- cancerous diseases of the cervix uteri. Top.onkl I no.1:94-95 155. (MLRA 8!10) 1. Iz Lsningra~skogo goredrodlepsuiera (gl.vrach--L.I.Arkhipova) g. Leningrad,,132i kv-65. (CKMX' UTSINI, neoplasms. precancer, ther..hosp.statist.) DIKIN, V.N.; ARKHIPOVA. L.I. Some results of the onoological service in Ieningrad and prospects for its develqpment (with summary in Anglishl. Vop.onk. 3 no.3: 348-351 '57- (HLRA 10:8 19 GjavWy onkolog Longorzdravotdola (for Demin). 2. GjavWy Yrach Iongoroukodisponsera (for Arkhipova). Adrus avtorov: Lenin- grad. Malaya Sadovaya, d.l. Lengor2dravotdel (NEOPIASNS# statist, in Russia (Rue)) - - YEVSTIGNEYEVAV R-P.-I-AHYJIIPOVA, L.I.0--PREOMWENSKIYO NIA. - - Dipyrrolylmethene series. Part 4: Synthesis of asymmetric dipyrrolylmethenes. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.9:2972-2975 S '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni M.V. Lomonosova. (Methene) MINYAYEVp V. A.; DEMIN, V. K.; ARKHIPOVA, L. I. Oncological eare and the role of the public health system in the prevention of cancer in Leningrad. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 6 no.5: 2S-2j--Mjr 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Zaveduyushchiy Leningradskim gorodskim otdelom zdravookhraneniya (for Minyayev). 2. Glavnyy onkolog Leningradekogo gorodsko-go ot~ela zdravookhraneniya kfor Demin). 3. Zamestitell glavnogo vracha. Leningradskogo gorodskogo qnkologicheskogo dispansera (for Arkhipova). (LENIN GRAD-ZANCER) ARKIIIPOVA, L.I.; LMABANSHCHIKOV, V.V.; BAKHVAWVA, Z.14.; ~-~~UNSKAYA, M.A.. GOLOVCHINUI, I.Ye.; DZHAYGAROVA, P.G.; YEVDOKIMOVj S.V.; KABANOV., MA; XNYAZEVA, T.D.; KOBOZEVA, N.V.; KOLEGOV, N.I.; LOPOTKO, I.A.; NEGUREY, A.P.; POLY4KOVA, Z.P.; ROMM~ S.Z.; SVETLICHNYY, V.A.; STRAKUN, I.M.' TYAGUN; V.N.; FREYDLIN, S.Ya., prof. [Dispensary service for the urban population] Dispanveriza- tsiia gorodskogo naseleniia. Leningrad, Meditsina. 1964. 34,9 P. (MIRA 17: 8) EWT(m)/EWP(e) WH' -kcd-Wi,-k]~60-0646-5 souRcE CODE: uR/oo64/65/000/010/0757/0758 AUTHOR: Shpunt, S. Ya.,- Arkh1pova,, L, N,; Leneva Z. L,; Guseva, Z#16 ORO: none 4-0 TITLE: The decompostion of "!~tit~ y hydrofluoric acid yielding phosphoric acid 1~ SOURCEt Khimicheakaya promyshlennont', no, 10, 1965, 757-758 TOPIC TAGS: fluorine, fluorine compound., hydrofluorkc acid, filtration, phosphoric 'acid ABSTRACT: The article gives the reaction and describes the flow ache for the decomposition of apatite by hydrofluorie acid yielding phoa- phoric acid, The hydrofluoric acid for this purpose can be obtained from "poor" fluorspar with a large amount of impurity in the form of SiO whichl when the ore Is treated with sulfuric acid, forms fluo- silicic acid which also forwards the decomposition of the apatite. The CaF2 obtained from the two stage denomposition reaction can be used to prepare pure hydrofluoric acid. In the experiments technical hydrof luoric acid containing rs-J~3% HF and r--* 5% H2SiF was used. The experiments proceeded at P--olOO C in a laboratory rea�tion vessels L 29905-66 ACC NRi APR fitted with an electric heater and a mixer and lasted about 30 min. The filtration rate of the precipitate reckoned in dry precipitate was 1,400 kg/( The phosphoric acid yield contained 45-48% P205, 0,3-0.6%,daO and 5-8% F and can be used for the production of double sunerphosphate or of ammonium phosphates,..-.The.flow schemet for the-preparation.of double.superphosphate thrbugh-the reactiori of phos- phoria acid and calcium fluoride is also given, Orig, art, has 3 figur and 4 formulas, SUB CODEt 07/ SUBM DATE: none/'SOV F'M:4'002'--I Card SHPUNT, S.Ya.;_�!E~~~. LFNEVA, Z.L.; GUSEVA, Z.I. Obtaining phosphoric acid by the decomposition of magnium- containing phosphorites with fluosilicic acid. Khim. nrom. 42 no.9:674-678 S 165. (MIRA 18-9) ARKHIPOVAp L.N.; SHPURr, S.Ya. I---- Solubility of calcium fluosilioate in aqueous solutions of fluosilioic acid. Trudy NIUIF no.208:55-69 165. Hydrolysia of calcium fluosilleate in water at 250. Ibid.&69-88 Some properties of fluosilicic acid. Ibid.:88-103 (MIRA 18-.11) TOSORMSOY, S.K.; AMIPOTA, L.N.; MOSTOTICH. Y.Ta. Using phosphoric acid extracted from magnesium salts In the produc- tion of double superphosphats, Khim, nauke. I pront. 2no,W70-271 '37o (MM lotO 1. Institut udobreniy I insektofungitaidov. (Phosphoric acid) (Phosphates) (YAWnesium salts) sfipufnl.~, S,-; ", . , A jiKj IT LQ_~, ~, LENEVA:. "': ., ~, - q L ~ De~mmpra,tlon of apLtj'l-.c- 'r7 lqdrof u,rir- a~A.d '.he recovery of phoaphor~~, ac.ld. Khim. pr-),-,I. 4,1 1) 165. (V,JRA 18:.11) SHPUNT, S.Ya.,- VOSKMENSKIY, S.K.,- ARIOUPOVA L.N.; LENEVA, Z.I.; Prinimali uphastiyes LI, K. F~.; -R~&~q -G.I.- SHADRINA, S.A.; OSIFOVA, T.N. Decomposition of apatite in fluosilicate acid and the preparation of monocalcium phosphate. Khim. prom, no.10:50-54 0 161, (MIRA 1112) Vaesoyunny7 nauchno-issledovatollskiy institut udobreniy i insektofungitaidov. (Apatite) (Fluasilicie acid) (Calcium phosphate) L.V,; VOLIFKOVIGH, S-I-; IGIIATOVAs N.P.; 110GAII, L.M.; STRO- ganov, NeS. Use of hexachlorobutadiene for combating "blooming" of industrial water, Khim*prome no.7:498-501 JI 163* (MIRA 16:.U) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i I'seso)-uznyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy Institut khimicheskikh sredstv zashchity ras- teniy. ARIHIFOVA, Marina- Konstantinovua,, ISVIN. Mikhail Izrailevich,; BENIMSON, ~- -- 1.11., red.; YELAGIN, A.S.. tekbn. red. (Literature on economics] Literatura po ekonomike. Hooky*. lzd-vo "Sovetakain Rossia 0 1958. 51 P. (KIRA 11-11) bibliography-ICconomics) - ---- ------ 130-7-17/24 AUTHORS:.Arkhipoval M S. Mishin, V.D., Smirnovj N.S.j also Koftany R.p and JianOny.Kar'G.I. and Lysekov, V,S. TITLE: Symposium on Tin Ebonomy in Tin-Plate Manufacture.(Ekonomiya olova pri proizvodstve beloy zhesti) FERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1957p Nr 71 pp.30-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The tin consumed in hot-dip tinning accounts for about half the cost of the tin-plate; only 75-80% of the tin is used for coating the sheett the rest goes into various waste roducts: mainly flux and oil scum and crystals of the alloy 3 eSn7 embedded in lumps of.pure metallic tin'. Recently ways of eitracting tin from these waste products have been devel- oped at various Soviet works and these are described in this Symposium, The first contribution (PP-10-32) is by k. S. Arkhipova and V.D. Mishin of the Ural Polytechnic Institute and N.S. Smirnov of the Seversk Metallurgical Works'. This describes pilot-plant work on the development of a hydro- metallurgical method of extracting tin from flux Sam at the Seversk works; a full-scale plant has been working there since 1954. Flow diagrams for the process are given, together with a graph showing degree of extraction of tin against time of cementationg and optimal conditions are sumarised. In the Card 1/? Ma(m /T/EWP(t) IJP(c) JD 3~ 14176-66 ACC NR i AP5025)23 SOURCE COM UR/0126/6~/020/003/0390/0395 AUTHMs Motemans So Not ArkhtEM, No Kol Timofeyev, A. N.1 Trakhtenbergj It L%9 ORGs Institute of Ph SSSR (Insti ysios of Metals, AN tut fiziki metallov AN SSSR TITLEs Diffusionjof silv in polycrystallins, Id SOURCE: Fizika metAllov i M tallovedeniyal v. 20, no. 3, 1965p 39(~-395 TOPIC TAGS: silver.-gold# volumetrio analysisp crystal structure, polycrystal, metal diffusion ABSTRACTs The present work is a continuation of an earlier investigation by the authors (FTT, 19641 5t 1l,, 3978 and I?NM, 1963, 16, 4p 611) who neefted to knoX the diffusion of silver in polyorystalline gold in order to continue their research on~ the effect of an electric field on the Interoryatalline diffusion of silver. The volumetric diffusion Dy of silver in gold at 770 - 10400 was determined first by using two methodat (1) the relation of integral intensity I of the, 'Y component of the radiation of silver 110 on the depth of diffusion penetration x# and (2) Car~ 1/2 UDGI 539,292 1548o0 L 16176-66 AGG WR; AP50253Z3 by the direct use of measured values of integral activity, The effecit of temperature on the value of Dv was represented by the straight line in the co- ordinates log N = f I/T). The formula was derived for the calculation of volumetric diffusion of silver into polymetallic golit 6.4 CW'.* 5 0 4 Ad exp - I r This agreed wall %dth the results obtained by Millard et al. (Fhys. Rev., 1963, 129p 2j 611). Diffusion annoaltng at a temperature range of 540- 2750 was made for determining the coefficient of intergranular diffusion D96 Calculation of D9 wao made by the Fishor method (J. Appl. Mys-v 1951# 22s 74). The final equation is 16 200.j: 8W 10 exp PIP -.,Rr where 8 is the samiwidth of the grain ary. Orig. art. hass 7 formulas, 6 figures and 1 table. SUB CODEWV/ SUBM DATN: 01?eb65/ -ORIG RF.Fi. 004/,ATH-RWt 003 L A~ j ZI-I Card 2/2 GQRCHArOV.~Ki-f, kiw-"- ;.,VAP 14--o v1sp,~at.,oll of tr,..q Ct and o!.her vt.-Ircs cin Uie bastem ft t.ho Centra. Unds. 'ap. 3vard. VBD n %) 9 3 g Z4. -'0 t,,%4 (HTRA /~ll -/// AnIl HISHIN, Reprocessing the stannic wastes of a tinplnting plAnt. Trudy Ural. politekli.inst. n0-58:97-112 '57. (MIRA 11:4) (Tin industry--By products) M41MV, V.I.I. ARKHIPOVAq H.S.; MMYANDV9 I.F. I-- Investigation of olage from the fire refining of nickel-coppew and methods of treating them. Trudy Ural. po3itekh. inst. no.98s 16-23 160. (Copper-Metanurgy) (slag) (KML 14-0) %AWQj&&TA&OM - V - - JPKIN, $.I., redaktor; KONASKOVA, I.R.. tekhaichaskiy mam..6 SKCRU [Posters on methods of working coal seams, safety engineering in the coal industry, electric equipment. and electric bnginearing in aining] Plakaty po sistemam ratrabotki ugollaykh plastov, takhaike belopasmosti v ugollnot proxyghlennosti. gornoi elaktromekhanike i elaktrotekbniko. [Moskva) Ugletekhiedat, 1956. 6 p. (MLRA 10:8) I* Moskoveksys oblastnaya kontora knishnoy torgovII, (Posters) (Goal mines and mining)